Sew a baptismal set for a girl. What should a girl's christening shirt be like? Straight christening shirt

To believe or not to believe in God, each person must decide for himself. However, regardless of what the answer is, baptism of children is currently a fairly popular and even fashionable procedure. However, not all parents understand the meaning of this sacrament. But they strive to do everything to ensure that it passes to the highest level. Many even prepare their own baptismal shirt for a boy. Therefore, the material presented below describes in detail how to sew this important thing with your own hands.

Pre-work stage

To ensure that nothing interferes with the creative process, it is important to carry out proper preparation. In this case, you need to collect the following set of tools:

  • special pins to secure the material and prevent distortion of the pattern;
  • convenient scissors for cutting;
  • chalk for drawing patterns;
  • a measuring tape to measure the baby’s parameters;
  • pattern and long ruler - transfer the measurements taken to the fabric;
  • sewing needle and thread - make a shirt;
  • sewing machine - sew a product.

The tools needed to make a baby boy's christening shirt should be kept at hand. So that they can be used at any time.

Material selection

Experienced craftsmen recommend paying special attention to the choice of fabric that we will use to create the pattern, cut and sew the product under study. Most beginning craftsmen prefer linen; some even work with silk or satin. Although both professional seamstresses and church ministers agree that the most suitable material for sewing a baptismal shirt for a boy, as well as a baptismal dress for a girl, is cotton. The most common white cotton. However, this does not mean that the finished product will be too simple and ordinary. With a creative approach, it will be possible to transform it into a true masterpiece. More on this later.

Features of taking measurements

Experienced needlewomen are convinced that even novice craftsmen can create a pattern for a boy’s baptismal shirt with their own hands. But in order not to make a mistake with the size of the product, it is important to measure the baby correctly. For this we need a measuring tape. You should also prepare a pencil and notepad to record all parameters. To make the work easier and not get confused in the measurements taken, it is better to draw (at least schematically) the desired product. In this case, a baptismal shirt. And then indicate all the parameters directly on it. Then it will be possible to create a pattern much easier and faster.

So, to bring your idea to life you need to measure:

  1. The expected length of a baptismal shirt for a boy is traditionally from the shoulder to the base of the shin. In rare cases, they sew a shirt that only reaches to the knees.
  2. Chest circumference is approximately at the level of the armpits.
  3. Neck circumference - at the base through the seventh vertebra.
  4. The length of the sleeves is most often from shoulder to elbow. But there are also variants of the studied products - both with sleeves up to the wrist and up to the middle of the forearm.

Duration of work

It is difficult for novice craftsmen to understand how to create a pattern for a baptismal shirt for a boy. Therefore, most of them suffer for a very long time over the implementation of their idea. But experienced needlewomen are convinced that with a competent approach, the work will take no more than one day. At the same time, most of it will be taken up by the design of the intended product with various details - ruffles, lace, bows, embroidery, appliqués and other decor. Cutting can be done very quickly if you prepare the material. The essence of this procedure is described below.

Preparatory stage

In order not to make a mistake with the size of fabric when purchasing, it is important to take your baby’s measurements in advance. We need a rectangle, the length of which is two shirt lengths, and the width is equal to the sum of the following parameters: two sleeve lengths + half the chest circumference. Craftsmen advise working with a well-steamed and ironed piece of fabric. Therefore, after purchasing, the first thing we do is perform these steps. Afterwards, we spread the material on a flat table or smooth floor - parquet, laminate, linoleum. Not on a carpet or rug, they are completely inconvenient to work on! Fold the large rectangle in half so that the fold line is at the top. Then we go over it with a hot iron to fix it. Fold a smaller rectangle in half and also iron it thoroughly. Then we fasten it with pins on all four sides. This is necessary to ensure that the material does not move when creating a pattern of a baptismal shirt for a boy with your own hands.

