The best toys for girls 10 years old. Toys for girls. Experiment kits

Before you decide what to give a girl for her 10th birthday, we must remember that ten years is an anniversary! A certain milestone when a girl from the world of childhood embarks on the path of growing up. No longer a child, but not yet a teenager, a 10-year-old girl is looking forward to her first anniversary with a special feeling and therefore it is worth choosing the most special one for her birthday. What gift will help in raising a future lady, develop innate talents and cause an explosion of bright emotions? With the help of advice and suggestions, SuperHelper will do everything to make the most impossible dreams come true for the young princess on this day.


Girls aged 10 are already interested in their own appearance, they begin to have objects of adoration. They secretly try out their mother's cosmetics, secretly read romance novels and imagine themselves in the role of a beautiful heroine. For a growing beauty, anything related to:

  • with high-quality children's cosmetics: beautiful sets with creams, flavored water, lipstick, eye shadow, nail polish;
  • with jewelry: hairpins, beads, bracelets, gold or silver chain with a pendant;
  • with fashionable clothes: an elegant dress or shoes, a stylish handbag or accessories.

One of the unforgettable gifts can be holiday shopping, where a 10-year-old girl in high spirits will find the best outfit among the huge assortment.


School for a 10 year old girl is a very important place. The girl is not indifferent to her academic performance, her workplace at home, relationships with classmates and sports success. With the help of Super Helper you can find an original gift for a girl’s 10th birthday:

  • for school: a cool backpack, beautiful writing instruments or an exclusive school pencil case “Despicable Me”;
  • for the interior: unusual clocks, lamps, 3D photo wallpaper;
  • for sports: rollerblades, bicycle, badminton, table tennis, sports corner, scooter.


Girls of this age develop an interest in a wide variety of creative arts. Some feel like a creative fashion designer, some an experienced knitter, some admire the landscapes, and some adore jazz. All these hobbies can be a reason for the most long-awaited gift that you will like:

  • musical person: guitar, musical mat, player;
  • for the artist: easel, smalt, sculptural plasticine;
  • needlewoman: sewing machine, set for sewing, embroidery, knitting.


There are girls of 10 years old who can be called “indigo” children. They are able to solve complex problems, think outside the box and constantly improve their intelligence. For such clever people, the site offers gifts for the first anniversary of 10 years for a girl:

  • : 3D puzzles, experiment kits, construction sets, educational board games;
  • for your horizons: books about travel and history, encyclopedias about fashion, unusual phenomena or the emergence of planets;
  • for status: mobile phones, e-readers, netbooks and tablets.

And all 10-year-old girls dream of a luxurious themed party that will delight their girlfriends and turn the holiday into a real enchanting show. The most extraordinary gift for a future hostess, a glamorous fashionista or an incorrigible badass can be found if you know what she dreams of.

TOP - 300 birthday gifts for a 10 year old girl Can .

10 years is not only the first round date in a child’s life, but also the beginning of the puberty (transition) period. Girls at this age, in addition to school, attend various clubs and sections, have many hobbies, they care what to wear and how to comb their hair, they imitate their mother or their idol from TV. These are no longer just babies, but completely independent individuals. Therefore, the gifts you give on your birthday should meet the little lady’s expectations.

What to give a 10 year old girl for her birthday

A ten-year-old schoolgirl knows well what she needs or really wants. Parents and close relatives can simply ask what she wants as a birthday present, or arrange a shopping trip together. The guests prepare a surprise based on the birthday girl’s passions and hobbies, which her mom and dad undoubtedly know about.

Gifts based on interests

Every girl has her own interests and hobbies. Stores sell many kits for creative development, with which you can make useful and beautiful things or toys yourself:

  • embroidery with threads, beads, ribbons;
  • sewing soft toys;
  • drawing, modeling;
  • cooking;
  • weaving baubles or bracelets;
  • soap making;
  • decoupage (decorating objects), quilling (paper rolling);
  • conducting experiments;
  • making your own perfume;
  • tricks.

All such kits come with appropriate instructions and accessories so that the young lady can create something extraordinary on her own or with the help of her parents.

