Knitting mittens: description and diagrams. Master class “Mittens knitted on four knitting needles Mittens 4 knitting needles

If you are a beginner craftswoman, then create a simple version of the mittens. For subsequent work, you will be able to use patterns, various types of knitting, and create drawings.

The work begins with taking measurements. Look at the photo, it will help you navigate this issue. To knit mittens correctly, it is better to first draw a mitten pattern. Then, during the needlework process, you can apply your work to the template so that the mittens fit well on your hands.

Here's what data you'll need:
  1. Measure the volume of your palm at the widest point, where the finger bones are located. In this example, this figure is 19 cm (Let it be measurement A).
  2. Determine the distance from the wrist to the beginning of the thumb. Let's call this measure the letter B.
  3. The next number corresponds to the height from the wrist to the beginning of the little finger.
  4. You can get the penultimate measurement if you place the zero mark of a measuring tape on your wrist and look at the value near your index finger.
  5. Now determine the distance from your wrist to the extreme point of your middle finger. This will be the height of your product after the elastic band. This is where we start knitting mittens.

The cuffs of the mittens must be made of elastic, then the mittens will not slip. Sports models have more elastic than regular ones.

Knitting mittens step by step

The next stage is preparing the threads. If you want the mittens to be warm, then take natural wool ones. You can use mohair yarn or roving, then the mittens will be fluffy.

The thicker the yarn, the larger the size of the knitting needles used for needlework. Usually, for knitting mittens, you take 5 knitting needles: 4 main and one additional, they are sold in a set.

To ensure the mittens fit perfectly on your hand, first knit a sample. It is small, consisting of only 12 loops and 10 rows. Create it with the main knitting. Now measure the width of the resulting product, not taking into account the 2 outer loops. Determine how many loops you have in one centimeter.

Multiply this number by the girth of the widest part of the palm, that is, by the number that we denoted by the letter A. You will get a number equal to the number of loops that you will cast on when starting to knit mittens.

To do this, first use 2 knitting needles. Now, with the third, connect the last loop with the first loop in a circle. Having knitted a quarter of the row with an elastic pattern, knit the next quarter with a different knitting needle. When you create this second row, your work should end up on 4 needles.

The “elastic band” pattern, which is created from 2 front and 2 purl loops, will look beautiful on the wrist. You can use English and other types of rubber bands. Knit 5-6 cm with this pattern. If you are making mittens for a child, then 4-5 cm is enough.

Next, knit in the round with the main pattern. For beginners, it will be easiest to create the main fabric using only knit stitches. If you want, you can make a braid pattern in the center. It will go on the back of the palm.

Mark 8 loops at this place. Having finished knitting the elastic, going to the mark, knit 2 loops with purls, then 6 with knits, then again with 2 purls.

Having completed 5 rows in this way, also knit 2 purl rows. Slip 3 knit stitches onto a pin and fasten it. Knit the next three, then slip the stitches from the pin onto the left needle and knit them as well. Next, create a fabric according to the pattern, that is, knit the last 2 purl stitches, then knit them with knit stitches.

After 5 rows, repeat the manipulation by removing 3 knit stitches onto a pin or additional knitting needle. As a result of such twisting, every 5 rows you will get fragments of the “braid” pattern.

How to tie a finger, finish the job

Place the fabric on your hand or pre-drawn pattern, if it's time to knit your thumb, do it as follows.

Place the knitting on your left hand. To knit the thumb, knit 4 stitches on the fourth needle. Slip the next 8 stitches onto a pin and cast on 8 chain stitches instead. Next, continue creating the canvas according to the pattern until the top of the little finger.

If you want to knit the mittens with open fingers, then when you get to the beginning, you will just need to work 5 cm with the same elastic band that you created on the wrist. In this case, all that remains is to tie the thumb as described below, but up to half, ending it with an “elastic band” pattern.

If you want to create full-fledged mittens, then, having reached the top of the little finger, begin to decrease the loops on the right and left sides of the palm. To do everything correctly, apply the resulting fabric to the pattern or try the mitten on yourself.

When you reach the top of your middle finger, knit the remaining 2 stitches together, crochet the thread inside out, trim off the excess.

To knit the thumb, pick up stitches over stitches around the thumb hole. Distribute them onto 4 knitting needles and knit to the middle of the thumbnail. From here, begin decreasing evenly, knitting together the last stitch on the needle with the first stitch on the next needle. When 2 loops remain, knit them together by pulling the thread inside out and trimming off the excess.

Here's how to knit mittens with open and closed fingers. You can decorate the mittens with artificial pearls, as shown in the photo, but such products look great even without decoration.

How to knit socks with knitting needles: calculations, elastic band

To keep not only your hands, but also your feet warm in any frost, you can knit socks. Start with simple models, and on later ones try to make patterns or make drawings. You can simply alternate threads of different colors, it will also turn out beautifully, or for the boot, along with the brown one, use a white thread. Then it is easier to count the rows, the product will be more impressive. The video clearly demonstrates this.

Even if you have not yet done this type of needlework, step-by-step photographs, a detailed description, and a video at the end of the article will help you understand how to knit socks. For beginners and experienced craftswomen, it should be noted that you first need to create a sample.

Cast on 12 stitches on two needles, without tightening them tightly. Knit 10 rows to complete the pattern. It is better to lightly steam it with an iron. Now determine how many loops you have in one centimeter. The video will help you understand how to knit socks step by step. After watching the first one, you will learn how to create a pattern and count stitches.

Now you need to measure the circumference of your ankle closer to the heel. For example, it is 20 cm. You have 2 loops in one centimeter. Then you need to cast on 40 loops. After this, knit the first row with an elastic band, at the same time distributing the loops equally. In this example you have 10 stitches on each needle.

If, as a result of the calculations, you realize that the resulting number is not a multiple of four, then round it up so that it is divisible by 4.

Looking at the photos, it will also be easy to figure it out. The photo shows how to create a blank for the heel. Video No. 4 clearly demonstrates this.

How to knit the heel of a sock

Having completed the facial loops after the elastic band, proceed to the most important part of the work. And here's how to knit the heel of a sock. First of all, you need to throw the loops for it onto one knitting needle, in this example there are 20 of them. So, having created 10 loops on one knitting needle, then knit another 10 loops on the same knitting needle.

Now you need to create the tongue, which will soon become the heel. To do this, knit 20 rows of these 20 loops, turning your fabric over. That is, do knit stitches on the front row, and purl rows on the back row. Now divide the resulting canvas by 3. It’s okay if you can’t do it without a remainder.

In this example, the central tongue will consist of 8 loops, and the two adjacent fabrics will each have six. Your calculations may be different, but create the heel of the sock so that the number of stitches for the two side panels is the same.

Distribute the three heel pieces onto 3 needles (6+8+6 stitches). The remaining 20 loops will remain on one needle for now. Now you will knit only the central tongue, alternately picking up a loop from one or the other side fabric. That is, having knitted 6 knit stitches, knit 8 knit stitches, knit the last eighth loop of the central tongue together with the first side fabric, consisting of 6 loops, purl.

Turning your work over to the reverse side, purl the center tab by knitting together the last eighth stitch and the first stitch of the six side stitches.

End of work

You have learned how to knit the heel of a sock. There is very little left to do to finish the job. Cast on 6 and 6 loops in those side places where they turned out to be closed, and from the heel to the top of the little finger, knit in a circle using all the cast-on and remaining loops (there are 40 of them in total), after which you need to decrease them.

There are several ways to do this. If you want the sock to be neat and round, then use the following, and the video will clearly demonstrate this final stage of work.

Having knitted 8 stitches on one needle, purl the last two together. Proceed in the same way on the other three knitting needles. In the next row you will have 9 loops left on each needle. Knit seven, and purl the 8th and 9th together. Do the same on the other three knitting needles.

As you already understood, in the next row on each knitting needle you will also need to purl the last two stitches together. When you have 3 loops left on each knitting needle, cut the yarn, leaving a thread 10 cm long. You can pass it through the remaining loops using a crochet hook or do it with knitting needles.

Visually demonstrates how to knit socks step by step at this stage, final video. When removing loops, simply pass the remaining piece of thread through them.

When they are all closed, pull it. Make 1-2 neat knots on the front side and pull the thread with a hook inside out. Here's how to knit socks on 5 knitting needles, which even novice needlewomen can create.

Watch video tutorials on how to knit mittens and socks:

1. First, let's make a set of stitches for four knitting needles. To do this, cast on 40 loops on two knitting needles (40 loops should be obtained taking into account the first, double loop). Then evenly distribute the cast-on 40 stitches onto 4 knitting needles. We get 10 loops on each knitting needle. Fold the four knitting needles into a square, with the loops facing up. In this case, the outer tail of the thread (which remains from the set of loops) meets the working thread.

2. We begin to knit mittens with the fifth knitting needle in the direction from the cuff to the fingers. We knit the first row with knit stitches, and with the subsequent rows we will form the elastic band of the cuff. So, we knit the first 4 loops of the first row so as to grab both the working thread and the tail of the thread with the fifth knitting needle. This way, the end of the thread will be imperceptibly secured, and all we have to do is cut it off. Next, we knit a whole row with facial loops.

3. We knit the subsequent rows with an elastic band 2 by 2: the first 2 loops will be purl, then 2 loops will be knit, then again 2 purl, 2 knit and so on. We continue to knit the elastic in the round, focusing on the “2 by 2” pattern.

4. We knit an elastic band until the cuff reaches a length of 3 cm. After the cuff, we move on to another type of knitting - this will be the stockinette stitch. We knit not 2 by 2, but continuous facial loops. We add two loops to each knitting needle so that the hand is free in our mitten. To add loops, before starting knitting, make two yarn overs on each knitting needle.

5. Next we knit the front loops in a circle, measuring the mitten from time to time. If we have already knitted to the place where the thumb begins, we proceed to knitting the finger. We have 12 loops on each knitting needle. Select a knitting needle that will form the finger. We knit the first loop of this knitting needle in the usual way, and remove the 10 subsequent loops with a safety pin. Fasten the pin.

6. Then we cast on 10 yarn overs on the same knitting needle and knit the last, 12th loop of the knitting needle. Our mitten creates a hole for the thumb.

7. Next, we knit facial loops in a circle until the length of the mitten reaches the tip of the little finger (be sure to measure the product!). We move on to knitting the mitten triangle, which will be on the fingertips. We begin to knit a triangle from the knitting needle, which is located in front of the knitting needle from which we removed the finger loops. We knit the first two loops together with a crossed knit stitch. This loop is knitted very simply: we stick the right knitting needle inside the loop from right to left. Having passed the knitting needle through the back wall of the loop, we catch the working thread and form a loop from it. This is the crossed facial loop. So, after two loops knitted together, we knit all the remaining loops of the knitting needle with regular knit stitches. We knit the next knitting needle like this: all the loops are knitted with regular knit stitches, and the last two loops are knitted together with regular knit stitches. The third knitting needle is knitted in the same way as the first, and the fourth in the same way as the second. In this way, we constantly reduce the number of loops and form a triangular tip of the mitten.

8. When there is one loop left on each knitting needle, we will cut the working thread (leaving about 10 cm) and crochet it through all these loops. We put the knitting needles aside and see that we have a mitten (for now, instead of a finger, there is a hole).

9. The finger of the mitten is knitted very simply. With one knitting needle we cast on 10 stitches from a pin. We hook another 10 loops onto the second knitting needle (we simply hook 10 loops located above the finger hole). Between these two knitting needles (top and bottom), around the hole we hook 2 more loops from the fabric on the sides. Next, evenly distribute the resulting 24 loops onto 4 knitting needles.

10. We knit ordinary knit stitches in the round with the fifth knitting needle - exactly the same way as we knitted the entire mitten.

11. Trying on the mitten. If it’s time to cover your finger, we do it with exactly the same triangle as the tip of the mitten. All that remains is to pull the ends of the threads to the wrong side, fasten them and trim them.

12. We knit the second mitten in the same way. Knitted mittens for beginners are ready!

Video instructions for knitting mittens:

In winter frosts, it is especially important to keep the child’s hands warm. Therefore, you will probably find the master class useful, how to knit double mittens (with lining), prepared by Vera Ponomarenko. In addition, Vera’s turned out to be very beautiful and elegant, you can see them in the photo. The description of the work is designed for the age of a child: 3-4 years, but using this principle you can also knit mittens of large sizes.

Double mittens (knitting)

Do you want to knit mittens for your child, but don’t know how? The master class on knitting children's double mittens will help you find the answer to your question. Use your imagination, and this is no longer just a part of everyday life in frosty weather, but also an excellent gift for your favorite holidays. After all, we have been taught since childhood: “The best is made with your own hands!”

  • Yarn: Moscow LAMA “Russian motif” (100 g / 300 m, yarn composition: 40% wool, 60% acrylic)
  • Marker: piece of contrasting thread – 12 cm
  • Needles: two sets of double needles 2.5 mm and 3 mm.


To keep the mittens on the wrists and not slide down, which is especially important for children, knitting must begin with an elastic band. In this example, one of the popular options is used - k2, p2. And so that the product does not lose its presentation during subsequent wear, the elastic should be knitted with knitting needles of a smaller size than the main part is supposed to be knitted.

On stocking needles with a diameter of 2.5 mm, cast on 40 sts. Evenly distribute 10 sts on each of the four knitting needles and knit 2x2 rib for the next 50 rows. As the product begins to add row after row, it may seem that at the 20th row it is time to stop and move on to knitting the palm and thumb. But since the presented sample of mittens is double (with lining), this number of centimeters of elastic will fold in half.

So, after 50 rows, it was the turn of the stockinette stitch. At the same time, it is necessary to replace the knitting needles with a 3 mm diameter. Continue knitting another 8 rows. The thumb will begin in the 9th.

The methods for knitting the thumb of a mitten are varied. This master class describes the simplest of them. To do this, knit 4 knit stitches on the first knitting needle, insert a thread of a different color (marker) and knit the remaining 6 knit stitches on the knitting needle.

Return to the main color yarn, finish the current row with knit stitches, plus another 28 circular rows (total - 37 rubles from the rib).

In the next row, i.e. 38th, starting from the first needle, start decreasing along the edges. At the same time, on the 1st and 3rd knitting needles, slip the penultimate loop onto the right knitting needle. Knit the last loop and pull it through the removed one (i.e. 2 stitches along with a tilt to the right). But on the 2nd and 4th knitting needles the inclination should be to the left, i.e. Knit the first loop and pull through the second. Thus, decrease until there are two loops left on the knitting needles (total: 8 stitches). Cut the thread at a distance of 5 cm and tighten the remaining loops. The remaining piece of yarn will be needed later to fasten the outer and inner mittens together.

Return to marker. Using a knitting needle, pull the thread out of the fabric. Cast on the dropped stitches on the knitting needles. Total: 6 sts at the bottom and 7 sts at the top. On the bottom row, pick up one more side loop on each side. They must be knit crossed in the first row to avoid the appearance of holes in the fabric. In total, knitting the thumb is carried out on 15 loops for the next 17 rows.

The outer one is ready. It's time for the "lining". To do this, cast on 40 stitches along the bottom edge of the elastic so that the outer loops remain behind the work.

Work the next 8 rows in stockinette stitch. In the 9th row, knit 6 loops with a thread of a different color parallel to the thumb on the outer mitten. Return to main yarn. Continue working with knit stitches for the next 26 rows. In total, the elastic band should make 35 rows. Make reductions. Tighten the last 8 loops with thread, leaving a 5-centimeter tip.

Knitting the thumb of an inner mitten is no different from the method described earlier. The only difference will be the number of rows, which are half a centimeter less (15 rows in total).
In the end it turned out double mitten.

Using the previously left ends of the yarn, fasten both parts from the inside and turn the fabric inside out. This must be done so that the child does not suffer in the future when putting on and taking off gloves, because the lining will remain in place under any circumstance.
Perform the right mitten following the example of the left one.

The only exception would be the choice of knitting needles for thumb knitting. So, on the outside of the fabric, insert a marker at the beginning of the IV needle. The inner thumb, accordingly, will be located parallel to the outer one. The choice of knitting needle in this case will depend on the beginning of the set of loops along the edge of the elastic band.

Make a twisted lace. To do this, you need to cut the thread to the required length. Fold the piece in half. Secure one end with a heavy object, and start twisting the thread with your fingers on the other side. The longer you twist the piece, the tighter the lace will be. Next, fold it in half again, straightening it along its length. Tie one end into a knot to prevent deformation. Using a hook, pull the lace behind the front stitches at a height of 10 rows from the front stitch.

Decorate the ends with pom-poms.

The final step will be applique on the outer mitten. It could be a flower or a butterfly if the children's mittens are intended for girls.

A boy's pair of mittens will be decorated with a snowman or a bear. It all depends on the author’s imagination.

Happy creativity!

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Age: 3 years

You will need:

  • yarn of two colors, about 30 grams in total;
  • knitting needles (or circular) No. 2.5;
  • some yarn in a contrasting color for embroidery;
  • needle.

Let's start a tutorial on knitting mittens for a child with knitting needles:

1) Cast on 32 stitches, distribute onto 4 knitting needles or circular ones, whichever is more convenient for you.

We knit 16 rows in height with a 1x1 elastic band, since children are different, the desired height of the elastic band can be determined by fitting.

2) After which we introduce a new color into the knitting (in my case - pink), the white thread does not need to be broken, there will simply be a broach on the wrong side.

We knit 3 rows in a circle and use the white thread again.

3) 5 rows high (see Fig. 3), after which we begin to knit the hole for the thumb of the right hand: knit 2, remove 6 loops on an additional knitting needle or pin (see Fig. 4), finish the row with knits (all rows - facial loops). Knit 2 again, cast on 6 stitches on a knitting needle (Fig. 5, 6), knit the row to the end. So we knit 15 rows in height + 4 rows with pink thread - this should be enough to reach the little finger, but if not, then we will increase the number of rows. The white one can be torn off.

4) So, in total there are 32 loops on the knitting needles, distribute 16 loops into two, start decreasing: we knit 2 loops together with the front one on each side of each knitting needle, that is, it turns out that 4 loops will decrease in one circular row.

Row without decreases, 1 row with decreases, so we alternate until there are 10 loops on each knitting needle. Next, we decrease 10 times by 2 knit stitches together - there are only 10 loops on the knitting needles. Decrease the remaining loops like this: 2 in. persons., 1 person., 2 vm. persons., 2 vm. persons., 1 person., 2 vm. persons - there are 6 loops on the knitting needles. Then break the thread, pull it through the remaining loops, tighten the thread, and hide the ends.

5) Let’s move on to knitting the thumb, see fig. 14. We cast on loops in a circle immediately knitting in pink, in total we get 16 loops (6+6 and on the sides - 4). We knit them in a circle to a height of 13 rows, then we knit them 2 cm each. persons = 8 loops, again 2 in each. persons = 4 loops, break the thread, pull through the loops and pull, hide the tip on the wrong side.

Pull the remaining loops, break the thread, and hide the tip.

Knit the left mitten symmetrically.

So, the mittens are ready, all that's left to do is just a little bit.

Learning how to knit mittens with knitting needles for beginners is not at all difficult, especially if you use tutorials in which the oral history is accompanied by video materials showing all the details of this process.

Mittens are an indispensable part of winter clothing, reliable protection of hands from frost, comfortable for children and adults, neat and beautiful. For beginners, the easiest way to master knitting is to start by creating mittens - you will learn it yourself and prepare your household for winter.

p.s In the last article we looked at how to crochet mittens

You are offered step-by-step instructions for creating several types of mittens:

The yarn used is Caucasian troika, there are 180 meters of thread per 100 grams. We knit mittens using knitting needles No. 2, thin knitting needles were used to make the mittens more dense. The width of the mitten in the girth of the hand is 7 cm, the height of the elastic is 4 cm, the total length of the mitten is 14 cm. We cast on 15 loops on the knitting needles, then knit a voluminous 1x1 elastic band.

In the first row, knit and purl loops are knitted alternately, then purl loops are knitted until the end of the next row. The next row is alternating knit and purl stitches. The height of the elastic is at your request. Next, the pattern is distributed.

Video lesson:

They can be worn on any hand, the finger is located along the edge of the mitten. The elastic band on the wrists is knitted with a zigzag, the main pattern is pearl knitting. The yarn used was “Pekhorsky Textiles”, wool blend, consisting of 50% merino wool and 50% acrylic. A 100-gram skein contains 270 meters of thread. We used needles No. 3. We cast on 48 loops of 12 on each of the four knitting needles and close them in a circle.

In the initial row, two knit stitches and one purl stitch alternate, the sequence is maintained until the end of the row. In the next row, the second loop is knitted, then the first loop is knitted. This is how the entire second row is knitted. The next rows are knitted in the same way until the width is 7 cm.

Video lesson:

There are no patterns on it, since this model is for beginners. To take measurements, you will need to trace your hand on a piece of paper and determine the dimensions by which the loops will be calculated. Having knitted the sample, we see that there are 9 loops for the width of the mitten plus one for fullness, and the same on the back, so a total of 20 loops are needed.

Used 5 double needles. We cast on 20 loops on two knitting needles, one of them is taken out, and the knitting needles are distributed on four knitting needles, the fifth will be the working one. Next, knitting is done in a circle. The elastic is knitted 1x1, knit and purl stitches alternate.

Video lesson:

36 loops are cast on the knitting needles and distributed evenly across three knitting needles. Knit a 1x1 elastic band, the first loop is knit, the second is purl, and so on in a circle. The number of rows in the elastic band is optional, 10 rows are accepted. Next we continue to knit in stockinette stitch. All stitches are knitted and knitting continues to the beginning of the thumb.

Next, let's look at how to knit a finger on a mitten: remove seven loops on a safety pin and make up for them by throwing 7 loops on the right knitting needle. We continue to knit in the circle with facial loops. There remains a hole in which the finger will subsequently be tied.

Video lesson:

Two small skeins of clean wool were used for two mittens. The mittens are made of yarn of two colors. Double needles were used. To begin with, we cast on 44 loops, they are distributed over 4 knitting needles. We begin to knit a simple 1x1 elastic band, that is, alternate knit and purl loops. There are a total of 12 rows in the elastic band. To make the mitten the same width as the elastic, you need to decrease 4 loops: instead of 44, 40 loops will remain.

Next, all rows are knitted in stockinette stitch, so that all stitches are knitted. This is how the section from the elastic to the finger is knitted. Next, 7 loops are removed onto the loop holder to obtain a hole for the finger.

Video lesson:

A detailed description of all stages of work, including preparatory ones, is offered. Alize Lanagold wool blend yarn was used; 100 grams equals 240 meters of thread. For knitting the elastic, knitting needles No. 2.5 were used, and for the main part - No. 3. To begin with, a sample is knitted, hand measurements are taken, and loop calculations are performed.

First, an elastic band is knitted; it is better to make it longer so that you can bend it and get a cuff. Next, the mitten is knitted with the main pattern to the location of the thumb, then the main pattern continues to the end of the little finger. Then the loops are closed and the thumb is knitted.

Video lesson:

Yarn used was ALIZE, Real 40 (480 meters in 100 grams), half a skein was used. Yarn composition: 40% wool, 60% acrylic. We knit in two threads. The knitting needles are stocking needles No. 3. Cast on 8 loops per knitting needle. Next, a 1x1 elastic band is knitted, in which knit and purl stitches alternate.

The elastic band is knitted to a width of 7 centimeters; you can start on the outer side of the mitten, decorated with a braid. The loops are cast on in strict order on two knitting needles; on the remaining ones, all loops are knitted. Five rows are knitted this way, then we proceed to cross the braid. It is important not to confuse the order of knitting the loops.

Video lesson:

Let's look at the procedure step by step. The yarn used was 100% alpaca, which required two skeins, knitting was done in two threads. Knitting needles for knitting elastic were used No. 2.5, and the mitten itself was knitted with knitting needles No. 3.5. There are 32 stitches cast on the knitting needles, eight on each.

Next, knit a 1x1 elastic band with alternating knit and purl stitches. Knit stitches are knitted on the front wall of the loop, purl stitches on the back wall. All rows of elastic are knitted in this way. The main pattern is knitted with needles of increased thickness, the first row is knitted with knit stitches, the second with purl stitches, and this alternation of rows is maintained.

Video lesson:

Everything is shown in detail in the video, from calculating loops to making patterns. The yarn used is Drops Baby Merino, 50 scales contain 175 meters of thread, the material is pure wool. Double needles No. 3 and circular needles of the same number. First, the loops are calculated, then we proceed to knitting a 2x2 elastic band, that is, two front loops alternate with two purl ones.

We knit two rows of this elastic band. In the third row, six loops are removed onto an additional knitting needle and wrapped with thread. We knit two front loops and two purl loops, again remove 6 loops and wrap them with thread.

Video lesson:

Knitted from Australian Merino yarn, folded in three. The yarn contains 5% acrylic added to 95 percent merino wool. There are 400 meters of thread per 100 grams of yarn. Stocking needles No. 3. Instead of the usual elastic band, it alternates purl and front rows. 32 loops are cast on, 8 per needle.

Three rows are knitted with purl stitches, two with knit stitches, and these five rows are repeated on the cuff 6 times. Holes are formed behind the elastic band into which the lace will be threaded. Then twenty rows are knitted up to the thumb and 30 rows after this finger, then the loops are closed, one on each side.

Video lesson: