Why does the skin around the mouth peel? Irritation and redness around the mouth - possible causes and treatment options Inflammation around the lips flakes and turns red

How ugly it is when the skin around the mouth turns from soft and smooth to dry, covered with a scaly layer. This problem occurs frequently in both men and women, at any time of the year.

Description of the problem of flaky skin around the mouth

The skin around the lips is characterized by increased sensitivity to the effects of the surrounding atmosphere. And to any deviation from the norm, she has one reaction - drying out and redness near the lips, followed by peeling.

And this happens because there is a lack of sebaceous glands in this place, and with rapid loss of moisture in winter from the cold, and in summer under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the skin cannot return it. Hence the appearance of dry areas, and subsequently the appearance of small cracks in the corners of the lip.

Let's look at why the skin around the mouth peels and how to deal with it.

Causes of peeling skin around the mouth

Let's consider what are the causes of this cosmetic skin defect, and there are several of them:

  • As in many cases, problematic skin conditions are the result of poor nutrition. You can even attribute the appearance of patches of peeling on your face to an allergic reaction to some product or medicine that your body does not accept;
  • A lack of vitamins A and B in the body can also affect the condition of the dermis, causing the mouth to suffer:
  • The appearance of diseases of internal organs, especially the gastrointestinal tract, will be signaled by the appearance of dry and flaky skin around the mouth.
  • If the dry area has redness, then we can talk about manifestations of dermatitis;
  • Frequent, excessive visits to a beauty salon for peeling, especially with the help of chemicals, constant use of low-quality decorative cosmetics dries out the epidermis in the lip area;
  • In frosty weather or hot summer, the skin of the face suffers and no moisturizers are enough. Sometimes their use only makes the situation worse;
  • Even minor damage to the skin slows down the process of moisturizing it, and infection entering the tissue deprives the epidermis of nutrition and leads to dryness.

If peeling of the dermis is accompanied by redness or itching, then in this case the help of a specialist dermatologist is necessary to determine the true cause of the disease.

Recipes from traditional healers against peeling around the lips

With the right selection of products that combat the problem, you can get rid of it forever at home.

Sometimes a thoughtful diet or taking vitamins will help you quickly cope with a cosmetic ailment.

But masks prepared independently can make the skin around the mouth smooth and soft:

  • In a porcelain bowl, mix vegetable oil, two tablespoons, preferably olive or almond, with two raw yolks and half a spoon of honey, put in a water bath to heat. After some time, the nutritional mass is applied to the problem area (mouth and surrounding dermis) and after ten minutes it is washed off with warm water;
  • Take equal parts olive oil, cottage cheese and freshly squeezed carrot juice, mix in a blender and apply a homogeneous mask to the area around the mouth, leaving for twenty minutes;
  • It is good to moisturize the epidermis in the lip area with any vegetable oil, slightly warmed beforehand. After wiping the problem areas with it, wash off with warm water after half an hour. You can drop extracts of vitamins A, D, E, B or fish oil into the oil. Sea buckthorn or rosehip oil has moisturizing properties and is a real storehouse of vitamins;
  • Cracks in the corners of the lips are treated with infusions of chamomile, calendula, oak, and sage. Lotions with these products have a healing effect and fight dangerous bacteria. But propolis mixed with tea tree oil is very effective when used morning and evening - cracks disappear before your eyes. Many people advise adding a little aloe juice to the product;
  • Propolis oil also copes with the problem of skin peeling quickly. It is prepared as follows: take one hundred grams of natural butter and add ten grams of propolis to it, put the mixture in a water bath to heat and after fifteen minutes the wonderful ointment is ready. Use it daily until complete healing, and store it in a cool, dark place;
  • Lubricating the corners of the lips with garlic or sorrel infusion will quickly heal the weeping cracks;
  • Milk porridge made from oatmeal without salt will improve your health both outside and inside. For the mask, take a spoonful of porridge, add a little butter and honey. The resulting mask is applied with light movements to the face and washed off after fifteen minutes. Grind the rolled oats in a blender, mix it with vegetable oil, honey and yolk in equal quantities. This mask also moisturizes and nourishes the area around the mouth;
  • But this moisturizing mask is prepared as follows: pieces of ripe melon are ground into a paste, adding a little honey and a spoonful of sour cream, applied to the face and mouth, to dry areas. After drying, the product is washed off with warm water. Instead of honey, you can add chicken yolk;
  • Flax seed, boiled to a mushy state, is applied to flaky skin for twenty minutes. This product contains large quantities of omega 3 fatty acids and is indispensable for healing the epidermis;
  • A mask of grated carrots mixed with oatmeal and milk or chicken yolk will also make the dermis moisturized and smooth. Boiled carrots can restore cracked skin that is very flaky;
  • Rubbing the problematic dry area of ​​the face with a piece of pineapple helps remove dead outer epidermal cells, as the substances contained in the fruit can rejuvenate your face.