Sports gifts at ten years old

Children are full of energy that needs to be spent somewhere, so things for outdoor activities will be very useful:

  • bike;
  • figure or roller skates, skis, ice sleds;
  • balls, jump ropes;
  • badminton, skittles.

If a girl is involved in sports, dancing, aerobics, music or ballet, it is appropriate to give her appropriate souvenirs, clothes or shoes for training.

Gifts for outdoor activities should be made according to the season.

Accessories for active recreation of the birthday girl - gallery

Every girl needs a bike Roller skates need to be purchased with protection Badminton is an active outdoor game The game of skittles is almost like bowling, which is very popular today

Games and toys that can be given to a child

Many girls at the age of 10 still play with dolls. Therefore, a beautiful Barbie with clothes and various accessories or a home for her will appeal to the birthday girl. Soft animals and large puzzles are also suitable. And board or floor games are a great activity for the whole family.

In our time of gadgets, it is very important that the child does not stop reading normal paper books: fairy tales, fiction from classics to stories about modern heroes. Children's encyclopedias or books related to the schoolgirl's hobbies are very educational and useful.

Fashion gifts

A ten-year-old girl is already a small woman, so she is interested in wardrobe items, beauty products, and hair accessories. As a gift you can choose:

  • a set of children's cosmetics;
  • precious earrings or bright jewelry;
  • jewelry box;
  • an elegant dress or other clothes, beautiful shoes;
  • unusual handbag, umbrella;
  • hair accessories.

Everything for your daughter's beauty: ideas and photos - gallery

A set of cosmetics suitable for all girls Jewelry is a great addition to a fashionista's outfit. The birthday girl can store her jewelry in such a box An elegant dress with a matching handbag and accessories will delight the girl. An unusual umbrella is always useful

Modern gifts

Modern children often spend a lot of hours with various electronic devices and on the Internet. But there is no escape from this in today's world. The task of parents is to regulate communication with gadgets so that the child does not immerse himself in it. Gifts such as a phone, tablet or laptop will delight any girl. You can present a camera with different functions or a player with headphones.

At the age of 10, children already know the purpose of money, but do not yet know how to handle it. A piggy bank will help teach this. The young lady will keep her savings in it to buy something worthwhile.

Surprise gifts

Unexpected gifts will be impressions, entertainment, unforgettable emotions that remain in the memory for a long time from a trip to the zoo, dolphinarium, horseback riding, water park, amusement park or game center.

Many children dream of having a pet that they will care for, feed, love and educate. But such a surprise needs to be discussed with the parents in advance, because living conditions and health conditions do not always allow having a pet. A kitten, puppy, hamster, parrot, guinea pig or turtle will bring a lot of joy to a girl. She will name her living friend and take care of him.

What gifts will be original, will give a festive atmosphere and good mood?

At the age of 10, a child already understands the meaning of memorable gifts, so in addition to the main gift or instead of it, you can give something that will make you smile and create a festive mood.

Gifts made by the hands of a friend, grandmother or aunt

Receiving something made with your own hands as a gift is always very touching and sincere. Friends and girlfriends can make for the birthday girl:

  • a beautiful card or box;
  • original photo frames;
  • unusual bouquets of sweets or fruits;
  • cup for pens and pencils;
  • balloon with wishes inside.

Hand-sewn or knitted beautiful clothes, a toy, a scops owl pillow, an unusual bracelet or a hair clip are things that are often presented by grandmothers and aunts who are needlewomen.

Unusual handmade gifts for granddaughter, niece, classmate - gallery

A handmade postcard is a very sincere gift. You can insert a memorable photo into such an original frame. A pencil holder is always useful for a schoolgirl Knitted toy - an original gift for the birthday girl Scops owl pillow - cute and practical

Cool postcard for a girl: master class - video

Symbolic gifts

A symbolic gift is considered to be a gift with meaning that will leave behind a long memory. 10 years is the first anniversary in a girl’s life, so you can present something precious (jewelry, engraved silverware), items associated with her name or zodiac sign, a certificate for a photo shoot where the beauty will be captured in different images.

Flowers for daughter from dad or friend

Of course, any woman should be given flowers, regardless of age. A bouquet from dad or at least one flower from a friend of the same age will give the birthday girl the opportunity to feel like a little lady and a beauty, which cannot but affect her self-esteem.

