The teaching profession arose. Educator, I praise your name! Negative aspects of the profession

Not everyone can work with children. The teacher must have nerves of iron to listen and respond to the requests and demands of at least 25 kids. A girl who is sincerely in love with her work shared her thoughts on this matter and also answered the question: “Why did I choose the profession of a teacher.”

History of the profession

If you look into the past, such an activity as a kindergarten teacher did not exist. It arose during the period of the emergence of a new type of education for preschool children and opposed to tutors who taught children at home. In Ancient Greece, children were supervised by a slave. Then it grew into such an important profession as a teacher, but at home. It was to some extent reminiscent of the activities of a kindergarten teacher today.

What is the job of a teacher?

Initially, you need to understand that the profession requires constant contact with children, from a particularly tender age to preschoolers. To put it simply, a teacher is a person who takes care of children during the period when parents are busy at work.

Then why does he need a higher education, because his job is to constantly monitor the kids so that they don’t get hurt? As educators say, supervision and care is a general description. It is necessary to have extensive knowledge and skills that only a pedagogical institute can provide. In these universities, future teachers acquire knowledge related to child psychology and developmental techniques. After all, during classes the child needs to be given the necessary information in a form that is understandable to him.

Why did I choose the profession of a teacher? All teachers answer this this way: this profession is creative and creative and is suitable for people with special thinking. Therefore, not every person will become a teacher; one must not only truly love this work, but also live it.

Features of working in kindergarten

To work as a teacher, you can graduate from a pedagogical school or institute with a specialty as a preschool teacher. And then there will be a story about the activity itself.

What is the job description of a teacher? He usually works 2 shifts. At 6:30 a.m. the working day begins and the teacher receives the children. They must be greeted with a smile and joy on your face in order to create a good mood for the whole day for both children and parents.

At 08:15, the kids do morning exercises so that they fully wake up and get a boost of energy. At 9:00 the children have breakfast. After this, age-specific classes are held in each group, which are approved by the methodologist at the beginning of each academic year. They are aimed at developing various talents in children. They are engaged in modeling, drawing, appliqué and mathematics. After the children play in the group, they are accompanied for a walk.

The second shift begins at 11:30, but the first teacher does not leave the group until 13:30. He helps the kids have dinner and puts them to bed. Rising after a nap occurs at 15:00; after the afternoon snack, the teacher plays calm games with the children or tells them fairy tales.

Throughout the day, a junior teacher (nanny) is with the children in the group, thanks to her, the cleanliness of the room is maintained. She washes floors and windows, feeds and clothes the children and provides them with comprehensive assistance.

What qualities should a teacher have?

And now I would like to tell you what personal qualities a teacher should have. Since the advent of this profession, the main requirements for a person who dreams of becoming a teacher have been love for children, sensitivity and kindness. Since the work involves monitoring 20-25 children, the teacher must have emotional stability, endurance and great patience.

The profession of a kindergarten teacher requires a person to:

  • observation;
  • attentiveness;
  • responsibility;
  • justice;
  • erudition;
  • activity;
  • cheerfulness.

In addition, a good teacher is able to instantly switch his attention, have excellent visual and auditory perception, and have creative and logical thinking.

Advantages of the profession

If you write an essay “Why I chose the profession of a teacher,” then it will definitely describe all the pros and cons of such work. There are many advantages to being a teacher. Therefore, when teachers have to answer the question “why did I choose the profession of a teacher,” they highlight several points:

  1. Communication with children, unobtrusive playful atmosphere.
  2. Participation in the development of the child and the opportunity to give him something new.
  3. Creative people are able to realize their potential and make crafts, applications and come up with their own fairy tales and stories with children.
  4. Many teachers speak positively about the work, saying that it cannot be called monotonous and routine.
  5. Extended vacation (42-56 days) depending on the duration of work in this position.
  6. Demand - good teachers are always needed.

Despite the fact that the advantages of being a teacher outweigh the disadvantages, they exist, just like in any other job.

Negative aspects of the profession

The main disadvantage of working as a teacher is low wages, which only a person completely out of touch with reality is not aware of. Other disadvantages of the profession include:

  • noisy environment;
  • constant nervous tension;
  • enormous responsibility, including criminal responsibility, for the life and health of children;
  • constant control of one’s own emotions;
  • continuous presence at the workplace, due to the teacher’s full responsibility for the safety of children.

When answering the question “why did I choose the profession of a teacher,” many teachers who love their work do their best to downplay its disadvantages.

However, despite this, they are often in a state of stress. Many educators are so tied up in their work that their lives fade into the background. In this case, teachers need to take care of their moral health and treat their activities calmly.