Modeling a christening shirt

At the next stage, you need to take chalk, a pattern, a long ruler and a sheet of paper with the baby’s parameters. Then we start building the pattern. Since the length and width of the prepared segment are already equal to the required product, we only have to add two lines. From the fold line we set aside half the circumference of the neck + 2 cm. Using a pattern or by hand, we outline the collar line. On the other side, we lower ourselves by 15 cm. And draw a straight line equal to the length of the sleeve, thereby outlining this detail.

A little lower from the fold line we set aside half the chest circumference + an additional 7-10 cm to make the shirt loose. Use a rounded line to connect the sleeve and the notch, which determines the width of the shirt in the chest area. Now we make another notch on the bottom edge. We adjust its distance from the fold line ourselves. However, experienced craftsmen do not advise placing it too far, because we are sewing a shirt for a boy, and not a dress for a girl.

Traditionally, the edge matches the point at the base of the sleeve. Having determined the important nuance of the pattern, we connect the armhole line with the marked notch. Then we cut out the finished product. If desired, we lower the goal line a little lower in front, or leave it like that. That’s the whole peculiarity of constructing a pattern for a baptismal shirt for a boy. We offer a photo of the pattern and the finished result below.

Decorating a shirt with decorative elements

Professional seamstresses advise beginning craftsmen to first sew on lace, appliqués, etc., and then begin assembling the product. Therefore, now we need to unfold the cut shirt. And attach various decorative elements to it using pins. The item of clothing under study, shown in the photo below, is decorated with lace. Which must be attached with pins from the lower edge of the back to the shoulder bend, and from there to the lower edge of the front. And do the same manipulations, but if necessary, position the lace in a mirror image on the other side. Then check how symmetrical everything turned out. So that a possible error can be corrected. If everything is good, sew on the lace using a zigzag stitch. Each tape on both sides. Then we turn the product inside out and carefully use nail scissors to cut out the insert between the seams. At the same time, we try to position the scissors as close to the seam as possible without damaging it. Having completed the described manipulations, thoroughly iron the shirt.

Sew the product along the side seams

We are used to the fact that most products need to be turned inside out and stitched. However, experienced needlewomen, talking about how to sew a baptismal shirt for a boy, note that in this case the actions will be somewhat different. Let's try to find out what the difference is. Let's start by pinning the shirt together along the side seams. Then sew on a machine, but move the seam one and a half to two centimeters from the edge. Turn the shirt over with the front side down and, using nail scissors, carefully cut off some of the seam allowances. But only from the back! Then we wrap the wide allowances, iron them, and then bait them, hiding the cut inside. Then we sew the edge on a machine, placing the needle as close to the fold as possible. After this, carefully iron the seams from the wrong side.

Gate decoration

Now we find the center of the gate and make a vertical cut 10 cm long. And from it, notches 5 mm in both directions. We take a satin ribbon or bias tape placed along the edge, carefully attach it and stitch it on a machine.

Take a second ribbon equal to the circumference of the neck + 20-30 cm. Sew along the collar line, hiding the ends of the bottom one. Then we tie it in a bow. Finally, we add lace to the bottom edge of the finished shirt. Then thoroughly boil the entire product again. And we finish the job.

That's the whole point of the work. As you can see, anyone can create a pattern, cut and sew a baptismal shirt for a boy with their own hands. The main thing is not to be afraid to try and follow the advice offered in the article.

Baptism is an important moment in a child’s life, although he himself does not realize it. Parents want their little daughter or son to look especially cute on this day. In stores you can now find sets of baptismal clothing for both boys and girls. But if you have a sewing machine and some free time, the godmother can handle this task herself. From the article you will learn how to sew a dress for a girl's baptism with your own hands.

Choosing a style

If you have been asked to be a godmother, you will most likely have to make your own christening gown. And you will certainly think: what should it be like? This depends on several reasons:

  • your girl's age;
  • her height and weight;
  • Availability of suitable fabrics and accessories in the store.

From birth to one and a half years

If the child is small, the simplest style will do - a straight long dress made of thin white fabric, trimmed with soft lace or sewing. The pattern will be extremely simple, you don’t even need to look for it. It is enough to take a blouse or vest that is suitable in size and cut out the details according to it, making increases in the right places.

