How to remove strawberry stains from white or colored clothes at home? How to remove strawberry stains on white and colored items? How to wash strawberries

I really love strawberry season. This juicy berry is held in high esteem in my family. We just eat it in bowls. I also make strawberry face masks. No matter how careful we are, strawberry juice still gets on our clothes. And here’s the price to pay for this delicious delicacy: bright red, persistent stains, which are useless to combat with regular washing (even with expensive powder). The spots still remain, although they already look light yellow. But that doesn't change the matter. You can no longer wear such a thing. Therefore we need to do something different. The following methods save our clothes from being sent to the country or cut into rags. :f:

  • boiling water
  • pot
  • ammonia
  • potassium permanganate
  • powder
  • bleach, stain remover
  • glycerol
  • egg yolk
  • lemon, citric acid
  • hydrogen peroxide
  • If the stain is fresh, i.e. If you just dropped strawberry juice, then boiling water helps a lot. Place the soiled item over a deep bowl or pan (or any other container that can withstand high temperatures) with the stain in the center. Turn on the kettle and pour boiling water over the strawberry spot. It discolors right before your eyes.
  • A paste of salt and water will also help deal with a fresh strawberry stain. Mix a tablespoon of salt with a teaspoon of water. We carefully place the item on a flat surface and carefully wipe the stain with a white cotton cloth soaked in the paste. Spread the prepared gruel and leave for half an hour. Then wash the fabric in cool water with soap added, then wash the item in warm water using detergent.
  • If a couple of hours have passed since the clothes were stained (no more than 3), then you can overcome the stain using ammonia (3% ammonia aqueous solution) or a soda solution (take 1 teaspoon per 1 glass of water). First, treat the stain with a solution (exposure time is no more than 1 minute), and then rinse it with water and put it in the wash with powder.
  • You can squeeze lemon juice onto the stain. If you have citric acid on hand, it can also be used to eliminate the effects of a strawberry feast. We dilute it in warm water (take 2 grams per half glass of water) and apply it to the stain. We repeat the procedure several times, then wash the clothes with powder.
  • Another method is a solution of potassium permanganate. We wet the dirty area with it and after a couple of minutes wipe it with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (take one teaspoon per glass of warm water). Then the item should be washed as usual.
  • An old stain requires soaking in a stain remover (Amway was very effective for me in this regard). White fabrics should be boiled (if the composition of the fabric allows it).
  • On colored fabrics, you can try to remove an old strawberry stain with a mixture of equal volumes of raw egg yolk and glycerin. After treatment, rinse the fabric thoroughly with warm (not hot!) water, and then rinse in cold.
  • If, despite all the efforts made, purple or yellowish traces still remain on the fabric, then white fabrics, as well as fabrics with strong colors, should be boiled with hydrogen peroxide or persalt.
  • When planning to pour boiling water on your clothes, remember that not every fabric can withstand such an attack. The place where hot water got in can easily fade, wrinkle, etc.
  • And in general, before you use any recipe for removing stains on dyed fabrics, be sure to test it on the wrong side, in a hem or seam.
  • Remember that any stain must be scrubbed using movements from the edges to the center. This will prevent you from smearing the stain and increasing its outline.

When the season of strawberries and fruit and berry delicacies comes, children and adults begin to feast on healthy sweets. Childish pampering or carelessness leads to unpleasant and lasting consequences. And then cleaning and folk remedies come to the rescue, which will remove plant dyes.

If the strawberries are about to do their job, do not try to wipe the mark, such actions will not give results and will help the juice spread across the fabric. To start blot off excess moisture with a napkin or paper towel. The following methods will help with a fresh strawberry stain:

  1. If you need to wash strawberries from cotton and natural fabrics, boiling water will help. Boil a kettle and pour water in a thin stream onto the contaminated area. The main condition is that you need boiling water, since hot water gives a weak result. Do not use this method on silk or other delicate fabrics, otherwise you will ruin the structure.
  2. If you are dealing with delicate fabrics, try the following remedy. Mix coarse salt with water until a paste forms. Place the item on a flat surface and place a paper napkin under the back of the stain. Treat the stain with a soft cloth or sponge soaked in the mixture. It is worth applying the cleaning slurry from the edge to the middle so that the edges do not spread further. Replace the napkin periodically.

Remember that a fresh stain is easier to remove than an old one. Don't put off your laundry. When using any elevated temperature methods, check the label and manufacturer's recommendations.

