Traditions and customs of the Russian people. Russian people: culture, traditions and customs Presentation: "Customs of the peoples of Russia"

MASLENITSA What did you do on Maslenitsa? A significant part of the customs for Maslenitsa, one way or another, was connected with the theme of family and marriage relations: newlyweds who got married during the past year were honored at Maslenitsa. The young people were given a kind of viewing party in the village: they were placed at the gate posts and forced to kiss in front of everyone, they were buried in the snow, or they were showered with snow at Maslenitsa.

So what is Maslenitsa? Maslenitsa, cheese week is a festive cycle that has been preserved in Rus' since pagan (pre-Christian) times. The ritual is associated with seeing off winter and welcoming spring. After the baptism of Rus', Maslenitsa is celebrated in the last week before Lent, seven weeks before Easter. The main attributes of Maslenitsa are pancakes and folk festivals. But the most important thing is the pancakes! Damn symbol of the sun. Just as round and hot. They are served on the table piping hot. With butter, sour cream, caviar, mushrooms, stellate sturgeon or sturgeon for every taste. And on the last day of Maslenitsa, a straw effigy, a symbol of winter, is burned. They see off the winter until next year. In addition, Maslenitsa is a character from Slavic mythology. Maslenitsa embodies three characters at once: Fertility, Winter and Death

CHRISTIAN EASTER Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the most important holiday in the Christian calendar. Easter Sunday does not fall on the same date every year, but always occurs between March 22 and April 25. It falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon following March 21, the vernal equinox. The date of Easter Sunday was approved by the church council in Nicaea in 325 AD.

And now a little more in detail... The name "Easter" is a direct transfer of the name of the Jewish holiday, celebrated annually for a week. The death and resurrection of Christ coincided with the holiday of Easter, and He Himself was likened to an innocent lamb, slaughtered according to custom before the beginning of this holiday. Christians honored Sunday as the day of the Resurrection of Christ. Why did they give eggs? This symbol has ancient origins. Ancient philosophers depicted the origin of the world with the image of an egg. Easter is celebrated for 40 days - in memory of Christ's forty-day stay on earth after the resurrection

One of the means of reflecting reality is oral folk art. Each nation has its own distinctive spiritual personality. The spiritual identity of the people is also manifested in fairy tales. They are a product of the history of the people, reflecting the events of history and the characteristics of the people's life. In fairy tales one can find traces of several eras.

The cognitive significance of a fairy tale is manifested primarily in the fact that it reflects the features of real life phenomena and provides extensive knowledge about the history of social relations, work and life, as well as an idea of ​​the worldview and psychology of the people. Its main images and characters contain a broad typology and contain generalizations of phenomena, life and people’s characters.

Russian folk tales reveal certain social relationships, show the way of life of the people, their home life, their moral concepts, the Russian view, the Russian mind - everything that makes a fairy tale nationally distinctive and unique. The ideological orientation of Russian fairy tales is manifested in the reflection of the people's struggle for a wonderful future.

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Customs, rituals and traditions of the Russian people

MBU kindergarten No. 153 “Olesya”

Prepared by: teacher - Trishina Yulia Yurievna


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Goals and objectives: to cultivate interest in history and folk art; introduce folk traditions, customs, rituals; expanding their ideas about the culture of the Russian people; development of aesthetic and moral perception of the world; give an idea of ​​the structure of the house, the history of folk costume, folk crafts, folklore, and Russian national cuisine.

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Russian people

The indigenous area of ​​settlement of the Russian people is the East European Plain. As the lands were developed, the Russians were in close contact with other peoples. Thanks to this, there is a great geographical and historical space united by the concept of Rus' and Russia. Russia is a multinational state, on whose territory more than 180 people live; the importance of this fact is reflected in the preamble to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. But according to the criteria of the United Nations, Russia is a mononational state, since more than 67% of its population is of one nationality, while in official UN documents Russia is a multinational state.

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National culture is the national memory of a people, what distinguishes a given people from others, protects a person from depersonalization, allows him to feel the connection of times and generations, receive spiritual support and support in life. Mentality - each nation has its own unique properties of mentality, inherent only to it; depending on the mentality of the nation, traditions, rituals, customs and other components of culture are built. The mentality of the Russian people, of course, is qualitatively different from other nationalities, primarily in its special hospitality, breadth of traditions and other features.

