Happy anniversary to a man. Happy anniversary greetings to a man Happy birthday greetings to a man in style

Congratulations on your anniversary,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
We want to wish you fun,
Happiness, money and love.

Always look great
Feel like a five,
To make it seem indecent
I wish you good health.

We know there won't be enough time
Count all the merits...
Congratulations on your milestone anniversary.
And thank you for being there!

The anniversary has come to your home,
Everyone at the festive table -
Toasts, joy, loud laughter.
May success await you.

And it doesn't matter how old you are -
Men are always in their prime.
The main thing is to be able to live
And your soul does not grow old.

Let there be no troubles at all,
Live another hundred years.
You are our dear hero of the day,
Happy birthday, dear!

Happy anniversary, congratulations to a respected person and a real man. I wish you an endless supply of strength and courage, unquenchable optimism and health, incredible happiness and prosperity, undeniable victories and achievements, unexpected surprises and good luck, undoubted happiness and love.

Happy anniversary!
I will read the verse with my soul:
I wish you happiness, long years,
So as not to be sad and not to get sick.

And let everything be smooth in the family,
After all, there is no better gift.
And respect, recognition,
Warmth, comfort, understanding.

Of course, more money
Good luck and good luck too.
And may all your dreams come true,
Whatever they are!

Congratulations on your anniversary!
And I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Lots of happiness, love paradise.
Where to find this paradise - decide for yourself.

I also wish you good health,
Strong strength, masculine beauty.
To be surrounded by love,
So that hopes and dreams come true.

So that wisdom increases over the years,
Well, the amount in your personal account.
For a long time there was youth in my heart,
To catch your luck on the fly.

Let hope inspire you,
Let the angel in the sky take care.
Congratulations on your anniversary,
May you be very lucky in everything!

Day after day they slowly fly by,
Year after year they go somewhere...
We congratulate you on your anniversary,
With a wonderful round date.

We wish you good spirits,
Harmonious and harmonious life,
Always be creative and wise,
Possess impeccable charisma.

Let youth not fade away,
And your health will double,
Life will be filled to the brim with happiness...
Let any wish come true!

Your anniversary has arrived.
Have fun today!
It doesn’t matter how many times it hit,
You live your life bravely.

Forever young and beautiful
Full of initiatives
Kind, brave and strong,
You are infinitely smart.

And we want to wish
Never grieve
Be happy endlessly
Joyful, life-loving!

And success and warmth,
So that the wife is faithful,
Stronger love, more strength.
And live as long as possible!

Be happy, be rich,
Be loved, the best dad,
Be successful, the strongest,
The bravest and most beautiful
Let the years not run into old age -
Let the years pass by in joy.
More wisdom and light,
More sun and success,
More money, more power -
Whatever you ask for!

Let him give you an anniversary
A series of happy days
And success to the celebration,
And hope is magic!

Unreal luck
You'll be puzzled at once
And will awaken inspiration -
Happy Birthday!

Congratulations on your anniversary
I want you from the bottom of my heart.
No matter how life takes you,
Let everything be within your reach.
Be luck's favorite
Just aim high.
And happier and richer
Become year after year.

Be respected at work
Be beloved, loved.
Be yourself - the best of hundreds.
In a dispute - unshakable,
A diplomat - in an important matter,
A knight - in the fight for honor.
Strong, dexterous and brave...
In general, be as you are!

For what reason
About the most beautiful man
I wanted to tell you
Should we praise him like that?
A rare holiday - an anniversary,
But he is one of the days,
All epithets when
We always want to announce it.
You're cool, you dare, why lie here?
We are glad to congratulate you,
Deliver pleasure!

Happy anniversary, dear, today
Congratulations from relatives, friends,
Cheerful, successful, fashionable -
You can’t find a flaw even if you wanted to!

I want to be in the trend and on topic,
Don't be afraid of risk, change,
To confront any problem straight away,
All matters must be resolved at once.

Good health and good luck,
Bright and unique days,
So that memorable events, moments
It has become twice as much as it is now.

Today you are glowing with happiness,
Despite the worries and fuss.
Anniversaries split life into parts,
I wish, drawing the line,

Smile and raise your glasses,
And reconsider your destiny,
Years have passed and a lot has been done,
But there is still so much to do!

The anniversary has arrived - don’t regret anything,
Gather all your friends and pour a glass,
Remember those who were dear and those who helped,
Finally shake off the dust of yesterday's roads,
So that tomorrow morning, smiling, you understand:
Life is beautiful, it's time to turn over a new leaf!

We congratulate you on your wonderful anniversary, we wish you the acquisition of harmony, worldly wisdom, prosperity, good health, love and care from loved ones. May every day of your life be bright and eventful, may happiness be found in every little thing for you.

Happy anniversary, happy birthday,
I wish you love, inspiration,
I wish you dreams come true,
I wish you health and joy,
And I wish you to escape from old age.
I wish you happiness, success,
Well, and, of course, humor and laughter.
And you will live to be a hundred years old,
No sick leave!

Please accept congratulations on your anniversary.
Live without worries, don’t be sad, don’t be sick,
Always stay so young
Be serious, strong and businesslike!

Handsome man, for women - a dream,
You are distinguished by your kindness.
May joy always be in your home,
Let's raise a glass to your happiness.

