Wedding makeup for brown eyes: ideas, photos. Wedding makeup for brunettes: a stylish look for the bride? Wedding makeup for brown eyes of brunettes is gentle

Of course, girls with brown eyes look beautiful without any makeup. But on your wedding day, even the most expressive eyes should be suitably decorated to make them even more striking.
The most successful type of wedding makeup for a brown-eyed bride is soft, velvety, smoky makeup in the spirit of smoky-eyes. Indistinct, blurry colors will be more than appropriate on such an important, solemn day, when the bride looks innocent and chaste.

Step-by-step wedding makeup for brown eyes in the spirit of smoky-eyes

Step #1. The eyelids - both upper and lower - are prepared for applying cosmetics. For this purpose, they are tinted with a concealer of a natural color.

Step #2. Outline the upper eyelid with a contour pencil. The resulting line must be carefully shaded.

Step #3. Completely paint over the upper eyelid with dark shadows that need to be shaded.

Step #4. At the border where the dark shadows are shaded and above, apply a lighter tone to the eyelid, which should be well distributed.

Step #5. Apply the lightest shade in a very thin layer up to the eyebrows.
Step No. 6. Apply colored or black mascara to the eyelashes several times.
Step No. 7. We emphasize the lower eyelid with a contour pencil.

Step #8. On the lower eyelid, apply a slightly dark tone to the contour line and blend it with a brush.

Playing in contrast

Now you need to determine what colors will suit a brown-eyed bride. The choice for her is practically unlimited. A rich palette of both warm and cold shades is at your service.

The only prohibition is the entire orange spectrum, which absolutely does not suit brown eyes. The selection of a certain color scheme depends on the natural color type of the girl - the shade of her skin, hair, iris.

So, for example, wedding makeup for a blonde with light skin and hazel-colored eyes will not be the same as for a dark-skinned woman with black eyes and dark hair. Makeup artists recommend choosing contrasting colors when decorating brown eyes. Just playing with contrast will give brides with brown eyes the opportunity to appear before their loved ones in all their splendor.

First, let's decide on contrasting colors for girls with light brown eyes. These are all shades of blue - from sapphire to deep purple. When doing make-up in the spirit of smoky-eyes, a charming woman with hazel eyes should use eggplant, lilac, and violet shadows. It is better to take a blue or purple contour pencil. From the inside, the corner of the eye can be slightly accentuated with a light beige concealer.

For night-black eyes, all shades of white without exception are suitable as contrast. In this case, not only pure white is used, but also intricate shades of pale gold and cream. Outline pencil - black or dark brown.

Many makeup artists believe that it is quite possible for very bright brunettes with brown eyes to use liquid black eyeliner. At the same time, be sure to follow the rule: lines drawn with eyeliner must be round and smooth.

Other colors for wedding makeup for a brown-eyed bride

Almost all brunettes look great with gray shadows from light to cool, rich steel shades.

The special sophistication and charm of a brown-eyed bride will be emphasized by beige-brown and golden tones. Sand shades will also perfectly highlight the beauty of brown-eyed blondes, and pair them with brown pencil and mascara.

Brown-eyed, brown-haired women are guaranteed wild success on their wedding day if they use pinkish flowers. And olive shadows will help create a chic makeup for brides with light brown curls.

What bride doesn't dream of being dazzlingly beautiful on her wedding day?

Perfect makeup can be the finishing touch to an image that is gentle or spectacular, romantic or seductive.

Brown eyes almost always have that expressiveness and depth that blue-eyed and gray-eyed girls envy.

But to highlight the advantages of dark eyes, you need to know some nuances.

Oh, those black eyes...

Regular daily facial care long before the wedding is the key to ensuring that your makeup looks amazing. Therefore, at least a month before the celebration, visit a cosmetologist who will recommend basic care products and help with eyebrow shape correction.

Against the backdrop of radiant, delicate skin, the look of brown eyes will be especially expressive.

It’s better to contact a makeup artist and rehearse your make-up in advance. But you shouldn’t completely shift responsibility to a professional.

The specialist will be able to select the ideal technique taking into account the shape of the face, eye shape, type and shade of hair and skin, and will also evaluate how the makeup will look in photographs.

But no one understands all the stylistic subtleties of the upcoming celebration better than you. And most importantly, your inner vision of the wedding image can be very individual.

