Presentation for preschoolers "May 15 - International Family Day." Presentation for preschoolers "May 15 - International Family Day" Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess

Relevance of the project Raising children, shaping the personality of a child from the first years of his life is the main responsibility of parents. The family influences the child and introduces him to the life around him. We, adults, must help children understand the importance of family, cultivate in children love and respect for family members, and instill in children a sense of attachment to family and home.

Project content: Creative story on the theme “My loved ones”, “We are different”, “About my beloved dad”, “Day off in my family” Finger gymnastics “Finger is a boy”, “My family” Children’s drawings on family themes, didactic games, photographs of leisure activities Exhibition “Mom’s hands - never get bored”, Wall newspaper “Our Family”, Photo album “Me and My Family” Musical leisure “My mother is the best” dedicated to Mother’s Day on November 25.

Project product: Systematization of children's knowledge about their family, the life of the older generation, and the profession of their parents. Photo newspaper “Me and My Family”, photo album “Our Family”, children’s drawings on the topic “Family Portrait”, compiling a family pedigree together with the parents.

Stages of work on the project: Stages Forms of work with parents Forms of work with children Joint activities of children and adults 1 Conversation with parents “Parent sounds proud” Conversations: “We are different”, “My family”, Looking at photographs of family members with children; Finger gymnastics: “Our Family”, “Finger Boy” Dramatization games “Turnip”, “Little Red Riding Hood” Competition “Favorite Family Dish” 2 Questionnaire “Family through the eyes of children and their parents” S/r game “Family”, “Clothing Salon” ", "Daughters - Mothers" Dramatization games "Turnip", "Little Red Riding Hood" Thematic lesson "Who do I live with" Publication of the family newspaper "My Family" Design of the family tree "My Pedigree". 3 Consultation “The role of mother and father in the development of the child” Reading fiction on the topic “Family” Drawing on a family theme GCD from the series “My Mom”, “Family Budget”... Competition “Mom, Dad, I - a sports family” 4 exhibition: “ Mom’s hands – never get bored” family tree “My Family Tree”. Album design: “My Family.” Joint participation of parents in leisure time: “My mother is the best” Album design: “My family.”

List of used literature: Project method in the activities of preschool educational institutions. Moscow, 2006 Osipova L.E., Work of preschool educational institutions with families, 2008 Danilina T.A., Interaction of preschool educational institutions with society. – M.: ARKTI, 2004 Ryleeva E. Practical encyclopedia of family education. – M.: AKALIS, 1998 Internet resources

Kozlova Gulsina
Presentation on the lexical topic “Family” for children in the middle group of kindergarten with special needs development

Presentation on lexical topic« Family» can be used for speech therapy sessions with children middle group kindergarten with general speech underdevelopment.

We all know and understand that family determines a lot in a child’s life. The child's well-being is promoted by a friendly atmosphere in family, as well as a system of family relationships that gives a feeling of security, love and acceptance. This stimulates and guides the child's development. He grows up confident and perceives the world positively.

During the lesson using this presentations for children an idea of ​​what it is is formed family. Family is people connected by family ties, who live together amicably, love and care for each other. Children gain knowledge about the composition families, family relationships, daily life and activities of members families.

Children improve their understanding of spoken speech, develop general speech skills, form, expand and update their vocabulary lexical topic. IN presentation includes tasks for the development of fine and gross motor skills, the development of auditory attention and perception, the formation and development of the grammatical structure of speech and breathing exercises.

IN presentations materials used by Danilova E. A., Karpova S. I., Mamaeva V. V.

Publications on the topic:

Scenario for children of the middle group of kindergarten “The Circus Celebrates the New Year”"The circus celebrates the New Year." Scenario for children in the middle group of kindergarten. Goal: To give children a joyful holiday mood. Tasks:.

At the end of September, an unusual lesson was held in our kindergarten - “Visiting Vitaminka”. We all know what a huge role it plays in our lives.

Presentation on the lexical topic “Volcanoes” Our student Sasha Filippov participated in a scientific and practical conference. The goal of the project: to form an initial understanding of volcanoes.

Summary of GCD for children of the middle group on the lexical topic “Toys”. Summary of GCD for children of the middle group on the lexical topic “Toys”. Objectives: Consolidation and expansion of vocabulary on the topic; exercise in selection.

Wintering birds Topic: “Wintering birds” Integration of educational areas: “Communication”, “Cognition”, “Socialization”. Goal: Expand ideas.

Presentation for middle group teachers on the topic “fruit” Martynova Anna Aleksandrovna Objectives: To expand and clarify children’s knowledge about fruits.

Presentation "Space" for the senior group of kindergarten. Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution of the Petrozavodsk urban district “Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority.

Presentation on the lexical topic “Defender of the Fatherland Day” for the middle group Abstract Direct educational activities using ICT Educational area: Cognitive development (familiarization.

" My family -

my joy"

“The family is the very environment in which a person learns and does good himself” V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

Family is the most precious and dear thing that every person has.

The family is an amazing, irreplaceable and complex organism. These are close people, these are traditions that we adopt from generation to generation, this warms us with their kindness and selflessness and helps us move on.

It is important for a person to know his roots - an individual, a family, a nation - then the air we breathe will be healing and tasty, the land that raised us will be more valuable, and it will be easier to feel the purpose and meaning of human life.

V.M. Peskov


Family- this is the first social institution that a child encounters in life, of which he is a part. The family occupies a central place in the upbringing of a child, plays a major role in shaping the worldview, moral standards of behavior, feelings, social and moral appearance and position of the child. In a family, raising children should be based on love, experience, traditions, and personal example from the childhood of relatives and friends. And no matter what aspect of a child’s development we consider, it will always turn out that the family plays the main role in the formation of his personality at different age stages.

Unfortunately, nowadays in our country, for many reasons, family ties are weakening, and traditional family upbringing is becoming a thing of the past.

Expand children’s ideas about their family, family relationships, and professions of their family members

Project objectives

To foster in children a sense of affection, love, and respect for their family members

Introduce the concept of “family tree”

Promote cohesion and unity among representatives of different generations

Promote the active involvement of parents in the life of the child in kindergarten

Project participants



Type of project: creative, informational


Project implementation: long-term

Problems that the project aims to solve :

  • Loss of the family function of transmitting significant cultural and life values ​​to children;
  • Lack of knowledge among preschoolers about their family;
  • Disconnection between family and kindergarten.

: Expected results:

  • fostering a sense of pride in your family and love for its members,
  • know your family history, family traditions and holidays,
  • increase the level of parental activity in organizing joint activities to raise children.
  • Establish trust and partnership relationships with parents.

Project structure:

  • Analytical block.
  • Analytical block.
  • Information and storage block
  • .
  • Organizational and practical block .
  • Presentation - final block
  • Control-reflexive block.

Integration of educational areas during the project.

  • Cognition
  • Socialization
  • Communication
  • Artistic creativity
  • Physical Culture
  • Health
  • Music
  • Reading fiction
  • Safety

Scheme of project implementation in different types of activities.


1. Role-playing games: “Home”, “Family”, “Kindergarten”, “Who works in kindergarten?”, “My parents’ profession”, “Birthday”. “Visiting grandma”, “Dad’s holiday”, “Mom’s birthday”

2. Didactic games: “What is good, what is bad?”, “My good deeds”, “How we live in kindergarten”, “My family, my pedigree”, “I give gifts”, “My name”, “ My room”, “Find objects”, “Whose children?”, “Who to be”, “Who needs what for work”.

3. Creation of albums: “My family”, “My ancestry”, “What does my name mean?”, “Our holidays in kindergarten”

4. Dramatization games based on fairy tales; V. Oseeva “Ordinary old lady”,

5. Dramatizations of “Three Mothers”, “A Tale for Mommy”.


1 .Cognitive activities: “Family composition”, “Seven I”, “The work of my parents”, “My family is my joy”, “Who do I live with”, “If the family is together, then the soul is in place.”