Where can I get a job as a kindergarten teacher?

Currently, specialized education can only be obtained at a specialized or humanitarian university, on the basis of which such specialists are trained. In many Russian institutes, training in the specialty of a preschool teacher is well developed, so the choice of educational institution is not of fundamental importance.


Why did I choose the profession of teacher? When teachers with extensive experience talk about the benefits of their work, they invite young people to think carefully before becoming an educator. After all, he will have to spend a lot of time with the children, read to them, braid their hair and clean up after them. An excellent job for a young mother, but the profession itself is very difficult. Often girls who have received such an education face many difficulties, because in institutes they do not teach that they will need to help a child go to the toilet, or how to understand that a child has a stomach ache if he cannot tell about it on his own.

It is necessary to teach children to find compromises in communicating with each other; sometimes the teacher has to teach them understanding in relations with their parents, which can sometimes be very difficult, and in some cases unrealistic.

Therefore, you can write in the essay “Why I chose the profession of a teacher” that the road is open only to people who love children and are inspired by them, and have the qualities of fantasy actors. If a person is peaceful and completely open to communication, then work will bring him only pleasure.

Profession kindergarten teacher

History of the profession of educator The profession of educator or teacher is extremely honorable and respected. It is the teacher who is responsible for the formation of the students’ personality and the development of their future destiny. The teaching profession first appeared in Ancient Greece, but was not widespread, since slaves raised the children of wealthy people, and the children of peasants did not receive any education at all. In an evolving society, the profession of educator grew into the profession of home tutor, whose goal was focused on raising the offspring of the employer. In the pre-revolutionary period, there were orphanages where there were teachers. In wealthy families, it was customary to hire tutors to raise children. Then, young men and women from impoverished aristocratic families who received a good upbringing and education at various institutes or universities became tutors. After a break of several decades, this profession has become in demand again. The teaching profession appeared at the beginning of the last century. This is due to the fact that women began to work. Especially many preschool institutions appeared with the restoration of Soviet power. The work of educators and teachers acquired a mass focus, which was facilitated by the emergence of the first schools. A huge task was entrusted to the shoulders of the educator, which consisted in the formation of young boys and girls, and the subsequent direction to the chosen path. It should be added that the profession of a teacher is highly relevant even today.

Profession educator - description The problem of educating the younger generation has always been, is and will be an urgent problem. After all, everything that is put into children’s heads from a very early age later sprouts - good or not so good. Undoubtedly, there are two professions in which there is no place for ignoramuses and amateurs. This is a doctor and educator, teacher, educator. Everything is clear with a doctor - people trust him with their health, and often even with their lives. The profession of a teacher requires no less. The position of a kindergarten teacher is especially important and responsible. After all, this is actually the first person who introduces a child to society, teaches communication and gives initial knowledge and general concepts that allow the child to navigate. It is the teacher who draws the first boundary between “I want” and “I cannot,” between “I don’t want” and “I must.” And this needs to be done as tactfully and competently as possible, so as not to cripple the child’s mobile psyche. The teacher must be able to introduce the child into the team in such a way as to eliminate the slightest discomfort, which could later lead the child to complex psychological trauma.

Where to get the profession of “educator” Although this type of activity has acquired a high level of mass and prevalence in modern society, receiving the honorary title of teacher is not possible for everyone. First, you need to graduate from specialized schools and higher educational institutions that will train future educators in pedagogical methods of influencing students. It is extremely important that the role of educator is occupied by a person who is mentally stable and not involved in corruption processes. Educator is an honorable profession for all ages!

Unique aspects of the profession: A teacher must know and be able to do a lot. He is faced with a difficult task - to teach the child to perceive and understand everything beautiful in the world; nature, music, poetry. The teacher must be able to: sew, craft, play and sing with children. And he needs to read a lot. He must have a good knowledge of children's fiction. The teacher not only organizes the work of the children's team as a whole, but also the personal relationships between children. The appearance of the teacher plays an important role in raising children. Pleasant appearance and gentle demeanor attract not only children, but also make a good impression on parents. The educator faces a difficult task - as an adult who develops and teaches a child, to understand and feel the children's world, to combine rigor and kindness, respect for the little person and exactingness. Therefore, educators need patience and flexibility of thinking in order to individually and accurately apply knowledge of pedagogy and psychology.

The teaching profession appeared relatively recently at the beginning of the last century. This is due to the fact that women began to work. Especially many preschool institutions appeared with the restoration of Soviet power, but in the West, a network of preschool institutions began to develop around the same period.

