Rosehip oil for effective facial skin rejuvenation. Rosehip oil for the face against wrinkles Rosehip oil for wrinkles

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A network of wrinkles around the eyes can ruin the mood of any woman and even change her lifestyle. Feeling no longer so young and beautiful, she begins to refuse walks, entertainment and going on dates. Wrinkles are not necessarily the result of poor skin care; they can be an individual trait. For example, dry skin ages and fades much faster because it contains less subcutaneous fat.

Various cosmetic oils for the skin around the eyes combat aging, dryness and wrinkles. The explanation is simple: they perfectly moisturize the skin and at the same time contain many nutrients, vitamins and minerals that significantly increase elasticity and prolong the youth of the face.

Oils for wrinkles around the eyes:

  • Jojoba oil around the eyes
  • Castor oil around the eyes
  • Olive oil around the eyes
  • Almond oil around the eyes
  • Flaxseed oil around the eyes
  • Rosehip oil around the eyes
  • Sea buckthorn oil around the eyes
  • Peach oil around the eyes
  • Coconut oil around the eyes
  • Essential oils around the eyes

Jojoba oil for the skin around the eyes

Not all fans of this oil know that it is isolated from parts of an evergreen shrub that grows in the deserts of North America. Cosmetologists around the world value this product not only for its nutritional value, but also for its unique composition. Jojoba oil contains a very rare substance – eicosenoic acid. It helps improve cellular metabolism, and is therefore highly recommended for women with aging skin. In addition, it promotes the natural regeneration of skin tissue, including after injury. Finally, eicosenoic acid gives the skin elasticity and restores its former turgor.

In addition to eicosenoic acid, this oil also contains other valuable fatty acids, for example, nervonic, oleic, behenic and others. These fatty acids in jojoba oil, applied to the skin of the eyelids, serve as excellent protection against exposure to sunlight, from too low temperatures, and from large amounts of salt dissolved in the air. The collagen present in jojoba oil is identical to what human skin contains, and therefore is well accepted by our body. Tocopherol, or vitamin E, is a recognized master in the fight against wrinkles. Its content in jojoba oil is also very high.

There are several recipes for masks with the addition of jojoba oil that most effectively improve the condition of the skin around the eyes:

    Recipe 1. A teaspoon of jojoba oil is mixed with a tablespoon of mashed potatoes. The resulting mixture must be applied to the lower eyelid and washed off after ten minutes. This mask is effective against swelling and perfectly smoothes the skin of the eyelids;

    Recipe 2. Jojoba oil is mixed with castor oil in equal parts. This mixture must be applied in a thin layer to the lower and upper eyelids. There is no need to wash it off, and therefore it is advisable to carry out this procedure in the evenings. This mask produces a lifting effect on the skin around the eyes and nourishes it;

    Recipe 3. You need to take one part jojoba oil and two parts chamomile or calendula decoction, add a couple of drops of aloe juice. This mask is recommended for aging skin and also helps reduce inflammation.

Castor oil for the skin around the eyes

Many women know the excellent benefits of castor oil on hair, eyebrows and eyelashes, but it can also be beneficial for the skin around the eyes. Castor oil contains a mixture of fatty acids, mainly oleic, linoleic and ricinoleic. The main advantage of castor oil is that it perfectly nourishes the skin and does not create an unpleasant film on its surface. With regular use of products containing castor oil, the skin of the eyelids will become more tightened and moisturized, and therefore it must be included in your cosmetic arsenal.

Here are some recipes for masks with castor oil:

    Recipe 1. You need to take castor and peach oils in equal parts. The mixture must be slightly heated, and for this you can simply rub the composition with your palms. The mass is applied to the skin of the eyelids or even the entire face. There is no need to wash it off, and therefore it is better to use this product in the evenings, an hour before going to bed. Just a month of daily use - and the skin will glow and radiate health and youth;

    Recipe 2. Mix two teaspoons of castor oil thoroughly with one yolk and apply the mixture to the skin of the face. This mask will perfectly moisturize and soothe dry, chapped skin. Cosmetologists recommend using it in winter, when the skin of the eyelids is especially sensitive;

    Recipe 3. Two tablespoons of cream must be mixed with a teaspoon of castor oil. The mixture can be applied to the entire face. A 10-minute application is enough to get rid of dark circles under the eyes, as well as moisturize and slightly whiten the skin.

Olive oil for the skin around the eyes

Olive oil is not only a healthy product that is used in many Mediterranean recipes, but it is also an excellent skin moisturizer. It has a particularly good effect on the delicate skin of the eyelids, and therefore can be recommended for women whose skin has already lost its elasticity. Cosmetologists call olive oil base oil, that is, it combines perfectly with various other, more active agents.

The main advantage of olive oil is its ability to heal wounds, which means it can be used even on inflamed or chapped skin. Unlike many other oils, it is extremely gentle and gentle. Ladies also note the ability of olive oil to restore skin turgor and increase its elasticity in a short time.

In cosmetology you can find many recipes for masks for the skin around the eyes with olive oil:

    Recipe 1. A tablespoon of honey and olive oil is mixed with one yolk. This mask should be applied to the skin of the face and left for 10-15 minutes. After the first use, you can notice a decrease in small wrinkles around the eyes, and after a month even large wrinkles will become less noticeable. The mask must be used three times a week;

    Recipe 2. You need to take an avocado and a banana, one at a time, mash, mix with two tablespoons of olive oil, and then add another 50 ml of sugar-free orange juice (it’s better to make it yourself). The resulting mixture must be applied to the face for 15 minutes and then washed off with warm water without soap to leave particles of nutritious fatty acids on the surface of the skin. In terms of its effect, this mask can be compared to a vitamin explosion - the result will not be long in coming. The skin is delicately cleansed, moisturized and invigorated. Wrinkles become less noticeable, the skin of the eyelids will take on a tightened appearance.

Almond oil for the skin around the eyes

Almond oil is an excellent cosmetic product that should definitely be in every woman's medicine cabinet. It contains large amounts of healthy fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins, magnesium, calcium and other minerals. Almond oil promotes skin regeneration, and therefore can be used not only for the face, but also for lips, elbows, knees and even heels.

Its ability to reduce wrinkles, including deep ones, as well as nourish the skin due to the vegetable oils in its composition is best known. Almond oil is also popular due to its mild whitening effect. Older ladies will appreciate the light tonic effect, and therefore it can be used for aging skin.

Cosmetologists also use almond oil as a base for masks used to reduce wrinkles around the eyes:

    Recipe 1. 5 drops of almond oil are mixed with two teaspoons of ripe avocado pulp. The resulting pulp is distributed in the area of ​​the lower eyelids and left for 5-10 minutes. After the first use, fine wrinkles will be smoothed out, and there will also be a noticeable reduction in the severity of circles under the eyes;

    Recipe 2. One yolk is mixed with half a teaspoon of almond oil and two tablespoons of honey. The resulting product must be applied to the skin around the eyes and gently massage, and then left for 5 minutes. This mask has a mild antiseptic effect, and therefore can be used for inflammation and irritation.

Flaxseed oil for the skin around the eyes

The composition of flaxseed oil is noticeably different from other vegetable oils used in cosmetology. In addition to fatty acids and vitamins, it also contains proteins that significantly nourish weakened skin and also protect it from harmful environmental influences. This is what accounts for the pronounced rejuvenating effect of flaxseed oil.

With regular use of products with linseed oil, the skin is smoothed, toned and looks more youthful. Cosmetologists know its light lifting effect, which works most successfully in the area around the eyes.

It will also help, if necessary, regulate the secretion of subcutaneous fat, and therefore can be used even on skin with acne:

    Recipe 1. You need to moisten two pieces of gauze with linseed oil, place them on the lower eyelids and leave in this position for about 25-30 minutes. Such a simple recipe, if used regularly, will prove to be simply excellent - even old wrinkles will become less deep, the skin will look radiant and acquire a pleasant pink tint. This recipe is ideal for winter use;

    Recipe 2. You need to take equal parts of flaxseed, corn, olive and nut oils and lightly heat them in a water bath. Soak two cotton swabs with this mixture and place them on the lower eyelids. The miracle cure can be used twice a week for three months. The skin of the eyelids will become smoother, tightened, will no longer become thinner and acquire new wrinkles.

Rosehip oil for the skin around the eyes

Rosehip is known to many people as a product high in vitamins. You can speak similarly favorably about rosehip oil. More than fifteen types of fatty acids can completely change the condition of the skin around the eyes. Linoleic and linolenic acids, contained in rosehip oil in large quantities, increase the protective forces of the epidermis. Vitamins take part in metabolic processes at the cellular level.

Due to the high activity of the substances contained in rosehip oil, cosmetologists often use it as the best base product when creating masks. A huge amount of vitamin A allows you to successfully cope with any age-related skin changes. Vitamin C, which is also abundant in this oil, protects skin cells around the eyes from free radicals and thereby prevents aging, and also helps saturate the cells with oxygen.

There is enough rosehip oil and vitamin E, which is a generally recognized vitamin of youth, and therefore women may not be afraid of wrinkles around the eyes:

    Recipe 1. A teaspoon of good nourishing cream and three drops of rosehip oil is an ideal composition for daily use in winter. Since in winter the amount of vitamins in a person’s diet is significantly reduced, this is reflected on the skin, and such a recipe can be a real salvation;

    Recipe 2. Mix one teaspoon of cream with the same amount of almond oil and add 4 drops of rosehip oil. This composition must be applied to the skin of the eyelids and left for 20-30 minutes. After this, the mask should be carefully removed with a cotton swab, but if possible, do not completely wash off the remaining product. This mask is an excellent whitening agent, and therefore can be used for dark circles under the eyes. Its regular use helps reduce wrinkles and swelling, the look will become clearer and more open.

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Sea buckthorn oil for the skin around the eyes

Sea buckthorn oil is highly valued by cosmetologists for the presence of the most important vitamins - A, C, E. This composition ideally works to slow down the aging of skin tissue. The skin is moisturized, becomes more elastic and acquires a healthy tone. Vitamin C is also involved in the production of collagen in the skin, which, in turn, is responsible for its turgor and firmness.

The phospholipids contained in sea buckthorn oil restore the balance in the fat metabolism of the skin. This product also contains anti-inflammatory elements - sterols, which act like an antiseptic. Fruit acids produce a pronounced rejuvenating effect, even out skin color, and therefore sea buckthorn oil can be used to remove age spots.

Most often, cosmetologists use sea buckthorn oil in the following products for the skin around the eyes:

    Recipe 1. Take sea buckthorn oil and heavy cream in equal parts, one teaspoon each, add one yolk. The prepared composition must be applied to the skin, including around the eyes. To improve the penetration of nutrients and achieve the desired effect, it is best to cover your face with cling film or a bag, making the necessary slits in it for the lips and eyes. This mask will help aging skin become softer and more toned. It can be used at any time of the year;

    Recipe 2. Mix one part of sea buckthorn oil with two parts of cosmetic clay and add half an yolk for every three teaspoons of the composition. This mask is applied to the entire face for 15 minutes. It is used for oily skin because it helps reduce oil secretion and also reduces inflammation.

Peach oil for the skin around the eyes

It is with a peach that the skin of a young girl is usually compared. In fact, this effect can be achieved if you regularly use cosmetics that contain peach oil. Due to the high content of vitamins A and E, we can talk about its ability to increase skin turgor, moisturize and gradually remove wrinkles.

The content of vitamin B15 in peach oil is also unique, which helps improve blood flow in tissues. It also contains a considerable amount of minerals - calcium, iron, phosphorus and potassium - contained in this product in an easily digestible form. Cosmetologists use peach oil to care for the skin around the eyes to achieve a lasting rejuvenating effect.

By the way, this product has practically no contraindications and no allergic reactions have been observed:

    Recipe 1. Two cotton pads must be moistened in heated peach oil and applied to the lower eyelids. 15 minutes is enough to get a rested and fresh look. This compress can be used in the morning after a stormy evening;

    Recipe 2. Peach oil can be used as a makeup remover. You need to moisten a cotton swab in it and remove any remaining makeup. This recipe is especially suitable for those ladies whose eyelid skin is prone to irritation and allergic reactions. The remnants of the product on the skin of the face do not need to be washed off; they will perfectly nourish the skin;

    Recipe 3. Add a couple of drops of almond oil and jojoba to one tablespoon of peach oil. This mixture can be applied to the skin of the eyelids a couple of times a day for 15-20 minutes. If you have dry skin, you can quickly get rid of the feeling of tightness and dryness. By the way, the composition can also be used for eyebrows if you want to make them smoother and shinier, as well as achieve greater saturation of their color in a natural way.

Coconut oil for the skin around the eyes

Coconut oil is very popular in Eastern countries. Thai women add it to all cosmetic products, and therefore their skin looks youthful even at a fairly mature age. It contains myristic, lauric and other fatty acids that have a rejuvenating effect.

Folic acid in its composition copes excellently with acne, and in combination with thiamine, the effect becomes complex, and we can talk about effective resistance to unfavorable ecology and other external influences, including mechanical damage, as well as frostbite in winter. Coconut oil not only perfectly nourishes the skin, but also makes it matte, unlike many other oil-based products.

In hot countries, coconut oil is used for burns, including those received after excessive sun exposure, and this indicates the ability to regenerate and renew the skin at the cellular level. Its smoothing effect is also known, and therefore it is used in the presence of unevenness on the surface of the epidermis. Coconut oil is a common ingredient in expensive products used by cultural figures, show business and other public people. In a word, a woman is guaranteed to have velvety and smooth skin with regular use of coconut oil.

It is most often used in the following formulations for the skin of the eyelids:

    Recipe 1. Coconut oil must be mixed with vitamin E in a ratio of 6:1. The resulting composition can be applied to the skin of the face just like that, or moistened with gauze or a cotton pad. 10 minutes is enough to completely smooth out fine wrinkles. With regular use, even the deepest wrinkles will become less noticeable. By the way, when applying the product to your face, you can help it quickly absorb into the deep layers of the epidermis by performing a light massage along special massage lines.

    Recipe 2. Mix a teaspoon of coconut oil with four drops of rosemary oil and apply the resulting mixture to the skin around the eyes. Thanks to rosemary essential oil, the fatty acids of coconut oil penetrate better into the skin. This mask has an excellent anti-aging effect and will be a real discovery for mature women.

    Recipe 3. Mix 50 ml of coconut oil with one teaspoon of honey and half an egg yolk. You need to dip cotton swabs into the resulting mixture and then apply them to the lower eyelids. The oil will nourish and moisturize the skin, and the egg yolk will delicately tighten, thereby producing a slight lifting effect. Honey will enhance the protective properties of the skin.

Essential oils for the skin around the eyes

The delicate skin around the eyes most acutely feels all the changes in the body. Also, its condition is affected by numerous external influences of weather conditions and ecology. It is not surprising that it quickly loses its firmness and elasticity. Natural essential oils are an excellent remedy not only for the prevention of age-related changes, but also for their correction. Their main feature is the presence of a large amount of volatile ether, which is usually easily perceived by the olfactory receptors. This is what accounts for the strong aroma of each product.

The molecules of volatile compounds in essential oils are very small in size, and therefore they are able to penetrate much deeper than the components of base oils. Thus, essential oils can make any base oil more useful, that is, increase the effectiveness of its action.

However, essential oils are almost never used in their pure form, since their effect is too active and sometimes even aggressive. The use of pure essential oils can cause an allergic reaction, and you should certainly be careful when using them in the eye area. In addition, essential oils make the skin more susceptible to sunlight, so after using them you should refrain from going outside or apply a product with a UV filter.

At the same time, essential oils must be in the cosmetic bag of a lady who always strives to look well-groomed and young:

    Recipe 1. Mix two tablespoons of olive oil with two drops of rosemary oil. Geranium and verbena oils are also added here, two drops each. This mixture nourishes the skin around the eyes and helps moisturize not only the surface of the epidermis, but also the inner layers;

    Recipe 2. You need to take a tablespoon of mashed avocado and olive oil, add a couple of drops of orange, mint and fennel oil. The resulting mixture should be applied to the lower eyelids. To enhance the effect, you can do a light massage, and then after just a couple of uses you will notice how rejuvenated the skin around the eyes has become. It will acquire a healthy color and become more elastic;

    Recipe 3. Just a couple of drops of rose oil added to a regular cream can act like a miraculous elixir. The skin will smooth out, glow from the inside and look rested. In this case, the cream must first be removed from the jar using a spatula, rather than adding essential rose oil directly to the package;

    Recipe 4. 2 drops of carrot essential oil added to a teaspoon of peach oil will perfectly relieve swelling and help restore blood circulation in the tissues. This is an excellent recipe for softening the skin around the eyes and increasing its elasticity.

The skin around the eyes, compared to other areas of the face, is very delicate and thin, and due to the lack of sebaceous glands in this area, it is also not always well moisturized. It is for this reason that wrinkles, or crow's feet, appear there.

To eliminate them and prevent the appearance of wrinkles in the future, various oils are applied to dehydrated skin. How this cosmetic product helps to even out and moisturize the skin around the eyes, and which oils cope with this task most effectively, read the article.

It is worth noting that most vegetable oils really help get rid of wrinkles around the eyes. After you choose the most suitable option for yourself, you can safely use it as an anti-wrinkle cream.

Application is quite simple: it is applied in a thin layer to those areas of the skin where there are visible age-related changes. This must be done daily to achieve the desired effect. Before applying oil, you need to wash off all makeup from your face and, conversely, before applying makeup, you should remove excess oil using a paper napkin.

  • Jojoba oil

Jojoba oil is a storehouse of various vitamins that are so necessary for the area around the eyes. It contains collagen, vitamins A and E and many, many different amino acids. These substances penetrate deep into the skin very quickly and make it firm and elastic.

The following recipes are popular:

  1. You need to mix jojoba oil with lemon juice, yolk and honey. Apply the resulting mass to the skin, then rinse.
  2. Mix jojoba oil and avocado. This “tandem” will definitely help moisturize the dehydrated area of ​​skin around the eyes.
  • Castor

The well-known “castor oil” also helps to rejuvenate and tighten the skin in a short time without additional cost or effort. Due to the fact that the oil contains quite high levels of linoleic, palmitic and oleic acids, it can smooth out even deep wrinkles around the eyes. The main condition is to use it regularly.
To achieve the best result, castor oil is sometimes mixed with sour cream, oatmeal and cream.

  • Olive

What is the use of this amber-yellow or greenish liquid? Olive oil contains retinol and tocopherol acetate, which slow down the aging process. In addition, it contains other vitamins - B, D, K. They nourish and moisturize delicate skin very well.

Recipes for masks with olive oil:

  1. Mix a few drops of oil with white clay and lemon juice. Apply a homogeneous mass over the entire face or just around the eyes.
  2. Olive oil and honey - this mask can give the skin moisture and make it elastic.
  • Almond

Using this oil around the eyes can easily and quickly remove crow's feet and dark circles. The fact is that almond oil contains the following beneficial substances and vitamins: calcium, vitamin E, D, magnesium and others.

You can add it to moisturizing or nourishing creams, or simply smear it on the skin, making patting movements. And almond oil can easily replace an expensive cosmetic product for eye makeup remover.

  • Linen

Thanks to vitamins A, E, F and amino acids, the oil prevents aging of the skin in the corners of the eyes and makes it elastic. Flaxseed oil can be used as a separate anti-wrinkle remedy, or mixed with other ingredients.

  • Sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn oil is a special remedy for preserving youthful skin. It also has anti-inflammatory, soothing and wound-healing effects.
By using sea buckthorn oil as a cosmetic product, you can make sure that there is not a single “extra” component in it. The rejuvenating effect is achieved due to the content of carotene, vitamins E and B, linoleic acid and other substances. In addition, it perfectly whitens the skin and removes age spots.

  • Peach

In the composition of peach seed oil, you can find a whole “warehouse” of vitamins and useful components: A, E.C, B15, oleic acid, calcium, linoleic acid, phosphorus and other substances. It can “revive” even aging skin, making it elastic and attractive.

Can be used as an alternative to expensive makeup removers and as a nourishing cream. A couple of drops of peach oil should be applied to the skin near the eyes with patting and massaging movements.

