What causes chips on shellac. What to do if shellac chips and how to maintain your manicure. Insufficient preparation of the nail plate

Almost 2 years ago I tried Shellac coating for the first time, and since the beginning of last year I have been using it regularly, rarely taking breaks for “rest”.

Below are answers to the most common questions about the use of gel polishes, called Shellac for short. The post will be useful to people who are just as inexperienced in manicure as I am, but not to famous food lovers :)

Who needs Shellac and why?

First of all, Shellac is a salvation for those who want to have a neat manicure that can last for quite a long time (up to two weeks, usually stable). For those who don’t get tired of walking around with the same color of nail polish. And for those who have naturally weak nails.

The last point, by the way, is the main reason why I constantly cover my nails with gel polish. Without it, I either have to go for a manicure every 4 days for a regular coating, or, without coating, my nails break at the root, peel and behave absolutely horribly.

Does Shellac damage your nails?

Definitely yes. With regular use of gel polishes, nails become thinner and may break and peel. This is probably due to the nasty composition of the products. Or maybe it’s because the nails “don’t breathe” under shellac.
In addition, shellac is removed from the nails quite aggressively, which also does not add any positivity to them.

How to remove Shellac correctly

Any master will tell you that you need to remove shellac correctly in a salon :) Using a special product and according to Feng Shui. Any active Shellac user will argue with him and teach you all the wisdom, of which, by the way, there are few.

To remove shellac yourself, you need to very gently and carefully walk over the varnish coating with a file or grainy buff, removing the top layer of varnish. After that, apply a cotton swab soaked in regular HDSL with acetone to the nail, and wrap each nail in foil. Wait 5-15 minutes and carefully scrape off the shellac from the nail with a wooden manicure stick. More details (and with pictures) about this method -.

What affects the durability of Shellac?

I always feel very upset if I didn’t get to the next manicure for a day or two (or even a week!), and the coating has already become unusable - chips, detachments, etc. have appeared. Through experience (and, as always, on my own skin, or rather, on my nails), I found out that there are several factors that affect the durability of the coating:

The condition of your own nails - the worse it is, the less the gel polish lasts. However, even with the worst condition of my nails, Shellac lasted at least a week.

The level of skill of the manicurist - the master can degrease the nail plate poorly, apply too thick a layer of gel, poorly apply the top coat, fail to withstand the proper drying time under the lamp - and all this will affect the length of time Shellac remains on the nails.

- The “age” of the shellac itself - no matter what the masters say, but the gel polish from the new bottle, not thickened and elastic, fits perfectly on the nails, the coating turns out to be very thin and without bald spots. When “old” Shellac is usually very thick, it falls on the nails like a cake, feels unpleasant, can streak and leave unsightly stains.

What coatings are the best?

Over the entire period of using Shellac, I have tried coatings from all the most famous manufacturers - CND Shellac, Gelish, Jessica, and in my personal hit parade it is CND that leads. First of all, because of the durability and consistently smooth coating. Although, for the sake of objectivity, I didn’t notice much difference between them. Is it possible that “Jessica” gel polishes are, in my opinion, less durable.

What should you do if the coating is still fine, but the cuticles are overgrown and your nails don’t look neat?

Even if you have the opportunity, time and money to get a gel manicure every week, it is not recommended. It is advised to take a break of 2-2.5 weeks. Naturally, the cuticle grows quite a lot during this time, and the overall appearance leaves much to be desired. What to do?

1) You can go for an “intermediate” hygienic manicure in about a week - they will process your cuticles and apply a fresh layer of Shellac topcoat.

2) Use cuticle remover once every 3-4 days. It is better to apply it after a shower, wait the required time, push the cuticles with a stick and wash your hands well with soap.

3) Be sure to use peelings and hand scrubs, preferably at least once every 3 days. There is a double benefit here - the cuticle will grow less, and the skin of the hands will be softer and more elastic.

What to do if the Shellac chips and there are still... days left before your manicure?

Chips and peeling of the coating along the edges of the nail personally make me terribly angry. Of course, if Shellac begins to chip, then the easiest option is to remove the coating and paint your nails with regular polish. But, as you understand, this joy is not available to everyone)) For example, I didn’t know how to paint my nails with varnish on my own, and I don’t plan to learn yet - my nerves are more valuable to me :)

There are several life hacks that can disguise Shellac chips:
1) Paint a chipped nail with a contrasting varnish and pretend that you have a Feng Shui manicure - jokes aside, this method has helped me out more than once!
2) Or use a thick glitter varnish with sparkles or pieces of foil, which will disguise the chip.
3) Or use crackle varnish over Shellac, which will also mask the imperfections.
4) Well, another option is to use stickers for express manicure. El Corazon has some good ones.

Sometimes it makes sense to carry out manipulations on several nails, even those without chips, so that the manicure looks harmonious.

By the way, if you also constantly cover your nails with gel polishes, you shouldn’t rejoice at chipping as an opportunity to heal your nails a little, give them a couple of days off from gels and treat them with oil. The fact is that in the few days that you oil your nails, the oil will have time to penetrate into the nail plate, and before applying the next portion of gel polish it will not be so easy to degrease it. Which will lead either to instability of the coating or to an increased dose of mega-harmful degreaser on the nails. But removing the gel and covering your nails with medicinal varnish for a few days is quite an option!

Will I get tired of the same Shellac color after 1-2 weeks?

I usually wear one coating for about two weeks. And no, I don't get bored. I might like to match the color of my nails to the color of my clothes, but, to be honest, I have neither the time nor the desire to bother. Well, if I want variety, see the points above :) Thanks to the condition of my nails, I often have to get creative))

Am I tired of the Shellac CND palette?

Honestly, I'm tired of it :) That's why I increasingly choose neutral or pastel shades. Or I look closely at the shades in new collections, if they were purchased by specialists in the beauty salons where I go. Or sometimes I choose gels from other brands.

How to diversify a manicure with Shellac coating?

Yes, in different ways :) Just like a manicure with any other coating - decorate one or more nails with sparkles, sequins, foil or anything else. It is recommended to apply the decor UNDER the finishing layer of Shellac.

Of course, you can get a “Feng Shui” manicure (damn, show me the person who called it that!) or a classic French manicure. The scope for creativity is practically unlimited.

Do I give my nails a “rest” from Shellac?

Once every 2-3 months, my conscience begins to torment me, and then I give my nails a week or two of rest, promising myself to rub oil into my nails daily and often and coat them with medicinal enamels. In practice, such a “rest” sometimes ends sadly for nails. Well, I don’t have time for shamanic dances with tambourines, hourly oil and daily enamels. And I break my bare nails at the root and can even chew them depending on the mood. So the vacation for marigolds usually ends very quickly))

How much does Shellac coating cost?

I won’t tell you for the whole of Odessa (C), but over time, covering nails with Shellac has definitely become more accessible. For example, I go for a manicure to 3 beauty salons in a very close city near Moscow, all of these salons belong to the “business class” category, the cost of an edged manicure coated with Shellac (namely CND Shellac) costs 1100 rubles in one, 1300 in another , and 1400 - in the third. The cost of removing gel polish ranges from zero rubles, with the next coating, to 350 rubles. These salons differ only in name and location. The composition and quality of their services are approximately the same.

And, of course, if you still have other questions about using gel polishes, ask them in the comments!

Beauty-shmuti in

Modern manicure is very different from the one done a couple of decades ago. Moreover, the difference lies not only in the types and shades of coatings, but also in the technique of their application. The so-called gel polish is especially in demand among modern women. The secret of its popularity lies in its amazing durability. According to the manufacturers, it can last about four weeks. However, these statements do not always correspond to reality and it often happens that after a couple of days only memories remain from a fresh manicure. After reading today's publication, you will find out why on the nails.

Wrong sock

This is one of the most common reasons for newly applied coatings to peel off. Due to carelessness and incorrect actions of the owner of such a manicure, chips appear on it. Despite the fact that gel polish is positioned as a very durable coating, when wearing it you should follow a few simple recommendations.

It is undesirable to expose it to prolonged exposure to high temperatures combined with humidity. So that you don’t have a question about why the gel polish cracks, you don’t need to overuse visits to the sauna or solarium while wearing it. The atmosphere prevailing there can have a bad effect on the condition of the nail plate.

A negative reaction of gel polish is also observed when exposed to low temperatures. Therefore, in severe frosts it is better to hide your hands in mittens or gloves. In addition to cracking, freezing temperatures can cause the coating to peel and dull.

