Beautiful but simple hairstyles. Easy DIY hairstyles for every day. Bun of braids

Long luxurious hair has always been considered a symbol of femininity. In ancient times, they were braided and styled into hairstyles. Somewhat later, only little girls began to wear braids, and women preferred other stylish styles. But more recently, hair braiding in different styles has gained such popularity that beautiful (even masterpiece) braids are appearing everywhere on modern streets.

Types of braids for every day

The braid is beautiful, modern and stylish. Many women are also captivated by the fact that their hair is preserved better in braids. When weaving them, hair dryers, irons, curling irons are not used, and styling products are rarely used. Consequently, the hair is not exposed to aggressive external factors.

Looking at some of the beautiful braided hairstyles, many people believe that it takes a lot of talent to create such a hairstyle. Of course, it is quite difficult to repeat the images created by stylists, but learning how to weave simple, but at the same time original, braids will not be difficult. After 2–3 lessons, your hair will already be obediently styled into beautiful braids.

Classic braid

The three-strand braid is the ancestor of other types of hair braiding. Its history goes back to biblical times. The braid was worn by many peoples, not only women, but also men. This has its own explanation: a braid is the most convenient and simple hairstyle.

A little history. In ancient Rus', a ribbon in a braid meant that a girl was in marriageable status. If two ribbons were woven into her hair, this meant that the girl had already decided on her future husband and was not interested in other suitors.

In everyday life, it will only take a few minutes to create such a braid. If desired, you can braid beautiful ribbons into it, slightly dishevel it, which will add romance to the image, decorate the braid with hairpins, beads, etc. Nowadays, the braid is worn by ordinary schoolgirls, business women, housewives and Hollywood stars. At the same time, there are a huge number of variations in styling braids:

  • two braids;
  • styling on the head;
  • braid in a bun,
  • curled braid;
  • ghoul.
  • Gallery: hairstyles with a classic braid

    A classic braid can be decorated in an original way with thin braids. Favorite school hairstyle - selected braids with cute bows. Laying a braid over the head creates a feminine look.
    Hollywood stars also wear braids with pleasure. Modern women like the hairstyle of Kuban Cossack women.
    Thick and long hair looks impressive in two braids
    Two braids can be braided in an original way

    Swiss braid

    The Swiss braid is a close relative of the classic braid. Its only difference is that the strands are twisted with a flagellum before weaving. This gives the braid more volume. Swiss braiding looks impressive with democratic jeans and an airy summer dress, if the strands are not pulled too tightly. At the same time, a tight braid in the Swiss style goes harmoniously with a conservative business suit or cocktail attire.

    A Swiss braid can be made from medium to long length hair.


    One of the types of traditional Russian braids is the “spikelet” braid. With its help, you can achieve volume and fullness of your hair, while creating a warm and touching image. The “spikelet” is worn with pleasure by children, girls and business women. Its use is relevant in windy and rainy weather, when visiting the beach or pool, since the hair is neatly collected.

    The hairstyle is easy to do, you can do it absolutely yourself. Weaving takes only 5–7 minutes.

    The “spikelet” can be used on both long and short hair, since the braiding starts from the very roots.

    Long hair can be braided into a “spikelet” on the head, and then go into another type of braid.

    This is interesting. In ancient times, the braid was considered a source of vital energy, so it was woven strictly downwards in the direction of the spine.

    Gallery: “spikelet” braid in different variations

    The “spikelet” braid can also be used on short hair. The “spikelet” hairstyle continues beautifully with a fishtail braid. The “spikelet” braiding looks impressive in two braids.
    You can often see a “spikelet” on schoolgirls. Outside help is not needed to weave a “spikelet.”
    The “spikelet” can be decorated with a bow

    French weave

    The French braid often adorns the heads of brides, and is also a favorite hairstyle at special events and in everyday life. This weaving is similar to a “spikelet”, only in reverse. Therefore, the braid looks voluminous.

    A hairstyle with a French braid looks equally impressive on romantic dates and business meetings.

    Gallery: French braid

    Fishtail weaving is quite original and at the same time simple to perform. In appearance, such a braid really resembles the tail part of a fish. The braiding looks much more complex than a classic braid. The fishtail can be made completely smooth or disheveled with careless strands. In both cases, the braid looks quite impressive.