2. Conversations: “Favorite vacations of family members”, “How I help at home”, “Me and my body”, “Names, patronymics, surnames and their meaning”, “Home address, apartment, my room”, “Our home holiday ", "Day off with mom and dad", "My grandparents" "Traditions of our family"

3. Tour of the kindergarten: “What’s good and what’s bad?” , "My village". Excursions to parents’ places of work to get acquainted with the parents’ profession.

4. Examination of plot paintings: “My Family” “Mom’s birthday,” “To the store with dad,” “A trip to the country.”

5.Memorizing proverbs to the family.

6. Guessing riddles about the family.


1.Thematic classes:

“Who do I look like?”, “My ancestry”, “Me and my name”, “Me and my family”, “My family”.

2. Conversations: “How parents, grandparents, and grandmothers grew up,”

"Who are they - relatives, friends, neighbors."

3. Compilation of stories on the topic: “Who do I live with”, “It’s nice in our garden...”, “My dad, mom, grandma, grandpa”, “Mom’s, grandma’s hands”, “My room”, “My favorite activity” “,” “My best friend,” “What I like to do in kindergarten and at home,” “What I want to be.”

4. Compilation of stories from personal experience on the topic “Family Holidays”. "How we relax as a family" “Hello, my mom,” “Grandma has a lot of trouble with us.”

5. Communication: “What can I do to please my loved ones”, “Why does mom go to bed late”, “What would I be praised for at home”

6. Co-creation of children and parents on project topics.

7. Communication games: “I’m growing up...”, “Call me affectionately”, “Let’s let the name go to the wind”, “Happy birthday”.

Reading fiction

1.Reading works; S. Kaputikyan “My Grandmother”, V. Chernaya “Good Granddaughter”, E. Uspensky “If I Were a Girl”, E. Blaginina “Let’s Sit in Silence”, V. Oseeva “Sons”, A. Kymytval “Grandma’s Song about restless”, S. Baruzdin “Mom’s work” as well as works by N. Nosov, A. Barto, S. Marshak, K. Ushinsky, V. Oseeva. Discussion of the material read.

2. Memorizing the poems by E. Uspensky “If I were a girl”, L. Kvitko “Grandmother’s hands”, G. Vieru “Don’t stop me from working”, E. Blaginina “That’s how my mother is”, Y. Akim “My relatives”. and others.

3.Riddles on the theme: “Family”, “Home”, “Kindergarten”.

4. Learning proverbs and sayings about family.

Artistic Creativity and Productive Activities

1. Drawing on the topic: “Weekends in the family”, “Family holidays”, “Who do I live with”, “Portraits of family members”, “How I walk home from kindergarten with my mom or dad”, “Family tree” "My family".

2.Applique; “Let’s decorate an apron for mom,” “Flowers as a gift.”

3.Modeling; “Let’s bake a cake for mom,” “Beautiful saucer for little sister,” “Roses for mom.”

2. Design of exhibitions: “My Family”, “My Kindergarten”.

3. Drawing holiday cards, souvenirs as gifts for relatives and kindergarten employees.

4. Children draw newspapers together: “How we celebrated holidays in kindergarten,” “We love to work,” “Our activities.”

5. Productive activities: “My dream house”, “Country house”, “Housework”. 6. Planar modeling - compiling mosaic plots on family themes.

Physical health activities

1.Finger gymnastics “Family”

2. Conversations: “Rules of safe behavior”, “What am I made of?”, “How does our body work?”, “Is this junk food”, “Microbes and soap”.

Conversation “A healthy mind in a healthy body”

3. Didactic games: “Dangerous - not dangerous”, “Healthy and unhealthy food”.

4.Together with the children, develop cleanliness rules.