“Tradition”, “custom”, “rite” are the most important elements of the culture of every nation; these words are familiar to everyone, evoke certain associations and are usually associated with memories of that “gone Rus'”. The invaluable value of traditions, customs and rituals is that they sacredly preserve and reproduce the spiritual image of a particular people, their unique features, accumulating all the accumulated cultural experience of many generations of people, bringing into our lives the best of the spiritual heritage of the people. Thanks to traditions, customs and rituals, peoples are most different from one another.

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Tradition, custom, ritual are identical concepts in general terms, but have their own characteristic features and characteristics.

Tradition is the transmission from previous generations of customs and rituals, aimed at the spiritual world of the individual and serves as a means of reproducing, repeating and consolidating generally accepted social relations not directly, but through the formation of the moral and spiritual image of a person, which develops in accordance with these relations. (For example: Russian hospitality)

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Custom prescribes more detailed behavior and actions for a person in certain situations. It is not only symbolic, but any generally repeated action established by tradition. (For example: handshakes when meeting close friends or relatives, morning and evening prayers to God, the harmful custom of serving alcohol when meeting relatives, friends and acquaintances).

Lord, please:! Protect all those I love... Feed and warm all my relatives and all my friends with bread... In difficult times, send them an Angel, To save them on the edge of the road... Give them happiness, joy and peace... All sins forgive and calm down... Teach them to love and forgive... Make sure that those dear to me Stay longer on Earth... ...

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A rite specifies the form of expression of generally accepted behavior in a particular area at especially significant moments in a person’s life (For example: wedding rites, baptisms, burials). Rituals were considered just as necessary a component of life as holidays. Ritual culture is the order in all manifestations of social life for a given occasion, the ritual actions of the people, an ethical code that regulates collective moods and emotions.

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The folk calendar in Rus' was called the monthly calendar. The month book covered the entire year of peasant life, “describing” it day by day, month by month, where each day had its own holidays or weekdays, customs and superstitions, traditions and rituals, natural signs and phenomena.

The folk calendar is a kind of encyclopedia of peasant life. It includes knowledge of nature, agricultural experience, rituals, norms of social life and is a fusion of pagan and Christian principles, folk Orthodoxy.

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Festive and ritual culture

The main winter holidays are two holy weeks (Yuletide): Christmas, New Year (old style) and Epiphany. On holidays, they started magical games, performed symbolic actions with grain, bread, straw (“so that there was a harvest”), went from house to house to carol, girls told fortunes, and dressing up was an obligatory element of Christmastide.

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Maslenitsa (farewell to winter and welcome to spring) lasted a whole week and starting from Thursday of Maslenitsa week, all work stopped and noisy fun began. We went to visit each other, treated ourselves generously to pancakes, pancakes, pies, and there was also booze.

Wide Maslenitsa – Cheese Week! You came dressed up to greet us in Spring. We will bake pancakes and have fun all week, To drive the cold winter out of the house! Monday – “Meeting” Tuesday – “Flirting” Wednesday – “Gourmet” Thursday – “Running” Friday “Evenings at Mother-in-Law’s” Saturday – “Sister-in-Law’s Treats” Sunday – “Forgiveness Day” Magnificent festivities are crowned by the Fair. Goodbye, Maslenitsa, come again!

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Easter (the blossoming of spring, the awakening of life) is a church holiday. On Easter, they decorated the house with cut willow, baked rich breads (Easter cakes, Easter cakes), painted eggs (Krashenki), attended church, visited each other, exchanged dyes when they met, and said Christ ( kissed), greeted each other: “Christ is risen!” - “Truly risen!”

Eggs are a symbol of the Sun and the birth of new life.

On Easter they danced in circles, walked through the streets, rode on swings, and rolled eggs. After Easter week, on Tuesday they celebrated Parents' Day - they visited cemeteries, brought food to the graves of deceased relatives, including Easter food.

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Semik and Trinity. They were celebrated in the seventh week after Easter (Semik - on Thursday, and Trinity - on Sunday). On Semik, girls went into the forest, wove wreaths from birch branches, sang Trinity songs and threw wreaths into the river. If the wreath sank, it was considered a bad omen, but if it stuck to the shore, it meant that the girl was about to get married. Before that, we brewed beer together and had fun with the guys on the river bank until late at night.