Sweet treats

Almost no one is indifferent to sweets, and children especially love them. An extraordinary custom-made cake, chic boxes of chocolate, original candy bouquets - it’s always very beautiful and tasty.

A ten-year-old girl, on the one hand, still plays with dolls, and on the other, she can already dream of a handsome prince. There are an incredible number of gift ideas for such young ladies - expensive and cheap, but no less valuable. You just need to not be lazy and choose from the heart what suits a particular birthday girl, keeping in mind her character and hobbies.

Dolls or books, an embroidery kit or badminton... What to give a 10-year-old girl is a question that parents, godparents, and family friends ask themselves. At this age, the girl has a fairly developed character, she has hobbies and passions. The right gift will leave the most pleasant memories for many years.

At the age of ten, the girl is no longer a baby, and not yet a capricious teenager. The young lady is still completely dependent on her parents, but she already has character. Don’t try to “foist” on your daughter or goddaughter what you think is necessary. A gift that does not meet your wishes will gather dust in the far corner. A gift for a 10-year-old girl should be useful and interesting.

Present what she has been dreaming about for a long time. How to do it? Long before her birthday, casually ask your child what she would like to have. Find out about personal passions and hobbies.

The most popular gift ideas

An analysis of the opinions and advice of parents communicating on Internet forums suggests what to give a ten-year-old girl as a gift. Popular ideas can be divided into the following categories.

  • Ladies' things. These include various jewelry: bracelets, earrings, pendants, cute watches, original jewelry boxes. Just keep in mind that the sets should not be “childish”, but close to adults. At this age, the girl already begins to follow fashion, imitating the main authority - her mother.
  • Games and toys. Girls as young as ten still play with dolls or construction sets. If the birthday girl is from this category, feel free to give her for her birthday sets of long-legged Barbies with carriages and horses, houses with furniture for dolls, or complex Lego construction sets for girls. If a child is diligent and loves group leisure, a board game for the whole family like Monopoly or the good old lotto with wooden barrels would be a wonderful gift. For fidgets, the floor game “Twister” is suitable.
  • Cloth . At the age of ten, girls love to dress up. Wardrobe items as a gift are more appropriate from parents or grandparents who know the tastes and preferences of the birthday girl. Cool caps, fashionable jeans with studs that she has long dreamed of, an original sweatshirt or a flirty scarf... The only requirement is originality. Choose bright prints, clothes with images of her idols, fashionable teen styles and models.
  • Creator's Kit. Girls are naturally inclined to creativity. Give her an embroidery kit or a tilde doll. At the peak of fashion are paintings for painting by numbers, panels made of rhinestones or compositions made of beads (money trees, trees of happiness).
  • Sports and active recreation. Does the birthday girl love sports or race from morning to night in the yard with friends? Pay attention to gifts for active recreation: roller skates, skates, skateboards, balls, bicycles, badminton or table tennis sets, swimming masks. A bright and stylish sports backpack will be an original present, and a hoverboard is the object of special desire for modern girls.
  • Children's cosmetics. Choose beauty products according to your age. Sets of shampoos and shower gels, fragrant bombs or bath foam, eau de parfum, hygienic lipstick, and nail polish are suitable. The hero of the occasion will be especially pleased to receive such a gift from a friend.
  • Books. In addition to fiction, pay attention to educational books: collections of tips on self-care, children's cooking and home economics. Usually these books are called "Encyclopedia for Girls."

But you can argue with the opinion that it is better to make a gift for a 10-year-old girl with your own hands. Of course, in the adult world, handmade items are valued higher than those off the assembly line, but a little girl is unlikely to be able to appreciate the uniqueness and exclusivity of a gift.

What not to give

If you don’t want the gift to disappoint the birthday girl, and then lie around unnecessarily or be given away, then a list of unsuccessful ideas will help you avoid mistakes.

