Spiritual path. Three paths of spiritual development. Dreams and illusions fall apart

Hello dear reader, welcome to the reality of yoga.

In the spiritual world there is an unspoken rule - once again do not talk about difficulties along the way. After all, as you know, much greater success is achieved by those who are focused on the advantages and.

But, as one fairly well-known yogi in the modern world wrote in his book:

“Because people don’t talk about difficulties, when people encounter them, they either believe that something is wrong with themselves, or they think that the path is bad and they need to look for another.”

I agree with him, so I will touch on this topic in this article.

Is it possible to walk the spiritual path without difficulties?

Is it possible to climb a mountain without effort? The view from the top is amazing! And the higher, the more beautiful it will be, you just need to get to this level.

In general, I have seen hundreds of people seriously following the spiritual path, they have different ages, different nationalities, they are all different... But, if they are serious in their intention to know Their True Nature, they have to make efforts to overcome the difficulties that arise.

It is not suspicious when there are difficulties, it is suspicious when a person declares that he does not have and never had difficulties on the spiritual path.

Usually this is said by someone who is calmly sliding down and perhaps does not even suspect it.

Difficulties are not something bad - they are steps of spiritual growth, a reason for developing the will and a way.

Those who have everything in order with their will and intuition do not stop facing difficulties and trials, but for them... I have also met such people, they are worthy of admiration.

What causes difficulties on the spiritual path?

In a global sense, difficulties are part of our world. That's how he's built. It has a power that helps people realize their Higher Nature and get closer to Absolute Happiness. And there is a force that does not want a person to realize his limitless potential, I wrote about it in an article about (This force is called Satan). In this article I will give an excerpt from the book:

One day, addressing the audience, the Master said: “I used to think that Satan is just an invention of people, but now I know and confirm the testimony of those who lived before me that Satan is a reality. He is a worldwide conscious force whose sole purpose is to bind all people to the wheel of error.”

“A saint is a sinner who never gave up.”

If in a global sense Maya - Satan is a worldwide force, then in our personal sense it acts through our own subconscious habits and inclinations. That is why it is so important to strive to observe, it is these commandments of yoga and Christianity that are a panacea for Maya, which creates obstacles on the path to happiness.

How to overcome all difficulties on the spiritual path of life.

If the force creating difficulties is large and strong, and Maya, who does not want the spiritual progress of people, is very large and very strong, you cannot cope with it on your own (and you should not think that you could cope, I often have such self-confident comrades I meet them, and they pay dearly for their conceit and pride, if only because their conceit and pride only increase from this approach, here is a good video on this topic:). It is better to follow a well-tested method, tip five, and completely

And here I will say again: “Difficulties are potential steps on the ladder of spiritual development.” The main thing is to use your will and...

In fact, life creates difficulties anyway, people slowly overcome them and little by little, because everyone here is on the spiritual path, even those who do not realize it.

I will end the article with the words of the Great Christian teacher of the 7th century, St. John Climacus:

“If they knew what sorrows awaited monks, no one would ever go to monasteries, but if they knew what joys awaited monks in the Kingdom of Heaven, everyone would go to monasteries without hesitation.”

The Kingdom of Heaven is not necessarily something that comes after the death of the physical body... it is already here... . You just have to learn to go there, and it exists. Any effort put in is worth it.

This is an excerpt from a book about difficulties on the spiritual path:

Happiness to you, my dear reader, write comments, and see you in the reality of yoga.


But have you ever wondered what the spiritual path of a person is? How to choose it? How do you understand that the chosen spiritual path is yours?

Such a delicate topic. Maybe not even for wide discussion. However, let's try to approach it carefully. With some basic recommendations that everyone should remember.

The most important and simple thing. We need to seek the spiritual path with our hearts. There is one creator, there is one highest source and there are different roads to him. You just need to find yours.

If, for example, you have chosen Christianity as a spiritual practice for yourself, then you must establish yourself in it and follow this path. But at the same time there is one interesting point.

The spiritual path of man is the path of a pure heart

Pride is very cunning. Pride and selfishness manifest themselves as evaluation, disregard for others, and a sense of superiority. Often people, when they embark on the spiritual path, begin to look down on other people. Who, for example, practice the same spiritual path differently. From a certain position of superiority, disdain. And this is extremely dangerous.

Because the spiritual path is the path pure hearts.

