History of Older People's Day presentation. Congratulations on the Day of the Elderly Congratulations on the Day of the Elderly. Even if you are far away, I still love you

A presentation on the topic “October 1 - Older Person's Day” can be used for a classroom lesson in elementary school. The optimal age for young listeners is 2nd grade, although students in 3rd and 4th grade will also be interested in the material.

13 slides of the presentation are filled with material about how the holiday arose, what traditions of its celebration have developed since it became official in various countries. It will be interesting for the children to learn during class that not all countries around the world where this holiday is celebrated have the same date of celebration. For example, Japan, which was the first to establish this holiday, celebrates it not on October 1, as in Europe, but in September, when the harvest ends (3rd Monday in September).

You can download the presentation for free to conduct a themed class hour for the Day of Older Persons.

The presentation “Congratulations on the Day of the Elderly” can be used to accompany a festive concert held on October 1. Against the background of songs and poems that will be performed from the stage, presentation slides filled with beautiful poems about people who are worthy of respect can be scrolled through.

A presentation with congratulations on the Day of the Elderly can be downloaded not only by the head teacher or teacher-organizer who is going to hold a big event at school, which will be attended by veterans and grandparents, and maybe great-grandparents of students. Kindergarten teachers and club workers who will be hosting a concert dedicated to the Day of Older Persons can use the material with congratulations.

The presentation will tell secondary school students (grades 5 - 9) about a holiday that is celebrated on October 1 in many countries - the International Day of Older Persons. This holiday also has another beautiful name - Day of Kindness and Respect.

By viewing the multimedia development slides, students will learn a lot of interesting things:

  • The history of the holiday
  • Why did the holiday get such a second name?
  • Interesting facts about long-lived people
  • Records set by older people
  • About the science of gerontology
  • Average life expectancy in different countries

At the end of the lesson, the teacher can invite students to read books on gerontology, which are also described on the presentation slides.

A presentation dedicated to the International Day of Older Persons, which will be held on October 1, will tell high school students about why such an unusual holiday was established and what traditions it has acquired over more than 2 decades of its existence.

Initially, the holiday spread only in European countries, but very soon it attracted the attention of people overseas, who also decided to listen to the good tradition - to devote one day to the elderly. This is how World Older Persons Day migrated to America.

In addition to the theory about the holiday and its traditions, the presentation contains beautiful poems about older people that will definitely touch the hearts of students in grades 10-11, for whom you can download this development.

The presentation “My Dear Old People” is a short 10-slide narrative about a holiday that glorifies our wise generation of grandparents. On October 1, 2014, Russia, like many other countries in Europe and America, will once again celebrate the kindest holiday - the Day of the Elderly. It has its own interesting history, which you can tell students about during class time, flipping through the slides of this colorful development. The material can be used in any classroom. The presentation will look especially relevant if guests come to the school for the holiday - grandparents of students who are ready to tell them a lot of interesting things. The last slide contains a series of questions that will enliven the event and allow each student to tell their classmates about a dear person that everyone has in the family.

October 1 is the International Day of Older Persons. A presentation for class will help you spend this holiday at school in an interesting and fun way, bringing joy to children and guests.

The scenario for the Day of the Elderly can be used to hold an event at school or in the classroom, where children will congratulate their caring grandparents...

Script for the Elderly Person's Day concert

The script for the concert, which will take place on the Day of the Elderly, must be special. It is filled not only with poetry and songs, dances and performances, but also with the love of those...

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Developed by: teacher N.N.Aglushevich

When is Elderly Person's Day celebrated? Older People's Day is celebrated on October 1, the holiday is international. This date was not chosen by chance; there is some symbolism: autumn, like old age, is the golden time of our lives. Prerequisites for the appearance of the holiday in Japan The idea belongs to the Japanese Masao Kadowaki, who proposed to officially approve this day in 1947. The date was also proposed - September 15. At this time, the weather was good and the harvest was ending. A council of elders was held in the locality, who supported the idea of ​​​​the need to improve the lives of the elderly. Other villages and cities in Japan appreciated this idea and began to hold the holiday everywhere.

History of the approval of the Day of Older Persons In the 1970s, the problem of the rapid aging of the planet's population captured the whole world. In 1982, issues related to aging were discussed in Austria at the World Assembly. Ensuring a dignified old age has become a topic that concerns all countries of the world. Representatives offered various options and exchanged experiences. The UN did not ignore this initiative and proposed its own action plan. Thus, in 1990, an international holiday dedicated to the problems of older people appeared. The northern countries of Europe were among the first to celebrate Older People's Day, then the southern countries and the United States joined in.

