What flowers to give a girl on February 14th. What flowers to give a girl for Valentine's Day. Current trend - flowers in hat boxes

Valentine's Day is a touching and reverent holiday for all lovers and a favorite for florists. The fact is that on this day many people have a desire to please their loved ones with something extraordinary and give not only an original and cute gift, but also an exclusive flower arrangement, which a professional florist will help to create. But it’s worth thinking in advance about what flowers to buy for February 14, how to decorate the bouquet and what design to choose for the composition.

Flowers for Valentine's Day

There are no special rules when choosing flowers for your beloved’s bouquet. But Valentine's Day is a special holiday, and for this occasion there are some recommendations that should be taken into account when composing the composition:

  • First of all, the plants themselves must be fresh; this will allow the bouquet to stand in a vase for a week, or even more. When choosing flowers, a brown border around the edges of the petals is unacceptable. This is a signal that the flowers have been in the store for a long time and they may fade on the second day after they were brought home. In addition, the bud should be strong and have a little crunch.
  • The leaves on the stem should be green and free of creases and damage.
  • The stem itself should also not be injured, and the cut of the stem of a fresh plant is green. A brown coating on the cut is an indicator of long standing in water.
  • The aroma of the buds should be natural and subtle. The strong smell of artificial fragrances is unacceptable.

However, the bouquet should not be a collection of different plants, even if it is very beautiful. The composition for this holiday should be symbolic. The language of flowers is capable of expressing all the feelings and emotions that overwhelm, but it is impossible to express them in words. A bouquet for a modest or timid gentleman can simply be a salvation when you want to confess your love, propose marriage, or express admiration and hope for a continuation of the relationship.

Magnificent gifts of nature

The most common and popular flower for this holiday is the luxurious rose. This representative of the flora has always personified love and admiration. Depending on the color of the petals, different feelings can be expressed: from passionate love to respect and veneration. However, this preference for this flower over all others makes the rose an ordinary and traditional gift.

Today, florists offer various design methods, creating bouquets for February 14, which allow you to replace the standard composition with an exclusive ensemble, sensual and romantic:

  • a heart-shaped composition of scarlet roses is a wonderful gift, symbolic and original; in addition, such a gift will preserve the freshness of plants for a long time, since the buds on short stems are inserted into a special floral sponge soaked in water;
  • For a standard bouquet of roses, an option is also offered when buds of different shades are collected into one ensemble; such a composition becomes very rich in color and semantic load of the entire bouquet;
  • a bush rose will also create an aura of tenderness and lightness; small buds will look very cute in any bouquet for such a romantic holiday;
  • in addition to huge ensembles, florists can offer small compositions, which are very convenient if lovers do not plan to stay at home, if you are planning a trip to the cinema, a restaurant or a cozy cafe, a small composition will not be a hindrance in this case;
  • any bouquet can be decorated with appropriate accessories - hearts, cute plush animals will create an element of charm and good mood;
  • Let’s say a flower gift that contains one luxurious representative of the flora; florists will help you not only decide on the choice of flower, but will also arrange it in such a way that you get a magnificent composition that does not require any additions.

Whatever flowers are chosen for the bouquet, the main thing is that all this is done with love and tender feeling for the one for whom the gift is intended. Another way to decorate the Valentine's Day is with rose petals. With the help of these delicate petals, you can not only lay out words of love, make an image in the shape of a heart, but also think through a themed evening for lovers, laying out paths to secret places where gifts are hidden or tasks are hidden that will help create a holiday atmosphere for two.

Flowers that create a mood

At the end of a cold, snowy winter, you really want warmth, sunshine and bright colors. Valentine's Day is a holiday that can give a piece of all this if you make bouquets for February 14th from fresh flowers. Magnificent representatives of the flora can create a spring mood, charm and give a piece of summer warmth:

  • daisies, peonies, forget-me-nots, gladioli, snowdrops - all these are seasonal flowers, very desirable, but they cannot always be found in flower shops in winter;
  • decorative sunflowers, gerberas and yellow roses are a wish for joy, wealth, vitality and warmth; the energy of these strong plants can be transmitted to a person and charge them with their positivity;
  • tulips, snowdrops, daffodils, mimosas and lilies of the valley are the messengers of spring, which nature is waiting for, the tenderness and fragility of the first spring flowers is fascinating;
  • orchids, lilies and callas are truly a royal gift, they are always in demand and desired, the beauty and perfection of these representatives of the flora create a special charm and atmosphere at any holiday.

