Strong rituals and conspiracies against drunkenness. Treatment of alcoholism in a cemetery Strong conspiracy ritual for drinking in a cemetery

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 37 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Alcoholism treatment at the cemetery

Treatment is carried out from Midsummer's Day (Ivan Kupala) until Peter's Day. They go to the old cemetery (where no one is buried anymore) and there they find an abandoned grave. Such a grave is usually immediately visible, it is all overgrown and unkempt. The first thing you should do is clean the grave very well. Pull out all the grass, wipe down the cross or monument. Remove debris and, if necessary, straighten the cross (if it is askew). Place gifts (memories) for the deceased: pancakes, kutya, sweets, etc. When everything is laid out, stand facing the head of the deceased and say:

How I cleaned your grave

And how I mentioned it to you,

So you, dead man, work hard,

Get out of (so-and-so's) head.

Take away his longing for hops,

Get rid of him.

There will be no longing for hops in his head,

And don’t cloud his brains with wine.

You, a dead man, do not suffer because of guilt,

You don’t raise your hand to the glass,

So (so-and-so) wouldn’t suffer from hops

And he didn’t raise his glass to his lips.

Lips. Teeth. Key. Lock. Language.

Amen. Amen.


This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 37 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Treatment of alcoholism On March 9, go outside the door. With your right hand, lift a lump of snow from under your right foot and squeeze it in your fist. When the snow begins to melt from the warmth of your hand and flow to the ground, say nine times: Just as this snow will not hold on to my palm, so will (name)

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From alcoholism From a letter: “Dear Natalya Ivanovna! I ask you: do not refuse my request, teach me good and strong prayer against alcohol addiction. I can't see my drunk husband anymore. I began to fear him and hate him with fierce hatred. I would have left, but had nowhere to go. By

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For the treatment of alcoholism Centaury – 1 part; wormwood (herb) – 1 part; thyme – 1 part. 15 g of mixture per 200 g of boiling water. Leave, wrapped, for 2 hours, strain. Take one tablespoon 4 times for alcoholism.2. The forest bug, green (found on raspberries) makes

author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

For childhood alcoholism They slander a glass of milk. The child should drink half, and the rest should be given to the cat. They read it like this: Come out, snake, for milk. You should not be a servant of God (name), you should not drink in him. Don't drink his blood, don't gnaw on his liver. Nikolai Ugodnik, God's

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

From alcoholism From a letter: “Dear Natalya Ivanovna! I ask you, do not refuse my request, teach me good and strong prayer against alcohol addiction. I can't see my drunk husband anymore. I began to fear him and hate him with fierce hatred. I would have left, but had nowhere to go. By youth

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52. Against alcoholism A newborn life is pouring into me with enormous, colossal strength. Newborn life pours into me with enormous, colossal strength. A huge, colossal energy flows into my head. A huge, colossal force of life flows into my head.

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9. To overcome alcoholism, a newborn life pours into me with enormous, colossal strength. Newborn life pours into me with enormous, colossal strength. A huge, colossal energy flows into my head. A huge, colossal force pours into my head

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 33 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

From female alcoholism Slander on jelly and give to a patient with alcoholism. The plot is as follows: Lord, bless, Lord, help! The sun is set in the west, the day is drawing to a close, And (such and such) God’s servant is drunk. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now, forever and ever.

From the book of 1777 new conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 36 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Treatment of alcoholism Question. “A friend of mine went to see you in Novosibirsk because her daughter was drinking. And I am a witness that since then she stopped drinking, got married, gave birth to a son, and now they live in Alma-Ata. Several years passed, my grandson Anton grew up and began to drink beer and

Alcoholism is a terrible, dangerous and very common disease in modern society. People suffering from addiction cause suffering not only to themselves, but also to their loved ones and those close to them. That is why these days, conspiracies against drunkenness are especially popular among ordinary people. Consequences, reviews of rituals, as well as the technique of performing them and a description of the necessary attributes - all this will be discussed in the article below.