We wish you courage, patience,
Men's resilience and inspiration,
Love and friendship and success,
Fun, joy and laughter!

Congratulations on your anniversary
You today from the heart,
Let them circle you through life
Only luck turns.

Let the storm of happiness cover
Let the money rain pass,
Inspiration and strength
May the cyclone bring it to you.

It’s a wonderful day today, because it’s your holiday.
Your friends rushed to congratulate you in the morning.
After all, an anniversary is a holiday when the soul sings,
When the sun laughs, and in the evening the moon.

And on this day today, I want to congratulate
And wish you health, happiness and goodness.
May you grow a year older and become an hour wiser,
But you will always remain, indispensable to us.

I wish you to be loved, rich and happy,
So that the world always revolves around your axis,
So that loved ones love, cherish and appreciate,
Friends did not forget and warmed us with friendship.

And, most importantly, I wish you unearthly love,
Love and be loved by your family.
And on this day, perhaps, pour a glass of wine,
After all, today is your happy anniversary!

Here comes the anniversary playing,
Well, this is the law of the land,
Without choosing words, I wish
Always remain a man.

Be friends with the sofa only at night,
The dawn must separate you,
Run to the gym to work out urgently.
Be calm and don't shout!

The man is the foundation of his family -
Provider, leader, captain.
If you stumble, get up again
So as not to give a reason to the enemies.

Turn on your mind, build a career,
Learn everything, everywhere, always.
And don't lose love and faith
You will never do anything!

Don't count the year - it's not worth it
Everything will arrive on time.
Accept fate like a stoic -
What comes is only for future use.

With gray hair comes wisdom.
Everything is done conscientiously, and fear is involved here.
Let him laugh in the face of failures
The one who stands firmly on his feet.

Safely behind you -
You won’t back down, you’ll lend your shoulder,
No matter how difficult life is,
No matter how hot it is.

You only become more expensive over the years,
Like vintage wine...
But in your soul you are still the same -
An optimist, as we have known for a long time.

Look at life with a cheerful light
In the eyes, in the soul, and, of course, in the heart.
You simply are not familiar with despondency.
Know that luck is here to stay.

Both in the dark night and in the foggy day
You are destined to encounter her.
Believe me, with such a fellow traveler alone
Anything can be done with ease!

Taking this opportunity, I would like to wish you that luck will become your faithful companion, that every minute of life will be beautiful, that all your wishes will come true as soon as possible, and that your dreams will definitely come true. I wish fate fair winds, good weather, sunny days. May you be appreciated at work, may love and mutual understanding reign in the family, may your children please you with their successes! May there always be loved ones around you, may there be peace in your soul, and may there be happiness in your heart!

True courage is fortitude, wisdom, generosity, clarity of thought, the ability to make friends, the ability to be a support and support for loved ones. So I wish you a happy birthday as one of the most courageous men! And I also want to wish you to always remain the happiest person throughout your long life!

Traditionally - health and happiness! Be happy every day and every hour of your life, let your health be such that you don’t even think about it! May your beloved always be nearby, may prosperity and prosperity reign in your home, may all your plans and dreams come true with ease! And may we still celebrate your successes and rejoice at your good fortune every year for many, many years to come!

On your birthday I would like to wish you happiness in absolutely everything. May whatever you undertake bring success in one way or another! I wish you to always remain the same wonderful and bright man as you are now. May fortune accompany all moments of your life and help you in all your plans. Appreciate what you have and achieve more! Happy birthday!

Let each new day be similar to the previous one in only one way - it will be just as successful! Joy, good luck, inspiration! May everything you want come true in your life! Always be the darling of fate, always be able to be in the right place at the right time. Congratulations!

I sincerely wish that every new day of your life will be filled with optimism, interesting creative ideas, meetings with friends and like-minded people. I wish you health, family happiness and always a great mood!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you a lot of happiness, kindness and love! And don’t forget that no matter how serious life is, it’s just a game in which I wish you to be a winner!

Today there are a thousand warm congratulations and a million good wishes for you! And the main thing, of course, is the wish for happiness, because with it the world becomes brighter, one can breathe easier and life becomes easy and pleasant! Live long and happily and may all your dreams come true by your next birthday!

Happy birthday card for boyfriend. Photo: sdnem-rozhdeniya.ru

I wish you to perceive life as it is, but always try to see more good in it!

May your home always be a full cup, may your wife be affectionate, and may your children only delight you with their successes and inherit your best traits! May life always be full of such simple, but at the same time true happiness!

Congratulations a thousand times! I wish you to continue to remain the Creator, the Master of your happiness! I wish to increase it, to live easily and pleasantly, every day adding new events to the baggage of good memories, because people like you deserve the best fate!

May you have many years of a happy, prosperous life ahead of you, in which all your dreams come true and you are surrounded only by true friends and your closest people!***

We wish you the most important thing today - be sure to be happy! Love your beautiful beloved and children, live with pleasure, go to victory in all matters. Enjoy every unique moment of a wonderful life, and may you always have plenty of strength and opportunity to fulfill all your desires!

SMS happy birthday greetings to a man

Birthday boy, where have you been?
You forgot to register!
As much as possible, motherfucker,
Wait in vain?!