Therefore, the best option would be embodiment of an idea in a creative tandem with a master. If facial care, cosmetics and make-up are your hobby, then you can handle applying makeup yourself.

Spectacular makeup for a brown-eyed bride

Brown eyes have always been considered a sign of a femme fatale, so creating a spectacular image will not be difficult.

Burning brunettes with dark brown eyes can use a charcoal-black eyeliner pencil, combining it with rich shades of purple, bronze, dark brown, and dark gray.

Brown-eyed blondes and brown-haired women can safely turn to a variety of green tones, which look especially advantageous when paired with a brown pencil.

Dark shadows with sparkling glitter, thick eyeliner and false eyelashes help create a spectacular look only when the makeup is not overloaded with blush or flashy lipstick.

Brown-eyed brides should avoid orange and terracotta eyeshadow, as they “kill” the attractiveness of the eye.

Natural style for brunettes

Nothing makes a bride look better than naturalness.

A real salvation for brides who rarely use decorative cosmetics in everyday life.

  • Choose mascara and eyeliner that are closest to the natural color of your eyebrows and eyelashes (brown, gray, black shades).
  • Use matte shadows without glitter.
  • Pink shades in makeup are perfect for fair skin.
  • Discreet peach, brown, and plum tones go well with dark skin.
  • If you are not sure which subtype you belong to, feel free to use beige, sand and nude shades: they are universal.
  • Apply the lightest shades to the inner corner of the eyelid, medium shades to the middle, and dark shades to the crease of the eyelid and the outer corner of the eye.
  • Shape your eyebrows and highlight your eyes with mascara for a lengthening or voluminous effect.
  • For honey-colored eyes, a thin brown eyeliner is perfect.
  • Forget about false eyelashes, they will ruin the natural look.
  • It is enough to apply gloss to the lips to match the makeup.
  • Mono-makeup that looks natural is very relevant, and it looks especially luxurious if its basic tone matches the shade of the dress (in the case when it is not snow-white).

For a romantic look

Are you the owner of not only brown eyes, but also a romantic nature? Is your wedding dress lush, lace and airy? Feel free to choose makeup in a romantic style.

Dark-skinned beauties can use bright shades of shadows and apply them quite thickly.

Dark-colored ones suit fair-skinned, brown-eyed girls gray and black eyeshadow with anthracite glitter: this combination gives the image not only romanticism, but also drama.

Blue, green, blue shadows, framing dark brown eyes, look great.

The most versatile romantic makeup for brown-eyed brides can be achieved using pink palettes. At the same time, highlight your cheekbones, eyes and lips with different, but not too saturated tones of this color.

Eyes for more expressiveness circle with a gray pencil: black eyeliner is too pretentious for romantic natures.

Seductive makeup for brown eyes

So, the eyes should be emphasized so that the groom cannot take his eyes off them.

Purple eyeliner framed by lilac or lilac shadows adds mystery to the look, allowing you to achieve a charming, languid look.

At the outer corners of the eye, use shadows of dark shades, apply them especially thickly in the area of ​​​​the curve of the upper eyelid, under the eyebrow.

Eyebrows should be flawless, so shape them correctly and highlight them with a pencil.

If you do not have thick and long eyelashes, use false eyelashes.

A radiant look is guaranteed if you additionally highlight the inner line of the lower eyelid with a white pencil.

Smoky Brown Eyes

This makeup is trending and is beloved by dark-eyed girls, but many brides doubt its appropriateness at the wedding. And in vain.

For a wedding in a retro style and for a magnificent evening celebration in a prestigious banquet hall, smoky eyes are just what you need.

The main thing is to correctly decide on the choice of palette and follow the application technique.

  • Smoky eyes are based on the transition of lighter shades to darker ones, and not on applying makeup in black and gray colors, as is commonly believed.
  • Olive shadows are suitable for dark eyes and dark skin.
  • For fair-skinned, brown-eyed brides, blue, blue, and gray shades are suitable.
  • The main skill should be the ability to mix shadows with a pencil and shade them correctly.

One of the brightest events in the life of any girl is her wedding. Most brides approach organizing their wedding day very seriously, considering different options for holding the celebration. It is important that everything on this day is at a high level. Makeup is no exception.