An indoor flower can be a special welcome gift. However, it is worth considering the woman’s preferences, whether she has the desire and time to care for such a gift. If such a gift is desired, then the choice is simply huge. Blooming indoor plants will remind you of those pleasant moments that a couple in love experienced on February 14, declaring their love to each other. Non-flowering plants will create coziness in the room, filling the room with greenery and positive energy.

Give flowers to your loved ones not only on holidays. One flower on a weekday can bring a lot of joy and help improve relationships faster than a huge luxurious bouquet on a holiday. Give attention and warmth of your soul along with flowers, and then life will be filled with interesting and memorable events.

MOSCOW, February 14 - RIA Novosti. Etiquette experts consider flowers to be a universal gift for any woman, but, in their opinion, it is appropriate to give red flowers to a girl only if you have strong feelings for her, and white flowers should not be chosen for older women.

Every year on February 14, the Catholic and Protestant world celebrates St. Valentine's Day (Valentine's Day). Since the 1990s, this holiday has become popular in Russia. On the eve of Valentine's Day, etiquette experts told RIA Novosti what color and size bouquet should be chosen as a gift.

As teacher-consultant on etiquette and business protocol Tatyana Nikolaeva noted, when choosing a bouquet you need to remember that bright, rich red flowers are “always a conversation about passion,” if this is not the purpose of our gift, then it is better not to give one. The expert believes that women's bouquets should be round in shape.

“Be guided by your taste and remember that it is better to give pastel-colored flowers to young girls, girls, and richer ones to older ladies. A bouquet for young girls can be small, for ladies it can be larger and consist of “more powerful” flowers. Women's bouquets "They should always be round, and men's should be elongated. Men are given bouquets for anniversaries, if they are representatives of artistic professions, then in honor of a professional event," Nikolaeva said.

Her colleague Eleonora Basmanova also noted the connection between the size and color of the bouquet and the woman’s age. “The rules of classic “flower” etiquette, which is half-forgotten in our country, recommend giving young girls bouquets of white flowers, pink flowers, and preferably unopened buds, closed and half-closed buds. As for young women, the rules of etiquette distinguish between young unmarried and young married women. If you are a young woman, then you need to give flowers with open buds, pink or a thicker shade. There can also be red flowers, only if she is a married girl. For example, a husband is quite and even very good if he gives red flowers, this is a sign of love, passion, which is quite appropriate. If a woman is not yet married, then it is preferable to give flowers in pink and variegated shades," said Basmanova.

The expert believes that older women should not be given white flowers; it is better to give preference to bright, colorful bouquets. “It is known that white flowers can be mourning, but white flowers are not suitable for older women. But, say, orange, variegated, bright contrasting shades are very suitable. If a woman is a mother, grandmother, loves flowers in a pot, then please it is possible to give them,” added Basmanova.

Flowers for February 14 - Valentine's Day(Valentine's Day) must be chosen taking into account the personal preferences of the girl you love and the place where you plan to have a romantic meeting.

First, let's talk about preferences. Some people like white roses, some like red ones, some like more original flowers (for example, orchids), and some will prefer a flower in a pot to a bouquet. Therefore, it is better to find out in advance what your loved one likes.

On Valentine's Day (February 14), it is customary to give flowers symbolizing love, sympathy, passion, admiration, affection.

According to the “language of flowers” ​​these are roses, orchids, tulips, anthuriums, alstroemerias, asters, carnations, gladioli, forget-me-nots, peonies.

Let's take a closer look at what each of these colors symbolizes.

Roses- their meaning depends on the color. Red roses are a symbol of love and passion. Pink roses - hint at sympathy, romance, tenderness. White roses - purity, innocence.

Roses on February 14 can be presented in a bouquet. Lovers of indoor plants will appreciate roses in a pot.

Orchids- they are given to the most beloved people. On February 14, they usually choose phalaenopsis - orchids that are unpretentious, take root well in the house and delight the owner with annual flowering (if we are talking about phalaenopsis in pots). Phalaenopsis in a bouquet is also a very good choice, they will last a long time and will not require special care, you only need to periodically change the water in the cones in which the flowers or the whole peduncle are fixed.

Red orchids symbolize passionate love, white orchids symbolize pure love.