Where's the liver? Where is the balyk?
Where's the herring? Where is the tongue?
Where is the vodka, cognac, wine?
We've been waiting a long time!

Congratulations excite
Alcohol and food...
Now there's a different situation!
Be happy and be rich!

I wish you to always be healthy,
Happy, kind, young,
Reliable friends, peace in the house,
And of course love!

More colorful moments
Happy life moments,
Not knowing incidents in life
And may adversity pass you by!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
I wish you a happy birthday.
Wish you good health,
So that everything is within your reach.

Let your heart be warm
Be loved and loved.
So that all your dreams come true -
Be invincible in business.

Let the weather reign in your soul -
Warmth, joy, comfort.
Let them meet you at home,
They believe, love, always wait.

Let them surround you throughout life
Your true friends.
Remember that you are the best -
Happy Birthday to You!

Happy birthday greetings to a man in verse

Happy Birthday,
And, as usual, I wish you.

So that Luck and Success,
They chose you out of everyone.

Everything you dream of
So that I get it right away.

So that Spring lives in the soul,
It would last forever.

So that your health is strong,
Happiness - so that it doesn’t go away.

May the family prosper
And beloved friends.

To make life wonderful
The perspective is clear, clear.

And Fortune, so that she loves,
Never let me down.

Fast career growth,
So that everything is easy and simple.

On your birthday, allow me
I wish you a lot of happiness,
Always be strong and successful,
Trouble and grief cannot be recognized.

In a family of peace and comfort,
And understanding of relatives.
Warmth of a minute
Have a nice long weekend.

In your career - take off, in business - order,
Good health forever.
You are very polite, pleasant,
A good, kind person.

Happy birthday card for a man. Photo: sdnem-rozhdeniya.ru

I wish only what is especially important:
Better health, more luck,
Cash in paper - larger bills.
Container - luck, happiness - carriage,
And bring joy into a bag, and carry it more cheerfully.
Wishes - to come true, money - a van.

Birthday boy, happy birthday!
Happiness, joy, luck,
Health, stronger than wine,
Love forever and, like in the movies,

Friends who will not leave in trouble,
Be lucky in everything, everywhere.

And let your capital grow
Everything you dreamed about will come true,
And your life is a boat
Let the fair breeze blow!

I wish you to always be cheerful,
Handsome, smart, young.
I wish you to always be happy,
Beloved, dear, dear.

I wish you luck
Car, house, apartment, dacha.
Always have a full wallet,
But also to bed for some coffee.

Men don't count years!
They know in advance
Wisdom grows over the years,
Souls of aspiration flight!

Let it rush more quietly on this day,
Fate is an unrestrained tangle,
What would the years have time to do,
There is still a turn in your life!

What can you wish for your birthday?
Already a successful man?
Never get sick, never get sick,
Smile, be the happiest!

Let your career lead only upward,
And the salary is growing daily!
May only success await you in everything,
And dreams come true - instantly!

Congratulations on your birthday,
And I wish you so many blessings,
So that you can choose only the best,
And give the rest to your loved ones!

Let it be in the sails of your destiny
Only a fair wind will blow,
May everyone's dreams come true
And your path will always be bright.

I wish I never knew
The taste of bitterness from defeat
And even the broken ones can stand up,
And never have doubts.

I wish you good health,
Hot love for many years.
I congratulate you on your birthday!
You, worthy Man!

Happy birthday!
And with all my heart I wish:
Happiness, joy, health,
Rainbows, warmth, care,
Excellent, not dusty work,
Let your dreams come true
And you always look into the distance,
So that aspirations do not end,
And all goals were fulfilled.

I wish you new discoveries, beginnings, ideas,
Have good people in life, so that you meet.
Be a support and a strong wall for your family,
Live as you live, but remain yourself.

Hold the world, it's on your shoulders
Protect the one that protects your hearth.
Go through life, casting doubts aside.
Rest, because today is your birthday.

There's a good reason today
Congratulate a cool man.
We send greetings and congratulations
Happy Birthday:

We wish you a sea of ​​positivity,
At leisure - creativity,
At work - more money
Good health to you - without any certificates!

Let me wish you a lot:
Happiness, joy, eternal love.
Let the road be clear
Let no one stand in the way.

May luck smile on you
Let your friends be reliable.
We wish to become a little richer,
And of course, to be at the helm.

So that I can conquer all the peaks,
He was brave and never timid.
Let me wish you a lot of strength,
May you succeed in everything in this life.

Today is holiday and fun,
After all, on this day and at this hour
A man was born on earth,
Worthy of all praise!

Happy birthday to you
Relatives and friends are in a hurry.
We wish you good luck,
After all, you can’t live without her.

We also wish you to be healthy
And not notice the passage of years
With love in my heart, like for the first time,
You will welcome spring every year.

So that life is filled with meaning,
There is a perky sparkle in the eyes,
And all the hardships and suffering
Let the flow of life carry you away.

Happy birthday!
I wish you happiness and goodness.
And I wish you more laughter
And in all matters success.

May you always have a true friend,
So that you do not know the disease,
So that you live in abundance,
So that everything is in order.