The path of a respectful, loving, humble heart. Can you imagine, for example, Jesus Christ and Muhammad fighting each other? Blame each other? This is impossible. And this happens among their followers...

Therefore, sometimes it is very important, no matter what spiritual tradition you belong to, to try other traditions.

Why is it important?

Of course, this does not mean that you will change your choice of heart. In general, think about how the choice of heart can be changed. This is weird. If your heart has already chosen, if it has already responded to a certain spiritual path, how can it be confused? That's it, it's already established. But it makes sense to try other practices so that your awareness that there is a single creator expands. And there are different ways to get there.

That is, you can simply feel this mood from within. Practice, explore, feel God through other practices.

So we will remove these manifestations of selfishness and... Let's remove the patterns of evaluation and superiority.

And then - return to your tradition again and become very serious there. But - without any feeling of disdain for everyone else.

How do you perceive this?

P.S. This article opens a new series of materials about the spiritual path of man, false and true spirituality, and the difference between real humility and dull patience. We will continue in a few days.

P.P.S. If you're new here, you can subscribe now by clicking here . If you know someone who might benefit from this article, please send them a link to this page (social buttons just below).

Based on the training by Oleg Gadetsky “Freedom and self-realization. Transformation of negative beliefs"

The spiritual path, as a concept, overcomes a long and complex journey through the ages. The concept of a spiritual path has changed every decade in every culture of the world. It is very difficult, if not completely impossible, to say what exactly the spiritual path meant for our ancestors and what it will mean for our children.

First of all, the concept of the spiritual path involves knowledge and understanding of the soul. A person must believe that he has a soul, that he is a soul, in order to begin his reflections on the beginning of the spiritual path. Sometimes it is very difficult to understand what the spiritual path is and how to start it. In this article we will reveal to you some secrets, after which you will understand that you are on the right path!

It is believed that at the end the spiritual path should lead a person to the pinnacle of evolution, to the perfection of consciousness and to enlightenment. Based on this, you can already roughly understand what the path of spiritual renewal may consist of. It is useful to remember that the human being is dualistic. There is a lower component of the personality, it is connected to the ego and, as a rule, for most people it predominates in the center of consciousness most of the time. The highest part refers to the positive qualities of a person: compassion, understanding, wisdom. It is directly connected to the soul. You cannot put one of the components above the other, they complement each other and form a fundamental duality within each of us.

As the first stage of the spiritual path, a person must consciously recognize the duality within himself. There are times when we notice that we are guided by impulses of the soul and cannot explain to ourselves some actions using logic. Often this concerns personal life. If a person thinks about these questions, then he unconsciously begins his spiritual path.

In Buddhism, there is such a concept of a person’s spiritual path as “becoming a student of your soul.” This is a deep philosophy, it teaches you to observe the processes of your mind, consciousness, and body. Accept and understand everything that happens there, without avoiding problems and without running away from fears. Perhaps this is the path of a spiritual person - to know oneself.

Internal and external goals as stages of the spiritual path

Many people continue to believe that the spiritual path is about external achievements. For some, this concept includes material security, for others it means well-being in the family, and still others want to travel the whole world. Of course, these are wonderful goals and should be respected, but they have nothing to do with a person’s spiritual path.

We must set internal goals for ourselves to achieve, and external ones will come on their own. The inner always builds up the outer. An example of this is desires: no matter how much a person desires, when he receives, he begins to desire more and more. This does not happen with the spiritual path. If a person wants to become kind, then he does good deeds and does not expect results. The process itself satisfies him. The true spiritual path differs from the false one in that a person does not wait for the fruits of his activity; he is happy to be on the spiritual path.

When consciousness lets go of attachments, individuality expands. A person begins to feel his unity with humanity, have motivation, and receive satisfaction from both large and very small things. In other words, the decentralization of consciousness leads to the recognition of the unity of all things. This is an integral stage of the spiritual path.

Paths of spiritual development

As mentioned above, concepts about the spiritual path of man have changed over time. However, all the changes had one thing in common - a tendency to see love as the highest component of the spiritual path, or as the main path of spiritual development. Love transforms human life, everyone can agree with this. In many religions, the path to God is through the heart.

We can say that the modern understanding of the spiritual path includes two main points: working with consciousness and love. It is believed that love can open a person's path to enlightenment. Unlike the lower mind, the ego, with its emphasis on knowledge and prejudice, the higher mind is the guardian of wisdom. Through it we can understand broad and abstract truths. Therefore, it is important to unite the mind and heart so that they support each other. This is a big stage of the spiritual path.