    Gallery: types of fishtail

    Beads decorate any braid. The braid is a bit like the tail of a fish. A fish tail is a good basis for creating evening hairstyles.
    Colored strands in a braid make it much more attractive. A slightly disheveled fishtail gives the hairstyle a casual look.

    Despite such a common name, rope weaving looks simply luxurious, especially on shoulder-length hair and below. The braid looks quite original if the strands are colored. Buns made from “rope” are distinguished by their elegance and simplicity of execution.

    Gallery: photo of the “rope”

    The “rope” will look original when selected. If you weave a colored ribbon into the “rope”, the appearance of the braid will become much more attractive. Even beginners can weave a “rope”.
    The rope braid looks great on light and dark hair, as well as on colored strands

    5 strands - hairstyle worth 5 points

    At first glance, it may seem that only trained specialists can weave such an incredibly beautiful braid. And indeed, the hairstyle has a luxurious look. But it turns out that with a little practice, any woman can independently create a small masterpiece from her own hair.

    Gallery: 5-strand braid

    Learn to braid your own hair

    Acquiring classic weaving skills

    The classic braid is made of three strands. Its weaving is familiar to many from childhood.

  • Divide your hair into three parts.
  • Place the left strand over the center one, and then cross the right strand over the center one.
  • Repeat these crossings of the left and right strands with the central part until the very end.
  • Secure the finished braid at the bottom with an elastic band or a hairpin.
  • In order for the braid to have a neat appearance, it is necessary to check the tension of the strands during weaving.

    Swiss miracle

    Swiss braiding is similar to classic hair braiding.

  • For convenience, it is better to collect your hair in a bun.
  • Divide the curls into three parts.
  • Twist the resulting strands with a tourniquet.
  • Braid your hair in the same way as a classic braid: alternately place the left and right strands in the middle.
  • At the end of braiding, secure the hair.
  • Making a fishtail

    If the braid is being done for the first time, it is better to first gather the hair at the bottom into a ponytail, and then follow the instructions.

  • Divide the secured hair into two parts.
  • In the right half, from the outside, take a 2-3 cm strand. Place it on top of the rest of the right strand and connect it to the left half.
  • Now separate a small strand from the left side, place it on top of the main left strand and connect it to the right.
  • Repeat the manipulations until the end of the hair.
  • After completing the braiding, secure the resulting “fishtail” with an elastic band or hairpin, and it is better to remove the top elastic band so that the hairstyle gets a soft, feminine look.
  • If several strands are carefully pulled out, the braid will acquire exquisite carelessness and volume.

    Video: fishtail braid

    Creating a “spikelet”

    Any woman can learn to weave a spikelet. It is performed in the following sequence.

    Hairstyles for every day must be simple, easy to perform, but in no case boring. While girls and women choose a hairstyle for the office and try to give it originality and some charm, then at home many people wear a low ponytail, a bun, or a shapeless mop of hair.

    Everyday hairstyles for medium hair for work and home can be beautiful and stylish. Step-by-step instructions plus photos will help you choose several interesting options.

    Rules for creating an everyday look

    Everyday styling should be:

    • comfortable;
    • fashionable, original;
    • easy to implement;
    • not to be afraid of weather conditions (for the office);
    • do not require a large amount of styling compounds;
    • maintain its shape after removing the headdress (or you should easily create a hairstyle in 5 minutes already in the office).

    Another important point: hairs should not constantly get into your eyes. The rules of some companies do not recommend that employees come to the office with loose hair. The only exception is for ladies with short hair.

    Important! In case of unforeseen circumstances (wind gusts on the way to work, heavy rain), you should have an option for a simple, strict hairstyle. Always carry a comb, one or two rubber bands, and a small crab with you. A minimum of accessories - and your strands will be beautifully styled.

    Office styling options for every day

    Getting ready in the morning is often a rush, especially if you have small children. You need to get your daughter ready for kindergarten, braid her hair or make a beautiful ponytail, and find time for yourself. Sometimes there is no more than half an hour left for makeup and hair care.

    Pay attention to the varieties of everyday hairstyles. It’s easy and quick to style medium-length curls if you practice a little in your free time. A stylish, fashionable look, created in 10–15 minutes, will be a reward for your efforts.