Before that, we brewed beer together and had fun with the guys on the river bank until late at night. On Trinity Sunday it was customary to decorate the inside of the house with birch branches. The traditional food was eggs, scrambled eggs and other egg dishes.

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Gatherings (supredki) were held in the autumn-winter period. In the evenings, young people gathered with a lonely elderly woman, girls and young women brought a tow and other work - spinning, embroidering, knitting. Here they discussed all sorts of rural affairs, told stories and fairy tales, and sang songs. The guys who came to the party looked after the brides, joked, and had fun.

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Russian wedding ceremony. Not only in every village, but even in the city there were their own characteristics, shades of this poetic and at the same time filled with deep meaning action. One can only be amazed at how thoroughly and respectfully our ancestors approached the birth of a new family. The memory of the main moment of their lives remained with the young forever. The young people were showered with hops, since hops are an ancient symbol of fertility and many children. The bride takes her parents' blessing and a dowry chest with her to the groom's house. An ancient custom is for the young wife to take off her husband's shoes. The meaning is that in this way the young wife emphasized her submission or consent to the dominance of a man in the family.

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Rite of Baptism

The main rite that marked the beginning of a child’s life was his baptism. The ceremony was performed in church or at home. As a rule, the baby was baptized on the third or fortieth day after birth. Parents were not supposed to be present at the baptism; instead, there was a godmother, who gave a shirt, and a godfather, who was supposed to give the child a pectoral cross.

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Riding on a Russian troika

Troika, troika has arrived, The horses in that troika are white. And in the sleigh sits Queen Belokosa, white-faced. As she waved her sleeve - Everything was covered with silver,

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Russian hut

A Russian traditional house consists of two parts: a cold part (canopy, cage, basement) and a warm part (where the stove was located). Everything in the house was thought out to the smallest detail and verified over centuries. The house was built from pine. And the roof was covered with straw or aspen planks. The front end of the roof had a ridge - a sign of aspiration. Only the Russians compared the house to a chariot that should lead the family to a better future. The outside of the houses was decorated with carvings. The tradition of using platbands has survived to this day. The owners kept various utensils in the entryway, and in the house itself the so-called “woman’s kut” was clearly visible. Where housewives cooked and did handicrafts.

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No matter the tower or the hut - Gilding and carving. Tower, tower, tower, It is intricate and tall, It has mica windows, All the frames are carved, And on the roof there are golden combs of cockerels. And in the railings on the porch the Master cut out rings, curls and flowers and painted them by hand. There are carved doors in the mansion, Flowers and animals on the doors, Birds of paradise sitting in a row on the tiles on the stove.

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Russian stove in a hut

There are carved benches along the walls and a carved oak table. The herbs were drying near the stove, they were collected in the spring and the infusion was brewed to drink from the sickness in the winter.

The main thing in the house was the stove. The walls are black, smoky, not beautiful from the inside, but did not rot and served good people from the heart. (the stoves were heated black)

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Red corner in a Russian hut

“...Go you, my dear Rus', Huts, vestments in images...”

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Russian towels

A towel is a small towel for wiping hands and face, and was also hung for decoration in the red corner of the hut. A towel is a symbol of home and family. This is not only a towel, but also an object for ceremonies and rituals

Linen towel, embroidered with large roosters along the edges. A cheerful creation of female hands: Two roosters - oblique combs, spurs; They blew the dawn, and flowers were woven around everything and patterns were laid out.

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Russian bath

The bathhouse was not only a place for washing, but also a special, almost sacred place. It was believed that the bath unites 4 main natural elements: fire, water, air and earth. Therefore, a person who visited the bathhouse seemed to absorb the power of all these elements and became stronger, stronger and healthier. It’s not for nothing that there was a saying in Rus': “When you wash yourself, it’s as if you were born again!” It is not for nothing that a broom is not only a symbol of a Russian steam bath, its decoration, but also a tool for treating or preventing diseases. Brooms collected from a variety of tree species and medicinal herbs are used to treat a wide variety of diseases and ailments.

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Women's costume: Girl's shirt, festive hats, poneva

Men's suit: Shirt, ports, belt, homespun

Russian national costume

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Lapti are one of the most ancient types of shoes. Bast shoes were woven from the bast of various trees, mainly linden (lychniki), and from bast - linden bast, soaked and torn into fibers (mochalyzhniki). Bast shoes were also made from the bark of willow (verzka), willow (willow), elm (elm), birch (birch bark), oak (oak), from tal (shelyuzhniki), from hemp combs, old ropes (kurpa, krutsy, chuni, sheptuny ), from horsehair - manes and tails - (hairworts), and even from straw (strawmen).