Troubles on the spiritual path

The journey along the path of spiritual development is by no means consistent and sustainable. At one time a person feels balanced and calm, but at another stage of the spiritual path he feels rebellious and extremely confused. Negative experiences are disappointing, but this is just an emotional matter. The mind understands that it has become better. As they say, the darkest night is before the dawn.

Troubles on the spiritual path can occur due to the imperfection of the relationship between the individual and the soul. For example, a person becomes a tough manager. His personality grows, it becomes stronger, she understands that this is the only way to achieve results at this stage of life, but the soul stubbornly continues to suffer from a lack of kindness and affection. Or, on the contrary, a person has fallen in love and commits rash, stupid actions. His reputation and personality are in trouble, but his soul knows that at this moment there is no other way. These fluctuations on the spiritual path are not a stop, they are a variation of it. It turns out that each of us is already on the path of spiritual development. The only difference between the true spiritual path of an aspiring person is that he sets highly spiritual goals for himself.

“Dark nights” on the path of spiritual development are inevitable. Even if there has been a serious imbalance between the lower component of the personality and its higher component, remember - you are a dualistic being, you contain the whole world with its positive and negative characteristics.

There is so much noise in the modern world that it is difficult to find a place in your mind where it is quiet enough to listen to the more subtle realms. And in order to hear the right voice, you have to calm your mind, because only then can you begin to truly listen. It is then that intuition turns on - guidance coming from within.

The real path and attention of the heart begins when you stop clinging to the result and focus your attention on the Source. The spiritual path is not about making the right choices; it is to remain in constant contact with the Divine.

The main thing, in general, is to shut up and listen - in other words, it requires attention, joyful receptivity, which gives submission to God, or love for Him, wanting to fulfill His will. A person wants to serve God and others, and this makes him receptive to the inspiration that comes from grace, which not only tells him what to do, but also gives him the strength to do what is told. It is a very dynamic and rational state, a state of growing sensitivity to life in the presence of God.

Each person's destiny is fully fulfilled when our heart is open every moment to the Beloved Deity.

The role of a person is to humbly and at the same time courageously participate in co-creative process, acting together with the “Higher Power”.

When we identify ourselves with something less than the infinite potential of our soul, we kill the free, spontaneous flow of this potential towards embodiment, we build a dam in its path. We need to live fully in the present. Neither the past nor the future actually exists.

Finding a spiritual path, by definition, does not mean getting to where we want to go. It means allowing the wind of wisdom to fill our sails and carry us wherever it pleases. However, this does not mean that we can just relax and enjoy the trip. Wisdom requires us to use our abilities and engage in co-creation that culminates in action—and only we can do it.

To follow the spiritual path, you need to believe that sooner or later you will get the answer, and not get hung up on the outcome. Sometimes I only hear hints of the path and then I have to put them together like a puzzle, and sometimes it just appears in front of me - bang! If I don't see or hear anything, the first thing I have to ask myself is, “Am I focusing too much on the outcome?” These are the main reasons for silence, so you need to remain open to discern the answer, in whatever form it comes.

“Cultivate contentment instead of desires. To desire is to lack. From contentment grows generosity and inner peace. If I train myself to want, then no matter how much I get, it will always seem to me that I am missing something. You must understand the absurdity of desire and longing. People often misunderstand renunciation of desires as renunciation of having any aspirations, but when a person is satisfied, he has access to energy, which is drained if he worries about how to get enough of everything. A contented person spreads peace around him.”

Part of cultivating contentment is to give yourself time to rest every now and then and leave all the noise behind. This opens access to silence, refreshing the soul and helping to achieve harmony with the Spirit of the path.

“The belief that God is not there is the biggest illusion on the spiritual path.” God is always near us; we may not be near him. The path is always open, but we may not see it. And we usually don’t see it because we live in our own noise or our own ego.

“...To hear how our path calls us, we must open a corner within ourselves where there is only peace and quiet.”

This corner can be opened in different ways: through meditation; through a beautiful and harmonious environment; through walking and other physical activity; through music; through chants; through simplifying life to such an extent that we are no longer consumed by the constant need to receive, spend and save many things that we can live peacefully without.

Of course, you may think that silence is a property of secluded places, but in reality, silence is primarily a state of mind. Anyone who has tried to meditate knows how many thoughts are suddenly interrupted. In just twenty minutes you can re-examine your entire life, full of fears and hopes... things you should and shouldn't do. When our mind is not occupied with anything else, it tends to cling to one thing or another. This habitual chewing of the mental cud—which for most people almost never stops—creates internal noise, whether you're sitting alone in a virgin forest or hurrying down a busy street.

One of the results of constant meditation is the stabilization of attention; the mind calms down and begins to work more measuredly. You will feel a peaceful, sensitive silence rising within. The internal dialogue does not stop completely, but we stop identifying ourselves with it. We understand that we are not equal to our thoughts, our essence lies deeper.

The peace and contentment that accompanies this understanding gradually changes your daily life. External circumstances no longer affect you as much, and it is easier for you to maintain balance, like a spire with a low center of gravity. Moreover, the vision of the future path spontaneously comes from that level of consciousness that is not limited by the usual capabilities of cognition.

The spiritual path... requires that the level of openness and awareness continually increase. Throughout our lives, we are led to open up to absolutely everyone and everything that surrounds us, because anyone can become a messenger of God.

The willingness to be present and see what is happening now, without allowing yourself to be hooked by judgment, passion, fear, residue from the past, or thoughts about where and in what circumstances you would rather be now. Rev. Cynthia Bourgeau explained the essence of inner freedom very simply: “A deep willingness to live in the present moment, to experience it in its entirety, and an understanding that whatever your path is, it will be the right one, allows you to surrender to the moment, so that your path can manifest to you myself".

You may not know where this path leads you, but as you learn to sense it more and more clearly, your confidence in the correctness of certain steps will grow within you.

This is why the practice of transcendental meditation [in other words, the kind of meditation in which you are not trying to experience anything, learn anything, or achieve anything, but simply open yourself to what comes] is so important. She accustoms us to this level of knowledge. It doesn't necessarily get us there, but it does reduce the number of obstacles in our path - most of which are due to us relying too much on our current abilities.

Ultimately, we seek our spiritual path because by returning to our true selves, each of us gains the opportunity to take meaningful and compassionate actions that will help bring a little more clarity to our confused, conflict-torn world.

As we develop spiritually and personally, we all face many difficulties: we periodically lose our orientation in life, we lose our footing and our understanding of everything that is happening. And no matter how blasphemous it may sound, it is not bad. Because if we have taken the spiritual path, then the internal spiritual restructuring will affect not only our worldview. It completely turns our soul upside down, restructures our spirit, even our body responds with illnesses.

Many people who follow the path of development on their own cannot withstand the stress and fall into despair, as strange symptoms appear in their lives, changes in mood, the preconditions for certain diseases, which go away, just as they appeared, along with the diseases.

This article is for those who have embarked on the spiritual path and cannot always understand their changes; for those who have never experienced developmental symptoms and spiritual illnesses.

Spiritual path. Painful symptoms

Discomfort enters the life of a spiritually aspiring person; he is in pain and often begins to sway in different directions; it seems to him that everything is going wrong and that he is sick with something strange. But this is just our reaction to spiritual transformation, and nothing more.

So that we are not afraid of change, and do not “fantasize” some kind of collapse in life, below are the painful symptoms of spiritual awakening that every person who embarks on life goes through.

1. Feeling of purposelessness in life

The feeling that you live for no reason indicates that you have begun to feel more aware of yourself and your life. You indulge in dreams and memories much less, but live here and now.

Explanation: This is a level of deep self-absorption. You are finally present in your life. This time is given to you for deep introspection and identifying yourself as part of the process of life.

Positive: In the end, you will answer the questions “why do I exist?”, “what is my mission and purpose?” and begin to live in harmony with your essence.

2. Feeling lost, it seems that everything is irreparably bad

One of the difficult stages is total immersion in negativity, the feeling that nothing can be done about it.

Explanation: As spiritual work “gains speed”, the heavy mental material that needs to be realized and worked through increases. There is a lot of it, so it seems that the burden of life is unbearable.

Positive: As they say, this too shall pass. To reduce negative feelings, you should distract yourself and look at the world with different eyes. A break or rest provides an opportunity to reduce negativity. After this, you can continue your spiritual work.

