Project "space" for children of the preparatory group. Rakhaeva Natalya Yurievna. A project to introduce children of senior preschool age to space “Travel to the cosmic distances” Project in the kindergarten “Cosmic distances”

Municipal state preschool educational

institution kindergarten No. 2

Project on:


Ulyanova V.A.

teacher 1categories

Ostrogozhsk - 2016

Project passport.

Project type : informational and creative, collective, short-term.

Project implementation timeframe : from March 28 to May 6, 2016

Project participants : children of the preparatory group, teacher Ulyanova V.A., parents.

Target : the formation in children of senior preschool age of ideas about outer space, the solar system and its planets, and human space exploration.

Tasks for children: Educational: 1. Continue to expand children’s understanding of the diversity of space. Tell children about interesting facts and events of space.
2. Introduce the first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin.
3. Develop creative imagination, fantasy, and the ability to improvise; to cultivate mutual assistance, a friendly attitude towards each other, pride in the people of this profession, in their homeland;
4. Involve parents in joint activities.

Educational: 1. Activate the cognitive activity of children. 2.Develop game concept and creative initiative. 3. Develop the physical qualities of the individual: speed, agility, endurance, mobility, attentiveness. Educational: Foster pride in your country's achievements. For teachers: 1.Create conditions for the development of children's imagination, as a prerequisite for the formation and improvement of coherent speech, and the development of the ability for verbal creativity. 2.Create a subject-specific development environment.

3.To unite the team of children, parents and teachers in working towards a common


For parents :

1.Encourage parents to assist in organizing developmental

events and actively participate in the general educational process;

2. Involve in active participation in competitions, children's parties, and group formation.


« Humanity will not remain eternal on earth, but in pursuit of light and space, it will first timidly penetrate beyond the atmosphere, and then conquer the entire circumsolar space...” K. Tsiolkovsky

The topic of exploration and conquest of space is a vast area for research, providing an opportunity for the comprehensive development of a child.


Insufficient knowledge of children about Cosmonautics Day, the first manned flight into space, and space objects.

Project implementation forms:

1. Organized educational activities.

2. Plot - role-playing, didactic games, construction games.

3. Conversations, looking at albums, illustrations, paintings, posters.

4. Excursion to the museum.

5.Working with parents.

6.Collective visit to the Planetarium.

  1. Presentation – report on the work done on the “Cosmos” project (for the protection of projects and parent meetings)

. Expected result:

Productive creativity of children, teachers, parents.

For children

1. Children’s primary ideas about the diversity of space have been formed. , space objects, the significance of Cosmonautics Day. 2.Formation of children’s research activities, development of interest in the new, unknown in the world around them. 3.Replenishment of vocabulary. 4.Development of cognitive activity of preschoolers during joint practical activities with teachers and parents.

For teachers:

1.High level of professional competence in the use of modern educational technologies in the educational process.

2.Increasing creative potential, self-realization.

For parents:

1.High level of pedagogical and communicative culture

parents, their interest in the upbringing and development of children.

2.Optimization of parent-child relationships.

3.Creating an atmosphere of trust, mutual understanding and cooperation with all participants in the educational process.

Project activity product:

  1. Exhibition of children's creativity.
  2. Exhibition of joint works of children and parents.
  3. Photo exhibition about the project activities “Cosmos”.
  4. Presentation – report on the work done on the Cosmos project.

Form of the final event :

Collective trip to the Planetarium. Theme Space.

Project stages.
(Informational - cumulative)

  1. Determining the theme of the project.
    2. Formulation of goals and objectives.
    3. Monitoring children and parents, informing parents about upcoming activities.
  2. Selection of fiction, visual material (illustrations, photographs, albums).
  3. Drawing up a long-term plan for the implementation of the main stage of the project.
    6. Development of event scenarios.

7. Selection of fiction, visual material (illustrations, photographs). 8. Preparation of visual material for productive activities, didactic games, role-playing games.

  1. II. Main stage:

(Organizational - practical).

Long-term plan.

Implementation of project activities.




Conversations on the topic: «

March, April

Children participate in conversations and answer questions.

Children will receive basic knowledge about space and answer questions.

1. Review of albums: “The First Cosmonaut”, “Space”.

2. Examination of posters on the topic: “Space”

Children look at albums.

