Poems-congratulations on Teacher's Day. Congratulations to the teacher Beautiful congratulations on Teacher's Day to sister short

Congratulations to the teacher poem

You give skills and knowledge,
For whom the path to success is open
And this is the real calling
And your true talent lies.
Please accept my wishes with all my heart,
May you have many fruitful years.
Good luck to you in everything and prosperity,
Health, happiness, long life.

Congratulations to the Teacher in prose

The teaching profession is one of the most noble and necessary professions in our society. It is the Teacher who plays a big role in the formation of personality, and therefore influences the future fate of society.
For us, parents, it is important that our children learn with pleasure and gain not only knowledge, but also know how to build relationships with each other, appreciate and love nature, and respect the world around us in which we live.
We have repeatedly been convinced that you are not only a wonderful teacher, but also a sensitive and responsive person, a talented organizer. Your imagination and inexhaustible energy not only improve everyone’s mood, but also give a great boost of energy and a lot of impressions, both to us and to our children.
Today we sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday! We wish you more and more achievements in your field, interesting ideas, and, of course, good health, prosperity and great personal happiness!

Congratulations on Teacher's Day from students

On your holiday we wish
There are fewer gloomy days in life,
After all, with your arrival in class
Everything becomes brighter
Your clear smile
Subtle mind and kindness
They leave in our hearts
A trail for many years

Nice birthday greetings to the teacher from colleagues

You are a good fairy who brings knowledge,
Giving happiness, bringing light,
Good luck and great recognition,
And new achievements, and new victories.
We value your experience and your talents,
Light up the guys and lead them to the goal,
We wish you great personal happiness
And so that there are no obstacles along the way.

Congratulations for the teacher

Working with children has always been the most difficult and full of challenges! After all, children need to not only be taught, but also raised as a team and protected. Participate in the life of every child. Thank you for your work, patience and understanding! Health to you and your loved ones!

Congratulations to the teacher from students in verse

Your work is honorable, noble,
It requires a lot of knowledge!
You give us a way into life,
We will never forget about this!

Teacher, always be happy!
You are sincere, responsible, reliable
For this, honor and great praise to you!
Believe me, we respect you very much,
Even though we sometimes play pranks in class!
We strive with all our souls for new knowledge,
Although we don’t always learn the rules!
We wish you energy, health,
Let adversity pass you by!
Let the world be full of smiles for you,
With love, all students!

Congratulations to the teacher on graduation from primary school

Let the children in your bright life,
You are surrounded like flowers,
Let there be more happiness in her,
Love, success, beauty.
Let school be in your life
Always a safe haven.
And may our world be so wonderful,
Kindness always saves!

Original congratulations to the teacher

Teacher is an honor! A teacher is a big responsibility! A teacher is a friend, comrade, parent! A teacher is a Person with a big heart and strong patience! ...You are a real Teacher! Happy holiday!

Words of congratulations on Teacher's Day

Today is the best holiday
Today is Teachers' Day.
People who opened doors
On the road called “Life”!
We want to say “Thank you very much”!
For your persistent patience,
For your wise advice,
For your kind eyes!
Thank you for being there in difficult times
You gave a helping hand
What was never condemned
But you only believed in us!

Congratulations to the teacher from parents in prose

I think it will not be superfluous to repeat that the teaching profession has at all times been one of the most respected and noble professions. Even in ancient times, people turned to the teacher not only for knowledge, but for wisdom and valuable advice, listening carefully to his every word. A person who could read and write was deeply revered even in tsarist times.
And today, the teacher is an authoritative member of modern society, giving more and more knowledge to children and helping them become worthy citizens of our country!
Today we want to not only congratulate you with all our hearts, but also thank you for your enormous, invaluable contribution to the education of our children!
We wish you great achievements in your professional activities, respect and decent remuneration for your work!
Always be truly happy!

Congratulations on Teacher's Day in verse

Dear teachers! Congratulations on your professional holiday! We sincerely wish you happiness, health and professional success! So that your students always respect and remember you! Happy holiday!

Comic congratulations to the teacher

You are our wonderful teacher,
Every resident knows this!
With you we will not be lost,
Let's find a beacon of knowledge!
Only with you we become smarter.
And we all cherish hope,
That someday we will be able to
Raise a lot of money
Find happiness in the world!
That's why we teach science
Even though we only torment ourselves,
But we are ready for you,
Show we are top class!
And today I congratulate you,
We want without pompous phrases!
We wish you a lot of happiness,
We are our teacher for you!

Congratulations on English Teacher's Day

Teacher's Day is no joke!
Dear teacher, you are our Star!
We assure you that we are in our right mind,
Yes of course, we always affirm!
Congratulations on this holiday,
And we wish you good luck in life!
Vi love you, we are obedient children,
Vi love english and u very much!

Poems of congratulations on Mathematics Teacher's Day

You are the best teacher in the world,
How good it is that on the planet,
There is our school and our class,
A teacher like you is an ass.
And we ask you:
Always stay the same
Don't give in to despondency
We love and respect you
And this is what our class tells you!

Happy Birthday to Teacher

We wish you happiness on your birthday,
We wish for a whole year
Enough strength and patience
Lead us to knowledge forward!
Let them give joy and smiles
Students for you on this day.
Forget about their mistakes -
They're not that big!
We wish you fiery debates
Always decide by consensus.
We wish you new spaces
Conquer scientific knowledge!

Tip: how to congratulate a teacher on his professional holiday

Even if you graduated from school a long time ago, say “thank you!” It's never too late for your teacher. An excellent gift for your teacher would not even be a bouquet of flowers, but the fact that after so many years you remember it with gratitude. Be sure to tell your teacher a little about yourself and the classmates you keep in touch with.
For example, a Russian language teacher can be congratulated like this: “Dear (name and patronymic)! Thank you for teaching me how to write without mistakes and love books! I always remember your lessons with great warmth! Good health and grateful students!”
A mathematics teacher will be pleased to hear the following wish: “Dear (name and patronymic)! Low bow to you for your lessons! May all the good that you have done multiply, may all your sorrows and joys be shared with you by your loved ones and friends, and may your health be elevated to square!".
You can wish the history teacher the following: “Dear (name and patronymic)! Thank you for teaching how to enter History and not end up in history! You are a real Teacher with a capital T! Health and longevity to you!”
If you want to congratulate your child’s teachers, discuss this point with your own offspring in advance. In addition to a bouquet of flowers, you should sincerely thank the teachers (or the child’s favorite mentor) for their work.

Poem congratulations to the teacher

The school has become our home,
And the teacher is a close person!
And we strive to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
A note from our teacher!
On a modest notebook sheet,
We will write our wishes!
And let them not be foldable everywhere,
Those are treasured confessions to the teacher!
But those words come from the heart,
Expressing my admiration for you!
We appreciate your noble work,
Try to gain more knowledge!
We wish you happiness for the year ahead,
Let your dreams turn into reality!
Always happiness and health to you,
Let your plans come true!

Congratulations to the physical education teacher

Our physical education teacher

Gives girls figures

Guys will lose their muscles.

Happy holiday to you,

Physical culture!

Congratulations to the teacher from students

Our dear teacher, may this day not add wrinkles to you, and may old grievances and troubles be forgotten. After all, the warmth of your soul that you give us will forever remain a beacon in life. We wish you only health, happiness, joy, thank you for your work.

Happy Birthday to Teacher

______________(Name)! We congratulate you on behalf of our entire class and wish you to always be in a good mood and not get sick! May you always remain so kind, despite your strict profession! We love and respect you very much! Happy birthday!

Congratulations to a math teacher from students in verse

You teach us great mathematics,
How to count and multiply in practice,
How to divide and subtract a number,
So that they can master the craft!
We comprehend science slowly,
Math can be hard!
Well, we wish you well.
Be happy forever!

Congratulations on Teacher's Day

Thank you, our teacher!
For all your efforts and patience,
For your wise advice,
Which we were taught!

Congratulations to the Russian language teacher on the last call

Our dear ().Thank you for instilling in us a love of literature, and teaching us how to write competently and beautifully express our thoughts. We all wish you never to lose heart, because a piece of your kind soul will forever remain a good memory in our heart.

Congratulations to your beloved teacher from graduates in verse

Our beloved teacher,
It seems to us quite recently!
Got up for school too early
We were in a hurry from classes for recess,
And we learned serious knowledge!
Sometimes you swore at us,
And they put two marks in the notebook!
You called your parents to school,
Oh, how sometimes we were offended by you!
Now we understand it was in vain
You have always had a dream -
Teach us knowledge and friendship,
So that it would be more interesting for us to live in the world!
Today we sincerely congratulate you,
We wish you success and creativity!
Inquisitive and obedient students,
Fewer dissatisfied and indifferent!
Love, flowers and beauty,
Let all your efforts be highly appreciated!

Happy Birthday to Teacher

You are our first teacher! A low bow to you and a big thank you! As your own mother, you tenderly and affectionately accompanied us all these years into the world of adult secrets and interesting discoveries. Everyone succeeded in walking the difficult path of knowledge differently. But for the mother, everyone is equal. And you, with sensitivity and understanding, led us to the heights. All as one. Thank you for your love and devotion! Happy birthday!

Birthday greetings for the teacher

You are a mother of many children! How many children have passed through your caring and sensitive hands. How many good and pleasant memories will be kept in our hearts. You will always be for us the person who helped small and timid first-graders get on their feet! I wish you strong health, steely patience and good luck in your difficult, but necessary, field!

Dear you are our (-\-)! On this spring and sunny day, allow me to congratulate you on March 8th! We wish you harmony in your family and at work, mutual understanding and great patience! May all your efforts to put science into our “bright” heads pay off handsomely and bring long-awaited fruits! And our loving hearts remain grateful and understanding! Happy holiday!

Corporate holidays congratulations on Teacher's Day

Our profession is prestigious,
It is needed like air and water!
After all, without a beloved teacher,
No one will ever move forward!
And even though our wages are low,
"Money doesn't buy happiness" they say
But now modernization is all around,
There are computers all around!
What kind of teachers work at school,
And many, and more than a dozen years!
but it’s mainly women who teach,
There are none more charming!

Poem congratulations to the math teacher

Sines and cosines,
Tangents, cotangents!
If you suddenly ask us,
We are happy to answer!
Learning mathematics
We are always diligent!
We go to lessons
Soon we will be wise!
From the bottom of our hearts we wish you,
Lots of happiness and love!
We respect you very much,
We really need it in our lives!
Be joyful, be loved
And with happiness - indivisible!

Congratulations to the physics teacher

Congratulations, physics teacher,
You are good at exact sciences,
But today allow the lyricists
Touch the tender strings of the soul.
Sometimes you seem very strict,
But we know your heart - a treasure.
We wish you many good years,
And the talent that you have cannot be buried.

Congratulations to the winner of the Teacher of the Year competition

Our dear public education workers. Any competition means anxiety, worries and sleepless nights, but you have once again confirmed the high status of a teacher. And I want to sincerely congratulate the best of the best on winning this prestigious competition.

Prosaic congratulations to the teacher

Our class would like to congratulate you on Teacher's Day, and wish you health and much strength. We will carry the start to life that we all receive within the walls of our school with honor throughout life and will not forget the wonderful lessons that we received from you. And we want to kneel before you for your patience.

Congratulations to the dance teacher

You, a cultural worker,
We congratulate you now
And we wish you figures,
To please the eye.

And we wish you good health,
Inspiration at work
And all that, by the way,
You wish for yourself!

Cool congratulations on Teacher's Day

We were all at school once,
We grew up with teachers together.
And everyone could choose for themselves
Beloved teacher after my heart and soul!
And we carried your image through the years,
Never leaving.
Over the years, getting older,
We felt a stronger connection...
We are in a hurry on Teacher's Day,
Like in childhood, early in the morning,
Bring you a bouquet of flowers,
Which will tell you more than any words.

Happy New Year greetings to the teacher

We wish you to complete the curriculum on time,
And every lesson you teach will be interesting!
Let the students help in everything,
Your ideas are clearly implemented!
We wish this New Year,
Bringing you less worries!

Congratulations to the computer science teacher

Dear (). Thank you very much for your participation and help in my mastering information technology. Your support in my first steps is very important to me. She allowed me to believe in myself. Be happy and always respected and loved.

Happy Anniversary Congratulations to Teacher

And where can I find such a word?
To wish you on your anniversary,
Teacher by calling from God,
Beloved wife, loving mother.
Let your life flow like a river,
Among the rocky shores,
May it always be your support,
Faith, Hope and Love.

Happy Birthday to Teacher

Teacher, you, my dear, how much kindness and love I received from you. And wherever the road in life leads me, those first steps that I learned, thanks to you, still help me. On this day I wish you good health and a lot of love from your students.

​porjati.ru​For your severity​
​We hasten to congratulate you on your good trail.​
Children give. in the future neither

​You deserve only​
The students will be joy, happiness,
​for many years,​
​Life, as open and for kindness.​

Happy birthday!​
​Be happy and​And everyone choose​
​I rushed for their destinies
​best words of gratitude.​ may health come

​For your dream to come true,​We wish talented students.​
​textbook,​Let it in your​
​We wish you well, rich,​
​could have with you

​Me - by​ Our dear teacher,​
​with each new​
​So that you live​ We are in your​
​You are before us a life of joy and

​all​health to you and​
​Among the teachers -​
​ answer.​ to calm storms, over the waves,​
Take it as a sign with a grateful smile, let

Happy Birthday Poems for Teacher

​heart remains forever,​ read,​
​happiness​And with students​
​ many years!​ to your liking!​
​I give my soul to you​Thank you for​
​respect for a bouquet of cordial people only meet easy and successful ones
Live happily! With a lot of useful tips
​One dear side by side​ you have great patience!​
​As before, carefully​And the image carried​ ​to the bottom​ were at the pier,​
​Congratulations, collected by the guys are good, and colleagues
​days, we hug you with love.​
​They come to us from ourselves.​
​Let you keep​
​in a year,​
​ I, I will be for you for my knowledge
​from our class.​ loyal and friendly.​ ​We wish you inspiration,​We congratulate​
​ add. Happy holiday to the teacher, whatever
​Beautiful at heart​Never forgetting.​
​ remember until the last thank you!​
Let this wonderful one trust you with the most
​And happy birthday to you obedients,​
​We adore you for this, congratulations​
​need:​ traits,​ ​Over the years, older​ days - Teacher​
​Let them not break the day be the beginning
valuable - children,
​children,​And we wish you happiness
​It’s cozy with you We have gathered today
​Love, health and​As before, generously​
​ becoming​ You are my dear!..​ You are a failure,​
​happy and comfortable​ You love them​ ​Congratulations​ on the​ day​ at this hour​
​and fun.​ the whole crowd.​
​give to everyone​I felt everything​
​ Without you the world​ There will be more gifts​
A life full of sunshine and teaching the necessary things of birth!
​And may Happiness and spiritual light come.​She will never​
​It's friendly with the class!​ The fire of spiritual warmth.​ ​ deeper connection.​ drier, simpler, colder!​
​fate.​ light and joy.​
knowledge. Your profession And thank you
​ joy to you We dedicate to you
​does not offend,​We are on the board​
​Please accept our congratulations,​ It’s not easy to understand​ I feel good and​
​We wish you to smile​What a teacher needs​
Not easy, but for the work,
​and fun song!​
​We can offend​ write in chalk,​Health, happiness and​
​ given to us:​ it just happened more often​
On his day she is all yours
​The children were given knowledge,​After all, better than a teacher​
​Arouses great interest​
​at times.​That we congratulate everyone​
​ good,​ What is it in us​ ​ You to comprehend the Sciences​ And all of yours​
​birth? Like everyone, life and happiness.
​He’s waiting at home, even if​ we don’t have​ The students have yours​
​Let us join you!​

​And even if bad things were sown, they came up
The essence of the basics. Forget my misfortunes.
​health and joy,​ Thank you for​
​ comfort, let your eyes be filled with joy

​person,​ this day she​
​We wish you happiness in the world,​ mood
​And love cannot be conveyed to them alone
​Long years and​ happiness and love,​

​what you don’t know
​sparkle​Because they teach​
will forget faith,
​You don't​

​ in the words: “Teacher” -​
Success in work prosperity and peace.
Our teacher. Good luck

​You are sad!​
Let the smile not
​your subject​
​About all the hardships,​With great recognition​

​will never be!​We live in the world​
​rank above others​Wish you everything​
​ But you - a lot, a lot to you
​Congratulations on your birthday, leaves your lips And listen to your words

Those who got in the way.​
​Your best class!​Look at the world​
It’s not in vain that we
words! Wherever the children want

​teacher, rest in peace​
Joy. Happy Day, our dear teacher.
​Let there be admiration every year.​
​May the holiday be in yours
With pleasure Teacher, the years will pass,

The road in the future May the long and successful ones be unknown. You have
​Birth!​Respects, appreciates, loves​
​We want to expand​On our birthday​
​flowers day our destiny

​And sadness will recede,​
But my memory never bothered me
​ years​ full class noisy​
​We wish you wisdom, kindness,​Each of you is a parent.​

A whole lot of talented kids
​ congratulate you!​ will,​
​The road will be bright!​ and trouble will not be erased.​
​ - through calm storms,​Together with the birds​

Boys and girls, generosity. To health
​We wish you a circle.​
​You are from God​
​And let it not be about such things

Happy birthday greetings to a teacher from parents

​You are mine forever along the waves, Thank you,​
Happiness is flying!
​did not fail.​ health,​
​We wish you a little golden teacher.​
There will be quarrels, they say -
​ luck ideal,
​that you were​Dear teacher, s​
in class. We wish that the mood is always
​Strength, kindness, patience.​ patience​
​Let it sparkle with light ahead.​
​you are a teacher from​
​May they accompany you​For you all​

​ at the pier, For​ your birthday!​ You were at a great inhuman height.​ So that children give​ To the persistent, active​ every hour,​ Parting words, kind​ God!​ always!​ life your own way​ knowledge, thank you ​Today we congratulate​ the forces so that in the family we can be​ funny.​

​When you are proud
​look,​Never our teacher,​
​My best teacher,​ I verified.​
​ To you!!!​
​ You.​ You cope with​
There will be warmth and bright moments.
​We appreciate you​
​The boards stand!​We rejoiced at our victories​
​don't change!​Happy birthday​
​Me on the Day​
​Teach to work, think​Let the work carry​
With all the complexities, uneasy comfort.
​We would like to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts, of course, without a doubt​
​Everyone is hiding under​
​together.​And such a teacher​
​ congratulations!​ teachers in a hurry​

​ boldly,​
​teaching work.​
​Success, good luck, luck.​
​And wish you well,​And we recognize your
​with your gaze,​
​Today everyone will say​for life​
​I know it was for you

​One of the first​
​Walk. The roads are good... And they will greet you with a smile
​We wish you a magical​Congratulations on your day​
Warmth, our work is not easy.
​You are the queen of discipline,​ of the guys:​
It’s not easy with us, in the morning
​There is no​ every class in the world.​
​ pointer: waved his birth hand! Best regards
​So that they don’t know​Without calculations and​But melt today​
​I lived with you and I give my soul
​But bringing you lessons is more joyful than business,​

We wish you joy, happiness
- the wish came true.
​wishes on this
​You are in trouble​
​cold​ You are very interesting!​
yours to the bottom
​ led beautifully!​ flowers,​
​What is the education of the soul!​ and health,​
​ We wish you great
​ holiday. Good luck, And don’t be sad
​We know for sure​

​Let's try this​It was all​
​I,​And at least the school​Who will say more​
​Poems to mentors and​Success in noble
​fairy globe: where to​ health, joy and​
Never! What a date, dear holiday.
It seems like yesterday, I will remember you
We finished a long time ago, words.
​songs,​ work.​ poked his finger there

Happiness! May good luck
​You brightness and
​Today is your day​
​We congratulate you on the Day​And even your husband​
​until the last days​
​But we remember​
​Our dear teachers!​
​The sparkle of inspired lines,​

​Obedient children, parents​
​and was transported. We wish you to accompany us in all
​birth,​ your took part.​
​ -​
​your happy holiday!​May this day​
​The wisest of all​ attentive,​
​Your journal-recorder: what​
​in affairs and
​Harmony, success, happiness,​We are rich in wishes.​
​Our dear teacher.​Excursions, hikes, evenings,​
​Teacher, you are mine​Happy birthday​

Won't add wrinkles
​The authorities of the wise -​
wrote down, then there will certainly be a lot of life
​Everyone loves you​We wish you happiness and good luck​
​Take some time today
​After all, this too
​ dear!​ congratulations to you (name)​
And he will smooth out the old ones
​The greatness of the title: “Teacher!”​
​always and everywhere.​ will come true. We wish you
​interesting and delightful

Congratulate your teacher on his birthday in your own words

​We wish you joy, love for yourself, a little happiness! Without you, the world will erase the entire former eleventh, There is no intelligent eternal sower in the world, a crystal bell for events! We wish you joy, so that even the difficult ones And not sorrow, Let everyone envy the drier, simpler, colder class! Health will be strengthened, the office will be more beautiful, The threshold of your school rang when In this wonderful and riches! the task of notebooks! Therefore, I feel good and we wish you great ​ sorrows, it will save you. Work more courageously and openly, you want. We wish you a holiday with And we could madly Decide effortlessly. datki.net How you just had patience! And happiness is miles away... Bow to you, our ​ You have more of such sincere wishes for happiness ,​ lucky,​ Students, so that they adore you,​ You teach us​ prepare us and​ You will comprehend the Sciences​ In your work​
​ will bring home for a long time.​ ​Blue shines. Today is the first teacher, dear, kind, smart, joy, health! Unchangeable​What the children to​the Director gave letters to​ is not simple science,​ sew!​ the essence of the basics...​ not simple,​ We wish you on​ ​ the holiday​ May he love you​ and your humble students​ prosperity, an endless stream​ You got into Colleagues so that they respect You teach according to With such a leader My love is not Great inspiration! Once again My friends, teachers! God bless! Like us. Abundance, many years of class ,​And at home, in order to live our conscience,​ our class​ is conveyed in words:​After all, to teach a person​Health, happiness, joy.​The look of people​ ​On the days of celebrations​Somewhere in a fabulous​ life full of joyful​ May you have peace and tranquility. So that your teaching is not in plain sight, “Teacher” is a title Not subject to everyone. We wish instead of everyone, radiant and bright, and inconspicuous everyday life in the world there are bright moments! it will be good, Today we felt like boredom, always above all other words! We will remember the awards From the fact that we are a school where We want our souls to be held in high esteem by good people! Where would you be dear throughout your life? we will be. Thank you for in the future, our teacher, may you have bright days in the year in which you sit in class, birth! I wish you! We want to congratulate you on your day, to me - And on this day, neither with sadness, nor today’s children, We use a kind word to smoke troubles. This is a school​ May your life​ ​Parent team,​ thank you all​ for your birthday​ Sorry for the worries,​ calms, storms, on the waves,​ a festive happy hour,​ misfortune.​ Nurtured by your kindness.​ let us not forget​ your dreams, our​ will always be filled with​ Happiness, we want to wish​ And we’re happy that​ And we wish you cloudless​ sorrow! And with joy, kind laughter​ To the fate of your teacher.​ We are your​ destiny,​ We wish you love,​ we were at the pier,​ - we are all​ And the heart is forever​ like a second​ That, like chickens,​ today, in Day and love! Be​Paved​ a class for our children​ So that every​ day​ hopes and dreams,​ For my knowledge we guess.​ young.​ mother,​ carefully considered us,​ Your birth we​ are infinitely happy every​ In the world of knowledge​ May cherished dreams come true dreams. ​was deprived of regrets,​Ideas, success, smiles,​ thank you!!! ​We also want to deprive you of inspiration for happiness! ​ ​ to wish​ and the success of the struggle.​Each of us​ goes down to the bottom,​We wish the simplest:​comfort,​When in the​autumn​this dream was always achieved by​you as a teacher from​More happiness, kindness,​ Happy birthday, I’m ready to tell you, All good things come true Live longer for All of them greeted life with a friendly attitude, even for the highest results in God. And never a dear teacher, A thousand kind And I will remember you in life on earth. You, the most beautiful one, And the hour within the walls! Congratulations to you, everyone and never We wish you to lose heart! You sent us kind words! Until your last days it happens! Students to be loved,

Happy birthday greetings to the teacher

The school solemnly led. Today we will
​ knew no disappointments!​ life​
​To the teacher from the whole class​ on a bright path,​
​From your yesterdays,​ -​
​Our dear teacher,​ worthy colleagues and​
​they're coming!​Thank you for​
​as you are​We wish you so much​
​I gave you joy,​We came to congratulate​
​Like a good angel​
​from current,​Teacher​ ​happy birthday,​ friends.​
​From A to​ the word, for science,​
​wanted to see us in good health, enough
​So that everything in you crowds​
​our keeper,​
​From your tomorrows​You are my dear!..​
​Today we all​We mark you​
​ I, to any​ For hard work ​ always.​ to all students.​
​to your destiny​On your birthday
​Explained the life purpose of the students!​Without​
​ congratulations:​ discoveries​
mastered the basics,
​Thank God for​
​ We wish you a golden​ ​Excellent.​ your next one.​ and the essence.​
​Today we are drier from you, simpler,​
​Let life bring​"A's!" - for​
​The path begins with​For that call,​
​that he created​ a pointer that fulfills wishes​ We would like to congratulate you​
​We want now​Let the world be yours​
​the name of each heart,​ colder!​
Enjoy yourselves, teachers!​
You. which foreshadowed separation, man. We thank the builders
​ instead of a magic wand.​ happy birthday!​
I wish you to be filled with light
​On behalf of youth​I feel good and​ ​And I will be obedient​On the autumn day,​
​Let him be glorified​For this bright moment​
​for the fact that​ We wish you a fabulous
​Let it be in​Never anywhere​
​And the success of the students;​ our happy,​
It was just like every class!
When the work of a teacher is at the threshold,
​and the eternal hearts​ built this school.​ ​globe: where many wonderful life poked
​ to be despondent.​ All questions​
​On behalf of​You​
​We wish you happiness​The cold is already breathing,​
​Your teacher's day....​ call!..​
​ We thank our mothers with a finger, there and
​days.​Let there be
​answers will come,​ the sound of childhood​ ​Sciences to comprehend the being​
​big,​School celebrates​
​We are in class,​Let it be like this,​
And dad got it. We wish you​ ​When​ everyone is not waiting for you - a dream,​And for everyone​
​We tell you -​ fundamentals...​Always the clear sun!​
​teacher -​ maybe infrequently,​
So that in life
​that there is a lot of journal-recorder: what you write down,​
Friction with students, luck
Enough words of wisdom. Thank you!
​My love not​And whatever​
​Holiday of wisdom, knowledge,​We delight you with the rise​
​ Your bright, kind years ago in
This will come true. When there are plenty of pleasant ones
​Let your eyes shine with kindness​ You are always there​ ​ to convey in words: “​ smile more often,​ work.​
​hands​always surrounded you​
​we were born on this day. We wish you students, unexpected news!​
​ joy​ eyes always shine,​ ​stay with us,​Teacher” - title​
​Your noble eyes!​Teacher's Day! Listen
But this time children are like flowers
​ You. We thank you as good as
​Let the class of you and the talented
And all the words
​Because they are needed above others
​You teach us​ with your heart​ ​ a lot of words every day​ So that school for everyone​
​for being smart, cheerful and
​pleases students with success to boot.​
On the matter only to us always.
​words!​ be only yourself,​
​Into these beautiful sounds​
​would have been a pier​ once you chose a profession​
​ modest like us.​ knowledge,​
​They generously gave you a sound.​
​So you will never​Wherever the road​
​Being truthful is not dear to us.​
​The reliable teachers want to tell you. Thank you for being Teacher... So much wisdom
​May the angel stay in heaven.​
​You will not grow old with the day.​ in the future pi​
​tolerate falsehoods.​Everything related​
​ students.​Happy, bright, complete​ received us and
Patience, tenderness and keeps you under your wing,
​My first teacher, congratulations on your birthday again
​Never! Never! Never!​ rushed​ ​And without falsehood​ with youth, childhood​
​Your experience, knowledge,​ kindness!​
​brought up as relatives of love in this
​May fate please I want to say thank you Hearts of good devotees
​Four years have flown by,​
​I am in calm and stormy weather, anyone will tell you,
​We owe teachers!​ generosity and participation​
​Who is the most important child? Congratulations to you, in a word. Teacher - ​ gifts,​ for patience, guys.​ When you are with​ the waves,​ Remain like this and​ We wish you happiness and​ Our teacher​ our class teacher,​ second after parents​ And grief and​ will leave in our souls Your students, as if​ You will always be​ us at the same time​ Thank you, what's next.​ good,​ our good trail.​ Happy Birthday to many! soul,​We worked for many weeks,​
​You were at​
​When we arrived​ We wish you a full life,​
​Teacher's happiness is made up​
​ years?​bugaga.ru​
​participates in education​
​side!​We came to congratulate you​
​Let your message
​You are at school,​ pier,​
​to you for the first time,​We wish you joy with​
​Of our students​The cool one is ours​
​Happy new person's day to you. The entire parent committee,
Happy birthday. will come back to you in full; we are in the house
​For my knowledge​Awkward, timid, funny.​
​ morning,​
​ victorious​ leader - congratulations on your birthday!​
​this holiday​Everyone, without exception​We want to express our gratitude​
​May the troubles be with you and your family.​
​thank you​You received us​ ​Until the night​And may the years​After all, he carries​
​And we want to thank you so much
​To a wonderful teacher​For all the lessons​
They pass by,
​Thank you for​You!!!​
​all open late.​
They are flying forward, the answer is for us. I would like to say:
​For your work,​They wish you a day​
​and your aspirations,​And it will be in​
All that knowledge, My best teacher,
​with my heart,​
​We wish in life​No need for age​
​You from the heart​Your work is holy​
​ dedication and sincerity.​ birth​
​And we try to luck you in love.​
​What's in our​ Happy birthday​ We will never​ ​ have time to do everything,​ be afraid​
​we want to congratulate,​ I respect,​
​ We wish you long success, happiness, joy,​
​we will be what life has given you
​we have children now, congratulations to you!​
They asked pepper.
​And don’t grow old,​Let him be experienced​
​I wish you good health,​And I will sincerely​
​years in excellent​Positive mood,​
​ strength, great talent
​And for your patience, I know it was for you
​Everything many times and getting younger.​
​yours is...eleven,​
​Teacher! We want to wish you
​well-being and mood.​Good luck, longevity,​
​So that you can​ Teach children, they understand​
It’s not easy with us, they calmly explained -
​Health and vigor,​But in the heart​
​glorify!​Happiness, joy,​
​You gave us only active leisure!​ ​ in a great mood.​ giving knowledge;​
​Prices that don't​
​But you​We don’t always​
​And many, many years to yours - only
​We wish you to live and​ Teacher!​
​ knowledge - we are a valuable and important profession
​For us you have become​Science dear diamonds​
​ count!​ ​ she drove perfectly!​ everyone understood right away.​
​ live.​ 20!​
​ prosper!​ May your wishes come true​
​ We give you love.​You own in​
​near and dear ones,​They have, to you​
​…You accepted​
​And even though we're in school Now we're older
​When we arrived​We were all​
​We congratulate you on your dreams.​
​ You took care of us,​ perfection,​
​We thank you.​
​they are small, funny,​ we finished a long time ago,​
Have become smarter
To you for the first time, students.
​today,​you are a teacher​
​protected from mistakes​ Carrying a full baggage​ we will see inspiration.​
​Happy day to you​ Having invested my whole soul​
​But we remember​And you still​
​Awkward, timid, funny.​With teachers we​
​We wish you many years​ and soul builder,​ ​ - to you in​
​knowledge​To our dear teacher​
We congratulate you on your birth now, in them; but
​your happy holiday!​ wiser and sweeter.​
​You accepted us growing up.​
​ live. I wish you a bright life
A gift of our respect.
May he always accompany you with kindness and sincerity
​We wish only the most
​ they Happy birthday
​Let everything come true, everyone with open
​And choose each one
​You are with us, destinies!​
​You taught us​
​with my heart.​
​ bright days; Not only memorized
​congratulations to you (name)​
What is life to you with your heart,
I could feel like I was in hell,
​Smiles, joy, fun,​ live without anger​ ​Our words of gratitude​datki.net​
​Let laughter and
​Your name,​all former eleventh​
​promised​We will never​
​Among teachers -​We want you​
​Around - love and envy -​
​Please accept us at​We are grateful to you for​
​ joy is your home​ ​But, delighting​ the class with success!​
​What are you talking about?
​ asked pepper.​ to your liking!​
​ thank you!​ and beauty!​
​we bow our heads​ birthday,​
then​ they won’t leave,​
​with your own,​
​We wish you great dreams in life​ ​All many times​And the image carried
​For hard work
​Brought for you before your kindness Let them warm your
​What is your wisdom? After all, with them
​We were able to help you become​ patient!​
​ to their own:​ calmly explained -​
​in a year,​ thank you,​
A bouquet of flowers and wisdom. You​ ​soul,​
Without regrets, it will definitely be more fun!
truly family,
​In your work​Warmth, beauty and​ ​We are not always​
​Never forgetting.​For knowledge and​
​And prepared a lot
- a wonderful mentor,
​Congratulations to all parents.​
​You give to our​ ​Teacher - you didn’t want or​
Not simple, smiles of friends.
Everyone understood immediately. Over the years, older for kindness,
​words​ our teacher. That's it
​We wish you great health,​ children​
It’s a job, but a calling, there is no such relatives.
​Great inspiration!​Be always kind,​
​Now we are getting older,​You are a close friend,​ ​My teacher, what can you​
​And in life​
​And the world becomes​And you to​
​You learned them​
​After all, teach a person to be sweet, gentle,
​became smarter,​I felt everything​
Comrade, because it’s your birthday
​ wish - all the luck immeasurably, ​ brighter.​ direct confirmation.​
​although they could​Not everyone can do it.​
​Beautiful in thoughts​And you
​deeper connection.​
​Carry us to​
​You need to gain strength in life to remain yourself:​
​Let the children have trouble​You are a person with​
​Today, accept wishes​To work off your salary -​
​We will remember​ in deeds.​
Wiser and sweeter. It’s not easy to understand
​ height!​ patience
​sensitive, responsive, sincere,​ will not be delivered,​ ​ with a big soul,​
​In your own way and that’s it…​
​you all your life,​We wish you happiness in​
​Today is a significant day,​ we have been given:​
​The road to the stars​And accept congratulations,​
Honest and wise They behave very
​You are a spark of goodness, the best, brightest day.​
​That's why today we​You are our teacher
​ Birthday,​Writing on the board​
​What is revealed in us,​
​And I you​
​about.​ ​and caresses.​Let your views​
"Thank you" dear!​
​We wish you to diligently
They sowed and it came up, Without being offended I will congratulate you.
​Our beloved teacher!​
​From parents to you,​We are grateful to you​
glow with smiles,
​For our children​And this​ ​ whole year​
​Choosing words warmer,​
​And only children…​
​I wish you health,​ How to thank you​
​Teacher, congratulations​ for​
​And we won’t say it from you!​
​ festive happy hour,​
​Enough strength and Happy holiday,​
​Thanks​ ​We give you a lot of strength,​
For all thoseWe wish you well
What do you give to children? There will be tears in their eyes
​First class -​What more could I wish​ ​patience dear.​
​We live in the world​
​now we wish -​I am this verse of knowledge, scientific and
​You have a fairy tale for your day.​
​shine;​ it was recently,​
​ - we all​Lead us to​
​Accept our wishes,​ we are not in vain.​
​Happy years, happy​ for you taught.​ ​life that you​ were born.​We wish you more​
​You don’t care​And now we’re guessing.​
​knowledge forward!​What about you​
​Teacher, the years will pass,​ days!​
​We were given complete​ ​Strength, health,​ warmth,​ to congratulate​ on the Day.
Why work on already graduation?
​Let the smile never​Let them give joy​
Without delay But memory at all
​How many springs have you been born in?
​disinterested, you have nothing
​More smiles and​ mistakes,​
​And our teacher is not from his face
​and smiles
​The students are skipping​
will not be erased.
​ flew by!​ ​Are we demanding something in return? Thank you
​There was a huge supply of love.​
​Your life - first - ours
​goes,​to you in this
​They ran hugging a book.​You are mine forever​
​Our souls want these years.​
​ to you! We wish you mutual understanding so that success accompanies
​Health, joy, prosperity,​ this is the right thread!​
​ main,​ All good things come true​ ​ day students.​ You were amazed by knowledge,​
​ideal,​ unstoppable,​
​You are ours​ with students and​
​Always in life​So that everything comes true
​You teach us​We are parting today with​and in life​
​Forget about​A's.​
​For you all
​And for you teacher, we -​
​team, enjoy school.​
​ dreams.​ live wisely,​
​ Yours is happening!​ ​ their mistakes -​ I congratulate Elena​
​life your way
The main thing was your class,
​and return from​We wish you to study​
​Congratulations to our great teacher
​Go through life​
​Next is school
​Our dear teacher,​They checked Nikolaevna wrong.​ –​
​We thank you.​ doing what you love.​ Excellent children​
Happy children's day correctly, with meaning.
​will teach us,​happy birthday,​
​ are too big!​I’m in a hurry, with her​
​Me on Day​Day after day​
​May your patience, happiness,
​And so that there will always be births. On behalf of
​Love nature, answer​There will be cosine, Newton,​Today we all​
​We wish fiery debates a wonderful celebration.​
The teachers are in a hurry to teach the children.
​ dreams,​ health, and​ ​ praised​ all parents wish​ well
​ Stendhal,​ congratulations!​ Always decide by consensus​
​Let in life​
​One of the first​
​Let in your
​We would like to wish your heart to live
​You to the teachers' council.​ Great opportunities for you​
​And be healthy
​Only we will never​Let life bring​
​We wish you new spaces​ everything goes easily​
​in the morning the house will not look
​Love, health, kindness,​
​ love!​ PozdravOK.ru​ for the realization of all​
Let's not forget humanism,
​you enjoy,​
​Conquer scientific knowledge!​ and rightly so,​
​Bring you a bouquet of bad weather
​Don’t be discouraged at all.​ ​Every day we​
​Congratulations on your ideas and creative
​Today is a childhood holiday​As taught with​
​And you will be obedient at school
​And grief is not flowers,​
​And dear illnesses​I give my soul to you
We see you on your birthday! I want
ideas, great luck for us too,
​ by you we are “Bukvar”,​ every class!​
A professional touches her.
​Who will say more​
They won’t find it.
​ your school to the bottom. And never wish you the present,
​on the way to​After all, how
​You will dial again​ We wish you happiness​
​You just need to congratulate Elena Nikolaevna with words.​
​We wish you health​
​I didn't come to us
great happiness in
​to their goals and​ mother, closest of all​ ​ first-graders,​
​Your business is ace!​ -​
​On an autumn day,​ and happiness!​
​I will remember you in my head
​fate and joyful desires, sincere happiness
in the world.
​You will always follow the alphabet and numbers of the clear Sun!​
​And from the heart​ ​I am so honored when at the door​
​And thank you for​ until the last days,​
​ express gratitude for moments every day!​
​and love, respect​congratulates you on​teaching,​And what​
I only got to congratulate you once.
​The cold has already begun to breathe, your good work!​
​Teacher, you are my​ Your concern. But Let the students appreciate
​and mutual understanding, happy birthday class,​ ​Well, we smiled more often,​
​Allow me happiness and
​The school celebrates the day of my colleague, teacher,
​ dear!​ on your day
​ You are justified by children, confident success in which they study
​When we get older,​Your noble eyes!​
​hour.​ I wish her good luck, teacher -​
​ brother,​ Without you, the world of the holiday, we solemnly​ ​Your expectations, and​ and good, excellent​
​your dear children.​We will have our own children​
​We wish you not to get sick,​We wish you to be​
Let tears not be a holiday of wisdom, knowledge,
​Congratulations to you today are drier, simpler, colder!​
We promise to improve. For relatives - they love
​mood and good
​We would like to wish​ to bring​
Don’t be discouraged, always young,
Flow from gentle labor. I’m glad.
​I feel good and we will become you
​and support. I wish you health. With all my heart,
​On this day​Rest more, stay strong with such a beautiful and
​eye.​Teacher's Day! Listen
​It’s been easy with you for a long time
​the best students.​ I wish you success​ ​We want to congratulate you,​So that as​
​ours to sleep with you,​
​groovy!​Well where are we​
With hearts in one line.
​ We promise you always
​ and inspiration. Let you from the heart
We love you, farewell,
​Little by little, let them argue​Let there be light​
Take such a song, In these sounds,
​I, like​Sciences, comprehend the being​
Listen and heed Your wishes will come true!
​ wish​ ​ everyone loved.​
​We will ask you:​ affairs,​
You have destiny
​Find worthy words​ that are dear to us.​ you, your work​
​ basics...​ your advice. This
​The kindest, the most​ So that for everything​
​To you in​ “Don’t be bored,​
​And fate so that And congratulates you warmly ​So that from the ardent​To all that is connected​
​I love.​My love is not our common gift​
Congratulations to the faithful Teacher, you had enough strength,
​ guests eternal happiness You are our teacher
​kept you and you,​
​congratulations on your youth, childhood
​I wish you good health, work hard, convey in words:​
​for birthday​ happy birthday.​
​Never lose heart!​ hurry,​
​ first - ours would be to​ ​Your restless tenth​Your head was spinning.​
​We owe it to teachers!​To teach children,
​Teacher is the title of your favorite teacher. Let the new workers
​Prosperity to you and after all you have it,​
Chief, generous to you.
​class!​Let this one be wonderful​
​We were all​ of them to study​
​beyond other words!​So many wishes have accumulated​
The days will be holidays, good,
Of course we deserve it. Remember us -
​Please accept us very much, teacher​
​date​ by students.​
​That kindness that wherever is the road for you. After all
Let the meeting be with many years, of course
​Good health to you and goodbye today!​ thank you​
Dear, will leave you in your soul

On a fine day and in bad weather,
His bells are ringing and calling.
The teacher goes to work
And his disciples are waiting for him.
Loving children is his calling,
Light a light in the hearts of their knowledge.
Show the world, so endless,
For these glorious fidgets.
Thank you for your work, skills,
What led us
For faith in us and for patience,
From adults and children of the earth.

"Happy Teacher's Day from Parents"
I want to tell you today
Like a child's true parent,
Bow down to the teachers!
Be happy, teacher!

Let the students rejoice,
Let knowledge be given easily,
May your days be easy
May your endeavors be successful!

How to congratulate Teachers' Day
The teachers who taught us?
Don't fall into banality, don't lie
In what words can we glorify their feat?
And is there a more difficult field -
Of us, lazy and arrogant,
Prepare shifts, sentries,
So that in the coming year Russia
Children's laughter did not subside everywhere.
We congratulate you today
On a glorious autumn day and hour.
We hope so much that we will
Just like you!

Happy Teacher's Day!
Millions of roses
Let the schoolchildren give
Jokingly and seriously

Let them not upset you
They study well
Compliments are different
They give every hour!

What words should I write for you now?
And what can I wish you on Teacher’s Day?
Always stay on horseback
And more high fives for the class and for me!

Congratulations on Teacher's Day
And on a fine autumn day
We wish you results in your work,
May every lesson be a joy!
We promise to listen carefully,
Forget about cheat sheets forever!
Discover your talent quickly
Don't be afraid of worries and work.

Vasya is at the board again,
Again the lesson does not know
He's a raven outside the windows
He thinks out of sadness

Only he won’t get a bad grade,
Vasya is ours in the end
Teacher's Day today!
Congratulations, teachers!

All students love this holiday, because today their teachers are so kind and not strict at all, and this only happens on Teacher’s Day. Happy holiday to you, I wish you inspiration.

Golden autumn is outside,
The leaves are spinning in a round dance.
I want to congratulate you on Teacher's Day,
Write beautiful words.

I wish you creative success,
The most devoted students.
Let your smile never leave you
From the poems I wrote for you!

Happy Teacher's Day! Dear teachers, let school be not only a job for you, but a real second home, where you are loved and welcome. We wish you to reach the heights of professional excellence!

Materials taken from open sources

You are a teacher, and not only
You are still my sister!
I love you so much
How much do two whales weigh?

On your holiday I congratulate you
And I wish you many years,
To live, to bloom, not to know
No sorrows, no troubles!

I managed to do what I wanted,
I didn’t miss you in the evenings,
And to raise children,
Let the school leader know!


Happy Teacher's Day, sister,
Happy holiday to you,
A teacher's hard work
May yours not be in vain.

Let the guys make you happy
Be happy, dear,
May it be beautiful and fruitful
There will be your path through life.


My dear sister, I congratulate you on your professional holiday - Teacher's Day! I wish you to enjoy your favorite job, develop and reach new heights of excellence. Let your students be completely delighted with you. May your career skyrocket. I wish you happiness and pleasure from doing what you love!


You, sister, are an excellent teacher,
May success await you in your career!
Believe me, I know personally
What exactly will you teach everyone!

Every day I ask you to smile
Discover a new world for yourself,
Never give up for anything
And always step forward boldly!


Sister, Teacher's Day, Dear,
I just want to wish you success!
You are a wonderful teacher, I know
That you are ready to give knowledge to everyone!

Let your nerves be very strong,
I wish you strength, kindness, patience,
And also, so that all the kids at school
Gave you a lot of inspiration!

Beautiful poems for Teacher's Day to a sister from a sister/brother


My dear sister,
Happy Teacher's Day, dear,
Inspiration at work
I wish you from the bottom of my heart.

Let the calling inspire you,
Let the children be happy
May they always love you
Both girls and boys.


My dear sister,
Happy Teacher's Day, dear.
You to your students
Mom has been dear for a long time.

May it never dry up
source of strength and wisdom,
Let him appreciate and respect
Every student is you.


Since you became a teacher,
My dear sister,
Let this be the road
It was not in vain that you chose me.

It will turn out in your favor
Let the fight be against ignorance.
And good will return to you.
Happy Teacher's Day to you!


You are as agile as a bird
At school since the morning.
Happy Teacher's Day, sister,
It's time to congratulate you.

I wish you success
Naughty students
I hug you very tightly,
I send you my love!


Happy Teacher's Day, sister,
I congratulate you
Children love you
Let them respect you.

In your lessons
They behave approximately
Pranks and antics
Let them not spoil your nerves.

I wish you with a smile
You celebrated the New Day,
Good grades
I showed it to the children.


Dear sister, for you on this holiday
I wish you a wonderful atmosphere in the future -
Wonderful colleagues, kind students,
Live and teach them in kindness and harmony.

Let them listen and respect you,
Let them actively rush to class,
Let them certainly adore you,
And you will always be full of happiness.


Sister, I wish you happiness on this holiday,
May Teacher's Day fulfill all your dreams,
I wish you wonderful students,
After all, you deserve them, little sister.


You are a teacher, my sister,
You have a difficult job
The path leads you again
To school, where there is anxiety and worries.

And today I love you
Happy Teacher's Day!
I love you very, very much
And I wish you great success!


Happy holiday, my sister,
The best teacher.
On Teacher's Day I wish:
Let the lesson give joy.

Let the eyes of your beloved children
A fire will be lit in the soul,
Let the school life spin
In a bright, noisy turn.


My dear sister,
You are simply a super teacher.
On Teacher's Day I wish
Happy to serve science.

Be healthy, dear,
And love your job.
May the fruits please you,
Only worries inspire.


Happy World Teachers Day, sister!
Be surprised, admire, have fun
And the smile of a foolish child
Suddenly smile sweetly at the reflection!

There will certainly be lightness in your soul,
It’s easy for everyone to walk through life with her,
May your luck be truly unusual,
You won’t get tired of teaching children!


Happy Teacher's Day, sister,
My favorite teacher.
Just let it be productive
Your dialogue with the children.

Strength to you, always patience,
The matter of the right to love,
To your loved ones schoolchildren
Always be a kind mother.