What would you wish for?
Should I lie down during the day until lunchtime?
Don't go to work?
Is it easy to chop money?
Maybe you'd like a sea beer?
It's better not to know grief.
Always be rosy and fresh,
Eat delicacies more often
Don't forget to smile
And always be healthy.
Prepare some treats soon
Happy Birthday!

I wish you good luck and bright moments,
Health, success always and in everything,
I wish you to achieve your goals,
May you be happy both night and day!

I would like to wish you career growth,
Luck, good and faithful friends,
Let adversity all evaporate forever,
May your life become more joyful every day!

Happy Birthday! Let today
All your dreams will come true.
Hundreds of smiles will come into life.
All things will reach heights.

May your health be strong
And pursues luck on its heels.
Surround joys with love,
Happiness blooms here and there.

I wish you a wonderful day,
Your dreams come true,
Health would be ironclad
The traces of grief have disappeared.

There is order and stability in affairs,
And the house is warmed by the warmth of relatives,
Adversity passed by
You didn't remember them.

I wish you a sea of ​​positivity,
I wish you bright, bright days,
May your life be happy,
Let everything in life be Okay!

Happy Birthday to you,
May you always be young and quick,
And life is long every moment
Warmed by the warmth of smiles!

Happy Birthday,
Let your dreams come true
And in a good mood
You will always be there.

On this day I wish you
Lots of money and love
To be a good father
And a support for the family.

Lots of strength and patience
To achieve my goals,
Warm, faithful relationships,
So that you are not alone.

On today's birthday,
On the day of fun and gifts
We wish you inspiration,
To be strong and healthy,

So that the house is full,
So that there is peace and harmony in the family,
Household members, so that everyone is yours
You were valued like a treasure

So that your eyes glow with happiness,
So that the world gives success,
So that Love with its destiny
I kept you all from harm!

Today you were born, I congratulate you,
May the sun shine brightly in the sky on this day.
I wish you happiness, I wish you well.
Make a wish - everything will come true, believe me.

You are strong, kind, smart, there are few like you in the world.
Let your cherished dreams come true.
I still wish you love and good health
And do not encounter obstacles on the path of life.

I wish you smiles and good mood,
Let there be fun in the house today.
Health, good luck and lots of money,
Always and everywhere be satisfied with yourself.

May the sun always warm you with warmth,
And your loved ones never forget about you.
Peace in soul, luck, success,
Happy moments and merry laughter!

We wish you to go for a walk on this day,
Relax in Bora Bora.
Meet Angela Jolie there
And go with her to Bali.

And lie on the sand,
Ride in a Pitt Porsche
Win an apartment in a casino,
Play Schwarzenegger in a movie.

Get an Oscar for this
It's great to live in Hollywood.
Smile while holding the award
And wake up in a joyful sweat.

May today and always
Happiness will answer you “yes”!
And luck will smile
And luck will wake up.

Don't let people upset you
Let the money not decrease
So that you, like Scrooge McDuck,
We swam in the golden mountains.

Let all the fish be golden
And the Hottabychis are gray
Will do it today
A small order for you:

And an expensive car,
The dacha is also small,
Yes, good health for a year for future use,
And a bag of smiles!

Get over it, get through it, get over it!
Make a fist, burn it, scatter it to the wind.
Forget, don't remember, don't regret.
Get over yourself millimeter by millimeter.

Sift all your friends through a sieve.
Lose, gain, but remember in moderation.
You, gritting your teeth, overcome everything,
Without becoming a bad example for everyone.

All come true. Whether we want it or not.
But it’s important that it’s done the way you wished.
And so that the time, place, smell, color
They coincided in the same heart!

Happy Birthday.
With new joy and luck.
I wish you
Only the best in fate.

Be successful, wise, strong,
Passionate and loving.
May you have a lucky star
It will bring happiness to boot!

Happy Birthday!
And I wish on this day,
To be in a good mood,
In the circle of relatives and friends.

I wish you happiness
Fiery great love.
So that the heart is illuminated,
Clear sunshine inside.

May good luck be with you.
The eyes always glow.
Always be so cheerful
Keep joy in your heart.

I wish you every success,
Let everything go according to plan!
May there be a lot of laughter in life,
May every moment bring joy!

More vivid impressions,
Love to you and warm feelings,
There are only promotions in my career,
May you become richer!

On this clear wonderful day
I'm not too lazy to wish you,
More happiness and goodness,
Loyalty of friends, warmth.

More money, more power
So that happiness knocks on the window.
The wizard was flying above you
What you dream about came true.

It is your birthday today!
So accept our congratulations.
Be healthy and rich
and friends are always welcome!
We also want a girl
with long legs!
And so that you don't end up with huge
with horns!
Today we'll have fun
and it wouldn't be a bad idea to get drunk!
Fill your glasses quickly
and a snack on the table.
Let's drink to you,
dear friend!

I wish you a lot on your birthday
The bathhouse is hotter,
brighter mood!
A sea of ​​cold beer
and a lot of positive things!
Good health,
to meet friends more often
and have awesome fun!
Money in euros,
approximately a million!
Cheerful girls
and show-off friends!
My congratulations from the bottom of my heart!