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Russian hospitality

Russian hospitality is also an integral part of our cultural traditions. Guests were also always welcome and the last piece was shared with them. No wonder they said: “What is in the oven, swords are on the table!” Guests were greeted with bread and salt. With the words: “Welcome!” The guest breaks off a small piece of bread, dips it in salt and eats it

We welcome our dear guests with a lush round loaf. It's on a painted saucer with a snow-white towel! We present the loaf to you, bowing and asking you to taste it!

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Russian feast

The Orthodox festive feast has preserved many traditions, customs and rituals since ancient times. All family members and close relatives gathered at the table. Table etiquette was very restrained and strict. They sat decorously at the table, and they tried to have serious and kind conversations. A mandatory element of the holiday is prayer. For many holidays, strictly defined ritual dishes were intended, and they were often prepared only once a year. They knew in advance and waited for stuffed pig, goose or turkey, honey or poppy seed pie, fluffy and rosy pancakes, colored eggs and Easter cakes to be on the table.

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The custom of drinking tea in Rus' is an ancient custom - Dear guest - so welcome Pour him healing, fragrant, strong tea.

Tea drinking in Rus'

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The art of folk crafts is a link between the past and the present, the present and the future. The Russian land is rich in a variety of folk crafts: Gzhel, Khokhloma, Zhostovo, Russian matryoshka, palekh, Tula samovars, Vologda lace, Russian enamel, Ural crafts, Pavlovsk Posad shawls and others

Folk crafts

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Russian folklore

Rituals dedicated to major holidays included a large number of different works of folk art (Folklore): ancient lyrical songs, wedding songs, round dances, calendar-ritual, dance songs; however, daily life was dominated by ditties, songs, sentences, round dances, games, dances, dramatic scenes, masks, folk costumes, unique props, oral folk art - pestles, riddles, fairy tales, sayings and many other ditties

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Russian folk musical instruments

Folk instruments in folklore are usually used in the everyday life of shepherds or for some types of dances and songs. string instruments - balalaika, gudok, wind instruments; wind instruments - pipe, horn, zhaleika; military trumpets, hunting horns, tambourines.

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Not a single house in Rus' could do without folk amulets. The Russian people believed that amulets reliably protect against diseases, the “evil eye,” natural disasters and various misfortunes, to protect the house and its inhabitants from evil spirits, diseases, to attract the brownie and appease him. When preparing for a long journey, a person took a talisman with him so that the goodness and love put into it would warm the soul and remind him of his home and family.

Amulets in Rus'

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Russian folk doll is a historical piece of the culture of the peoples of Russia. The doll, as a play image, symbolizes a person, his era, the history of the culture of peoples (Russian rituals and customs). Rag dolls were made in folk traditions using ancient techniques and technologies. Since ancient times, folk dolls have been made from twigs, scraps, and dry grass. Dolls symbolized everything secret and magical that exists in the human soul.

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Pysanka is a talisman and a tradition of painting bird eggs with beeswax and paints that has survived to this day. Previously, Easter eggs accompanied a person throughout his life - from birth to death, protecting him from evil. The patterns that were applied to Easter eggs are not random - each has its own meaning. Easter eggs patterns and color combinations were passed down from generation to generation, remaining unchanged. It was believed that pysanka gives strength to everything that gives birth to something new - the earth, man, animals, plants. Brings beauty, health and prosperity.

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Brownies - live in houses and yards. In Rus' they believed that not a single house could stand without a brownie. The well-being of the home directly depended on respectful attitude towards the brownie. When moving to a new place, the brownie was always invited to come with him. He was transported in a bast shoe, on a bread shovel or on a broom, saying at the same time “here are those sleighs, come with us. If in a house the Brownie loves the owner, he feeds and grooms his horses, takes care of everything, and braids the owner’s beard.” . Whose house he doesn’t love, he ruins the owner completely, transferring his livestock, disturbing him at night, and breaking everything in the house.