From one and a half years and older

In this case, an elegant dress, flared, with a high or low waist, is suitable. You can decorate it with embroidery, sewing, lace. It is sewn in the same way as any other summer children's clothing. The main thing is to choose the right fabric and finishing materials, and take into account that the style must certainly be correct - that is, the dress should not be too short, with a neckline and sleeves.

What should you give up?

The design of children's clothing differs from that of adults. Some materials should be discarded. Not suitable at all:

  • beads;
  • beads;
  • sequins;
  • rigid synthetic lace;
  • hooks

Important! In general, try to avoid anything that is too hard, or anything that could accidentally come off and cause harm to the baby.

Choosing material

The choice of fabric also depends on age. But there are universal materials that are suitable for girls and boys up to one and a half years old and older:

  • batiste;
  • chiffon;
  • chintz;
  • satin;
  • crepe de Chine.

Important! For a girl of preschool age, you can sew a baptismal dress with your own hands from silk, tulle, or guipure, but for a young child such materials are not suitable - it is better to limit yourself to universal ones.


Traditionally, light fabrics, most often white, are chosen for church ceremonies. But this is not necessary; the material can have a tint - cream, pinkish, bluish, with a green or beige tint.

Bright colors are not suitable, and it is better to refrain from printed designs - well, unless you come across beautiful material with a small, barely noticeable flower. But a matching pattern - smooth or textured - is quite suitable for a girl of three to five years old.

Making a pattern

To sew a baptismal dress for a girl with your own hands, the first thing you need to do is take care of the pattern. For a newborn, everything is extremely simple:

  1. Take a suit-sized vest or blouse.
  2. Spread it out thoroughly.
  3. Smooth out the seams.
  4. Trace on a piece of paper (graph paper is best).
  5. Extend the sleeves by 3-5 cm.
  6. Lower the bottom line by 10 cm - if the dress is a little long, nothing bad will happen if your girl doesn’t know how to walk yet.
  7. Cut out the patterns, there will be 2 of them in total.


Even when you take up sewing for the first time, you can easily see that sewing clothes for babies is a real pleasure. Very little fabric is required, half a meter is enough for the eyes, the seams are short and easy to do even by hand. But still, when making children's clothing you need to follow the rules:

  1. Cut the shelf and back strictly along the grain.
  2. Do not forget to cut the allowances in the corners - this is especially important in clothes for newborns, since each fold is clearly visible.
  3. Select threads that strictly match the fabric in thickness and quality, otherwise you won’t end up with a lot of trouble. The same applies to needles.

The simplest dress will consist of only three parts - a solid front and two halves of the back. There are no darts, there is no need to sew in the sleeve either - it is one-piece. It is better to make the fastener at the back - these can be small buttons with air loops or ties, but it can also be done at the front if you come across a pattern for a blouse and not a vest.

Here's what the process will look like:

  1. Fold the fabric along the grain so that the fold is in the middle of the front or back.
  2. Trace the piece using a 0.5 cm seam allowance.
  3. Cut the workpiece according to the allowances.
  4. Cut the second part in the same way.


You've probably already guessed how to sew a baptismal dress for a tiny girl. This is no more difficult than for a large doll.

Important! There is, however, one nuance - on clothes for newborns, the seams are often made on the outside so that they do not rub the baby’s delicate skin. In principle, nothing prevents you from following this principle, and to make the seams look beautiful, you first need to overlock them with an overlocker, and then trim them with thin lace or crochet them.

This is what the sewing process will look like:

  1. Place the pieces with the wrong sides facing in.
  2. Sew the shoulder and side seams either by machine or by hand.
  3. Hem the fastener line by 0.2 and 0.5 cm.
  4. Sew buttons and air loops.
  5. Cover the closure with lace or sewing, pleating the trim.
  6. Finish the neckline with the same finish.
  7. Cut a piece of sewing twice as long as the bottom cut.
  8. Sweep it along the free edge, laying folds, in the end you should get a strip that will fit exactly along the cut.
  9. Fold the hem section.
  10. Sew the embroidery with a finishing stitch on the outside.
  11. Finish the sleeves in the same way.