All products are easy to prepare at home and use to combat so that even dry skin around the lips does not peel off.

Preventive measures for problems around the mouth

To minimize problems associated with dryness and flaking around the mouth, you need to give your body as much fluid as possible. By drinking up to two liters of water a day, you can completely normalize the water-salt balance in the body, which will provide the epidermis with elasticity and help it resist various negative influences from the outside. A nutritious and varied diet, remaining calm in any stressful situations will make you a healthy person with a slim figure and a beautiful face.

In the off-season, when the body is undergoing restructuring, regular consumption of vitamin-mineral complexes and probiotics will help keep the dermis of the face clean, without flaking and dryness.

When the skin around the eyes peels, in addition to visual discomfort, which can cause a lot of inconvenience in everyday life, this anomaly poses a threat. Any deviations from the norm are considered pathology. Their causes are sometimes harmless, but there may also be ones that pose a health hazard.

A symptom such as flaking of the skin under the eyes can be observed in both adults and children. According to specialist observations, women are more likely to encounter this problem. Representatives of the stronger sex have thicker skin and less sensitive in this area, so it is not as susceptible to various pathological changes.

Conditionally safe provocateurs of skin peeling

In addition to irritation, which manifests itself in the form of peeling, red spots and cracks may appear on the epidermis around the eyes. Additionally, the patient often experiences itching or burning. The symptoms of the pathological process will depend not only on the irritant, but also on the individual characteristics of the organism.

There are no completely safe reasons for the appearance of flaky areas on the face. Any changes in the human body indicate an abnormal process that negatively affects the normal functioning of all organs and systems.

The gradual suppression of the immune system leads to a decrease in protective mechanisms, so a person who is faced with this pathology, but does not take any actions aimed at recovery, exposes himself to the risk of developing serious complications.

Conditionally safe reasons for the appearance of peeling on the epidermis can be the following:

  1. Weather. Peeling can be caused by external factors such as wind, heat or cold. To prevent irritation on your face, you need to take care of your skin. Before going outside, she is protected with special lotions, creams, ointments and other similar cosmetics.
  2. Dehydration of the body. Lack of moisture negatively affects the condition of the entire skin. First of all, those areas of the body where the thin and delicate epidermis is located are affected. To get rid of this trouble, you need to drink more fluid. Preference should be given to warm, clean water, as it penetrates the bloodstream faster.
  3. Unhealthy food. Excessive consumption of fatty, salty, smoked and spicy foods can not only lead to the appearance of skin defects. Poor nutrition has a negative impact on the functioning of internal organs, which is dangerous for the development of serious health problems.
  4. Cosmetics. Poor quality skin care products can irritate the thin skin around the eyes. Itching and flaking can also occur as a result of improper use, for example, of a face mask.
  5. Sleep disturbances. Insufficient hours of rest can cause delicate areas of tissue to become stressed. In order to get rid of signs of fatigue under the eyes, it is necessary to ensure proper rest. It is recommended to minimize the amount of time spent on the computer and other gadgets. This problem is relevant not only for adults, but also for children, since the modern generation spends almost all of its free time on the phone, tablet and other equipment.
  6. Lack of vitamins. This problem needs to be fought not only from within. It is necessary to make nourishing masks that can be prepared from essential oils. It is recommended to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. If you have vitamin deficiency, you should seek professional help from a specialist. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate vitamin complex.