In the pre-revolutionary period, there were orphanages where there were teachers. In wealthy families, it was customary to hire tutors to raise children. This profession was very popular in our country in the 19th - early 20th centuries. Then, young men and women from impoverished aristocratic families who received a good upbringing and education at various institutes or universities became tutors. After a break of several decades, this profession has become in demand again.

Tutors are invited to visit children over three years of age. Home education is not easy work. The tutor’s task is not just to organize the child’s leisure time, he must comprehensively develop and train his ward. That is why the tutor must have a pedagogical education and experience in teaching any subject (tutoring), as well as the desire and readiness to work with children. A home educator must also have a medical record.

Women are more likely to become home educators. Now a new profession has appeared for real men - tutor-bodyguard. Applicants for this job, in addition to higher education and knowledge of a foreign language, must be in good physical shape and have no bad habits. Knowledge of hand-to-hand combat techniques and the ability to drive vehicles are also welcome.

In the 90s, kindergartens were closed, teachers had to change jobs, and kindergarten buildings were refurbished and various companies, clinics, etc. opened. Today, the profession of a teacher is again in demand both in public preschool institutions and in private ones; there is a need for professional and decent nannies and tutors. This trend continues in modern society.

Education is a great thing: it decides a person’s fate
V. G. Belinsky

History of the profession TEACHER

The emergence of the teaching profession has objective grounds. Society could not exist and develop if the younger generation, replacing the older generation, was forced to start all over again, without creatively mastering and using the experience that it inherited.

Teacher's profession- one of the most ancient and honorable in the history of mankind. However, it is not possible to determine the exact timing of its appearance. The history of the teaching profession originated in Ancient Greece, but in those days, a child in wealthy families was raised by a slave, who took him to school and carried all the necessary supplies for his studies. The rest of the time, the slave monitored the child’s development, protected him from dangers, and involuntarily shaped the child’s actions and behavior in general. Such a slave was called a teacher, which literally translated from Greek (paidagogos) means teacher. Some time later, the work of the slave was continued by the home educator, and subsequently, after the popularization of public education, the profession of educator appeared.

The etymology of the Russian word is interesting "educator". It comes from the stem of the word "supply". Words "bring up" And "to feed" not without reason, they are now often considered synonymous. In modern dictionaries, an educator is defined as a person who is involved in raising someone, who takes responsibility for the living conditions and development of the personality of another person.

The profession of a teacher belongs to the “Man – Man” type., which is focused on communication and interaction with people (in this case, children). Profession teacher belongs to the class of heuristics, because it is associated with the upbringing and education of children.

An employee who works with children in a preschool institution monitors the safety of the child’s life and creates conditions for his comprehensive development.

The teacher is engaged in the child's education: his upbringing, training and development. Conducts exercises, classes on speech development, teaches mental arithmetic, reading, drawing, modeling, and natural history. Develops children's attention, memory, thinking, intelligence, initiative, and communication skills. Introduces ethical and aesthetic standards of behavior in society. Organizes children's time: games, daily walks, other activities in accordance with the daily routine. Bears responsibility for the life and health of children.

The teacher works in the premises of the kindergarten: in a group, in the gym, also outdoors, in the area for walking. Trips to museums, out of town, etc. are possible. Sometimes it is very difficult to cope with one child, and when there are more than twenty of them, then one adult cannot do it at all. That is why there are always two people in the group who supervise the students: a senior and a junior teacher.

The job of a senior kindergarten teacher is as follows:

  • taking children to kindergarten in the morning and returning kids to parents in the evening;
  • conducting games, dramatizations and other activities for the development of motor skills, speech, memory, their organization and development of the necessary methodological base;
  • visiting excursions, theaters, museums. Together with the music director, conducting various classes: matinees, holidays, games;
  • The teacher and health worker are also required to ensure that all children receive the necessary vaccinations to prevent diseases;
  • taking children outside;
  • carrying out recreational activities together with a physical education teacher;
  • assisting children with changing clothes, going to the toilet, washing hands, etc.

Teacher's profession quite painstaking, requiring patience, attentiveness, and perseverance. Indeed, in addition to organizing the pedagogical and educational processes, the teacher is also involved in the preparation of teaching aids. Senior teacher develops visual materials, conducts not only all kinds of seminars for his colleagues, but also open classes for parents.

An important aspect that indicates the presence of professional experience is teacher's portfolio. This document describes the entire history of his activities, achievements and successes related to raising children.

A teacher's day is very busy, and no one can cope alone. That is why teachers work in shifts. Most often they replace each other at noon. In some kindergartens, both teachers are together in a group from 12 to 14 o'clock.

Junior teacher helps the elder monitor the correct and healthy nutrition of the children and the organization of their sleep. The responsibilities of an assistant teacher, in other words, a junior teacher, include providing assistance in the educational process:

  • bring and distribute food;
  • remove dishes from the table, wash them;
  • the senior teacher and his assistant wash the children and wash their hands;
  • twice a day in the group it is necessary to carry out both wet cleaning and ventilate the room;
  • change bed linen on time
  • clean walking areas;
  • The junior teacher helps to dress the children, take them outside and undress the kids after a walk.

In everyday life, such educators are called nannies. All teachers work in a friendly team, in close contact with each other in order to create the best atmosphere for the full development of their students.

  • nervous and mental diseases;
  • dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • persistent visual and hearing impairment;
  • chronic infectious and venereal skin diseases;
  • bad habits

Paths to obtaining a profession

GBPOU "Trinity Pedagogical College

02/44/01 – “Pre-school education”

02/44/04 – “Special preschool education”

The teacher should know:

  • regulatory legal acts and other program and methodological documents on issues of preschool education, child rights;
  • pedagogy and methods of preschool education;
  • child, developmental, pedagogical and social psychology, anatomy and physiology of children;
  • fundamentals of defectology;
  • children's repertoire (literary, artistic, musical);
  • various methods of teaching and developing children;
  • rules for protecting the life and health of children;
  • basics of first aid
The teacher must be able to:
  • understand the problems of children, find a common language with any child;
  • maintain discipline in the group, avoiding harsh methods;
  • apply in practice various methods of development, education and upbringing;
  • identify the interests and inclinations of each child and give advice to parents on their further development;
  • communicate with parents, resolve conflicts, listen to different opinions and wishes.

You can get a job as a teacher in both a state kindergarten and a private preschool education institution. Of course, in the second case, the salary will be much higher, and the number of children in the group will be much smaller. It is worth noting that the requirements for teachers will be appropriate. Nowadays, quite a few child development centers are opening, where teachers with pedagogical education are also needed.

The teaching profession is becoming increasingly in demand. After two or three years of work, a teacher can receive the second category, after another three years - the first, and then the highest. For the category, bonuses are included in the salary. As the category increases, the range of responsibilities also increases, for example, a teacher of the highest category, if necessary, conducts classes for young specialists.

A teacher can rise to the next step of the career ladder and become the head of educational work in a kindergarten - a methodologist. The methodologist checks the work of teachers, analyzes the educational process and puts forward proposals for its improvement, in general, organizes work in a preschool institution. However, this position requires a higher education. If you have the ability and certain ambitions, a teacher can climb even higher on the career ladder and become the head of a preschool institution.

- “a school for small children” - was organized in 1802 in the Scottish city of New Lanark by manufacturer Robert Owen. The children of the workers of his enterprise were raised there.

By the way, Robert himself, the son of a small shopkeeper, did not receive a systematic education. All his studies were limited to two classes at a school in the Welsh town of Newtown. However, Owen was passionate about science, was not afraid of hard work, and quite quickly became a factory manager. And then he became the owner of a textile factory in New Lanark.

Owen believed that a person's character is shaped by circumstances and social environment. This means that the earlier a child’s education and upbringing begins, the greater the chance of raising an independent and rationally thinking person. Robert attached great importance.

He decided to test his views in practice when he organized a “school for young children.” Children aged from one to 5 years old studied there. They were taught reading, dancing, and a lot of time was spent playing outdoors.. Children aged 5-10 years old studied at a day school at the factory. They were taught language, arithmetic, geography, natural science, history, and were also involved in work in workshops, in the garden and in the field. Teenagers and adults working in the factory studied in the evenings.

The New Lanark factory became famous far beyond Scotland for both its commercial success and the welfare of its workers. She was even visited by the future Emperor Nicholas I. They say that he offered Robert Owen, along with two million British workers, to move to Russia, but the manufacturer chose to stay in his homeland.

Friedrich Froebel

Although Robert Owen created the first preschool institution of its type, the founder of preschool education and the creator of the concept “” was the teacher Friedrich Froebel. He opened his first “kindergarten” in 1840 in Blankenburg.

Froebel was convinced that a child by nature has 4 instincts: activity, cognition, artistic and religious. AND the goal of proper upbringing is to develop the child’s natural characteristics and help them to reveal themselves. This is what they should do in kindergarten.

Friedrich paid great attention to physical development. But the core of his educational method for kindergarten became.