Boy's shirt

It can be sewn in the same way as a dress for a girl, just make it shorter. Or you can get out of the situation without any fuss - pick up a suitable shirt from the children's trousseau and decorate it beautifully with lace or sewing. Batiste is perhaps the most popular material for newborns, so there will certainly be something suitable in your baby’s wardrobe.

What else do you need for a christening?

In addition to a dress or shirt, you will need other items:

  • diaper;
  • cap


The mother wraps the baby in a baptismal swaddling cloth, which is called kryzhma, after he is dipped into the font. It is best to sew it from the same material as the dress or shirt. The ideal option is cambric, it is soft, absorbs water well and at the same time looks very beautiful and noble. Actually, this is a traditional material for baptismal accessories.

Important! If the fabric is 110 cm wide, you will need about half a meter. The traditional dimensions of the kryzhma are 74x44 cm, but it can be cut in any direction. You will need about 2.5 more meters of lace stitching or soft lace.

Here's how easy it is to sew such a trousseau:

  1. Cut out a rectangle of the given size.
  2. Sew along the free edge with a basting stitch, using medium-length stitches, and make a gather.
  3. Fold the diaper and sewing right sides together, aligning the free edge of the sewing with the cut of the diaper.
  4. Baste your sewing, not forgetting to place folds - pay special attention to the corners, they should look especially neat.
  5. Topstitch the sewing.
  6. Overlock the free edge of the sewing and the sections of the diaper together.

Important! If you have a lace ribbon, you can first hem the edges of the edge, and then sew lace on the fold side.

In order to sew a baptismal shirt, you will need white cotton fabric (preferably calico), sewing with a figured edge on a cotton base, white satin ribbon 5 mm wide and 2 * 15 cm long for ties, sewing threads, sewing machine, overlog, scissors . The manufacturing process of any textile product consists of 3 stages: cutting, sewing, ironing. Before cutting, it is better to soak cotton fabric in warm water and then let it dry, or at least iron it with steam. Then the fabric will allow possible shrinkage, and thereby prevent possible deformation of the finished product due to changes in the linear dimensions of the fabric after washing. From calico you need to cut out the following parts: the right and left shelves, the back and two sleeves of the future shirt.

Sewing a shirt includes preparing individual parts and directly assembling the product into a single whole. Thus, the preparation of sleeves consists of stitching sewing along their lower edges.

Installation of the product includes assembling the product along the shoulder seams, sewing sleeves into open armholes.

Then the side seams of the shirt are sewn down at the same time as the bottom seams of the sleeves. A tie is inserted into the left side seam.

After this, sewing is sewn along the edges and neckline, and the bottom of the shirt is hemmed. A second tie is sewn into the right side.

The final stage in sewing a baptismal shirt is to embroider a cross with a side of 5 cm on the back. This can be done either with a tight zig-zag seam, laying it along the markings, or by sewing a narrow ribbon. Cotton fabrics are highly wrinkleable, so you shouldn’t pick up the finished shirt immediately after ironing; it’s better to let it lie on the ironing board until it cools completely. Or you can give it shape using starch.

Sewing a baby christening shirt yourself is quite simple, and you don’t need to have great sewing skills. I offer a shirt model of the simplest cut with a one-piece sleeve and lace trim.

Baptism is a magical rite and the most important sacrament in Christianity. It symbolizes birth to spiritual life and provides the child with protection from higher powers. Parents prepare for it in advance: they choose godparents for the child, purchase a cross, a kryzhma and clothes. But handmade baptismal clothes acquire special significance and value. Sewn with love and tenderness for the baby, it will keep the grace of Baptism and the warmth of native hands all its life.
You can take a child’s vest and sew it according to it or create a pattern based on your measurements. I sewed remotely (for my great-nephew using a sample sent), so I made the pattern myself.

To work you will need:
- natural fabric: cotton, satin, cambric, calico, thin linen (I have cambric from Soviet times),
- matching threads,
- scissors,
- a device for making bias tape;
- pattern paper,
- sewing machine,
- ribbon, lace, sewing (I have two types of crocheted lace, the wide one is from Soviet times).

Construction of the pattern:
Ssh – semi-circumference of the neck;
Сг – half chest circumference;
Op – shoulder circumference;
Dr – sleeve length;
Di is the length of the product.

2. Then take small scissors and carefully cut out the fabric above the lace from the inside.

3. Now we find the middle of the front and make a 10-14 cm deep cut from the neckline strictly vertically downwards and make a bias tape using a device.

4. We got the following lace stitching and homemade bias tape.

5. Sew thin lace to the bottom of both sleeves, then to the bottom of the front and back:
Place the lace on the wrong side to cover the seam allowance along the bottom edge and stitch according to the lace pattern.

5. Fold the lace to the front side and iron it, then add another line along the edge of the lace. The seam allowances at the bottom edges of the shirt are on the inside.

In this master class you will learn how to sew a christening shirt for a boy and decorate it with an embroidered cross, lace stitching and how to edge the neckline using a piping foot.

You will need:
Fabric, thin soft fabric such as cambric or thin poplin is suitable.
Embroidery threads yellow or gold
Tear-off stabilizer, thin
Water-soluble stabilizer
Sewing threads
Ruffler foot
Edging foot
Foot ruler
Blind hem foot
Universal foot

Shirt length (shirt length can be made just below the knees or to the toes)
The length of the sleeve

The pattern can be drawn directly on the fabric by folding it in half twice

Add a 1cm seam allowance and cut along the shirt bottom, sleeves and side. The pattern of the shirt is a cross (which corresponds to church canons).

Performing embroidery:
Iron on the adhesive tear-away stabilizer. Use a fabric marker to mark the center of the shirt. Hoop the fabric in a hoop (hoop size 130*180 mm)

Place a water-soluble stabilizer on top of the fabric (if the fabric is very thin). And start the embroidery process.

After the machine has sewn the design, remove the tear-away stabilizer.

Dissolve a water-soluble stabilizer in warm water and iron the embroidery on a terry towel folded in several layers.

Neck treatment:
Tuck ready-made satin bias binding or made from the same fabric as the shirt into the edging foot, and place the foot on the machine. You will learn how to work with the edging foot. Work the neckline cut first, and then the neckline itself with the ties.

Processing the edges of the sleeves:
Install a pleat foot on your sewing machine; you will learn how to work with this foot. And sew the border to the bottom of the sleeves. Settings for creating pleats: every 6 stitches, pleat depth 4.

Finish the edge with a serger and press the seam.

Topstitch to the edge using a blindstitch foot or a ruler foot.

At a distance of 3 and 7 cm from the bottom of the sleeves, mark the lines for sewing on the lace stitching. Pin it along the markings and sew a zig-zag stitch (stitch length 1.0 mm, stitch width 1.0 mm) on each side of the seam. Cut the fabric from the wrong side of the sleeves close to the stitching. This operation can be done before or after sewing on the lace border.

Making a closed seam (from the inside of the shirt):
To perform a sewing seam on the wrong side, we carry out all operations on the wrong side, to perform a seam on the front side, respectively, on the front side.
Cut off the seam allowance on one side by 5mm. Sew along the side line with a straight stitch with a stitch length of 2.5-3 mm.

Make notches on the curves. Wrap the wider seam allowance around the narrower seam and pin or baste the seam.

Stitch the seam to the edge using a blind hem foot or a ruler foot.

“American” seam or “Moscow” seam:
This seam is suitable for hemming the bottom of thin fabrics.
Press a 5mm seam allowance to the wrong side. Sew a stitch with a stitch length of 2.5-3 mm at a distance of 2-3 mm from the edge. Use a ruler foot to create an even seam.

Trim off the excess seam allowance with sharp scissors close to the stitching.

Fold inside out again and press the seam. Sew a line of the same stitch length exactly along the first seam.

The christening shirt is ready! It is suitable for children under one year of age.