Help with organization.

Children will gain basic knowledge about space

Role-playing games: “Hospital”, “We are astronauts!” ,"A space flight"

Didactic games: “Assemble a rocket”, “Find the odd one out”, “Restore order in the solar system”, “Pick up a constellation”, “Add a word”, “Where the rockets fly”

April May

Development of children's play activities.

Help with organization.

During games, children enrich their knowledge about space.

Watching the cartoon “The Secret of the Third Planet”

Viewing the cartoon “Flight to the Moon.” - USSR: Soyuzmultfilm, 1953.

Children enjoy watching presentations and replenish their knowledge.

Help in selecting materials.

Creating a festive mood. when viewing presentations.

Organized educational activities (Acquaintance with the outside world: “Flight of the first cosmonaut”, “We are cosmonauts”

March, April

Activation of children's cognitive activity.

Help in selecting materials.

Enrichment of knowledge.

3. Riddles about space. Reading G. Yurlin “What's inside? " Publishing house baby. The story "Bon Voyage, Astronauts"

April May

Children enjoy listening to works of art and learning poetry.

Help in memorizing poetry.

Children's speech development.

Organized educational activities (Artistic and aesthetic development: drawing,

modeling, applique). Construction of spaceships from different types of building materials and construction kits according to children's ideas

March, April

Reflect previously received impressions in their works

Exhibition of children's creativity "Cosmos".

1. Outdoor games: “One or two is a rocket”, “Fast rockets are waiting for us”, “Weightlessness”, “Who is faster”, “Keep your balance”, “Champion Sun”, “Rocket launch site” 2. Finger games “We are We walk around the globe...", "Looking at the sky..."

3. Complex of morning exercises “We are astronauts!”

April May

Development of physical qualities.

Development of physical qualities.

Collective trip to the Planetarium - “Cosmos”

Viewing a presentation, sports competitions between teams.

Purchasing a surprise moment for children.

A great holiday, photography.

Photo report for parents.

Exhibition of joint works (children and parents) on the theme “Space”.

Children help their parents in making crafts.

Making crafts for the exhibition.

An exhibition of joint works, children's pride in their skillful parents.

Algorithm for project implementation.

Educational areas

Forms and methods of work

Social and communicative development

1. Conversations on the topic:: « What an astronaut should be like, “If you really want to, you can fly into space”, “The Earth is a cosmic miracle!”, “The first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin”, conversation-communication “Heroes of Space”, conversation-reasoning “What can I see in space"

2. Review of albums: “The First Cosmonaut”, “Space”. 3. Role-playing games: “Hospital”, “We are astronauts!” ,"A space flight"

Cognitive development

1. Multimedia presentations “Lesson about space”, “Video about planet Earth for children. Road to Space", presentation "Journey to Space". 2. OOD (Familiarization with the surrounding “Flight of the first cosmonaut”, “We are cosmonauts” 3. Didactic games: “Assemble a rocket”, “Find the extra”, “Restore order in the solar system”, “Pick up a constellation”, “add a word” "Where are the rockets flying" 4. Large and small mosaic “Build a rocket”.

Speech development

Riddles about space. Reading G. Yurlin “What's inside? " Publishing house baby. The story "Bon Voyage, Astronauts"

E. P. Levitan "Your Universe"

E. P. Levitan "Star Tales"

K. A. Portsevsky “My first book about Space”

Lyubov Talimonova "Tales of Constellations"

Reading poems about space, about the universe, about the solar system. Memorizing poems about space.

Making and guessing riddles.

Artistic and aesthetic development

1.Drawing “A rocket is flying into the sky!” (pencils), “Rocket” (gouache),

2. Modeling “Rocket”.

3. Application “Starry Sky”.

4. Construction from paper: “Rocket” Construction of spaceships from different types of building materials and construction kits according to children’s ideas Crafts from different materials.

Physical development

1. Complex of morning exercises “We are astronauts!”

2. Outdoor games: “One or two is a rocket”, “Fast rockets are waiting for us”, “Weightlessness”, “Who is faster”, “Keep your balance”, “Champion Sun”, “Rocket launch site” 3. Finger games: “ We are walking around the globe”, “Looking at the sky”.

Interaction with family

Conversations with parents about the preparation of the project, information about upcoming events. Exhibition of creative works

Project for preschoolers 5-7 years old “Space distances”

completed by the teacher of the MDOU "CRR "Iskorka - kindergarten No. 24"

Kovaleva Elena Mikhailovna

Type of project: information-practice-oriented with elements of creativity

Project participants: children, parents, teachers

Project duration: long-term


Several decades ago, few of yesterday's boys did not want to become an astronaut. This dream is not at all relevant for modern children. Meanwhile, space pirates, star wars and other alien creatures are the heroes of their favorite cartoons. Fictional characters misinform preschoolers by telling them about non-existent planets, and often evoke negative emotions in them.

Hence the superficial knowledge of children about space, ignorance about the Russian holiday - Cosmonautics Day.


The age of why is the most wonderful age for children, when they actively explore the world, discover new truths, they are interested in the mysteries of the Universe, they are attracted to the theme of space, everything unknown, incomprehensible. But how to maintain a child’s interest in the unknown? What methods can be used to interest a child and help him learn new, interesting information about space?

I believe that the project method will allow one to master complex material through a joint search for a solution to the problem, thereby making informative the process is interesting.

My project is aimed at developing children’s horizons, developing their cognitive activity, instilling patriotic feelings and moral values, thereby helping to systematize the knowledge gained and apply it in various types of children’s activities.

Project activities develop children’s creative activity and help the teacher himself develop as a creative person.

Objective of the project:the formation in children of senior preschool age of ideas about outer space and human space exploration.

Project objectives:

Arouse interest in the knowledge of outer space

Introduce children to the history of the development of astronautics

Introduce the structure of the solar system, form initial ideas about stars and planets (their size, order of location relative to the sun, some features)

Expand and activate your vocabulary

Develop imagination, creative thinking, attention, memory.

To form children's speech development and creative storytelling skills.

To educate a socially active, creative personality, capable of understanding and appreciating the world around us, nature, and treating them with care.

Expected results:

for children

Children’s assimilation of knowledge and ideas about space

Development of an active, independent, creative personality.

Activation and enrichment of the dictionary: Galaxy, Universe, Solar system, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, weightlessness, orbit, meteorite, spacesuit.

Writing creative and descriptive stories.

Respect for the difficult and dangerous profession of astronaut.

for teachers

Increase the level of professional competence in using the project activity method;

Experience a feeling of satisfaction from co-creation, mutual assistance and communication with project participants.

for parents

Get advice from teachers on organizing joint activities with children;

Feel proud of your child.

Stages of work on the project and a summary of the project.

Stage 1. Preparatory.

(project development).

To identify the level of knowledge and ideas among children on this issue

Select methodological, popular science and fiction literature, illustrative material

Select materials, toys, attributes for gaming and educational activities. Select material for children’s visual and productive activities.

Make an action plan.

Stage 2 Practical (basic)

Work on the project is complex in nature, permeates all types of activities of preschoolers, takes place in everyday life and in special integrated classes.

Elementary scientific knowledge, terms, concepts that are understandable to preschool children are given in games, educational activities, observations, reading fiction, experiments, modeling, and when creating problem situations. Consolidation of knowledge is carried out based on the leading types of activities of a preschooler: gaming and artistic-productive - in visual activities, design, didactic, role-playing, outdoor games, as well as during leisure and entertainment.

On walks, in free time, and in direct educational activities, the children and I talked about space. The conversations were always lively, with elements of games, competitions, riddles, and visual material.

Conversation “The Sun and Space”;

Conversation “This mysterious space”;

Conversation “Stars are huge balls”;

Conversation about constellations;

Conversation “Space Discoverers”;

Theatrical activities have a great effect in the development of communication skills. In the process of theatrical play, the child’s vocabulary is activated, sound culture and dialogic speech, its intonation structure are improved.

I spent a lot of time reading fiction.

Children really like to listen to myths about Daedalus and Icarus, about the Milky Way, about the constellations, tales about how the Sun and the Moon visited each other, just listen to the reading of poems about the universe, about space, stories about Gagarin, and willingly guess riddles.

Role-playing games help to develop the ability to work in one team, to empathize and rejoice in success, to solve a problem together, which is what the children embodied in “Space Journey”.