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If you imagine a family in the form of a tree, then the crown is you, our future, what pleases the eye, the branches are your parents, the various lines of its descendants, the trunk is your ancestors. And the roots are the ancestor, this is what holds the crown, these are traditions

"Family tree"

Family tree is a schematic representation of family relationships in the form of a tree. A family tree is also called a representation of family trees in the form of ascending or descending genealogical tables

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For many centuries, the highest meaning of the life of a Russian person was the creation of a family, the birth and upbringing of children. For the sake of this, wealth was collected, a career was made.

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Family relationships have their own characteristics in a peasant environment. The Russian village was strong in its collectivist traditions, the guardians of which were the community and the family.

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The family not only raised children and ran a joint household, it was the bearer of deep traditions, connected a person with the outside world, and was the custodian of collective experience. According to Orthodox concepts, the family was a “small church,” that is, it was called upon to guard the foundations of the Christian life of each of its parishioners.

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For the people, family is the most important and indispensable condition of every person’s life. A single lifestyle was considered odd. A man who did not start a family was not taken seriously; in the eyes of his fellow villagers he was an inferior person. Unless he was going to devote his life to God, that is, become a monk.

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A single person cannot be a real peasant. He is deprived of the opportunity to start a household, therefore, his life cycle remains incomplete, he turns out to be the owner of an incomplete share, that is, deprived of fate.

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Without a family, not only is a full-fledged economy impossible, but also the reproduction of the clan, which means the cult of the clan and the land cannot be realized. They always made fun of guys who didn’t get married on time, and during Maslenitsa festivities they hung a deck around their neck.

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Peasants' recognition of the role of the family in moral and material well-being was reflected in numerous proverbs. Single - half a person. The family porridge is boiling thicker. Family harmony is the most valuable thing.

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The girls were afraid to be alone. Although married life was not easy, the girls told fortunes about the grooms and prayed to the patrons of weddings. On Pokrov (October 14) the girls asked: “Mother - Pokrov! Cover the ground with snow and me with a scarf.” The girls, believing in the power of the Intercession to promote marriage, ran to church early in the morning and lit a candle in honor of the holiday. There is a well-known belief: the one who lights a candle first will get married sooner.

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A serious, responsible understanding of marriage is clearly expressed in numerous proverbs and sayings: Take it so as not to repent, live in love and not suffer. Get married - keep your eyes peeled. When going to war, pray; when going to sea, pray twice as much; If you want to get married, pray three times. One got married and saw the world, the other got married and disappeared completely.

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If a year after the wedding the cradle does not rock in the hut, then the hut is considered unlucky. Childlessness is a joyless, incomplete life, a bitter, lonely old age: God forbid, you have to push Bobyl around: No one will give Voditsa a sip. V. Chursin

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“Whoever doesn’t have children lives in sin,” that’s what they said in the old days. The childless were advised to take in an orphan in order to get rid of their sins, and you see, God will send your children. It often happened like this: they warmed up an orphan, and after some years their children appeared.

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Children in Rus' were always treated with love; the Russian village did not know unloved children: There are many children, but there are no extra ones. He who has many children is not forgotten by God.

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They raised children with the whole world, the whole community, the whole village. Adults have never overlooked a child’s prank; they will definitely intervene, or even inform the parents. And they, having thanked him, will also punish the naughty man. They willingly helped a child in trouble.

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The child was left an orphan - the community decided who to give him to raise. If relatives could not provide a full upbringing, then the orphan was given to strangers. The community strictly controlled the upbringing of the orphan and the handling of his inheritance (by the time he reached adulthood, it should be the basis of his existence).

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A widow with small children was taken under special protection by the community. According to a common decision, they could build a hut in peace, they helped to plow, sow and clean up its plot. With all the love for children, they were raised in strictness. They remembered: “A hatched egg is always a chatterbox, a caressed son is a crank.”

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Peasant morality and norms of behavior required children to absolutely respect their parents throughout their lives. Children should not contradict their parents. Even an adult son, who already had a family but had not separated from his parents, had to obey his father in all economic and personal matters. Neither daughter nor son left their parents' home of their own free will. Particular importance was attached to parental blessings; they knew that a parent’s word is never wasted.

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Parental blessing was given before the wedding, before leaving on a long journey, before the death of the father or mother (for the rest of the children’s lives). It was also received before any important task (laying the foundation of a house, first trip to the field, etc.).