Features of rituals

Usually such rituals are the work of women. It is no secret that a loving wife, looking at the torment of her adored husband, is ready for anything. Having tried various methods, the young ladies are steadily turning to magic. They consider conspiracies the last hope that will help snatch a spouse from the clutches of the insidious “green snake” and restore his taste for life and work. Any conspiracy against drunkenness and its consequences is a delicate matter. Therefore, before starting the ritual, it is tedious to take into account all its features, because you will be turning to higher powers. And if they are not pleased, angered or deprived of a reward, the “kickback” will be strong and destructive for the one performing the ritual and the one to whom it is dedicated.

All words of the conspiracy must be pronounced clearly, confidently and correctly. No amateur performances! When it comes to a woman, the ritual is carried out on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, if the ritual is aimed at a man - Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. Among the main attributes, candles, wax, water, photographs should be highlighted. The choice of magical accessories depends on the personal preferences of the person performing the ceremony.

Water spell

Very easy to use, does not require additional costs. Therefore, women often choose this particular conspiracy against drunkenness. Reviews about it are the most positive: young ladies claim that it “works.” To carry out the ceremony you will need a standard glass: fill it with water. You can take holy liquid, but if you don’t have one, regular tap liquid will do. Having poured water into the container, say the following words over it: “Water will quickly get inside - alcohol addiction will instantly go away. And there is no turning back for her. Amen!" You need to repeat the spell three times.

The ritual is best performed at midnight. Place the enchanted water on the windowsill: it stays there all night, after which the next morning you need to add it to the alcoholic’s food or just let him drink it. You can also spread out the glass over a whole week by giving your spouse the contents in small portions. The liquid must not be diluted. By the way, you can soak a towel used by a drunkard with water. After a week, bury or burn the hygiene item.

Ritual with sacred water

Very effective, the consequences of which will be minimal. This is explained simply: the ritual uses consecrated water, the one that you bring from church on the feast of the Epiphany - January 19. She has special power. The conspiracy itself is also best done on this day, immediately after visiting the temple. To do this, take out an ordinary small jar from the pantry, pour the miraculous liquid into it and whisper the words, bending low over the container so that your lips almost touch the surface of the water. At the same time, the following must be said: “Just as our God, Jesus Christ, did not drink, did not know hops and did not suffer without it, just as the Virgin Mary and the saints did not know the holy brew, did not touch her, did not suffer, so you, servant of God ( name) give up alcohol and never return to it. Amen!"

The plot is read three times, after which the jar is sealed. It can only be opened to add the infused liquid to the food and drink of a person suffering from alcoholism. Dishes must be already prepared: boiling or even heating water is prohibited - this will cause it to lose its properties. If the case is very advanced, the ritual is performed several times.

Conspiracy on a photograph

The famous Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova described in detail this conspiracy against drunkenness and its consequences: reviews of the ritual are simply enthusiastic. Those people who have tried it at home say that it almost always gives a positive result. During the ceremony, you need to bend over a photo of your loved one and whisper a short prayer: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!" In this case, you need to think about the fact that your spouse will have enough willpower and wisdom to give up drinking alcohol. Imagine him as a non-drinker, healthy and cheerful.

There is another popular ritual performed in photography. After waiting until midnight, you need to whisper over the image of your spouse: “The moon is waning, it retreats from the servant of God (name) forever, leaves completely and does not return. I say - the moon does. Amen". Just like the first, so do the second ritual for the waning month. This conspiracy against drunkenness has its own “kickback”. And its consequences must be taken into account in order to protect yourself. Before and after the ritual, go to the temple, pray and light candles.