Red tulips symbolize pure love. On Valentine's Day, you can give both a bouquet of tulips and blooming tulips in a pot; after flowering, their bulbs can be planted in the front garden. It is better to give tulips in a pot to girls on February 14 who are fond of indoor flowers and like to “tinker” with plants.

Anthuriums- flowers symbolizing love. On Valentine's Day, you can give a girl both a bouquet of anthuriums and an anthurium in a pot. The latter will be appreciated by lovers of indoor flowers, because... it blooms annually and does not require special care.

Alstroemeria symbolize friendly love and devotion. On February 14, you can give a bouquet of alstroemeria to your beloved friend.

Asters symbolize pure, humble love. But because These are seasonal flowers (late summer, autumn), so they are usually not given on Valentine's Day.

Carnations symbolize love. White carnations - pure love, light red carnations - admiration, dark red - deep affection, pink - eternal motherly love. But when choosing a bouquet of carnations for February 14, we recommend choosing white ones; now there are many varieties and varieties of them. It is better not to give red carnations on Valentine's Day, because... in the CIS countries they evoke an association with flowers that are laid at monuments.

Gladioli symbolize passionate love, moral integrity and strength. But on Valentine's Day they are usually not given as a gift, because... it is a seasonal flower.

Peonies symbolize love, temperament, youth. But on Valentine's Day they are usually not given as a gift, because... it is a seasonal flower.

Forget-me-not symbolize the promise of tender love and fidelity. But on February 14, such flowers are usually not given, because... it is a seasonal flower.

How many flowers should I give on February 14?

First of all, the quantity depends on what colors you choose. If these are roses, then you can give one, or 3, 5, 7, 101 - it depends on how much you are willing to spend on a bouquet. The main thing is that their number is odd.

Orchids, if it is not a whole peduncle, are usually not given one at a time. The bouquet is made up of at least three.

Tulip. Here, as in the case of roses, everything depends on your budget for a bouquet for Valentine's Day.

Anthuriums look good in a bouquet if there are three or more of them.

Alstroemeria - you can give either one modest twig or a whole bouquet.

Carnations, if it is a branch carnation, you can have one sprig or more, if individually, five or more will look good.

How much do flowers cost on February 14?

Prices vary greatly and depend on the colors chosen and their quantity. If we compare prices per piece, the most expensive flower from the list above is the orchid (phalaenopsis), anthurium will cost a little less, then there are alstroemeria, rose, tulip, and carnation.

If we compare prices for flowers in pots, then Phalaenopsis (orchid) is also in the lead, followed by anthurium, roses and the most inexpensive are tulips in a pot.

When choosing flowers for February 14 (Valentine's Day), why should you take into account the place where you plan to spend a romantic evening?

If you decide to spend a romantic evening with your beloved in a cafe, restaurant, or just take a walk in the park, then flowers in pots will not be appropriate; in this situation, it is better to choose a not very large bouquet so that your beloved will be comfortable with it.

If you plan to pick her up at home, then the choice of colors is not limited, because... she will be able to leave them at home, and there will be no questions about where to put them or place flowers during a walk. It can be flowers in pots, a huge bouquet or a modest one flower, but chosen and presented with soul.

Whatever and how many flowers you choose for your girlfriend or wife on Valentine’s Day (February 14), the main thing is how you give them, what you say, if it is sincere and with love, then she will definitely appreciate it.

Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14 and is otherwise known as Valentine's Day. In our country, it appeared relatively recently and quickly became popular. However, this holiday is not revered by everyone. If this day means something to you, and you want to give flowers to your beloved, but don’t know what flowers to give the girl, when choosing a bouquet you should be guided by the following recommendations.

Flowers for Valentine's Day

1. Choice of colors.

Flowers for February 14 should be a cross between a modest, everyday rose for another date and a chic, expensive bouquet for a birthday.

The best option for what flowers to give a girl on this day is a small open bouquet of a round or semicircular shape. for a girl is made up of relatively small flowers - the more flowers, the stronger the expression of your affection for the lady. Since in winter it is impossible to get lilies of the valley or snowdrops, which would be ideal for such a holiday, you can choose any other flowers offered in flower shops. The buds should be fully open as your bouquet should symbolize the openness of your feelings. It is better not to take tulips for a bouquet of flowers for a girl, since they always have unopened buds.

For a romantic bouquet of flowers on February 14, small chrysanthemums, daisies, carnations, roses, violets, and exotic plants with small inflorescences are well suited.