  • Out of season. If your birthday is in the summer, then skates, skis and snowboards are not suitable as gifts. And if the child is “winter”, do not buy an inflatable pool or swimming ring. The child will be upset because he will not be able to immediately try out the gift in action.
  • Too simple and banal. It’s not a good idea to “get off” with a chocolate bar or a postcard. Such “pleasures” are given for no reason.
  • Toys not for age. Do not give toys that are too childish: strollers for dolls, puzzles with cartoon characters, children's dishes or a doctor's set. A ten-year-old child has definitely grown out of these toys. And vice versa, too “grown-up” gifts: massive expensive jewelry, ladies’ decorative cosmetics (powders, foundations, bright lipsticks, mascara) - a ten-year-old princess will need to grow and grow up to them.
  • Stationery. Judging by the reviews, girls aged 10 do not like to receive office supplies as gifts: pens, pencils, notebooks, notepads. Parents regularly buy this stuff for schoolchildren.
  • Gifts for boys. Obviously “boyish” gifts: a car (even if it is radio-controlled) or a cool robot from Star Wars will not impress the little princess.

Expensive gifts: pros and cons

It so happens that a child receives the most expensive gifts from his parents, grandparents, or godfather. However, the choice of an expensive gift is not always the right one. You shouldn't indulge your child's every whim.

According to psychologists and experienced mothers, if you mindlessly fulfill all your daughter’s whims, then with age your “appetites” will only grow. It’s not a fact that by the age of 18 you will be able to give a girl a convertible. Choose your gift wisely. It should be necessary for games and relaxation, for study and development.

What girls dream about on social networks

If you are wondering what to give your daughter for her 10th birthday, check out this list. It was compiled taking into account the preferences of girls of this age, who share their dreams and desires with their peers on social networks.

  • Modern gadgets. These include tablets, laptops, smartphones, e-readers and digital cameras. Treat such desires with understanding, otherwise the girl will feel like a “black sheep” among her peers who have iPhones and tablets. It is better to choose electronic gadgets together with the birthday girl - only she knows for sure what functionality is needed.
  • Pets. If you can afford to have a kitten or a cockatoo parrot, this is a wonderful New Year gift for a 10-year-old girl. The birthday girl will squeal with delight when she sees a guinea pig, puppy, hamster or turtle. Children of this age are kind to pets and are ready to take full care of them.
  • Certificate for shopping. Ten-year-old girls love to make purchases on their own and manage their personal finances. Depending on the preferences of the growing daughter, this could be a gift certificate for a toy store, a department of fashionable teenage clothing, or any other.

Instead of a certificate, you can give your daughter, goddaughter, niece or granddaughter money in an envelope. She will be very happy, especially if she has been saving for the right thing for a long time.

If a girl has everything and it’s difficult to surprise her, you can make an unusual surprise:

  • inexpensive and very fun to stage a “treasure hunt” in the yard or invite your friends to play a “reality quest”;
  • order a professional photo session;
  • make a photo book with the birthday girl in the title role;
  • send to a water park, oceanarium or dolphinarium;
  • give a ticket to the circus;
  • sign up for a master class in soap making, floristry or cooking;
  • arrange a trip for your child abroad, if finances allow.

Try to give a 10th birthday gift to a girl in an unusual manner. Wrap it in a nice wrapper and send it by mail. You can hide it in the room and play a game of “hot and cold.” Don’t forget to give the hero of the occasion a sincere compliment and shower her with wishes.


10 years is the first anniversary in a girl’s life, this is a round date, a day when you want to give her as much attention as possible, make a real holiday with entertainment and gifts. However, many are faced with the question of what to give a girl for 10 years?

Indeed, when going to someone else’s child’s birthday party, it is difficult for us to decide on a present, because we do not always know about the tastes and preferences of the birthday girl. The tips and videos in this article will help you make the right choice and please the birthday girl with an excellent present!

If the birthday girl is your close relative and your budget allows you to make an expensive gift, why not?

We present to your attention a few things that every girl dreams of at the age of ten:

  • Personal tablet- a luxury for a child, but it is also a step towards independence. With such a gift, the birthday girl will no longer have to beg a gadget from adults to watch a cartoon, because she will have her own. Of course, many will say that giving a tablet to a 10-year-old girl is a bad idea, because it’s too early, but in the modern world it is impossible to escape from electronic innovations and the sooner a child learns to use them, the easier it will be for him in the future.

Advice: you shouldn’t choose too expensive models, because in children’s hands anything can happen to a tablet; moreover, most of the functions that an expensive gadget offers are not needed by a child at all.

  • Bike- a great gift for a 10 year old girl! Remember yourself as a child, how fascinated you were by skating in the yard with your friends! And it doesn’t matter at all that sometimes there were falls and my knees were bleeding; I only remember the indescribable sensations from skating.

Tip: Along with the bike, provide knee pads, a helmet and other paraphernalia for the girl’s safety while driving.

  • Segway– a more modern, automated version of the bicycle. With such a gift, the girl will not have to turn the pedals; the technology will do everything for her. Just imagine how delighted the birthday girl will be when she sees her own transport!

  • Dollhouse- the dream of every little princess. Remember how we made doll houses from scrap materials? This time has passed, today in stores there is a huge selection of real palaces for dolls, made so well that you want to live in one yourself. Rest assured, the birthday girl will spend many months playing the game and will be grateful to you for such a gift.

  • Gold jewelry– a serious gift for a 10 year old girl. The birthday girl will be very pleased to have her own jewelry, so she will feel like a real lady, because even at 10 years old, a girl wants to please boys.

Advice: It is best to give discreet, miniature jewelry so that it is not too conspicuous, because otherwise, the girl may attract the attention of a robber, or cause envy at school.

Stud earrings are a great choice. Small and elegant, they will complement the image of a young beauty. When choosing earrings, check with your parents whether the girl’s ears are also pierced, because an uncomfortable situation may arise if this is not the case. It is also better to find out what the birthday girl’s metal tolerance is. It happens that your ears hurt from gold, then you will need to choose silver earrings or studs made of medical steel.

A small pendant on a chain is another option on the theme of what you can give to a girl for her 10th birthday. Pick up a cute pendant with a little animal or the name of the birthday girl on a thin chain and the girl will be truly delighted!

Advice: carefully choose a chain, pay attention to the density of the weave and the quality of the fastener, because girls at this age are very active. It would be a shame if the chain breaks or becomes unfastened and gets lost.

A more difficult option is to choose a ring for the birthday girl, because it will not be easy to guess the size. Moreover, it should be understood that the gift is short-lived, that is, after a while, as the girl grows up, the ring will become too small for her and will only show off on her dressing table. However, why not please the birthday girl with such a decoration, even if she only gets to wear it for no more than a year.

Tip: There are rings, the size of which is adjustable to a certain extent, this is the most relevant option.

For the future lady

At the age of ten, girls want to seem like adults, because inside they already feel like little ladies. They are already secretly picking up their mother’s cosmetics and trying on high-heeled shoes.

This behavior is quite normal, so you should support the girl’s femininity and give gifts that can help her take care of herself, create her hair and her own style.

  • Set of children's shower gels, shampoo, bath foam and cream- here is the answer to the question of what to give a 10 year old girl. She will be pleased to put her own “jars and bottles” on the bathroom shelf next to her mother’s and know that she has her own personal hygiene products.
  • Decorative children's cosmetics will help avoid damage to mother's lipsticks and eye shadows. This is probably one of the most desired gifts for a girl. However, if you decide to give such a gift, you should explain to the young princess the rules of etiquette regarding makeup, and teach her how to do it carefully. Tell her that you can’t wear makeup to school, but on holidays at her age it’s enough to apply light shadows and transparent lip gloss.

  • can simplify the process of creating amazing hairstyles that will delight all your girlfriends and classmates.

  • - an option on the topic of what you can give to a 10-year-old girl. In this way, the young lady will learn to keep her nails in order and will not bite her nails. It is important to explain to her that the beauty of her hands is very important for a girl.

  • Since we are talking about attributes for the beauty of a young birthday girl, we definitely need a place where all this can be neatly folded. In this sense, a dressing table is a wonderful gift for a 10 year old girl.

Educational gifts and hobbies

It is very important that the gift is useful for the girl, develops her creative abilities, and helps her move forward in any area of ​​her hobbies. Consult with your parents and choose a gift depending on the interests of the birthday girl.

For a lover of drawing

If a girl dreams of becoming an artist, attends an art school, or simply doesn’t let go of brushes and pencils, she will definitely like one of the following gifts in the photo:


If a girl likes to create something with her hands, it is very important to develop fine motor skills, perhaps this will be very useful to her in the future or even turn into a profession.

Little know-it-all

If a girl loves science, reading, and generally loves to study and learn something new, a great gift option is sets of young scientists or books.

Getting ready for school

If it is important for you that the gift is needed first and foremost, you can present something useful for the school. It is sometimes not easy for parents to prepare their child for the new school year, because they need to purchase a uniform, a backpack and other accessories, the price is quite high.

To help your parents and please the birthday girl, you can choose:

A set of school uniforms is a very necessary gift that will never be superfluous, because children quickly wear out their clothes. When choosing, pay attention to the fabric; it is very important that the uniform is made of natural materials, does not prick, and is not too hot, because the child will spend the whole day in it.

Tip: Ask your parents in advance what colors and styles are preferred at a particular school. Sometimes, the school itself provides the uniform, so such a present will not always be appropriate.

A beautiful, roomy backpack is what a schoolgirl needs. It is very important that it has a solid part adjacent to the back, so the girl can maintain her posture, it is also important that it is roomy, with many compartments, so that you can keep all the accessories in their places and know exactly where and what is.

A beautiful kick, although not the most important attribute of a schoolchild, is a thing that can lift the mood and please the eye during a boring lesson.

A set of notebooks is always a necessary thing, because schoolchildren have to write a lot. A bright notebook cover can make doing homework at least a little more interesting, writing on high-quality sheets is much more pleasant, it is important that the paper is not blindingly white, this is harmful to the eyes.

Unusual gifts

If you want to give a truly special gift, but you don’t have enough imagination, we offer you a few ideas:

  • The Sweet Thief is an interesting subject. This is a compact version of the familiar device from which you need to take out soft toys. Here, instead of toys, there are candies, and the device itself is small and can easily fit on the bedside table. Such a gift can be used “wisely,” for example, to teach a girl to do household chores. Instructions: Mom gives her daughter a task, for example, to wash the dishes, for completing this task the girl receives a token that she can throw into the machine and get sweets. Thus, boring cleaning turns into an exciting game with real bonuses.

  • If the birthday girl lives in a house with a courtyard, the best gift for her is a tent where she can spend the night with her friends in the summer, play camping, and pretend to be explorers of new territories.

  • A dance mat is a great gift idea. Such entertainment can keep a girl occupied for a long time; it allows her to splash out her energy, because dancing is an active pastime. It is also good for developing an ear for music and a sense of rhythm.

  • A machine for making cotton candy is a real dream for a 10 year old girl. You no longer need to go to the park and ask your parents to buy this adored delicacy, everything can be prepared at home, especially since with such a gift the process is not at all difficult.

Sweet gifts

All children love sweets, so no birthday can be complete without tasty surprises, of course, the main thing is a cake with candles (see). You can order it from a pastry shop or make it yourself, the main thing is that it tastes good and looks beautiful.

Options in the photo:

In addition to the cake, you can give other sweet gifts, for example, by putting everything that the birthday girl likes to enjoy in a beautiful box (see).

Celebration organization

At 10 years old, not only gifts are important, but also the holiday itself. All attention should be focused on the birthday girl. How to organize a birthday so that a girl will remember this holiday forever?

  • Location. It all depends on the time of year. If your birthday is in winter, it is better to celebrate it indoors so that the birthday girl and the invited children do not freeze or get sick. In this case, you can choose from a variety of children's cafes. If the birthday girl was lucky enough to be born in the warm season, you can go to the park and frolic in nature.

  • Menu. Remember that children are different from adults in that they don't really like to eat, so you don't need to prepare a whole bunch of salads, chops and potatoes. It is enough to order pizza, buy a lot of fruits, various sweets and drinks. Most likely, children will not sit at the table, they will only run up to it to have a snack, so make sure that sweets and snacks can be easily picked up and carried away.

  • An entertainment program is a prerequisite for a successful holiday. Children will simply be bored if you don’t come up with competitions, outdoor games for them, or invite animators who will do everything for you.


Thus, there are many options for gifts for a 10-year-old girl, the main thing is to approach the choice of a gift with imagination and show an attentive attitude towards the birthday girl herself. We hope that our tips helped you decide what to give your 10-year-old girl.