In contact with

Cosmetologists unanimously say that owners of delicate brown eyes are incredibly lucky - it is on the look that you can place an interesting emphasis when choosing the types of make-up. The eyes of this color themselves leave an immediate impression, and if you find the right contrast and harmony with the dress and bouquet, the bride will be irresistible.

Shadows for brown eyes: choice of color and application technique

Considering that Brown eyes are already very beautiful; you should not decorate them excessively. Light highlighting with mascara and shadows will be enough. It is recommended to apply a little powder on your eyelids before applying eye shadow: this will help keep your brown eye makeup long-lasting for a wedding until late at night.

The second stage is applying the shadows themselves. The outer corners do not need to be darkened, but from the middle of the eyelid to the inner corners, on the contrary, it is advisable to draw darker lines, but after that they must be gently shaded. Many people prefer decorate formal makeup with glitter, which are applied directly to the eyelid, on top of the shadows. The color of the latter can be completely different. It all depends on the preferences of the girl herself, as well as on the skin tone of her face. If the bride wants to appear as a coquette before her future husband, pinkish or flesh-colored shadows are perfect for her.

A good option is also eyelid cosmetics of a soft apricot color. If you need to stand out, you can apply eyeshadow in bright colors, such as green or rich pink. But it is better to exclude orange colors from wedding make-up.

Some beauties can boast not just brown eyes, but a look with golden sparkles. Purple eyeshadow is ideal for this look. Those who have lighter inclusions in their eyes, for example, the color of a walnut, are recommended to choose colors with pink.

Charming eyelashes: which mascara should brown-eyed girls choose for a wedding?

When choosing mascara in this case, you need to focus on the desire for maximum naturalness in appearance. It would be preferable for brown-haired women brown option, and dark girls will become more attractive if they wear eyelashes black ink.

It must be remembered that during the wedding celebration the bride may not hold back her tears from the long-awaited happiness, so it is recommended to use waterproof paints.

Apply mascara slowly and calmly, without leaving lumps. The brush should be guided from the roots of the eyelashes to the tips.

Choosing eyeliner for brown eyes

The best eyeliners for brown-eyed beauties are emerald and brown colors.

Sometimes gold eyeliner looks good. Or you can choose, for example, brown, and the so-called arrows at the corners - golden color.

Those brides who are close to the oriental style apply black eyeliner to their eyes.

The technique of applying this cosmetic product involves outlining the contour of the eyelid, where the outer arch needs to be smoothly moved upward so that the gaze appears more open.

Brides paint their lips: selection of lipstick colors depending on hair tone

Brown-eyed girls are well suited for lipsticks of the following colors:

  • Beige.
  • Pale pink, that is, natural tones.

Brighter lip makeup is also not prohibited; in this case, it is better to use red lipstick.

For dark-haired brides, it is recommended to tint their lips in soft tones and apply gloss on top. Let it be better expensive, but of high quality.

Fair-haired girls will appear in the image of a naive, pure beauty if, along with barely noticeable blush, they use lipstick in expressive shades. After applying it, you should outline the contours of your lips with a pencil, the color of which will be slightly darker than the color of the lipstick. There is no need to leave abruptly ending lines at the ends of the lips - it is better to shade them. After completing the procedure, you can apply a rich color lipstick again.

Types of bright and natural wedding makeup for brown-eyed beauties

Depending on who the bride is and how she wants to look in the eyes of the groom, expressive or, conversely, makeup that is as close to natural as possible is selected.

The image of a dreamer

To create such a role, cosmetics in the following tones are best suited:

  • lilac;
  • pink;
  • grey;
  • beige.

At the inner edges of the eyes, lighter shadows should be applied, and glitter can be used. Starting from the central part of the eyelid, moving the brush to the outer corners of the eye, it is recommended to carefully blend the lilac shadows. The very corner can be emphasized with a darkened gray color. The lower eyelid should be painted in the same way. A barely noticeable black stripe applied with a pencil would look good.

Each eyelash should be thoroughly coated with moisture-resistant mascara. The bottom row will not require long painting; it will be enough to go over it with a brush once. The upper eyelashes can be painted several times in a row to make the look more expressive. Of course, you don’t need to apply too much paint so that the natural effect of the makeup is not lost. If there are circles under the eyes, the lower eyelid and lower row of eyelashes do not need to be painted.