When redness and peeling of the skin around the eyes is caused by one of the above reasons, with the right approach to the treatment process, you can get rid of the pathological process quite quickly. If therapy does not help, it is necessary to continue diagnosis. Only by identifying the main source of the problem can you find the key to solving it.

Allergic reaction

The body's immune system is not flawless. Sometimes it can react to very harmless causes, while provoking quite serious and sometimes life-threatening symptoms.

An allergic reaction of the body, which characterizes the hypersensitivity of the immune system, can occur at any age.

The reasons for its occurrence are quite difficult to list; in addition, the source of the problem cannot always be identified during diagnostic measures. The most common triggers for the development of an allergic reaction include:

  • some food products;
  • dust;
  • plant pollen;
  • contact lenses;
  • cosmetical tools.

If the pathology is observed in a child, then the problem may be an allergic reaction to the material from which the toys are made. You should be careful when choosing a washing powder.

Contact of the facial skin with an irritant can occur, for example, during a night's rest, when the child's head touches the pillow. An allergic reaction can also develop to the smell of various chemicals, including the aroma that comes from clothes after washing.

Symptoms of the immune system in response to an irritant can manifest themselves in different ways. In addition to the fact that the skin turns red and begins to peel, the eyes often swell, photophobia and lacrimation develop.

If the epidermis cracks, then this condition is dangerous due to the penetration of infection into the resulting wounds. Lack of therapeutic measures can cause vision problems.

Treatment for an allergic reaction involves eliminating the underlying source of the problem. After determining the cause of this pathological process and eliminating contact with it, the patient is prescribed antihistamines, which are prescribed on an individual basis.

Dangerous causes of peeling

According to medical observations, if flaky skin appears immediately on the upper eyelid and under the eye, then such symptoms characterize a serious pathological process. Additionally, other signs of illness may be present. The main forms of pathologies include:

There are quite a large number of eye diseases. The inflammatory process, which can begin in one eyelid, will quickly spread to the other eye without appropriate treatment. The following pathologies can result from damage by pathogenic microorganisms:

  • conjunctivitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • barley;
  • boils, etc.

Treatment of the disease must be under medical supervision, otherwise there is a risk of complete or partial loss of vision.

Peeling skin in children

If the child’s skin in the eye area has not peeled off before and no significant changes have occurred in the child’s life (the diet has remained the same, as has the climate, clothing, personal hygiene products, etc.), the cause may be a helminthic infestation.

If this diagnosis is confirmed in the patient during the examination, then it is recommended that all family members and people who have been in close contact with the infected person undergo a therapeutic course of treatment.

School-age children, like adults, tend to feel tired. The skin under the eyes peels especially often in first-graders who are not yet accustomed to the stress of school.

Parents should properly plan the rest of their child’s day after school and additionally moisturize the epidermis. A widespread disease among schoolchildren is vegetative-vascular dystonia. One of its symptoms is redness of the skin around the eyes. A neurologist will help you deal with the problem.

When the skin around the eyes constantly peels off, it would not hurt to have your child examined by an otolaryngologist. Enlarged tonsils or the presence of adenoids have a negative impact on overall health.

If there are any or epidermis near them, what is strictly not allowed to do is rub the itchy areas.

This will not alleviate the condition, but will only worsen the symptoms. In addition, there is a possibility of secondary infection.


Various skin problems occur quite often in both children and adults. Some of the most common skin problems include redness and flaking of the skin around the mouth. What are the reasons for this phenomenon and what actions should be taken if the skin around the mouth begins to peel off?