3. Almost all things and activities have ceased to inspire me.

What used to please and bring, it would seem, true pleasure begins to lose all taste. There is more and more uninteresting and unnecessary things in life, and new interest in almost nothing appears. When asked to do something, . appears.

Explanation: With a change in life levels and a greater immersion in our true nature, it becomes unnatural and unpleasant for us to engage in activities that do not move our personality forward towards spiritual development. Therefore, many activities, like husks, fall away by themselves.

Positive: Sooner or later, a person enters the spiritual path of his true realization and does what is relevant to his purpose or mission.

4. Tastes and impressions change extremely quickly

Also unusual is the fact that a person does not have time to get used to his emotions. They sometimes change, like the mood of a girl of marriageable age. Out of the blue, bright colors of life and a rosy mood can suddenly appear, and a second later thunder can strike and depression can set in. It seems that life, like your own psyche, is uncontrollable.

Explanation: The spiritual path, like starting a car on a race track, gives a very large acceleration and what could previously take years, now a person can experience in a matter of days and even hours.

Positive: The high speed of spiritual processes increases the speed of processing past negativity. As they say, a plane is faster than a bicycle.

5. Childhood fears surface and the past seems to be returning.

When the soul awakens, the first thing that happens is that painful childhood experiences are remembered. The pain of the situation lies in the fact that it seems as if there was no work on oneself and one has to start all over again.

Explanation: Work has begun on a deeper level of personality. And those layers of consciousness that a person has not previously discovered for himself must be cleansed.

Positive: There is no need to be afraid, it will pass after some time. At each new level of immersion, a deeper layer of personality always emerges. Only after working through it can you move on.

6. The left hemisphere of the brain “refuses to work”

Such qualities as criticism, analysis, the ability to understand details, painstaking work become impossible and unattainable “pleasure”. The brain begins to become “dull” in simple things and refuses to work fully. It’s already difficult to keep your attention in routine work; Difficulty with organization, concentration, and memory for small details.

Explanation: Spiritual practices trigger the right hemisphere, and for some time it will be the one that will “steer” your consciousness. After some time everything will level out.

Positive: Turning on the right hemisphere triggers intuition. It is intuition that speeds up all processes and gives a very productive movement through life.

7. Dreams and illusions fall apart

The entire past, seemingly happy world, turns to dust. Dreams are pouring in, illusions are bursting at the seams. Life seems to throw a person from wonderful heights to the “sinful earth.” Life seems to offer something completely different from what one expected.

Explanation: If what was previously built by human consciousness in the form of dreams does not concern his true nature, true values, it must leave his life. And sometimes the collapse of illusions is very painful, but thanks to this a person returns to his roots.

Positive: A person begins to live his true nature and receives enormous strength and energy for his life. After all, now his “castle” is built not on sand, but on a solid foundation.

8. Defects are revealed

Everything that was previously acceptable or tolerable for a person in himself now gnaws and torments. All his shortcomings and bad habits begin to irritate him even more than before, which he suddenly wants to get rid of.

Explanation: The spiritual path, in fact, involves cleansing from negativity and developing sublime spiritual qualities. Therefore, the desire to deal with negativity is natural.

Positive: Such aspiration is a clear sign of the correct movement along the path of spiritual development. Cleansing will happen sooner or later.

9. Sleep and wakefulness patterns are disrupted

It is very difficult to regulate your life, because this area does not always depend on the person, especially during spiritual awakening.

Explanation: Energy doesn’t care when it goes, it knows neither day nor night, so a person is forced to respond to energy surges and losses.

Positive: There is a slow habituation and the ability to master large amounts of energy. Behind this one hundred And t much greater potential than before.

10. Vivid dreams appear, sometimes brighter than reality itself

I have vivid dreams that are very well remembered, even in the smallest details. They can even exceed real events in intensity.

Explanation: It is in dreams that the subconscious breaks through most clearly; it is in dreams that a subconscious solution to many problems occurs or a real hint regarding their solution.

Positive: By seeing vivid dreams, we become closer to our deepest nature.

11. Increased need for solitude

Many people, meetings, any noise and events will seem unnecessary. Over time, “too much society” will become annoying.

Explanation: One day it will turn out that only in private can you find better contact with yourself and only in private with yourself can you harmonize.

Positive: You don't need other people to feel. Over time, happiness must and will flow from within the person himself.

12. The number of friends is noticeably decreasing

It would seem that previously close people begin to fall away like leaves in the wind. It becomes uninteresting with many, others leave on their own.