Ritual with alcoholic drinks

An equally effective conspiracy against drunkenness, the consequences of which can be very unpleasant. The ritual is carried out using a cemetery, so it requires additional preparation. But first things first. First, you need to take a bottle of the alcoholic drink that your husband usually drinks, go to the churchyard and find a dug grave in which the deceased person should be buried. Stand and wait for the dead man to be brought in. After the funeral, when the relatives have dispersed, place a bottle near his grave and say: “Happy housewarming to you, newly departed servant of God (name). Here is a gift for you from the servant of God (name of the drunkard). Remember his binge as a repose. Let him not drink, get some sleep and become an ardent teetotaler. Just as you (the name of the deceased) do not reach for the bottle, so the bitter drunkard would not drink, would not become an alcoholic and would remain with a clear mind until the end of his life. Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

You leave the bottle near the grave under the protection of the deceased. Like all cemetery rituals, this one is dangerous. After it is completed, you must definitely go to church, order a service for the deceased person who was disturbed, light candles for the repose and read the prayer “Our Father...” forty times.

Ritual for husband

You do this ritual on a regular lock, which you previously bought in a store. You must purchase it on Friday, and the item must be large, strong and reliable. Wait until midnight and pour the remaining alcohol that your husband left behind into the well. It is better if they are fresh; in extreme cases, you can use alcohol stored in advance. After this, close the lock with the key, saying: “You, libertine and bitter drunkard, may bottles and taverns remain locked for you for the rest of your life, like this lock.”

The conspiracy against the husband's drunkenness will last as long as the lock remains closed. Therefore, try to hide the key away: throw it into a running river. The castle can be buried: being at the mercy of different elements, two parts of one whole will become inaccessible to each other, and the effect of the ritual will become stronger. The ritual is performed on the old moon. During this period, the celestial body loses its strength, along with which various misfortunes, troubles, problems and diseases recede.

Conspiracy against my son

Agree, it is much more painful for a mother to look at her drinking heir than for a wife to look at her husband. Native blood, on which great hopes were placed, instead of becoming a support, slides to the very bottom. In addition, the power of maternal love is much stronger than marital love. Therefore, any words spoken from the mouth of a parent have magical power to one degree or another. If a woman has a good mother-in-law and she gets along well with her, you can use her help. Such a conspiracy against drunkenness will have double power, and its consequences will be a crushing blow to alcoholism.

What do we have to do? On Clean Thursday before Easter, the mother must wash all the windows in the apartment where her son lives. The work is carried out according to the usual scheme, but the last water that is used during cleaning needs to be poured into a jar. Then the parent calls the heir and pours this liquid on his back, whispering the following words: “Just as I gave birth to you, fed you with breast milk, raised you and raised you, so you, the servant of God (name), would not drink vodka, pour mash into your mouth, or wine didn't touch. The windows are washed and you are clean. Let it be so".

Strong self-conspiracy

He can become very productive. Such conspiracies are endowed with double power: a person understands the problem and realizes that he needs help. If there is a desire to get rid of addiction, he will not only perform rituals, but will also try to undergo a course of treatment. In tandem, these methods will help you start a new life in which there is no longer a place for alcohol. To perform the ritual, wait for the waning moon. You should be alone in the apartment; in extreme cases, lock yourself in a separate room so that no one will disturb you.

The ritual requires preliminary preparation. A week before it, begin a strict fast, which must be maintained until the day of the ritual. When it comes, go to the bathhouse and be sure to put on clean underwear. Then, returning home, go to any running source and draw water. Arriving at the apartment, wait until midnight and whisper the following words over the liquid: “Alcohol addiction retreat - give way to a new life. There is no longer a green snake in it. I am as pure as this water." Imagine how a bad habit leaves you. Read the plot three times and drink the water.

If you decide to undertake such a ritual, keep one simple truth in mind: a conspiracy from drunkenness can disrupt the harmony in the family. And its consequences must be taken into account when performing the ritual. It is better to seek help from experienced magicians and healers. If you want to do everything yourself, strictly adhere to the following rules:

  • All rituals against alcoholism are performed on the waning moon.
  • Treat representatives of the stronger sex on “men’s” days, and young ladies on “women’s” days.
  • It is forbidden to speak on Sundays, fasting and during church celebrations.
  • You need to read the plot in a whisper, believing in what you are saying, and sincerely wishing your dream to come true as soon as possible. When you are confident and calm, sincerely believing and hoping, the action will be more effective.
  • Under no circumstances should you interrupt the ceremony, so choose a time when you are alone and not busy with other things.