Didactic games help develop thinking, analytical skills, concentration, and attentiveness.

Tasks such as “find the odd one out”, “continue the logical chain”, “connect identical planets”, “where are the rockets flying”, assemble a puzzle, connect a constellation develop logical thinking, attention, fine motor skills, independence, observation, and basic self-control skills.

Children are invited to build a “Rocket” using counting sticks, construction sets or building materials. .

And also during the walk, the children had fun making the Solar System and a rocket out of snow

Board games are very exciting for both children and adults. They have to overcome many obstacles on the way to the finish line, compete, help each other, answer questions to earn additional bonuses, while following all the rules of the game.

One of my favorite pastimes is looking at illustrations in books and encyclopedias.

The excursion to the planetarium left no one indifferent

Everyone unanimously decided to make their own little “planetarium”

The “Solar System” model is made in the form of a paper tunnel

Collective craft “Milky Way Galaxy”, where the planets of the Solar System are made using the papier-mâché technique.

Some phenomena cannot be explained in words, so we experimented. The children saw the volcanoes that rage on Venus clearly, and they made the craters that form on Mercury and the Moon on their own.

Artistic creativity involves the development of children’s creative abilities, the ability to fantasize, translate their fantasies into reality, and evaluate their activities. This is how we sculpted the stars using the technique of flattening and stretching

Children enjoy drawing themselves and decorating a variety of coloring pages (individual and collective), while teamwork skills are consolidated - the ability to distribute responsibilities, work in accordance with a common plan, without interfering with each other.

From an early age, it is necessary to cultivate the desire to improve one’s physical qualities, determination, and develop agility, speed, strength, and endurance. In my project, this is reflected in physical education classes, exercises, walking, in educational activities throughoutdoor games, relay races.

Directly through music and movement, an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world is formed. The children enjoyed listening to musical recordings about space and astronauts, and also had fun playing “Lunabuzzi” and improvising to the music.

Interaction with family

The project method can be considered as a special mechanism for interaction between families and preschool educational institutions. Parents were informed about the start of work on the project, in the parent's corner were offered toconsultations And “How to tell a child about space”, “First in space!”, contains reference information on the topics of conversations and activities with children, recommendations: what to watch, what to read with your children.

Parents can not only be sources of information, real help and support for the child and teacher in the process of working on the project, but also become direct participants in the educational process, experience a sense of ownership and satisfaction from their successes and the successes of the child.

Stage 3 Final

I would like to once again draw your attention to the fact that the project is designed for 2 years, so it would be appropriate to say that this stage is intermediate. Summing up the work done in the senior group, we created a “space” corner in the group:

Exhibition of children's creativity stand "I, too, will fly into space."

Exhibition of children's productive activities (drawings and crafts dedicated to Cosmonautics Day).

    We held a quiz “What? Where? When?"

    Sports festival "Young Cosmonaut"

Together with the parents, albums/exhibitions were created with photographs, illustrations, riddles (astronauts, spaceships, aircraft, satellites, etc. I would also like to note that

    at the initial stage of work, 0% showed a relatively high level of knowledge, 39% had knowledge at an average level, and 61% had a low level of knowledge. Children's knowledge about space was superficial and fragmentary, obtained mainly from cartoons; children named 1-2 planets, did not know the name of the first cosmonaut, and had little idea of ​​what people do in space.

    to date, 54% (14) of children showed a high level, 34.5% (9d) - average, 11.5% (3d) - low.


The project method is relevant and very effective. It gives the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize acquired knowledge, develop creativity and communication skills, create and explore together with adults, which allows him to successfully adapt to the school learning situation and the world around him.

Such activities, games, and productive activities unite children with common impressions, experiences, and emotions. Children become interested in independently searching for answers in various sources of information, and the motivational component increases: children ask more questions and are interested in educational literature.


1. Introduction to Science"Astronomy". Methodological recommendations for the cognitive development block. - Kostroma: KOIPKRO, 2002. - 37 p.

2. Children about space and Yuri Gagarin - the first cosmonaut of the Earth: Conversations, leisure activities, stories / Author.-comp. T.A. Shorygina, M.Yu. Paramonova. - M.: TC Sfera, 2011. - 128 p.

3. Dorozhin Yu. Book for children« Kids about stars and planets» / Yu. Dorozhin. - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2010. - 8 p.

4. Lebedeva E.G. Simple crafts from paper and plasticine / E.G. Lebedeva. - M.: Iris Press, 2005. - 153 p.

5. Morozova L.D. Pedagogical design in preschool educational institutions: from theory to practice / L.D. Morozova. - M.: TC Sfera, 2010. - 128 p.

6. Musenko S.I. Origami in kindergarten / S.I. Musenko, G.V. Butylkina. - M.: School press, 2010. - 97 p.

7. Mikhailova-Svirskaya L.V. The project method in the educational work of kindergarten Prosveshchenie Publishing House, 2015, 94 p.

Municipal preschool educational institution – general developmental kindergarten No. 22 “Lily of the valley”
Prepared by: Rakhaeva N.Yu., I qualification category
Klin, 2011

Project type:

Implementation period: January – April

Teachers: Rakhaeva Natalya Yurievna, Sukmanova Elena Vladimirovna

Project participants: children of the senior group, teachers, music director, parents.

Relevance of the project. Preschool age is an important period in a person’s life. It is at this age that the foundations of the future personality are laid, the prerequisites for the mental, moral and physical development of the child are formed.

For better mastery by children of the senior group of materials in the section “The World Around us”, the topic “Space” was chosen using a project methodology. The system of work on the topic “Space” assumes a person-oriented approach to the development of a child. Classes are aimed at developing mental abilities, which are carried out through various types of children's activities. The content of the classes is age-appropriate and gives children the ability to express their emotional experiences and acquired knowledge about space.

Objective of the project. Formation of children's ideas about the world around them, so that the world becomes a source of knowledge and mental development of the child.


Introduce children to the name of our planet “Earth”, with its shape, with the concept of “space”, that the sun, moon and stars are planets, that the sun and moon are round in shape and look like a ball.
Enrich and expand children's ideas and knowledge about science and space:
To provide an opportunity to understand who astronauts are and what they use to go into space.


Continue to instill in children love for the Motherland.
To foster a sense of pride in our native country, which became the first in space exploration.
Learn to be attentive and inquisitive.
To cultivate a caring attitude towards what is on our planet. Cultivate friendly relationships.


To develop children’s cognitive and intellectual abilities, creativity and the formation of a subjective-evaluative attitude towards the surrounding reality on this topic.
To form an emotional, value-based attitude towards people whose work is related to space exploration.

Predicted results.

Children will develop basic knowledge on the topic “Space”, an emotional, value-based attitude towards people whose work is related to space exploration.

Description of the project.

This project on the theme “Journey into space” was developed for children of the older group, where classes of various forms of organization (group, individual, complex), as well as various forms of joint activities of the teacher and children, children and parents, will be recommended.
The system of cognitive-aesthetic activities involves the use of: various types of conversations, visual arts classes, design, and games. Children will be offered visual material: a diagram of the solar system, a globe, star maps, illustrations, photographs, etc.
During the lessons, children will learn to model, reason, and analyze.
The work will take place sequentially and in a system.
When carrying out the work, the age-specific individual and psychological characteristics of children (development of thinking, memory, imagination, perception) will be taken into account. The content of the classes will be focused on the mental, personal and psychological development of the child.
During the classes, children will gain ideas about the planets of the solar system, about the Earth as a planet: shape, size, movement around the Sun and its axis. Find out the name of the first cosmonaut on Earth. The meaning of the words “cosmonaut”, “space suit”, “satellite”, “constellation”, “meteorite”, “orbit”, “telescope” will be clarified.
These classes will develop logical thinking, creative imagination, as well as children’s ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships between objects and phenomena
When implementing the project, variable forms of work will be used: problem-search situations, integrated, complex lessons, etc.

The following resources will be used in the project:
1. Podrezova T.I. “Planning and notes of classes on the development of children’s speech in preschool educational institutions.” (Patriotic education of children), M. Iris-didactics, 2008.
2. “Program for the education and training of children in preschool educational institutions”, edited by Vasilyeva
3. “Tell children about space” (Cards for activities in kindergarten)
4. Internet resources

The project is expected to be implemented in three stages.