Happy Birthday!
And I wish to avoid frostbite!
Success in business, more happiness
and a thicker wallet!
A simple girl and a cool car!
Jokes and giggles and delicious pies!
Couture clothes
a bunch of green bills!
May your friends always be with you
yours are cool
and lightly salted cucumbers!
After a fun birthday,
I wish you no hangover tomorrow!

It doesn't matter how old you are,
Let this day be the dawn
Dawn for dear life,
With love, with great joy!
Let the fairy tale come in pairs,
Fulfills your wishes
And celebrating your birthday,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!

Funny birthday greetings to a man

I wish you on your birthday
A crowd of friends for the mood,
Sultry mulatto, kebab,
And a Versace jacket.

I wish that WOW!

And never OHHO-HO!

A little AH! Well, you can WOW!

To take your breath away.

Of course, to have a WOW!

Let's eat our fill today

Let's drink a lot of sweet wine

It's a friend's birthday today

And we will all say in unison: “Hurray!”

Let's do THIS with you,

Let's celebrate your birthday!

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How often do we look for the best birthday greetings for a man! We try to congratulate in our own words, but it doesn’t always work out successfully... But on the website there are free options that can be addressed to a father from a daughter, a brother from a sister, a friend from a friend, a colleague or a manager - from a team.

These could be happy birthday greetings to a man in prose or poetry, short SMS or funny songs, virtual anniversary cards or humorous pictures... Downloading them is easy, but the text will be truly interesting and original!

Always achieve your goals in life,
Let all questions find answers,
Believe in yourself, never give up
Bold plans, new victories!

I wish for breaks
For lunch, for tea, for beer,
That the salary increased -
Didn't fit in the wallet
So that everyday work
We flew by like a rocket
The weekend didn't end
Well, vacation is only in the summer!

Let it be
Health - good,
Any day is fine,
Your house is cozy,
And the wind is fair,
Luck is familiar
The dream is unusual,
Smile - carefree,
Love is endless!

I definitely want to become
Hero of our time!
Increase and save
All the most important values!

I wish to be for everyone around
Support and foundation,
Reliable rear and shoulder,
A man with temperament!

I want to congratulate you on your birthday!
I wish you crazy luck!
All dreams will come true - I already know
After all, I wish this for you from the bottom of my heart!

What can we say about our birthday boy?
His face is courageous,
The heart is noble,
Intelligence is powerful,
Character - persistent,
Eyes are clean
The look is piercing,
The head is cooking,
Rules the wheel
He can do everything
He doesn't spare money.
Everyone loves him!
Here he is!

Live brightly, beautifully and boldly!
Catch the wind of luck quickly!
Let every new turn in fate
It will bring you happiness and joy!
Successful plans, brilliant decisions,
New victories and real friends!

To the beloved - beloved!

Happy birthday greetings to your beloved man are full of romanticism and sensuality. Such a text is a sincere message that should make it clear that you love your man and are always ready to be with him.

It is difficult to describe in your own words the depth of feelings of a woman in love. However, beautiful birthday greetings to a man, which are posted on our website, will help solve this problem!

With you I feel comfortable, warm and easy,
And I'm happy for every minute.
You don't have to go far to find happiness -
It smiles nearby!
And he will offer his hand and offer his shoulder.
I am completely under his affectionate power.
Darling, hug me warmly,
After all, you are my pride and happiness!

I want to tell you on this day -
My love is always with you, like a shadow.
Love for you is like a big dinosaur,
She is like space, without end and edge!
I can't keep it a secret.
I love you more than anyone in the world!

You are very reliable
Calm and sensitive.
And I'm looking forward to
I'm counting the minutes
See you when we
Apart from you,
My favourite
And the dearest!
I wish you
On your birthday
Health, success,
Good luck and luck,
Easy roads,
Happy returns,
My most desirable
And the most beautiful!

I I chose you out of all the guys
After all, you are the smartest, strongest, bravest.
And not once in so many long days
I didn’t regret my choice.
I hope that you too, my golden one,
Meet me without regret.
With me, I know it’s not easy sometimes,
But I love you, my dear, happy birthday!

You know how to be gentle and strong,
Courageous and responsive,
Kind and fair!
Thanks to fate for our meeting
And for our happiness!
Kisses, hugs and love!

Postcards will also be relevant – not only real, but also virtual. You can download them, add your own sincere words and receive a kiss in return from your beloved birthday boy! After all, birthday greetings to a husband from a wife are the most passionate of all possible.

To the most important man...

What can a daughter say to dad on his personal holiday, what kind of spiritual wish can she choose for him? Happy birthday greetings to an elderly man should bring warmth and light. Thank him for the gift of life and wish him many years of life. Touching congratulations to dad will touch the harshest heart. If you prepare musical accompaniment, it will be incredible for dad to realize what a talented child he has!

Dad, happy birthday
And I wish you strength and patience,
Long life, health and good luck,
To be an optimist, and not otherwise.
Let everything turn out easy and simple,
But only good people meet.

There are not many great fathers in the world,
But I was incredibly lucky to have you -
You are the best on the whole planet!
May there always be peace in your heart.

May there be health, luck and vigor,
Let there always be heart-to-heart conversations.
Friends, may you never let you down.
Go without hindrance to your brightest dreams.

There are still so many achievements ahead,
Roads and paths, victories and awards.
Happy birthday to you, my dear!
You are the main one in the family, you are our priceless treasure!

