Rose bud from topiary napkins. Topiary from napkins - how to make beautiful white roses, New Year's pictures or a tree with leaves (video master class). Decoration of the finished work

Since I have never done master classes on making gifts with my own hands before, I apologize in advance for any shortcomings).

In this master class we will talk about how to make roses with your own hands from napkins for, presented (already in quite a wide variety) on

So, let's begin.

We will need regular napkins of any color - I have pink ones. Cut each napkin into 4 parts. For one rose you will need 2 napkins (middle + 7-9 petals).

And we begin to form the edges of our petals by twisting the edge of the napkin with our fingertips, first in the middle, and then along the edges, twisting them down.

Here's what we ended up with:

Now it’s the core’s turn. Here everything is even simpler - we twist it like the petals, but straight, without rounding.

Everything has been prepared, now you can start assembling the bud.

We twist our middle. We bend the edge down a little.

And we wrap it in petals, as if swaddling. We move each next petal a little to ensure even filling.

That's the whole process. We tie the tail with a thread so that the petals do not fall apart. Subsequently, during the formation , the excess tail is simply cut off.

A master class on making topiary scares off many beginners due to the listing of materials such as sisal, foamiran, cold porcelain, etc. What to do with everything, and how to make a completely understandable tree from unusual materials? Or a topiary made from paper napkins. A beginner can do it with his own hands, and there is a suitable master class for beginners, with photos and explanations of how and when to make this or that part.

What are napkins for? From them you need to make flowers that will decorate the crown of the tree. The trick is to fold the napkin correctly.

How to make a paper napkin flower:

  • Take a plain (but optional) napkin and cut it into strips. The stripe is equal to the height of the bud, so this indicator is determined by yourself.
  • You need to roll the paper strip with your own hands, forming a bud.
  • In the bud, the petals are slightly turned inside out, so you turn the layers of the napkin inside the flower a little inside out.

You can fasten the bud so that it does not unfold with glue, thread, or a sewing pin. You need to make a lot of flowers so that they cover the crown tightly.

There is another option. This MK may seem simpler to some.

Option two - how to make flowers from napkins:

  • Take a stack of 70 napkins (or a little less or a little more);
  • Cut this stack into equal squares;
  • Each of the resulting squares needs to be folded a little less than half, and the corners should be twisted a little - you will get just the shape of a petal.
  • To make one flower, you need about ten pieces, this is on average. The more petal blanks you use, the more magnificent the flower will be.

Making roses for topiary (video master class)

DIY MK: topiary from napkins

If the roses are already ready, you can proceed to the next stage. For any topiary, from napkins or other decor, you will need a ball base. It’s great if you already have a foam blank, but you can build such a ball with your own hands. To do this, take newspapers, crumple them into one large dense lump, coat them with glue in some places to make the lump heavier. This ball needs to be wrapped in threads, it will look like a ball.

  • The base ball should be placed on the barrel. The trunk is usually any stick, even a real snag or branch. You place this design in a pot with alabaster poured into it.
  • The trunk and the ball on it (in fact, this is a tree) is placed in alabaster, so that it is firmly fixed in it.
  • Don't rush things, wait until everything dries. At this time, you can make roses or choose decor, without which the tree will not be elegant.
  • Well, now MK involves the creation of a crown. The ball must be covered with flowers from napkins; there should be no gaps between the buds. It would be great if you paint the ball with your own hands the color of the buds, so that even a small gap is well disguised.
  • The trunk can be wrapped with twine, braid, satin ribbon, decorative cord or special paper. Sometimes lace stripes are also used.

The master class is not completed - you have to make the finishing decoration. How else can you decorate a tree? See examples of decor in the photo gallery. You need to start with a pot. The top layer should be decorative, the alabaster should be covered.

You can decorate the top layer:

  • Beautiful beads to match the crown buds;
  • Coffee beans;
  • Colored tea leaves;
  • Sequins;
  • Beads;
  • Rhinestones;
  • Colored small buttons;
  • Decorative stones;
  • Berries.

There are master classes in which topiary made from beautiful napkins is decorated using the decoupage technique. The same pot can be decorated with a top layer of napkins with an interesting pattern. This is a very delicate work, you will need to watch an additional master class.

Topiary heart made of napkins

Such a tree has only one fundamental difference - you will have to paste over the crown of the heart, not the ball. That is, the same flowers are used, only the shape of the crown changes.

How to make a heart with your own hands if you don’t have a blank? There are also several options.

Romantic topiary made from napkins (video)

First MK: flat heart

It’s simple to make; it will be a through heart made of cardboard.

  • You take thick cardboard, you can use large boxes. Cut out the shape of a heart, which should be hollow inside. That is, the diameter of this heart-shaped rim will be approximately 2-3 cm.
  • To make it even denser, it can be covered with the same napkins in several layers.
  • And then paint the heart in the desired color and paste it over with the same colors.

There are master classes that do not offer dense covering of the base with flowers. That is, you can, for example, wrap the uniform with lace or bleached twine, and only attach flowers in some places.

And such a tree will be interesting and original, and as a souvenir gift for a loved one - almost an ideal option.

Heart tree: do-it-yourself second option

You can make the heart differently if it does not have to be end-to-end.

MK - heart for topiary made from napkins:

  • Take any object that has the shape of a heart, for example, a mirror or powder compact;
  • Now remember about such a technique as papier-mâché: you need to cover this object in many layers with paper or napkins so that it does not turn out flat;
  • After it has dried, cut the entire structure in half - this must be done carefully;
  • You take out the object, and connect the structure itself with several more layers.

Here is such a simple MK. Otherwise, you need to make a “heart” topiary in the same way as a traditional one.

Topiary made from napkins in caramel shades (MK video)

Paper napkins are a multi-variant decor; they can be used to make not only voluminous roses. You can simply beautifully paste over the base ball with napkins, remembering the same decoupage, following a certain pattern. And it's beautiful too! Try, experiment, create your own tree of happiness.

Topiary made from napkins (photo)

The most important question in this matter is how to choose roses for topiary. When it comes to artificial flowers, you have many options. There are dozens of types of paper, and if you use each of them... it’s worth dwelling on the most interesting options in more detail.

One of the most popular “pink” topiaries today is a souvenir tree made from sheet music. Moreover, they do not have to be white.

There are several ways to make roses from sheet music. Most often, petals are cut out, several rows of different sizes. The first petal is rolled into a roll, the rest are wrapped around the roll. The petals need to be secured with threads at the base.

Whether the bud is closed or in full bloom is your decision. Once you have made the required number of roses, you can paste them over the base ball.

Happiness tree made of artificial roses, rununcus and ochida (video master class)

Paper rose topiary

Plain paper is also suitable for making roses. But it will have to be transformed! Paint it or make it textured?

The following tips will help:

  • Watercolor transitions. Take a sheet of watercolor paper and paint with colors of the same range with smooth transitions. Then you can cut out the petals from it.
  • Brush and ruler. The old way is to dip an old toothbrush into the paint and use a ruler to splatter.
  • Natural dye. Potassium permanganate or beetroot are also good options for coloring paper.
  • Foam sponge. Then the paper will have a certain visual texture.

You can also glue salt to the paper and crush it well. Well, then everything follows the familiar scenario - roses are made either using the “petals around a roll” method, or cut out with a snake. You can make a topiary of roses and satin ribbons with such flowers.

Cold porcelain topiary (video)

Roses for topiary made of satin ribbons

Satin ribbons are a cheap and beautiful decoration, which is also used in topiary.

How to make a rose from satin ribbons:

  • Take a skewer and insert the end of the ribbon into the cut on the skewer;
  • Wind the ribbon a little onto the skewer;
  • Bend the ribbon away from you, with a corner, wind it onto the skewer, holding it from below with your finger;
  • Gradually form a rose with curved petals;
  • The edge of the tape can be hemmed to the base or glued.

If you want to create a wide crown of topiary, the roses should be tall.

Corrugated paper roses for topiary

Crepe paper or crepe paper is a great way to make amazingly lifelike flowers. Including roses.

Crepe paper roses are made like this: you cut out many petals of different sizes from crepe paper. Inside the rose there will be either something round - for example, candy or a plasticine ball, or a roll of corrugated paper. And then you need to gradually frame this roll with petals.

The petals are fastened with thread at the base. Each petal can be twisted with a knitting needle, it will be even more natural.

Corrugated paper topiary “Roses”: step-by-step instructions

If the crepe paper roses are already ready, you can start making topiary

This tree is made as follows::

  • A hole is made in the foam base ball into which a trunk (branch, aluminum cable, etc.) is inserted;
  • The barrel is fixed in the ball with hot glue;
  • Now you can paste over the ball itself, forming a crown - first, paint it the color of a rose;
  • Then glue the roses very carefully to the base using a heat gun, avoiding any gaps;
  • You decorate the trunk and “plant” it in a pot filled with plaster;
  • All that remains is to decorate the pot itself.

Topiary of dried roses

Dried roses are also often used to decorate topiary crowns. But only roses in the crown do not always look ideal.

They are formed according to the same principle as other artificial roses: bent leaves frame a roll of leaves, like rose petals, and are tied with threads at the base. The result is a topiary made from dried gifts of nature, which looks great as an autumn decor.

Floral topiary from live roses (video master class)

How to make roses from topiary napkins

There are many ways to turn a napkin into a rose, one of the most effective allows you to get neat buds.

How to make a rose from a napkin:

  • Take a colored napkin and place a pencil on top of it;
  • Screw the napkin onto a pencil, not twisting it 4 cm until the end;
  • You press the napkin with your finger so that on the pencil, closer to the center, you get such an accordion, after which the pencil can be taken out;
  • The napkin should look like a skirt;
  • Twist the two skirts made in this way in a spiral, one around the other.

Topiary from rose napkins: step-by-step instructions

You can take a foam ball for topiary from the store. Or you can build it from newspapers. Crumple the newspapers into a ball, soak them a little with PVA glue and tie them with thread. You will get such a dense ball. You can paint it to match the tone of roses, or you can leave it in its original form, the main thing is the round shape.

  • Immediately make a hole for the barrel so as not to accidentally cover it with flowers.
  • After this you can apply for a crown. Napkins are fragile, so you only need to glue the base. It’s easier to use a heat gun to glue it pointwise, but reliably. Glue the flowers without gaps.
  • Next you design the trunk. The easiest way is to wrap any hollow tube or, for example, a thick pencil, with satin ribbon. Since you are making wood, the ribbon can be brown or gold.
  • Pot decor. You need to turn an ordinary flowerpot into a stylish pot. You can use the decoupage technique, and having found the necessary fragments with the same roses, paste them over the pot. Several layers of varnish, and the tree found its own flowerpot.
  • After this you fill the pot with plaster. Insert the trunk with the crown into fresh gypsum and hold it until the tree is firmly established in its, so to speak, soil.
  • The top layer of plaster needs to be decorated. You can do this by elegantly placing satin ribbons there. Or you can fill the top of the pot with artificial stones, which looks very romantic in combination with delicate roses.

If you want, some rose petals can be decorated with rhinestones, which will imitate rose droplets on a flower.

Topiary made from napkins (video)

Topiary with roses is a beautiful tree that will be an excellent gift. It can be used in photo shoots, used to decorate bedside tables and window sills, as well as a romantic dinner. Experiment, come up with your own versions of roses, perhaps it will be lace or newspapers, who knows?

Happy creativity!

Rose topiary (photo)

Topiary is a small tree with a lush, neat crown. Previously, this was a type of topiary cutting of garden plants. Today, topiary or maypole is one of the popular areas of needlework. Used for interior decoration. The easiest way is to make a decorative tree from paper napkins. This option is suitable even for novice craftsmen.

Creative topiaries made of corrugated paper are a stylish decoration for a living room, living room or office space.

It is believed to bring prosperity to its owners.

Step-by-step instructions for beginners on making topiary from napkins with your own hands - one of the simplest. MK consists of only 6 steps. Even a schoolboy can master them. To make topiary from napkins with your own hands, you will need a simple set of tools and materials.

In the East it was called a symbol of new life and prosperity.

  1. Scissors.
  2. Stapler.
  3. Threads.
  4. Scotch.
  5. Glue.
  6. A mixture of sand and cement or alabaster.
  7. Paper napkins (green/pink) or crepe paper.
  8. Thin satin ribbons in 2 colors.
  9. Styrofoam ball
  10. A small pot.
  11. Wooden stick.
  12. Decorative beads or stones.

All you need is a small amount of crepe paper and a little imagination.

Important! Before making topiary from napkins, you need to make sure that the diameter of the pot does not exceed the size of the ball. Otherwise, the craft will not look very aesthetically pleasing.

The composition will be an unforgettable gift for loved ones.

A corrugated paper topiary is not only a stylish decoration, but also a unique symbol of good luck.

Let's start making a flower tree from napkins with our own hands.

Step 1. We design the trunk. The stick can be painted green or brown. A tree trunk made from napkins can be wrapped with satin ribbons (placing them on glue). You can cover it with corrugated paper or wrap it with twine. Beads, shells, and colored glitter are glued onto the branches.

A flower purchased or made independently will help to give the composition more individuality.

Step 2. Making the “ground”. Pour sand-cement mixture or alabaster into the pots. Add water, stir. Wipe the edges of the pot. We place the “trunk” of the tree in the center and fix it so that it freezes evenly. Sprinkle the top of the “soil” with pebbles or lay decorative moss.

In addition to the opportunity to obtain a decorative element of the required color, the master creates the form himself.

Attention! You need to “plant” the trunk in the flowerpot quickly. Alabaster and similar mixtures dry out very quickly.

Step 3. Create flowers. To make flowers from napkins on tree branches, you need to fold the napkin in half. Then cut in half again. It turns out to be a square with 4 additions. It is secured in the center with a stapler or stitched with thread. Then you need to trim the edges of the quadrangle so that you get an even circle. After this we form a flower. To do this, lift the edges of the first layer of the circle and compress it in the center. The result is voluminous petals. We do the same with the remaining layers of the flower.

Thematic photos of finished works will offer many options.

Step 4. Making the base for the crown. You can buy a ball-base for a tree made from napkins ready-made. Such foam blanks are sold in craft stores. There are several options for making a ball yourself.

The creative process begins with choosing or making a ball.

Ball made using papier-mâché technique. It's easy to do. You need to inflate a regular balloon. Cut paper napkins into pieces. We glue each of them with PVA glue. Cover the ball with the first layer of napkins. Leave the place where the ball is tied free. Let it dry completely. Then we cover it with a second layer of napkins and let it dry again. There should be 5 layers in total. After the glue has completely dried, we pierce the ball and take it out.

Flowers made from corrugated paper are attached to a blank ball using a heat gun.

Important! Before piercing the ball, make sure that the glued layers of napkins are completely dry. Otherwise the ball will be deformed.

Ball made from newspapers. It's the easiest thing to do. To do this, newspapers, magazine sheets or any paper must be compressed into a ball. Then we string the paper ball onto the trunk and form an even ball. We wrap it on all sides with thread or tape so that it does not lose its shape.

Advice. Before you make a tree from colored napkins, you need to cover the ball of newspapers with paper napkins or corrugated paper. Otherwise, newspaper prints will be visible through the “crown”.

Step 5. We make the crown. We attach a ball to the barrel. Using a glue gun, glue the flowers all over the surface.

Given the size of the ball, it is necessary to cover the entire surface.

Step 6. Decorate the topiary from paper napkins. We glue beads, butterflies, hearts and other intended decor to the crown. From below, under the crown, we tie satin ribbons of two colors.

How to make a heart tree from napkins with your own hands?

Do-it-yourself maypole hearts made from napkins look very impressive. Such a gift will definitely not go unnoticed. The step-by-step MK of “heart” topiary made from napkins coincides with the previous one. Only the step to create the crown is different. There are 2 options to make a heart crown.

If a non-standard size or shape is required, then it is easy to create it with your own hands.

  • Flat heart. Cut out a heart-shaped base from thick cardboard. Cover with paper flowers. You can make a hollow piece of paper in the form of a heart-shaped rim.
  • Volumetric heart. Any voluminous object in the shape of a heart (packaging for tea, sweets, powder compact) is pasted over using the papier-mâché technique. The result is a three-dimensional blank on which flowers are glued.

We decorate the topiary with flowers made of corrugated paper.

It is not advisable to use too dark color schemes for crafts.

Maypole made from napkins based on rose buds

A simple step-by-step tutorial will help you make your own topiary for beginners in the form of a lush bouquet of roses. The tree is made according to the classical scheme. But instead of ordinary flowers, roses are made of paper. To make roses from topiary napkins, you will need napkins of two or three colors: pink, burgundy, green.