Unusual smokey eye makeup

Wedding makeup for brown eyes in the smoky eye style will make your look deeper in photos and in life. The set of cosmetics for this option includes paints in black, gray and brown. Sometimes blue is also used.

Stages of applying wedding makeup for brown eyes with your own hands with photos:

The first step is to use a pencil to draw a line along the growth of the eyelashes.
Blend it, for which you will need a small brush. Eyebrows, just like eyelids, should be painted with dark shadows. Lighter shadows should be applied to the inner edges of the eyes plus the area under the eyebrows. Here the ideal option would be shades such as gray and beige.
The contours of the upper eyelid should be expressed with weak black lines using eyeliner. The line should not close the circle; it should be drawn slightly upward from the outer edge of the eye.

Asian spirit: makeup for the bride in oriental style

Modern brides are full of inventions. And now you can often see girls getting married not in traditional snow-white dresses, but in oriental outfits sparkling with sequins. If the choice fell on this particular image, the makeup should be done accordingly. Perfect fit bright colors of cosmetics.

The upper eyelid is painted dark, and the area under the eyebrow is light. It is advisable to choose colors from the same palette. The image will be completed by an arrow shooting upward from the outer tip of the eye.

Recommendations for choosing wedding cosmetics for girls with different hair colors

When preparing for a wedding, you need to remember that makeup may not match your hair color. Therefore, it is recommended to listen to the advice below.

Shimmering colors for blondes

For wedding makeup for brown eyes, blondes should choose cosmetics in soft shades, such as sky blue, mauve. Examples can be seen in the photo.

A magical effect can be achieved if the colors shine and shimmer. This will add femininity.

Makeup for redheads: “bronze”, “chocolate”, “silver”

These are the shades that will be the most successful for owners of fiery hair. Shadows with a silver tint on the upper eyelid will add mystery to the look, you just need to apply them by shading. It is better to paint the area under the eyebrows with pinkish-milky shadows, and mark the outskirts of the eyes with a dark brown stroke.

It is advisable to choose mascara with the effect of lengthening eyelashes and do not apply it excessively.

A wedding is always a holiday. The girl dreams of looking not just good, but dazzling on this day - after all, this is the most important day in her life. The bride's image includes many aspects, including not only the dress and hairstyle. Beautiful makeup plays a very important role. Its task is to emphasize the beauty of youth, without standing out from the whole image.

Of course, most brides, when preparing for their wedding day, prefer to use the services of a professional stylist and makeup artist. However, everything should be taken into account. Therefore, you must have an idea of ​​how to do your own wedding makeup, which will not only perfectly suit the chosen image, skin and hair color. It should last without any changes throughout the entire wedding day. Brown-eyed brides have a huge advantage - they look very bright even without makeup. But suitable design will make them even more dazzling and beautiful.

General principles of creation

First of all, you should know that makeup for a wedding day involves focusing on the eyes. The holiday gives you the opportunity to choose any of the most whimsical, interesting solutions and bright colors, and play with the image. However, there are rules for applying makeup for a wedding that should be strictly followed, no matter what colors and image are chosen.

  • Romance as a basis. Giving romance and lightness is one of the main requirements. Therefore, one should take into account not only the general characteristics of the bride’s image, but also her age, character, and the time for which the festive events are planned. Only in this case will the girl actually feel natural.
  • Durability. Throughout the day (from early morning, when makeup is usually applied, until late evening), the bride must be irresistible. Many video and photo cameras aimed at her should not be able to record even one fallen eyelash. Therefore, you should use only professional cosmetics.
  • Photogenic. When applying makeup on your wedding day, you need to remember that not all makeup will look good in photographs or on videotape.
  • No shine or pearlescent. This principle follows from the previous one - a large amount of glitter on a girl’s eyes and lips can lead to the fact that her face will not be clearly visible in the photo. That is why experts recommend refraining from using such cosmetics.
  • Base. To increase durability, you need to strictly follow all stages of applying cosmetics, in no case ignoring the creation of the base. It is also good to use a special setting spray.