The causes of redness and peeling of the skin must first be understood - only then can treatment begin. The list of the most common causes of peeling skin around the mouth is as follows:

  • External factors. In this case, we mean the impact of weather conditions: too high or low air temperature, strong winds, direct sunlight.
  • Improper facial care. In this case, improper care implies not only failure to maintain proper hygiene, but also the use of poor quality cosmetics. Often, incorrectly selected cosmetics cause allergic reactions in the form of skin irritation, dryness and flaking. Additionally, people with dry or combination skin experience irritation around the mouth many times more often than people with oily or normal skin. Therefore, it is important to choose cosmetics specifically for your skin type.
  • Licking lips. This cause of dry skin around the lips is most often found in children. It is enough to lick your lips just once outside in frosty or windy weather - and chapping of not only the lips themselves, but also the area around them is guaranteed.
  • Lack of vitamins. This reason most often occurs in winter and spring, when a person runs out of essential vitamins. Often, skin problems are caused by a lack of vitamins A, B and E.
  • Oral diseases. The most common disease of the lips and skin around them is cheilitis. In a mild form of the disease, the mucous membrane of the mouth is affected and redness simply appears around the lips; in a more severe form of cheilitis, itching appears and the dry skin around the mouth begins to peel off. There can be several reasons for the occurrence of a disease such as cheilitis: hereditary factors, allergic reactions to food or medications, and even a nervous disorder.
  • Mechanical damage to the skin around the mouth. Wounds and cuts help slow down the flow of fluid - thus, the damage heals faster, but the skin becomes dry and begins to peel off.

It is important to know that sometimes increased dryness of the face is the result of a disease of the internal organs.

Therefore, if there is any suspicion of hidden diseases, and in addition to irritation and peeling in the lip area, some other characteristic symptoms are observed, it is recommended to undergo a full examination of the body.

How to eliminate irritation?

In order to get rid of irritation of the skin around the mouth, it is necessary to use special cleansing cosmetics daily to remove dead skin particles. The creams, scrubs and peels used must be soft so as not to further damage the delicate skin.

After removing keratinized particles, it is necessary to apply a rich nourishing cream or cosmetic oil to the area around the mouth. A cream that contains vitamin E, which promotes regeneration, is a good choice. You can use baby cream. Among cosmetic oils, you should give preference to olive or peach - they also contain vitamin E. You should not moisturize a flaky area of ​​skin immediately before going outside - this procedure is best done before bed.

You can cure problem skin with improvised remedies at home. To do this, you need to apply nourishing masks to the damaged areas and make compresses from medicinal herbs. Some of the most effective home remedies for flaking include:

  • Chamomile decoction. Compresses with chamomile infusion should be applied to irritated areas several times a day. This will relieve irritation and have a calming effect. Chamomile decoction can be replaced with oak decoction or calendula decoction.
  • Vegetable oils. Olive and sea buckthorn oils are best. You need to warm it up a little and wipe the problem areas 2-3 times a day. It is advisable that the oil nourishes the skin for at least 15-20 minutes, then it can be washed off with warm water.
  • Propolis ointment. To prepare such an ointment, you need to mix 100 grams of butter and 10 grams of propolis, and then heat for 15 minutes in a water bath. The resulting ointment should be applied to problem areas around the lips several times a day. Propolis ointment should be stored in a cool, dark place.
  • Oatmeal mask. To obtain such a nutritious mask, regular oatmeal is cooked in milk, but without adding salt and sugar. Honey and butter are added to the finished porridge. The resulting mask is applied to problem areas for 15 minutes and then washed off with warm water.