The meaning of the holiday, or who is congratulated on the Day of the Elderly? This day was created to ensure that problems affecting the older generation are heard by society. Older People's Day is designed to help parents and grandparents adapt to a rapidly developing society. The interests of pensioners, the difficulties of the disabled, and financial difficulties should be the focus of attention on this significant day. Just paying tribute and learning from the experience of the older generation is worth devoting a little time to those who took care of each of us in childhood. Symbol The peculiarity of this holiday is that it has two symbols: foreign and Russian. The foreign one depicts a globe on a white background. There are ears of wheat around the ball. This logo personifies the scale and globality of the celebration. In Russia, the symbol of the Day of Older People is the image of a hand in the form of an open palm, which symbolizes participation and support for the older generation.

Celebration in other countries The holiday was first celebrated in Europe, especially in the northern countries, where the standard of living is much higher than others. Gradually it moved to the southern states and to the USA. Our own traditions have emerged. Due to their financial capabilities, various events are held on this day in different countries. But still, the main goal remains to encourage older people. In different countries this holiday has different names. In the USA, for example, this is National Grandparents Day, which means “Grandparents Day”

In China - “Double Nine Festival” The Double Nine Festival falls on the ninth day of the ninth month according to the Chinese lunar calendar, which is why it got its name. Since ancient times, Double Nine has been considered an important holiday. In Chinese, the word "nine" is pronounced the same as "longevity". Therefore, the expression “two nines” in Chinese is used to wish elderly people a long life. At the holiday, it is customary to show respect to older people. Thus, it has become a tradition that on this day young people pay tribute to older people, and they, in turn, have a good time. Many companies organize mountain climbing tours or other excursions for retirees. Young people take their elders to the suburbs or send them gifts on this day.

In Japan - "Day of Respect for the Elderly." But the name of the holiday does not change its essence - in all countries they pay tribute to older people. The international holiday was also supported by many other states in the territory of the former Soviet Union. On October 1, residents of Belarus and Ukraine, Latvia and Moldova, as well as Azerbaijan, honor their elderly.

Records of the oldest people in the world On May 23, 2013, Japanese climber Yuichiro Miura, 80, reached the top of the world's highest mountain, Everest. 86-year-old Angela Vorobyova, a Russian woman from Ulan-Ude, set a new Guinness record, becoming the oldest person to conquer the highest point of the African continent - the Kilimanjaro volcano with a height of 5895 meters. Nikolai Karabanov, a 75-year-old thrill-seeker from Novosibirsk, jumped from a 207-meter suspension bridge located in the city of Sochi. In Sochi, a man learned about Skypark and bungee jumping from the 207-meter-high SkyBridge suspension bridge, and decided that he had to jump.

Fauja Singh, on April 1, 2011, he turned 100 years old. He participated in marathons seven times (this is a distance of 42,195 meters, all of them after 89 years. And even set a world record in his age category in Toronto in 2003, running the distance in 5 hours 40 minutes. Kimani Nganga Maruge, a Kenyan, first went to primary school in 2004, when he was 85 years old. Ernestine Shepherd - 74 years old, bodybuilder and fitness instructor! The woman has long been included in the Guinness Book of Records as the only the world's oldest female bodybuilder.

What do we get from our grandparents?

"Can we say that old age makes us incapable of doing things? What exactly? Those that are characteristic of youth and require strength. But isn’t there anything that an old man would be capable of, that could be done with a sound mind and a weakened body?" (Cicero Marcus Tullius) International Day of Older Persons has been celebrated annually on October 1 since 1991 according to the resolution of the United Nations General Assembly (resolution 45/106 of December 14, 1990). In Russia, the Day of Older Persons is also celebrated on October 1 on the basis of the Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation dated June 1, 1992. Public organizations and foundations organize various charity events on this day. While we are young, the thought of old age seems so distant and even impossible to us. It seems to us that we will always be young, but... Life is fleeting, years pass quickly, and at some point a person begins to understand that he is joining the ranks of grandparents. The purpose of holding the Day of Older People is to attract public attention to the problems of older people, to the problem of demographic aging of society as a whole, as well as to the possibility of improving the quality of life of older people. Together, countries can and must ensure that people not only live longer, but also that their lives are of higher quality, more varied, more fulfilling and more satisfying.