    Hairstyle with a donut

    Instead of a small, expressionless bun, make a beautiful, voluminous bun. It is easiest to create such a design using medium-length strands. Raising or lowering your bun will give you a new look.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    • Gather clean hair into a ponytail, place it on the top of the head or closer to the back of the head;
    • thread a foam rubber or homemade bagel through the collected strands;
    • secure the finished structure with an elastic band to match your hair;
    • distribute the hair around the donut, tuck it under the bottom of the device;
    • secure stray hairs with bobby pins;
    • if the style of the outfit allows, decorate the bun with hairpins with discreet decor at the end.

    Important! If you like this option, eventually replace your homemade device with a ready-made foam accessory. The bagel is quite inexpensive. In the event of an unexpected hairstyle correction in the office, you will avoid awkward questions about your “original” accessory.

    Classic shell

    Give your hairstyle a perfect smoothness or make it more voluminous. Achieve clear lines or let out a couple of side strands. The shell has many options. Choose an image that matches your face type, character, and business suit style.


    • prepare your hair as usual: the strands should be clean and dry;
    • lightly comb thin hairs along the entire length or lightly curl them;
    • just wash thick hair and dry it with a hairdryer;
    • collect the entire mass of strands from behind, start twisting the shell;
    • place the bundle higher or lower: the shell will look great in any case;
    • Having twisted the tourniquet to the head, secure it along the entire length with hairpins;
    • Tuck the tip inward, secure with a hairpin or bobby pin;
    • If desired, decorate the shell with a neat bow, hairpin or beautiful hairpins. The decor should be discreet;
    • This hairstyle can be done in 10 minutes.

    Popular tail

    This popular option is suitable not only for schoolgirls. Even a low ponytail can be made more fashionable and stylish by lightly combing the strands at the front.

    Important! The thicker your hair, the more you emphasize the natural beauty of your hair. Strong combs are more appropriate for evening hairstyles and hairstyles for noisy parties.

    For medium-length hair, it is better to make a ponytail closer to the back of the head or very low. To decorate your hairstyle, wrap one strand around an elastic band to create a hair decoration.

    Inverted ponytail

    A great option for an office hairstyle. Careful styling does not require much time; it can be done in 10 minutes.


    • be sure to wash your hair, dry it well, create soft curls if desired;
    • comb your hair, tie a low ponytail, secure with an elastic band;
    • Pull the elastic down a little and make a hole with your finger;
    • twist the tail through it. The classic version is through the top, but it is also possible through the bottom;
    • straighten any stray strands and lightly spray with hairspray.

    Advice! Drop the elastic higher or lower for different styling options. The elastic band is closer to the head - business, strict style, lower it lower - there will be a softer, romantic option.

    Low bun

    Great styling for the office. The hairstyle looks impressive with or without smooth bangs. For your work environment, choose modest decor.

    Step by step:

    • Apply a little styling gel to the comb, gather all the strands to the back of the head;
    • secure the ponytail with an elastic band, lightly comb the hairs to give it fullness;
    • make a bun from a voluminous tail, secure it securely with bobby pins;
    • straighten the low bun, give it a neat shape;
    • lightly spray the structure with varnish.

    Braid bun

    If you are not good at braiding, create a bun from a braid for the office. Simple, effective styling for every day.

    How to proceed:

    • create a medium or low ponytail. See how long it is;
    • braid a regular braid, wrap it around an elastic band, secure with hairpins and bobby pins;
    • the more voluminous the hair, the more voluminous the bun will be;
    • The decor is familiar - a dim ribbon, decorative pins, a small bow.

    Medium ponytail with braid

    Another strict but effective styling, especially for thick hair. If your curls lack volume, don’t worry: a light backcombing will correct the situation.


    • collect the middle tail. If you decide to make a high ponytail, check whether the braid will turn out “short”;
    • secure the tail well with a soft elastic band, braid a loose braid, and also secure at the bottom with an elastic band;
    • decorate the top with a neat hairpin that can be snapped around the joint.

    Braid around the head

    The easiest way to create a hairstyle is from a regular braid. With a little practice, you can master more complex weaving techniques. A headband made from a regular braid will look stylish in the office.

    Step by step:

    • wash your hair, dry it, comb thoroughly;
    • divide your hair with an even parting from the forehead to the back of the head;
    • secure one half so that it does not interfere with an elastic band or a clip;
    • gather half the strands above the left temple, braid a regular braid, secure the bottom with a thin elastic band;
    • do the same with the right half of the hair;
    • bring the left braid to the right ear, secure it with bobby pins, wrap the right braid, wrap the headband, secure it near the left ear;
    • straighten the bezel, secure it with two or three hairpins to be sure.