Explanation: A change in personality structure sharply increases the gap between a person and his environment, and the boundaries of his interests are more sharply delineated. They become more and more profound, and not all people can adequately understand them.

Positive: Finally, you can build relationships not for the sake of relationships, but with like-minded people. This is true friendship.

13. A lot of negativity “appears” around

The sharpening of vision and impressions leads to the fact that many things begin to load and strain. There is a feeling that there is too much negativity around. Those things and those people that previously seemed normal are now seen in a negative light.

Explanation: Increased spiritual nature makes you notice the negative environment around you. And what previously seemed normal is a “difficult environment” for a person mastering the spiritual path. It’s like a former student, and now an established professor, returning to live in a hostel.

Positive: Sharpening of spiritual vision makes it possible to better understand people and accurately choose useful and positive situations for your life.

14. Even thoughts and self-talk can drain energy.

You have to control yourself at the level of thoughts. Because even your own thoughts and their negativity begin to burden you. You can lose all your energy only by negatively thinking about painful things.

Explanation: In fact, all events and states are formed at the level of worldview and thought forms. This means that you have reached the level of feeling your thoughts on the energy plane.

Positive: By learning to control thoughts and feelings, a person can learn to regulate his character and his destiny.

15. Character traits appear that a person previously denied and hated in himself

A person's personality changes. It seems beyond recognition. This begins to frighten not only those around him, but also the most active seeker of spiritual truths. Sometimes all the qualities that a person himself hated in others or eradicated in himself suddenly appear in all their fullness.

Explanation: What previously irritated a person was hidden in the depths of his subconscious. And the very fact “I don’t like it” speaks of a person’s close connection with internal quality. The time has come for him to manifest himself.

Positive: Right now there is an opportunity to look deep into yourself and truly understand all the secret sides of your personality.

16. Awareness and understanding are tormenting

The picture of the world often changes or is quickly supplemented. Along with this, unpleasant “discoveries” appear that a person would prefer not to know. You have to take into account and accept even “unkind”, “evil”, “destructive” in your model of the world.

Explanation: The picture of the world is forced to expand and enrich itself. It will certainly include previously denied facts. A person grows spiritually if he can reconcile “good” and “evil.”

Positive: By reconciling good and evil (by accepting both), the seeker of spiritual truths has a great chance to grow to the level of “true love,” which is often known only from books.

17. Doubts and misunderstandings increase. The boundary between “good” and “bad” is thinning

The last illusions and skeletal beliefs about who you “should” be and what the world should be like dissolve. You feel insecure because of uncertainty! What’s even worse is that the internal position of what is “good” and what is “bad” is completely unclear.

Explanation: You are in the process of development. At the moment of rising upward, more horizons open up and boundaries expand. Therefore, doubts and uncertainty in this case are normal.

Positive: Uncertainty at the moment of spiritual work is a sign of an unfolding personality and enrichment of the soul. A wise person will say, “I know that I know nothing.” He is not afraid of his insecurities.

18. Life-changing events are forced to occur.

Life begins to change, including relocations, divorces, and sudden changes in occupation.

Explanation: Life begins to be built in accordance with the deepest desires of a person.

Positive: Over time, having built life in its essence, a person becomes more harmonious and happy than ever.

19. A strong desire to live and act in your true essence

In reality, everything that is not interesting to our soul begins to irritate or becomes boring. One’s true nature is revealed, which cannot be “conversed” or deceived by anything. Concentration in life only on the main thing and on what is useful for the development of the spirit and soul.

Explanation: Having finally really realized his nature, a person can no longer and does not want to play various social games, does not want to go against his spiritual nature. His true “I” comes first for him.

Positive: A person begins to live in his essence, act, speak, defend everything that is important to himself. Consciously embarks on his own spiritual path and...

20. The time has come to take responsibility for your life. Time of autonomous independence

A person has to take responsibility for his own life. An understanding comes that there is no need to rely, complain, or look for friends in misfortune. Autonomy, excessive independence and loneliness are scary.

Explanation: Over time, a revelation comes to a person mastering the spiritual path that he himself is the cause and effect of everything that happens to him. Therefore, autonomy, responsibility, self-absorption and even loneliness are normal in this case.

Positive: After this event, the individual has the opportunity to become more mature and move to more global plans of his life. True spiritual freedom of the individual is impossible without this point.