How many days does the crust go off after eyebrow tattooing: the whole truth about healing. Why is there no crust after eyebrow tattooing? Eyebrow tattooing - how long does it take for a crust to heal?

Often, immediately after permanent eyebrow tattooing, clients of a beauty salon remain dissatisfied with the result of the procedure, since it differs significantly from what was desired and there are reasons for this fact.

Immediately after eyebrow tattooing, their shape turns out to be not so graceful, and the thickness and color may initially upset you. But don't be upset! This is a completely normal effect for the initial stage.

If after the eyebrow tattooing procedure you are not satisfied with the resulting color, this can be corrected a month later, during correction

It should be remembered that permanent eyebrow tattooing does not give an immediate effect. In order for the eyebrows to acquire the desired shape and color, some time must pass for healing or, in other words, the eyebrows must “get over it” and fully recover.

Typically, the healing process of eyebrow tattooing after the procedure takes approximately 4 or 5 weeks and can be assessed after a month.

During the healing period, the excess thickness will disappear along with the crusts. The color of the eyebrows will also change, since the pigment does not appear immediately.

Don't forget also that permanent makeup, like any operation, causes superficial swelling, Because of this, the shape of the eyebrows can be distorted and full recovery also takes time.

Note! Before going to a beauty salon, you should definitely ask for reviews about the level of qualifications of the establishment and the cosmetologists working there. Assess the quality of service, compliance with sanitary standards, inquire about certificates for the provision of cosmetology services.

Natural consequences of eyebrow tattooing in the first week after the procedure

Permanent eyebrow tattooing is the pigmentation of the upper layer of skin - the epidermis. Like a regular tattoo, this procedure must go through a healing period, during which natural consequences occur:

  • redness and inflammation of the skin;
  • swelling and itching;
  • secretion of ichor;
  • the appearance of crusts;
  • excessively saturated tattoo color;
  • distortion of the shape and size of the eyebrows.

Note! Before the tattoo procedure, a professional, experienced cosmetologist will definitely inquire about your health, existing chronic diseases, blood condition and allergies in order to avoid complications. If there are contraindications, the tattoo procedure can be cancelled.

Complications arising after eyebrow tattooing

Eyebrow tattooing after the procedure and a month later, as a rule, does not cause serious complications or, in terms of the number of cases, they are very insignificant.

The most common case of complication is an increased allergic reaction, both to the coloring pigment itself and to the physical impact (piercing) of the skin.

Often, a tattoo artist recommends in such cases a course of antihistamines that relieve this problem or reduce it to a minimum.

Complications can also arise from improper care of eyebrow skin in the first days after permanent treatment.

Poor hygiene, washing with chlorinated water, drinking alcohol and using decorative cosmetics can cause severe inflammation, swelling and severe itching. The consequence of this, in the future, may be poor-quality tattooing with blurred shapes and the wrong shade.

How to care for eyebrows in the first 7 days after tattooing

Eyebrow tattooing immediately after the procedure and during the first week requires constant care in order to get positive results within a month.

In the first few days, ichor appears on the skin of the eyebrows subject to tattooing, which must be very carefully washed off with neutral soap (preferably for children), dried with a towel, gently blotted, and lubricated with healing cream.

Subsequently, when the ichor dries out, crusts appear on the skin of the eyebrows. The crusts should absolutely not be peeled off! Otherwise, you can get infected, create wounds and the uniformity of eyebrow coloring will be disrupted.

The crusts must be lubricated with Panthenol, Bepanten or Solcoseryl creams, which promote active healing of the eyebrow skin and have an antibacterial effect. In the first period of time, to soften it, it is recommended to apply almond, peach or sesame oil to the skin of the eyebrows.

Important to remember! During the healing period, for several days after permanent makeup, you should refrain from taking hot baths, visiting steam rooms and saunas, as well as swimming in open reservoirs and pools with chlorinated water.

All types of exposure to facial skin during this period of time should be kept to a minimum.

What happens to eyebrows a week after the procedure?

A week after the procedure, with proper care, swelling and redness around the tattoo lines should subside.

At the end of the first week, the crusts begin to fall off and the preliminary results of permanent makeup are visible.

The color of the eyebrows has not yet been finalized, but you can see the uniformity of coloring of the eyebrows along their length. If the swelling has completely gone down, then the shape of the eyebrows, the bend and their width are already clearly visible.

During this period of time, the surface layer of the epidermis is actively healing, small wounds are healing, and the recovery process is underway.

What further care is needed for eyebrows after tattooing?

In order for the eyebrow skin to heal completely, intensive care and compliance with the cosmetologist’s recommendations are required for a month. They are simple, but must be performed regularly and strictly:

  • Eyebrow tattooing both after the procedure and after a month requires hygiene. To avoid infection, the skin of the eyebrow area should be cleansed with lotions (not alcohol!), neutral tonics or boiled water.

  • Do not rub your eyebrows with a towel under any circumstances, but rather dry them, lightly blotting the moisture.
  • Use healing creams or ointments. In the summer, be sure to use sunscreen, and in the winter, use creams or ointments with vitamins.
  • Protect eyebrow skin from excessive heat or cold.
  • During the healing period, you cannot use cosmetics, you cannot tint or pluck your eyebrows.

What not to do during the healing period of eyebrows after tattooing

Eyebrow tattooing after the procedure and after a month requires special recommendations. During the week after tattooing, it is strictly not recommended to:

  • when crusts appear, peel them off independently and forcibly;
  • It is not recommended to try to tint or powder eyebrows;
  • It is forbidden to wet your eyebrows unnecessarily, rub them with a towel or touch them with your hands;
  • It is not recommended to correct your eyebrows yourself, pluck hairs, or apply color with a corrective or cosmetic pencil;
  • in the first days after tattooing, any thermomechanical and ultraviolet effects on the tattoo area should be avoided;

  • it is recommended to avoid visiting the sauna, steam room, solarium and beach;
  • When caring for facial skin, the use of alcohol-containing lotions is not recommended.

Be careful! Eyebrow tattooing after the procedure and a month later requires simple but mandatory rules of care. Failure to comply with these conditions can cause serious inflammation and swelling of the skin in the tattoo area, and subsequently affect the quality of the entire procedure as a whole and the need for repeated microblading.

What eyebrows look like a month after tattooing

A month after tattooing, the eyebrow skin is completely restored and now you can evaluate all the work done. By this point, all the shortcomings in the choice of shape and color become obvious.

Ideally, if everything worked out as planned, then you should say a big thank you to the artist for a good job and get advice from him on how to keep your eyebrows in this form for longer and discuss a schedule for correction procedures.

For a lasting effect, you will need 2 or 3 more visits to a cosmetologist, after which the eyebrows will remain the same as a month after the tattoo for a long time.

However, in rare cases, a month after the procedure, unwanted defects may appear, which are best corrected by your specialist.

Defects in eyebrow tattooing both after the procedure and a month later Possible reason How to fix
Uneven coloring or failure to paint a particular area1. Poorly performed procedure

2. Errors in care in the first 10 days after the procedure

Color too bright or too pale (exotic color)1. Wrong tone

2. Incorrect care in the first week after the procedure

Can be corrected after complete healing (after 4 weeks) in the salon by a specialist
Asymmetrical or unacceptable eyebrow shape1. Wrong eyebrow shape

2. Unprofessionalism of the master

Can be corrected after complete healing (after 4 weeks) in the salon by a specialist

Eyebrow care after a month after tattooing

After a month after tattooing, eyebrows also need to be looked after. To ensure that the contours of the eyebrows are not smeared and the color is stable, periodically, as necessary, it is recommended:

  1. Depilation (plucking with tweezers) of regrown hairs that have appeared outside the pigment form.
  2. Trimming long hairs along the entire length of the eyebrow with scissors.
  3. Eyebrow tinting. Over time, pigment paint will fade, so touching up will be necessary to ensure uniform color.
  4. In the winter season, it is recommended to use fortified creams for care, and in the summer - sunscreen to protect the color.
  5. Tattoo correction in a beauty salon.

Interesting fact! The quality of permanent makeup directly depends on your skin type. On dry skin, tattooing is more intense and lasts much longer than on oily or combination skin. When carrying out the tattoo procedure, this circumstance must be taken into account.

When is the first correction necessary?

In most cases, some time after tattooing it is necessary to correct the eyebrows, since it is very rarely possible to do everything perfectly right away.

This does not mean that the master was not professional enough, but after healing some errors may remain or arise that are difficult to predict during the first procedure. All this can be corrected only after time.

Experienced professionals will always recommend making a correction in order to analyze the result of the procedure and the degree of healing of the eyebrow skin after it. Therefore, even if the appearance of the eyebrows seems ideal, correction is still necessary.

The first eyebrow correction is performed after final healing, approximately a month after the first procedure.

At this point, the superficial skin in the eyebrow area, as a rule, has completely healed and additional actions can be performed without the risk of infection and making new wounds.

Note! Permanent tattoo makeup under different conditions can last from 1 to 10 years. If there is a need to remove it, this can be done in a beauty salon with a laser, 5 or 6 procedures.

Recently, the eyebrow tattoo procedure has become very popular among women of any age, as it solves several problems at once - to look beautiful and well-groomed, save time on everyday makeup and be “on top” at any moment.

How and over what period do eyebrows heal after a tattoo procedure?

What eyebrows look like a month after tattooing:

The cosmetologist warned you that your eyebrows will not look perfect right away. But you still have doubts: is the healing progressing normally, have you gotten an infection, have your skin become covered with a strange crust, because you were expecting barely noticeable peeling and redness...

Reasons for appearance

Crusts after eyebrow tattooing are formed as a protective reaction of the body to skin damage. If you take proper care of them, healing will be quick and painless, and the results of permanent makeup will last a long time.

Drawing in any permanent makeup technique occurs by piercing the skin and introducing pigment under it. During the healing process, blood and lymph (ichor) will be released from the wounds. As they harden, they form a hard crust (scab) on the surface of the drawing, similar to a sore.

The reason for its appearance is that the body needs to protect wounds from infection. To do this, lymph is produced, which is directed to the damaged area and acts as a kind of barrier between it and the outside world. The ichor does not allow pathogens to pass through while it is still in a liquid state, then it hardens and clogs the wound for a long time.

Under the crust, skin cells are regenerated and restoration occurs.

When new particles of the epidermis take their places, the frozen layer of blood and lymph will begin to move away, because there will no longer be a danger to health. Bacteria and viruses cannot penetrate through the restored skin, so the crust becomes unnecessary.

Healing process

Immediately after the tattoo session, the skin turns red and swells, this goes away within 2-3 days. During this period, the eyebrows will become wet due to the secreted ichor. It will then harden and form a scab. Depending on the permanent technique, the crust may cover the entire area of ​​the design or only a part. For example, after a hair tattoo, a frozen layer of blood and lymph may appear only on top of the strokes made.

A healthy crust is firm to the touch. It does not get wet, since the frozen layer of lymph must clog all the wounds, and the next portion of liquid cannot penetrate out. If, after several days, droplets of ichor constantly form on the surface of the crust, then you need to consult a doctor - perhaps the healing is not going according to plan.

The color of the scab depends on the shade of the pigment; most often it is burgundy-brown or black; there may be inclusions of a lighter or darker shade.

The crust must cover the entire area of ​​the drawing, otherwise there is a possibility that the pigment will not take root in open areas.

The frozen layer of blood and lymph can be uniform, but sometimes the skin can be seen through it, especially if the pattern does not cover the entire eyebrow area, but is made in separate strokes or dotted.

Healing of the epidermis occurs gradually, so the crusts will peel off in parts over several days. At first, the scab may come off in just a few places, causing “bald spots” to appear on the eyebrows.

At this stage, a pattern is visible in the places where the crusts have fallen off, and, usually, it seems too pale. You should not blame the artist for making the wrong permanent, since barely noticeable pigment during the healing period of the skin is also normal. The pattern will fully appear after the epidermis is completely restored, that is, in about a month.

When the crusts come off

In some places where the design did not require dense application of pigment, the crusts may peel off already on the 4th day, the skin will begin to peel off and itch severely. The removal of the bulk of the dried layer will begin on day 5-6.

For some, healing takes several days, for others it takes a long time. The crust should completely come off within 7-14 days after the permanent session. It depends on the type of skin, its ability to regenerate, the age of the client and the chosen technique of drawing. The scab in the form of individual strokes and dots will disappear faster.

Why can't you rip it off?

Tattoo artists warn clients that after the session a crust should appear and should not be peeled off. But the reasons for such a ban are usually kept silent. Removal of the scab should occur naturally, since otherwise there is a risk of harm to health and spoil the result.

If you tear off the scab when the skin underneath has not yet healed, there is a risk of infection.

The eyebrow will turn red, swell, hurt and itch. An increase in temperature and other unpleasant symptoms may occur. The result can be hopelessly spoiled, since the body will strive to remove foreign substances outward, and with them pigment particles.

When the scab is torn off prematurely, the lymph is again sent to the wound to form a new barrier against pathogens. After some time, the crust forms again, but smaller in size. If you tear it off several times, there is a chance of leaving a scar on the skin.

The crusts always take on the shade of pigment, since its particles come out along with the lymph. If you tear off a dried scab ahead of time, the ichor will again take the paint cells with it. Due to improper removal of the crust, liquid may be released in large quantities. The shade of the design will lighten, and unevenly; after the skin has healed, the eyebrows will still have to be tinted with shadows or a pencil.

Under the scab, the epidermal cells are quietly regenerating and waiting in the wings. If the natural barrier from the outside world is broken, then recovery slows down.

Sometimes the scabs are torn off accidentally, for example by clothing, jewelry or during sleep. Then you can only hope that the shade of the picture does not change too noticeably. To prevent infection, as soon as you notice a ripped off scab, you need to use the antiseptic that the specialist advised.

Skin care

In order for the permanent to heal faster and the pigment shade to be uniform, you need to use the products recommended by the cosmetologist and follow his recommendations. The recovery process takes place in several stages:

Care instructions
Stage 1 – first 2 days Some time after the session, the pigment shade is bright, the eyebrows hurt a little, the skin turns red and swells. During this period, you need to treat it with healing agents so that the crust appears faster. Usually Bepanten, D-panthenol or Oxolinic ointment are used. The ichor is released along with the pigment, so the eyebrows are constantly wet. You can’t rub them, you just need to blot them with a napkin or cotton pad using pointed movements, without pressing. If you press hard on the skin, the ichor will stand out more intensely, and along with it most of the paint will come out, which is why the drawing will turn out pale after healing. The napkin or disk should be moistened with an antiseptic - Chlorhexidine or Miramistin. The procedure must be carried out up to 8 times a day. Eyebrows should not be wetted with water.
Stage 2 – 3 day Crusts form. The use of antiseptics can be reduced to 2-3 times a day, the skin can already be wetted, and you can wash your face with cleansers that do not contain alcohol. It is still necessary to apply healing ointments. You cannot use decorative cosmetics.
Stage 3 – from 4 to 7 days The crusts begin to peel off. In these areas, the skin may peel, so moisturizers suggested by the specialist are used. Three times a day, the tattoo is treated with an antiseptic, and after that with a healing ointment.
Stage 4 – second week For most girls, by this time the scab will have completely come off. If this does not happen, then all previous care requirements are met. When there is no longer a crust, the use of antiseptics and healing ointments is reduced to 1-2 times a day.

All these stages can be traced from photo reviews of other girls who have had their eyebrows tattooed. You can compare your situation with what is visible in the pictures to make sure that healing is proceeding as planned.

Starting from the third week, the pigment will acquire a natural shade. At first it will be pale, then it will become as intended. If you do everything correctly, then by the end of 3-4 weeks the eyebrows will look natural, they will take shape, and excessive brightness will disappear.

During the entire recovery period, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Do not apply decorative cosmetics or products not discussed with a cosmetologist to your eyebrows.
  2. Do not sunbathe, avoid heat and cold.
  3. Do not visit the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool or beach.
  4. Don't sleep face down on the pillow.
  5. Do not cover your eyebrows with adhesive tape during water procedures.
  6. It is better to replace washing with wiping with tonic or milk without alcohol.
  7. Do not wipe your face with a hard towel; to remove moisture, blot your skin with a soft cloth.

If swelling and redness do not go away, you can take an antihistamine - Suprastin, Zyrtec or Tvegil. To relieve pain, you can take Analgin, Aspirin, Nurofen or No-shpa.

Doctor's help

The permanent does not always heal correctly. If pathogenic microorganisms enter the blood at any stage of recovery, an infection develops. It is recognized by swelling, redness, pain, and increased temperature. If treatment is delayed, pus will be released from the wounds.

The infection not only spoils the condition, which is already not very good after tattooing. There is a possibility that the drawing will deteriorate because the pigment will take root unevenly. Due to advanced infection, scars form on the skin.

If such symptoms occur, you need to consult a therapist and get tested. Based on their results, the doctor will determine the causative agent of the disease and prescribe the necessary treatment. The faster you begin to get rid of the infection, the less likely it is to develop undesirable consequences.

The body may react negatively to the pigment. If the immune system considers the cells of the dye to be hazardous to health, an allergy will occur. The eyebrows will be very itchy, the skin will become red, swollen, covered in spots or blisters, and begin to peel. There may be difficulty breathing, runny nose, sneezing, itching in the eye area.

With all these symptoms you need to go to an allergist. He will conduct a test and find out what exactly caused the deterioration of the condition.

Sometimes an allergy occurs not to the paint itself, but to the products used to treat the skin.

If the body reacted negatively to the pigment, it will have to be removed. For this purpose, the laser method, electrocoagulation or cryotherapy is used. The procedure is carried out by a cosmetologist.

If there are no crusts

Sometimes skin healing doesn't go as planned. Several days pass, the girl waits for the crust to finally appear, but it never comes. This happens for a variety of reasons, and there is no need to always sound the alarm.

If the skin is thin and sensitive, the ichor may be released without hardening for longer than others. A crust may appear only 5,6 or even 7 days after the session. If you are waiting only 2-3 days, then you need to be a little patient.

A scab on the eyebrows may not occur if a low-traumatic permanent makeup technique was used. This usually happens when nano-spraying is done, that is, the artist does not fill the entire sketch with pigment, but makes small dots, which makes it seem as if you have used shadows. If the skin is thick and not sensitive, then there may be no crusts at all.

They may be missing if the master used a tool that did not pierce the skin deeply enough. When applying tattooing, the needle should bring in the pigment by 0.5-1 mm. into the dermis. If the depth is less, then the skin is little damaged, and the ichor is not released in the amount necessary for the formation of a crust.

This is the most unpleasant scenario, because after healing the pigment will remain bright, but the drawing itself will not last long. To correct the shortcomings, you need to make an appointment with the specialist again after restoration.

Beautifully designed and well-groomed eyebrows are a kind of frame for the face - with them the look is more expressive, and makeup without them does not look high-quality and complete. It’s the same with lips and eyes: when effectively emphasized, they can transform facial features for the better. Recently, more and more girls have resorted to procedures that allow them to forget about daily makeup for many years. One of these procedures is tattooing. We will talk about its features in this article.

What is the tattoo procedure?

Tattooing is a way to make certain parts of the face, such as lips, eyebrows, eyelids and eyelashes, brighter and more expressive. The technology of the procedure is similar to applying a regular tattoo: a composition with paint is injected under the skin, but not to such a great depth. Also, unlike tattoos, the effect of tattooing does not remain with you forever: after about three years, and sometimes a little more, the pigment disappears.

As mentioned earlier, tattooing is done on three areas of the face: eyebrows, lips and eyelids. Let's look at each type in more detail:

  1. Eyebrow tattoo . This procedure helps to disguise problems such as poor eyebrow shape, asymmetry, insufficient number of hairs, and inappropriate color. For many, eyebrows are one of the most important accents on the face, which is why tattooing them is especially popular among women. First, the cosmetologist draws their shape with a pencil, and then begins to apply pigment using a special apparatus with a needle.

  1. Lip tattoo . Used by girls who want to make their lips fuller and more expressive. Tattooing can also correct their shape, for example, the corners of the lips, which may be drooping, or an uneven and unclear contour. Sometimes lip tattooing is used simply to refresh their color, make it brighter and thereby save oneself from applying lipsticks and glosses.

  1. Eyelid tattoo. This procedure is carried out at a shallower depth - only half a millimeter. The pigment can be used to fill the interlash space, to line the upper and lower eyelids. This type of tattoo lasts longer than on other areas.

How to properly care for your skin after a tattoo procedure?

Since this method of making oneself more beautiful is quite traumatic, girls are afraid of the consequences: they cannot do without redness, swelling and crusts on the face. Many people ask a completely reasonable question: how long does the skin healing process last and what needs to be done to ensure that the result of the tattoo pleases the eye for a long time?

The quality of the final result depends on how the tattoo site heals. Any experienced professional must provide all recommendations for skin care - only by strictly following them all, you can be sure that you will not be disappointed in the procedure.

Once you have had your tattoo done, you should be patient: there is a skin care process ahead, which takes at least a week. Swelling, redness, peeling and crusts will appear on the skin. For each person, the first hours after tattooing pass differently: some are limited to slight peeling, others have to wipe off the ichor and droplets of blood, which are almost always released after the skin is pierced with a needle. You should not be afraid of all the things listed above - this is a temporary condition that you cannot do without. Listed below are the basic tips and steps for caring for your skin after tattooing.

  1. Immediately after the procedure, the tattoo artist applies special ointments to the desired area to promote healing. Often these are products such as Rescuer, Bepanten or Panthenol. You will also need the same product for home care - applications with ointment will have to be done two or three times a day - this way, infection will not get into the damaged layers of the skin.
  2. You can blot the ichor with wet wipes, just be careful about their composition - they should not contain alcohol.
  3. To relieve swelling, use chlorhexidine - on the day you underwent the tattoo procedure, treat the area where the pigment was applied every couple of hours.
  4. For the first two to three weeks, avoid baths, beaches, swimming pools and solariums - they will reduce the effect of the procedure to zero. Any steaming of the skin will greatly slow down the healing process, so try to wash your face with cool water. And don't forget your sunglasses!
  5. Do not wet the tattoo area with water and do not use cosmetics - you can contribute to infection, which will lead to inflammation. All cosmetics you use to cleanse and care for your skin should not contain alcohol.
  6. Under no circumstances should you touch the tattoo site with your hands or foreign objects, much less rip off the crust - this will not only lead to the loss of pigment in the torn areas, but can also lead to infection in the body. Usually such crusts last about a week, but this process is too individual - some people get rid of them after two or three days, while others wait all ten. For some, the process is painless, while for others, it is necessary to resort to painkillers. Ideally, tattooing of any area should be done at least two weeks before an important event. Even if the crust has fallen off, redness and peeling may remain with you for several days.
  7. Do not use the patch on tattooed areas, or get these areas wet while washing. Try to wipe your face with a damp towel and napkins until the crusts disappear. The towel should be soft.
  8. If the swelling does not go away within a few days, then you should take antihistamines - in other words, allergy pills.
  9. If you have pain, you can take a course of painkillers.
  10. To further moisturize the skin, it allows the use of creams and oils, which should be carefully applied with a cotton pad. Such cosmetics must be natural and do not contain alcohol.
  11. One or two days before the procedure, you should exclude alcoholic beverages, seafood and coffee from your diet. They contribute to the fact that blood flow does not occur as quickly as it should be. Because of this, the paint may be distributed unevenly.
  12. If you are taking medications that affect the blood, namely, thin it, you should stop taking them at least a day before getting a tattoo.

If you strictly follow these points, the healing process will go smoothly and quickly. If any of the unpleasant sensations do not leave you for a long time, you should consult a doctor.

Tattooing in the cold season

Depending on the season outside, skin care after tattooing will be somewhat different. In winter, our body does not cope so well with infections and viruses - the immune system is weakened. It is unacceptable to undergo a tattoo procedure if you are unhealthy. Therefore, it is recommended to take a course of antiviral drugs for prevention purposes, and on the day of tattooing, take an antibiotic tablet.

All facial care products must contain vitamins and not cause allergies - for this, do not forget to conduct a preliminary test for an allergic reaction. Creams and ointments should be applied at least half an hour before going outside, as frosty weather and wind can trigger the onset of the inflammatory process. Chapping is something that should not be allowed to happen to the skin after a tattoo procedure. An important nuance is that in the winter season we often encounter sudden changes in heat and cold, for example, when we enter a stuffy room from the street, or when we take a bath. Such stories also need to be excluded from life for the next couple of weeks.

Tattooing in the warm season

In summer, it is quite difficult to maintain the healing process of the skin after tattooing. In addition to the fact that inflammatory processes are more easily triggered in the heat, sun rays can also affect the color of the pigment. To prevent unpleasant consequences, stock up on a cream with a sun protection factor of at least 30 - it absorbs the sun's rays, preventing burns. For better “absorption” of the sun’s rays, you can purchase cosmetics with vitamins D and A, and also take a course of such vitamins a couple of weeks before the tattoo session. Also, as mentioned earlier, don't neglect sunglasses or wide-brimmed hats. In the summer, fatty, heavy creams should be excluded from your cosmetic bag - they will only damage the water balance of the skin.

So, let’s once again highlight all the negative consequences that can occur in case of improper facial care after a tattoo procedure:

  • Loss of pigment, its uneven distribution, change in shade . This can happen for various reasons: due to self-removal of the crust, or the use of care and cosmetic products that contain antibiotics and hormonal drugs;
  • Inflammation . There are many factors that influence the development of inflammatory processes. For example, the same removal of the crust. The causes of inflammation can also include poor hygiene, the use of running water for washing and decorative cosmetics on tattoo sites;
  • Edema . This is a normal phenomenon in the first time after the procedure. But if you notice swelling on your face after a few days, then it’s time to sound the alarm. The reasons for this reaction are similar to the previous points: it may be failure to comply with hygiene rules, the use of inappropriate facial care products;
  • Allergic reactions . To prevent them, be sure to test the products you use after the tattoo procedure. A competent specialist always conducts an allergy test before this process to eliminate negative consequences. So it all depends on you!

Cases in which tattooing is unacceptable

There are several features in human health in which this procedure is unacceptable. Whether you listen to the advice below or not is up to you, but it is important to remember that the consequences of an irresponsibly done tattoo can be much worse than just swelling and crusting:

  • If you are pregnant or a nursing mother;
  • Herpes in the lip area, if you want to carry out a tattoo procedure there;
  • Insulin dependence if you have diabetes;
  • Acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections - any flu, colds and viruses. During such a period, it is better to exclude additional damage to the body;
  • Oncology and any neoplasms in the places where you plan to get a tattoo;
  • Hypertension;
  • Any damage to the areas where the tattoo was performed;
  • Eyelid tattooing is contraindicated for eye diseases such as conjunctivitis and any allergic reactions.

Facial tattooing is a great way to simplify your life and get rid of the daily application of cosmetics to your skin. Choose a competent and experienced master, and he will highlight your beauty for many years! Some time after the procedure, you will be able to visit any place, from important receptions to the sauna and swimming pool, without worrying about how you are made up - all the cosmetics are already on your face!

After tattooing or permanent makeup of the eyebrow arches, a crust forms at the staining site after a few days. This is a normal healing process and indicates that the job was done correctly. In order not to aggravate the condition, it is forbidden to wet the wound with water or forcefully tear off the crusts. Proper care should only consist of treating the eyebrow arches with an antibacterial agent.

At the end of the procedure

Any girl who decides on permanent makeup should remember how many days it takes for the scabs to disappear after eyebrow tattooing. Reviews from experts claim that eyebrows will regain their beauty a week after the procedure. Although the skin can finally recover in 10 days, or much earlier. The length of time for complete recovery depends on the skin type and the body’s ability to heal.

In order not to prolong the period of skin regeneration and not to aggravate the condition of the wound, it is very important to follow all the measures recommended by the specialist. Of course, if the coloring procedure is carried out using henna, the healing process will be almost painless. In this case, the final restoration of the eyebrow arches after henna will occur quite quickly.

An absolutely painless procedure - permanent makeup using powder eyebrow pencils. With this product you can easily give your own eyebrows more expressiveness. The powder pencil is easy to apply and can be easily removed with suitable makeup removers.

In the first days

Remembering how long it takes for the crust to come off from eyebrow tattooing, you need to know what to do in the first 2-3 days after the procedure. Ichor will be released from the wounds; it should be removed only with wet wipes that do not contain alcohol. If alcohol gets into the wound, pain will occur and the healing process will be delayed. How long does it take for the crust to come off after eyebrow tattooing? It depends entirely on proper care.

In this case the following is meant:

  • In the first days after the procedure, the wound is treated with chlorhexidine every two hours.
  • An antibacterial healing agent is then applied.
  • Be sure to protect the tattoo from exposure to sunlight.
  • You should not apply cosmetic creams, powders, etc. to the permanent area.

By adhering to these recommendations, final wound healing, as shown in the photo, can be achieved by the seventh day after the procedure. If during the healing process the crusts peel off and fall off in pieces, there is no need to tear them off by force. This can lead to aggravation of the condition and partial convergence of the pigment.

In conclusion

Many girls are interested in how long it takes for eyebrow tattoos to fade? If the permanent is made with high quality and care measures for the eyebrow arches are followed, then the artificial beauty will last at least a year. On average, a tattoo lasts from 12 to 24 months. Regardless of the duration of preservation of the permanent, the crusts after the procedure disappear on the sixth or seventh day.

Permanent makeup is simply a panacea for young ladies whose features are not bright and symmetrical, as well as those who suffer from allergies to decorative cosmetics. After the procedure, you will have makeup that will not need to be constantly applied and touched up, and you will only have to go to the salon after three to four years. It doesn’t matter what eyebrow tattooing technique you choose, the important thing is that micropigmentation heals the same for everyone, and everything that happens after the procedure affects the appearance of micropigmentation. And how it “fits” and looks on you depends on us.

How will it heal?

Eyebrow tattooing will take from 14 to 20 days to achieve its final appearance. Much depends on our age, on the type of dermopigmentation, on the characteristics of the skin, but the full results of micropigmentation will become noticeable only when the redness, swelling, and crusts disappear. All this can take either 72 hours or 168.

In many ways, the speed of healing depends on the technique of permanent makeup for this part of the face. So, shading, also known as shooting, can get the final look in a week. It is suitable for those with short or light eyebrows, as well as those with bald spots. Shot treatment lasts for about six months, and then correction is needed. The hair method allows you to radically change this part of the face and is done using European or Eastern techniques. With the first, the hairs are drawn sequentially and directed after each other. In the east they are intertwined, have different lengths and slopes. This is more difficult, and the needle penetrates the skin more often and deeper than when shading, so this type of permanent makeup will take longer to heal. But it will also last a long time: about a couple of years. True, over time it can blur and turn into the same shading.

Micropigmentation takes the longest to heal and remove crusts using a mixed technique, which combines shooting and the hair method.

But after using any tattoo techniques, the face is restored in several stages:

  • When the tattoo is just done, the integument turns a little red, the eyebrows have a bright color, and the contours are as clear as possible.
  • The redness goes away, but ichor appears at the puncture site; these areas may hurt. The body secretes ichor due to a protective reaction.
  • The ichor dries out, after which crusts form from it. These are dead epidermal cells, but they also serve as a kind of protection for skin that has experienced trauma. How long they last on the skin and how quickly they disappear depends only on its type and proper care.
  • Meanwhile, the pigment begins to be slowly absorbed by the skin.
  • The top layer of dermopigmentation lightens slightly.
  • After two or three days (sometimes later), the crusts begin to come off, or rather, crumble.
  • On the seventh day they disappear from the eyebrows completely.
  • The full result can be assessed two weeks later (if the skin is young, then earlier - on the tenth or eleventh day from the moment of the procedure).


Permanent eyebrow makeup does not require such careful care as lip tattooing, but it is still needed, no matter how long it is worn. As with micropigmentation of any part of the face, for the entire healing period you need to forget about open reservoirs, baths (of any kind) and a swimming pool. You should not expose freshly tattooed eyebrows to bright sunlight. He and water during this period are not friends of your beauty, so you need to have minimal contact with them.

Places of peeling and crusts should not be exfoliated or steamed. You should also forget about mascaras and pencils for one and a half to two weeks, as well as cosmetic peelings and masks. You should also not scratch or rub the eyebrow area. We wash ourselves very carefully (the water should only be boiled) and wipe this part of the face very carefully, as if we were dabbing it with a napkin. Forget about the solarium. You cannot use wipes and lotions containing ethanol, cover the areas where permanent makeup was done with adhesives, and washing can be replaced by carefully wiping with milk.

You can smear areas with permanent makeup with the products recommended in the salon or with anti-inflammatory ointments. If you experience pain, you can apply an anesthetic ointment to this part of your face, and if the swelling lingers too long on your face, take antihistamines. Be sure to keep in touch with the artist who did your tattoo: consultations may be needed in the next two weeks. If you did permanent makeup in the winter, then try not to chaff the damaged areas, do not wash your face just before going out into the cold, and do not run into a hot shower as soon as you return to a warm home. In summer, micropigmentation care procedures can include treatment with sunscreen ointments. Even in the summer, it is advised to only wear glasses or a hat and apply light products with vitamins or anti-inflammatory gels.

They are good because they help the dermis recover faster and prevent any cracks and microcracks. The ointment with panthenol is applied in a thin layer, and before application we treat the area of ​​dermopigmentation with chlorhexidine.

Why can’t the crust be peeled off after tattooing?

A crust does not always appear: in 20 percent of cases, the tattoo heals without it. It is needed only to protect skin that has been injured during the micropigmentation procedure, but sometimes the body can cope without it. Sometimes it happens that the dead epidermis falls off in three or four days and appears again. This is also quite normal and even permissible. But you can’t rip it off and exfoliate it, if only because the pigment has not yet been absorbed, which means it may come off. In this case, you will have to redo the permanent eyebrow makeup. If the epidermis is too sensitive, then scars may result from getting rid of the crusts. The only thing you can do with the crusts is to carefully wipe them and, if necessary, apply healing or anti-inflammatory ointments or oils. Only your body knows how long it will take for it to disappear completely..