Sour cream hair mask. Homemade sour cream hair mask. Hair growth mask

Sour cream is a fairly useful natural ingredient that can restore health to hair. Moreover, it is not expensive, since such a product is almost always present in the refrigerator. Its main advantage is considered to be increased fat content, which nourishes the head from the very roots. Since ancient times, women knew beauty recipes based on sour cream, so their hair was strong, silky, and healthy.

Sour cream can be used both in pure form and with additives. Let's consider its benefits and recipes for popular masks.

The benefits of sour cream

The main beneficial properties of the product are the effects of nutrients not only on the hair, but also on the scalp:

  • the basis of sour cream is the presence of proteins, fats and amino acids, which nourish, moisturize, eliminate dryness and flaking, as a result the hair becomes thick and manageable;
  • The content of vitamins such as A, B, C, E, PP in the product makes curls stronger, accelerates their growth, improves color, and restores structure.

Sour cream can eliminate not only the external disadvantages of a hairstyle, such as dullness, fragility, hair loss, but also affects the root cause of this condition. If you have dry, damaged hair, sour cream will be an indispensable component of masks in the fight against these shortcomings. The product is also suitable for oily types, but it will have to be combined with other components.

There are practically no contraindications to the use of sour cream; it has a very gentle effect on the scalp, without causing irritation or other reactions from the body.

The product has the following effects on hair:

  • accelerates their growth, makes hair thicker;
  • eliminates the problem of hair loss, improves color, restores shine;
  • fights dry hair and epidermis;
  • eliminates itching, flaking, and dandruff.

Rules of application

Most often, sour cream masks are used for dry hair. Moreover, you can keep them on your head as long as you like. In addition, there are no special cooking recipes; everything is prepared simply. However, there are some rules of application that will enhance the effect of sour cream:

  • When choosing a product in a store, you need to focus on the structure of your hair. If they are dry, then choose a product with 20-25% fat content, if they have a normal structure, then 15-20%, and for the fatty type, low-fat (10%) is suitable.
  • All products should be at room temperature. Cold sour cream, on the contrary, will weaken the vitality of the hair.
  • When using several products, you should mix them well; for this you can use a mixer or blender.
  • The head should be clean and the strands should be moisturized; before applying the mask, the skin should be well massaged, this will improve blood circulation in it, and thus the nutrients in the sour cream will be better absorbed.
  • The optimal time to keep the mask on your head is from 20 to 40 minutes. During this period of time, the skin and hair will have time to receive all the nutrients.
  • When the mixture is distributed over the strands, you need to wrap your head with film or a towel.
  • Remains of the mask are usually removed with warm water and shampoo; the hairstyle should dry naturally without the use of a hair dryer.

A sour cream hair mask should be applied regularly, because this is the only way to achieve a healing effect.

For hair growth

You will need:

  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • egg yolks - 3 pcs.;
  • mustard - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp. l. (optional).

All products are mixed and applied to the head for 15 minutes.

Sometimes the first time you feel a strong burning sensation from the mustard, in this case the mask can be washed off a little earlier. Next time, the amount of mustard can be slightly reduced and the amount of dairy product increased.

As a result, growth will increase noticeably (1-1.5 cm per month). In winter, your hair will always be manageable and soft.

From falling out

In this mask, the proportions are selected independently, since none of the products can harm. For the recipe you will need sour cream and kefir. Mix, apply to your head, wrap first with cellophane, then with a scarf. You need to keep the composition for at least 1 hour.

A mask of kefir and sour cream increases blood supply to the scalp, thereby accelerating the growth of new hairs.

To strengthen

To strengthen thinning, weakened hairs, you need to prepare the following mask:

  • dairy product - 2 tbsp;
  • carrot juice - 2 tbsp;
  • a couple of drops of geranium or lavender essential oil.

Apply the mixed ingredients to your head and leave for 40 minutes. After just 5-6 such sessions, the hair structure will change for the better. Carrot juice is a source of vitamin A, which can strengthen hair and activate its growth. Essential oils saturate curls with vitality.

for lightening

Ingredients needed:

  • ginger in the form of gruel - 20 g;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml;
  • sour cream - 80 g;
  • water - 200 ml.

