What to give a girl for her birthday? Gift ideas for your girlfriend and girlfriend. A birthday gift for your girlfriend: what to give and what you should absolutely not give. An ideal gift for a girl on her birthday.

For a man, the birthday of his beloved girlfriend is a real holiday and an occasion to give her a pleasant gift.

On this occasion, he can express a desire to give and surprise his beloved if he presents her with a practical item or a special gift-impression.

It is very important to take into account her tastes and the girl’s preferences when choosing a good gift for her.

We will tell you in this article how to beautifully congratulate your beloved girl on her birthday. From it you will learn what birthday surprise for your beloved girl can please her more than others and how you can present a gift.

Unwanted birthday gifts for your girlfriend

According to a common point of view, jewelry can be given to any woman and for any occasion.

Actually this is not true. There are some restrictions.

Expensive decoration

Her family will most likely also use this gift. This is also why it is better to buy such household items not on the occasion of a celebration, but as needed.

Choosing a birthday gift for your girlfriend

Beautiful accessory

All ladies are happy to receive gifts in the form of beautiful and fashionable accessories.

They could be:

Choosing a present


Giving a girl a non-standard gift is not an easy task for a loving man.

The following ideas will help you solve it successfully::


In life, no matter what it is, you have to solve everyday issues. Therefore, a practical girl should give a useful gift that she will certainly appreciate.

It could be:

How to give sweets

The common belief that almost every girl has a sweet tooth is not a myth.

Considering this fact, you can melt your beloved's heart if you give her a sweet gift with your own hands.


Take a simple recipe from your family or on the Internet and bake cookies for your girlfriend.

DIY cake

If you are not new to cooking, you can try baking the cake yourself. The girl will certainly appreciate such an original present and will happily look forward to something similar on the eve of her birthday every year.

Cake from a bakery to order

You can also order a spectacular cake from professional pastry chefs.

Guide them in choosing the filling that the girl will like, say:

  • Do they need to add chocolate, fruits,
  • Do I need to make a sponge cake with impregnation?
  • or better used as a meringue base.

It will look unusual decoration for dessert in the form of fresh flowers or a waffle picture.

If you find it difficult to prepare a sweet gift, keep in mind that a bouquet of sweets can be a good solution.

An unusual composition will surprise and delight your beloved no less than fresh flowers. When choosing what to give your beloved girl for her birthday, remember that any girl is happy to receive as a gift:

  • set of chocolates,
  • set of dried fruits,
  • a set of nuts in an attractive packaging box.

Fruit basket

Surprise your beloved - present her with a spacious tray of fruits - familiar and exotic, laid out in the form of a tower in an oriental style.

Rest assured: the girl will appreciate such a gift!

Whatever gift you give to your loved one, put your attention and care into it!

When choosing a gift, focus on the girl’s preferences, take into account our recommendations and listen to your intuition.

We are sure that a loving heart will give you the idea of ​​the best Happy Birthday greeting to your beloved girl.


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1. Always with you
If you don't see your girlfriend that often, or would simply like to spend more time together, then give her a piece of you. Or rather, your photograph. And it would be even better to present a pillow with your image - now you will be together every night. She will be pleased that at least in this way you are always nearby!

2. A piece of another planet
If you want to give a truly unique gift, you can give your girlfriend a small fragment of a meteorite. Fortunately, they are now sold everywhere online. Better yet, polish the fragment, take it to a jeweler and make a beautiful piece of jewelry out of it, for example, a pendant. If the reason for the gift is a birthday, then you can accompany it with the words “He is 2 billion years older than you.”

3. Always stay beautiful
A girl must take care of her appearance. This is pleasant both for her and for you, as her gentleman. Therefore, a certificate for visiting a beauty salon would be an excellent gift. By the way, it is better to present such a gift a few days before you are going to celebrate the holiday. Then your girl will have the opportunity to properly prepare and look her best!

4. Living gift
Many girls would like to have some kind of pet. For example, a small cat, because they are so cute! So why don't you give her a little animal like this? If you are not sure that your girlfriend will be able to care for a living creature, you can buy her a Tamagotchi - let her practice first, and only then get a real cat.