Important! Do not use laundry soap to remove stains from natural dyes such as berry dyes. Natural paint cannot be cleaned in this way; it only penetrates deeper into the fibers and is fixed on the product.

If the strawberry print does not lag behind your favorite blouse, resort to more effective methods.


Pharmaceutical glycerin is mainly used for reading colored T-shirts and woolen items. A few tablespoons of glycerin (depending on the number of stains) are heated to 40 °C and the stains are treated. Apply the product carefully, avoiding getting it on clean areas. After 20-30 minutes, rinse the product thoroughly and wash it at low temperature. Glycerin is an excellent product for caring for leather products, but it is not recommended to wash a leather jacket in a washing machine.

Table vinegar + soda

Place clothes under cold running water and gently blot excess moisture without rubbing. Prepare a liquid slurry from table vinegar and baking soda. Place a napkin under the berry trail and apply the mixture to the front surface. After half an hour, remove the pulp and rinse under cool water. The red mark should fade noticeably or disappear altogether.. Repeat the procedure if necessary. Then wash the clothes in the washing machine on a delicate cycle at a gentle temperature (maximum 40 ºC). And the duo of soda and salt shows good results in removing yellow stains from sweat.

When cleaning delicate fabrics, check the surface for stability. Apply the composition to an inconspicuous place, the inner seam or the wrong side, and leave for a couple of minutes.

Lemon juice or citric acid

Citric acid will help remove strawberry stains. Dilute 2 g of citric acid in 250 ml of cool water. Apply the solution to the contaminated area for 20 minutes. If the “affected area” is large, you can soak the entire thing in the solution. This is followed by hand or delicate machine wash at minimum temperature. Lemon juice and vinegar will help remove stains from cherries and cherry juice.


Hydrogen peroxide can also dissolve traces of berries and fruits. Hydrogen peroxide can even deal with such difficult problems as mold stains. Please note that the product is only used for white linen clothing and cotton items. Mix 1 tsp. peroxide and 100 ml of water. Apply the product using a soft cloth (not wool) or sponge, and after 5 minutes rinse thoroughly. Peroxide dissolves the stain almost instantly, so if the stain has faded, do not try to leave it on for additional time.

When working with solvent, you should wear gloves and ventilate the room. Do not leave the cloth unattended, because peroxide acts quite quickly.

Unexpected household chemistry

Any home will definitely have a chlorine-containing product like Domestos or its analogues for cleaning the toilet. Dilute ½ tsp. gel with 100 ml of water and a sponge, treat the stain. The mark will fade and disappear in a few seconds. If you clean colored or dark items, reduce the concentration of the gel.

Brighteners and stain removers

A modern chemical arsenal will save your wardrobe from a strawberry attack of any complexity - just choose the right product. For white clothes you should buy bleach, for colored and dark clothes – a stain remover. There are no general rules for use; you should rely entirely on the manufacturer and follow the instructions on the packaging.

When choosing bleach, pay attention to the labeling, purpose and strength. When choosing a stain remover, determine the type of fabric and look for labels like “Color” or “for delicates.”

Strawberries are one of our favorite berries, as they grow in most summer cottages. Large and sweet, strawberries are not only tasty, but also healthy; they contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements. Both adults and children love to feast on this berry, which means traces of it will inevitably appear on different types of clothing.

In this article we will try to tell you in detail how to remove such stains from clothes, what methods are most effective in the fight against strawberries, and what to do with fresh and old stains.

Ripe, juicy and beautiful berry

Strawberries are quite juicy berries, the juice of which has a characteristic red color. This tone is achieved with a large presence of vegetable dye. If you get dirty while eating, do not rush to immediately rub the stain with a rag, as you will only make the situation worse.

It’s better to take a paper napkin and try to gently blot the stained area to absorb excess juice. After this, you can proceed with further procedures:

  • Cool boiling water will always help remove fresh traces of strawberries from natural fabrics or cotton. Precisely boiling water, since warm or hot water will not be of much use. When using this method, be sure to look at the clothing label, which indicates the permissible temperatures for the fabric. The method is very simple, you need to boil water, fasten the clothes on a basin with the stain facing up, and systematically pour boiling water from a kettle directly onto the stain from the strawberry or its juice. Gradually it will begin to wash out and disappear completely. As you understand, delicate fabrics like silk cannot be processed in this way, since such temperatures are contraindicated for them; there is a different recipe for these things.
  • Salt will help remove fresh strawberry stains from delicate fabrics. It is necessary to create a cleaning composition from salt and water, which will resemble a paste. The item of clothing should be laid out on a flat surface, a paper napkin should be placed under the stain, and the resulting cleaning composition should be applied to the stain. Using a soft cloth or sponge, gently rub it over the strawberry stain to remove it. It is most convenient to move from the edge of the spot to the middle to prevent it from expanding. As the napkin under your clothes gets wet, change it for a new one. After removing the stain, the clothes should be rinsed and washed as usual.

Children really like the taste of this berry.

It is worth noting that it is easier to remove any stains from clothes until they penetrate deep into the fabric and are not absorbed. It is better to be on the alert and work right away than to later spend even more time and effort to return the item to its original condition. In addition, many traces of berries may not be washed off later.

It is noteworthy that soap does not help remove natural dyes from fabric. If you try to wash a strawberry stain with it, there is a high probability that it will only eat deeper into the fabric.

There are a number of good techniques for removing old stains from strawberries that have already been absorbed.

Folk recipe

You can buy glycerin at the pharmacy, which is actively used to remove stains from colored and woolen items of clothing. The method of its application is as follows:

  1. First you need to heat the glycerin. Take a few spoons of the mixture and bring it to a temperature of 35-40°C degrees.
  2. Then, carefully, being careful not to touch clean areas of the fabric, apply the mixture directly to the strawberry stain. Let the mixture soak in, leaving the clothes to soak for half an hour.
  3. After the required time, rinse the items treated with glycerin and wash them under normal conditions. This treatment will remove stains without leaving any residue.

In addition to glycerin, you can use soda and table vinegar, which are certainly present in your kitchen. To do this, create a paste by mixing vinegar and soda, and apply it to clothes stained with strawberries. Before treatment, the fabric must be moistened with cool water, spread on a horizontal surface, and paper napkins or towels placed under the stain.

The paste must be applied in large quantities to completely cover the stained area. It will take 20-30 minutes to work, and then you need to rinse off the cleaning composition under running cool tap water. Most likely, the bright red stain from the strawberry will noticeably fade or disappear completely. If traces of the berries still remain, you can repeat the procedure. When the coloring pigment is removed, the items can be washed as usual at low temperatures.

The process of collecting berries from the fields

Another vinegar-based composition can help remove any berry stains. It is created from 3 tablespoons of vinegar, 3 tablespoons of ammonia, 1 teaspoon of dishwashing detergent and 1 liter of clean water. Gently wash the stain with this mixture, moving from its edges to the middle. It is most convenient to use a rag or a brush with soft bristles.

If the fabric on which the stain appeared is very delicate, it would not be superfluous to test the effect of the cleaning composition on an inconspicuous area. Perhaps the material cannot even tolerate such gentle measures.

The next good folk remedy that helps in a variety of circumstances, including removing berry stains, is citric acid or freshly squeezed lemon juice. You must proceed as follows:

  1. Prepare the cleaning composition by diluting citric acid powder (10 grams) with cold water (1 liter).
  2. Soak the stained area of ​​fabric in this solution for 20-30 minutes. If necessary, you can completely load the clothes into this composition.
  3. After soaking, to remove stains from strawberries, we perform a delicate wash in manual or automatic mode. In this case, we use the minimum temperature regime.

The lemon juice method is very effective for removing stains from various berries, for example.

For white linen and cotton items, it is permissible to use hydrogen peroxide; it helps to remove any old stains from berry or fruit juice. It is necessary to create a cleaning composition by stirring 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide in a standard glass of water (250 ml). This composition should be used to treat stains, and then let it work for 3-5 minutes, after which it is washed off with water. Hydrogen peroxide acts quite quickly, as you can see, so soaking in it for a long time will not improve the effect. If the stain is not completely faded the first time, try again.

Household chemicals

It is quite possible to use household chemicals so as not to mess with traditional methods. For example, a chlorine-containing composition for cleaning plumbing is found in every home. You can use it to create a cleaning composition. You will need 1 teaspoon of this liquid per glass of water. Try to carefully treat the stain with the resulting product, and you will see how it begins to fade right before your eyes. For dark and colored clothing, it is better to use a lower concentration of chlorine-containing composition.

Children love the taste of these berries.

For colored and dark-colored items, stain removers can be used, while white clothing can be bleached with a suitable product. Bleaches and stain removers are sold in all hardware stores. When purchasing, rely on your experience and the opinions of people you know.

To remove strawberry stains from clothes, you can use liquid powders. To do this, before washing, you need to moisten the stain with this powder and leave it to soak for 10-15 minutes. Subsequent hand or machine washing will completely remove all dirt.

As you can see, there are many ways to remove stains from strawberries or their juice from clothes. Choose the option at your discretion, depending on the funds available in the house.

Summer is undoubtedly the most delicious season. This is not surprising, because it is at this time of year that most fruits and berries ripen. Cherries, sweet cherries, mulberries and, of course, strawberries. A much-loved delicacy for children and adults.

For kids, strawberries are usually associated with something very tasty and attractive. But adults, on the contrary, often associate this berry with red stains on clothes and thoughts about how to wash them.

So what now – give up such a healthy delicacy? But no, you just need to know a few simple ways to remove strawberry stains.

First of all, it should be remembered that strawberries, like many other berries, are rich in plant dyes, which complicates the process of removing them.

Do not try to wipe away a fresh stain - this will only help the juice to be absorbed into the fabric. It's best to use a napkin or paper towel to blot up excess moisture.

You should also remember that a fresh strawberry stain is easier to remove than an old one.

First, rinse the soiled clothing with cold water. This will help remove the dye pigment from the fabric fibers.

To avoid streaks on the fabric, move from the edges to the center.

Under no circumstances should you use soap to remove strawberry stains. An alkaline environment will help the stain stick to the fabric, making it more difficult to remove.

One of the simplest, yet most effective ways to remove stains is boiling water.

It is necessary to apply boiling water only to the stain, and not to soak the entire thing. Otherwise, the contamination will “spread” over all surfaces of the fabric.

For white clothes made of cotton or linen, the following folk methods are suitable.

  1. White items made from natural fabric should be soaked in a sufficient amount of milk for several hours. To enhance the effect, you can add a pinch of citric acid. Then wash in the standard way.
  1. Another option that does not require a large amount of product is peroxide. The solution will require 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide per 10 teaspoons of water. Using a soft cloth or sponge, apply the product to the stain and leave for 3-5 minutes (but not more than 5). Afterwards rinse with cold water.
  2. Dishwashing liquid can also remove strawberry stains. The product must be generously applied to the stain, rubbed until foam forms and left for several hours. Then wash as usual.

Reanimation of colored fabrics

When working with colored fabrics, extreme care should always be taken and instructions and label information carefully followed.

The following recipe will help remove stains from colored clothes. You need to mix the yolk of one egg with 30 grams of glycerin.

Apply the resulting mixture to the stain and leave for two hours. Then wash the clothes in warm water (not hot, otherwise the yolk will cook), and then rinse in cold.

When removing stains from colored suits, you should always turn them inside out.

One of the remedies is a mixture of white vinegar and soda (the consistency of liquid sour cream).

Fresh dirt must be rinsed under cold water, excess moisture removed and the composition applied. It should take 15 minutes for the product to take effect. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

A mixture of coarse salt and water will also help remove fresh strawberry stains.

The resulting paste must be applied to the stain with a sponge (or soft cloth) and left for 20-30 minutes. Then rinse in cold water and wash as usual.

Fighting old pollution

With fresh stains, everything is relatively simple - they formed recently, and they are quite easy to remove. Another thing is old stains that have dried on the fabric and are absorbed into the fiber. But such pollution can also be combated.

  1. You can also use potassium permanganate (commonly known as potassium permanganate) to remove berry stains. Dissolve a small amount of potassium permanganate in vinegar and apply to the stain, and then treat with hydrogen peroxide. This combination will help remove very difficult stains. After using the mixture, clothes should be rinsed and washed as usual.
  1. Don't forget about store-bought stain removers. Modern manufacturers have developed a huge line of products that will help in removing various stains. All that is required of you is to choose a product from a manufacturer that you trust.

A gentle stain remover will help remove stains on colored fabric, while bleach will work great on white fabric.