Daddy, my love, happy birthday!
You once gave me life,
And then, having gained strength and patience,
He raised me with affection and love.

Always be healthy and good-natured,
Never grow old in soul.
We all need you, like air,
May the Lord prolong your years!

Let it flow easily and serenely
Your life is a clear river.
I wish you, loving and gentle,
Hold the bird of happiness in your hands!

Daddy, happy birthday! I wish you with all my heart good health, long life, family happiness, success in your work, many joyful moments and pleasant experiences in life. May your sense of humor never leave you, and may luck always smile on you. You are the best in the world, you are our support and support.
Dad, I'll tell you
That you are the best on earth.
I'm proud of you, father,
Even though we argue sometimes.

Let it be hard sometimes
We will always understand each other.
We will hug lovingly.
Happy Birthday to You!

Let there be a joyful mood,
Your health will be one hundred percent.
And constantly - luck and ruin,
Both optimism and fortitude.
I want to sing songs,
Don't be discouraged, don't get tired,
Always serve as an example for us.
Today - drink, only in moderation.
From life there are only pleasures.
Good luck, dad. Happy birthday!

From my daughter, daddy, accept congratulations
On the most wonderful holiday, on your birthday.
Health, patience and long years,
Success in business, victories over passions!

Always be happy and young at heart,
Let your smile shine brightly on us.
Support from friends, prosperity and strength!
So that you accomplish everything you have in mind.

To the main man in my life -
Sincere and ardent greetings.
I wish you a sea of ​​happiness
And one hundred years of health.

May good luck always be with you,
And let adversity go away.
Happy birthday, my beloved dad.
With respect and love, daughter.

Daddy, you are our support and fortress, our protector and friend. We are happy that we have you, and we wish you to hear sincere words as often as possible, and not just on your birthday. May all wishes spoken from the heart come true. I wish you great health, confidence and stability in the future, love and happiness!
If you treat your dad as a friend, pay attention to the funny birthday greetings for a man. A humorous address to dad will cheer up both him and the guests! Read funny poems, give funny cards, use humorous pictures to decorate the room where the holiday is taking place. The main thing is not to overdo it: it is especially important for an adult to feel self-respect.

We treat age with respect

Happy birthday greetings to an elderly man - for example, a grandfather or father-in-law - should be imbued with respect for the age of the birthday person. You can download them on our website, and find them here with heartfelt texts.

May your life be happy
And trouble will pass by,
And so that it doesn’t happen to you
We will never abandon you.
Let the years go by and the temples turn grey,
Let your grandchildren grow up and your face become younger,
Let the house be filled with happiness and laughter,
For your kindness and care, our deepest bow.

Dear grandfather!
First of all, let me express my pleasure on your regularly celebrated birthdays. I’ll tell you a secret that we call this day DDD - Dear Grandfather’s Day.

Three - D have three more D - three advantages. Firstly, this holiday, celebrated for many years, instills in us a feeling of stability, reliability and sustainability of life. Secondly, you strengthen family ties by gathering the whole family around you. Thirdly, communication with you always enriches us. Long live DDD and grandpa!

Our grandpa is the best
The most glorious grandfather in the world!
He is strict, but also kind!
There is simply no better grandfather!

Happy birthday!
And we wish you not to bother!
And, of course, we wish
You may live to be a hundred years old!

Let your life flow like a full river,
May you be lucky in everything, always,
Let your advice help everyone, in everything,
Let your house be full!

I want to tell you
Your life lessons
I teach every day.
God bless you so much,
To live many more years,
To my children and grandchildren
How could you teach me?

Grandfather, we congratulate you!
We wish you warm winters and long years!
Don't be sad, don't frown, laugh,
Kiss your grandma more often!

Don’t be sick and in spirit, grandfather, don’t fall.
Know that we are always with you.
If anything, we will help without a doubt...
Happy holiday, grandpa! Happy Birthday!

Many long years to you!
May your health not fail you
Let everything grow in the garden,
Don't let grandma be angry
Don't let your grandchildren upset you.
Always be in a good mood.
In general, grandfather, happy birthday!

Grandpa! You are our support! A wise and reliable person who will always help, support and give smart advice! So live many, many more happy years in care and love! Please accept Happy Birthday from your grandchildren!
The sun is shining brightly, my soul is brighter,
Because it’s a holiday, it’s my grandfather’s anniversary!
Happy birthday, dear and dear grandfather!
Our friend and adviser, it’s so easy with you!

We wish you a lot of happiness, long bright years,
Successes and good luck, and victories in everything!
The whole big family is at the table today,
Our house rests on you, the support!

A special story – congratulations on this significant anniversary. Short dry SMS are not appropriate here; if you are far away, call and congratulate verbally on your anniversary! There are wonderful songs that can be sung to address. And these short but bright moments of happiness will remain in the memory of the elderly person forever!

Brother - like a brother!

Another thing is congratulations from your sister! In this case, you can throw away all “seriousness” and act as a friend. If you can’t congratulate in your own words, pick up funny birthday greetings for a man and choose the most humorous!

Happy birthday dear brother,
Be successful and rich
So that on the path of life
He knew exactly where to go.