You need to boil water, pour ginger and lemon juice into it. Add sour cream to the mixture, mix well. The mask is applied to the head, wrapped with cellophane and a towel. The mixture must be kept on the head for 2 hours. It is best to wash off the product with chamomile decoction. After this, the hair dries on its own.

This mask can lighten your hair by 2 tones.

Mask for split ends

  • sour cream - 2 tbsp;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp;
  • chicken egg yolk - 1 pc.

All ingredients are mixed and applied to the head for 15 minutes. For best results, do the procedure once every 10 days, and in winter - once a week. After just 4-5 sessions you can get rid of split ends.

For oily hair

You will need:

  • low-fat sour cream (10%) - 2 tbsp;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • calendula decoction 2 tbsp.

All ingredients are mixed, the mask is applied for 15-20 minutes. Calendula normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, relieves inflammation, and has an antiseptic effect. Honey supplies the scalp with vitamins and improves blood circulation.

For dry

Ingredients needed:

  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • liquid honey - 50 g;
  • sour cream - 60 ml;
  • castor oil - 50 ml.

All products are mixed and whisked until the mixture is homogeneous. Apply the mask over the entire length of your hair for 1 hour. The head is wrapped in polyethylene and a towel. Next, the head is washed using the usual method. This product can restore shine to curls and also promotes hydration.

For normal hair

You will need:

  • sour cream - 2 tbsp;
  • honey - 1 tsp;
  • banana pulp - 1 tbsp;
  • yolk - 1 pc.

Mix the ingredients. If the mixture is too thick, it can be diluted with a small amount of milk. First, the mask must be rubbed into the scalp and then distributed throughout the hair. Leave on your head for 40 minutes.

Bananas contain many vitamins and nutrients. Thanks to the yolk, the hair becomes soft and manageable. Honey will improve the blood supply to blood vessels in the scalp. The mask will add thickness to your hair.

Sour cream is rightfully recognized as a universal product. It is used in many industries, including hair treatment. With regular use of masks, hair gains vitality, becomes silky and strong. They will delight you with their healthy shine for a long time.

A mask with sour cream allows you to strengthen your hair thanks to the following in its composition:

  • retinol;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • nicotinic acid;
  • vitamin E.

Retinol or vitamin A refers to biologically active substances that normalize redox processes in the scalp. This happens as a result of activation of the synthesis of collagen, creatine and melanin.

Nicotinic acid is responsible for metabolism
. When exposed to it, blood circulation processes in the vessels are regulated and their lumen changes.

Ascorbic acid helps maintain metabolic lipid processes in tissues. When exposed to hair follicles, blood circulation and gas exchange are normalized. In addition, thanks to this substance, iron and folic acid are absorbed.

Vitamin E restores the structure of cell membranes
. Sour cream also contains various vitamins and minerals, organic acids.

Sour cream has its positive effect due to its composition:

  • damaged strands are restored;
  • water balance is maintained;
  • hair becomes more hydrated;
  • dead epidermal cells are removed;
  • blood circulation in the scalp improves;
  • The protective film is restored, giving the curls elasticity and shine.

The egg in the mask acts as an additional nutritional element. Thanks to the substances in its composition, it additionally strengthens the hair.

When combined, these products complement each other and allow you to:

  • increase hair thickness and volume;
  • activate their growth;
  • relieve dryness;
  • eliminate dandruff and itching.

Important: Masks with sour cream are often used to remove color after unsuccessful dyeing.

Who are these masks suitable for?

Mask with sour cream and egg is suitable for all hair types, because it is not excessively oily, but also does not dry out the scalp.

It is best used to nourish curls that have been damaged as a result of dyeing, drying with a hot hairdryer, or after frequent styling.

Also, sour cream and egg mixture is often used to lighten hair by 1-2 tones or wash off the result of unsuccessful dyeing. To use the product on oily hair, For the product, you can choose not very fatty sour cream - up to 15%, and vice versa, for dry and weakened strands the fat content should be from 25%.

In order for the procedure to give the desired result, you should use the mixture in a course.

Sour cream masks are good at restoring curls after traveling at sea, when the salty air causes the strands to dry out and become brittle and dull.