    Advice! A braid headband will be effective if the length allows you to create a braid that reaches the opposite temple. If your strands are not long enough, discard this option.

    Loose hair with a tourniquet

    The styling looks good if the hair is thick enough. Bouncy curls are undesirable in the office, but light curling is acceptable for short hair.

    Everything is very simple:

    • part your hair in the middle;
    • On each side, separate a strand 5–6 cm wide, twist the strands or braid them to the middle of the ear or slightly below;
    • Connect both strands with a thin elastic band and decorate with a strict hairpin.

    Advice! Do comfortable, neat styling only on clean strands. If your hair is too greasy, avoid this option.

    Perfect hairstyle

    For not very long curls, a smooth style of loose hair is suitable. If your work is loyal to such options, do your hair, but in such a way that your hair does not bother you too much.

    How to proceed:

    • if you have an elongated bob with bangs or strands of the same length without bangs, just straighten them with an iron;
    • before straightening, apply liquid crystals for hair or mousse with thermal protection;
    • Do not use hairspray, otherwise the hairstyle will look unnatural.


    • pull your strands back with a stylish headband in calm colors;
    • Part your hair to the side and place the front strands behind your ears.

    Hair styling ideas for medium hair at home

    It's your day off today. I want to relax, not spend a lot of time on makeup and original hair styling. But, on any forum and in a women's magazine, you will read that you cannot relax at home, walk around in an old robe, with disheveled hair.

    That's right, these wise thoughts have been confirmed by thousands of women. Take half an hour and think about how to create a comfortable and beautiful styling for your home.

    Top 5 hairstyles in 15 minutes:

    • Bun.
    • Gulka.
    • Low ponytail.
    • Shell.
    • Braids.

    The method for creating these hairstyles is described above. A shell or bun looks equally good in the office or at home. The difference is in the decor, which may be less for a home environment.

    Pay attention to a couple more interesting styling that you can easily and quickly do.

    Original Malvinka

    The styling, familiar from childhood, is suitable for girls and women of all ages. Regardless of the type of hair, this option looks advantageous, the hairs do not get into the face. Even if you have unexpected guests, you will look great.

    Creation scheme:

    • comb your curls, if desired, curl them slightly;
    • separate strands 6–7 cm wide from both sides, bring them back, below the crown, secure with an elastic band;
    • You can make simple braids from the side strands, pull them back, and fasten them with an elastic band;
    • Another option is to twist the separated strands into bundles and secure them at the back with an elastic band or a hair clip.

    Weaving Spikelet

    Another simple but effective styling option for the home. The weaving is simple, beautiful, the hairs are not very tight, but the hairstyle does not fall apart.

    Weaving technique:

    • Comb clean curls towards the back of the head;
    • near the forehead, select three strands, weave once, as to create a simple braid;
    • add hair from the temples to the side strands, continue weaving;
    • take turns picking up strands from the left, then from the right;
    • gradually you will see that there are no longer any free side strands in the neck area, you are weaving a regular braid;
    • When finished, secure the bottom with an elastic band.

    Consider hairstyle options for work and home. Medium length hair allows you to create original, comfortable styling. Experiment, look for your own image, don’t settle for boring, inexpressive hairstyles. No matter the situation, you must look your best.

    A few more options for quick and beautiful hairstyles for every day in the following video:

    Quick hairstyles for every day. Photo and video.

    An attractive hairstyle is one of the main parts of any girl’s image. But, as a rule, due to a lot of work, there is usually very little time or no opportunity at all to go to the salon. Therefore, you understand that it is important to be able to do simple and quick hairstyles for every day.

    How to make a fishtail braid

    Quick hairstyles for every day: save every minute

    Regardless of age, the secret of many girls' beauty often lies in their hairstyles. Moreover, beauty implies not only a fashionable hairstyle, but also healthy, well-groomed hair. To always have an attractive appearance, you don’t need to spend several hours creating your hairstyle every time, as there are easier ways.

    Simple quick hairstyle It will also be no less attractive than complex styling if you pay enough attention to caring for the health of your hair. After all, time does not stand still and over the years the hair becomes dull and brittle, not as shiny as before, loses its color, and sometimes even loses its place on the head. To prevent this, it is necessary to select high-quality cosmetics that will provide good nutrition to the hair, moisturize and strengthen it.