  1. Cut the napkin (pink or burgundy) into 4 parts.
  2. Bend each one in half. We bend the corner on the left.
  3. Fold the strip from right to left. We fix the “bud” from below with a thread.
  4. We bend the second color of the napkin diagonally. It turns out to be a triangle. We wrap the top fold again with a thin strip of 0.5 mm on the outside. Place our bud on top of the resulting triangle and roll it loosely.
  5. Using the same principle, we roll up new layers of petals.

When using corrugation, you must make sure that your hands are dry, otherwise the material will not retain its shape.

Attention! The size of the triangles needs to be increased with each new layer of rose.

The petals are made from green napkins. They are cut into 4 parts. Fold crosswise. A hole is made in the middle. The bud is placed on a wire and threaded through the hole in the “petals”. The rose is ready.

When performing complex elements, the instructions should be in front of your eyes.

How to make topiary from napkins with lush flowers with your own hands?

The potted arrangement can be made more lush, giving it a rich texture and large volume. To do this, take 2-3 napkins at once. Cut into 4 pieces into equal squares. 8-10 pieces are fastened together. Fixed in the center with thread or a stapler. Then a circle is cut out of a square blank and, pressing layer by layer to the center, lush flowers are formed.

You can use several colors of napkins at once to create such voluminous flowers.

A topiary created on your own is a wonderful addition to the interior.

Rules for caring for topiary

A tree made from napkins will last longer if you follow simple rules for caring for your decorative craft.

  1. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight.
  2. Do not let the craft get wet.
  3. Clean from dust.

Today there are many different techniques for making topiary, for every taste and color.

This activity will certainly involve you, and the result will give you a lot of pleasure!

To prevent dust from spoiling the appearance of the product, it needs to be “blowed” with a hairdryer from time to time. But the temperature should not be hot. You can use a vacuum cleaner (at low speed) to remove dirt and dust. Or carefully walk along the crown with a special brush to remove dust.

Flights of fancy when creating topiary should not be limited.

Topiary is called the “tree of happiness.” In the East, it is a symbol of good luck, well-being and prosperity. A lush miniature tree will be a wonderful gift for any occasion.

The craft is easy to make with your own hands, it does not require large investments and time, and it looks impressive.

VIDEO: Topiary with flowers made of corrugated paper.

50 ideas for creating a topiary with your own hands:


The number of napkins and their size depends on the desired size and number of roses.

And so let's get started.

I only had simple single-ply napkins on hand.

Take the napkins and cut off two sides (where the napkin folds).

We got 4 squares from one napkin.

Why do we cut it this way - to save time. In this way, you can trim several napkins, rather than unfolding each one and cutting along the fold lines.

If you have multi-layer napkins, it is better, after cutting, to divide them layer by layer, that is, from a 2-layer napkin we will get 8 squares, from a 3-layer napkin - 12.

Take one of the squares and fold it in half diagonally and get this triangle.

Now we are working with the diagonal, we need to twist the end a little. I wet my hands a little and wrap the napkin around my fingers. In the end it should look something like this.

View from the other side.

We twist all the other squares in the same way. We get such a structure))).

Take one square with the edge turned away from you. We begin to form the core of our bud, bend one corner.

And twist the napkin.

As a result, we get this middle ground.

We begin to form our bud.

We take the blank and wrap it around the core

We take another petal and wrap it.

The number of petals depends on the desired splendor of the flower. This one has a core and 3 petals.

This one has a core and 6 petals.

After all the petals are collected, they must be secured with thread.

Our bud is all ready.

Having formed a sufficient number of buds, you can begin to design the composition.

For topiary you need a base - a ball. You can buy a ready-made one, or you can make it yourself. To do this, you need to form a ball from newspapers and paper and wrap it with threads. I use paper towels for this.

Then this ball needs to be secured to a base (bamboo sticks, a beautiful tree branch..), in the end you will get something like a lollipop))))).

And this lollipop then needs to be secured in a pot, bowl, jar, etc. and so on. I fix the entire structure with plaster. After all the manipulations, you can attach the roses to the base (with a hot gun, hot glue)

Here is a red topiary in the making. I apologize for the presence of various things in the photo)))).

For a bouquet

I attached the roses to barbecue skewers, and those that were hanging down were attached to a wire (I had to tear apart the twisted pair cable - the Internet wire)))

I hope that I explained everything clearly and that my master class will be useful to you.

I look forward to your comments and photos of masterpieces.

Good luck to everyone!