May you always be lucky
And the keeper protects,
Peace reigns in your family,
And the fire of love burns!

Brother, happy birthday dear. I wish you health so that you can fulfill your dreams. I wish you confidence so that you can overcome all life’s obstacles. I wish love so that your heart is calm and comfortable. I wish you prosperity so that you never need anything. I wish you happiness and may your life be fulfilling. I wish you good luck and that your business will go perfectly.
Happy Birthday bro,
We congratulate you -
It's me, your sister,
And the whole friendly family.

May your health be good,
May you always be lucky in everything.
May luck be in your life
Walks next to you.

Let everything you strive for
It will come true, it will happen,
So that in what you love, brother,
You have reached any heights!

The occasion is my brother's name day.
Oh, so this is a super date!
Here's a toast to you, brother:
Hold your tail with a gun.
Make your loved ones happy with your laughter,
Treat yourself to success.
Show all your strength
Prove it very strongly
To everyone that you are a hero
...well, I'm always with you.
Capture the moments of joy,
It's your birthday!

I can't speak well
And I wish you everything in essence.
All that is most necessary for you,
Now I will name them in order.

Firstly, there are promotions at work.
And accordingly, an increased salary.
I also wish you on your birthday
Success in everything, my dear brother.

Nowhere to get on your nerves,
So that there is no reason to go to doctors,
So that hidden reserves do not run out.
Well, everything you want.

Happy birthday, brother!
Let life be a breeze!
There is a lot of money in the wallet,
There's a new Lexus in the yard.

So that everything is peaceful in the family,
I didn't get the housing issue.
To live a healthy life,
I wanted it and I could!

You will always come to the rescue
And you will give good advice.
I know what's better than my brother
There is no one in the world!

Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday bro!
Let your career go uphill.
Take care of your nerves,
Stay healthy all year round.

Let the salary be in euros,
And love - so that it lasts forever.
Always be the first in everything,
My dear man.

Brother, congratulations.
Today is your birthday.
I wish you to be rich
They paid me like a deputy.
So that your health does not fail you,
And may happiness be with you.

It is appropriate to receive a gift from your sister with a joke that will surprise and delight. For example, collect comic pictures and decorate them for a holiday stand. Such an original congratulation from your sister will remain a memorable gift for many years. Your brother will be pleased to know that his sister has such a wonderful sense of humor!

“Congratulations” for friends

Happy Birthday greetings to the young man you treat like him are cool short texts and funny songs. You can download them on the Internet, and for free.

I will not wish for transcendental distances,
Director's chairs and summer cottages in the Maldives,
But I just want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
So that you have everything that is so necessary:

Health that wouldn’t let you down
Love to take care of the family hearth,
Friends, for a conversation with a glass of beer.
May life be interesting and long!

Happy Birthday Buddy!
Be healthy and don't get sick.
Life runs forward silently,
Have time to enjoy it.

Be loved and fall in love yourself,
Don't be sad, don't be sad.
Strengthen yourself in trials,
Make jokes about your problems.

Long life to you, success,
Strength and happiness overflowing,
Good mood, good luck!
And don't forget your friends.

I wish you a whole cosmos of beer
And weekends that last a year.
The salary should be beautiful,
Wife is big! Kidding. Vice versa!

For the fifth point of adventure
And “all inclusive” for the soul,
Pleasant dreams and awakenings
And sometimes pumping oil in silence...

So that with a word you disperse the clouds,
So that the brain is not tormented by bullshit.
I wish you to be the best everywhere.
And happy birthday to you!

My friend, happy birthday to you! I would like to wish that today brings you maximum positivity and as many fun moments as possible that you would like to remember later. I wish you to remain the same excellent, sympathetic friend, and also never lose those who are dear to you! Happy holiday!
In addition, you can even hear vulgar “congratulations” from a friend. The main thing is that it is appropriate: in “your” company, where a friend will be comfortable and not ashamed to listen to such specific texts.

We wish you a sea of ​​positivity,
Don't see the negative in life
Smiles, joy, luck,
Excellent mood.

We wish you a quality dacha,
Two million to boot
Good, loyal friends,
Be more energetic, more fun.

We wish you vigorous movement -
Forward and straight, only with luck.
And you greet every day brightly,
And everything will be fine in life.

Work, home, big garage,
And most importantly - the seascape.
Let the kebab smell delicious.
Well, happy birthday, my friend!

Don't let difficulties bother you,
Problems are all solved at once.
My friend, happy birthday,
Let everything be okay, without unnecessary phrases!

I wish that everything is “chick-bucket”,
So that there is always a “ding-ding” in your wallet,
So that the Porsche Coyen drives itself into your hands,
And drink only Hennessy. Amen.

Believe it if you want
believe it or not,
There is a beast wandering somewhere nearby.
Doesn't live in the dense forest,
In Russian the mighty language.
This animal is called "moose"
- It’s been like this for a long time.
Let “ELK” be with you,
To eat and sleep,
For three to drink,
So that you want and can,
So that happiness does not end,
To dream about good things,
For things to work out,
So that everything always comes true.

However, if we are talking about congratulations on your anniversary from a friend, try to emphasize the significance of the event with a solemn text. The friend’s task is to find birthday greetings for the man in poetry or prose that will please the friend. Or send a cool SMS if you are separated by a long distance!