Smoky eyes

The iconic smoky eye is the perfect choice for a wedding. They only emphasize the natural beauty of the face, make the look more expressive and bright. Therefore, smoky-eyes are highlighted as a separate item. Their most important advantage specifically for wedding makeup is this option Suitable for almost all brown-eyed girls, regardless of face type, hair shade or chosen image. This technique has been around for quite some time. Using it, you can add a subtle note of drama to the soft, attractive image of the bride, which will add sophistication, as well as hide small flaws that do not add optimism and good mood to the girl. The smoky-eyes technique is based on a smooth transition between shaded shadows, making the eyes seem to look out of a soft haze, making the girl a little mysterious.

Step by step application process

Makeup is not just about putting eye shadow on your eyes and lipstick on your lips. It involves several stages. This is especially true for a wedding, which must be flawless for many hours, exciting events and crazy emotions.

The main stages are the same for girls with any eye and hair color.

Skin – preparation and smoothing

First of all, it is also necessary long before the holiday, start preparing your skin from the inside so that she looks healthy and fresh. This includes not only a variety of masks - nourishing and cleansing, which even out the color and eliminate minor defects and redness. Proper nutrition and good sleep are also important.

Immediately before applying festive wedding makeup, you need to use a cleansing lotion and tonic, after which a nourishing cream is applied and left for about half an hour for complete absorption.

Unevenness and small defects are hidden with the help of a corrective agent, and around the eyes - a special concealer, which is less dense. Then a foundation is applied, guided in the choice of color by skin tone. The top layer is powder, which should be half a tone lighter than the foundation.


The color of blush is also chosen depending on the natural skin tone of the bride. For brown-eyed people, coral, sand, soft pink and even berry shades are usually used.. But the specifics of applying this product require taking into account the shape of the face in order to emphasize natural sculpture and hide possible imperfections.


It is very important to also pay attention to the eyebrows, because without this, all efforts to create the ideal image may be in vain. It is better to make the adjustment a few days before the holiday, so that after removing excess hair there is no irritation or redness of the skin. You also need to line your eyebrows. To do this, you should choose a pencil that is not too soft and is very close in color. Subsequently, a thin layer of the shadows chosen as the base should be applied to this part of the face.


In most cases, eyeliner is used for makeup on the wedding day. It can make your eyes look much brighter and highlight your brown eyes even more.. Depending on the chosen type of Makeup, you can choose either pencil eyeliner or liquid eyeliner. If the image requires bright colors, then you can give preference to multi-colored eyeliners that emphasize originality. Most often, brown-eyed beauties with Asian features use this technique.


One thing to be mindful of is mascara. Most brides with brown eyes will benefit from brown or black mascara as a finishing touch to highlight their eyes.

False eyelashes are very popular in wedding makeup, the effect of which surpasses all the inconvenience of gluing them on.


Although the emphasis is on the eyes, the lips also require attention. However Preference should be given to muted soft shades that match the skin color. The lipstick should be stable, and for greater effect you can use a special pencil. To avoid defining your lips too clearly, you can take a transparent pencil, which will simply make them fuller and help the lipstick last longer.

Technique for creating the perfect look

An expressive look is created in several stages.

  • Tinting the upper and lower eyelids using natural concealer.
  • Applying a contour to the upper eyelid and softly shading it.
  • The main, darkest shade is applied completely to the crease of the upper eyelid, and then shaded.
  • Lighter shadows are applied above and gently distributed with a brush, starting from the border of the dark ones.
  • The top layer is the lightest, creates a background and is distributed almost to the eyebrow.
  • A dark contour with shading subtly emphasizes the lower eyelid and softens it with a brush with shadows.
  • Applying mascara in several layers.

The base is the same in most cases, but the choice of the color scheme of the shadows is a very important issue. When answering this question, you should keep in mind that brides with brown eyes can have different hair colors. Based on this we will choose.

For brunettes

Brunettes can afford dark and bright colors that will be completely natural for them. So, the main shades:

  • dark brown;
  • black;
  • silver;
  • fuchsia;
  • lilac and purple;
  • silver-charcoal;
  • golden.

However, if the image requires it, you can use other colors, for example, green. However, it must be rich and deep.

For blondes

Blondes traditionally use softer and lighter shadows:

  • light pink;
  • sand;
  • beige;
  • blue;
  • brown;
  • green gamma.

Light hair and skin also suggest the use of plum and pale lilac shades.

For brown-haired women

Brown-haired women have the widest choice of options. They can use almost the entire palette of shadows, except for the brightest and most flashy ones.. The ideal choice would be the so-called related colors - golden, tan, beige. With their help, you can achieve a striking effect of combining the naturalness of the bride with the brightness that an event such as a wedding requires.

For redheads

Red is a very vague definition. After all, there are a lot of shades of red hair, so the color of the shadows and, in general, all makeup should be selected very carefully. The main shades for emphasizing brown eyes in redheads are as follows:

  • green;
  • emerald;
  • light gray;
  • plum;
  • lilac;
  • dark gold.

Girls with red hair should only avoid pink and blue eyeshadow.

Also, in most cases, the use of eyeliner is required, since the eyelashes of such girls are usually quite pale and even with mascara it is not possible to clearly highlight the look. And here It’s better to take brown mascara– she will look more natural, which is necessary in the image of a bride.

Delicate image

If earlier we talked mainly about makeup in the smoky-eyes style, then delicate images require a different approach. The principles of applying shadows remain the same, but it should be noted that Do not use bright shadows or other decorative cosmetics. Hard eyeliner is also inappropriate here - only the most natural shadows, blush and light lipstick. Brunettes can use muted lilac colors - they look the most gentle and soft. In conclusion, you will find a video with a step-by-step procedure for applying beautiful wedding makeup for a brown-eyed bride:

A wedding is a central event in the fate of every girl who has dreamed about it since childhood, so the desire to be in the image of an irresistibly beautiful bride is quite predictable and understandable. What does this image consist of? Of course, from a fabulously beautiful dress, elegant shoes, beautiful hairstyle, manicure and spectacular makeup.

It can be considered a great success if nature has endowed the bride with expressive brown eyes, since wedding makeup for brown eyes allows you to use almost the entire color palette of a lady’s cosmetic bag; you just need to choose shades that suit the bride’s festive outfit and are in harmony with the overall style of the celebration.

How to prepare your skin for wedding makeup?

Before applying makeup for a wedding, you need to carefully prepare your facial skin for it.

  1. Particles of dead skin from the lips and face of the bride can be removed using a soft peeling procedure, and this must be done at least a week before the scheduled ceremony, since after peeling the skin needs to be restored.
  2. Using high-quality moisturizing creams and cleansing masks from proven manufacturers will help speed up skin restoration. You should not take risks using completely new, unfamiliar cosmetics, even very expensive ones: no one can guarantee that the bride will not develop an allergic reaction or individual intolerance to its individual ingredients.
  3. At the same time, it is customary to correct the shape of the eyebrows, since otherwise you will have to mask the inevitable skin irritation with a thick layer of foundation, which cannot but affect the quality of the bride’s makeup.

    If the bride decides to get her eyebrows tattooed, she should worry about it at least a couple of weeks before the wedding ceremony.

    Eyebrow tinting should be done seven days before the wedding: this is the time required to eliminate excess dye.

If the bride is a brown-eyed brunette

  • Wedding makeup for brunettes involves choosing shadows in rich shades of gold, brown, lilac, black, blue, silver and grassy colors with a shimmering effect.
  • The sequence of applying shimmering shadows should be as follows: using a damp applicator, shadows of a lighter shade are applied to the outer corner of the eyelid, darker shadows to the inner corner.

Brunettes with brown eyes should once and for all stop using light yellow eyeshadow, as they can give girls with this color type a very sickly appearance, which is extremely undesirable on such a happy day.

  • When doing makeup with arrows, the bride should remember that the ideal option for black hair would be eyeliner made with only a black pencil. For brown hair, a walnut-colored eyeliner will look organic.

  • Wedding makeup for blondes is done with shades of beige, lilac, blue, sand, green and pink. To make the bride's image soft and romantic, you should give preference to shimmering shadows.
  • The upper eyelashes of brown-eyed blonde brides are usually painted with two or three layers of mascara, and one layer is enough to color the lower ones.

    If there are dark circles under the bride's eyes, tinting the eyelashes on the lower eyelids is completely avoided.

  • A yellow-orange palette of shadows is also unacceptable in this case, since eyelids painted in orange or yellow tones can focus attention on minor defects in the skin of the eyelids and create the unfavorable impression of soreness or fatigue.
  • Blonde brides should remember that in an effort to achieve the effect of tanned skin, they are strictly forbidden to use a dark base for makeup: it will look ridiculous and unnatural.