Preventive measures

It is important to understand that if you do not get rid of the original cause of skin problems, peeling may soon reappear. Therefore, to prevent further skin irritation around the mouth, it is important to take the following preventive measures:

  • Make it a rule to never lick your lips, especially on the street. After all, as a result, not only your lips will suffer, but also the skin around them.
  • Carry out facial cleansing procedures using scrubs and peelings at least 2 times a week.
  • After cleansing procedures, it is imperative to moisturize not only your facial skin, but also your mouth with a nourishing cream.
  • Before going outside in frosty or windy weather, it is necessary to moisturize the area around the mouth with a protective cream in advance (at least an hour in advance). For men, instead of protective cream, you can use a special balm, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.
  • Choose your cosmetics carefully. Before purchasing any cosmetic product, you must familiarize yourself with the composition and make sure that the cosmetic does not contain components that can provoke an allergic reaction. The best option is natural plant-based cosmetics. It is advisable for women to avoid using lipstick that dries out their lips - in winter it is better to use a moisturizing hygienic lipstick.
  • Always remove makeup from your face before going to bed. For these purposes, it is better to use a special cosmetic liquid to remove makeup. It is not advisable to use soap, as it dries the skin too much.
  • Watch your diet. It is important to prevent the occurrence of vitamin deficiency. It is necessary to ensure that your daily diet includes vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins.

Thus, by adhering to the above recommendations, you can forever forget about problems with the skin around the lips. But if you cannot independently determine the reasons why the skin around your mouth is peeling, you need to seek help from an experienced dermatologist. He will not only help identify the causes, but also prescribe appropriate treatment.

Often people experience redness near the mouth. But what can cause it and how to deal with it? This article talks about why redness around the mouth appears in an adult.

The skin of the human body is a mirror reflection of the internal state of the body, and probably everyone knows this. Any malfunction of the internal mechanism of organ functioning is immediately reflected on the skin.

It is better not to make sudden conclusions and not self-medicate. The most important place on the face is the nasolabial triangle, and redness around the mouth in an adult can be caused by several reasons. In order. Peeling, redness near the mouth, whether persistent or temporary, rough, wrinkled skin in these areas may indicate that it is:

Manifestations of allergic reactions to: medicines, food, cosmetics and our little brothers;

Psychosis is a consequence of the emotional state of the body. That is, recently experienced stress and nervous breakdowns.

Reactionary responses of the body to helminths;

Ailments of the gastric and intestinal mechanism;

Allergic responses of the human body to the off-season and changes in weather;

Inflammatory processes caused by fungal carriers.

Observing the symptoms, that is, when and for how long redness appears on the face, you need to remember or write down exactly when and with what frequency they appeared. If the appearance is not constant and not long-term, then it is possible to rule out something bad. The body can give such a reaction to any food-related problems. For example, a person should not overindulge in citrus or chocolate treats. Usually after birthdays or mass celebrations with cakes, such a reaction may occur.

Massive redness on the chin, which itches and is characterized by severe peeling, complains of bile and liver problems. A lot depends on the correct and healthy nutrition of the body. Usually doctors immediately carry out test diagnostics for people with such symptoms, trying to understand whether the person eats correctly, how many times a day, what is included in the menu; to what extent the body is exposed to stressful situations or the presence of hormones.

If redness around the mouth causes not only itching and flaking, but also painful sensations, then you need to urgently consult a specialist. Because in this case, baby cream will no longer help. This organism rings like a bell and makes it clear that something is wrong with it. We need to react quickly. Redness and itching around the mouth can be signs of manifestations of various types of dermatitis, but in this case, such spots should be located not only on the facial skin, but also move to the scalp.

There is also a skin disease that manifests itself as crater circles, mainly first on the face. The name of such a disease is streptoderma. The disease is not clean beaches, mainly. Very often, adults and children bring such diseases from sea voyages. The spots, as mentioned earlier, are like craters, not dry, but wet inside. With such symptoms you need to go to the doctor and the sooner the better. Because this disease is treated long and tediously. There are also hormonal disorders, but you should not immediately take and take packs of hormone medications.