When we turn one hundred, then let them call us elderly! Now only two thirds of life is behind us. We cannot call ourselves young, but we simply call ourselves mature people. We are “elderly” because our veins are strong, and there is still a sufficient charge of optimism. We tenaciously grasp at the experience of life, He is our compass and our priceless treasure. There is no need to lean us against a warm wall for now. It is not necessary to shout at us into a megaphone. We hear everything and see all shades, We continue to run the marathon! We are “elderly” because we have lived a lot. We have seen a lot, and we have been lucky in life. We raise our glasses to our maturity! We are not old people, to spite everyone!

It happens that life doesn’t spoil you, Sometimes it’s a complete mess, And only a kind grandmother will console you and understand. We are all small children for her, You will rush through the wind and rain, You will carefully press her emaciated palms to your lips. Tell me about hidden secrets, Yard battles. We are all her grandchildren, her heart hurts for everyone. For everyone, a good word will be found over evening tea, And a modest gift will be secretly placed in our travel bag. Grandmother has a bright room, There are no more kind eyes in the world. With her selfless prayer, I have been kept and warmed since childhood. He looks at me, smiles, and walks quietly: tick-tock. My joy, hello, grandmother, Forgive me if something is wrong.

Thank you for our life and happiness, May the past years not disturb you. Let troubles and misfortunes pass by, May your health never fail. We wish you not to lose heart! Laugh in spite of the years and troubles! We will admire you forever! Dear, young old people!

We remember the delicious cheesecakes that grandma baked for us. Homemade toys, made by grandfather in the morning. Tenderness, affection and warmth are now stored in memory. Carefree, a free bird, a glorious childhood passed by, bow and gratitude to you for your love and kindness! Life gives health and joy. There is peace and beauty in the house!

This poem is addressed to the dear, beloved, wisest! Let the sun shine through the window in the morning, inviting you to eat a pie, drink a cup of tea and get to work! Don't old people have enough of them? “No,” we will answer, easily and boldly! - “Pray to God for your granddaughters, go to the store, cook dinner, water Kalanchoya on the table.” May your guests never get tired of visiting you, either in the snow or in the slush!

Retired does not mean old! It is a mistake to talk like that about those, Behind whose backs there is brave experience, a worthy way of life, a good laugh! The elderly will tell us about their youth, And we will hear wisdom, good manners and purity of soul in every word. Let's note these qualities and add them to ours! How great: you exist! And on this great holiday, we are glad to congratulate you, grandchildren and children, and wish you success and a life full of light!

The wisdom of the years you have lived is hidden in your gaze by a crafty one, Light streams from your eyes surrounded by kind wrinkles, And you won’t even dare to call you old, And if you really need to, then only old. We wish you health, love, longevity, faith, So that it is joyful to walk through life slowly, So that your sense of proportion never lets you down, So that your soul warms your family and friends with warmth.

By 2050, the number of older people on the planet will increase from the current 600 million to 2 billion. DAY OF AN ELDERLY MAN A warm autumn day is gilded by the sun, The wind is preoccupied with joyful work. Swirls the fall leaves of Autumn for delight, caresses Gray hair for the Old Men as a reward. On this October day, at the behest of the century, nature honors the Elderly man! An elderly man is not old at all, it means he has come to life and has gained wisdom. It just might be like this..., a little tired, After all, he always led the youth forward. He shared his experience and knowledge from the bottom of his heart. He helped us with advice and his example. So please accept “thank you” from us with recognition, for your selfless work for the good of the country! This day is celebrated not only by Russia. On this day we glorify all the elderly, we are people, And we wish you only a happy old age! Be healthy, full of new ideas!

Briefly about the important... International Day of Older Persons (International Day of Older Persons) has been celebrated on October 1 since 1991. On October 1, various festivals are organized by associations for the protection of the rights of older people, conferences and congresses dedicated to their rights and their role in society. Public organizations and foundations organize various charity events on this day.

An old violin plays as well as a new one (old proverb) It’s not for nothing that the second name of this day is the day of kindness and respect. It is sometimes possible in modern society to encounter humiliation, disrespect and discrimination against people of retirement age. We should thank them because the knowledge and wisdom of older people can make a huge contribution to human resource development and sustainable economic development in the context of the knowledge-based economy of the 21st century. This contribution will benefit both the elderly themselves and society as a whole. Of course, in each individual case, the wishes of the elderly themselves must first of all be taken into account.

Interesting facts: It has been scientifically proven that the human body is designed for 100–120 years of service if used correctly. Records for life expectancy are broken by people living in the central regions of Sri Lanka, in the Andes regions, and in the Caucasus. About two thousand people aged 90 or more live in the south of the Tyumen region. Brazilian Maria Lucimar Pereira, the oldest living person on the planet, will soon celebrate her 121st birthday. The secret to her longevity is activity and nutrition. 72% of 65 year olds surveyed in 12 countries said they don't feel old. This figure is highest in Germany – 80%. Two-thirds of 70-year-olds in the United States have sex at least twice a month.