1. Identifying children’s initial knowledge about space.
2. Information from parents about upcoming activities.
3. Selection of literature about space, photographs, posters.

1. Conducting classes using the developed technology;
2. Work with parents on a given topic.
3. Organization of plot-role-playing, didactic and outdoor games.

1. Organization of an exhibition of children's drawings.
2. Design of the folder “Journey into Space”
3. Reading competition “Poems about space”
4. Musical-themed lesson dedicated to Cosmonautics Day

Project implementation

GOAL: To give children the opportunity to understand what space is, astronauts, what is the name of the aircraft on which they rise into space. What did they see from space? What did astronauts learn about the planet we live on? Introduce children to its name "Earth". Give the children the opportunity to determine for themselves what shape it is.
Preliminary work: Examination of illustrations on a space theme.
Material. Pictures, illustrations.
Topic: Flight of the first cosmonaut.
Goal: To introduce children to space, the first flight of an astronaut;
To instill in children an interest in astronauts.
Equipment: photographs of the spacecraft, Yu.A. Gagarin, planets, sun, stars,
Construction of "Rocket"

March Lesson “Road to the Stars”
Goal: to develop children’s knowledge about space and astronauts. Expand your vocabulary.
Drawing “Flying to the Moon”
Learning poems about space.
Role-playing game "Cosmodrome"
April Musical thematic lesson (according to the music director’s plan)
Final lesson “Flight into space”
Application "Rocket"
Reading competition.
Exhibition of drawings about space.
Musical-themed lesson “ALWAYS FLOWER MY EARTH”
GOAL: To cultivate a love for the “Earth” for everything that is on it, a caring attitude, a sense of responsibility for the future of the planet, for its ecological condition. Create a desire to stick bright flowers on the toy “Earth”.

Project results.
Children of senior preschool age have formed, systematized and generalized their knowledge of astronomy, they have mastered elementary concepts of the science of “Astronomy”, the concept of “Space” and the profession of astronaut. All children's vocabulary was enriched by introducing certain words into communication practice. Thus, preschool children, when creating certain conditions, using various forms, methods of work and the interest of all participants in the pedagogical process, quite easily master basic knowledge about the science of astronomy, as a result of which the formation of ideas about the world around them, which is the source of knowledge and mental development children.

TASKS: 1. Continue to expand children's understanding of the diversity of space. Tell children about interesting facts and events of space. 2. Introduce the first cosmonaut Yu.A. Gagarin. 3. Develop creative imagination, fantasy, and the ability to improvise; to cultivate mutual assistance, a friendly attitude towards each other, pride in the people of this profession, in their homeland; 4. Create pedagogical conditions that stimulate the cognitive activity of children; 5. Involve parents in joint activities.

RELEVANCE: Space arouses interest in children and provides an opportunity to develop the personality of preschoolers in many ways. The most important thing is to provide children with the opportunity to “experience” material that is interesting to them. By learning new things, reflecting on what has already been included in their experience, children learn to express their attitude to what is happening. The knowledge children receive is relevant and necessary for them. And meaningful, interesting material is absorbed easily and forever.

PROJECT STEPS: Preparatory: Select methodological and fiction literature on this topic. Prepare materials and toys for conducting educational activities and games. Identification of children's initial knowledge about space. Bring to the attention of parents the importance of this problem. Development of lesson systems. Selection and production of material for carrying out productive activities (card index of experiments, didactic and outdoor games, riddles, poems, advisory material for parents).

PRACTICAL (WITH CHILDREN) 1. Watching videos, cartoons about space; 2. Listening to music; 3. Reading fiction; 4. Consideration of illustrative material; 5. Conversations; 6.GCD; 7. Outdoor games; 8. Didactic games; 9. Experiences and experiments; 10. Productive activity; 11. Exhibition of the results of productive activities; 12. Exhibition of works together with parents; 13. Design and modeling

Lyudmila Krainaya

Target: Expand and deepen students’ knowledge about space, introduce children to history astronautics, arouse interest in space.


1. promote the formation of concepts in children « Space» , « Space» ; introduce the history of development space;

2. Introduce the first pilot - cosmonaut Yu. A. Gagarin.

3. cultivate respect and love for the Earth as a cosmic miracle, giving everything necessary for life, as well as a sense of pride in the history of our planet, for the achievements of domestic scientists, designers, astronauts.