For some, especially women, after the birth of a child, all symptoms disappear once and for all. Probably, at these moments, the body thanks the woman for the fulfilled function of childbirth and pays by destroying all diseases. The body's reaction to aromatic perfumes is often encountered, especially in the summer, when, under the influence of sunlight, the components of perfumes begin to react with human sweat, resulting in an ordinary chemical reaction; it is not known what element is released as a result of such reactions. But such elements properly affect the body and, in particular, the skin. The answer is a stain. It happens that a man sprays perfume on his back, and redness appears on his beard.

Red spots on the face in any area can also be the cause of ordinary dermatitis, an inflammatory process that affects areas of the skin. The causes of such a disease can be varied, but usually it is the influence of the surrounding world. There are several subtypes of this disease, for example, allergic, contact, perioral; irritants belong to the following groups: chemical-physical and mechanical-biological. Human skin can be called a kind of barrier to germs and bacteria. But if there is something wrong with the skin, then the latter will easily penetrate inside and leave greetings, causing illness.

In this way you can become infected through contact. Depending on the complexity and stage of penetration into the skin, either spots or ulcerative islands appear. Treatment of such a disease is carried out only with the participation of doctors. And strictly according to the specified recipe. In case of allergic reactions, completely exclude the consumption of any drugs and a complete diet. It must be said that when treating any redness on the face, alcohol and nicotine habits are excluded. The perioral subtype mainly affects women after taking hormones. In such cases, either other drugs are prescribed or excluded altogether.

In general, for many people, such problematic redness becomes a punishment for life. Diseases such as psoriasis, for example, have been tormenting humanity for years, and patients for the rest of their lives. The red spots that appear begin to itch, and when they get into the aquatic environment, they hurt and sting like crazy. This disease cannot be cured, only the itching subsides for a certain period. Treatment is expensive. The disease itself arises due to stressful situations and stress experienced. The simplest way to get rid of such spots, unless of course it is not a disease, but simply a local reaction, may be to review your diet. It is necessary to exclude fatty, citrus and sweet foods.

More fresh vegetables and fruits. Freshly squeezed vegetable juices are a guarantee of health. The problems associated with herpes should not be confused with blemishes, shingles. They begin as red as, for example, allergic reactions. The spots can grow, and in both cases. But these are diseases that are transmitted by touch and that need to be treated! There are cases when, when buying bath foam on the go, women, without knowing it, acquire allergens in the flask. Then, after washing, the whole family itches and itches, not understanding where or what came from. The same cases apply to washing, dental and detergent powders. At the slightest redness of the skin, it is necessary to immediately eradicate the presence of such things. It is better to buy goods in trusted stores or pharmacies. But under no circumstances in road stalls or in your arms.

In winter, spots are very common. But in origin they are very different from those listed above. Because winter spots are frostbite spots and have nothing to do with the reaction of a person’s inner world. With such winter redness, you need to wash your skin with cold water, not hot, but cold. Drink hot tea and wait until the skin warms up. If frostbite is severe, consult a doctor immediately, as this may result in skin death.

By the way, summer redness on the face and body can be associated with sunburn or an allergic reaction to the sun. This reaction manifests itself in small spots, the size of a match head. Using anti-burn medications will greatly alleviate the condition. The mental state of a person is very often expressed on the face. When the nervous system is exhausted or a person is in a state of constant stress, all this manifests itself as spots on the face and body. When there is an excess of alcohol, when the liver simply gets tired of processing toxins, spots appear in the form of a rash, which easily disappear when alcoholic beverages are completely eliminated from the diet.

It is imperative to take care of your health, and then such annoying misunderstandings as facial redness will not bother you. In addition, you need to take care of your skin, because it reflects your internal and external appearance.

The skin is a kind of indicator of body condition. Any health problemsinstantly affect the condition of the skin in the form of color changes, redness, rashes. The epidermis around the lips is considered especially sensitive - it is this area that is more susceptible to peeling and all kinds of inflammation than other areas of the body. Lips and the skin around themrequire special care, since the upper layers of cells dry out quickly, and the production of sebum in this area is minimal.

Why does irritation occur?

Photo 1: For diagnosis and subsequent treatment, it is important how the irritation manifests itself, as well as what symptoms it is accompanied by. Source: flickr (Jude).

Redness and spots around the mouth

  • The delicate skin around the mouth reacts quickly to changes in the external environment and various internal problems, manifested by irritation, redness and peeling;
  • Use of cosmetics and hygiene products expired;
  • Application drying masks for those with extremely dry skin;
  • Irritation around the lips may be due to excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • Elevated androgen levels during adolescence it leads to dry skin and the appearance of red spots;
  • Rashes and redness can be a signal disorders of the immune system;
  • Climate change;
  • Reaction to long-term treatment and hormonal medications(contraceptive) causes irritation around the mouth area.

Redness and itching

  • Allergic reaction. As a rule, any allergy is a negative reaction to exposure to a specific irritant. Lips and the skin around them are no exception.
  • Redness and itching are accompanied by various diseases from perioral dermatitis to psoriasis, gastrointestinal or liver diseases.

If the skin around your mouth is itchy and red, but this reaction goes away quickly, then, most likely, it is caused by some specific irritant, for example, eating citrus fruits. Once you exclude them from the diet, the discomfort goes away.

If the skin around the mouth itches and itches for a long time, and the symptoms are aggravated by pain, you should immediately seek medical help, as this may be a symptom of serious problems in the body.


Diagnosis of many diseases begins with examination of the skin around the mouth - inflammation and other defects often indicate the presence of serious diseases:

  • Allergy. If the irritation is the result of an allergy, then small affected areas can be cured within a week. To do this, it is enough to identify the cause of the defect and eliminate it.
  • Food poisoning.
  • Kidney and liver diseases.
  • Intestinal microflora disorders.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Nervous system disorders and depressive states.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Skin diseases: dermatitis, psoriasis, streptoderma.

What measures to take

Treatment for irritation around the lips involves identifying the factor that caused the defect and eliminating it. Influencing only the visible sign of the disease will not give positive results. Competent approach to Troubleshooting a problem involves several main steps.

  1. To most accurately determine the cause of irritation, you need to temporarily stop using decorative cosmetics, creams, toothpastes containing strong fragrances. In addition, you should stop using preparations for external use - ointments, gels, etc.
  2. Once the cause has been determined, treatment can begin. Depending on the type of irritation (peeling, inflammation, rash), appropriate measures are necessary. Thus, peeling can be eliminated with gentle peeling and intensive moisturizing.
  3. Allergic reactions of various origins can be successfully treated with antihistamines. The most commonly used drugs are in the form of ointments and medications for internal use.
  4. Inflammation and redness can be neutralized using lotions from decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, immortelle). This will help relieve slight swelling and relieve irritation. However, this method will not be very effective in the presence of large rashes.
  5. It is recommended in parallel with other treatment methods taking general strengthening vitamin complexes, which contain Ascorutin and vitamin B6. If the irritation is advanced, the doctor may prescribe antibiotic treatment.
  6. Throughout the course of treatment you need protect the skin around the lips from direct sunlight, prolonged exposure to the sun is contraindicated.

Photo 2: During treatment, you should review your diet: limit the consumption of smoked meats, chocolate, citrus fruits, and alcohol. The diet should contain a large amount of fiber in the form of fresh vegetables and fruits, and you need to drink enough water. Source: flickr (sathish mrb).

Homeopathic treatment for irritation

Homeopathy has in its arsenal many drugs used to eliminate various defects of the epidermis. The selection and administration of the remedy should be carried out, since the effectiveness of treatment directly depends on the constitutional type of the patient and the symptoms present.

List most commonly used drugs as follows:

  1. (Arsenicum album). Appointed if there is severe peeling of the lips and the areas around them. Prescribed for thin, fair-haired people prone to respiratory diseases;
  2. (Petroleum). A drug Helps moisturize and soften the skin, suitable for anxious people who often complain of itching and irritation of the skin;