    Hair color also plays a big role in your image. To avoid looking unnatural, try not to lighten your hair too much if you have dark skin and eyes. As a last resort, you can highlight small strands. If you have ruddy skin, it is better to avoid red paint colors so that they do not emphasize the redness of the skin. You can visually smooth out defects using cool shades of paint that are closer to the natural color.

    Styling products should be chosen according to the length and volume of your hair. If your hair is long and thick, you will need a strong fixing agent to style it. Medium hair gives more opportunities to express your imagination, but such hair is too flexible. Short hair is suitable for creating a dynamic image.

    Lush tail

    In summer, a simple braid or long flowing hair looks quite casual, creating the image of a free girl. Knots and buns are very popular this season. You can create them to suit every taste, in a variety of shapes, neatly stacked or tousled. It depends on what you like best. Because your hairstyle, first of all, should express your style, character, and emphasize your natural beauty.

    Bun with a braid

    Quick hairstyles for every day: braids and buns

    When choosing a new fashionable hairstyle, the question often arises - how easy will it be to do such a hairstyle every day? Of course, extraordinary hairstyles with complex styling attract attention and help create a unique image, but with a constant lack of time, they usually turn out to be an unaffordable luxury. However, stylists have ways in stock that allow them to create quick hairstyles for every day, look fresh and original, but without spending too much time on styling.


    Hairstyles with braids will be an excellent solution for girls. There can be one or several braids - the number of braids is selected in accordance with the event or event for which the hairstyle is being done.

    Braiding a braid is not difficult at all and almost everyone can do it. But the braid has many different options - a spikelet, a fishtail, a high braid, a side braid and many others. You can also decorate your braided hairstyle with additional accessories. A bright silk ribbon woven into a braid will be a very beautiful element.

    Hair bow

    A spikelet around the head will also look very nice. This hairstyle can be done with long hair. Everything is quite simple, you need to start braiding the spikelet from the temple area towards the back of the head, and then create a regular braid. Then the hair can be secured with an elastic band and the hairstyle will be ready. This quick hairstyle option is more suitable for young girls of school age.

    Quick hairstyle for every day

    Another option for simple hairstyles is buns. But there are different ways to make the bun look original. With the help of ordinary hairpins and elastic bands, you can collect your hair in the most intricate buns. They can be tight or loose, at different heights, and you can style your hair with one bun or several. Buns can be created on different types of hair. Nowadays, the French bun, smooth and neat, is popular; buns in the form of a knot of hair with the effect of carelessness, romantic buns from which several curls have fallen out, buns with braids and others are also popular.

    To create a stylish astrakhan bun, divide your hair horizontally into about 4 equal parts. Then from each part you need to twist the hair into a ponytail and twist it into a strong flagellum, which will look like a curling loop. The resulting bundle must be secured with a bobby pin. And repeat this with all parts.

    To create an elegant bun for a business lady, you need to divide your hair into 3 parts. The part of the hair on the back of the head should be larger than the two sides, which are secured with hairpins for convenience. A tight high ponytail is made at the back of the head, which is tightened several times with a tourniquet. We pass the end of the tail through a small loop and tighten the knot. Next, the bundle is fixed with varnish and knitting needles. Then we release the side strands. We place the left part above the bun to the opposite temple, securing it with an invisible strand, and the same is done with the right strand. The hairstyle is ready.

    Quick hairstyles for every day: ponytail, bouffant, headband and shell hairstyles.

    It's always important to know how to quickly bouffant, since many fashionable hairstyles will look more impressive if the hair is pre-combed before creating the hairstyle. This is especially true for girls with thin hair, whose hairstyle quickly falls off due to the special structure of the hair. To create a backcomb, the hair must be divided into strands of 2-3 cm and combed with a comb towards the roots. Backcombing at the ends of your hair will add volume, while backcombing at the roots creates a strong base for styling.

    Curvy Malvinka

    Braided tail

    Fishtail with flowers

    And in order not to waste extra time when preparing for a party or a date, there should always be at least one quick hairstyle that takes just a couple of minutes as a backup option. Many famous celebrities choose just such hairstyles “in a hurry.” First on the list of quick hairstyles is the “wash and go” style. Its main feature is clean, blow-dried hair.

