How does cinnamon affect hair? Cinnamon is an easily accessible and inexpensive remedy for activating hair growth. Mask with cinnamon and honey

With the help of cinnamon, you can not only add an unforgettable aroma to your culinary masterpieces, but also significantly improve the condition of your hair. This wonderful spice contains many valuable components that have the best effect on the condition of the scalp and the curls themselves.

What are the benefits of cinnamon for hair?

Without a doubt, it can be called a unique product that has a beneficial effect on the entire body. By regularly adding it to your food, you can lose weight, improve brain function, get rid of depression and improve digestion. When used externally, it will help make the skin smooth and velvety, and also reduce all kinds of inflammation on it. Cinnamon is no less useful for hair. It strengthens the hair follicles, thereby preventing hair loss, eliminates dandruff and heals the scalp. With the help of this spice, you can significantly enhance hair growth, make strands healthier, shiny, voluminous and beautiful. In addition, cinnamon has another wonderful property - when used correctly, it can lighten curls by about a couple of tones.

Using cinnamon for hair

You can use cinnamon essential oil or cinnamon powder for your hair. The oil is most often used for scalp massages. But in order not to harm the skin and hair, this product should not be applied in its pure form. It is recommended to dilute it with any vegetable oil, for example, olive, castor or burdock, in the proportion: 2 drops of essential oil per tablespoon of base oil. Massages can be performed with your fingertips or a soft hair brush. It is very useful to apply this oil composition to the ends of the hair, this will prevent it from drying out and splitting.

Cinnamon powder is almost always used to make various hair masks. But since cinnamon itself is a rather aggressive component, it must be used following certain rules.

Rules for using cinnamon masks:

  • Never use cinnamon on your hair without adding other ingredients, as it can cause severe burning and even burns.
  • Apply the mask only to clean, dry hair.
  • First rub the product into the skin, and then just distribute it through the hair.
  • To improve the effect of the masks, after applying them, wrap your hair first with cling film or cellophane, and then with a warm towel or scarf; instead of the latter, you can wear a knitted cap.
  • If you do not want to lighten your hair with cinnamon, do not keep masks based on it for longer than half an hour.
  • To achieve good results, make masks regularly, at least once every four days.

Traditional methods are becoming increasingly popular for skin care and hair care. From familiar products, you can create effective mixtures at home that have a rejuvenating and healing effect. Hair masks with cinnamon restore the damaged structure of strands, make them strong and shiny, they are often used for safe lightening.

The effectiveness is due to the unique composition of the main ingredient. The beneficial properties of crushed cinnamon tree bark are used in cooking, folk medicine and cosmetology. At home, they create products for treating and lightening strands; the product has many positive reviews.

Benefits of cinnamon:

  • Tannins penetrate deep into the epidermis, trigger the regeneration process in damaged tissues, and activate metabolism. Cinnamon is often chosen for preparing restorative masks because it improves blood circulation, strengthens follicles, and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands.
  • Eugenol is a natural antiseptic. Helps get rid of dermatological diseases of the scalp, dandruff, itching, and accelerates the regeneration process. After eliminating infectious pathologies, the likelihood of developing early baldness decreases.
  • Cinnamaldehyde. Thanks to this component, cinnamon is used for safe lightening.
  • Essential oils. They retain moisture in the hair, nourish the strands and skin well, and strengthen the follicles. With regular use of homemade masks, the curls become firm and elastic, and the hair gains volume.

Cinnamon powder contains a lot of vitamins and minerals - these elements help accelerate growth, prevent hair loss and increased fragility. Antioxidants have an antifungal effect, eliminate inflammatory processes and pathogenic microflora on the scalp, and effectively fight various types of seborrhea.

Cinnamon is a hot product that can cause severe allergic reactions in girls with particularly delicate skin. You must first do a sensitivity test - dilute a small amount of powder with water, apply the mixture to your wrist or elbow, if no negative reactions appear after 5-7 minutes, you can use it to create masks at home. The strong smell of crushed cinnamon bark can cause a jump in blood pressure, so it is not suitable for hypertensive patients.

Features and rules for using cinnamon-based masks

At home, cinnamon oil is used to massage the scalp and improve the condition of the ends. Revitalizing masks are made with aromatic powder to lighten and strengthen strands.

For massage, you need to add 2-3 drops of cinnamon essential extract to 15 ml of olive oil, sea buckthorn, castor oil - you cannot use the aromatic product in its pure form. Apply the mixture to the root area, gently rub the product into the skin with your fingertips for a quarter of an hour. Wash your hair as usual and let your hair dry naturally. To restore the structure of the strands and strengthen the follicles, 6–8 sessions will be required; the procedure should be performed once every 2–3 days.

Rules for using a hair mask:

  • The spice cannot be used in its pure form; it can dry out and burn the skin, causing itching and burning.
  • Therapeutic and lightening masks should be applied only to dry and clean hair. It is better to warm up the mass a little beforehand.
  • The mixture must first be rubbed into the skin, then evenly distributed over the entire length of the curls.
  • To enhance the therapeutic effect, insulate your head.
  • Keep for the specified time; if you do not follow this rule, the strands will become lighter.

In order for your hair to quickly gain shine, thickness and volume, the product should be used regularly, at least twice a week for a month. If any discomfort occurs during the procedure, the mass must be washed off.

Masks based on cinnamon powder and honey

Honey and cinnamon are an excellent combination with which you can carry out safe lightening, give your curls an interesting shade, and avoid alopecia. According to the girls' reviews, the result lasts a long time, the strands become shiny, they are easier to style, and if you carry out sessions regularly, gray hairs will also be covered.

  • Lemon mask recipe. Dissolve 125 ml of honey in 250 ml of warm water, add 40 g of spice, 220 ml of any conditioner, 15 ml of lemon juice. Apply the mixture evenly, put on a polyethylene cap, and rinse off after an hour.
  • The combination of cinnamon and honey helps get rid of dandruff and seborrhea. Pour 5 g of chopped nettle into 100 ml of boiling water, strain after a quarter of an hour. Add 15 ml of beekeeping product, 10 ml of sea buckthorn oil, 10 g of spice to the infusion. If the strands are oily, you can add 3 drops of tea tree essential extract. Rub the mixture into the skin with massage movements and distribute over all curls. Duration – 40–50 minutes.
  • Hair masks against baldness. Mix 15 g of honey, coconut oil and powder, heat in a steam bath until smooth. Add 3 drops of essential cinnamon extract, 1 ampoule of liquid vitamin E. Apply warm to curls, insulate head, rinse after 35 minutes. More coconut oil recipes in.
  • Against increased fat content. In a glass container, beat 2 quail yolks, add 5 g of spice, 15 ml of warm honey, 7 drops of jojoba or tea tree oil. Leave for half an hour, rinse as usual.

Review of the best recipes

Cinnamon is a good remedy for accelerating hair growth, nourishing strands, and strengthening roots. With regular use at home, you can quickly heal even very damaged hair.

  1. Homemade mask for quick recovery and growth. Mix 35 ml of fat sour cream with 15 g of powder, heat slightly in a water bath to a temperature of 36–37 degrees, add a beaten egg. Distribute over the entire length, wrap your head, remove after 45–50 minutes using the usual method.
  2. Revitalizing mask recipe. Beat 1 ripe banana in a blender, add 45 ml of coconut oil and 5 g of cinnamon powder to the puree. Rub the mixture into the root area, lubricate the curls, and leave for 35 minutes. Wash your hair as usual and let it dry naturally.
  3. If the strands are unruly, tangled, or difficult to style, then a simple remedy will help. Mix 10 g of aromatic spice, gelatin, coconut oil and regular balm, add 20 ml of water, 2 quail yolks. The mixture should be applied to the curls, 2 cm away from the roots, and left for 40–45 minutes. This mask gives your hair shine and protects it from the negative effects of external factors.


There are a lot of positive reviews about the masks - girls like the ease of preparation, the availability of ingredients, and the quick and noticeable results. Therefore, on forums, women share secrets, recipes and subtleties of use at home.

“After the unsuccessful use of Egyptian henna, my strands acquired an incomprehensible purple tint, and I began to look for an effective but safe hair lightening product. I read a lot of reviews and prepared a mask with the addition of honey and balm. I kept the mixture for more than an hour, at first it was very hot, but then a pleasant warmth appeared, I just washed it off with warm water without shampoo. The result is that the curls have become 1.5 shades lighter, very soft, smooth, and the hair has acquired incredible volume.”

Tamara, St. Petersburg.

“By nature, my blonde strands are not very bright, so I regularly use lightening masks at home. My favorite one is based on cinnamon powder and honey. It allows you to give a beautiful and bright color, helped me get rid of dandruff. And in the spring I use this mass to strengthen and restore.”

Nina, Nizhny Novgorod.

“I am skeptical about various folk remedies; I have always chosen professional products for hair care. But somehow, in company with a friend, I decided to apply a mask of cinnamon, honey and kefir, I liked the result after the first session. Before the procedure, my curls were in a deplorable state after a perm and were not growing well. But after a month everything became much better - the process of loss completely stopped, the roots noticeably strengthened, and growth accelerated.”

Polina, Moscow.

“I really love the spice, I constantly add it to drinks and desserts. And recently I learned that the powder can be used in home cosmetology. A friend recommended a recipe with gelatin, I was amazed at the result. My unruly hair became smooth, shiny, no longer tangled, and combing it is a pleasure. The aromatic spice gave it a slight reddish hue, but I like it.”

Angelina, Krasnodar.

Cinnamon is also used as one of the components of hair masks, both in the form of essential oil and in powder form. Cinnamon has a wide range of effects on our hair, which explains its such high popularity. Cinnamon is a wonderful spice used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology, perfumery and many other areas, as it has a whole host of beneficial properties.

Do you want to lighten your hair without causing any harm to it? Miracle spice can also help you with this. Try the following brightening mask: mix 200 ml of your hair conditioner, 70 ml of liquid honey and 3 tablespoons of ground cinnamon. Apply a homogeneous mixture to clean, damp hair and distribute evenly. The hair should be insulated with cellophane, which should be removed after 30 minutes, but the mask should be left for another 2-4 hours. After the product is washed off with warm water, you can use a chamomile decoction. This mask not only lightens your hair, but also strengthens it remarkably.

Many people love fragrant cinnamon sticks: some add them to tea or mulled wine, while others use this aromatic spice to add an amazing aroma and amazing taste to buns, pies or puddings. However, despite the widespread use of cinnamon in cooking, few people know that in Eastern countries it is used for hair care. Eastern women have long known that cinnamon for hair is an indispensable remedy for weakened and lifeless curls. This aromatic spice has a beneficial effect on hair, strengthening its structure, preventing hair loss and stimulating the growth of new hairs.

Today, cinnamon for hair is most often used as a component of strengthening, restoring and toning hair masks. Typically, it is used in powder form or as an oil.

Benefits of cinnamon for hair

Cinnamon has a fairly diverse chemical composition. It is rich in antioxidants and tannins. Cinnamon helps reduce inflammation, stimulates blood circulation and thereby enhances the breakdown of fats. This tropical spice is useful for acute respiratory infections, gastrointestinal disorders, strengthens the immune system, and has tonic and warming properties. It is successfully used in preparations to combat cellulite. It contains a lot of vitamins and essential oils. It is these properties of the seasoning that cosmetologists value and use it as a nourishing and cleansing agent for the skin.

Among the wide medicinal spectrum of cinnamon is its wonderful effect on hair. It helps strengthen hair roots, stimulates their growth and is actively used to lighten hair. It is these properties of the seasoning that significantly distinguish it from other folk remedies for the care of all types of hair. Cinnamon is a unique cosmetic product, the use of which solves most hair problems. Most often, tropical seasoning is used in powder form for this purpose. Its essential oil is rarely used.

The latter has the ability to strengthen and accelerate hair growth, as well as improve the condition of the scalp. Natural brunettes and brown-haired women who use chemical dyes to turn themselves into blondes know how such lightening affects their hair. They can go from oily to dry, even at the roots. Also, the result of coloring is split ends, loss of vitality and, ultimately, loss. In a word, hair often turns into “straw”.

Unlike chemical dyes, cinnamon can gently lighten hair by several tones. At the same time, it will not only not cause harm to your hair, but on the contrary, it will nourish it and make it healthier. A great way to heal your hair is to massage your hair roots with cinnamon essential oil. This procedure will strengthen the hair and improve its structure. It is possible to carry out this procedure by mixing cinnamon oil and burdock oil in equal parts. Massage can be done in three ways: with your fingertips, palms and using a massage brush (preferably a wooden one). After the procedure, the hair should be washed with your usual shampoo and allowed to dry naturally. In addition to improving your health, you will also be provided with a light, pleasant aroma of the seasoning.

Traditional Indian mask with cinnamon

Few people know that the practice of using aromatic cinnamon for hair care came to us from India, where herbs and spices are used not only as an integral component of traditional dishes, but also as a remedy for the treatment of various ailments, including the treatment of hair loss and activation of their growth. Indian women, who can boast of the amazing beauty of their hair, know many recipes for cinnamon remedies to activate hair growth. Among them is a traditional Indian mask to activate hair growth, which is prepared from the following components:

  • cinnamon powder – 2 tsp;
  • ground cloves – 1 tsp;
  • olive oil – 4 tbsp;
  • honey – 4 tbsp;
  • a pinch of red pepper.

To prepare an Indian mask for hair growth, combine honey with olive oil and heat in a water bath. Then add the pre-mixed spices to the warm butter-honey mixture. Keep the prepared composition in a water bath for at least 10-20 minutes so that all the aromatic spices have time to reveal their amazing aroma and give out all their medicinal properties. After the prepared Indian mask has cooled slightly, use a wooden comb to apply it to dry hair, thoroughly soaking each strand of hair. This must be done with extreme care and caution, avoiding getting the mixture on the scalp. An Indian mask that stimulates hair growth consists of hot spices, which, if they come into contact with the scalp, can not only cause an unpleasant burning sensation, but also cause severe irritation.

Cinnamon to stimulate hair growth

It is difficult to imagine a more effective home cosmetology product than cinnamon for hair growth. And although today there are many recipes for homemade hair masks prepared on the basis of this aromatic spice, very often many women, for various reasons, cannot spend several hours preparing and using such products. However, you should not refuse to use this amazing spice for hair care, because today there are many fast-acting hair recipes that include cinnamon.

Perhaps the simplest and fastest of these recipes is adding cinnamon to your shampoo. Just a few drops of cinnamon oil added to your regular shampoo will strengthen your hair and help combat severe hair loss.

Fast-acting recipes also include head massage with dry cinnamon. For this massage you will need finely ground cinnamon powder. While shampooing, take a handful of cinnamon powder and rub it into your hair using gentle movements. After finishing the massage, rinse your hair with running water. This massage stimulates the flow of blood to the hair follicles, and, consequently, activates the growth of new hairs.

Precautionary measures

Cinnamon for hair is one of the fast-acting natural remedies. Many girls, especially those with short hair, note the positive effect of this product after the second procedure using cinnamon. And although it is recommended to use cinnamon for hair at least 2 times a week to achieve maximum results, this aromatic product must be handled very carefully, since in inept hands cinnamon can only harm the hair. Therefore, when using cinnamon for hair care, you should know and follow these precautions:

  • Before using cinnamon in its pure form or as part of a medicinal hair mask, you should definitely do a skin sensitivity test to this product.
  • When applying cinnamon medicinal products to your hair, you should avoid getting them on your face or eyes.
  • If severe redness or burning occurs, the mask prepared with cinnamon must be washed off immediately.
  • Cinnamon for hair is not only a powerful hair growth activator, but also a natural lightener that can lighten your curls by 2-3 tones. Therefore, when using cinnamon products, you should not leave them on your hair for a long time, otherwise there is a risk of getting a lightening effect.

When used correctly and following all precautions, cinnamon for hair can become an indispensable remedy in the fight against hair loss and a natural activator of new hair growth. Therefore, do not refuse to use this aromatic spice to care for your curls, and then they will become healthy and beautiful!

Cinnamon Brightening Mask Recipe


  • hair conditioner – 200 grams,
  • honey (natural) – 70 grams,
  • cinnamon (grind before use) – 3-4 dessert spoons.


All ingredients must be mixed in a specially prepared container (preferably glass), always with a wooden spoon, since contact of metal with the above ingredients can cause their destructive effect.


First, wash your hair, dry it and comb it. Then apply a cinnamon mask to the prepared hair along the entire length.

It must be remembered that rubbing such a mask is strictly prohibited, in order to avoid minor injuries in the form of burns or scratches with particles of poorly ground cinnamon on the scalp.

For a positive effect, saturate your hair with this mixture using a plastic bag to create a greenhouse state for your head. You need to keep your hair in this position for half an hour to a maximum of forty minutes, then remove the package and keep this composition on your head for an additional three hours.

Try not to pay much attention to the length of the process, think only about the upcoming justified expectation of the most beautiful hair color.

After waiting time, rinse the mask from your hair first with warm water, and then rinse with chamomile infusion, which will give an additional healing effect to your hair.

After the result obtained, think for yourself whether it is worth spending money for lightening procedures in hairdressing salons or whether it is worth repeating several similar procedures at home, obtaining the desired result at the lowest cost.

Properties and benefits of cinnamon oil for hair

Cinnamon, beloved by many of us, contains a whole cocktail of beneficial ingredients that encourage its use as widely as possible.

It contains components without which rapid hair growth will not occur: vitamins, tannins, cinnamic alcohol, etc.

Cinnamon alcohol has a slight burning effect, which irritates the hair follicles, stimulating all metabolic processes and providing unprecedented hair growth.

For intensive growth, hair must be nourished with special vitamin components, which cinnamon is so rich in. It contains:

  • retinol and beta-carotene, healing any hair damage; thiamine and pyridoxine, used by trichologists for seborrhea;
  • riboflavin, which accelerates cell division and hair growth;
  • phylloquinone, which nourishes hair follicles;
  • ascorbic acid, which gives shine to individual hairs;
  • choline, which can “seal” split ends no worse than the fashionable hot haircut technology;
  • folic acid, which serves as a protective shell for hair from weather and climate changes;
  • tocopherol and niacin, which give hair elasticity and elasticity and delay gray hair in the early stages.

Because of such an arsenal of useful components, women who are constantly experimenting with their hair should take a closer look at cinnamon oil, learning all the nuances of its use.

Cinnamon-based hair masks

  1. Shine mask. You need to take a couple of tablespoons of cinnamon powder, mix it with your regular mask or hair balm and massage it into damp hair after washing. Leave the mask on for 10-20 minutes and rinse with warm water. You determine the time of exposure to the hair yourself, depending on the condition of the hair.
  2. Hair mask based on honey and cinnamon.Should be used immediately before washing your hair. Take a couple of tablespoons of honey and the same amount of kritsa powder. Now mix it all thoroughly, while diluting the mixture little by little with warm water. The consistency of the mixture should resemble thick kefir or liquid sour cream. The mask should be applied to slightly damp hair, then insulated with a bag and a towel, left for about half an hour or about an hour, then rinsed and washed your hair as usual. Here, you also determine the time of exposure of the mask to your hair yourself, keeping in mind the condition of your hair, as well as your desire to give your hair a particular shade.
  3. Intensive mask to restore weakened and brittle hair. Take a couple of tablespoons of olive oil, a couple of tablespoons of powdered mustard. Heat the oil to room temperature, add cinnamon to it, mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Now carefully, evenly, using a comb, distribute the mixture from the roots along the entire length of the hair. If you have thick and long hair, you may need more mask. After application, carefully wrap the hair in cling film, pulling it into a bun, and insulate it with a towel. It is recommended to rinse off an hour after application, but longer exposure is possible if you deem it necessary.
  4. Cinnamon mask to lighten hair. Mix cinnamon powder and hair conditioner in equal proportions (you can add a third of a glass of honey if desired), add a little lemon juice. In this case, be sure to use exclusively ceramic or glass dishes, since the components of the mask react chemically with the metal. You need to mix the ingredients with a plastic or wooden spoon. Wash your hair thoroughly and dry your hair a little. Apply the mask to slightly damp hair, dividing it into strands. During the application procedure, you should avoid getting the mask on your facial skin as this can cause irritation and redness. Rubbing the mask into the scalp is also not recommended. After applying the mask to your hair, put the bag on your head for 30-40 minutes and a warm cap on top. This time will be enough, after which you can safely remove it, but do not rush to wash the mask off your hair. Be patient because the mask needs to be left on your hair for about 4 hours.

You can wash off the mask with regular shampoo.

Wraps and scalp massage with cinnamon oil

The recipe for making cinnamon head massage oil is quite simple:

  • you need to take a few tablespoons of vegetable oil (tip: use burdock or olive oil), add about five drops of cinnamon essential oil to them, stir until the oils are completely dissolved.
  • A head massage can be done using a special massage brush, but if you don’t have a brush at hand, massage with your fingertips or palm, the effect will not be reduced in any way.
  • The massage technique is simple, apply the oil to the hair and scalp, rub the oil into the skin in a circular motion, periodically combing the hair, both in the direction and against. Cinnamon essential oil for hair will have an amazing effect.

How to prepare cinnamon hair dye

To prepare hair lightening dye, you can use only cinnamon and water, or you can add various components, both to enhance the color and to nourish the hair. I will give you recipes for such masks below, but now let’s look at how to prepare cinnamon hair dye for lightening hair.

Glass, plastic or ceramic dishes are best suited for diluting paint, but never metal. The amount of water should be such that you get a paste that is convenient to apply to your hair. The prepared mixture should be left for 15 - 20 minutes, then warmed up a little and applied to the hair.

Video: using cinnamon for hair

You can achieve strong and healthy hair not only by visiting a newfangled beauty salon. Various masks, laminations, shampoos can replace alternative folk remedies. It turns out that there is a special aromatic spice that is very beneficial for hair; it can be used when preparing various products in tandem with additional ingredients. And all this is cinnamon, which is indispensable in hair care.

Benefits of cinnamon for hair

Cinnamon can solve many hair problems: strengthen it and protect it from loss, prevent breakage and split ends, eliminate oily shine, add volume, etc. It can also be used for preventive purposes to maintain healthy curls.

Cinnamon affects hair in the following way:

  • improves the vitality of hair follicles, nourishes them;
  • eliminates seborrheic crusts, makes the scalp healthier;
  • glues hair scales together, making them smooth and shiny, removes dull shade;
  • provides a natural barrier against negative factors;
  • improves blood circulation in the scalp.

To use cinnamon for hair, you can use both its essential oil and powder, combining them with other components.

Using cinnamon incorrectly can have harmful effects on your scalp and hair. To prevent this from happening, it should not be used in its pure form, otherwise there is a risk of getting a burn on the scalp and “drying out” each hair.

Recipes for hair masks with cinnamon

By combining various ingredients, you can achieve a positive effect on your hair. Combinations with oils can easily be used for head massage; spice powder is perfect for use in masks. All recipes contain available ingredients. Which can be easily purchased in regular stores.

For hair restoration

Damaged, straw-like hair is not so easy to restore. Especially if they have suffered from exposure to chemicals (dying, curling) or thermal styling (hair dryer, straightener, curling iron).

Cinnamon masks to restore hair must be done at least once a week. You can repeat the procedure every time you wash your hair, and after receiving the first results, over time it is worth reducing the frequency of use to once a week.

Recipe 1

Expected effect: nutrition, smoothing, elimination of split ends.

You will need: coconut oil – 3 tbsp, liquid honey – 1 tbsp, cinnamon powder – 1 tbsp.

Mix all ingredients and apply to dry or dried hair. Keep the mask on for up to half an hour, then rinse it off with water at a comfortable temperature (preferably warm, about 40 degrees) using shampoo.

Recipe 2

Expected effect: restoration of hair structure, good nutrition, intense hydration.

You will need: warm olive oil - 1 tbsp, cinnamon powder - 2 tbsp, 1 egg, aloe leaves crushed to a pulp - 2 tbsp.

How to prepare and use: Mix tablespoons of powder and olive oil well, beat in an egg and add aloe. Stir, add the rest of the powder and mix again. The mask is applied to dry or dried hair from ends to roots. Next, you need to wrap it in a warm towel, hold it for 20 minutes, and rinse off.

For the growth and strengthening of curls

To ensure normal hair growth and strengthen it, you should pay attention to the nutrition of the hair follicles. There are special masks that need to be rubbed into the scalp so that all the nutrients reach the hair roots as much as possible.

Cinnamon is a universal spice that has found its application in many areas of human life. Culinary dishes will become much tastier and more original if, when used skillfully, you add cinnamon to them. Some medical, homeopathic preparations and cosmetics include this natural component.

Cinnamon is so easy to use that you can make homemade masks using it. Representatives of the fair sex especially loved cinnamon for hair. This spice has a wide range of effects on hair, which explains its popularity.

What are the benefits of cinnamon for hair?

Cinnamon helps solve several hair problems at once:

  1. Provides nutrition to the hair follicle;
  2. Smoothes the rough surface of the hair along the entire length;
  3. Gives hair shine and elasticity;
  4. Prevents hair loss;
  5. Fills dull and dry hair with vital energy;
  6. Improves blood flow to the scalp.

In addition, cinnamon is also used in cosmetology as a folk remedy for lightening hair by several tones. Discoloration of strands always injures both hair and scalp. With the help of cinnamon, you not only get the hair color you want, but also nourish your hair at the same time.

For those girls who do not want to lighten their hair, it is worth remembering that the cinnamon mask should not be left on the head for more than 20-30 minutes. You can read more about lightening hair with cinnamon (and more) in our previous post “”.

Hair masks with cinnamon

Nourishing hair mask

You will need: cinnamon powder, kefir, egg

To prepare this mask, take 1 glass of kefir and add 1 egg yolk and 1 tablespoon of cinnamon to it. Mix all components and apply to hair and scalp for 20-30 minutes. For a better effect, you need to wrap your head with a towel. The mask is applied to clean, dried hair. After the time has passed, rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water. Shampoo is not used.

nourishing mask recipe

Revitalizing hair mask

You will need: cinnamon powder, honey, coconut oil

The combination of these ingredients will become a real balm for your hair. The benefits of honey for the body, and hair in particular, are undeniable. Coconut oil is an equally effective remedy for hair and scalp. We wrote more about the benefits of coconut oil for hair in the previous article “”.

For this mask, we need to mix 1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder, 1 tablespoon of honey and 3 tablespoons of coconut oil. If desired, it can be replaced with olive, castor, burdock or vegetable oil. Mix everything and apply to unwashed hair for 20-30 minutes. After the procedure, we wash everything with warm water and shampoo.

revitalizing mask recipe

Strengthening hair mask

You will need: cinnamon powder, natural yogurt, olive oil, honey, egg

Take 1 tablespoon of cinnamon and add 2 tablespoons of yogurt, 1 tablespoon of butter, 1 egg yolk and a teaspoon of honey. If you have oily hair, then you should avoid using oil. Mix all ingredients and apply to hair. We warm the head and after 20 minutes thoroughly rinse the hair with water and shampoo.

firming mask recipe

Hair growth mask

You will need: cinnamon powder, blue (green) clay, oil (optional), egg, ground red pepper

Dilute 4 tablespoons of blue clay to a paste-like substance. If you have dandruff, then it is best to use green clay. Add 2 teaspoons cinnamon powder, 1 egg yolk, 2 tablespoons olive oil and a pinch of red pepper to the mixture.

Apply the mask to dry, unwashed hair for 30 minutes. Be sure to wrap your head in a warm towel and bath cap. After the procedure, rinse your hair with warm water and shampoo.

hair growth mask recipe