Ready wall newspapers for March 8, color. Download wall newspaper fragments

International Women's Day is one of our favorite holidays. On March 8, 2020, we congratulate all women - work colleagues, daughters, sisters, mothers, grandmothers, wives. How to do this creatively, with invention? Read beautiful poems, perform soulful songs in honor of the hero of the occasion.

An originally designed wall newspaper with words of congratulations on the occasion of March 8th will also lift their spirits. We will tell you how to do this and how to draw a festive poster for International Women's Day.

Design of a congratulatory wall newspaper for March 8

Making a wall newspaper with congratulations for March 8 in 2020 with your own hands is not as difficult a task as it might seem at first glance. It can be a collage of photographs of girls and women with various captions.

You can tell here about the achievements of your mothers, girlfriends, employees, etc. After all, many have hobbies that others will be interested in learning about. Surely someone writes poetry, knows how to sew and knit beautifully, and grows beautiful flowers in their garden.

The integral attributes of such wall newspapers are beautiful headlines (“Happy March 8th”, “To Beloved Mothers”, “Happy Women’s Day, Spring and Warmth...”, etc.), the big “eight”, congratulations in poetry and prose.

For greater effect, you can glue voluminous paper flowers to whatman paper, attach satin ribbon bows and other design elements.

You can congratulate women on the holiday with humor. Such a wall newspaper may include cartoons, caricatures, funny aphorisms and poems. Let us suggest another idea that you will probably like.

Cut out photographs of famous athletes, famous actresses and singers, successful business women, etc. from magazines. Glue the figures onto whatman paper, and instead of faces place photographs of the heroes of the occasion. Complete the collage with beautiful landscapes and make humorous inscriptions.

Next to your congratulations, place several tear-off coupons for the fulfillment of wishes: drink a cup of coffee, listen to a song performed by men, etc. Be sure to indicate the deadline for fulfilling wishes (for example, until the end of March).

How to draw a congratulatory poster for March 8?

You will need whatman paper, paints, brushes and markers. Congratulations can be handwritten in calligraphic handwriting, drawn using stencils, or pasted on printouts from the Internet.

You can also design a poster on which each male employee will leave his wishes. To do this, give all participants in such a collective congratulations markers and pens and invite them to write whatever they want.

You can also draw a flower arrangement or a lush bouquet in a vase (basket, pot) on the poster. Other options are to place an applique in the form of flowers, glue voluminous artificial flowers made of corrugated paper or flowers made using the quilling technique. For decoration, use sparkles, beads and other decorative materials.

In order to make a wall newspaper with your own hands for March 8, you can also use ready-made layouts presented on the Internet. In a similar way, using ready-made diagrams, you can design a congratulatory poster for International Women’s Day by simply copying it or improving the original version.

Beautiful design of a school and kindergarten is not complete without cool posters and wall newspapers. They allow you to beautifully congratulate all female students, teachers and their colleagues on the upcoming holiday. There are quite a lot of ideas for designing posters or wall newspapers: from painting with flowers to the image of a cat. Additionally, the poster for March 8 can be decorated step by step with three-dimensional decor, photos of congratulated women or girls. In the proposed video master classes you can find excellent examples of making original posters. Using the tips, any wall newspaper for March 8th will be made with your own hands, quickly and easily.

Cool DIY poster for school on March 8th - ideas and video master class

To make the poster for March 8 fully consistent with the theme of the spring holiday, you should decorate it with butterflies and flowers. Volumetric details will look very beautiful. For example, you can make paper hyacinths, roses or tulips with your own hands and put them in a basket pasted on a poster. You can make beautiful decor both in class at school and at home.

Ideas for making a cool poster for the holiday of March 8th with your own hands

Multi-colored letters and numbers will look original on the poster being made. They can be cut out of colored paper and covered with glitter glue. The following elements are perfect for decorating a poster:

  • curly bright stickers;
  • ribbons and bows;
  • bright stickers;
  • printed poems and wishes.

By correctly placing all the elements, you can avoid excessive brightness and catchiness of the poster. And then both girls and teachers will definitely like him.

Video master class on making a poster for March 8 at school

A beautiful background is an important part of any poster. Therefore, when choosing the optimal colors for painting a poster, you need to take into account the color of the remaining elements that will be used to decorate it. You can learn how to make a stylish and original poster in honor of March 8 step by step in the following video master class:

How to make a beautiful poster for the March 8 holiday in kindergarten with your own hands?

It is much more interesting for children to make posters that include three-dimensional elements. They will especially enjoy making this kind of decor in kindergarten with their own hands. The background part of the poster can be colored with felt-tip pens and pencils. You can also stylize the number “8” with butterflies or flowers. This idea will appeal to kids of both the younger and older groups.

Step-by-step video master class on making a beautiful poster for March 8th in kindergarten

A beautiful poster for March 8 from children does not have to be complicated. You can learn how to make a simple and cool poster in honor of Women's Day in the following video:

Do-it-yourself original wall newspaper for kindergarten on March 8th - step-by-step video master class

Drawing pictures of animals is one of the favorite tasks of many kids. Therefore, children in kindergarten should be tasked with making a beautiful background for a wall newspaper with their own hands. You can depict a cute cat on it. And to make a full-fledged congratulatory poster from a simple poster, you should glue printed poems and prose about the holiday of March 8 to it.

Step-by-step master class on making a wall newspaper for a kindergarten in honor of March 8th with your own hands

A bright and original wall newspaper for March 8 with a background in the shape of a cat is ideal for kids. Using the attached video as a hint, you can create an unusual greeting poster with a group of children.

Do-it-yourself bright wall newspaper for school for the holiday of March 8th - master class for teachers

Many teachers enjoy the opportunity to congratulate colleagues and school students by creating wall newspapers. At the same time, they set an excellent example for children, showing how they can make paper decor with their own hands in a minimum of time. But in order for the finished wall newspaper for March 8 to be truly original, you need to take care of creating the right background and selecting congratulations. For example, you can paint whatman paper in pastel colors and draw tulips as the bottom frame. A bright number “8” should be glued to the top. In the proposed master classes, you can use video and photos to make a cool holiday wall newspaper step by step.

Materials for creating a bright wall newspaper for March 8th for school

  • whatman;
  • a simple pencil;
  • gouache.

Photo master class on decorating a wall newspaper at school for March 8th for teachers

  1. Make flower blanks: depict them with simple shapes.5_1
  2. Draw the petals.5_2
  1. Complete the image of the petals on all flowers, noting where the shadows fall.5_3
  1. Draw the stems and leaves. Erase the auxiliary lines.5_4

It is better to paint tulips with gouache: it will add volume and brightness to the flowers. But you can make a beautiful number for a wall newspaper using the master class below. It is also recommended to attach congratulations and photos of teachers and students to the poster.

Both at school and in kindergarten, decoration of classrooms, rooms and corridors of buildings for the March 8 holiday is usually carried out with the help of colorful posters or wall newspapers. Kids and schoolchildren or teachers can make them with their own hands. Children with such posters will be able to beautifully congratulate all women teachers on the holiday. And the teachers themselves, with the help of cool decor, will express respect and wish all the best to their colleagues. Using these video master classes, you can make a poster for March 8th with unusual decorations. But the original wall newspaper for March 8 can be made step by step from a photo. The examples and ideas provided are perfect for use by both children and adults.

On the eve of International Women's Day, it is impossible to do without a congratulatory wall newspaper in honor of this wonderful holiday.

How to congratulate mothers and grandmothers on behalf of their beloved children and grandchildren, doing it creatively, effectively, and sincerely, the materials in this thematic section tell. Our colleagues have accumulated considerable experience in creating holiday wall newspapers, the best examples of which we are pleased to offer to your attention. Here you will find both classic and very non-standard solutions, in a variety of formats and designs. Creating a wall newspaper is fascinating, like any creativity.

So let the publications from our “piggy bank” become a source of inspiration for you!

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 674.
All sections | Wall newspapers for mothers for the holiday of March 8

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Image library "MAAM-pictures"

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DIY greeting wall newspaper for March 8th with photo

Master class on creating a greeting wall newspaper with step-by-step photos

Shilkina Tatyana Anatolyevna, teacher of the State Budgetary Institution KO "Meshchovsky Social Rehabilitation Center for Minors", Meshchovsk, Kaluga Region

Description: This master class will be useful for class teachers, additional education teachers, educators, and parents. The work is carried out with children from 6 to 9 years old.

Purpose: interior decoration for the holiday.

Target: production of a festive wall newspaper for March 8th.

Tasks: - learn to make paper appliqué;

Develop an eye and a sense of composition;

Cultivate aesthetic taste and accuracy in work.

Materials and tools required for work: 1/2 sheets of whatman paper, scissors, a pencil, yellow and red paper napkins, PVA glue, stapler, brush, gouache, water jar, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, ruler, white and yellow office paper, colored paper for children's creativity .


Let's prepare the basis for the newspaper. Shade 1/2 part of whatman paper with colored pencils and draw the number 8 in gouache.

Let's prepare flowers - daffodils. We cut squares with a side of 6 cm from white and yellow office paper. For one flower you need 2 squares (white or yellow). We cut each side of the square as shown in the photo.

Now, using a pen rod, bend the edges of the cuts.

Using a stapler, we fasten 2 flower blanks.

From napkins we cut out the center of the flower in the form of a circle. For white daffodils it will be yellow, for yellow ones it will be red.

We color the edges with strokes using a felt-tip pen.

We make the trim using a pencil (put the pencil in the center of the circle and press its edges to the pencil), glue it into the middle of the flower.

We produce the required number of flowers.

Let's cut out leaves from green paper for children's creativity.

Let's start the design.

Glue the stems and then the leaves onto the prepared base.

Now let's glue on the flowers.

Our congratulatory wall newspaper is ready.

Daffodil flowers can be used to make greeting cards. These are the ones my students made for their mothers for the holiday.

Thank you for your attention!

International Women's Day is one of the most beloved holidays, which has successfully taken root in our calendar since the times of the Soviet Union. Today, March 8th has completely lost its revolutionary ideological connotation, turning into a wonderful day of triumph for the fair half of humanity. According to tradition, the most touching wishes of goodness, happiness, joy, and smiles are dedicated to girls and women of all ages. In addition, men prepare pleasant surprises - in the form of gifts, flowers, festive decoration of the classroom or office. Today we will learn how to make a beautiful poster with our own hands for March 8th for teachers at school, kindergarten, mothers and educators, and colleagues at work. We have selected simple step-by-step master classes with photos, videos on drawing cool posters, wall newspapers for children and adults - with captions in poetry and prose, photographs, pictures. We are sure that here you will find many original ideas to please your beloved and dear women on their main holiday.

With the arrival of spring, children and adults are preparing to celebrate the most tender spring holiday - International Women's Day. Each school is preparing for the upcoming celebration, including festive decoration of the classroom. To decorate the walls, most often they draw a beautiful poster - for March 8th you can come up with a lot of cool options. We bring to your attention a step-by-step master class with photos on how to make a colorful poster with your own hands to congratulate the girls in your class on March 8th.

Materials and tools for a school poster for March 8th:

  • A3 paper
  • gouache
  • palette
  • simple pencil
  • paint brushes
  • glass
  • eraser

Step-by-step instructions for a master class on a March 8 poster for school, photo:

  1. On a piece of paper with a simple pencil we draw the central figure of our poster - a huge hare in the form of a figure eight. Don't forget to leave space for ears, paws and inscriptions at the bottom of the poster.
  2. We surround the finished hare figurine with hand-drawn flowers, patterns - whatever your imagination tells you.
  3. When the sketch is ready, you can start coloring. First, we make a background - light yellow, soft pink, peach. The drawing should be visible through the layer of applied paint.
  4. To create pink, we need a palette to mix the colors. We paint over the torso, head and paws of the bunny.
  5. We outline the contours of the figure with a darker color. We begin to color the remaining details of the poster.
  6. We draw the eyes white, and when the paint dries, we make the pupil blue.
  7. Small details should be applied after the paint has completely dried, carefully painting with the tip of the brush. Dots, thin lines, and ornaments will give the finished look to the drawing.
  8. That's it, our poster for March 8 is ready - all that remains is to frame the work and hang it on the wall. As you can see, creating a congratulatory poster does not take much time, and the technology is extremely simple. Ideally, all the boys in the class can draw a common beautiful poster as a gift to the girls for International Women's Day.