On behalf of the team...

A congratulatory text to a manager is a double responsibility! You can use the intellectual resources of the entire team, or you can download wishes to the boss from the World Wide Web.

It is recommended to address solemn business congratulations to the director. What does it mean? It is appropriate for the manager to wish the development of his business, material success, and new career achievements. A gift for your boss could also be appropriate. It doesn’t have to be very expensive, the main thing is that it emphasizes its status in the eyes of the team. For example, a real Swiss pen, necessary for every serious leader.

We wish you a friendly team
Brilliant and beautiful victories,
Large and stable income!
And be cheerful and strong in spirit.

So that competitors are afraid of us,
Clients were lining up.
And let under your leadership
Breakthrough and excellence await us.

And so that in the family and personal life
Things were resolved perfectly.
Unreal miracles to you in life!
Happy birthday to you, boss!

We congratulate you on your birthday and wish you good luck. So that she will always be there for you in everything: in family matters, at work, on vacation. Let your health be strong, your mind pure, your heart kind, your optimism persistent, your enthusiasm persistent. I wish you happiness and conquering the heights of life.
We wish those workers who are “from God”
So that you are understood, at least a little,
All your orders were carried out without words,
We always wish you a happy birthday!

The authorities above you should be kinder,
Fewer checks, praise and luck,
So that all work is always completed on time,
And your team was not afraid of difficult paths!

Who comes to work
As soon as the light dawns,
Who can point out mistakes?
Who is wise to give advice?

Well, of course, our boss,
Wise, strict, businesslike,
And today, on my birthday,
We came to you in a crowd

Wish you health, happiness,
Cheerfulness and a lot of strength,
So that every day is working
The business brought profit.

With half a word of understanding,
Achievements without hindrance,
May all goals and desires
Success will certainly await you.

Dear (name, patronymic), happy birthday! Not everyone can boast of such a wise leader, a professional in his field, a man of sober mind and iron self-control. We are pleased to work with you. We wish you to maintain energy, positivity, optimism and vigor. And we, in turn, will try to promote the further development and prosperity of our enterprise.
No, you are not just a person,
You are the team's amulet!
You lead us all forward,
And where you are, there is always success.

You, as a boss, are just a treasure,
Everyone is happy to work with you.
We wish you victories, awards,
Health, happiness, personal things are fine.

Profitable places, cool ideas,
Successful plans and undertakings,
Career and spiritual growth...
And happy birthday, our boss!

Dear (name, patronymic). On behalf of the entire team we would like to congratulate you on your birthday! You are our captain, leading the ship of our enterprise on a smooth course, despite storms and hurricanes. On our glorious ship, everyone is busy with their own business, everyone knows that they are valued and respected. And we will all help you move forward. We wish you cheerfulness, fortitude, optimism and inexhaustible energy. And - full speed ahead!
Dear Leader,
For us, as with the above patron!
We are a friendly team,
We hasten to congratulate you!

Happy birthday!
Please accept this gift from us:

Work and dedication to the fullest!
And a bunch of wishes, good luck all year round!
You guide us - with an invisible hand,
And in gratitude we give you stability and peace!

In addition, the boss will be pleased to receive congratulations on the anniversary from the team, written in the form of a song. But that is not all! You can send virtual or real printed cards with congratulatory texts to the director.

And don’t forget that it is very important for a leader to know that the team respects him. This means that sending congratulatory SMS to your boss is a rule of bad taste. If you can’t congratulate him in person at the moment, call your boss on the phone and say kind words. This will give moral satisfaction to a director of any level!

So, congratulations can be long songs and short SMS, eloquent texts and funny jokes, cheeky addresses and sincere wishes. The main thing is that these words, addressed to your husband, father, grandfather or director, come from the heart!

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Happy birthday, dear birthday boy!
This is a holiday for a real man!
This day today is only yours!
Smile, there is no reason to be sad!

We sincerely wish you
The happiness of a real man,
Success in your endeavors, and believe me,
There is no other way in your destiny!

We wish you joy in the family,
Compromises with the boss at work,
Good mood everywhere
And always, and in any weather!

The anniversary marked the acquisition of invaluable experience. I wish you to be able to use it for good and achieve great success! Let happiness and good health accompany life and give true satisfaction, which a real man can appreciate!

Today is such a wonderful day,
All your friends have gathered,
He is light, bright and charming, -
Happy anniversary to you!

We sincerely wish you
Walk through life singing,
Let your heart burn with feelings,
And may you become successful!

And so that problems and misfortune
We've been away for the entire century!
We wish you only peace and happiness -
After all, you are a wonderful person!

Happy birthday now
We are the one who was able to gather us today,
Congratulations and wishes - every day
May smiles not be too lazy to bloom.

On this day you will be the strongest.
And you always choose the right path.
Let every moment bring only joy.
And walk straight towards your luck.
And, of course, don’t forget about your friends.
And today we will sing “Loaf”!

On your birthday I want to wish you one thing - wealth. May you have a hundred... friends, a thousand... kind good people meet on your way, a million... happy smiles, 365 thousand... sunny days. This means that a clear sun will shine above your head for a hundred years. Even the Indian Maharajas do not have such wealth.