4. Involve parents in joint activities.

Relevance project:

Space- This is an extensive topic for research, arouses interest among children and provides an opportunity to develop the personality of preschoolers in many ways.

Implementation stages project

1. Identifying children’s initial knowledge about space.

2. Information from parents about upcoming activities.

3. Selection of literature about space, presentations, photographs, posters.

1. Spending the week space in the group.

2. Work with parents on a given topic.

3. Organization of plot-role-playing, didactic and outdoor games, individual and group work.

1. Organization of the exhibition “We will fly on a rocket” (joint work of children and parents)

2. Exhibition of drawings "So mysterious space»

3. Poetry evening "Poems about space»

Conversations using presentations.

1. Conversation "What do we know about space» "Earth is our planet", "History astronautics"

Target: give children an idea of ​​the planets of the solar system, the sun, stars.

2. Presentation of children "Family of Planets".

Target: expand ideas about the planets of the solar system

3. Conversation “I want to be” astronaut. "

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge of what comes first astronaut was a Russian citizen Yuri Gagarin. Expand children's understanding of space flights; introduce Russian scientists who stood at the origins of the development of Russian astronautics –K. E. Tsiolkovsky, S. P. Korolev. To cultivate pride in our Motherland, for its achievements in science, for the heroism of the Russian people. Bring children to understand that astronaut there can only be a healthy, educated, strong person.

4. Reading fiction literature:

Target: introduce children to literature about space; foster cognitive activity.

Y. K. Golovanov "The road to cosmodrome» ,

V. Kashchenko "Constellation of Dragons",

P. O. Klushantsev “What did the telescope tell you?”,

O. A. Skorolupova "Conquest space» ,

N. Nosov "Dunno on the Moon"

Poems about space.

Riddles about space.

Nagibin Yu. M. Stories about Gagarin.

5. Design

Subject: “Such different missiles”.Target: study the name of the rocket components; independently construct a rocket from building parts and figures astronauts from natural material.

6. Drawing

Subject: So mysterious space.

Target: broaden horizons, children’s knowledge about space; develop color perception; maintain interest in visual arts, reflect your impressions in the drawing.

Subject: « Astronaut» .

Target: teach children to sculpt astronaut, submit the form parts: oval (body, round (head, cylindrical (legs); convey the proportional relationship between parts and parts; learn to combine sculpted parts into one whole, connect them tightly by applying one part to another.

8. Outdoor games:

-« Space relay race»

-"Don't miss the rocket"

-“It flies, it doesn’t fly”

9. Role-playing games:

" School astronauts"

Target: expand the theme of story games, introduce work astronauts in space, cultivate courage, endurance, expand vocabulary children: « space» , « cosmodrome» , "flight", "open space» .

"Flight to space»

The zoo needs new rare animals. The zoo director offers to fly for them to one of the planets of the solar system.

10. Educational games:

- "Restore order to the solar system"

- "Find the odd one out"

-“Find your way to Earth using the map”


Participation in project 65% of families, in celebration of the Russian holiday - Day cosmonautics and anniversary date!

Children's interest in the topic space, manifestation of their cognitive activity. Children talk and share their knowledge with other children in kindergarten. They brought a lot of their own literature from home to read, together with their parents they made rockets for the exhibition, drew pictures about space. Children’s initiative to design rockets from building materials, construction sets, and paper according to their own ideas, displaying creativity and detail in their work.

Publications on the topic:

We always prepare for all holidays very seriously and very responsibly. And even more so for such a holiday as Cosmonautics Day.

Research project for middle group children “Journey to the Land of Flowers” Research project for children of the middle group “Star” “Journey to the Land of Flowers” ​​Relevance of the project. The process of cognition is creative.

Goal: Expand children's horizons and knowledge about space. Objectives: Continue to introduce space objects; Clarify children's knowledge about the planets.

Abstract of GCD for mathematical development in the preparatory group “Space Rescuers” Abstract of GCD on mathematical development in the preparatory group. Teacher Kuchumova L.M. Topic: “Space rescuers.” Target. Pin.

Hello, dear friends and guests of my page! The holiday is coming soon - Cosmonautics Day. I would like to offer a children's master class “Space.