5. A conversation about correct behavior in the prevention of colds.

6. Situational conversation with children about caring for their health and the health of others.

7. Situational conversation about the rules of personal hygiene.

8. Physical education and entertainment.


1. Conversation: “If you are left at home alone.” “Safety at home”, “How we relax in nature with our family.”

2. Situation: “What to do if you are lost.”

1. Collective work in the group “We are helpers.” "Day of Good Deeds"

2. “Labor landing” with children and parents “Help to kindergarten.”

3.Word game “Radio”

4. Drawing up rules for safe behavior on the street, in a group, at home.

3.Designing the site with the parents.

4. Conversations “My favorite activity”

5. Workshop - “Good deeds.”

Work with


1. Questionnaire: “Do you know your child?”; "Family traditions".

2. Test “What kind of parents are you?”

3. Thematic consultations: “Games of our childhood”, “Introducing children to folk traditions”, “Strong family - strong Russia”, “Introducing a child to family history”, “Education with love”, “How to create a pedigree for your family”, “Family” traditions"

5. Album design “Me and my family”, collage “My family”

6. Stand design: “My family is my joy”

7. Carrying out joint musical and sports holidays: “Mom’s Day”, “Mom, Dad, I am a sports family”, “Autumn Festival”, “Visiting Santa Claus”, “Family Day”

8. Joint entertainment with parents “We are happy because we are together”

9. Co-creation of children with parents: exhibition of crafts “Gifts of Autumn” (from natural materials), “My family hobby”,

10. Participation in photo competitions.

11. Co-creation of children and parents in the design of exhibitions of drawings, in conjunction with the theme of family.

12. Master class for parents “Let’s try to make our own family tree”

13. Exhibition of family research projects “Genealogical Family Tree”.

14. Family meetings “Inseparable friends - grandparents, mom, dad and me.”

15. Competition - exhibition for the best family newspaper.

16.Competitive program “Super Mom”

17. Sports entertainment for Family Day “It’s so good that there is a family that protects me from any troubles.”

18.Parent meetings: “Family and kindergarten. The role of the family in the upbringing of a preschooler,” “A citizen is raised from childhood.” Round table “Every house has its own traditions.” Photo presentation “Day by Day”

19. Presentation for parents “Rules of reasonable upbringing.”

20. Open Day “Our life day by day”

As a result of solving the problem:


  • The children received the necessary information about their family.
  • About what a family is, that a family has history and traditions.
  • They have an idea of ​​family relationships.
  • They have an understanding of pedigree as family history.
  • They will show respect and love for family and friends around them.


  • The competence of parents in matters of family education increases.
  • The level of parental activity in organizing joint activities to raise children will increase.
  • There is an exchange of experiences of family upbringing and traditions.
  • Search for new forms of interaction between teachers and parents.

Pedagogical tools.

  • Education and training program in kindergarten “From birth to school” by N.E. Veraksa M.A. Vasilyeva. – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2010.
  • “Introducing preschoolers to family and ancestry” by E.K. Rivin. A manual for teachers and parents. M.: Mosaic - synthesis, 2008.
  • “Your Pedigree” V.S. Martyshin. Tutorial. M.: School press, 2000.
  • Magazine Preschool Education – 2005, No. 3 “Family Tree”
  • “Social and emotional development of children 3-7 years old” T.D. Pashkevich. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2012.
  • “Moral and patriotic education of preschool children” by A.Ya. Vetokhin. Methodological manual for teachers - St. Petersburg: “LLC M.: “Childhood-press”, 2010.
  • “Projects in working with families” methodological manual. O.I. Davydova, A.A. Mayer, L.G. Bogoslovets. LLC "TC Sfera", 2012 (Library of the journal “Preschool Education Management”)
  • Children and parents club “Merry Family” L.N. Popova, M.N. Gontorevskaya. Practical materials - M.: "TC Sfera" 2012.

