Logical and entertaining problems (300 problems). Logical and entertaining problems (300 problems) What do Australians call a sea wasp?

One of the favorite entertainments for preschoolers is humorous riddles. This fun is perfect for both one child and a group of children of the same age. Children aged 4-5 years really like to feel superior to their peers, so they like to solve simple riddles at speed. Often such entertainment is used in kindergartens to keep children occupied for a while.

In this article we will tell you the benefits of this fun for children, and also provide a selection of interesting riddles for children 5 years old that will help you entertain your child, and help him have an interesting time and recharge himself with positive energy for a long time.

How are riddles useful for preschool children?

Solving riddles is a mischievous and fun activity, which, moreover, contributes to the development of intelligence, creative, abstract, logical, imaginative and In addition, the child learns to listen carefully, since most often the correct answer lies in the text of the riddle itself.

Also, while in the process of guessing, the baby is forced to compare several options that come to his mind in order to choose the only correct one. All this develops the ability to highlight certain characteristics and properties of a guessed object and establish logical connections between different objects. Finally, having completed the task, the baby gains confidence in himself and his abilities.

We should not forget that solving riddles incredibly enriches a child’s vocabulary and contributes to the formation of competent and correct speech. With their help, you can introduce your baby to the names of objects of a certain category, for example, animals, plants, insects, mushrooms, fruits and vegetables, and so on. All of these skills will be extremely useful for five-year-old children, as they will help them to successfully comprehend the school curriculum in the near future.

Simple riddles for young children 5 years old

The following simple riddles are perfect even for the youngest children who have never played such games before:

Dad and mom are at home with me,

So today is the day... (day off).

On the stove there is a boss of pots,

Thick, long-nosed... (teapot).

Four wheels

rubber tires,

Motor and brakes,

And what is it?(car).

Jump and jump,

Long ears,

White side (hare).

Rhyming riddles for children 5 years old about fruits and vegetables, as well as animals

Rhyming riddles, the text of which is a short quatrain, are best suited for children 4-5 years old and their parents. They are quite easy to remember and, in addition, are always interesting to guess.

The most popular topics for solving riddles for preschool children are all kinds of animals, as well as vegetables and fruits. Such objects are constantly encountered in the most ordinary life, so such riddles can be offered to a child just casually as a training for the mind. In particular, about animals, as well as fruits and vegetables, you can offer your child the following rhyming riddles:

A shell is not a shirt,

This is a house, it's not scary.

And the hostess looks proudly -

I feel calm in a solid house!(turtle).

He is slow, fanged,

His paws are like flippers,

And in the zoo pool

It's hot for the northern beast.(walrus).

Enjoy it quickly!

Before you is the king of beasts,

The miracle mane shook,

Silky and beautiful.(a lion).

Champion in fast running,

Sometimes I drive carts.

Uncle groom brought me

Water, hay and oats.(horse).

A man's true friend,

I can hear every sound very clearly.

I have an excellent sense of smell

Keen eye and keen hearing.(dog).

We are on a high tree

Filled with sweet juice.

Look, how ripe they are!

We nod to everyone from the leaves.(apples).

Bird in a hole

Tail in the yard.

Who plucks feathers

He wipes away his tears.(onion).

Green beads,


Not worn by a girl,

The earth is thrown into the cheese.(green pea).

Red nose

Rooted into the ground.

Sits and is cowardly

Suddenly someone takes a bite.(carrot).

Addition riddles for children 5 years old

Addition riddles are also a short rhyme, in most cases consisting of four lines. What distinguishes them from the previous type is that the guess word is part of the poem, or rather, its ending. Thus, the child needs to choose a word that not only matches the meaning of the riddle, but also fits harmoniously into the poem itself. Such fun can relate to absolutely any topic, for example, boys and girls will definitely enjoy riddles such as:

He howls at the moon at night,

Whoever opens the door for him is stupid.

A regiment of squirrels and hares will eat

Very angry toothy...(wolf).

Sugar in water from food

We sprinkle only dried fruits,

We cook for about an hour, and then

It turns out…(compote).

Bright mini-helicopter

Takes flight.

But why does he need eyes?

Yes he just...(dragonfly).

We are in it in winter and summer

Dressed from head to toe

D We can’t even rent it for the night,

Because it…(leather).

He's faster than a human

Multiplies two numbers

It contains a hundred times a library

I could fit in

Only there it is possible to open

One hundred windows per minute.

It's not hard to guess,

What's the mystery about...(computer).

Logic riddles with a trick for children 5 years old

As a rule, such riddles cause certain difficulties for children. At the same time, they are the best brain trainer, so at least sometimes be sure to offer your son or similar entertainment for your daughter, for example:

Two mothers, two daughters and a grandmother and granddaughter. How many are there? (three people: grandmother, mother and girl).

One man has four sons and each of them has a sister. How many children does he have? (five).

Liquid, not water, white, not snow. (milk).

There were five candles burning in the room. Two candles were extinguished. How much is left? (two candles, the rest burned out).

Riddles for children from 4 to 7 years old with answers

Who will knit socks for the grandchildren?

He will tell an old tale,

Will he give you pancakes with honey? -

This is our... (grandmother)

Sharp nose, steel ear,

There is a friend thread in the ear.

Helped me sew new clothes

To our grandmother... (needle)

Like long-nosed herons,

They weave the thread into braids.

Knit a scarf and mittens

We are quick sisters... (knitting needles)

Tell me quickly

What kind of ball is made of soft threads?

He looks like a bun

With a long ponytail... (clew)

A close relative of the broom

It will sweep the corners of the house.

He's certainly not a slacker.

It will help to remove litter... (broom)

There was once a fat man in fashion,

He earned fame among the people.

Exhaling hot steam,

I was preparing tea... (samovar)

We carry you into the garden by the hand

We are a plastic cloud.

Hey carrot, drink some water!

What kind of cloud? - This... (watering can)

Tomatoes and peppers,

The miracle house has opened its doors for you.

Those who are afraid of drafts,

The glass house is waiting -... (greenhouse)

We buried it in the ground,

They poured clean water on it.

Time has flown by -

Sprouted up ... (seed)

These are futile efforts -

Fill it with water.

As soon as you pour it, you see - it’s spilled.

There are holes everywhere. This... (sieve)

Who wants to help the dressmaker?

The fabric sews quickly with a needle.

An apron and a scarf will come out.

The sewing shop sews them... (typewriter)

He's in the kitchen or in the dining room,

A new tablecloth has been laid.

He rested his feet on the floor.

Did you guess it? This... (table)

In a miracle oven behind glass

The pies are sitting next to each other.

Bake them very deftly

A stove with the name... (oven)

What a miracle, who can tell me?

Flapping its wings on the field,

And the flour is grinding...

What is this? (Mill )

Who could drive along it?

I erased my back and side.

What a clumsy slide!

Did you guess it? This... (grater)

He's seen a lot of boots,

He lived his life on the threshold.

There is dirt and debris on the soles -

Wipe your feet on... (carpet)

Grandfather's riddles

There are wrinkles on his face

Gray hair is visible.

This homebody -

Our favorite... (grandfather)

Two glasses, frame, temples

Caught on the ears.

There are no newbies on the nose -

They fit well... (glasses)

You can wear flowers in it

And nuts and mushrooms.

Just work a little -

You will weave from the vine... (basket)

Unfold the sheet quickly -

You will see a lot of lines there.

In the lines - news from the whole world.

What kind of leaf is this? (Newspaper)

He has two pairs of legs.

He couldn't stand without them.

So that you sit down and rest,

We have it in our apartment... (chair)

Four-wheeled "beast"

In our garage now.

Dust swirls from the wheels -

Ours is coming... (automobile)

We will tie a thread to the tube,

We'll catch a fish with it.

A thread and a tube,

What is this? (Fishing rod)

He doesn't mind taking a nap during the day,

But it burns all night.

And today, as in the past,

Lights up the yard... (flashlight)

Who is sewn from thick leather

And is it all stuffed with things?

Who has traveled many countries? -

Our road... (suitcase)

She worked well

And it buzzed and spun.

An oak felled near the village.

Who is she, tell me? (Saw)

He will walk along the plank -

Rings will fall down.

I removed all the shavings early

From every board... (plane)

In the morning only the dawn will break,

And she’s already cutting the grass.

There is still dew on the flowers,

Mows them in the meadows... (braid)

Guess who they are?

One-legged, thin.

The hammer will come to visit them -

And he will hit the wall... (nails)

Who has an iron head

Will he chop some firewood for you and me?

Ringing and roar throughout the yard -

It's working... (axe)



Riddles for children from 4 to 6 years old with answers

Who will knit socks for the grandchildren?

He will tell an old tale,

Will he give you pancakes with honey? -

This is our... (grandmother)

Sharp nose, steel ear,

There is a friend thread in the ear.

Helped me sew new clothes

To our grandmother... (needle)

Like long-nosed herons,

They weave the thread into braids.

Knit a scarf and mittens

We are quick sisters...(knitting needles)

Tell me quickly

What kind of ball is made of soft threads?

He looks like a bun

With a long ponytail...(clew)

A close relative of the broom

It will sweep the corners of the house.

He's certainly not a slacker.

It will help to remove litter...(broom)

There was once a fat man in fashion,

He earned fame among the people.

Exhaling hot steam,

I was preparing tea... (samovar)

We carry you into the garden by the hand

We are a plastic cloud.

Hey carrot, drink some water!

What kind of cloud? - This...(watering can)

Tomatoes and peppers,

The miracle house has opened its doors for you.

Those who are afraid of drafts,

The glass house is waiting -...(greenhouse)

We buried it in the ground,

They poured clean water on it.

Time has flown by -

Sprouted up... (seed)

These are futile efforts -

Fill it with water.

As soon as you pour it, you see - it’s spilled.

There are holes everywhere. This...(sieve)

Who wants to help the dressmaker?

The fabric sews quickly with a needle.

An apron and a scarf will come out.

The sewing shop sews them...(typewriter)

He's in the kitchen or in the dining room,

A new tablecloth has been laid.

He rested his feet on the floor.

Did you guess it? This...(table)

In a miracle oven behind glass

The pies are sitting next to each other.

Bake them very deftly

A stove with the name...(oven)

What a miracle, who can tell me?

Flapping its wings on the field,

And the flour is grinding...

What is this? (Mill)

Who could drive along it?

I erased my back and side.

What a clumsy slide!

Did you guess it? This...(grater)

He's seen a lot of boots,

He lived his life on the threshold.

There is dirt and debris on the soles -

Wipe your feet on... (carpet)

Grandfather's riddles

There are wrinkles on his face

Gray hair is visible.

This homebody -

Our beloved... (grandfather)

Two glasses, frame, temples

Caught on the ears.

There are no newbies on the nose -

They fit well... (glasses)

You can wear flowers in it

And nuts and mushrooms.

Just work a little -

You will weave from the vine...(basket)

Unfold the sheet quickly -

You will see a lot of lines there.

In the lines - news from the whole world.

What kind of leaf is this?(Newspaper)

He has two pairs of legs.

He couldn't stand without them.

So that you sit down and rest,

We have it in our apartment...(chair)

Four-wheeled "beast"

In our garage now.

Dust swirls from the wheels -

Ours is coming... (car)

We will tie a thread to the tube,

We'll catch a fish with it.

A thread and a tube,

What is this? (Fishing rod)

He doesn't mind taking a nap during the day,

But it burns all night.

And today, as in the past,

Lights up the yard... (lantern)

Who is sewn from thick leather

And is it all stuffed with things?

Who has traveled many countries? -

Our travel... (suitcase)

She worked well

And it buzzed and spun.

An oak felled near the village.

Who is she, tell me? (Saw)

He will walk along the plank -

Rings will fall down.

I removed all the shavings early

From every board...(plane)

In the morning only the dawn will break,

And she’s already cutting the grass.

There is still dew on the flowers,

Mows them in the meadows...(braid)

Guess who they are?

One-legged, thin.

The hammer will come to visit them -

And he will hit the wall...(nails)

Who has an iron head

Will he chop some firewood for you and me?

Ringing and roar throughout the yard -

It works... (axe)

What changes clothes four times a year?
Answer: Earth
Look, the house is standing
Filled to the brim with water,
Without windows, but not gloomy,
Transparent on four sides.

The residents of this house are all skilled swimmers.
Answer: Aquarium
Four brothers stand under one tent.
Answer: Table
Four blue suns in grandma's kitchen,
Four blue suns burned and went out.
The cabbage soup is ripe, the pancakes are sizzling.
No need for sun until tomorrow.
Answer: Gas stove
Four legs, not a beast, with feathers, not a bird.
Answer: Bed, feather bed
One is gray-haired, the other is young,
The third is jumping, and the fourth is crying.
Answer: Seasons
This year lives the longest:
There are more hours and days in it.
We are all waiting for his arrival
Exactly once every four years
Answer: Leap year
Boots were put on four legs,
Before putting them on, they began to inflate the shoes.
Answer: Wheels, tires
Four brothers are running along the same road, but will not catch up with each other.
Answer: Wheels
Below is a stone, above is a stone,
Four legs and one head.
Answer: Turtle
Four dirty hooves climbed right into the trough.
Answer: Piglet
Four fours, two spreaders, the seventh is a vertun, and he himself is a grumbler.
Answer: Dog

Modern children are much smarter than us, they have faster reactions, and they remember a lot, but this ability must be developed starting from the age of 2, when they can already listen to books read. For children aged 3 to 4 years, when they speak intelligently, riddles are very necessary in which they will remember simple, well-known fruits, vegetables, animals, plants and objects, and also learn new ones. Try to choose riddles that indicate color, shape, size, or habits. Most easily and with great pleasure, kids at this age guess riddles with a rhyme where you need to add the last word. Parents love to keep their child busy with cartoons or toys on the computer, but the living word is your psychological connection with them. So let there be more live communication in your home. Riddles and guesses should be done with children suffering from autism or Down syndrome.

Shaggy, mustachioed, drinks milk, sings songs. (Cat)

Ku-ka-re-ku he screams loudly, flaps his wings loudly, loudly,
The faithful shepherd chicken, what is his name? (rooster).

He sits very obediently, he doesn’t want to bark at all,
He is overgrown with a lot of fur, Well, of course he is (a dog).

She walks in the rain, loves to pluck grass,
The quack screams, It’s all a joke, Well, of course it is (a duck).

I have a question for you - Who got their mouth and nose dirty?
Who sits in a puddle all day? Grunting and swimming with fat,
Tell me friends - What is her name - (pig).

Every evening, so easily, She gives us milk.
She says two words, What is her name - (cow).

At night he doesn’t sleep at all, he guards the house from mice,
He drinks milk from a bowl, Well, of course it’s (cat).

He repeats one thing - ha-ha, Who offended? Where? When?
I'm not afraid of anyone, Well, of course it's (goose).

He sits in a cage all day, and repeats under his breath,
But hearing the door creak, He shouts “Philip-Philip”
Give Kesha a drink quickly, Who is this (parrot).

He sleeps in a den in winter, quietly snores,
And he wakes up, well, roar, What’s his name - (bear).

He decided to marry Thumbelina, The girl was saved only by a bird,
He stuffs his mouth with grain, Well, of course it is (a mole).

She buzzes over the flower, flies quickly towards the hive,
She gave her honey to the honeycomb, What is her name - (bee).

The rope is crawling along the ground, Here is the tongue, the open mouth,
I am ready to bite everyone, because I am (a snake).

All the time he prowls through the forest, He is looking for someone in the bushes.
He snaps his teeth from the bushes, Whoever says this - (wolf).

Loves red carrots, gnaws cabbage very deftly,
He gallops here and there, Through forests and fields,
Gray, white and oblique, Who say he is - (hare).

It is gray, big, on four pillars,
You look at him and you just say, ah!
The trunk lifts up, waters everyone from the fountain,
Tell me, who is he? Well, of course it is (elephant).

Along the path in the forest, I am carrying a big apple,
I look like needles, of course my name is (hedgehog).

The king of beasts roars loudly, and hurries to gather all the beasts,
Sitting gracefully on a stone, Tell me who it is - (lion).

In the forest she sits on a branch, she repeats one “kuckoo”,
She counts the years for us all, She loses her chicks.
"Peek-a-boo" here and there, What is this bird's name? - (cuckoo).

Oranges and bananas are very popular... (monkeys)

I lost my sock, it was dragged away... (puppy)

There are a lot of windows in it. We live in it. This is... (house)

I’m not afraid of the word “scatter” - I’m a forest cat... (lynx)

He gets up at dawn, sings in the yard, has a comb on his head. Who is this?.. (cockerel)

The grandfather is sitting, dressed in a hundred fur coats. Whoever undresses him sheds tears. (Onion)

The beautiful maiden sits in prison, and the braid is on the street. (Carrot)

A hundred clothes and all without fasteners. (Cabbage)

Yellow Antoshka spins on his leg. Where the sun is, that’s where he looks. (Sunflower)

They are waiting for me - they won’t wait, and when they see me, they will run away. (Rain)

A toothy animal gnaws at an oak tree with a squeal. (Saw)

Two bellies, four ears. (Pillow)

Four brothers under one hat. (Table)

I'm friendly with my hair, I put it in order.
I am grateful for my hairstyle, And my name is... (Comb)

I dig in the ground with my little snout, I take a swim in a dirty puddle. (Pig)