  • First of all, remember that stains must be treated by turning the product inside out.
  • Before use, the effect of any chemical should be tested on an inconspicuous area of ​​fabric.
  • Do not overdo it with the concentration of solutions. It is better to do the procedure twice than to ruin the item the first time.
  • When working with stains, you should use a substrate (blotting paper, napkins, cotton products). Its use will preserve the boundaries of the spot and will not allow it to go further.
  • If, despite all the work done, you notice yellow or purple stains on the fabric, the item should be boiled with hydrogen peroxide or persalt. This method is suitable for white as well as colored clothes that are resistant to shedding and staining.

Summer is a period of delicious delicacies made from fruits and berries, the most popular and delicious of which are strawberries and wild strawberries. Not only adults, but also children appreciate the taste of the miracle berry. But often the process of eating strawberries is accompanied by unpleasant stains on your favorite clothes, furniture, carpets and other places. These can be not only traces of fresh berries, but also stains from jam. That is why every housewife should know how to remove stains from strawberries and wild strawberries. If you do not master such knowledge, then you can say goodbye to things and cleanliness in the house, since this kind of pollution is not always easy to eliminate.

Getting rid of strawberry stains on clothes

You can remove strawberry stains not only using known chemicals, but also using improvised methods.

  • You can return your clothes to their previous appearance by using regular boiling water. To do this, you will need hot water, dishes on which you need to pull the product. Stretch the item over the dish, pour boiling water over the stained area until no trace remains of the stain. The water must be very hot. You should use this method with caution for brightly colored items, since boiling water can remove not only the stain, but also the color of the clothing. Under no circumstances should you lather the stained area, otherwise you will not be able to get rid of the stain.
  • For white products, the method of removing strawberry stains using milk is suitable. To remove strawberry stains from cotton and linen items, just soak the item in milk for 15 minutes before washing - and the stains will come off. You can use hydrogen peroxide - mix it with water and apply it to the stain. After 15 minutes, rinse thoroughly in cold water.
  • You can save the product using a mixture of yolk and a tablespoon of glycerin. Apply this composition to the stained area for 3 hours. Wash as usual, rinse in cold water.
  • If the stain is fresh, you can remove it using a mixture of salt and water. Thoroughly clean the product, rub the stain, working from the edge to the center. Leave for 40 minutes and wash.
  • Old stains are more difficult to get rid of, but possible. A mixture of citric acid (1 tsp) and a glass of water will help. Spill this solution onto the dirt. Leave for 40 minutes and wash.

We remove stains from strawberries and wild strawberries from furniture and interior items

Strawberry stains can appear not only on things, but also on pieces of furniture and decor. How to return the former cleanliness to the interior of your home? - a question that many ladies dream of getting an answer to.

In order for cleanliness to return to your home, it is enough to properly care for it and clean furniture and carpets from dirt. Simple steps will help:

  1. The soiled surface must be carefully prepared for cleaning. To do this, you need to remove the pulp from the berries or jam and blot the surface with a napkin. These measures will ensure a quick solution to the problem.
  2. Spread a thick layer of salt onto the prepared and cleaned surface. Leave in this position for at least 40 minutes. During this time, the salt crystals will show their adsorption properties and absorb the remaining moisture. Then you need to remove the salt. Now all that remains is to remove the remaining contamination.
  3. You can use a mild dishwashing detergent. Dilute 40 ml of the product in a glass of water. Apply to the stain with a sponge and rinse the contaminated surface thoroughly. If traces of foam remain, remove them with a paper towel. Then use a vacuum cleaner and vacuum the surface.
  4. Ammonia is considered the strongest solvent for such contaminants. It should be taken in an amount of 15 ml, diluted in a glass of warm water. Pour the solution onto the stain. Wait 5 minutes and remove any remaining solution. It is necessary to carry out the procedure only in a ventilated room.

Note to housewives!

  • Before you start washing the product, be sure to read the information on the label. Manufacturers indicate the recommended washing, ironing and drying regime. A simple precaution will help keep the product in its original form for a long period.
  • Products made from delicate fabrics and wool deserve special attention. Colored and white items should never be washed together in hot water.
  • If a strawberry stain has just been planted, do not put off removing it until tomorrow. Old stains are much more difficult to remove than those that have appeared recently.
  • If you use modern chemicals in the form of stain removers, then pay attention to the recommendations for their use. Since some components of the product can destroy the structure of the fabric of your item or surface.

Follow the manufacturers' recommendations, treat your things carefully - and removing stains from strawberries and wild strawberries will not be difficult. Let your images always be flawless, and let freshness and cleanliness settle in your home!