(Library of the journal “Preschool Education Management”)

Irina Kravchenko
Presentation of the project for children of the senior group “My Family”

Project for older children

"My family»


Family- a source of inspiration,

Where adults and children are nearby,

IN family salvation from all adversity,

Here everyone is responsible for each other

O. V. Tokmakova

Family- this is the first social institution that a child encounters in life, of which he is a part. Family occupies a central place in the upbringing of a child, plays a major role in the formation of the worldview, moral standards of behavior, feelings, social and moral appearance and position of the child. IN family raising children should be built on love, experience, traditions, personal example from the childhood of relatives and friends. And no matter what side of a child’s development we consider, it will always turn out that the main role in the formation of his personality at different age stages is played by family.

Theoretical background project

Target project: Formation children concept« family» and increasing the role of family values ​​in the development of a child’s personality; promote interest in your family, cultivate love and respect for parents and ancestors, form and develop personality, develop partnerships with family.

Tasks project:

form children's ideas about family;

form ideas about family relationships;

consolidate knowledge of the names and surnames of parents, grandparents;

enrich parent-child relationships with the experience of joint creative activity.

cultivate respect and love for family and friends;

foster respect for the work and activities of members families.

Participants: children senior group, parents, educators.

Duration: 1 Week

Expected Results:

master the concept « family» ;

know information about your family, professions of parents;

have ideas about family relationships

know your rights and responsibilities;

be able to compile a pedigree together with parents families.

Stages project activities

Preparatory stage

Search work to select illustrative material on the topic « Family» ;

"My family»

Selection of literary works: V. Oseeva "Magic word", "Sons", V. Kataev "Seven-flowered flower", "Mom's work" E. Permyak, Tatar people. fairy tale "Three Daughters", Russian people. fairy tales "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", "Swan geese";

Examination of reproductions of paintings by F. P. Reshetnikov "A deuce again", Z. Serebryakova "At breakfast", “Daughter Katya with dolls”, "My family» ;

Watching cartoons “Masha is no longer lazy”, "Meet Grandma", "The Littlest Dwarf", "Colorful Family", "Be careful, monkeys!", "Mom for baby mammoth";

Conversations with children on the topic "My family»

Main stage

Conversations “My friend family", “Dad is my best friend”, etc.

Learning poems about family.

Didactic games “How we help our families”, "Kinship", « Family» , lotto "My family» , “Who are you for...”, “Whose birthday is it today? ”, exercises “ How are you related to your parents? ”, “Who are you to your grandmother? “, Will mom be upset if...” .

Learning proverbs and sayings about family, friendship, finger games.

Fine art - drawing portraits "My dad", "My mom".

Making gifts for parents.

Role-playing games “ Family"

Consultations "The Path to the Land of Books", "Recommendations for caring parents", “Memo for drawing up a pedigree” (with sketches of its design).

Creative work "The family tree of my families» .

Photo collage “Mom, dad, I’m athletic family» .

Photo exhibition “Let's have a rest family!”.

The final stage

Quiz "My family»

Sports holiday for children and their parents"We are friendly family»

Publications on the topic:

Presentation of the project for the senior group “My Family” Family life for a child is the same as social life for us. His soul is nourished by the impressions he receives in his family. Here the child learns one thing.

Summary of an open lesson in a compensatory group for children of the senior group “My Family” Open educational activity on the topic: “My family” (senior preschool age) Goal: To form children’s idea of ​​a family as people who live.

Lesson summary for children of the senior group “My Family” Goal: continue to form an idea of ​​the family, the desire to take care of your family members, be proud of them, and intensify knowledge about your own.

Summary of a modeling lesson for children of the second junior group as part of the “My Family” project Appendix No. 3 “Let's bake pancakes” (synopsis of educational activities on modeling for children of the second junior group) Program content: Arouse emotional.

Presentation of the project “My Family” 1Slide In conditions when the majority of families are concerned about solving problems of an economic nature, the tendency for many to self-eliminate has intensified.