Paper envelope for CD from A4: template (master class). Gift packaging for CD Video. How to make an envelope from paper for a disk

A CD box is a very necessary thing, especially if you decide to record and give away a disc with your photos or a film. The disc case will keep it intact and make a beautiful packaging cover.

And more ideas for storing disks, because you can never have too many disks!

What is needed for work

For work we will need: 1 mm thick cardboard, kraft paper, designer paper, ribbon or elastic band, decorative tape, decorations, brush and PVA glue

Step-by-step master class on making a cover

We cut out 2 blanks from millimeter cardboard, measuring 14 by 14 cm.

First, we need to cover them with paper to cover the ends. You can use craft paper or thin scrap paper. We cut out a rectangle from it, its minimum size is 17 by 32 cm - we left allowances on all sides of 1.5 cm and a gap in the middle of 1 cm to form a “binding”.

To evenly glue the cardboard covers to the kraft paper, draw 3 lines: 2 lines in the middle with a step of 1 cm and 1 line at the bottom, at a distance of 2 cm from the edge. Now we need to glue it, apply PVA glue to the cardboard itself, in a continuous thin layer.

We cut off the corners, leaving approximately 1.5mm from each corner.

We bend and glue the allowances, first horizontally. We still use the same PVA glue, coat it well, carefully bend it so that everything is even,

In the middle we go through it several times with our index finger.

This way everything will be covered beautifully.

How to pack a CD as a gift
When it comes to what kind of gift you can give a man with your own hands, many give up. Indeed, not every man may like handmade gifts, so I always emphasize that you need to think a hundred times before deciding to make something for your man. But today I want to offer a rather interesting gift idea - a CD in a gift box. Read on for details...

Dear women and girls, in this article I will tell you how to make a small but rather original gift for a man with your own hands. Not every girl decides to make gifts for a man with her own hands, believing that they (men) are not fans of needlework and may simply not appreciate the efforts.

But a homemade gift doesn’t have to be knitted, embroidered or painted. Let's try to give a man a CD. Almost every home and every man now has a computer or laptop, so this gift will be very relevant for many.
Such a small and modest gift is quite suitable for the New Year holidays, February 14 or 23, or you can even give it to a work colleague.
But it’s up to you to decide what exactly will be on this disc. I will offer you two options.

Option 1 is simple. Go and buy a disc in the store with some game (if a man is interested), a favorite musical group (for a music lover) or any other information that is interesting for your man and package it beautifully with your own hands.

Option 2 - difficult. Buy an empty disk and write something on it yourself (I don’t know what, decide for yourself). For example, a collection of his beloved’s favorite songs will listen to them in his car and he will remember you with a kind word of a company that will not only select songs, but also make a cover with the image of his beloved.

Then you put this disc in a special box and pack it in colored paper or cardboard. For example, watch a simple master class from the site about how to make packaging (box) for a CD made of corrugated cardboard with New Year's symbols.

First you need to measure the plastic box for the disc, and then, using these indicators, make a blank like this, in which the fold lines must be pressed with some thin, blunt object so that the folds are neat.

We bend along the pressed lines.

We put the disc inside the box and, using glue or double-sided tape, seal our cover.

If the cardboard is simple, then you can decorate it with a piece of beautiful colored paper, with musical or New Year’s motifs. But if the cardboard from which you make the packaging already has a pattern, then you don’t need to go overboard. After all, we are preparing a gift for a man, and for the most part they love brevity and restraint.

The author of this master class suggests decorating the box itself with a small disk so that it is immediately clear what it is. Men - they are not so quick-witted!

You can glue a snowman or something else related to the holiday itself on voluminous tape. For example, hearts or doves, if it is a gift for Valentine's Day. Well, don’t forget to tie it with a ribbon. In this case, it is better to choose a narrow ribbon - a wide one will cover the entire gift.

It's nice when all the bright moments of past holidays and memorable dates, and their celebrations, are captured in photos or videos. They will warm the soul for a long time with the pleasant memories that arise when viewing them.

In this regard, now we will tell you how to make a beautiful packaging for a disk with your own hands, on which you can save those same photos and videos.

Such a gift can be suitable for almost any holiday, which naturally involved video and photography. Of course, this is especially true for Weddings. And in the end we will get such a beautiful thing.

Let's begin the process of making the packaging for the disc. Cut out two squares measuring 13 by 13 centimeters from thick cardboard. Then cut out a rectangle from colored paper of your choice in color and texture. Its size is a little more than 2 squares together - look at the picture.

We cut off the corners of the rectangle, bend and glue the strips protruding along the contour. Now we glue a piece of colored paper in the middle to form a folding point for the homemade packaging.

We cut out 2 squares from the same paper, slightly smaller in size than 13 by 13 centimeters - when applied, they should completely cover the cardboard. From another paper we cut out a couple of rectangles, slightly smaller in height than the first. We make cuts as shown in the picture.

The pictures show how to glue these parts together and glue them into the base of the workpiece. The final stage is decor and decoration at your own discretion. Because for Birthdays and Weddings they will be different and everyone will choose their own way to decorate such a craft.

Need to put in a disc? But it turned out that the box or envelope was not at home? We offer you a simple way to make a CD envelope from a regular A4 sheet.

How to make an envelope for a disc from A4?

To get a good product, you must strictly follow the instructions. To make it, we need the disc itself (CD or DVD) and a regular sheet of A4 paper.

Let's get to work!

1. We place the disk on the edge of the long side of the sheet of paper so that the center of its hole is in the middle of this edge - photo No. 1.
2. We bend the edges of the sheet to the size of our disk - photo No. 2.
3. We bend the sheet folded from the sides again, to half the size of the disk. We insert our disk into the resulting pocket - photo No. 3.
4 . We bend the remaining part of the sheet towards the disk and press it against it - photo No. 4.
5. We turn the same part of the sheet back and make small bends on the sides, in the form of wings - photos No. 5 and No. 6.
6. We insert the edge of the sheet with curved wings into the opposite pocket where disk photo No. 7 is located.
7 . Our A4 paper disc envelope is ready - photo No. 8.

This arrangement of the disc in an envelope is well suited for home storage. And if you want to take it to a friend, then it is better to put it not in your pocket, but in the middle of a sheet folded on the sides, as shown in the video below, to avoid street dust getting on the disc.

Video. How to make an envelope from paper for a disc?

In the hectic pace of modern life, we often miss important little things. So, for example, when we need to send a postcard or make a monetary gift, it turns out that we forgot to purchase an envelope. But you can find a way out of any situation. In this case, a couple of methods will be useful, describing how to make an envelope from A4 sheet.

Handmade envelopes have the main advantage of being variable in design and size. As for the first, envelopes made from:

  • multi-colored packaging paper;
  • thick colored sheets for the printer;
  • paper for creativity.

Such products can be decorated with scrapbooking or quilling elements - then the envelope will become even more attractive and original. The size of the envelope can be any size that matches the contents - from a disk or package of banknotes to thin books or flat paintings. The main thing is to choose the format of the sheet of paper.

How to make a CD envelope from A4 sheet?

Everyone is familiar with the situation when you need to find an envelope for a CD. And, if the original packaging is lost, there is no problem: a regular A4 sheet will help.


  1. Fold the sheet in half across the long side.
  2. We unbend the fold - this is the outline of the middle of the product.
  3. We fold one short side into a triangle so that its sides meet in the middle.
  4. Now we bend 4 cm inward on both long sides.
  5. Fold the workpiece along the intended fold.
  6. We bend the top edge inward to the level of the base of the triangle and wrap it inward.
  7. We bend the triangle with the top down. The disc envelope is ready.

Gift envelope for quick money

Banknotes as gifts are certainly not the most ethical souvenir, but they are nonetheless the most popular. To make up for some inconsistency with etiquette, it is customary to give money in an envelope. And here you don’t have to limit your imagination in choosing the shape of the holiday packaging, using a standard A4 sheet.


  1. Cut off part of the sheet to make a square.
  2. Fold the sheet along 2 diagonals and smooth out the folds.
  3. We bend one of the corners inward towards the center.
  4. We fold the workpiece along the center fold line.
  5. We reduce the lateral angles to the middle of the base of the resulting triangle.
  6. We bend the upper corner, which is in the middle, in the opposite direction and use our finger to form a rhombus out of it.
  7. We bend the upper triangle along the base line so that the top falls into the diamond. The envelope is ready.

Read also:

There is a more complex, but more elegant way to make an envelope for money.


  1. Fold the A4 sheet in half along the long side and unbend it.
  2. Now fold the upper right corner into a triangle towards the center of the fold.
  3. Repeat the previous step for the lower left corner.
  4. We bend the side of the figure so that its edge coincides with the side of the right triangle. We tuck the protruding lower edge behind the corner.
  5. Repeat the previous step on the left side.
  6. Now on the right we bend the corner with a triangle to the level of the bottom fold - tuck the corner under it.
  7. On the left we repeat the same operation. The beautifully shaped envelope is ready.

Making a beautiful envelope with a jumper

An elegant resealable envelope with a jumper can be made from brightly colored wrapping paper. Only the format for this model is still better to take A4.


  1. We bend the A4 sheet across the long side.
  2. Bend the top edge outward so that it meets the fold line.
  3. We again bend the resulting rectangle in half outward and upward.
  4. We straighten the last fold and make a fold along the line of its middle.
  5. We bend the lower corners of the workpiece slightly outward.
  6. We bring together the sides of the figure along the boundaries of the triangles.
  7. We unfold all the folds and fold the sheet along the first fold in the middle.
  8. Bend the folds of the rectangles outward and inward in 2-4 steps.
  9. We flatten the lower triangles along the folds so that the outer sides remain in their original position, and the inner ones fold inward.
  10. In the center of the triangles we bend the entire sidewall inward.
  11. We tuck the bottom corners inward.
  12. We fold the upper part with a tongue and bend it along the lower base of the resulting triangle.
  13. We hide the tongue behind the jumper in the center. The envelope is ready.