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Children - orphans, although they were blessed by their adoptive parents, still went to the graves of their parents for a blessing.

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The peasants believed in the special significance, effectiveness, and power of prayer for children. People say that a mother’s prayer lifts you up from the bottom of the sea. Father and mother were sacred to children. Even during the time of the clan system, a person who raised his hand against his parents was expelled from the clan, and no one dared to give him fire, water, or bread. Popular wisdom taught: “If your parents are alive, honor them, if they are dead, remember them.”

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There is no bitterer than a mother’s sadness for her children: “until eternity” her tears for them. Motherhood is great happiness, but also unlimited responsibility for children for the rest of their lives. Motherhood is not only joy, but also pain, anxiety, sleepless nights, endless worries.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Customs, rituals and traditions of the Russian people “The further into the future we enter, the more we value the past...” Development: Larchenko G.V.

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Very often, behind the events and the hustle and bustle of the days, we don’t remember our Antiquity, We forget about it. Flights to the Moon have become more familiar to us. Let's remember the old customs! Let's remember our old days!

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Goals and objectives: to cultivate interest in history and folk art; introduce folk traditions, customs, rituals; expanding their ideas about the culture of the Russian people; development of aesthetic and moral perception of the world; give an idea of ​​the structure of the house, the history of folk costume, folk crafts, folklore, and Russian national cuisine.

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Russian people The indigenous area of ​​settlement of the Russian people is the East European Plain. As the lands were developed, the Russians were in close contact with other peoples. Thanks to this, there is a great geographical and historical space united by the concept of Rus' and Russia. Russia is a multinational state, on whose territory more than 180 people live; the importance of this fact is reflected in the preamble to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. But according to the criteria of the United Nations, Russia is a mononational state, since more than 67% of its population is of one nationality, while in official UN documents Russia is a multinational state.

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National culture is the national memory of a people, what distinguishes a given people from others, protects a person from depersonalization, allows him to feel the connection of times and generations, receive spiritual support and support in life. “Tradition”, “custom”, “rite” are the most important elements of the culture of every nation; these words are familiar to everyone, evoke certain associations and are usually associated with memories of that “gone Rus'”. The invaluable value of traditions, customs and rituals is that they sacredly preserve and reproduce the spiritual image of a particular people, their unique features, accumulating all the accumulated cultural experience of many generations of people, bringing into our lives the best of the spiritual heritage of the people. Thanks to traditions, customs and rituals, peoples are most different from one another.

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Tradition, custom, ritual are identical concepts in general terms, but have their own characteristic features and characteristics. Tradition is the transmission from previous generations of customs and rituals, aimed at the spiritual world of the individual and serves as a means of reproducing, repeating and consolidating generally accepted social relations not directly, but through the formation of the moral and spiritual image of a person, which develops in accordance with these relations.

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Custom prescribes more detailed behavior and actions for a person in certain situations. It is not only symbolic, but any generally repeated action established by tradition. (For example: handshakes when meeting close friends or relatives, morning and evening prayers to God, the harmful custom of serving alcohol when meeting relatives, friends and acquaintances). Lord, please:! Protect all those I love... Feed and warm all my relatives and all my friends with bread... In difficult times, send them an Angel, To save them on the edge of the road... Give them happiness, joy and peace... All sins forgive and calm down... Teach them to love and forgive... Make sure that those dear to me Stay longer on Earth... ...

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A rite specifies the form of expression of generally accepted behavior in a particular area at especially significant moments in a person’s life (For example: wedding rites, baptisms, burials). Rituals were considered just as necessary a component of life as holidays. Ritual culture is the order in all manifestations of social life for a given occasion, the ritual actions of the people, an ethical code that regulates collective moods and emotions.

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The folk calendar in Rus' was called the monthly calendar. The month book covered the entire year of peasant life, “describing” it day by day, month by month, where each day had its own holidays or weekdays, customs and superstitions, traditions and rituals, natural signs and phenomena. The folk calendar is a kind of encyclopedia of peasant life. It includes knowledge of nature, agricultural experience, rituals, norms of social life and is a fusion of pagan and Christian principles, folk Orthodoxy.

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Festive and ritual culture The main winter holidays are two holy weeks (Yuletide): Christmas, New Year (old style) and Epiphany. On holidays, they started magical games, performed symbolic actions with grain, bread, straw (“so that there was a harvest”), went from house to house to carol, girls told fortunes, and dressing up was an obligatory element of Christmastide.