    Hairstyle in 5 minutes: braid bun

    Simple hairstyle: master class

    Twisted Tail

    Another trendy hairstyle is called the “just woke up” hairstyle. By tousling your hair in a textured manner and fixing this disgrace, you can remain the center of attention of any party. Besides quick hairstyles for every day include numerous types of simple buns, ponytails and braids that can be effectively decorated with a variety of hairpins, ribbons and flowers.

    Hairstyles using a headband always look very feminine. The headband can not only be a separate accessory, but can also be made from a braid of your own hair. The easiest way to do a hairstyle with a headband is to let your hair down and put the headband close to the top of your head, while keeping all hair away from your face. If you leave bangs or let out a couple of curls, the hairstyle will have a completely different look. The headband can also be used together with a ponytail or a high bun; in this form, the headband can become a key element of the hairstyle.

    Bundle with plaits

    Small French braid

    Tail made of ropes

    French braids

    Simple hairstyle: Master Class

    And this is the basic version, how to do a shell hairstyle. It is also known as the French bun, although in France it is more commonly called banana. So, you need to form a tail from the hair on the back of your head and twist it into a rope, from which you should then make a shell on your head, under which or in it you can hide the end of the tail. The shell is fixed with bobby pins and varnish. This hairstyle has existed for about a century and during this time many variations have been invented for it - a shell on the side or oblique, with flowers or with a ponytail and others.

    Any hairstyle is part of the chosen image. It should be in harmony with your appearance, clothing style and lifestyle.

    Owners of long and medium-length hair can try out different hairstyles every day, from an interesting ponytail to an unusual braid.

    In this article, we look at photos with hairstyle ideas and learn how to do them using video lessons.

    DIY hairstyles for every day for medium hair

    Medium hair length is considered universal. It suits everyone and allows you to create hairdressing masterpieces on your head. Recently, the glam punk style has become very popular. He is bright and extraordinary. A casual hairstyle in this style looks a little wild, but very stylish. It's not at all difficult to do. To do this, you need to comb the front part of your hair and secure it with a bobby pin at the back. Straighten the rest of the hair with an iron.

    If you decide to grow your bangs, then the braided headband option is what you need. It looks quite cute and is suitable for all occasions.

    In 5 minutes you can create a Greek hairstyle on your head. You will need to twist the rope on both sides and fasten them at the back of the head, folding them inward. This hairstyle can be decorated with a beautiful comb or clip.
    It’s hard not to mention such a popular and very simple hairstyle for every day as the bun. This is the simplest, but at the same time practical option for everyday hairstyle. Every girl can do it. To do this, you need to gather the hair on the top of your head into a ponytail and twist it into a bun. It’s not at all scary if the bun turns out a little disheveled, because that’s the beauty of the hairstyle!

    On medium hair, you can easily braid a side braid. The weaving technique can be any. The French braid and fishtail are especially popular among young girls.

    Video tutorial: braiding with rubber bands for medium hair

    How to make a simple everyday hairstyle using step-by-step photos

    Step-by-step photo of hairstyles for medium or long hair

    DIY hairstyles for every day for long hair

    For long hair, you can come up with a bunch of different options. The retro hairstyle looks mysterious and unusual. It will take a minimum of time to complete it. To do this you need to backcomb it. You will need to separate the hair on the top of your head and bring it to your forehead, securing it with a clip. Two large strands are separated from the temples and sprayed with varnish. Next, they need to be pulled tightly and secured to the back of the head. The rest of the strand needs to be combed and laid so as to disguise the invisible ones. The hairstyle must be fixed and decorated with any accessory.

    Do-it-yourself, photo below, can be done using special accessories. A neat bun can be made using a special roller or donut. And with the help of a twister hairpin you can make an elegant “shell”.

    Video tutorial: simple hairstyle for long hair

    Step-by-step photo for creating an evening hairstyle

    Fashionable hairstyle 2019

    DIY hairstyles for every day for thin hair

    You can add volume to thin hair using braiding. In order for the braid to look voluminous, it needs to be braided freely. A double French braid looks especially beautiful.

    Ponytails with a backcomb also look great on thin hair. For a romantic look, you can use curlers to curl your hair. Another simple option to give your curls a slight waviness is to braid 3-4 braids on clean hair and leave it overnight. In the morning, unravel them and admire the result. The hairstyle can be secured with medium hold hairspray.

    Step-by-step photo on how to create an interesting hairstyle using knots

    Hairstyle for every day from knots, which is easy to do with your own hands

    Easy hairstyles: new season trends

    Weaving remains relevant in the new season. The peculiarity is naturalness. It is absolutely not necessary to comb your hair tightly or cover it with a thick layer of hairspray. Bright ideas can be emphasized with the help of our photo selection. We have selected photos of new hairstyles that you can do on your own. You can also see the photo step by step, which demonstrates the entire installation process.

    Step-by-step photo of creating a simple hairstyle with two ponytails

    Medium hair can be styled in no more than 5 minutes - an excellent solution for those who like to sleep longer or prefer to wash their hair in the evening.

    For some styles, you don't even need your hair to be clean: dry shampoo, an elastic band and a pair of bobby pins can help you create a casual or festive DIY look.

    Owners of medium length hair are, as a rule, active girls who value their time. This length looks no less feminine than curls below the shoulders, but is much easier to care for and to style as well. The options for everyday hairstyles are so varied that you won’t get bored throughout the work week.

    Bun of braids

    Do this:

    Bun of 2 tails


    Volumetric beam


    Ponytail with a backcomb


    Unusual braids, voluminous plaits and elegant shells look so elegant, as if their owner had just fluttered out of an expensive hairdresser.

    Ponytail and knot


    Greek hairstyle for medium hair


    Braid - tail


    Side braid


    Graceful hairstyles in 5 minutes

    Romantic hairstyles in 5 minutes for medium hair are as easy to do as everyday ones. Unusual braids, voluminous plaits and elegant shells look so elegant, as if their owner had just fluttered out of an expensive hairdresser.

    Curled braid


    Twist (double and single)

    A twist is a carelessly twisted bun.

    It's done like this:

    Malvina with a bun

    It's done like this:

    Elegant shell for medium hair

    It's done like this:

    Variety of ponytails for medium hair

    The most common hairstyle in 5 minutes for medium length hair is a ponytail. Girls often collect it when there is no time to wash their hair.

    However, variations of this hairstyle, done on clean hair, create a discreet, representative image that will give you a feeling of confidence both at a work meeting and at the first exam.


    It's done like this:


    It's done like this:


    It's done like this:

    The most common hairstyle in 5 minutes for medium length hair is a ponytail.



    1. Comb your hair into a medium ponytail secured with a ribbon or clip.
    2. Take two strands the thickness of your little finger from the ponytail and braid each into a thin braid.
    3. Braid the tail with braids, alternately crossing them from below, then from above.
    4. Secure the ends with a clear elastic band. Spray with varnish.



    Combined hairstyles

    Girls who have little experience in creating hairstyles can create more complex elements on medium-length hair in 5 minutes: braids, bows, flowers. A little skill and styling products - and an unusual hairstyle for going to the theater, an exhibition or a cafe with friends is ready.

    Romantic bow


    Fishtail on one side


    Flower for medium hair

    It's done like this:

    A little skill and styling products - and an unusual hairstyle for medium hair in 5 minutes for going to the theater, to an exhibition or to a cafe with friends is ready.

    Combination of ponytail and braid


    1. Determine the location of the weave. This could be a small area of ​​bangs or the entire crown of the head.
    2. You need to separate a wide strand with your forehead, dividing it into three equal parts with your fingers.
    3. In the chosen direction, begin to weave a classic spikelet, alternately throwing the outer strands between the other two. During the braiding process, pick up the hair at the edge line, alternately from one side to the other.
    4. Finish the weaving in the place where the tail is supposed to be made. Comb and collect the remaining loose hair.
    5. Secure the ponytail with an elastic band. Give volume to the weave by taking it apart with your fingers and sprinkling it with varnish.

    The variety of hairstyles for medium hair, the basics of which can be done in 5 minutes, is endless. Hairdressers advise choosing 2-3 options and bringing them to an automatic level - this will allow you to quickly get ready both for work and for a suddenly appointed date.

    The main elements of hairstyles: braids, plaits, ponytails, weaves, when combined with each other, create countless new images. And the use of styling products allows you to modify the same hairstyle, giving it volume, smoothness or texture.

    Depending on the desired effect, any girl who does not want to spend a lot of time on styling will be able to choose her own style: a young student, a mother of a small child or an active business woman.

    Daily quick hairstyles:

    Hairstyles in 5 minutes for medium hair: