How to make peace with a girl after a breakup: step-by-step instructions. How to make peace with a girl if she doesn't want to talk? Advice from a psychologist The girl wants to make peace

People cannot have the same view of things all the time, so quarrels are a natural element of any relationship between a guy and a girl. However, if you want your relationship to continue and develop further, you should try to bring back the joy and happiness, and not try to outsmart the girl, make her look stupid or be hostile towards her. You should know how to make peace with a girl.

How you deal with difficulties that arise is very important because it is moments like these that show whether you and your girlfriend will become closer to each other, or whether the misunderstanding between you will grow.

1. Don't chase forgiveness

If you really offended her or broke your promise, then there is nothing wrong with asking for forgiveness.

However, no matter what happens, begging a girl to forgive you is the worst thing you can do after a quarrel.

Right now, your girlfriend is feeling angry, upset, and hurt and may not even want to see you.

If you show emotional weakness through your behavior, the girl will begin to lose respect for you, because in this way you are telling her that you lack inner strength and maturity.

In most cases, the main reason why a girl decides to end a relationship is because she has lost respect for her boyfriend. She ceases to consider the young man a man worthy of her.

Therefore, your words and actions after a quarrel are very important. Either your attractiveness, respect and love for you will increase, or all these feelings will rapidly lose weight.

When you apologize to your girlfriend, do it in a way that is loving and sincere while remaining emotionally strong.

For example, instead of saying, “I'm so sorry! Please forgive me! I will do whatever you want and I promise to never do that again!” which will make you look like an emotionally weak person and will cause you to lose respect as a man, you can say: “I’m sorry it turned out that way.” . I was that wrong. Next time I won’t do this, so this situation won’t happen again.”

This approach will allow her to feel understanding on your part and will show that you are a person who can take responsibility for your actions and also not repeat mistakes in the future. As a result, respect and love for you will increase.

2. Stand up for your interests

Big with a woman - follow her lead in order to avoid a quarrel or scandal.

If a guy doesn't understand what women really want, he may be convinced that making a girl happy means giving her everything she wants. Indulging women's whims leads to even greater problems.

Any woman will try to take a dominant position in a relationship, but if a man gives in, she herself will subsequently suffer from having a henpecked man and a doormat next to her.

In essence, a woman’s goal is not to become the main one in a relationship. This is something like a test for a man, a way to check his higher status, carried out on a systematic basis.

Women need confidence that their man will always follow the goals and values ​​in which he truly believes, even if such a position is at odds with women's interests.

When a man is able to defend his opinion, make decisions and bear responsibility, including for his woman, she, in turn, will be confident that he is able to cope with the challenges of fate that life can bring down on him.

Well, if a man always agrees with a woman, what is he even capable of in this case? Will he be able to emerge victorious from a difficult situation, for example at work or in another case that arises in a social environment, or will he simply remain silent and accept the position of a victim?

How confident will a woman feel next to this man at family parties or? Will a man speak confidently when an awkward situation arises, or will he turn his gaze to the woman, expecting her to sort it out?

Again, it all comes down to one thing: can a woman respect him as her man.

So, if you had a fight with your friend and you're really worried about how to make up with her, you still shouldn't use the words she wants to hear just to resolve the conflict in any way.

You can still solve the problem without betraying your goals and values.

For example: a guy, in order to advance in his career, decided to improve his qualifications and went to study. Studying can take up a lot of free time, as a result of which a girl can feel forgotten and lonely, which can cause conflict.

But it will be better if the guy tells the girl: “I understand that your condition is directly related to my work and study. But I can't quit studying because it's important to me. Moreover, learning will provide a better future for both of us. However, I care about you and it is also important to me that you are happy. Therefore, I will definitely devote the free time that I have at my disposal to you. It will mean a lot to me if you support me with understanding on your part, because I am doing this for both of us.”

The girl will appreciate that even if you try to quarrel, in order to test your will and determination, you do not fall on your knees in front of her and are not ready with all parts of her body to please.

Instead, you're focused on creating a better future for yourself and your girlfriend, while also giving her even more free time.

Your inner core makes her respect and love you, because she is sure that she is next to a real man. And if she loses you, she probably won't be able to find a worthy replacement.

You may not know this, but it is very difficult for women to find such a person.

Women often say: “Where are all the real men?” And they complain that guys are too weak, passive and weak-willed when it comes to relationships.

When you can become a man with a capital “M,” your girlfriend will understand that other women notice your value. This is often strong enough for a woman to have a sincere desire to be a wonderful companion to her man throughout her life.

Of course, you should continue to treat your girlfriend as well and also make sure that she respects you and treats you in the same way.

3. Look at the situation from your girlfriend's point of view.

Let's say you and your girlfriend had an argument over some minor reason (for example, you forgot to call her). In your opinion, the event is completely trivial.

However, if you put yourself in the girl's shoes and look at the situation from a different angle, you may find that she is not angry at you about the phone call, but is acting this way because she feels like you have been treating her lately for granted.

Thus, the desire to quarrel is a result of her feeling unloved and unappreciated, and she does not know how to express her feelings differently.

The girl doesn’t want to lead you by the hand and constantly explain everything. Women believe that men should be more mature and give them enough attention.

When you know the reason for her unusual behavior, you have the opportunity to express understanding - for example, tell her: “I understand that perhaps I have not been attentive enough to you lately. But I want you to know that I love you and appreciate what you do for me, and I will do everything in my power to make you feel good.”

When a woman knows that you consider her feelings and don't just take her for granted, she will be happy to let go of her anger. The girl will feel loved and desired and will be imbued with respect and love for you.

4. Take the situation in a positive direction

Quarrels are a natural part of any relationship. If you and your girlfriend treat each other with respect and haven't said or done anything hurtful or demeaning, then there's no reason why negative feelings should remain after a fight.

Holding a grudge is a sign that you and your girlfriend have not fully dealt with the issues that caused the fight. Remove all negativity between you and let love flow freely.

Always try to bring laughter, joy and love back into the relationship. Once you get used to it, you will both feel much more in love with each other.

However, don't expect the girl to be responsible for this. As a man, you are responsible for managing the dynamics of the relationship.

If you push the relationship towards quarrels and scandals, the girl will almost always follow your initiatives until the relationship falls apart.

On the other hand, when you create joy and love through your actions, your girlfriend will gradually begin to copy your positive behavior and attitude.

So, if you are wondering how to make peace with a girl, you should understand why the argument arose and then try to lead the confrontation to a solution or understanding.

Then just start joking, smiling, laughing and being positive, and then the anger will leave both of you.

Of course, if you feel manipulation on the part of a girl, or there is a specific problem behind her, you need to act calmly, but firmly. No woman dares to raise her voice at you, address you with obscene language, or make a fool of you.

5. Change your attitude towards quarrels

Most people believe that quarrels are extremely harmful, but it is better to look at this phenomenon as an opportunity to increase love, respect and attraction in a couple.

To maintain a successful relationship, you and your girlfriend should try to make each other happy no matter what.

So instead of worrying about how to make peace with a girl, just show her that you are a person you can rely on, that you are a man.

When she sees that you are the main one in the relationship, while remaining loving and respectful of her feelings and opinions, your feelings will only become stronger over time.

You will be able to feel joy after an argument because you know there is no reason to worry. A fight will be another opportunity for you to learn, improve, and become better for each other.

1. Take a break

During an argument, both parties tend to enter a completely irrational state where pride and anger are of paramount importance. We lose sight of what is truly important.

In our fervent desire to emerge victorious from a conflict, it is easy to forget that we are both on the same side.

Therefore, the first thing you should do is pause. Do something that will calm you down and get the anger out of your head.

Not all quarrels can be resolved in an instant, and certainly not at the moment when you are flushed with rage that burns you from the inside.

So go for a walk or visit the gym to release your anger.

This will give your girlfriend time to calm down, and it will be much easier for you to fix the situation.

2. Discuss the problem

Most likely the quarrel arose for some reason.

Complaints and grievances that have arisen need to be resolved, and an attempt to hide them out of harm’s way can subsequently sweep through your relationship like a flaming fireball, which certainly will not make it stronger.

So sit down and talk to your girlfriend. She will feel much better once you have discussed everything, and your understanding and concern in this matter will definitely pay dividends.

3. Take some responsibility.

It takes at least two participants for a quarrel to occur. And whether you believe it or not, you contributed equally to the situation getting out of control.

Agree that you are also mistaken. Recognize that if you had been calmer, the argument would not have turned into a hurricane of emotions.

It is important for a girl to hear from you that she is not entirely to blame for disrupting the peaceful state of your happy relationship.

In this case, she will be relieved to admit that she was also wrong.

4. Give a gift

This may seem insignificant, but what woman doesn't love gifts?

No matter what your girlfriend's mood is, or arrange a surprise.

Make sure your gift is chosen wisely. You won't be able to calm down an angry girl with just any trinket.

5. Hugs are free, but costly.

Nothing says you care better than a warm, sincere hug.

Your other half will instantly feel protected and loved, because this is exactly the feeling you want to convey to the girl after a quarrel.

A simple hug will let her know that you still love her and the relationship is more important to you than any stupid conflict.

It can be difficult to find the right words to say after an argument has happened, so a hug can come in handy.

Of course, you shouldn’t force yourself on your friend with hugs, although some girls will need quite a bit of time to cool down.

6. Grant her wish

It's not as difficult as it seems. You don't have to do everything your other half wants. Do something that the girl has wanted for a long time. This will show that you are listening to her and remember her words.

Do this and your friend will know how much you truly care about her. As a result, both you and she will receive only pleasant emotions.

7. Apologize

Undoubtedly, this is the most important and difficult step to make up with a girl.

If you are truly to blame for the quarrel and sincerely want to fix everything, you will not be able to bypass this step.

Apologize and let the girl know that a similar situation will not happen again.

Cook a delicious dinner or write a romantic apology note. Remember, you don't have to be Shakespeare.

8. Surprise the girl

Think of something interesting, exciting, something that you haven’t done before or haven’t done for a long time.

Maybe you should take a trip to another city together or spend a night at a club.

Tap into your romantic side, surprise her and remind her that you love each other.

9. Sex as an epilogue

This is the finish line that signals the end of the argument and leaves the unpleasant event behind.