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Maslenitsa (farewell to winter and welcome to spring) lasted a whole week and starting from Thursday of Maslenitsa week, all work stopped and noisy fun began. We went to visit each other, treated ourselves generously to pancakes, pancakes, pies, and there was also booze. Wide Maslenitsa – Cheese Week! You came dressed up to greet us in Spring. We will bake pancakes and have fun all week, To drive the cold winter out of the house! Monday – “Meeting” Tuesday – “Flirting” Wednesday – “Gourmet” Thursday – “Running” Friday “Evenings at Mother-in-Law’s” Saturday – “Sister-in-Law’s Treats” Sunday – “Forgiveness Day” Magnificent festivities are crowned by the Fair. Goodbye, Maslenitsa, come again!

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Easter (the blossoming of spring, the awakening of life) is a church holiday. On Easter, they decorated the house with cut willow, baked rich breads (Easter cakes, Easter cakes), painted eggs (Krashenki), attended church, visited each other, exchanged dyes when they met, and said Christ ( kissed), greeted each other: “Christ is risen!” - “Truly risen!” Eggs are a symbol of the Sun and the birth of new life. On Easter they danced in circles, walked through the streets, rode on swings, and rolled eggs. After Easter week, on Tuesday they celebrated Parents' Day - they visited cemeteries, brought food to the graves of deceased relatives, including Easter food.

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Semik and Trinity. They were celebrated in the seventh week after Easter (Semik - on Thursday, and Trinity - on Sunday). On Semik, girls went into the forest, wove wreaths from birch branches, sang Trinity songs and threw wreaths into the river. If the wreath sank, it was considered a bad omen, but if it stuck to the shore, it meant that the girl was about to get married. Before that, we brewed beer together and had fun with the guys on the river bank until late at night. Before that, we brewed beer together and had fun with the guys on the river bank until late at night. On Trinity Sunday it was customary to decorate the inside of the house with birch branches. The traditional food was eggs, scrambled eggs and other egg dishes.

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Gatherings (round dances, streets) are summer entertainment for young people on the outskirts of the village, on the river bank or near the forest. They wove wreaths of wildflowers, played games, sang and danced, and danced in circles. We stayed late. The main figure was a good local accordion player.

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Russian wedding ceremony. Not only in every village, but even in the city there were their own characteristics, shades of this poetic and at the same time filled with deep meaning action. One can only be amazed at how thoroughly and respectfully our ancestors approached the birth of a new family. The memory of the main moment of their lives remained with the young forever. The young people were showered with hops, since hops are an ancient symbol of fertility and many children. The bride takes her parents' blessing and a dowry chest with her to the groom's house. An ancient custom is for the young wife to take off her husband's shoes. The meaning is that in this way the young wife emphasized her submission or consent to the dominance of a man in the family.

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Rite of Baptism The main rite that marked the beginning of a child’s life was his baptism. The ceremony was performed in church or at home. As a rule, the baby was baptized on the third or fortieth day after birth. Parents were not supposed to be present at the baptism; instead, there was a godmother, who gave a shirt, and a godfather, who was supposed to give the child a pectoral cross.

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Russian hut A Russian traditional house consists of two parts: a cold part (canopy, cage, basement) and a warm part (where the stove was located). Everything in the house was thought out to the smallest detail and verified over centuries. The house was built from pine. And the roof was covered with straw or aspen planks. The front end of the roof had a ridge - a sign of aspiration. Only the Russians compared the house to a chariot that should lead the family to a better future. The outside of the houses was decorated with carvings. The tradition of using platbands has survived to this day. The owners kept various utensils in the entryway, and in the house itself the so-called “woman’s kut” was clearly visible. Where housewives cooked and did handicrafts.

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Next to the front room there is a bedroom in the next room, and the bed in it is high, high - up to the ceiling! There are feather beds, blankets, and a lot of pillows, and there stands, covered with a carpet, a chest with the owner's goods.

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Russian stove in the hut There are carved benches on the walls and a carved oak table. The herbs were drying near the stove, they were collected in the spring and the infusion was brewed to drink from the sickness in the winter. The main thing in the house was the stove. The walls are black, smoky, not beautiful from the inside, but did not rot and served good people from the heart. (the stoves were heated black)

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