Cool poster for teachers at school on March 8 - for printing in parts

The eighth of March is an excellent occasion to congratulate teachers at school and give them a good mood on this wonderful spring day. Therefore, on the eve of International Women's Day, cool activists and artists are starting to make a bright thematic poster or wall newspaper with poems and funny inscriptions. We decided to simplify the task a little by selecting ready-made posters for March 8th - just print them on 8 A4 sheets and glue them together. Then we color the base with colored pencils or paints, write in congratulations, paste in photographs of teachers, and sprinkle with glitter. Our collection includes several beautiful greeting posters “Happy March 8!” for printing in parts.

Collection of black and white posters, wall newspapers for March 8 (can be downloaded and printed):

Do-it-yourself congratulatory poster for March 8th for mom – step-by-step lesson, photo

Women's Day, March 8, is celebrated annually in many countries around the world. Today this is the favorite holiday of many ladies who gladly accept congratulations, gifts, and touching care from family and friends. Of course, the main characters of the day are women - beloved mothers and grandmothers. Every child can make a congratulatory poster for March 8 with their own hands, and very young ones will need the help of adult family members. Our step-by-step lesson with photos on how to design a poster for mom for March 8 with your own hands will be an excellent reason to spend time together doing an interesting activity. With a little effort and imagination, you will draw an unusual poster - your mother will be pleasantly surprised to see such a surprise on the wall on her birthday.

List of materials for a children's poster (wall newspaper) for mother on March 8:

  • A1 or A2 paper
  • simple pencil
  • gouache
  • paint brushes
  • felt-tip pens

How to draw a poster (wall newspaper) for mom on March 8 from children step by step, photo:

Beautiful poster for mothers and grandmothers on March 8 in kindergarten - step by step with photos

Every year in kindergarten they conduct thematic classes on making gifts for mothers and grandmothers - postcards, appliqués, photo frames, bookmarks. In addition, together with the teacher, children take part in the design of a poster (wall newspaper) for March 8th in order to beautifully congratulate the mothers of the entire group. How to make a poster for March 8? To create a festive wall newspaper in honor of International Women's Day, you can use the most accessible materials - paints, pencils, magazine clippings, photographs of mothers, color pictures. We offer you to go through a step-by-step simple master class with photos on how to make a beautiful poster with congratulations for International Women's Day.

We are stocking up on materials and tools for the poster master class on March 8th:

  • half a sheet of whatman paper
  • double-sided colored paper
  • figured hole punch
  • scissors
  • glue stick
  • green felt-tip pen, marker
  • narrow satin ribbon
  • poems with congratulations

Step-by-step master class with a photo of a children's poster for March 8th in kindergarten:

Poster for March 8th in kindergarten for teachers - video with master class

On International Women's Day, the most sincere kind words of congratulations are dedicated to women - mothers, grandmothers. The kindergarten is actively preparing for March 8 - kids not only learn rhymes and dances for performances at the matinee, but also decorate groups and make surprises. We have selected an interesting video with a master class - today we will make a poster for March 8th with our own hands as a gift to our beloved mothers, teachers, and nannies.

Step-by-step master class on a video of a children's poster for educators on March 8:

A comic wall newspaper for female colleagues from men - step by step, video lesson

In honor of International Women's Day, men arrange a real holiday for their female colleagues, surrounding them with care and attention. In addition to gifts and congratulations, you can draw a comic poster (wall newspaper) for March 8 - following a video tutorial with step-by-step instructions.

Video with a step-by-step lesson on a hand-drawn wall newspaper on March 8 for colleagues at work:

How to draw a wall newspaper or poster for March 8 with your own hands? Here you will find simple master classes with step-by-step photos, videos on how to create a cool poster for mothers, kindergarten teachers, teachers at school, and female colleagues at work. Wishing you creative inspiration and a happy holiday!