The teacher has developed practical aids for the development of young children, which are called “Froebel’s gifts”. For example, multi-colored balls knitted from wool on strings, thanks to which children became familiar with colors and learned to understand space. Or a wooden ball, cube and cylinder, with the help of which children learned about the shapes of different objects.

In Froebel's kindergarten, pupils worked with “gifts”, drew, sculpted, weaved, cut out paper, and embroidered. A lot of time was spent on outdoor games. By the way, some of these exercises, improved and revised, are also used in modern gardens.

Although in life you often meet teachers in kindergartens, it is more interesting for directors to turn everything upside down and see how men will cope with this difficult job. That is why the most popular screen educators are the “mustachioed nanny” Kesha Chetvergov and the “gentleman of fortune” Evgeniy Troshkin, who had to temporarily turn into an “assistant professor” without saying goodbye to pedagogy, because three criminals were involved in his re-education.

Adelaide Simonovich

Adelaida Simonovich is the first theorist and practitioner of public preschool education in our country. She wanted to emigrate to Switzerland forever, but there she heard a course of lectures on the system of preschool education by Friedrich Froebel, then saw how Geneva kindergartens work - and returned to Russia.

In 1863, Simonovich opened the first kindergarten in St. Petersburg. Simonovich outlined many of her views on education in the “Kindergarten” magazine, which she organized. For example, she believed that preschoolers should not be sent to school, but it is not beneficial for a child aged 3-7 years to grow up in a family alone. He must certainly be brought up in kindergarten together with peers and friends - under the guidance of “gardeners”.

“If you put your child at school at this age, you are bringing ruin into the child’s life.”<…> To benefit from school, you need to be prepared for it, and this preparation is provided by kindergarten».

While working with children, Adelaide discovered a disadvantage of the Froebelian system: all developmental activities with children were reduced to working with didactic materials (drawings, cubes, balls). It turned out that the child simply memorized the names, properties of these objects, as well as what actions needed to be performed with them, but did not understand the meaning of his games.

“Ask such a child to draw something for you, he will immediately draw a figure that is very familiar to him from the system, and every time he draws the same figures, his thought and imagination are not developed.<…>In life, such children will not be capable of independent work,” Simonovich warned the ardent Froebelists.

Maria Montessori

Educational methods are used in kindergartens and development centers all over the world. But her work began with children with developmental disabilities. However, after her pupils surpassed their healthy peers in writing, counting and reading, Maria realized how bad things are with the education of healthy children in Italy.

“While everyone was admiring my mental retardation, I was looking for the reasons why healthy and happy children from regular schools were at such a low level of development that, according to the results of testing their mental abilities, my unfortunate students were in no way inferior to them,” the teacher admitted.

Classes at the Children's House were held in groups with preschoolers of different ages. The elders took care of the younger ones, and they in turn watched and learned from the older children. The teachers in the “Children's Home” were assigned the role of assistants, who told him what, how much and how to do, and waited for him to ask for their advice.

Children studied in rooms where everything was organized for their independent games and activities. Each item in the classrooms had its own place to which it had to be returned. The children knew that after the games they had to clean up, and then they put everything back in its place without any reminders from adults.

Arnold Schwarzenegger also appeared in the role of a preschool teacher in the film Kindergarten Cop. In order to complete an important task, a tough cop had to take a job in the garden, deal with the “small fry” and, of course, become a victim of their tricks. It’s a lot of fun to watch, but you don’t want to be in the shoes of “Iron Arnie.”

Janusz Korczak

Perhaps, the Polish doctor and teacher Janusz Korczak illustrated his most important pedagogical rule - “The teacher must love children” with his entire life. In 1911, he became the director of the Orphans' Home for Jewish children. He voluntarily went to a concentration camp when his students were taken there. And he died with them, remaining a teacher until the end of his life.

Janusz Korczak's Orphanage was organized as a state within a state. And it was run by children. They had their own “constitution”, an elected children’s parliament, a comrades’ court, and its decisions were also binding on the adult employees of the institution.

Korczak and other teachers prepared children for real life outside the walls of the “Orphanage”: “In the theory of education, we often forget that we must teach the child not only to appreciate the truth, but also to recognize lies, not only to love, but also to hate, not only respect, but also despise, not only agree, but also object, not only obey, but also rebel.”

The main principles of the Korczak method were to love the child, observe his behavior, not use violence in education, be honest with him and demand from him only what can be done. Simple requirements only at first glance seem like this: “Instead of observing in order to see and understand, the first example of a “successful child” that comes to mind is taken and a demand is put before your own child: here is a model that you should follow....”

But what an effort it takes for some adults to admit, according to Korczak’s behest, “that children are different.”

What teachers do you know?