5. Gift for a romantic nature
If your girlfriend is very romantic, wears pink things and cries at melodramas, then consider yourself lucky. Giving a gift to such a person is not a problem - just buy her any plush toy. Preferably a small bear. You can also sew him a big red heart yourself, as a symbol of love and devotion.

Gifts for any girl, be it for a beloved soulmate, for a sister or for a close friend, should always contain, even a small, but obligatory element that emphasizes the subtle beauty and purity of female nature. Of great importance, of course, is who exactly gives the gift and for what occasion. Gifts for no reason can also evoke meaningful emotions. It’s no secret that any woman will regard the beautiful verbal design of anything, including a gift, as an additional compliment, which, like a magic wand, will easily endear her to you.

What to give a girl?

When choosing what to give a girl, first of all, pay attention to the fact that this process as a whole is filled with care for her and positive emotions. Women's intuition is much stronger than men's, so the catch will be detected immediately. If you are her boyfriend, and several wonderful ideas are already spinning in your head, but your heart and mind have not yet agreed with any of them, our service will help you find a suitable compromise option:

  • give her a star from the sky over a romantic dinner on the roof;
  • give her your heart in the form of a collage with joint photographs;
  • give her the sun and the moon in the form of a Day and Night lamp;
  • Give her a reminder of gentle touches and sweet moments in the form of a soft toy or a delicious declaration of love.

If you are a close friend or sister, then most likely you are well aware of her areas of interest and are aware of her latest preferences and wishes. A branded handbag for fashionistas, a kitchen gadget for those who love to cook, a notebook for a businesswoman, a collection of poems for a creative person - these are classic examples of options for what to give a girl to please her. There are also countless little things that a girl does not have time to buy for herself until she can afford them or, a priori, should not buy them herself. Then the opportunity to make her dreams come true, such as a set of underwear, jewelry or a gold ring, is completely in your hands.

Service Million Gifts

The problem of choosing a gift has become increasingly acute lately, because the modern world is overflowing with all kinds of offers. Previously, the difficulty was only to get a gift in the literal sense of the word or to realize your idea. Now the fear of making the wrong choice overshadows what was initially a pleasant quest in nature. To bring ease back to this process and help you quickly decide on a gift is precisely what our project is intended to do.

The largest assortment of gift ideas and unusual congratulations has been collected here and systematized for the most convenient use. Even printed publications confirm that our service is the most information-filled of all similar ones on the Russian market. Therefore, if you have absolutely no time or inspiration, our qualified specialists can help you place an order. You just need to leave your phone number or email - we will tell you what to give a girl specifically in your situation.

What to give a girl, how to please her, what will she like? These are not all the questions that beset guys on the eve of the holidays, especially their loved one’s birthday. At such moments, it seems that the imagination simply runs out, and a lifeless desert or a warehouse of uninteresting platitudes forms in the head. Our list of the 50 best birthday gifts for your girlfriend will help you gather your thoughts and choose a worthy option.

List of the best traditional birthday gifts for your girlfriend

There are gift options that have been tested by time and millions of girls. Traditional gifts are good also because they are predictable. Surely, the girl is waiting for something like this, so she will not be disappointed or upset. If you don’t know what to give a girl for her birthday, classic options such as:

  • Flowers. This is a great gift for any occasion, suitable for almost all girls. It is only important to make sure that the birthday girl is not allergic to any plant from the composition and choose a bouquet in which her favorite flowers will play the main role.
  • Sweets. It is better not to give standard boxes of chocolate from the nearest grocery store. Choose unusual sweets with wishes, a personalized cake, a set of bright cupcakes, handmade oriental sweets, etc.
  • Jewelry. It is better to choose something beautiful and romantic, for example, a heart-shaped pendant, an engraved bracelet, or an exquisite brooch. Rings can only be given if you are planning to propose to a girl. If you and your girlfriend have recently been together, it is better to choose something not very expensive, but at the same time tender and refined.
  • Stuffed Toys. They are classified as traditional gifts, but such things can only be given to very young girls or collectors if you manage to find a rare copy. In steel cases, Chinese plush hares and bears are bad manners.
  • Mobile phone. Smartphones have become a part of our lives not so long ago, but have already become one of the traditional gifts for girls. If you can afford a gadget that is newer and higher quality than the one the birthday girl is currently using, feel free to give it as a gift.

When choosing a gift, do not forget that girls are very sensitive to such traditional moments as beautiful gift packaging, a postcard, and words of congratulations. Be sure to think through these little things, because the girl takes them much more seriously than you.

List of the best useful birthday gifts for a girl

Gifting a girl something useful that she will use often and remember you is a great idea. But you need to choose a practical gift correctly and carefully. For example, kitchen utensils can be given only to those who are really interested in cooking, and do not cook, because it needs to be done.

If you want to choose the perfect practical gift, listen more often to what the girl says. A pragmatic lady herself will try to hint what she needs.

The best useful gift ideas:

  • Fashionable handbag. Try to choose a branded product that perfectly matches your style or a high-quality bag from a not very well-known manufacturer. Avoid counterfeits of well-known brands; such a gift will disappoint the girl and may even offend her.
  • Good perfume. If you know exactly what scents a girl likes, you can choose something suitable.
  • Chic underwear. You can give it as a gift if you already have a fairly close relationship with the birthday girl.
  • Fondue bowl or sushi making set. This is an excellent gift for a gourmet who loves not only to feast on delicious dishes, but also to cook them and treat them to loved ones.
  • A beautiful leather wallet or cardholder. Girls like money, cards, etc. were always in order, so your gift will definitely come in handy and will be liked.

If you can’t choose a useful present for your girlfriend’s birthday, you can give her a gift certificate from a suitable store. To make the gift more romantic, it should be enclosed in a very beautiful card and accompanied with sweet wishes.

All modern girls use computers, so any PC-related items will be useful gifts. Good ideas:

  • Original mouse, for example, decorated with rhinestones or in the shape of a heart;
  • Jewelry flash drive or simply interestingly designed;
  • Cool headphones with light or cat ears;
  • Flexible keyboard;
  • Columns with dancing waterfalls and light music;
  • USB lamp for laptop keyboard backlight;
  • External hard drive if the birthday girl uses and stores large amounts of information;
  • Cooling table for laptop;
  • Drink warmer or a mini-fridge powered by USB;
  • Cool shaped USB hub, for example, in the form of tulips.

List of the best intangible gifts for your beloved girlfriend on her birthday

A good present is not necessarily something material. Gifts like adventures, impressions, and entertainment often bring much more joy. Such intangible gifts can be quite useful or entertaining in nature. In any case, they will please the birthday girl if you choose the right option.

The adventure should correspond to the character of the birthday girl and her interests. You should not give extreme entertainment to a quiet and calm girl. Also avoid gifts that may seem like an unpleasant hint and offend the birthday girl. For example, you shouldn’t give an overweight girl a gym membership if she hasn’t asked for it herself.

Good adventure gifts for a girl on her birthday:

  • Romantic evening. Surround the girl with attention, let her feel like a queen, make this day become one unforgettable adventure.
  • Journey. It is not necessary to buy an expensive tour to exotic lands; a short excursion to interesting places in the surrounding area will also be excellent entertainment.
  • Flight in a wind tunnel. Surely the girl will like to feel like a bird.
  • Serenade under the window. If you know how to sing even a little, prepare well and you will definitely succeed.
  • Horseback riding for two. It is very romantic and will appeal to an animal lover.
  • Participation in the quest. Choose the adventure that best suits the birthday girl.
  • Going to a trampoline or amusement park. You will be able to remember your childhood and have a fun and useful time.
  • Evening in the VIP hall of the cinema. Film buffs will love it.
  • Ride in a carriage, sleigh ride in winter or in a limousine, if the girl loves the benefits of civilization.
  • A master class related to the birthday girl’s hobby. If she's a crafter, arts enthusiast, car enthusiast, or science enthusiast, she'll enjoy improving her skills and learning something new.

List of the best original birthday gifts for a girl

So that your present does not seem boring and banal, it is advisable to find something interesting and original. It is desirable that it be a useful thing, but in an unusual design, or something that has no direct benefit, but is beautiful. Good ideas:

  • Scratch map of the world will be useful for a traveler or a girl who only dreams of conquering the world;
  • Fitness bottle complete with a case-holder for a smartphone will appeal to an active girl athlete;
  • Notebook or notepad with an original design useful for a business woman or a lady who likes to plan everything;
  • Handmade jewelry for a stylish lady who loves to look bright and beautiful;
  • Handbag holder, decorated with rhinestones and personalized engraving;
  • Decision Ball will be useful for both an indecisive lady and a notorious adventurer;
  • Cookies with wishes or romantic predictions;
  • Sofa cushions with your general photos;
  • Romantic 3D lamp in the shape of a heart, flower, etc.;
  • Portrait of a girl, written from her photo.

If you want a gift to sweep the girl away, write a poem in addition to it. This is not difficult to do, especially since there are sites on the Internet that help you select rhymes. Even if it doesn’t turn out very well and beautifully, the birthday girl will still be delighted.

List of the best inexpensive birthday gifts for a girl

If you don’t have enough money to buy a luxurious present for your loved one, don’t worry. A girl who loves you, and not your wallet, will be happy with a completely budget gift; the main thing is to choose something pleasant and useful. Good ideas:

  • Hair accessory, suitable for the birthday girl’s hairstyle;
  • Mug with your shared photo or changing color when pouring a warm drink;
  • Beautiful umbrella, for example, with an interesting print, an unusual shape or folding in reverse;
  • Heart shaped keychain with name engraving;
  • Work gloves with touch screens;
  • Selfie monopod in the form of a pistol;
  • Magnetic board for records;
  • Beach mat in the form of a glamor magazine cover or pizza;
  • Smartphone case with an original drawing, photo of a girl or unique leather embossing;
  • Toggle switch for drinks with interchangeable pictures.

Remember that a girl is looking forward to her birthday, so it’s better to start congratulating her in the morning. Prepare an unusual surprise for the birthday girl, for example, a congratulatory wall newspaper, write a congratulation under the window, decorate the apartment with balloons, bring breakfast in bed, come up with a surprise that will help create a festive mood from the very morning and preserve it not only for the whole day, but also for life .

Every girl enjoys the attention given to her. There is absolutely no need to wait for any event. On the contrary, an unexpected gift given just like that will bring more joy than on March 8th or a birthday. It is often very difficult to figure out what to give a girl just so that she will like the gift.

Soft toys and sweets

Many girls love soft toys. Their range is simply limitless, allowing you to make a choice to suit every taste and budget. It could be a cute little animal, an anti-stress hug, or a funny toy. If the choice fell on a funny soft toy, you should think about whether the girl will treat it correctly and whether such a gift will offend her.

But soft toys are not a universal gift, so you should know the girl’s attitude towards soft bunnies and cats.

The girl you like? One interesting option could be sweets. This cute and tasty gift will not leave the lady indifferent, and it is difficult to get into trouble with it, since it is quite versatile.

If it is important that he makes a special impression on the girl, you should abandon the idea of ​​​​buying a standard box of chocolates in the supermarket. It is better to opt for handmade sweets. There are many such offers on the market today, so finding where to order is quite easy. It is important to take care of beautiful packaging for sweets.

Emotions and impressions as a gift

Tickets to a movie, concert or theater are another good idea for what to give a girl just like that. Positive emotions from an interesting performance or exciting film are especially valuable in modern busy life.

By the way, the girl herself can suggest what gift would please her, you just need to be a little observant. Knowing about her hobbies, you can purchase a certificate for an adventure or workshop. If she is interested in cooking, she will not mind attending a master class taught by a famous chef. Extreme lovers will enjoy participating in auto racing, flying in a wind tunnel or rock climbing.

If a girl is thinking about dancing or likes to take photographs, but is not going to start taking classes, a certificate for attending the relevant lessons would be a good gift. It’s worth spending a little time together, getting to know each other, and the problem of what to give a girl just like that or for some reason will be solved by itself.

Many people believe that a handmade gift is the most valuable. Of course, the importance of inept children's crafts for parents is undeniable. But when the result of an adult’s creativity is approximately the same, it is better to abandon the idea of ​​making something yourself. It’s another matter if a person has certain creative abilities. For example, he is good at drawing or carving wood. Then the decision is quite simple. Moreover, a gift of this kind is suitable for a colleague, a friend or a classmate.

A poem or song written especially for a girl can be an idea for a pleasant surprise. By the way, if you don’t have such creative abilities, you can resort to the help of friends and special collections. This is a great idea for a girl, except flowers.


When a relationship is just beginning, every new meeting is an occasion for surprises, souvenirs and pleasant little things. But you shouldn’t think that after the end of the candy-bouquet period you need to relax and please your chosen one only a couple of times a year on major holidays. A romantic meeting is a great option for what to give a girl just for no reason.

Dinner on a boat, a hot air balloon flight, a weekend trip to a nice place and much more can be afforded by people in love. Moreover, such a pastime has a beneficial effect on relationships, no matter how long they last.


What else should you give a girl when you meet? One of the gift categories that is almost universal is jewelry. But before you go shopping, it’s worth taking a closer look at whether the lady has a preference for a certain metal, since some wear only silver items, while others wear gold. Good jewelry can also be considered as a gift option.

It is best to choose from chains, bracelets and pendants. Earrings will also be appropriate if the girl has pierced ears. But you should not present a ring if there are no serious intentions.

When the budget is unlimited

On the one hand, it’s an ideal situation when you don’t have to spend a long time choosing what to give to the girl you like. The range is huge - from all kinds of smartphones and tablets to the most unforgettable trips. You can buy a luxurious necklace or an exclusive handbag from a famous designer. On the other hand, such expensive gifts may not always be received correctly. Therefore, it is recommended to balance budgets.

What if it’s a bouquet?

Flowers were and remain something that would be appropriate to give to a girl just like that, for no reason. At the same time, it is not necessary to surprise with a huge armful of roses; it can be a miniature and elegant bouquet.

Flowers are definitely a classic choice. But now not quite ordinary bouquets are in fashion. For example, from small soft toys. Such an interesting souvenir will be remembered and retain its original freshness for a long time. A young romantic lady will like it.

Edible bouquets are also a common choice. From fruits or berries, for example. This gift is very unusual and can be a good addition to a bottle of wine. For example, a strawberry bouquet with champagne will be an excellent solution for a romantic date.

Among such non-standard bouquets there are candy and vegetable compositions.

Gift ideas when you're out of ideas

Sometimes it can be very difficult to choose a gift. Everything that is possible has already been given, or the man doesn’t know the woman well and is afraid of making a mistake with his choice. But there are solutions for such situations too. They will not differ in originality, but the risk of not guessing with the choice will be minimized. This could be a gift certificate for a cosmetics store or beauty salon. It is important to know that it is not recommended to give cosmetics themselves, especially various corrective products. Such a gift may be misunderstood and cause resentment. In addition, it is quite easy to buy lipstick in the wrong color or eye shadow from the wrong manufacturer. You can give perfume, taking into account the knowledge of the girl’s preferences and having good taste.

A gift certificate has an invaluable advantage - its denomination can be completely different, and you can choose the most suitable one in terms of price. Therefore, to solve the problem of what to give a girl just like that, you need to go to a beauty salon or store.

The choice of gift must be made independently. It’s better not to ask your friends what to give a girl when they meet, for her birthday or New Year. The likelihood that they will not tell her about the gift in advance is minimal. Don’t be afraid to make a bad choice, since at the beginning of a relationship, expectations from partners are not so high. And as they get closer, more information about tastes and hobbies appears. Therefore, the chances of making a pleasant surprise are always very high.