How to do smoky makeup

To create a fragile and chaste image of the bride, delicate wedding makeup (which stylists call smoky-eyes), striking with smooth color transitions and blurred contours, is most suitable. How to make it yourself?

Watch how to do smoky-eyes makeup for brown eyes - video:

We invite our readers to familiarize themselves step by step with the technique of creating this makeup.

Let's talk about lilac wedding makeup

Makeup in lilac tones is a rather bold stylistic decision in relation to the image of the bride. However, with a competent and careful approach, you can achieve an absolutely stunning effect, since such makeup can both decorate the bride and make her image unacceptably vulgar. It's all about the correct selection of colors and a sense of proportion.

How to choose the right shades for wedding makeup in lilac tones? To do this, it is necessary to take into account several factors at once: the color of the iris, hair color and skin color, that is, to determine what color type of appearance our bride belongs to.

  • For girls with aristocratically white skin, shadows in delicate pastel tones of lavender, violet and all shades of pale lilac are suitable.
  • For brunettes with tanned or naturally dark skin, more saturated shades of eyeshadow in ink, dark purple and dark lilac are recommended.

To make a beautiful makeup in lilac tones, the bride can purchase an already complete palette of decorative shadows, consisting of two or three colors that are successfully in harmony with each other.

When doing makeup in lilac tones, the bride should pay special attention to thoroughly preparing the skin, masking all its possible defects, since lilac, like no other color, can highlight the most minor errors: tiny pimples, an insufficiently smooth surface or slight redness.

And now - a small master class on creating lilac wedding makeup:

Wedding makeup options for brides with brown eyes

Wedding makeup ideas can be varied. We offer several original and popular options used in the makeup of brides with brown eyes.

Makeup for a romantic look

In this case, you need to take shadows of dark gray, light gray or pinkish-lilac.

  • Light-colored shadows with sparkles of glitter are applied to the brow area and inner corner of the eye.
  • Lilac shadows are applied from the center of the moving eyelid to its outer corner and carefully shaded.
  • The outer corner of the eyelid is decorated with dark gray shadows.
  • The lower eyelid is decorated in a similar way.
  • For a brighter effect, the lower eyelid is emphasized with a thin line using a contour pencil or eyeliner.
  • Applying mascara to eyelashes is mandatory. Mascara should be of good quality, and waterproof brands should be preferred, since during such an emotional event as a wedding, tears may appear in the bride’s eyes more than once. It is unacceptable if they ruin a beautiful make-up.

This kind of makeup is easy to do with your own hands.

Oriental style makeup

Bright wedding makeup, done in oriental style, will decorate a girl with an extraordinary temperament, who is used to surprising everyone. It is necessary to take into account that such make-up is suitable only for a non-standard wedding dress.

The image of an exotic oriental beauty is quite harmonious only in relation to brown-eyed brunettes. If the brown-eyed bride has blond hair, this makeup option is used simply to make a beautiful accent on her eyes.

How to do oriental style makeup for brown eyes - video:

  • The upper eyelid is decorated with dark shadows, and shadows of the same color palette, but of a lighter shade, are applied to the area under the eyebrow.
  • The main decoration of oriental makeup is a spectacular arrow, which, being skillfully drawn along the very edge of the eyelash growth line, can decorate either both eyelids or only the upper eyelid. The arrow must extend beyond the outer edge of the eye, curving beautifully upward.

Natural makeup

Natural makeup for a wedding should be subordinated to one goal: by favorably emphasizing all the advantages of the bride’s appearance, creating the impression of a complete absence of makeup on her face. Behind all the apparent simplicity of natural makeup there is very serious preliminary work.

What should be done to complete it successfully?

  • The color scheme of makeup should be carefully thought out, since it is designed to harmonize not only with the color type of the bride’s appearance, but also with her outfit, accessories and manicure.
  • Cosmetics for natural makeup should be waterproof and of very good quality.

Before the wedding, be sure to do several makeup tests, looking for the most successful options. Some brides order a special photo session to compare the results before and after applying makeup.

  • The skin needs to be prepared for applying natural makeup, since any defects will negate all the efforts of the most skilled stylists. To do this, a couple of weeks before the wedding, you need to use the services of professional cosmetologists, having a professional facial cleansing and several sessions of a special massage.