Step by step recipe

Preparing a mask from sour cream and eggs is quite simple, since the set of products required for this is minimal. This:

  • homemade sour cream;
  • egg.
  1. For one teaspoon of sour cream you will need to take one egg or even one yolk.
  2. If desired, the mixture can be supplemented with the juice of one lemon. But in this case, it can give a slight lightening effect and it will not be possible to use it on colored hair without washing out the color.
  3. All components are mixed in a plastic container until smooth, after which they are applied to the entire length. The volume of the mask can be varied depending on the length of the hair. For long strands you will need to double or even triple the volume of components.

Important: In addition to lemon juice, a mask with egg and sour cream can be supplemented with honey, potato juice, vegetable and essential oils.

How to use it correctly?

A hair mask based on sour cream and eggs requires special preparation.
to get the maximum effect from the procedures. For preparation, use only homemade village sour cream or sour cream prepared independently. Store-bought analogues contain preservatives that reduce the effectiveness of the composition. The percentage of fat content should be chosen based on the degree of oiliness of the scalp. The higher it is, the lower the fat concentration in the product should be.

Masks with sour cream and eggs should not be washed off with hot water, as when the temperature rises, the egg in their composition coagulates and removing it from your hair is problematic.


  • The sour cream and egg composition has no special contraindications for use. The only exception is an allergic reaction to the components of the mixture, so before applying the mask it must be tested for individual tolerance.
  • The composition can be used on hair of all types, including dyed hair, however, in this case, the brightness of the color will be lost, since the acid contained in sour cream will wash out the coloring pigment.
  • For very oily hair, you can make a mask, but be extremely careful and select sour cream with a low fat content, since the problem in this case can be aggravated.

Important: Sour cream masks help well with heavy hair loss in the autumn-winter period.

Useful video

By watching the video, you will learn how to make a simple but effective hair mask from sour cream, eggs and honey:


Masks based on natural ingredients have always been popular. Sour cream is useful not only as a food product, but also as an ingredient for homemade cosmetic preparations. By supplementing it with an egg or just its yolk, you can get a product that will affect the strands no worse than the salon ones.

In Slavic cuisine, sour cream is an indispensable product, which is used to prepare many dishes from salads to desserts. Sour cream is no less widely used in cosmetology; it is perfect for both skin and hair care.

A universal remedy is a hair mask with sour cream. Depending on the additives, this product is perfect for caring for different types of strands, including treating a variety of problems.

Sour cream is a dairy product containing a fairly large amount of animal fat, vitamins and microelements that are beneficial for hair.

Sour cream contains:

  • Vitamins. Natural sour cream contains a very rich set of vitamins, including retinol, tocopherol, biotin, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, etc. These vitamins promote cell regeneration, stimulate collagen production, and help preserve natural pigment.
  • Microelements. Sour cream contains the most potassium and calcium. The first substance helps retain moisture in the cells, and without a sufficient amount of calcium, hair loses strength and breaks easily.
  • Proteins and animal fats. These substances help restore the hair structure, moisturize, nourish, and help provide protection from negative external influences.

Thus, despite the fact that the list of substances contained in sour cream that are beneficial for hair is small, these substances are contained in the product in high concentration. Sour cream is a universal product, suitable for caring for any type of hair; you just need to choose the right recipe.

Rules for conducting procedures

How to make homemade hair masks with sour cream bring maximum benefits? To do this, you need to familiarize yourself in advance with the rules for choosing a product, preparing formulations and applying them.

  • If possible, you should use homemade sour cream. This product can be purchased at markets or farm stores. If this is not possible, then when choosing sour cream in a store, pay attention to the composition of the product; the product should be as natural as possible.
  • Very important pay attention to such an indicator as the fat content in sour cream. The fat content of sour cream can vary from 10 to 52%. To care for oily strands, you should choose a low-fat product - a maximum of 15% fat. If your hair is normal, then a product with a fat content of 20-25% is suitable; for dry strands, you need to choose sour cream with a maximum fat content.
  • Even expired sour cream is perfect for making masks., it is only important that the product does not have an unpleasant odor.