Serious loads and household chemicals

If you don’t go to a sauna or expose your nails to low temperatures, but you still have a completely logical and logical question about why gel polish cracks at the tips, it will be useful for you to learn about another reason for this problem. This is often caused by an unreasonably high mechanical load. As a rule, owners of rather soft and flexible nails face a similar problem. In this case, even minor loads can cause the plate to bend and crack the gel polish.

Also, the instability of the coating may be due to constant interaction with household chemicals. To protect the skin of your hands and preserve your recently done manicure, be sure to wear special gloves before doing household work that involves using detergents or cleaning products.

Application technology

If none of the above reasons apply to your situation, and the question of why the gel polish is cracking still remains open, then it is likely that the manicure rules were violated. In order not to encounter a similar problem in the future, you cannot neglect the preliminary preparation of the plate.

Before applying gel polish, it is advisable not to use nourishing and moisturizing hand creams. It is also important to thoroughly dry and degrease your nails. If a manicure is done at home and you don’t have a professional dehydrator on hand, you can replace it with medical alcohol or acetone-based nail polish remover.

The next reason is considered to be insufficient treatment of the nail plate. First, it is filed down using a buff. And only after that the edge is processed. Otherwise, there will be nicks on the plate. So that you don’t have to wonder later why the gel polish coating is cracking, you must not neglect to seal each applied layer.

Unsatisfactory results can be obtained in case of poor drying. Also, tiny particles of debris that get on the varnish lead to the appearance of cracks. Therefore, manicure should be performed on a carefully cleaned table. A layer of varnish that is too thin or too thick will not last long on your nails.

Poor quality materials

Using inferior products can also lead to the question of why gel polish cracks on the tips of your nails. You shouldn't save money on buying a base and top. Try to always use expensive and high-quality products. Experts recommend giving preference to brands produced by trusted manufacturers. This largely determines how long your manicure will last.

So that you don’t have to wonder later why the top coat on gel polish is cracking, you need to avoid so-called 2-in-1 products. They stick to the nails much worse and are more difficult to remove. Therefore, always try to purchase the base and top separately.


Oddly enough, the longevity of a manicure is influenced by the internal state of the body. Moreover, we are talking not only about the day the coating is applied, but also about the entire period of its wear. Those who want to understand why gel polish cracks will probably be interested in the fact that some physiological processes occurring in the human body can perceive the applied coating as something foreign and requiring intense rejection. As a result, the manicure will not last as long as planned.

As a rule, cracking and peeling of gel polish occurs due to hormonal imbalances, inflammation and infectious diseases. Also, the reason for the rapid deterioration of a recently done manicure may be a course of antibiotics.


Hormonal stress associated with the happy anticipation of a new addition to the family may be the reason why the expectant mother has a question about why the gel polish on her nails is cracking. Of course, during pregnancy you should not completely give up manicure. You just need to understand that the result may not be what you expected.

In addition, many pregnant women experienced slow or, conversely, accelerated nail growth. Some expectant mothers experienced thickening and strengthening of the plate, while in others it became weaker and thinner.

Why do my nails crack under gel polish?

This coating is a complex chemical compound that contains hydrated collagen. It is “sinked” into the upper layers of the nail plate using ultraviolet light, which has a very aggressive effect on skin cells.

Since the nail plate, which has been under a layer of gel polish for a long time, is completely deprived of moisture and oxygen, it gradually begins to thin out and exfoliate. It becomes more brittle and dry.

In addition, during the process of removing gel polish, an aggressive solution is used. It is applied to the nails and covered with foil or a special impermeable material. This also negatively affects the condition of the plate.

To ensure that your hands always look beautiful and healthy, you need to follow a few simple tips. The most important step is proper nutrition. So that you don’t have any questions about why the gel polish cracks even after such a manicure, make sure that healthy foods regularly appear in your diet. First of all, you need to eat foods rich in calcium. This could be cheese, fatty fish and chicken eggs.

Experts also recommend systematically taking vitamin and mineral complexes that contain iron and zinc. Thanks to this, you can minimize the damage caused to your nails by long-lasting manicures. As a result, they will become smooth, elastic and strong.

After removing the gel polish, you can make gelatin masks and use protein-based treatments. It is advisable to rub olive or apricot oil into the cuticle in the morning and evening. These simple but very effective procedures will help restore the structure of the nail and reduce its fragility.