Records of the oldest: The oldest conqueror of Everest. On May 25, 2008, 76-year-old Nepalese athlete Min Bahadur Sherchan successfully climbed to the peak at 8846 meters above sea level and thereby set a new world record. The oldest navigator to cross the Atlantic alone. Michael Ritchie (UK) set off on a solo voyage from Newport (USA) and arrived in Plymouth (UK) on July 31, 1997. at the age of 80 years and 25 days. The oldest schoolboy in the world. Kimani Nganga Maruge, a Kenyan, started primary school for the first time in 2004, when he was 85 years old. The African was helped to go to school by the reform, as a result of which free primary education appeared in the country. The oldest bride is 102-year-old Minnie Munroe, who married 83-year-old Dudley Reid on May 31, 1991 in Point Clare, PC. New South Wales, Australia.

The oldest recorded groom is Harry Stevens, who married 84-year-old Thelma Lucas on December 3, 1984, at age 103, at the Caravilla Nursing Home in Caravilla, NY. Wisconsin, USA. On November 5, 2003, a Taiwanese couple who had been together for 85 years was officially recognized as the oldest couple in the world. The record set by 123-year-old Lee Jung Yang and 102-year-old Yang Wang, who were married in April 1917, was included in the Guinness Book of Records. The oldest newlyweds in the world are 94-year-old Frenchwoman Madeleine Francino and her 96-year-old compatriot François Fernandez, who became legal spouses in February 2002, the oldest divorced couple. February 2, 1984 in Milwaukee, pc. Wisconsin, USA, the marriage of 97-year-old Simon Stern and his 91-year-old wife Ida was officially dissolved; the combined age of the former spouses was 188 years. The oldest mother. Maria Busada, a resident of Spain, aged 66 years and 358 days, gave birth to twins on December 29, 2006.

The science of gerontology Gerontology (from ancient Greek γέρων “old man” and λόγος “knowledge, word, teaching”) is a science that studies the biological, social and psychological aspects of human aging, its causes and ways to combat it. It arose about a century ago. The components of gerontology are geriatrics - the study of diseases associated with involutional changes, as well as features of the treatment and prevention of diseases in old age, gerohygiene, which studies issues of general and special hygiene of people in older age groups, and gerontopsychology, which studies psychological and behavioral characteristics elderly and elderly people.

The need to publish this guide is dictated by the steady increase in the proportion of elderly and senile people. The publication is focused, first of all, on methodological support for primary care, the provision of treatment and preventive services in outpatient clinic settings. This manual is intended for university and postgraduate students, doctors in all fields.

This is a textbook that covers the basic concepts of geriatrics as a science. Materials are presented on the features of the clinical course of various diseases, their structure, on determining the tactics of managing elderly patients, as well as recommendations for caring for this category of patients. For a wide range of medical professionals.

This publication is also a textbook. Here are the patterns of age-related changes in different body systems, and basic ideas about the processes of biological aging are given. For students of secondary vocational medical schools.

The textbook reveals medical and medical-social problems that are most often encountered in geriatric patients in the practice of paramedics and nurses. Attention is also paid to the formation of a medical and social understanding of older people. Technologies for solving their problems and social protection in modern society of the Republic of Belarus are given. For students of medical colleges, medical and social higher educational institutions, workers of the healthcare system and social protection of the population.

The textbook contains brief information about the system of organizing geriatric services, the prevalence and specificity of diseases, the characteristics of clinical manifestations and the course of diseases in elderly and senile people, the principles of rational nutrition and physical activity of older people, and the characteristics of drug therapy. For students of the General Medicine department of medical colleges and schools.

Designed for a wide range of practicing doctors, therapists, cardiologists, gerontologists, and medical students. The guidelines outline the features of drug therapy in the elderly. The principles of drug dosing in geriatrics, features of drug interactions, and ways to increase the resistance of the body of older people to the undesirable effects of medications are considered.

The collection presents materials reflecting the main features of the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of diseases in patients of older age groups. The collection contains the results of scientific research in the field of gerontology and geriatrics. The materials are multidisciplinary in nature and are intended for a wide range of doctors. 18 Introduces the reader to fundamental issues of biology and pathophysiology of aging, features of the course and treatment of various diseases in late life, modern methods of diagnosis and treatment, social issues, ethical issues, and legislation. Intended for practitioners and social workers.