Sex allows both parties to release some of their anger and frustration.

Your relationship has been through the grinder of an argument, and now you have the opportunity to reconnect with your loved one on the deepest emotional level.

Arguments are important for any relationship. They add some zest to the monotony of your life and allow you to get closer to the girl in a joint attempt to solve the problems that have arisen. Just keep the consequences of conflicts under control, and do not forget what you should do to make peace with your girl.

Parting with a loved one is a difficult test for a man. However, in some cases, reconciliation is possible if you really want it. Advice from psychologists will help you start a relationship again, but it all depends on you.

There are couples who quarrel, make up, break up and get back together. For them, quarrels and reconciliations are part of the relationship itself. Here we will not evaluate whether this is good or bad. But in such a situation, there is every chance of making peace if it was one of the ordinary quarrels.

There are couples in which everything is calm, there are almost no conflicts, then separation can be caused by serious problems: betrayal, new love, strong resentment.

Before developing a reconciliation plan, you need to decide for yourself whether it is worth returning the girl. What caused your desire to make peace: love and the desire to be close or fear of loneliness and habit?

If you really love a girl and want to be with her, then do everything possible to rekindle the relationship. If it’s just a habit or you don’t care who you date, you shouldn’t get your former flame back. Let her find her happiness, because you really don’t really need her. And you just need to understand yourself before building a new relationship.

For reconciliation to be possible, both partners must want the relationship to continue. Yes, it may be difficult to realize the desire to be together at the time of a quarrel, but when the emotions subside, feelings and readiness for change should remain inside.

If the reason for the breakup was cheating, you hit the girl, insulted her, or one of you has a new love, resuming the relationship may be impossible.

You must reflect on the situation to realize:

  • Reasons for what happened.
  • Do you have a desire to make peace?
  • Are you willing to change to prevent this type of behavior in the future?

If the reason for the separation was serious, then this greatly alienated you from each other. Often in such cases, making peace is more difficult than simply starting a new relationship.

When there is only a desire to return to the same relationship, without the willingness to admit your mistakes and change, this is a dead-end path that, one way or another, will lead to the end of the relationship.

How to make peace with a girl

You are determined to get your loved one back and are confident that you are ready to build a serious relationship together. Now you need to make peace with her. But first, you both need to cool down. When emotions are raging, you can say unnecessary things to each other, which will destroy the hope of reunion.

If your chosen one does not want to make contact, does not answer the phone, or avoids meeting, you can try writing her a message on her phone or on social networks. However, this is not a very effective method. Nevertheless, men love it very much, apparently for its simplicity. After all, it’s always easier to write “forgive me” in an SMS than to meet face to face and say it looking into your eyes.

Try inviting a girl for a friendly walk, going to the cinema, theater, or restaurant. You can meet a girl, for example, at her home or work. But you don’t need to follow her around or watch for her at the entrance every day. This behavior will only scare her. If she doesn’t want to talk and leaves, you don’t need to run after her or grab her hands.

You need to meet to apologize and talk.

Things to think about to make the meeting go well:

  1. It is better to hold the meeting in a calm atmosphere. Find out what doesn't suit the girl. You can write down on a piece of paper all the problems that you have in your relationship and come up with ways to solve them.
  2. Apologize. Explain the reasons for your actions. The apology should not be formal; you must understand that what you did was wrong and avoid such behavior in the future. It’s not worth asking for forgiveness only to step on the same rake again later.
  3. Give a gift. This could be a bouquet of flowers, candy or a toy. The gift does not have to be expensive, but it is better that it is chosen specifically for your girlfriend. For example, her favorite book, a beautiful diary, or something she wanted to buy for herself. This will show that you have her interests in mind and can take the time to find a gift that speaks to your feelings.
  4. Be sincere. Girls sense lies, and this will not work in your favor.
  5. Remember what qualities attracted your loved one and try to demonstrate them again. Of course, everything should be in place.
  6. Prepare for the meeting. Get yourself in order. Let your partner see you in a better light, and not as a stubble-haired man with fumes coming out of his mouth. You have to show the man you want to be with.
  7. Think about what you will say. If you are asking a girl for a conversation, then you need to start. At the same time, it is better to think through her objections, accusations and what you can answer in advance, so as not to fall into emotions and try to discuss everything right away.

And now a little about what you definitely shouldn’t do after a breakup:

  • Complain to everyone about your ex, tell him what a bitch she is. Your words can be conveyed to her. And if not, think about how her friends will treat her after your reunion. And his whining about his girlfriend does not add respect to a man, especially if he continues to stay with her.
  • Call her and all her friends asking them to reconcile you. Such obsession will only scare away your passion.
  • Try to make her jealous by flirting with her friends. This behavior will make her angry.
  • Call her and continue to communicate as if nothing happened. This is an avoidance of problems and an unwillingness to take responsibility for one’s actions.
  • Demand back gifts. You understand that this is unworthy behavior.

You made it up. What's next?

Some perceive reconciliation as the end of problems. The girl has returned, which means you can behave as before. However, it is not. When you are given a second chance, you need to use it and not relax. Your beloved will now monitor your behavior more than before. If the actions that were the reason for the separation are repeated, then she will not give you another chance.