Chips and detachments of the coating may appear in the center of the nail, at the cuticle, side ridges or on the free edge. Small and harmless, over time they grow, lead to delamination of the plate, and even become a breeding ground for pathogenic fungi and bacteria.

What to do if a chip or detachment of the material is discovered

Chips and detachments are not always a problem for a master. The condition of the client's nails, internal pathological problems and diseases are also one of the factors that should be taken into account.

Let's look at the most common causes of chips and detachments of the material, as well as how to work with them in most cases.

The first thing to do is to analyze the cause. These may be problems with the lamp, with the coating, with the technician’s technique, the characteristics of the client’s nails, the client’s working conditions, when hands and nails are exposed to increased physical stress or exposure to a chemical environment.

Points for analyzing the causes of problems with coating durability:

  1. On which fingers and how often do chips occur if the client is a regular;
  2. How long after application of the coating does the problem appear?
  3. Perhaps the lamp has failed or the lamp model is old and cannot cope with modern nail coatings. The recommended replacement period for UV lamps is every 12-18 months with an average and large flow of clients;
  4. Sometimes it is enough to simply replace light bulbs or diodes whose resources have been exhausted;
  5. Insufficient lamp power to polymerize the coating; it is necessary to either replace the device or set a higher intensity, correlating with the polymerization time;

Every time a client comes to you for the next procedure, analyze in which areas and why there may be chips and detachments in order to select the right materials and technique for the new coating.

When a new client comes for a manicure, in addition to a visual examination of the condition of the hands and nails, it is worth asking him a number of questions. They will immediately eliminate possible problems with the wear of artificial turf. For example:

  • What problems did you have with manicure and gel polish in the past?
  • In what areas did chips and detachments appear?
  • What type of activity does the client have?

If he works with household or other chemicals, or often comes into contact with water or dust, these factors must be taken into account.

List of 18 possible causes of chipping and peeling that manicurists encounter:

1. Incorrect application of the first base layer

When leveling the nail plate with a base, we apply it in two layers. The first one must be well distributed using “trampling” or “driving” movements with a brush, so that there are no air bubbles under it, and the adhesion of the material to the nail scales occurs evenly, tightly, along the entire perimeter of the plate.

To distribute and “trample” the base well, it is better to use a flat, medium oval brush. You can use it with less material than a regular one and distribute it well.

It is important to cure this first thin layer well in the lamp, as it serves as the basis for future leveling, ensuring adhesion.

Working with the base coat: preparing the nail, applying a base for leveling

How to choose the right base? It is necessary to take into account the shape and length of the client's nails. For example, the square shape of nails involves a much greater load than oval or others with rounded edges. This means that a square base requires a more rigid base with a reinforcing effect, applied taking into account the need to strengthen the growth points and the side ends of the free edge.

Base coatings: types, selection criteria, review of the best

3. The client’s type of activity is not taken into account

The factor of the peculiarities of the load on the client’s nails in his field of activity is very important for analysis by the master when choosing materials for coating. If the client's hands often come into contact with chemicals, detergents or water, this creates additional stress and shortens the wear life of the material.

Biogel and its properties for strengthening, building, health and growth of nails

4. Poorly executed manicure

Here we include the incompletely removed pterygium. What it is? The pterygium is the lower part of the cuticle that adheres to the nail and grows with it. These are whitish particles of dry skin along the perimeter of the nail plate. They are found not only in the cuticle area, but also in the proximal folds and along the lateral ridges.

Therefore, it is important to remove pterygium not only in the lower part, where the cuticle is located, but also along the entire perimeter of the nail, along the side walls. Then the base and gel polish will lie smoothly, tightly, and will not cause peeling.

Nail structure and growth: what healthy nails and skin should look like, care rules

5. Sawed nail plate

When working with cutters or files when removing material and filing the free edge, you can easily damage the natural nail plate. When applying a new coating in the cut area, there will not be the necessary tight adhesion, and as a result, the client receives detachments.

Hardware manicure - answering frequently asked questions

Life hack for beginners: use a beige or milky camouflage base for gel polish. Thus, when removing, the border between the artificial material and the natural nail will be visible, and cuts will be avoided.

6. The client tore off the gel polish from the nail himself.

A fairly common problem is when, in the event of detachments, the client does not have the opportunity to immediately visit a specialist or carefully cut down the damaged area on his own. Then the peeled edge simply breaks off, which along with it pulls another part of the coating, or even material from the entire nail. As a result, we get damage to the nail plate not only in the upper, but also in the deeper layers, which can be equated to the same cuts.

Such damage needs to be dealt with differently, ensuring preliminary leveling under the coating.

7. Remains of remover in the cuticle area

When using a remover to remove cuticles and pterygium, it is important to thoroughly remove any residue before further application of the coating. The remover may contain lanolin and glycerin, and these are fat-containing components that interfere with the further tight fit of the artificial material.

In addition to the remover, the master could use a hemostatic agent for cuts. Its remains are another cause of detachments.

To remove them from the surface of the plate, use a degreaser and a lint-free cloth. You can put a napkin on an orange stick to carefully work on the areas under the cuticle and the overhanging part of the side ridges.

8. Insufficient preparation of the nail plate

What are the stages of quality preparation? This:

  • Treatment of the nail surface with a buff;
  • Degreasing;
  • Dehydration;
  • Applying an acid-free primer, especially for extensions.

Skipping one of these steps or performing it poorly can lead to the formation of “islands” of incomplete adhesion and detachments.

  • With the help of a buff, we remove the remnants of natural shine, any unevenness and roughness on the surface of the nail plate.
  • Degreasing and dehydration allow you to dry the work surface, remove dust from sawdust, and also remove glycerin or lanolin contained in the remover. In addition to them, we remove lipids from the upper layers of the nail, and the remnants of greasy cream along the side ridges.

It is important not to waste napkins when treating the area. If we rub all our nails with the same side or area, we spread the remains of dirt, sawdust or greasy cosmetics from one finger to another.

The acid-free primer serves as double-sided tape between the natural plate and the artificial material. If there is a little artificial coating left on the nail from the last time, then only the regrown area of ​​the natural nail plate, ingrowth points and ends are treated with a primer.

For clients with hyperhidrosis, it is better to use an acid primer; it additionally dries the work area. The product dries in the open air, without the use of a lamp.

9. Remains of old detachments

If the old detachments are not completely removed, new ones will form in the same place, on top of them, in a matter of days. Usually, particles of old material remain along the free edge and in the center of the nail plate. Therefore, pay special attention to these areas when removing the old coating.

If the detachments are not on all fingers, but on the “working” ones, then it is necessary to perform additional reinforcement of the plate. We cover the index and middle fingers with a hard base, a base with fiberglass, or additionally strengthen it with acrylic powder.

Fiberglass: what it is, application features, step-by-step techniques

10. Excessively “sealed” end with material getting under the free edge

By processing the ends of the nails at the stages of applying the base, color and top, we get not only a well-sealed edge, but also a possible problem of material flowing under it. This is also fraught with the appearance of chips. The material under the free edge does not have such strong adhesion to the natural base, and therefore after a day or two it peels off, “pulling” the top layer with it.

Keep a flat brush handy. If material gets under the free edge, soak it in degreaser and carefully remove the excess.

11. Diseases

The client’s diseases and painful conditions do not depend on the master, and he can only influence them indirectly. These include:

  • Hyperhidrosis;
  • Taking antibiotics that affect the condition of the plate;
  • Hormonal imbalances;
  • Unbalanced nutrition, diets;
  • Stressful conditions of the body, etc.

With hyperhidrosis, the client may experience detachments along the cuticle line. In this situation, it is recommended to treat the nails under the coating one at a time so that they do not have time to become covered with moisture, and reliable adhesion of the natural and artificial layers is obtained.

A guide to diseases and problems with nails: diagnosis, causes and remedies for 12 diseases

Hyperhidrosis of the feet: causes and solutions to the problem

12. Streaks

When applying a thick layer of material, due to a poorly wrung out brush or poorly chosen liquid texture, streaks may form on the sides and near the cuticle. Immediately after applying the coating, microstrips may not be visible to the naked eye, but after a few hours, or after the first contact with water, they begin to lag behind the skin and protrude along the edges.

The result is small “pockets” or grooves into which cream, dust, dirt, and detergent residues constantly get caught when doing housework, and detachments appear. Over time, they grow and can “pull” most of the coverage with them.

13. Using a cheap cream or the client has oily skin

Cheap creams usually contain fat substitutes that are not absorbed, but only form a film on the surface of the skin and nails.

Clients with overactive sebaceous glands also have a thick, oily film on their nails due to contact with the skin. When removing shine from nails with a buff, the gloss may not even come off.

We hasten to disappoint you: if the manicure has cracked, it’s not so perfect! In 99% of cases, the fault for a ruined manicure lies with you. There are several main reasons why cracks can occur. Among them:

    Extreme wearing conditions

Violation of application technology

Most often, gel polish chips as a result of a violation of the application technology. There are several main common mistakes that lead to this:

    Poor quality degreasing. If you skip this step, the gel polish will not last. Even shellac. Degreasing with improvised means will not give the same effect as using a special liquid. The only thing you can try to replace it with is alcohol or nail polish remover with acetone. Neither vodka nor simple acetone-free liquids are suitable. You need to degrease the entire nail plate thoroughly.

    Poor nail treatment. Inept use of a file or buff (a special file-cube for polishing) leads to the formation of notches on the nail plate. As a result, the gel polish lays unevenly and then chips.

    Inattention to detail. Many DIYers (especially hobbyists) overlook the need to seal layers such as finishes. Remember a simple rule: for gel polish, the smallest details of the application process are critical.

    You can spare money and do very thin layers, or you can rush and, on the contrary, type too much gel polish on the brush. Both of these inevitably lead to cracks. Over time, you will get better at it and learn to determine the required amount of a particular product intuitively.

    Your work area should always be clean. Even microscopic particles of face powder, dust or nail filings (this is the white dust that remains after filing nails) caught among the layers can cause cracks.

That is, most likely the problem is your poor quality work. If you are confident in your professionalism, perhaps you made a mistake already while wearing gel polish.

Extreme wearing conditions

Extreme wearing conditions are not always associated with rock climbing or other traumatic activities. In fact, in ordinary life there are a lot of restrictions on extending the life of a manicure. It is enough to make a single mistake during care and cracks can no longer be avoided.

    Manicure should not be exposed to high temperatures or prolonged contact with humid air. Both nails extended with biogel and gel polish do not like this. If you want to quickly get rid of manicure, listen to this point and go to a Russian bathhouse.

    Frequent contact with water is generally contraindicated for gel polish. If you shower frequently, work with liquids, or constantly wash your hands (for example, you are a doctor), your manicure will not last for several weeks.

    Impacts, friction and other mechanical loads will inevitably lead to damage to the coating.

    Low temperatures also have a bad effect on the structure of gel polish. Therefore, in winter, owners of such a manicure should not neglect mittens and gloves.

    Even contact with household chemicals can cause cracks. Therefore, you need to wear rubber gloves while cleaning.

If among these factors you have not found any reasons for the appearance of chips on your manicure, perhaps you still belong to the third category.

Reasons beyond your control

Sometimes gel polish can chip for reasons beyond your control. This category of factors may include:


    Metabolic disease

    Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract


And other reasons that lead to thinning and weakness of the nail plate.

That is, the gel polish procedure, no matter how good it is for strengthening healthy nails, is contraindicated for problem plates. Nail extensions should not be applied to nails that are prone to splitting and brittleness.

In this case, the only acceptable procedure can be called strengthening with biogel. But it should be carried out only after consultation with a doctor or at least an experienced manicurist.

Chips on gel polish very often appear in pregnant women. This is not to say that they are generally contraindicated from painting their nails (as we wrote about in our other article). It’s just that during pregnancy there are changes in hormonal levels. Hormones affect the condition of the entire body, including skin, hair and nails. nail plates may become denser or brittle, grow faster or slower. Therefore, it is impossible to accurately predict the reaction of nails to a particular procedure.

There are many reasons for cracks and chips in gel polish. You can only guess what went wrong this time.

But if chips and cracks have become a tradition, it may all be due to low-quality materials. Purchase gel polishes only from trusted suppliers. Choose popular companies that are often found among craftsmen.

Also, check the functionality of your lamp. It is likely that she is running out of work. It can be limited to even 3000 hours (for some UV lamps).

Take into account all the factors listed in the article and try to ensure compliance with the technology in the process of creating a manicure. Treat your nails with care to preserve the coating longer.

The beauty of your hands depends only on you.

If you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments! Share reviews of the products you used for manicure and your recommendations for preventing gel polish chipping!

Today in the world cosmetology and care, there are a huge number of different procedures aimed at improving appearance and health. If you contact a good specialist, the likelihood that the procedure will be effective increases several times. But a lot also depends on the client, because hair extensions and irritated skin after hair removal or removal of age spots require special care. We should also talk about such a popular procedure as gel coating of the nail plate.

Millions of women around the world have preferred this methodology, because it is really convenient and practical. Gel coating allows you to forget about the need to renew your manicure for 2-3 weeks. But sometimes certain troubles happen: the polish comes off the nail plate, peels off or cracks. That is why you should pay attention to the reasons for such phenomena so that your nails look perfect longer.

Sometimes this happens trouble: You just returned from the beauty salon with perfect hair, when after a couple of days you notice unsightly cracks. On a dark varnish, this flaw is almost invisible, but if you have a light coating, the naked eye can see ugly lines, which sometimes even get dust and dirt. Follow the following recommendations and your manicure will remain beautiful and neat longer. We bring to your attention information about why cracks appear in the gel coating and how to avoid it.

1. The technician did not file the nail well enough. In order for the gel polish to adhere well to your nails, you need not only a high-quality UV lamp, but also a properly processed plate. To do this, you need to file the nail with a file, making it rough. The procedure is not the most pleasant, but without it the varnish will not last the required time.

Cut down hard nail it is impossible, otherwise it will become thin and weak, and insufficient cutting will not give the desired result and will not last long. That is why masters should pay attention to the competent implementation of this technique, and clients should ensure that all stages of this type of manicure are completed. Sawing occurs quite safely if the specialist follows all the rules. After the filing stage, the gel polish will hold up perfectly.

2. The master did not degrease the nail plate. Gel polish is a rather specific substance that is quickly rejected by the human body. The nail daily releases moisture and fat invisible to the eye, which protect the plate from drying out and the negative effects of the environment. For good adhesion of the gel polish to the nail surface there should be no moisture, otherwise peeling or cracking will occur.

Nail plate it is necessary to degrease, for which there are special cosmetic products. If your master saves money, cracks may appear within a few days. Try to choose a good craftsman who will adhere to technology and do his job conscientiously.

3. Rare temperature changes. This problem is caused by the client. You should know that gel polish requires some care. If you wash dishes in hot water and then switch them to cold water, you will encounter such a nuisance as cracks. Sudden temperature changes are detrimental not only to this type of coating, but also to your nails. Carefully ensure that the nail plate does not overheat or overcool. The master can give a guarantee for his services only if you adhere to all the rules and instructions. A competent specialist will tell you how to care for your nails and how to avoid cracks.

4. Contact with strong household chemicals. Another reason that depends solely on the client. A woman who decides to get a gel coating should remember that for a while she will have to give up housework associated with strong chemical solutions. Household chemicals can cause not only cracks in the gel coating, but also various allergic reactions.

To date manufacturers Home cleaning products use very harsh chemical compounds, because this way the client will be satisfied with the result. Therefore, take this recommendation as a rule not only when wearing gel polish, but also for every day. When cleaning plumbing, washing windows and floors, use special rubber gloves, which will provide reliable protection against the aggressive effects of household chemicals.

5. Excessive elasticity of the nail plate. If your nails are naturally very weak, then they probably curl or bend from time to time. This is due to the fact that your body does not have enough calcium and vitamins. To solve this problem, you need to regularly make masks and take vitamin complexes.

Gel coating of such nails undesirable, because due to the flexibility of the plate, all the work of the master can be ruined in an instant. Try to choose a good course of treatment to strengthen your nails, and after that, go to a beauty salon and apply gel polish. You can also reduce the risk of cracks appearing in the gel polish if you shorten the regrown part to zero before applying it. This way, your nails will not bend, and you will notice how long the gel polish can last on them.

6. Excessive sweating. There are cases when a client’s nails naturally produce a fairly large amount of moisture or oil. This is due to the individual characteristics of the body, so it is unlikely that you will be able to change anything. For such women, not only gel coating, but also regular polish and extensions do not adhere well to their nails. If you only enjoy a flawless manicure for a couple of days when applying regular polish, then most likely gel polish is not what is right for you.

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