  • Coconut

Coconut oil is a wonderful moisturizer. It can be mixed with castor oil, olive and almond oil. What effect can you achieve? You can get rid of fine wrinkles, dark circles and bags under the eyes.

  • Rosehip oil

Rosehip oil is not as popular as, for example, castor or almond oil. But it is practically in no way inferior to its “colleagues”. Rosehip oil also contains a large number of useful components, in particular vitamins A, E, C, linoleic and other amino acids, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, etc.
Many foreign stars have already appreciated its anti-aging properties. After all, after applying rosehip oil to the skin, it is noticeably tightened and refreshed.

  • Sesame

Oil obtained from sesame seeds is suitable for regular care of the skin under the eyes. This unique product contains various substances that have a positive effect on it. Among them, it is worth highlighting sesamol, which protects the skin from ultraviolet rays, lecithin, which softens the skin, as well as vitamins B, E, linoleic, palmitic acid, phosphorus, etc. It can cope with facial wrinkles and swelling.

  • Grape seed oil

Grape seed oil is very widely used in modern cosmetology. Due to its unique composition, it effectively cares for sensitive skin around the eyes. The oil contains: protein, antioxidants, vitamins, palmitic, arachidic, stearic and other acids.

Suitable for any skin type. It reduces pores, moisturizes the skin and gives it a healthy appearance. It is also ideal for the area under the eyes: it prevents the appearance of wrinkles, dullness and thinning of the skin.

Reviews from those who have used it at home

Galina: I heard that using vegetable and essential oils can tidy up the skin around the eyes. I accidentally saw almond oil at the pharmacy and decided to buy it. I don’t have any swelling from the oil, but dark circles and wrinkles have begun to slowly disappear. I also really liked the camelina oil.

Milana: After a popular makeup remover irritated my eyes, I decided to switch to natural products and purchased peach oil. It cleanses the skin so well! And the eyelashes have become noticeably longer!

Regina: I have very dry skin around my eyes, so I decided to smear it with sea buckthorn oil and wheat germ oil on the advice of a friend. After a couple of weeks, I felt that my skin became more elastic, hydrated and soft.

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Oils are extracts from various plants obtained by pressing. Cosmetic products have a more gentle, gentle effect, while esters have a high concentration. Their main purpose in cosmetology is to soften and moisturize the skin and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Therefore, any oil for the skin around the eyes is an ideal remedy. This area is devoid of fatty layers under the skin, is characterized by dryness, the appearance of early wrinkles, requiring more careful care. To eliminate all these problems, it is enough to know how to use these unique products of modern cosmetology. Since there are a lot of them, let’s outline the circle of “our” oils that we will use to moisturize and rejuvenate the area around the eyes.

Review of oils for the skin around the eyes

Modern cosmetology actively uses hundreds of vegetable and cosmetic oils, thousands of essential oils. It is very easy to get lost in all this diversity. Choose them strictly for their intended purpose and in accordance with your goals. If you need lifting, choose oils for wrinkles around the eyes, which do an excellent job with crow's feet and with expression lines and age-related folds in this area. If you need hydration, look carefully at what effect this or that oil has on dry skin. Each oil has its own unique properties. Our short review will help you choose the ideal product just for you:

  • jojoba oil around the eyes perfectly smooths out facial and age wrinkles;
  • castor suitable for aging, mature skin;
  • olive will make your look shine in a new way;
  • almond oil around the eyes will refresh the skin;
  • rosehip nourishes with all necessary vitamins and microelements;
  • linen has healing, anti-inflammatory properties, so it is good to use when the eyes or eyelashes are affected by some kind of infection, which also affects the condition of the skin;
  • almond oil will soften the skin around the eyes, smooth out “crow’s feet” in their corners;
  • sea ​​buckthorn gives a healthy color;
  • shi- a unique anti-aging product, thanks to which you will be given much less years than you actually are;
  • butter around the eyes will moisturize the skin;
  • peach suitable for women of all ages;
  • coconut has a lifting effect: it will tighten folds;
  • apricot oil around the eyes can be used from an early age because it acts as a preventative against wrinkles;
  • wheat germ oil moisturizes excessively dry skin around the eyes;
  • avocado relieves dark circles and bruises under the eyes;
  • Sesame oil eliminates puffiness around the eyes.

All these vegetable and cosmetic oils for the area around the eyes are excellent moisturizing and rejuvenating products for regular home care. All of them are freely available: they can be bought in specialized stores or pharmacies.

Some cost mere pennies (30 rubles for 50 ml), others may require more significant costs (over 300 rubles for the same volume). However, the area you are treating (the area around the eyes) will be relatively small and will not require a large amount of the selected oil. After purchasing a miraculous remedy, all that remains is to learn how to use it.

Aevit, a medicinal vitamin complex, will help against any wrinkles around the eyes.

Castor oil: to prevent wrinkles and crow's feet from appearing too much -

Rules for using oils for the skin around the eyes

Many women do not like to use oils to care for the area around the eyes simply because, according to them, they leave an oily sheen on the skin and cause swelling of the eyelids in the morning. All this happens for the same reason: the inability to properly use these products for cosmetic purposes. There are several simple but very important nuances, without which there will be nothing left but to refuse oils for rejuvenating and moisturizing the eyelids. Study, remember, put into practice the recommendations of specialists - and the skin around your eyes will always be in perfect condition.

  1. Any oil you choose for eyelid skin care must first be checked for allergy.. Those who neglect this rule are the ones who wake up the next morning with swelling of the eyes. To test, simply apply a thin layer of the product to the inner bend of the elbow or wrist, wipe off after 20 minutes and monitor the reaction for 3-4 hours. If there are no changes in the condition of the skin (hyperemia, itching, burning, etc.), you can safely use the oil to rejuvenate and moisturize the skin around the eyes.
  2. Even after this check, you should not apply too much of the selected oil to your eyelids. Especially the first time. The holding time during the first procedure should not exceed 5 minutes. If the results were positive, next time you can leave the oil for 10 minutes, then 15. The maximum time is half an hour, but this is only if the product is well tolerated.
  3. Oils for caring for the skin around the eyes can be used both in pure form and as part of various masks. While herbal and cosmetic ingredients can be safely used as base ingredients, you need to be careful with essential ingredients, as they are a powerful concentrate and can cause thermal burns to the skin if handled incorrectly. Their quantity should be measured in drops, but not in spoons (even teaspoons).
  4. Before the procedure, cosmetic and vegetable oils can be slightly heated in a water bath to 30–35 degrees. However, if masks for the skin around the eyes contain esters or eggs along with them, it is better not to do this. The former will lose all their beneficial properties, and the latter will simply curl up and make the product useless.
  1. Apply a thin layer of oils to the skin around the eyes. It is best to do this with the pads of your fingers, simultaneously doing the massage with tapping movements. Be careful: there should not be a lot of oil so that it does not get into your eyes. This can cause irritation and severe redness of the mucous membrane.
  2. The main mistake many people make when using cosmetic oils to care for the skin around the eyes is removing them. They begin to wash themselves, wash them with various tonics, milk, and other means. None of this is needed. It’s better to do this with a regular cotton pad - and completely dry! And only half an hour after this you can wash your face with water using some cleansing gel.
  3. The frequency of procedures is selected depending on the scale of the problem. If it is mature, already aging skin, which is penetrated by a network of “crow’s feet”, this kind of oil applications can be done every other day for 1 month. Then take a break of 2-3 weeks and start the rejuvenation course again. If you use oils as a preventative or moisturizer, there is no need to overuse them. In this case, 1-2 procedures per week are quite enough. And after 1.5 months, it is advisable to also take a break or start using a different oil.

If you follow these tips, any cosmetic, herbal, or essential oil around the eyes will make your skin truly youthful and radiant. Don't be discouraged if you don't achieve any results after the first procedure. The main thing in this matter is regularity and patience. Continue to use oils at home to rejuvenate and moisturize the skin around the eyes - and there will be no trace of wrinkles in this area. The variety of mask recipes with their participation allows you to choose the best option for yourself.

Oils for the skin around the eyes: recipes

There are a lot of oils (vegetable, cosmetic, essential) that can be used to care for the skin around the eyes. As mentioned above, they can be used for this purpose both in pure form and as part of masks. There is no shortage of recipes, so the choice can be limited only by the individual characteristics of your body. Try different options, study reviews. Very often, different people's skin reacts differently to the same recipe. All this should be taken into account when using oil therapy to care for the skin around the eyes.

  • Castor oil + oatmeal

The best remedy for wrinkles around the eyes is castor oil, which at the same time softens and moisturizes the skin of the eyelids. You can simply lubricate this area with it, or you can add other ingredients to it. You can use it to make the following mask, which will smooth out both “crow’s feet” in very young girls and age-related wrinkles in older women. Mix a tablespoon of warm castor oil with the same amount of oatmeal cooked in milk.

  • Castor oil + sour cream + tea

Mix one tablespoon of castor oil with one teaspoon of fatty (at least 20%) sour cream, add a small amount of strongly brewed tea (any - black or green).

  • Castor oil + bread + cream

Soak white bread crumb (a small amount) in a tablespoon of castor oil, add one teaspoon of heavy cream.

  • Olive oil + clay + lemon juice

A real elixir of youth and beauty - olive oil around the eyes makes the skin radiant and youthful. It contains a lot of retinol (vitamin A) and tocopherol (vitamin E). Mix one tablespoon of unrefined heated olive oil with the same amount of cosmetic clay (it is better to take white clay for this area), add one teaspoon of apple juice (freshly squeezed). For freshness, you can add 1-2 drops of mint essential oil.

  • Olive oil + honey + yolk

For this mask, it will be enough to take one teaspoon of warm unrefined oil, add to it the yolk of a homemade egg and heated liquid honey (in the amount of one teaspoon).

  • Wheat germ oil + esters + yogurt

Use wheat germ oil around the eyes: it perfectly softens chapped, rough skin, especially during cold periods. Mix a tablespoon of wheat germ oil with rose and juniper esters (literally 1 drop of each), add 2 tablespoons of natural yogurt without dyes to the resulting mixture. Mix everything thoroughly.

  • Wheat germ oil + tea + vitamins

Mix a tablespoon of wheat germ oil with a teaspoon of strongly brewed tea (green or black), add 3 drops of oil vitamins A and E.

  • Peach oil + glycerin

If you use peach oil around the eyes at home, it has excellent anti-aging properties. Masks with his participation will delight you with their lifting effect. Mix warmed peach oil (a tablespoon) with the same amount of glycerin, add 2 drops of ammonia.

  • Peach oil + potatoes + banana

Mix a tablespoon of peach oil with fruit and vegetable puree from potatoes and banana (1 teaspoon each).

  • Shea butter + potatoes + milk + flour

Cosmetic shea butter around the eyes will make the skin incredibly firm and elastic at any age, no matter how old you are. Mix a tablespoon of grated raw potatoes with milk at room temperature (2 teaspoons), add 2 teaspoons of wheat flour to the mixture, and then a tablespoon of shea butter.

Now you know which anti-wrinkle oil around the eyes is best to use, and which for effective and long-term hydration. Apply these rules and recipes in practice - and the skin in this area of ​​​​the face will transform in the most miraculous way. Old complexes will go away, many problems will be solved, you will become more confident in yourself. Do not ignore such a wonderful gift of nature - natural oils that will allow you to tidy up your appearance and always look stunning.

Rosehip is very often used in cosmetology due to its miraculous and. Thanks to the use of this plant, the most effective fight against wrinkles is ensured.

Features of the plant

Rosehip oil is most often used in cosmetology (you can read about it in detail in our article). The product is characterized by a specific odor, golden-red color, and bitter taste.

It consists of:

  • microelements: calcium, copper, manganese, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, which helps improve cellular metabolism;
  • vitamins A, C, E, with the help of which the skin of the face is nourished, moisturized and cell renewed;
  • omega 3, 6, 9 fatty acids, which are characterized by the presence of powerful antioxidant properties. Thanks to this, the skin is protected from negative environmental influences, as well as the fight against wrinkles.

Rosehip oil for the face is a universal folk remedy that stabilizes the skin regeneration process and also fights wrinkles.

When to use the product

The use of a concentrate of this plant is not recommended for young females. It is used by women who are experiencing the first folds. The product will also be quite effective in eliminating deep folds.

If a woman has age spots, then this remedy will be quite effective in combating them. On sagging skin, folds appear much faster, so it needs to be strengthened with the help of this cosmetics. Rosehip oil can also be used for burns, vitamin deficiency, severe tanning, bags under the eyes, bruises, etc.

A female representative should be as attentive and careful as possible when using fatty rosehip concentrate.

Women who have oily skin are strictly prohibited from using cosmetic oil to combat wrinkles. If a representative of the fairer sex experiences furunculosis or rashes, then the product should also not be used.

In very rare cases, women may experience individual intolerance to the components of the drug. That is why before use it is necessary to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, apply the product to the bend of the elbow and hold for five minutes. If an allergic reaction does not appear, then it can be fully used to combat wrinkles.

Features of using oil

Rosehip oil can be purchased at any pharmacy at the lowest possible cost. There are several ways to use anti-wrinkle medications, which allows a female representative to use the most suitable option for herself.

Very often the oil is used in its pure form to wipe the face. To do this, take a cotton swab or cotton pad, soak it in the product, and wipe your face. The procedure should be carried out every day before bed. After application, it is strictly forbidden to wash it off.

IMPORTANT! Rosehip oil can be used as an additive to cosmetic medications. This is precisely why its use is so popular.

Every woman uses creams, lotions or masks to care for her face. A few drops of fatty concentrate must be added to these cosmetic medicinal products. They should be used regularly in the same way as before the drug addition process. It is necessary to add rosehip oil to various cosmetic medications at the rate of four drops per teaspoon.

This product can be added to a variety of aromatic mixtures that are intended to combat wrinkles.

Recipes for wrinkles

Folk cosmetic medicines very often require the use of the plant. An oatmeal mask is quite effective in combating wrinkles.

Recipe No. 1:

  1. Take two tablespoons of oatmeal and place them in a plate;
  2. Boil the milk and pour in the cereal;
  3. The resulting mixture is left to cool completely;
  4. Next, it is mixed with a fatty rosehip concentrate;
  5. The mask is applied to the face for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Yolk mask is also effective in fighting wrinkles and is widely used to improve the condition of facial skin.

Recipe No. 2:

  1. Take two yolks and beat;
  2. A teaspoon of fatty rosehip concentrate is added to the resulting mass;
  3. The mask is applied to the face for 10 minutes;
  4. After this time, it is washed off with warm water.

Rosehip oil is a highly effective cosmetic product that is easy to use. This product can be used not only in beauty salons, but also at home.

Rose hips are an integral part of “grandmother’s first aid kit.” This is a unique plant with medicinal fruits and beautiful flowers.

There is a legend according to which the Greek goddess of love Aphrodite, having learned about the death of her chosen one, ran in emotion through the dense thickets. The branches scratched the goddess. The drops of her blood that remained on the bushes turned into luxurious buds of a wild rose - wild rose.

The plant has versatile medicinal properties. It is able to heal wounds and cracks, relieves inflammation, improves the functioning of the digestive organs and cardiovascular system, calms and relieves stress, is a diuretic and removes bile from the body.

Infusions, decoctions, teas - this is the form of consuming wild roses that is familiar to us. But today they have learned to process the plant in another way. Oil is obtained from dried seeds. The product can be purchased at a pharmacy and can also be used for medicinal or beauty purposes. The average cost is about 200 rubles. per 100 ml depending on the manufacturer.

Vitamin C - a rejuvenating factor for cosmetologists

The beneficial properties of rosehip vegetable oil and its unique composition have made the product especially in demand in home cosmetology. What is so important about this substance?

A special feature is the high content of ascorbic acid in the chemical composition of rose hips. This plant contains ten times more vitamin C than currants. And 50 times more than in lemon!

For our body this is immunity, and for our skin it is youth. After all, ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant that blocks the negative effects of harmful substances and factors, slowing down the aging process and protecting the epidermis from diseases. Interestingly, it is rose hips that are used in the production of a number of ascorbic acid-containing medications.

How it improves the skin and in what cases it can harm

But the product is not rich in “ascorbic acid” alone. The beneficial properties of rosehip oil for the face are also determined by unsaturated fatty acids, macro- and microelements. Listed below are the main components of rosehip oil that affect the condition of human skin.

  • Unsaturated fatty acids. Moreover, rosehip oil contains a whole “portfolio” of them. These are useful substances, the lack of which immediately affects the condition of the skin. For example, deficiency of linolenic and linoleic acids causes acne. In addition, linoleic acid evens out the water balance and retains moisture in the layers of the epidermis. This solves the problem of intensive skin hydration. The substance also “reflects” ultraviolet radiation. Oleic acid, which is also found in wild rose oil, stimulates collagen production and causes a lifting effect. And myristic acid helps other important components penetrate into cells and gain a foothold there.
  • "Beauty Vitamins" There are also B vitamins, which tighten and moisturize the skin, make it silky, and prevent the appearance of acne. Rosehip oil also contains vitamin E, which enriches the skin with oxygen and smoothes out the furrows even around the eyes. Vitamin K, which is used for the healing of plastic post-operative sutures, is also found in the wild rose product. This component, among other things, has a whitening effect and removes pigmentation. Vitamin A prevents aging. Nicotinic acid improves skin “breathing,” retains moisture, relieves inflammation and prevents the appearance of flakes.
  • Macro- and microelements. Wild rose oil contains potassium, which regulates the water balance of the epidermis. Ferum improves blood circulation and tones. Calcium normalizes sebum production and increases skin elasticity. Magnesium relieves puffiness and improves texture. Phosphorus gives a healthy color and tightens the skin. Zinc prevents acne.

The main tasks that rosehip oil solves when it comes into contact with our skin are hydration and rejuvenation. Indications for use also include puffiness, circles under the eyes, dark spots, scars and irritation.

This product is ideal for dry and normal skin. However, for oily types and boils, wild rose “juice” is strictly contraindicated, since it can aggravate existing problems in the functioning of the sebaceous glands. And with a combination type, it is not recommended to apply the substance to the skin in the T-zone.

Easy to use

According to reviews, rosehip oil is good for the face against existing wrinkles, reducing their depth, and slows down the process of the formation of new furrows. Moreover, the results are visible after several weeks of regular procedures. And you can use wild rose constantly, taking traditional preventive breaks.

Girls who struggle with the problem of dry epidermis can even apply rosehip oil to their face instead of cream or moisturize their lips with it. To do this, you will need a cotton pad and a cosmetic product directly. It is also not prohibited to add wild rose to store-bought tubes. The acceptable ratio is about four drops per teaspoon of finished cosmetics.

This product is also well suited for facial and body massage. In its pure form, rosehip oil is also used in the treatment of skin diseases and to get rid of pigmentation and acne scars. In this case, compresses are made. To do this, a piece of gauze with slits for the eyes is soaked in the substance and applied to the face for half an hour. It is advisable to repeat the procedure several times a day to obtain operational results.

Seven popular recipes

Homemade face masks made from rosehip oil are also popular. Below are the simplest and most common recipes.

Super moisturizing with yolks

  1. In a bowl, using a fork or blender, beat two chicken egg yolks.
  2. Combine with a teaspoon of wild rose oil.
  3. Leave for 20 minutes.

Anti-aging “cocktail” with oatmeal and milk

  1. Bring milk to a boil. Quantity - half a glass.
  2. Grind oatmeal using a coffee grinder. The required amount of flour is two tablespoons.
  3. Pour hot milk over oatmeal.
  4. Cool the resulting mixture and combine with a teaspoon of wild rose “juice”.
  5. Leave for 20 minutes.
  6. Remove with warm boiled water, milk or herbal decoction.
  7. Apply your daily cream.

Anti-aging option with oils and riboflavin

  1. Combine two tablespoons of regular baby cream and a teaspoon of aloe juice.
  2. Add vitamin B2 purchased at the pharmacy. The amount of liquid riboflavin is 10 drops.
  3. Combine with olive oil. Quantity - 20 drops.
  4. Combine with rosehip oil. Quantity - 10 drops.
  5. Leave for 20-30 minutes.
  6. Remove with warm boiled water, milk or herbal decoction.
  7. Apply your daily cream.

Vitamin nutrition against crow's feet

  1. Combine a tablespoon of rosehip oil and liquid pharmacy vitamins A and E. The amount of vitamins is three drops of each.
  2. Using your fingertips, rub the resulting mixture under your eyes.
  3. Do not rinse, you can blot with a napkin.
  4. Use at night and after waking up.

Anti-wrinkle with esters

  1. Combine a tablespoon of rosehip oil with a tablespoon of wheat germ oil.
  2. Enrich with essential oils and patchouli. Quantity - two drops.
  3. It is recommended to use at night without rinsing off.

With bran and nettle to relieve puffiness

  1. Prepare a nettle infusion by pouring a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of the plant’s leaves. Leave for half an hour, then strain using a piece of gauze.
  2. Combine the infusion with a tablespoon of wheat bran.
  3. Add wild rose oil. Quantity - teaspoon.
  4. Leave for 20-30 minutes.
  5. Remove with warm boiled water, milk or herbal decoction.
  6. Apply your daily cream.

With honey for elasticity and silk

  1. In a bowl, using a fork or blender, beat a teaspoon of liquid honey and one chicken egg yolk.
  2. Enrich with a teaspoon of rosehip oil.
  3. Leave for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Remove with warm boiled water, milk or herbal decoction.
  5. Apply your daily cream.

For cosmetic purposes, it is better to use rosehip oil, which is extracted from the seeds using a cold method. This is important because during heat treatment some of the beneficial properties of the plant are lost. Store the bottle in the refrigerator with the cap tightly screwed on.

During the rosehip ripening season, at the end of summer, you can additionally wash your face with a decoction of the fruits and leaves of this plant. Also, lovers of natural care products are advised to prepare ice cubes from wild rose infusion.

If the product suits your skin type, then the use of rosehip oil on the face is limited only by your desire. But if you want to further strengthen the body from the inside, then you need to know that the substance can cause harm. You should not drink wild rose oil if you have pancreatitis, cholelithiasis, ulcers or any problems with blood clotting.

Last update: 10/03/2019
Date of publication: 02/03/2018

Everyone knows how useful rose hips are for our body during the period of airborne deficiency, because it is a storehouse of vitamins and flavonoids. Actually, the same can be said about rosehip oil (Rosa Mosqueta), where all the benefits are contained in a much more concentrated form, because the right oil is extracted not just anyhow, but from the seeds of the plant. So, to all the vitamins contained in rose hips, essential fatty acids (the same Omegas) are added, which means the beneficial effect increases significantly. But I will not go into the therapeutic properties of this oil to strengthen the body from the inside; I will talk about its use for cosmetic purposes for facial skin.

Rosehip oil is called nothing less than the most effective oil for facial skin, restoring radiance to the skin, preventing aging and having a powerful regenerating effect. Well, if not the most, but one of the most - for sure! There is no magic in this, because Rosehip oil is a natural source of retinoic acid- one of the main components in the fight for youth and healthy skin.

So here I am, I decided to start my acquaintance with retinoids not with cosmetic preparations, which can be addictive and where there can be a serious number of contraindications, but with rosehip oil as an inexpensive and natural alternative for all this “heavy artillery”.

Rosehip oil- it's the same Oleum Rosae, it's the same Rosa Mosqueta, it's the same Rosehop Seed Oil, it's the same Wild Rose Oil- designations that can be found both in the names of this product and in the composition of cosmetics.

Essentially - it's all the same thing - oil pressed from rosehip seeds, the so-called - base or fatty oil. The most valuable base rosehip oil is cold pressed, which retains the maximum of nutrients and vitamins.

Rosehip essential oil is obtained from the petals of the plant by distillation. In terms of their properties, they will have many similar indications, but it is worth remembering that essential oils are more concentrated, and most of them cannot be used in their pure form on the skin (much less internally). But base oils do not have such contraindications.

Rosehip oil contains vitamins A, C, E, F and carotenoids, a rich composition of fatty acids - trans-retinoic acid, oleic acid, alpha-linolenic acid, linoleic acid.

People call this oil “golden” or “sunny”, which reflects not only its beneficial properties, but also how this oil looks - proper rosehip oil - almost orange color, which is given to it by carotenoids. It’s like with a carrot, the brighter and more orange it is, the more of those same carotenoids it contains.

In addition, the right oil that is not scary to use on the face is weightless and light, it will almost never feel like a greasy film on the skin and is absorbed into it almost instantly. This is one of the reasons why rosehip oil is RECOMMENDED for use even by those with oily facial skin.

Rosehip oil benefits and harms

All properties of Rosa Mosqueta oil, both positive and negative, are directly related to its active composition.

Beneficial properties of rosehip oil or 10 reasons to love it

Rosehip oil does not have a 100% analogue in the world of oils, because... one of the few contains trenitoin or trans-retinoic acid. In cosmetology, this component has a wide range of applications - from fighting acne to loss of elasticity and sagging in aging skin. For everything it does, precious rosehip oil deserves a gold medal. But I’ll just list the range of skin problems that rosehip oil can solve:

  1. Helps to quickly heal any skin damage caused, including by deficiencies of vitamins A and manifested as eczema, the appearance of “stubs” in the corners of the mouth, etc.
  2. Helps in the fight against acne, inflammation and other manifestations of acne. Stabilizing the production of excess sebum and helping to quickly clear the skin of inflammation.
  3. Restores the lipid barrier of the skin and allows it to more easily resist negative external influences - such as cold, wind and even heavy metals, which are somehow present in the air of any large city.
  4. Solves the problem of dehydration, leading to loss of skin elasticity, the appearance of fine and even deep wrinkles, peeling and irritation (which occurs in any skin type, including oily).
  5. Improves complexion.
  6. Increases skin elasticity by stimulating collagen synthesis in the skin with trenitoin
  7. Indicated for rosacea of ​​the skin, because strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  8. Used in the fight against hyperpigmentation, evening out skin tone and giving a soft whitening effect on the skin.
  9. Helps with stretch marks, both at the stage of their prevention and in the treatment of already appeared stretch marks or stretch marks.
  10. For scalp problems - dandruff, itching, inflammation and oily hair - rosehip oil can also have a good therapeutic effect.

Rosehip oil is used not only for the cosmetic skin problems I have listed, but also for the treatment of such serious skin diseases as dermatitis, scars and cicatrices, psoriasis and eczema. When used independently or when used in combination with medications, rosehip oil can significantly speed up recovery.

Harm of rosehip oil

Like any natural remedy, rosehip oil may have a number of individual negative reactions to it, due to which its use may be impossible. Mainly, these are individual allergic reactions and intolerances that can occur to the same vitamin A or C. Therefore, before using it on the face, it would not be superfluous to conduct a skin test on the bend of the arm if redness, burning or other manifestations of allergy do not occur

Also, although adjusted for less “thermonuclearity,” the restrictions on rosehip oil can be comparable to those imposed when using trenitoin in the form of creams and peels.

  • Due to the high activity of retioids, their combined use with acids should be avoided. To get an ideal result and avoid possible problems on the skin of the face, you need to alternate them.
  • Due to the high concentration of vitamins A and C, rosehip oil should not be used on the skin before going outside, especially in summer and in active sun. Instead of whitening and anti-aging, you can get the opposite result in the form of, for example, hyperpigmentation.

But in general, the main harm from rosehip oil can only be obtained if what you have in your hands is not rosehip oil, but its counterfeit. Most often, in order to reduce the cost of production, the manufacturer uses some cheaper oil to which it adds rosehip oil. Its concentration may be minimal, but the label will say that it is “rosehip oil.” Unfortunately, the fact that the oil is sold in a pharmacy does not provide protection from purchasing low-quality oil. And most often it’s precisely this kind of surrogate lack of oil that I see there. Very cheap and almost pointless.

To protect yourself from counterfeits, read the label carefully before purchasing, and it is better to give preference to proven and reliable manufacturers, for whom reputation is not the last thing.

Reviews of Pure Rosehip Seed Oil from Life-flo

One of the reliable brands in terms of oil quality that I trust is Life flo.

Inexpensive (only 340 rubles), but high-quality cold-pressed rosehip oil is sold on iHerb and is almost the most purchased oil in this category, for which several thousand (!!!) positive reviews have already been written. Well, I’ll add my opinion about it.

This oil comes in a convenient 30 ml package. made of dark glass with a pipette that allows you to easily dispense this oil without spilling a drop.

The composition of this oil consists of 99% pure rosehip oil, plus tocopherol (vitamin E) is added here, which is used here as a preservative to keep this oil fresh for as long as possible. In addition, we should not forget that vitamin E itself has a pronounced anti-aging effect, which even women knew about in Soviet times.

Many women with a post-Soviet past and who know what a cosmetic deficiency is, once actively used Aevita capsules (vitamins A and E) for external use to nourish the skin of the face.

Although this drug is now quite cheap and accessible, it cannot be called too convenient to use. The capsules are quite hard and you have to try to crush them and not stain yourself and everything around with oil, and this oil itself is very fatty, dense, which can not only feel like an oily oil film that can only be washed off the face rather than wait, that it will once be absorbed into the skin, but it can even clog pores and cause inflammation.

Rosehip oil is, in fact, the same “Aevit”, but not synthetic, like vitamin capsules, but NATURAL and much more pleasant to use.

Life flo rosehip oil is the same “correct” bright golden color, very thin and light, weightless, absorbed into the skin almost instantly, especially when used correctly. But I’ll talk about this a little lower.

It copes with its tasks perfectly; the effect of glow, smoother and denser skin is noticeable to the naked eye even after one or two uses. The only drawback I found with this oil is the specific aroma of fish oil. But here you either have to endure it, this smell quickly disappears, or add essential oils to the rosehip oil. Or immediately choose a version of this oil with essential oils added by the manufacturer. Not only will it smell delicious, but it will also provide even more benefits.

Using rosehip oil on the face

Rosehip oil for the purpose of rejuvenation and solving a wide range of skin problems is perfect for both men and women; it can be used for the face, body, and hair. It can be used as a stand-alone product or in mixtures with other base or essential oils. In general, you can do whatever you want with it, but taking into account the amendments that are described in the section on the possible harm of this oil.

Rosehip oil should be used only at night, avoiding the area around the eyes and always after preliminary testing for possible allergic reactions.

The instructions for using rosehip oil suggest simply applying a couple of drops of oil to the skin of the face until completely absorbed; after 20 minutes, excess oil can be blotted with a napkin. But I almost never do that.

If we talk about me, then I, as a noble lover and collector of oil in my care, use rosehip oil according to my standard application scheme, so to speak, method for applying oils for the laziest. After washing and toning the skin in the evening, according to my condition and desire, I apply some kind of moisturizing or healing serum from my arsenal (for example, the same one), and on top of it, when the serum is absorbed, I apply this (or another) oil.
Simply, I rub the same 2-3 drops of oil between my palms and simply apply them to my face. This way you avoid excess oil on your face from the very beginning. Well, after such a combination of oil + serum, I see the greatest effect on myself.

It also gives a good effect applying oils to damp skin- moisturized with tonic, floral water (hydrolate) or moisturizing spray. Moreover, in this case, you can moisturize the skin both BEFORE using the oil and after. And even better, before and after, although this is contrary to the laws of physics, the penetrating ability of the oil on wet skin increases significantly.

If you prefer to use creams at night, or your skin is very dry and you need a comprehensive solution to its problems, rosehip oil can be used without any problems. add to your traditional night cream, to which you are accustomed, to enrich its composition. Just pour it not directly into the jar, so that some chemical reactions will start there and the cream will deteriorate faster, but into the amount of cream that you will use right now. Actually, rosehip oil is often found in cosmetics, but its concentration there is usually extremely low.

If you are not lazy and an advanced user of oils in your care, you can go to multi-component facial oils By experimenting with different combinations you can get the best result that your skin will especially like. A combination of argan oil, jojoba oil, and rosehip oil gives good results for dry skin. For oily skin, grape seed and argan oils are more suitable for mixtures.

Also rosehip oil can be wonderful base oil for the face and preparation of healing mixtures based on it. You can enhance the concentration of the benefits of Rosa Mosqueta oil by using expensive but effective rose oil, which is incredibly beneficial for all types of skin; sandalwood, lavender and tea tree oil will help fight inflammation and acne; lemon and grapefruit essential oil can enhance the whitening effect, which helps improve complexion, and neroli oil has a rejuvenating effect.

Rosehip oil in homemade face masks

Rosehip oil can also be used in various face masks. Here, too, the field for experimentation is almost endless. Here is an example of one of these masks for oily and combination skin with acne.

Rosehip oil price

As is the case with many other oils, I will once again warn against buying rosehip oils of unknown quality in ordinary Russian pharmacies; the price of rosehip oil, even of high quality, is quite low, so I don’t see the point in saving on quality in such a way.

The easiest way to buy rosehip oil is on the iherb website, where the quality of the product is monitored much more carefully than in our pharmacies.

Life-Flo Rosehip Oil which I myself am currently using and which I wrote a review of above - it’s worth 340 rubles on the iHerb website, for those who are scared by the fragrance with the aroma of fish oil - the same oil is available here with a floral aroma with additives from a mixture of essential oils (geranium, ylang-ylang and sage) for 689 rubles. , for the same 30 ml., and for those who want to use it not only for the face, but also for the body, or want to stock up on it for their whole family, it is available in a larger volume - 118 ml. for 1336 rubles.

Other Pure 100% Rosehip Oils I Can Highly Recommend Aura Cacia Rosehip Oil for 551 rub. for 30 ml., rosehip oil Now Foods