In general, it is better not to restore old relationships, but to build new ones. To do this, you need to discuss everything with the girl, decide how best to behave towards each other. An honest conversation will help get rid of many questions that can lead to problems.

How to avoid new conflicts:

  • Discuss issues that concern you. Don’t keep your dissatisfaction to yourself, try to tell them what doesn’t suit you and look for solutions together. But there is no need to find fault with everything. Remember, you are partners and both are responsible for your relationship.
  • Don't criticize, especially in front of strangers. This greatly affects self-esteem and can lead to scandals.
  • Give compliments more often, thank your girlfriend for taking care of you.
  • Spend time together. Find a common hobby or just watch movies, go for walks, give each other positive emotions.
  • Make plans for the future together. You must understand that you are moving in one direction. If one of you dreams of becoming a star and living on tour, and for the other, happiness is a cozy house in the village, it will be difficult for you to move together towards the future of your dreams.

Main conclusions

  • Reconciliation after separation is possible if both partners have a desire to build a joint relationship.
  • Before you return the girl, think about what determines your desire to revive the relationship. It may be better for both of you to go your separate ways.
  • To make peace with a girl, prepare for the meeting and show your best side.
  • Build a new relationship that suits both of you. Try to avoid conflicts, because preventing a breakup is easier than getting your love back.

Quarrels give rise to resentment. This is a very strong feeling, in the state of which a person is capable of committing many rash acts, especially if this person is a girl. How to make peace with a girl? How to return the former romance to a relationship?

This is not easy and depends on the “degree of severity” of the action. It’s one thing if a girl is offended that her beloved did not call her at the appointed time, and quite another if she found her beloved in bed with someone else.

This article will tell men how to act in certain circumstances in order to return their beloved.

If she doesn't want

If she doesn’t want to talk, the most reasonable thing to do is wait a couple of days until the girl cools down. During this time, she will have time to change her anger to mercy, and it will be much easier to talk to her.

You should not try to make peace “hot on the heels” when emotions have not yet cooled down. You can only make the situation worse, because both sides are still under the influence of negative feelings.

A turn of events is possible when, instead of the desired reconciliation, both parties reward each other with unflattering epithets; in this case, reconciliation will be much more difficult.

After some time, the girl will have time to get bored and, quite possibly, will take a step towards reconciliation herself. If this does not happen, feel free to take the initiative into your own hands.

If you offended me very much in the heat of the moment

First you need to analyze the situation and identify the cause of what happened. If you feel that you are really at fault and the girl is very offended, try to do everything possible to get her back.

You need to pause so as not to fall under the hot hand, and then take decisive action.

There is no universal method of reconciliation; in this case, it all depends on the character of the beloved:

  1. If she is very emotional, then you can try to surprise her with something, prepare a romantic rendezvous, at which you solemnly ask for forgiveness for the offense committed.
  2. If the girl is pragmatic and is able to look at things realistically, it is best to prepare a gift for her, but do not forget that even the most pragmatic person expects manifestations of tenderness and care from her chosen one.

In any case, you need to talk through all controversial issues, and not try to let everything go on the brakes, because the situation may repeat itself.

If you hit

But this is serious. And you don’t need to console yourself with thoughts like “she deserved it herself,” “real girls don’t behave like that,” “she begged for it.” Yes, it happens that a girl provokes a man to emotions, but raising a hand against her is unacceptable.

If this does happen, try to do everything possible to make amends and regain the girl’s favor.

If you’re lucky and she agrees to talk, under no circumstances should you utter the following words: “Yes, I’m to blame, but you’re also to blame, you brought me out yourself.” It’s better to say: “You are very dear to me, I regret what happened and I don’t want us to separate because of my terrible act, because I love you.”

Prepare a surprise for your beloved, on a romantic date, remember all the best and touching moments of your life, make the girl smile. As soon as a smile appears on her face, you can consider that the ice has broken.

After a strong quarrel

A major disagreement causes much more unpleasant feelings in the soul than a minor skirmish. Both the man and the girl are at this moment in “disheveled” feelings, experiencing annoyance, bitterness and resentment.

You should carefully analyze the situation and understand the grain of the conflict. If quarrels systematically occur for the same reason, then this is a direct path to separation.

You can try to discuss this topic again and, perhaps, the problem can be solved. If the desire to stay together is mutual, then the chance of maintaining the union is quite high.

Write a list of your complaints on a piece of paper and discuss each point. Think about what to write; you need to do it softly and delicately in order to avoid a new quarrel.

Mutual apologies will only solve the problem temporarily.

After betrayal

  1. If a girl cheated, you need to understand whether you can forgive her for this, because people say that betrayal can be forgiven, but not forgotten. Then you will have to somehow live with the unpleasant, bitter aftertaste and pain. If you are able to forgive, and the girl is really dear to you, then go for it, but if you are not sure that you are able to forgive, then it is better not to even try to mend the broken cup.
  2. If you changed, then a lot depends on you. Explain to the girl the reason why you committed this ugly act. It will be very difficult and you won’t be able to make peace quickly, don’t count on it. Therefore, if you want to always be with this girl, you will have to use all your imagination, ingenuity and patience so that she forgives you, and you won’t be able to get off with flowers alone.

If she's to blame

In this case, there is no need to rush things. Turn on ignore for a few days, let the girl realize her mistake.

Do not be the first to reconcile, because in this case the girl will think that you are ready to endure anything. Rest assured, she will not be slow to take advantage of this.

It would be much more logical to wait for the girl to take the first step and after a hot hug, you can explain to her that you longed for reconciliation, but it was important for you that your beloved realizes that she was wrong.

How to ask for forgiveness beautifully

There are many ways to atone for your guilt in a beautiful and original way; it all depends on the imagination and financial security of the man. After all, you can give a luxurious bouquet of scarlet roses as evidence of passionate love, or you can, for example, order a hot air balloon flight.

Let us consider in detail the most successful options for beautiful reconciliation:

  1. Flowers, soft toy, jewelry. Contact a florist to help you arrange flowers beautifully; you are unlikely to be able to do this on your own. Attach a small note to the bouquet declaring your love. A pleasant surprise for a girl will be receiving a cute soft teddy bear. Jewelry will not leave any girl indifferent.
  2. Public declaration of love. You can confess your love to a girl as much as you like when you are alone, but try to do it in such a way that everyone around you knows about your feelings. Weak? But you want to earn forgiveness, so use all methods to achieve your goal.
  3. Fulfillment of a girl's long-standing desire. A very successful way to regain the trust of your girlfriend. Luxurious underwear, expensive perfume, an antique item, a rare book, this gift will be appreciated.
  4. Romantic trip. Give your girlfriend a pleasant surprise, please her with a trip to some nice place. It’s not at all necessary that it be a newfangled resort; your girlfriend will like it if you bring her to some corner where you two have already been and which after visiting left only the most joyful and happiest memories.

She wants to break up

If, after a major quarrel, a girl asks you to break up, the first thing you should do is persuade her to have a serious conversation. This way you can once again try to prove to your girlfriend that you love her and your breakup will be a mistake.

It is very important to choose the right words to convey to your loved one the seriousness of what is happening.

However, unfortunately, the reason why a girl wants to break up with you may be completely different, and a quarrel has nothing to do with it. The girl just stopped loving you. There’s nothing you can do about it, you can’t force yourself to be nice, you just have to accept it.

Experts agree that the problem is easier to prevent than to solve. To avoid deep conflicts leading to major quarrels, psychologists recommend adhering to the following rules:

  1. Never criticize a girl, her demeanor, style of clothing, any specific act in the presence of strangers. Rest assured, she will not forgive you for this.
  2. Sharing a hobby will bring you closer together than any words and beautiful deeds. Hobbies can be anything, watching movies together on topics that you both like, traveling, sports.
  3. Never accumulate negativity in yourself, all complex sensitive topics must be discussed.
  4. Use praise more often, if you like something about your girlfriend, don't hesitate to tell her about it more often.

Conclusion: If you still fail to reconcile, be patient. It often happens that after being apart for some time, a girl will realize how much she is attached to her ex-lover and will give the relationship another chance.

Video: How to improve relationships with your loved one

The feeling of guilt torments from within, it destroys spiritual balance and gradually leads a person to chronic melancholy. Relationships are no longer the same, trust is shaken, and restoring it is not as easy as breaking it. Even if it’s not your fault, sometimes it’s worth taking the blame on yourself for the sake of mutual reconciliation.

Serious relationships can give rise to serious disagreements, and learning to deal with them is vital.

How to behave after a quarrel - 5 rules of behavior

People tend to accumulate discontent for a long time and harbor anger, like a cup: slowly overflowing and pouring out everything accumulated in one moment. To avoid unpleasant consequences, follow the rules:

  1. Remain a man under any circumstances, do not humiliate yourself and do not fall at your feet, be firm and to some extent cold-blooded in what decision she makes towards you. Drunk calls, messages, meetings - all this is such a low and useless lot that you should never resort to it. In the end, the girl may lose her last affections for you. The spoken words should contain firmness and confidence, and not imposingness and ridiculousness;
  2. Do not pursue your chosen one, do not constantly hang around, do not follow and observe, you need to be close but not too close, leaving the right to personal space. If an unexpected meeting is destined, we can see each other on the street, in a store, meet in a company, and so on. But it is strictly forbidden to impose yourself, and why once again show how dependent you are on the decisions of another person. If a lady has forgiven you and wants to meet, you will definitely know about it; if she wants to talk, this cannot be confused with anything;
  3. Attempts to arouse jealousy end in success only in Hollywood films, but real life is more complex and multifaceted. Relationships are not divided into black and white; adjacent colors are always present in much larger quantities. The established stereotype that jealousy is good and useful applies only to extremely rare cases and to men who are skilled enough to feel the limits of what is permitted and understand how the balance works;
  4. Do not build intrigues and gossip, they spread like a bad wind. Mutual friends will be very happy to convey and embellish your words, and then the chances of renewing the relationship will be zero. If you really regret what you did, then in this case, it makes sense to choose better and more pleasant words;
  5. You cannot truly atone for spiritual trauma with material goods. Trying to bribe a woman with gifts may work, but it is pointless. Has anyone heard of long-term love built on money? You will always be in fear, afraid that someone else will simply be able to give more than you.

After what time should you put up?

I think the saying would work here: "Strike while the iron is hot!"- a serious misconception. It is worth understanding that you both need time to reassess values ​​and answer pressing questions. Start the relationship from scratch, while changing your handwriting.

The feeling of love and affection should not go out completely; always keep the flame alive. Time changes, but if feelings remain, you will be destined to get along with a loved one.

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Rapprochement after a conflict should be gradual, careful and slow; it is better not to rush the course of events and wait for the most suitable opportunity. You cannot act aggressively: it is impossible to achieve reconciliation by force.

It might be helpful to look at the situation "from the girl's side", having figured out what exactly she wants to get. Actually, actions need to be taken based on what exactly happened between you. Everyday problems are one thing, but large-scale conflicts are completely different.

How to make peace with the girl you love

Difficulties experienced together strengthen trust, and sometimes they are even useful: to test the resilience of a loved one in a difficult situation and to get to know him better. Of course, we should not forget that any disagreement can become the last, putting an end to the relationship.

During the period of separation, it would be a good idea to rest, put your thoughts in order, calm down and unwind a little. The psychology of relationships recommends this approach, since worthy ideas come to an adequate head much more often - a solution can appear by itself. You will be able to soberly assess the situation and the person, understand how much you care about him and take appropriate actions.

Imagine your future life, what awaits you together, how much you get from each other and what you can lose. “Do we need to make peace?” – everyone must answer this question for themselves personally.

If I'm to blame

Be vigilant, do not fall for the tricks of self-deception! Maintain honor, courage and dignity, never humiliate yourself and do not seek from a person what he is not able to give - love, respect, trust.

If you manage to win back your beloved through base concessions, she simply may not justify the effort and time spent. Tears and labor will be wasted, but it costs a lot!

When you yourself become the cause of the conflict, then you have to start with yourself:

  • Describe in words what exactly you did and why you did it. Take responsibility for your actions!
  • Admit your mistake! Agree that you were wrong and repent with all your heart for what you did. That you won't repeat this again.
  • Perhaps you underestimate the seriousness of the damage caused, in which case it would be wise to ask your chosen one directly about the situation.
  • When you yourself don’t see the problem, perhaps your friends will notice it and help you make peace with the girl

If she's to blame

By following these tips, it will be easier to relieve pain, understand the situation and contribute to your unification:

  1. Sooner or later, but it’s best right now, stop harboring anger and being offended by your other half dear to your heart and soul. Remember all the beautiful and blood-stirring memories, everything that united you before and kept you together for so long. You can do this separately, but it’s better and more productive to do it together. Moments when you were happy can bring back old feelings, even in the most difficult period;
  2. A light, but not too expensive gift that symbolizes and conveys your love for her will be more than appropriate. A porcelain or clay figurine of a couple in love, a chic postcard with a beautiful poem or message, or some other romantic gift. Such a thing should surprise not with the price tag, but with attention, a reminder that you still experience strong feelings, just like when you met;
  3. It’s better to stay with a friend than to wander around the world without her! If it is no longer possible to resume a love relationship, remaining at least close friends is also not a bad option. As a rule, guys are happy to keep in touch with their ex-ladies, and for girls this will not be a burden. Take advantage of this situation, start from the very beginning! Show signs of attention and care again when the opportunity arises. What if, at some point, everything will sparkle with new colors and feelings will awaken from sleep?
  4. The easiest way is to directly suggest starting over. Organize a meeting, put on the most beautiful clothes, remind you of the past and try again, taking into account the mistakes of the past.

If you hit

In such a difficult situation, you will have to act gradually, step by step. First of all, decide: “For whose sake do I want to restore my girlfriend’s faith in herself - for her sake, or for my own sake?”

Such a rude reaction as a blow or slap in the face significantly lowers a girl’s self-esteem; she considers herself helpless and unloved. Short-term forgiveness is not discussed here; forgiveness in general is the best outcome.

It is best to offer a deep apology face to face and promise to never allow something like this to happen again. Of course, it will be difficult to believe sweet words after cruel actions, so you will have to try to be extremely convincing and give her the necessary time to make a decision.

She will begin to treat you with fear, and the old trust will take a long time to be restored. Whether this has happened to you before is not important, there is an expression: “Hit once, hit again”. It must be refuted, each time demonstrating your love and strength of feelings: with gifts, new impressions, etc.

How to make peace after cheating

Like assault, there is no justification for such an offense and cannot exist. There is no point in apologizing; you need to act.

Getting your wife or girlfriend back will not be easy, but you have obligations with her that can play a key role.

If I changed

First you need to allow your wife to calm down and speak out if necessary. At first, she will not want to see you, so all actions will take place as if at a distance. Give her a nice gift that matches her hobbies or type of employment, which will be delivered by messenger to her home. You kill two birds with one stone:

  1. Do not irritate with your presence;
  2. Make it clear that you remember and appreciate her hobbies.

When the time comes for the decisive conversation, the main thing is to avoid making a fatal and extremely common mistake - justifying your stupidity. There cannot be good reasons, you both understand this, the only thing a woman wants to hear in such a situation is your confession and repentance.

The situation is under the lady’s control, she faces a clear choice - divorce or forgiveness, and you shouldn’t even try to take control into your own hands, she should feel that she is deciding your fate. The period of reflection can drag on for painfully long months; this is the time when the storm of emotions settles down and it’s time to achieve it again.

If she cheated

Cheating on a woman is perhaps the hardest and most painful blow possible for a man. There is nothing worse than betrayal. And so, if you notice that your spouse is cheating on you, but you cannot understand what to do, you should follow these useful tips:

  1. It is necessary to find out how often this happens - whether it is a one-time phenomenon or a constant one;
  2. Understand the reason for her vile act;
  3. Do not make hasty and harsh conclusions, carefully analyze the situation;
  4. Direct conversation - knowing the reasons, you can draw conclusions. Perhaps she no longer has any feelings for you and will soon leave. Or maybe a burning passion just flared up in her. Again, either forgive or break up, or perhaps she sincerely regrets the prank she committed;
  5. If she repents and asks for forgiveness, make decisions based on the following: “Will you trust her in the future?”
  6. A family psychologist can help you understand your feelings and make the right decision. In any case, it all depends on the strength of feelings, affection, the ability to forgive and trust.

All sorts of incidents arise in relationships. Quarrels are normal and common for any couple. Who can boast that he has never quarreled with his soulmate? And since scandals occur, it means that grievances arise. Moreover, women believe that they should sulk and wait for men to come to make peace with them. So it turns out that the online magazine site should consider the question of how to make peace with a girl.

All guys need to know how to behave in a situation where there is a breakdown in relationships and a quarrel with their loved one. The fact is that absolutely any relationship is accompanied by periodic disputes, scandals and even a break in the union. In order not to bring the situation to a complete separation, you need to put up with your beloved ladies. And sometimes you have to be the first to reconcile, even if your other half was to blame for what happened.

Who should make peace first? Understand that if you take the position “I’ll wait for her to come,” she can take exactly the same position. As a result, no one will reconcile, and accordingly, the relationship will fall apart. Therefore, even if the young lady is to blame for everything, it is better to make peace with her if you still want to maintain a relationship with her. And if you don’t care about the relationship, then you don’t have to make peace.

Quarrels in relationships are normal and frequent, since a man and a woman cannot always be alike in everything. Sometimes a man is outraged by a woman's behavior. Sometimes a woman cannot understand the words or actions of a man. This is normal for two people, each of whom has their own experience, knowledge, views, desires, interests, etc.

However, events unfold completely differently when people disagree on one issue and lead to a quarrel, after which the need for reconciliation arises. A completely natural disagreement, which could have been transferred to the stage “How will we solve the problem?”, the man and woman turned into a scandal, where they began to prove to each other that someone’s opinion was wrong.

During a quarrel, everyone knows that offensive words, swearing, or simply unpleasant remarks are often used. This makes the problem even worse. But then a quarrel happened, the partners went to different corners, now they are offended at each other and pouting. Who should make peace first? If this arises in the heads of partners, then they continue to aggravate the situation, which has already shaken their relationship.

Okay, let's play. Who should make peace first? Answer: the one who was wrong. But who was wrong? Most likely, each side believes that it was right and the opponent was wrong. It turns out that the man thinks that the woman is wrong, and the woman thinks that the man is wrong. And here again there is a dead end. How can you make peace when everyone thinks they are right?

There is only one way out: step on the throat of your pride and go make peace. There is nothing wrong with this, since you will restore the relationship and be in

good connections with your loved one. This is much better than sulking in your corner. Here it doesn’t matter who will make peace - a woman or a man. It is important to restore relationships so that both partners need them.

If you notice, you can quickly stop a quarrel, as well as make peace, without wasting days waiting:

  1. The quarrel can be stopped by moving to the stage “How will we solve our problem? What do you suggest?" instead of calling names and proving that you are right.
  2. You can make peace on the same day on which you quarreled, if you just come first and ask for forgiveness. Here you are asking for forgiveness for arguing, rather than admitting that you were wrong in your position. This is important to understand. You quarreled with your loved one - ask for forgiveness for this. But the problem needs to be eliminated, and here you have not yet found a common solution, but you are each in your own position.

If you do not want to lose your relationship with a girl, then start taking action. Since your significant other is offended, you need to win her over. This can be done by giving a gift, a bouquet of flowers, or sending a funny joke, a nice picture, or communicating your feelings via SMS or correspondence on a social network.

A pleasant surprise or laughter will defuse the situation, and you will have a chance to chat with a girl who will relieve some of your tension. Now you can ask for forgiveness and chat with the girl, tell her that you want to continue the relationship.

Psychologists recommend not running to girls immediately after a quarrel. Give yourself a few days to cool down and for the girl to come to her senses too. Emotions of various negative nature will rage inside you for a long time. You need to give it a few days to then go, communicate and make peace.

You need to find the time when the girl is ready to put up with you. If you see that the girl does not want to put up, she turns her nose and creates various obstacles, then you need to leave her alone. Talk to her when she misses you and is ready to put up with you.

When this moment comes, be sure to apologize for what happened, and also discuss the problem that caused the problem:

  1. Explain your position that you defended.
  2. Give the girl the opportunity to speak out and talk about what she wanted. Be sure to listen and understand her.
  3. Express your feelings and notice what the girl is experiencing.
  4. Try to come to an agreement. Remember that you came to make peace, not to quarrel again.

How to make peace with a girl after a strong quarrel?

Lovers often lead ordinary situations into a huge scandal. Well, such situations cannot be avoided if a strong quarrel has occurred. Usually after it, partners have a desire not to see, hear or communicate with each other. You should obey this impulse, because you need to cool down yourself and let the girl’s emotions cool down.

If you had a big fight, then definitely don’t try to see her or make peace for several days. Let everyone calm down and think about their desires and behavior. Once your emotions subside, figure out your desires. What do you want from a girl? Can she give it to you? What do you want from a relationship? Is this possible in a relationship with a girl?

Be sure to figure out why you want to make peace with the girl. If you love her and want to further build a relationship, this is a reason for reconciliation. But if you want to take revenge, humiliate or further poison her life, then you should not do this.

What pushes a person to make peace when there is a quarrel? Fear. “I’m sad... bad... hurt” - in fact, these are the emotions experienced by a person because of what he thinks while he is away from his loved one. Rarely does a person think about the problem itself and how to fix it. Most often, he gets offended, and then the emotions develop into fear because of the thoughts that his loved one is not sad at this time, walks with other men/women, lives happily while he suffers and is sad. And if you go to make peace without emotionally calming down and without understanding how to solve the problem, then most likely you are trying to make peace only because you want to return “your property.” Your loved one should be under your control, which is why you go to make peace without understanding the reasons for your action. You are overcome by fear, although people make peace when they are calm, not afraid of anything, and have already thought about their mistakes and how they will solve the problem they quarreled about.

Thus, how to understand your motives for wanting to make peace? If you are calm, you can easily imagine that your loved one is now having fun, while you are not near him, are not afraid of anything, are thinking about your committed actions and the very problem that separated you, then your desire to make peace is motivated by the desire to preserve those feelings and relationships that you have. You love and value your relationship with your loved one, so you want to make peace with him.

But if you are emotionally restless, afraid, worried, worried about the idea that while you are sad and suffering, your loved one is having fun, then your desire to make peace is motivated by the desire to control your partner. You want to be sure that while you are not around, they will not cheat on you, they will not forget about you, and they will continue to think about the problem. That’s why you want to make peace, so that your loved one doesn’t suddenly want to leave you.

What state are you in that pushes you towards reconciliation? If there is fear, then you are trying to regain control over your partner; If calm and thoughtfulness are the problem, then you want to return your loved one and restore harmony between you.

Can you wait until your loved one wants to make peace with you? Are you ready for the possibility of breaking up? People often feel afraid that while they are apart, their loved ones will forget about them and cheat on them with other partners. But think for yourself: it is better to find out the truth about the feelings of your loved one than to live in illusions. If during your quarrel your partner cheats on you or his feelings fade away, it means he doesn’t love you. A loving person would think about how to make peace with you. And if a person does not love, then he uses temporary freedom for his own purposes. It’s better to give a person freedom and see how he uses it:

  • If he starts to put up with you, it means he loves you.
  • If he walks around and has fun, it means he doesn’t love you.

It is better to know the truth than to live in false illusions next to a person who does not value you.

Be sure to look at the behavior of the girl herself. What can you say if you pay attention? Does she want to be with you? Are you ready to make peace? Are you ready to correct the situation that happened? You should look at the situation adequately and objectively, and not dwell in illusions.

If the cause of the quarrel was your or your girlfriend’s betrayal, then you should think about the feasibility of the relationship. Is there really love in them? Is it possible to forgive someone who cheated? Can relationships be harmonious after cheating?

If partners live together, but there is a quarrel between them, then they should not infringe on each other’s space. It’s clear that you have nowhere to go. Allow the girl to be in one territory, and yourself in another, without hurting, infringing or driving each other. Otherwise, the conflict will intensify even more.

So, if you decide to make peace and the girl doesn’t mind, then it’s time to move on to eliminating the conflict that happened between you. Here both partners need to discuss everything:

  1. What's happened?
  2. What did it look like from the outside? Let everyone express what was visible from his position.
  3. What mistakes has everyone made? Both are always to blame, which means the man and woman made mistakes.
  4. What needs to be fixed so that the conflict does not arise again? What should a man do? What should a woman do? Both should work, not just one.

How to make peace with a girl after a breakup if she doesn’t want to?

If you have brought the situation to the point where the girl no longer wants to put up with you and broke up, then the reconciliation process will be long. Here it is important to gradually, calmly and unobtrusively get closer to the girl. Remember that she doesn’t owe you anything, which means you do everything with the risk that she won’t return to you anyway.

There is no need to blame her for anything. There is no need to feel sorry for yourself. There is no need to talk about your suffering and love. Remember that you are a man, which means begin to gradually conquer her again.

Be sure to work through the reasons that led to the separation and conflict between you. You need to change, eliminate the factors that separated you and your girl. Otherwise, all your attempts to make peace will be in vain.

Bottom line

What loving couple doesn't quarrel? The main thing is to put up with your loved ones if you want to continue the relationship, and to do it right.