2. Color of the bouquet.

It can be very diverse. When choosing solid colors, you should remember the basic rules: red symbolizes love and passion, white – expectation and hope, pink – romance and femininity, yellow – separation and parting. Not every girl attaches importance to the color of the flowers given to her, but still beware of giving your lady false hope or instilling in her mistrust of you.

3. The scent of flowers.

Since Valentine's Day is a romantic holiday, it is worth paying special attention to the aroma of flowers. When choosing a bouquet for your loved one, try to buy flowers that have a scent, preferably delicate and not too strong.

The queen of fragrances is still the rose. Any variety of any color exudes a sweet aroma that will add romance to your relationship. Orchids and some varieties of carnations also have a pleasant smell. But daisies and chrysanthemums have no scent at all.

If you have any doubts when choosing which flowers to give your girl, just bring them closer and smell them. If you smell a slight pleasant aroma, then flowers are quite suitable for a romantic date with a girl on Valentine's Day.

4. Valentine's card.

So, you have chosen and bought flowers for February 14th for your lady. However, that's not all. Remember, the holiday also includes a Valentine card. Buy it in the shape of a heart, write a couple of nice words for your girlfriend in it and be sure to attach it to your bouquet. Remember that a standard valentine with printed text will not touch the heart of your loved one as much as just a couple of words written by your hand will.

Valentine's Day does not involve giving any special gifts, so the bouquet of flowers you give and the valentine attached to it should fully express your feelings for your chosen one. Show maximum imagination and sensitivity and give your beloved girl happiness with your bouquet.

Taken from the site: DariNaPrazdnik.ru

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And again, many, many millions of Russian men will have a question: what to give? Very often, without tormenting oneself with unnecessary thoughts, the stronger sex is limited to the standard set: a bouquet of flowers and some kind of “yummy” - a box of chocolates, a chocolate bar, a package of candied sweets in sugar, etc. Of course, any lady would appreciate such a sign of attention, but it’s better to show your imagination and give something that will bring real joy.

In the last, blizziest month of winter comes a holiday filled with romance and love - Valentine's Day. It is celebrated annually on February 14, even before the first flowers bloom in Russia. But this does not mean that you can forget about the bouquet. Regardless of the time of year, your beloved will be waiting for beautiful flowers and declarations of love.

Let's consider what bouquets are customary to give on Valentine's Day and how to choose flowers for your beloved girlfriend. Our florists have prepared a list of the most popular bouquets for Valentine's Day.

What flowers to give to your girlfriend on February 14

When preparing for a date, remember that no matter how luxurious the main gift is, any girl will be waiting for flowers. After all, they clearly talk about love, especially on Valentine's Day.

  • Without a doubt, the most common gift is bouquet of red roses. It's a classic way of saying "I love you, you are my only one".
  • In second place in popularity pink and white roses. They are given when they want to show a woman not only their love, but also respect, tenderness, serious intentions.
  • Very popular on Valentine's Day bouquets of tulips. In mid-February they can already be bought in stores. And since tulips are associated with spring, they are often given at the beginning of a relationship or presented young girls to emphasize their youth.
  • In the last 2 years, the demand for exotic alstroemeria. They look lush and original in mono compositions, as well as in prefabricated bouquets with roses.
  • Lilies on February 14th they are given to women with whom they have developed strong, reliable relationships. They are often presented to wives as a sign of gratitude for the years of relationship.

The remaining flowers are most often found in prefabricated designer bouquets. As a rule, they are chosen in a red or pink shade, because these are the traditional colors of Valentine's Day.

What is the best bouquet to give a woman on Valentine's Day?

If you have already decided on flowers, but don’t know which bouquet to choose, use our tips:

  • At the very beginning of the relationship, when you are just getting to know each other, a huge composition will be inappropriate. Pick up small but impressive bouquet. For example, tall roses look elegant in bouquets of 5-7 pieces. Bush varieties are lush; 9-15 branches are enough to make the composition look lush and unusual. It is acceptable to give even 1 rose, but in this case it should be unusual, for example, blue or rainbow.
  • February 14 is the most popular date for marriage proposals. If you want to have a beautiful engagement, choose a solid gift. Bouquets of 51 or 101 roses are ideal for such a celebration.
  • If you're going to a restaurant for Valentine's Day, choose a composition for which you don’t need a vase, For example,