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  • Some sour cream hair mask recipes include solid foods (such as fruit). They need to be crushed to a puree state; it is convenient to do this using a blender. If honey or cosmetic oil is included in the composition, then these products must be preheated so that they become warm. All other ingredients, including sour cream, must be removed from the refrigerator in advance so that they reach room temperature.
  • To make it easier to distribute sour cream mixtures over the strands, it is recommended to pre-moisten them. The compositions are applied throughout the hair, including the ends. It is recommended to start application by rubbing it into the roots, then you will need to distribute the composition over the strands with a comb and brush.
  • To activate the action of beneficial substances, it is necessary to provide heat. To do this, wrap your head with a thick towel. To prevent the towel from getting dirty, you must first hide your hair under plastic wrap.
  • The duration of the procedure depends on the chosen recipe., and ranges from 20 to 60 minutes. You should not leave sour cream mixtures on overnight; the sour cream will dry out on your hair and will be difficult to wash off.
  • It is recommended to make masks in courses. If this is preventive care, then it will be enough to carry out procedures once a week. When carrying out treatment, the number of procedures should be doubled. The full course is no more than 15 masks, then you will need to take a break for at least a month.

Let's look at how you can prepare hair care and treatment compositions at home.

Read also: How to strengthen hair against loss?

Basic care

This recipe is universal for strands of any type, if you take into account some nuances. It is prepared from two components - sour cream and eggs.. For 1 egg, take 150 grams of sour cream and beat well with a mixer.

You need to supplement the sour cream with an egg if the strands are normal. If the strands are prone to oiliness, then instead of a whole egg you should take two whites. And for dry strands you need to use two yolks. In addition, it is necessary to select the right fat content of sour cream. Duration of the procedure – forty minutes

Softening composition

To make your strands softer, more elastic and manageable, you need to prepare a softening composition. Prepare a softening hair mask with sour cream and honey. You need to take honey and heat it so that it becomes more liquid. Then mix with sour cream and beat. The ingredients are taken in the same volume, the quantity is determined by the length of the strands. Keep the composition on your hair for one hour.

Vitamin composition

To strengthen your hair and make it stronger, It is worth preparing a composition with the addition of carrot juice. The juice is used fresh, prepared immediately before preparing the composition. For three parts of sour cream, take one part of juice. This composition should be kept for one hour.

Treatment of overdried strands

Dried strands need moisturizing, softening and nutrition. A mask for dry hair with sour cream and a mixture of oils will help restore its attractive appearance and health.

You need to heat a spoonful of castor oil, mix it with olive oil, taken in the same amount. Then add two tablespoons of sour cream and yolk to the mixture. Whisk everything. Wash off the composition an hour after application.

Intense hydration

A moisturizing hair mask with sour cream is prepared with the addition of avocado and cucumber. You need to take a small fresh cucumber, peel it, cut it lengthwise into quarters and cut out the core with the seeds. Then peel half a ripe avocado. Place the cucumber and avocado pieces in a blender and grind until pureed. Add a third of a glass of sour cream to the mixture and beat again. Leave the mixture on your hair for forty minutes.

Fighting hair loss

In case of intense hair loss, you should prepare a composition with cognac and burdock oil.

For every compatriot, such a familiar, drawn-out and pleasant word “sour cream” is associated with tasty and healthy food. Pancakes with sour cream, borscht with sour cream, just sour cream with a spoon, like my grandmother had in the village when she was a child. Most foreigners have no idea what it is.

Previously, sour cream was prepared simply - put a can of milk in a warm place and after a couple of days skim off the cream that had settled during this time. Now there are special devices - separators; milk is passed through them, which at the output is divided into sour cream and skim milk. Enterprises produce sour cream of different percentages of fat content - from 10 to 40 percent.

Composition of sour cream

Sour cream contains the following components:

  • Vitamins of groups A to PP, including B vitamins and beta-carotene;
  • Calcium;
  • Potassium;
  • Iron;
  • Fluorine;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Zinc;
  • Copper, etc.

Sour cream is used in cooking and other types of food industry. Sour cream has recently become especially widely used as a basis for cosmetics for the face and body, and in hair masks.

It is on the basis of sour cream that you can prepare excellent remedies for correcting the shortcomings of any type of hair.

The benefits of sour cream for hair

In cosmetology, sour cream-based masks are widely used for dry, lifeless and dull hair. Why does hair become dull? It does not fully reflect the rays of the sun that fall on its surface. At the same time, it is difficult to comb it after washing and style it. Such curls, as a rule, are heavily split at the ends, and the scalp suffers from. Owners of this type of hair have to constantly look for more and more moisturizing and restorative products for themselves. As a rule, in order not to bother themselves with unnecessary worries, they simply go to the store and choose drugs that promise cosmetology miracles and instant results. However, think about how these products are synthesized, how many dyes, stabilizers, amplifiers and improvers are there, which not only will not help solve the problem, but sometimes even worsen the situation.

Sour cream is one of nature’s gifts that women with any hair type can safely use. The main thing is to choose the right fat content and fillers for masks. With the help of sour cream, you can equally successfully restore damaged hair, accelerate its growth, prevent premature hair loss and much more.

So, the benefits of sour cream for hair cannot be overestimated. However, it is worth listing some of its properties that have a positive effect on curls:

  1. The content of retinol (vitamin A) determines the regenerating properties of sour cream. It activates the process of synthesis of proteins that make up the main layer of the hair shaft;
  2. Ascorbic acid (or vitamin C) is known to be an excellent natural antioxidant. It regulates metabolic processes in tissue cells, promoting their saturation with oxygen. Ascorbic acid improves blood circulation and facilitates the process of microcirculation of substances between cells;
  3. normalizes cellular metabolism, activates the respiratory process of cells, expands the capillaries of the scalp, increasing the blood flow to them. Removes toxins and waste;
  1. The effect of tocopherol (vitamin E) extends to giving elasticity and strength to curls. It prevents the premature death of cells, giving them new life;
  2. Potassium has moisturizing properties.

Together, these substances allow curls to acquire beauty, shine, elasticity and resistance to external negative influences in the form of curling irons, hair dryers and hot rollers.

Sour cream hair masks: application

Using sour cream masks for hair gives us many benefits. It should be noted that the accessibility and ease of use of this tool are undeniable. Preparing sour cream masks is quick and easy and does not cause any difficulties when applying and washing off. But there are a number of nuances that should be considered before using sour cream for hair:

  1. For those who have, it is better to use homemade sour cream. You can buy it from grandmothers at the market. If this is not possible, choose sour cream in the store with the highest percentage of fat content;
  2. If your goal is to prevent symptoms of premature hair loss, use sour cream with a fat percentage of 15 to 25;
  3. For mixed hair types, to maintain beauty and grooming, you can recommend sour cream with a fat content of no more than 15%;
  4. Carefully study the ingredients of the mask recipe you are about to prepare. If you know that you may have an allergic reaction to one of the ingredients, discard this product and choose a new one;
  5. In any case, do a test before applying the product to your hair. Apply a small amount of sour cream mask to your wrist or elbow. Leave for a few minutes (10-15). If there is no irritation or itching, you can safely proceed to the procedure;
  6. Sour cream has a weak lightening effect. Therefore, for women with dark hair, it is advisable to try the product first on one curl, and then use this product for the entire head. It is especially not recommended to apply masks to freshly colored hair;
  1. To prepare sour cream products, use a mixer or blender. With their help, you can thoroughly mix all the components and avoid the formation of lumps;
  2. All masks using sour cream must be insulated. All milk-based products begin to work actively in heat;
  3. In few people, sour cream itself can cause allergic skin reactions. Therefore, masks made from it can be kept on your hair for a long time. Pure sour cream applied to your hair overnight will have a wonderful effect. But when using additional ingredients, the permitted time of use for the mask is from 30 minutes to 1 hour;
  4. Do not wash off the mask with hot water. It is easily washed off with running warm water and shampoo;
  5. To treat dry hair, 15 procedures are enough. They need to be done once every three days.

Components of sour cream masks for problem hair

Every woman dreams of eliminating certain problems that have arisen with her hair. Therefore, when choosing additional components for masks, follow the following recommendations:

The following can be used as additional hair restoration products:

  • Egg yolk. Nourishes, restores, promotes gluing of damaged scales of the keratin layer, enriches hair and skin with additional microelements and vitamins;
  • . Gives hair amazing shine and a healthy look;
  • . Used as the second main component in most masks that promote hair restoration;
  • Banana or kiwi pulp. known for their beneficial properties not only for hair, but also for the skin of the face and body. Fruits fill curls with vitamins, microelements and freshness;
  • . A unique product that helps eliminate dandruff, irritation and itching of the skin. It contains many microelements and vitamins that can bring invaluable benefits to curls;
  • Kefir or yogurt. Taken together, these dairy products will provide an even greater positive effect;
  • Carrot juice. To achieve the best effect, it is advisable to mix the components in equal proportions. Carrots act as a remedy to prevent hair loss;
  • Infusions and decoctions of herbs. These are healing liquids that are used to add shine, thickness and health to hair.

Sour cream can act as an additional component to formulations that accelerate hair growth, eliminate the causes of premature hair loss, and treat dandruff.

The combination with alcohol will help stop hair loss. In combination with ginger juice, sour cream can act as a restorative, nourishing, caring product for the care of curls. If you add lemon juice to a sour cream mask, you will achieve smoothness and shine of your curls. If you mix white henna and sour cream, in addition to the main benefits, you will achieve gentle and gradual healing. For people with red hair, you can add regular henna to sour cream. You will strengthen your curls, add brightness and shine to them.

Dry hair most often appears dull because it barely reflects light. They quickly get tangled, break easily, are difficult to comb, do not want to fit into your hair, and have severe split ends. Their owners are constantly in search of a suitable moisturizer to care for them, often not suspecting that it is very close - on the refrigerator shelf. Homemade sour cream hair masks are extremely easy to prepare, give a pleasant feeling of freshness, are distinguished by the absence of oiliness on the strands, richly moisturize the curls and strengthen the roots. Therefore, in addition to regular care for dry hair, you can restore damaged (brittle and split ends) strands, stop their loss and accelerate the growth of curls.

Sour cream is a natural product that contains many different vitamins and other beneficial substances. All of them have a beneficial effect on the scalp, hair roots and the strands themselves, moisturizing them and restoring their microstructure. The chemical composition of sour cream is a real pharmacy for sick, dry and damaged hair:

  • vitamin A (in scientific circles known as retinol) improves the redox reactions of the scalp, activates the synthesis of proteins (of which hair is mainly composed), tidies up metabolism, makes cell membranes thicker and stronger so that they can retain moisture, slows down cellular aging processes, accelerates hair growth;
  • vitamin C (everyone’s favorite ascorbic acid), being a natural and very effective antioxidant, regulates carbohydrate metabolism in cells, thereby toning the scalp; improves blood circulation and strengthens blood vessels, which accelerates hair growth; launches tissue regeneration processes; protects strands from external irritants and infections; helps iron and folic acid to be fully absorbed; ensures uninterrupted production of proteins and lipids, thanks to which split ends and brittle strands are quickly restored;
  • vitamin PP (this is nicotinic acid that is beneficial for hair) participates in the cellular metabolism of fats, proteins, amino acids, facilitates tissue respiration, activates the biosynthesis process, eliminates problems with blood circulation in the scalp, dilates blood vessels, improves microcirculation, has detoxification properties, removing toxins and heavy metals from the hair , accumulating in them for years;
  • vitamin E (rejuvenating tocopherol) gives the most lifeless strands strength and elasticity, as it prevents oxidation of cell membranes: the stronger they are, the more beautiful the curls look;
  • there are a lot of microelements in sour cream, but most of all in it potassium , which provides masks from this product with moisturizing properties.

The effect of this vitamin composition has the most beneficial effect on the condition of damaged, dry, thinning, brittle hair that requires additional nutrition. Those who practice folk remedies for hair care know that a sour cream mask has not just a cosmetic, but also a therapeutic effect. Now you know how sour cream is useful for hair, how it acts on it - it’s time to get down to preparing these miraculous remedies.

Using sour cream masks

Homemade hair masks made from sour cream have many advantages over many other similar products. They are easy and quick to prepare, do not cause any difficulties during application or rinsing, the product itself is always freely available and inexpensive. Why is this not an ideal remedy? Little secrets for using sour cream masks will help increase their effectiveness and avoid annoying misunderstandings and disappointments.

  1. Homemade sour cream is superior to store-bought sour cream in terms of concentration of nutrients. Therefore, if there is such an opportunity, it is advisable to use it for preparing masks.
  2. To moisturize dry hair, use sour cream with a high fat content (more than 25%). If you want to speed up the growth or stop the loss of oily strands, prepare a mask from sour cream with a low fat content (less than 15%). For regular care and proper nutrition of normal hair or mixed-type curls, it is recommended to take sour cream with an average fat content (from 15 to 25%).
  3. Sour cream itself very rarely causes allergies, but the mask often contains other components, even a small amount of which can negatively affect the condition of the scalp, which affects the appearance of the hair. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you first try the prepared sour cream mask on the inside of the wrist. If there is no skin reaction, the mixture can be applied to the head.
  4. Please note that sour cream lightens hair , so newly colored and dark-blond young ladies should try a mask of this product first on a separate strand to see the resulting shade, and then apply it completely.
  5. It is advisable to beat all the components of the mask in a blender: this avoids the formation of lumps.
  6. Sour cream masks are universal in the sense that you can wash your hair before applying them, or you can leave it dirty: this will not affect their effectiveness in any way. The only thing that is recommended to do is to slightly moisten the strands: this will allow the sour cream to be evenly distributed along the entire length of the curls.
  7. You can safely treat your scalp with sour cream, rubbing it into the roots with massaging, smooth movements, while simultaneously performing self-massage. With the help of a special comb, sour cream is easily and quickly distributed over the entire length of the hair. The tips are also generously moistened with the prepared mixture.
  8. All dairy products love heat, which awakens the activity of the components in them. Therefore, after applying the mask, warm your head by putting on a shower cap and wrapping it in a towel.
  9. Sour cream is a safe product, so the duration of action of masks made from it can be quite long if you use the product in its pure form, without additional ingredients. Sour cream is actively used for hair at night, for example. But as soon as you include other products in the mask, its duration of action is limited to 20 to 60 minutes.
  10. The mask should be easily washed off with warm water and shampoo.
  11. The procedure can be done once or even twice a week, but no more than 15 masks. After this, let your hair rest or switch to some other base product.

Simple, but very important recommendations will help you get the maximum benefit from sour cream masks. The main thing is to be patient and regularly nourish and treat your hair with sour cream. If you do this chaotically, using the product once, there will be no effect.

Recipes for homemade masks with sour cream

Usually, recipes indicate which problem a particular mask is suitable for - this is your guide. Therefore, before choosing a recipe, decide what exactly you want from sour cream hair masks, and then start studying their basic composition.

  • Sour cream + egg = hydration

A glass of sour cream is mixed with three raw eggs.

  • Sour cream + honey = nutrition

Heat honey to 40°C (you will need a water bath), mix in equal proportions with sour cream.

  • Sour cream + kefir = lightening

Some do special hair lightening with sour cream at home , taking advantage of the extraordinary properties of this product. Natural kefir without additives is mixed in equal quantities with sour cream.

  • Sour cream + carrots = against hair loss

Turn the carrots into a glass of fresh juice, mix it with the same amount of sour cream.

  • Sour cream + oils = for thickness

Two tables. lie mix sour cream with 3 tablespoons. lie cosmetic grape seed oil and 5 drops of sage essential oil.

  • Sour cream + herbs = night mask

You can use sour cream in its pure form for hair at night, or you can dilute it with a small amount of burdock decoction, and then you can stop the most intense hair loss and cure alopecia.

  • Sour cream + olive oil + lemon = for shiny hair

Two tables. lie mix sour cream with the same amount of olive oil (preferably heated in a water bath at 40°C) for one tablespoon. lie fresh lemon juice.

  • Sour cream + oils + avocado = restoration

Mix a glass of sour cream with 3 tablespoons. lie avocado pulp. Heat 150 ml of any cosmetic oil (castor, burdock, olive) in a water bath and add to the total sour cream and avocado mixture.

The main purpose of sour cream hair masks is their excellent moisturizing properties, although they are recommended to be actively used for the care of oily, mixed, normal hair. The main thing is to be able to select the percentage of fat content. A correctly chosen and well-prepared mask will delight you with consistently excellent and guaranteed results.