By observing these conditions, you will successfully carry out any conspiracy against drunkenness using alcohol, photography or water.


If something goes wrong, you will get a strong kickback. How does it manifest itself? Firstly, if the basic rules are not followed, a person can drink even more. Secondly, your gross mistakes will lead to a negative impact on the health of you or your loved ones. Especially when the ceremony was performed in a cemetery: here you ask for help from otherworldly forces, and they can get angry and send you a solid dose of problems. Remember that magic, even white magic, is a serious matter. Therefore, it requires a competent approach, precision execution and compliance with all conditions.

What happens if there is no rollback, but instead the expected result is obtained? At first, it will be difficult for a person without the usual dose of alcohol. He may become nervous, irritable, and depressed. Your support is very important here: without unnecessary reproaches, insults and anger. Don't remember the past, but start life over with a new leaf.

Now you know how to correctly carry out conspiracies against drunkenness. You could read the consequences, reviews about them and other interesting details in our review. May peace and tranquility come to your home, and may an era of harmony and prosperity come in your life.

The scourge of modern society - drunkenness destroys families, breaks destinies, ruins health, and takes lives. According to statistics, every sixth Russian family has an alcoholic who poisons the lives of everyone living with him. And 500,000 people die from alcohol in Russia every year. And this number is growing every year. Scary numbers, aren't they? Unhappy wives and mothers are ready to do anything to save their husbands and sons from this terrible addiction. Some people succeed in this, but some don't. The main thing here is the desire of the person they want to help. If he doesn't want this, then it will be very difficult to help him.

In magic, conspiracies against drunkenness are used, which sometimes work, sometimes they don’t: it all depends on the desire of the alcoholic himself and the energetic strength of the one who reads the conspiracies against alcoholism. However, trying to help a person is not only possible, but also necessary. It won't get any worse. What if a miracle happens? The most important thing is faith.

Conspiracies are successfully used in folk medicine to treat various diseases. Alcoholism is also a very serious illness, for which there are magical treatment methods. There are many known conspiracies against binge drinking and drunkenness, which can be successfully read at home. By following the sequence of rituals against alcoholism, you can forever save your loved ones from this terrible scourge:

  • The phase of the moon is of great importance in carrying out rituals against drunkenness - they read the conspiracy against drunkenness on the full moon or on the waning moon. The most optimal period is 2-3 days before the full moon;
  • a conspiracy against drunkenness of a husband or son should be read on men's days - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. If a woman suffers from alcoholism, then conspiracies and prayers for drunkenness are read on women’s days - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday;
  • if the one who reads the spell for alcoholism does not believe in its effectiveness, then the ritual for wine may not work. Faith is the main condition for obtaining positive results so that the husband does not drink;
  • An important condition is the desire of the alcoholic to be healed. If a person does not consider himself such and does not intend to undergo treatment, then it will be quite difficult or even impossible to help him.

If the above conditions are met, there is a huge chance to get rid of the drunkenness of your son, husband, wife, mother, etc. forever, and this chance must be used.

How to stop yourself from drinking

If a person is aware of his problem with alcohol, then it is much easier to help him, and he himself can perfectly heal from the misfortune. In order for the ritual to have the most effective effect, it is necessary to observe a strict fast for several days before it, then visit the bathhouse and put on completely new clothes. Prepare water from a source or spring, on which you need to say the following hangover spell three times:

“In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen! Hops and wine, leave me, God's servant (name) forever, to the grave! Get rid of all desire for wine and alcoholic beverages from me! Get away from me, drunkenness, into the dark forest, where wild animals and black birds live! Take from me, wild wind, the destructive passion and desire for wine and take it across the blue sea to evil people and dashing people! Get attached, my passion, to a dashing man who does no good to people, but only brings evil, like a damned wine potion! Get rid of me and leave me forever, for all the times of my life. Let it be so! Amen!"

When reading the spell, you clearly imagine how the addiction goes away. Then the charmed water is drunk.

The most powerful conspiracy

A strong conspiracy against drunkenness, so that the husband stops drinking, is read over a sleeping person. It is best if it is the wife of a drinking man. When your husband returns from another drinking session and goes to bed, you need to stand at his head, read the “Our Father” prayer three times, and then say a conspiracy against drunkenness:

“Hear me, heaven! See me, heaven, what I want to do over God’s servant (name)! The sun is red, rise over my yard, but in my yard there are no people or animals. It’s a clear month, come down into my cage, but in my cage there is neither bottom nor door. Bright stars, descend into the wedding cup, and in my cup the water is like mountain purity. Sun, turn the slave (name) away from wine, month, turn the slave (name) away from wine, stars, stop the slave (name) from wine. In the blue sea and an open field and a key and a lock.

“I, the servant of God (name), will become blessed and go, crossing myself, from the hut by the doors, from the yard by the gates. I’ll go to the eastern side, on that side there is an okiyan - a sea, in this sea there lies a stone, a small pike fish swims near this stone. This pike has large cheeks, damask teeth, and fiery eyes. She comes and takes away from the servant of God (name) the disease - bitter drunkenness, frees him from terrible addiction from now on and forever. Let it be so. Amen!"

Then, they read the “Our Father” prayer again. A strong conspiracy against drunkenness, the consequences come gradually, but the next day the man’s craving for alcohol will begin to weaken.

Rituals for drunkenness with water

Water has a strong magical meaning. With its help, many rituals are performed. It is used to heal and bewitch. If you speak water against alcoholism, the result may not be 100% guaranteed, but there is a high probability that it will come. Conspiracies to keep your husband from drinking water are the most popular and in demand. Below are the most frequently used ones.

Many people wonder how to help an alcoholic if he does not want to get rid of his craving for alcohol. A drunken husband will always find an excuse for his bad habit. A conspiracy against drunkenness will help you independently pull your husband or drunken son-in-law out of the quagmire. White magic works wonders, and a caring spouse may well benefit from the experience of her ancestors.

People resort to conspiracies against drunkenness in different cases. Sometimes the heart hurts for a caring mother who wants to save her son from drunkenness. Your husband can suffer from alcohol, and sometimes you need to pull a woman out of the bottle. A powerful magic spell on vodka will be effective in any case. The main thing is to follow the instructions.

Healers have developed a set of rules to make a conspiracy against alcoholism effective. Even if a man does not want to give up the bad habit, you can wean him off wine forever. It’s easy to read conspiracies against alcoholism at home. Here are some basic recommendations:

  • the woman casting the spell must keep her actions secret from strangers;
  • successful prayers and spells against drunkenness are not read every day;
  • women are spoken to on Saturdays, Wednesdays and Fridays;
  • you can treat your husband on Tuesday, Monday or Thursday;
  • It is strictly forbidden to read conspiracies and prayers against drunkenness on Sunday;
  • the most powerful anti-alcohol ritual is performed on a sleeping person;
  • The days of the waning moon are considered a good time to whisper a conspiracy against binge drinking.

Free your husband or other relative from the addiction secretly. Usually a person does not recognize himself as an alcoholic, although he returns home drunk every day. Conspiracies for alcohol addiction, read on the 19th, work well. Whisper prayers on photos, ice and spring water - these objects are considered powerful magical conductors.

Water spell

Charmed water helps well against alcoholism - drink it once before bed. Get some holy water and light a church candle. To ensure that a person stops drinking, perform magic at night. Cross the glass and say a spell against alcohol:

“Strong candle, baptized water, help God’s servant (name) free himself from vice. Take the glass away from him, make sure that the grief leaves the house. A person drinks holy water, and the addiction leaves his body. The fire will go out, and sin will disappear during the day. Amen".

Conspiracy for hops

An effective spell for alcohol is whispered using hops - you can get this plant at any pharmacy. Crushed hops are not suitable for alcoholic rituals. A tablespoon of this herb is enough to save a follower of the “green serpent.” Algorithm of actions:

  1. Get vodka or another drink that the drunkard did not have time to consume.
  2. Soak the hops in this liquid.
  3. Dry the plant.
  4. Wait until the full moon, take intoxicating cones in your hand and whisper a conspiracy against drunkenness (three times).
  5. Grind the hops.
  6. Start regularly adding the plant to your alcoholic's tea.

When brewing a drink, whisper “Our Father,” but do it so that your husband does not notice it. The ritual lasts for three days, and the prayer must be read 9 times. Make sure the drunkard drinks the healing decoction. The text of the conspiracy so that men do not drink is as follows:

“Go away, evil hopper, from my relative (name is mentioned) into the dense forest with your feet. There are no snakes or birds there, no fierce wolves roam there. Get out into the fast water, where there is no washing, no fish or other living creatures. A person does not bathe, the sun does not warm, the clear moon does not shine. Go away, drunken one, to the winds, quicksand, distant countries, foreign shores. They don’t want you there, they don’t expect you, they won’t say a kind word. Be bewitched by a bad person, whose thoughts are black, his eyes are empty, and there is no truth in his deeds. Amen".

Learning to talk yourself into a conversation

If you start having alcohol problems, you can read one of the anti-drunkenness conspiracies for yourself. First, take a steam bath in a bathhouse, dress in everything clean and get some undrinkable water. To stop drinking, wake up before everyone else, draw some well water or melt a piece of ice.

This is a strong anti-drunkenness spell that many mothers use for their sons. Only they change the words of the spell, and mix the liquid into tea or coffee. When you cast a spell for drunkenness yourself, you need to drink the water immediately and entirely. The text is:

“Brazh and hops, go to the grave. Be gone, craving for wine and alcohol! Wild wind, calm down the wild passion, don’t let me disappear into the bottle. I’m reading a conspiracy so that black birds will take away the attack, so that fierce beasts will tear it to pieces. Tell me, Lord, what to do, how to get my old life back. Dashing, leave me alone, switch to bad people. Amen".

Powerful ritual with soap

Among the conspiracies against female alcoholism, the best are those that use cosmetics. Do you feel a painful craving for a bottle? When you read the spell on soap, the disease will pass safely. You need to wash with enchanted soap for three weeks, and throw away the soap at the crossroads. You can talk yourself out of drunkenness with these words:

“Hear me, heaven, restore your mind, heal your soul. Help God's servant (your name) return from the dark pit. Above there is a young month and a bright sun, but in my hole there is no bottom and no doors. The distant stars will illuminate my cup, and they will whisper the cherished word to the Mother of God. The stars spoke to the moon and told me not to drink anymore. Key with lock, deep sea and clear field. Amen".

Making a Lapel Potion

Conspiracies against drunkenness using water are quite simple, but has anyone ever thought about a turnaround potion? A spell against drunkenness combined with the preparation of an elixir is a complex thing. You will need 7 ingredients:

  • crayfish caught under the full moon (dried, ground into powder);
  • weeping grass root (after cleaning, wash and dry thoroughly);
  • grass taken from a bird's nest (birds must leave their habitat);
  • inflorescences and seeds of wormwood;
  • overcome-herb (dried root);
  • white snowdrop flowers;
  • thyme.

Components for the treatment of alcoholism are ground to a powder by hand. The ritual itself is carried out on a day corresponding in numerical value to the day on which the drunkard was born. Get water from three different dwellings and start preparing the decoction.

Spell for potion

All components are free, but water will have to be obtained secretly. While the person is sleeping, the broth must be cooled (if you are preparing the elixir at night). In the morning, wash the drunkard with the prepared liquid and make him drink 12 full sips.

Your relative will stop drinking alcohol if he gets sick from drinking the elixir. Some patients complain of itching and tingling. Here is a powerful spell that will enchant your potion:

“I conjure the blood and saliva of God’s servant (name of the object), saving his body from harm. I enchant joints and brain, breath and blood, heart and veins. The son (or the husband) drinks, but his mother will protect him. I drive away day, night and dinner hops. You should not drink (name) away and at home, in foreign lands and oak chambers. The Lord created the universe in a week, and I will protect all your seven bodily parts from drunken stupor. Let it be so. Amen".

Rituals of Siberian healers

Particularly popular are the spells of the Siberian healer against drunkenness. We are talking about the healer Natalya Stepanova, who saved a lot of people from alcoholism. The best time to read a classic conspiracy against drunkenness is at night. Sneak up to the sleeping alcoholic and quietly whisper the magic text:

“Mother Queen, dawn lightning, remove the accursed power from God’s servant (name), do not destroy him by drinking. Untie your drunken passion, tie it to the gravestone. Intoxicated girlfriends and friends, leave this house, forget the way here. My word is strong. Amen".

Cemetery dust against glass

Beginner sorcerers think that ice spells are the most effective. However, there is a more powerful thing - cemetery dust. Go to four different cemeteries and collect some dust at the intersections there. Find a grave containing a dead man with a name like an alcoholic. Place the collected dust on the gravestone and recite the spell:

“A dead man doesn’t rise, he doesn’t know how to wander through crossroads. And you (name is called) will no longer be able to lift the glass. If you don’t take hops into your mouth, you won’t miss it. Let it be so. Amen".

Working with photography

  1. Place the photo behind the glass.
  2. Looking at the image through the water, read the plot.
  3. Sprinkle the charmed water on the photo.
  4. Cross your loved one.

It is better to cast spells in secret from the object. Put the photo away - random people should not hold it in their hands. The remaining water after the ritual must be given to the dependent sufferer. Text of the hex:

“The spirit is cleansed, God’s servant (name) gets rid of an evil habit. The holy saints did not taste alcohol, and you must forget this taste. Let holy water be sweeter than aged wine. The Lord will help, the attack will disappear. Amen".

Charming the fish

A very exotic ritual, since first you will have to go fishing (you cannot buy fish in the supermarket). Two more important conditions - the fish must be freshwater and alive. At home, pour wine into a pan, put the fish in it and read the plot. After the ceremony, the fish will have to be fried and fed to the alcoholic. The text is:

“The fish flutters in the wine, and God’s servant (name) rushes away from the alcohol. As soon as he eats this fish, he will forget about the green serpent. Key and lock. Amen".

The famous healer advised filling a jug with holy water and saying magic words over it. Adding enchanted liquid to alcohol is strictly prohibited. Text of the prayer:

“Sinless water, you gave life to everyone, now protect the unfortunate (name) from terrible addiction. Let him drink clean water and not take intoxicating drinks into his mouth. Cleanse God's servant (name) from sinful scourge, protect him from the omnipresent potion. Amen".

Now you know many ways to protect yourself and your loved ones from alcohol addiction. Follow the described rituals exactly and do not deviate from our instructions. You will soon notice positive changes.

Conspiracies against drunkenness are a traditional way of folk medicine to rid a person of addiction. A strong anti-drunkenness spell, performed by a good specialist or a sincerely loving relative, will help cope with alcoholism, normalizing the patient’s life. Various rituals are especially effective if combined with other therapy methods.

What are the features of rituals?

Alcoholism is one of the most terrible diseases of modern man, destroying not only health, but also the psyche. The drunkard loses the ability to contact people, can no longer be held accountable for his actions, and his social life is falling apart at the seams.

If one of your relatives is struck down by illness, conspiracies against alcoholism can help bring the person back from the wrong path. This will have a beneficial effect not only on his own health, but also on the condition of his relatives and friends.

Spells aimed at combating drunkenness, like any magical rituals, have a number of features:

  • the effect will be better if the rituals are carried out on certain days, which for men are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, and for women Wednesday, Friday or Saturday;
  • It is best to read the strongest conspiracy on the waning moon (as the month wanes, so does the addiction) or during the full moon, this time can improve the effectiveness of even weak rituals;
  • binge drinking with the help of magic must be treated with faith in its effectiveness, so that the result does not turn out to be the opposite;
  • prayers and rituals will be useful only if no one knows about them, including the object of the magic being performed.

Following simple rules will allow you to achieve maximum efficiency.

Important! It’s not worth trying out of interest and under the motto “it might work.” This will also have the opposite effect.

Conspiracies for alcohol

You can talk about any thing, but the most effective, as many believe, are rituals performed on the object of a drunkard’s addiction, that is, alcohol.

A conspiracy against drunkenness on vodka can be carried out in two main ways.

In the first case, the processed alcohol is intended directly for the alcoholic. The following plot is read:

Another conspiracy against drunkenness using vodka is carried out in a cemetery and is considered one of the most powerful. To fulfill it, a woman buys a small bottle of alcohol and finds an abandoned grave in the cemetery, which no one has been watching for a long time. The spell for vodka reads as follows:

A bottle of vodka remains at the grave; it is not given to an alcoholic. They say that such a ritual helps to get rid of not only drunkenness, but also other types of addiction (drug addiction, gambling addiction).

Conspiracies for other things

A vodka spell is not the only way to rid a person of his addiction. The ritual can be performed on other objects.

One of the very popular conspiracies is read on the most ordinary ice. As with other rituals, it is performed without the knowledge of the drunkard and is easily performed. For the ritual, a cloudless night is chosen, when the moon is waning. The ice is put in a bowl and placed on the windowsill so that it “sees” the waning moon. In the morning, the following words are read on the water remaining from the ice:

The ritual is repeated for seven days, and on the eighth day the charmed liquid is mixed into the drunkard’s food or drink.

You can make a talisman for a pin on your own by saying arbitrary words with a good message to it for seven days. The enchanted object is then pinned to the patient’s clothing or any item that is constantly with him (for example, the lining of a bag).

A ritual performed over a photograph of the patient also works well. In addition to photographs, you will also need holy water and candles from the church.

Candles are placed on the table in a row and lit. A photograph is placed in front of the row, and the speaker sits down at the table and, having soaked his fingers in holy water, sprinkles it on the photograph, saying the following:

The photograph is hidden in a secret place so that no one will find it. If the effect does not appear, then after a month the ritual is repeated.

When both rituals and medicine are useless

Sometimes, no matter how much they talk a person out of drunkenness, he does not stop drinking. At the same time, medicine does not help, no matter how hard doctors try. With what it can be connected?

It is believed that this can happen due to a love spell incorrectly made by someone else. Sometimes, if a woman tries to take her husband away from the family or a girl reads a spell on a guy incorrectly, instead of a love spell, the result is a ritual for drunkenness. It can be determined by the following characteristics:

  • alcoholism developed completely suddenly, without any prerequisites (no one in the family is inclined to abuse alcohol);
  • the drunkard remains aware of the problem, he is ready to quit, but for some reason he cannot resist the temptation every time;
  • vodka serves as medicine for a person; he drinks not for pleasure, but to “survive until the evening”;
  • a person forgets about children, wife, debts and responsibilities, completely immersing himself in his addiction and not trying too hard to fight it;
  • there are no external signs of a typical drunkard, the person remains neat, says common sense things.

Any rituals and medicine will be useless even if the alcoholic simply does not want to give up his habit. Until a person understands that he has a serious problem with alcohol, he will not take the path of correction, no matter what measures are taken to achieve this. If an alcoholic is aware of his addiction, conspiracies will be effective, even if he is unaware of them. The main thing is sincere faith and the desire to help your loved one who has become dependent on the “green serpent.”

What is important to remember

It must be remembered that it is impossible to save a person from drunkenness only with the help of magical and church rituals. An integrated approach is needed in which faith will be combined with medical techniques, psychotherapy, and traditional medicine.

The full life of a drunkard is completely in his hands and the hands of his relatives. It is necessary not only to push the alcoholic towards treatment, but also to provide him with support during the period that he will undergo therapy and subsequent rehabilitation. If relatives limit themselves to only reading conspiracies, but do not listen to the doctor’s recommendations and help the addict fight addiction, even the most powerful magical ritual will be of no use.

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