The King's New Dress - Hans Christian Andersen. Encyclopedia of fairy-tale heroes: "The King's New Dress" The King's New Dress

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The King's New Dress - Hans Christian Andersen

A tale of how two tricksters deceived the king. They made him a dress from “wonderful fabric” that only a fool does not see. However, the king himself does not notice the dress, although he is ashamed to admit it. Everyone admires the king's non-existent outfit, and only the child notices that the king is naked...

The King's New Dress read

Many years ago there lived a king; he loved to dress up so much that he spent all his money on new dresses, and parades, theaters, and country walks occupied him only because he could then appear in a new outfit. For every hour of the day he had a special outfit, and just as they often say about other kings: “The king is in council,” so they said about him: “The king is in the dressing room.”

Life was very cheerful in the capital of this king; Foreign guests arrived almost every day, and then one day two deceivers appeared.

They pretended to be weavers and said that they could produce such a wonderful fabric, better than which nothing could be imagined: in addition to the unusually beautiful design and color, it also has an amazing property - it becomes invisible to any person who is out of place or completely stupid. .

“Yes, this will be the dress! - thought the king. “Then I can find out which of my dignitaries is out of place and who is smart and who is stupid.” Let them make such fabric for me as soon as possible.”

And he gave the deceivers a large deposit so that they would immediately get down to business.

They set up two looms and began to pretend that they were working hard, but they themselves had absolutely nothing on the looms. Not at all embarrassed, they demanded the finest silk and the purest gold for their work, they hid all this in their pockets and sat at empty machines from morning until late at night.

“I’d like to see how things are going!” - thought the king. But then he remembered the wonderful properties of the fabric, and he felt somehow uneasy. Of course, he has nothing to fear for himself, but... still, it would be better if someone else went first! Meanwhile, rumors about the strange fabric spread throughout the city, and everyone was eager to quickly become convinced of the stupidity or unsuitability of their neighbor.

“I’ll send my honest old minister to them,” thought the king. “He’ll look at the fabric: he’s smart and takes his place with honor.”

And so the old minister entered the hall where the deceivers were sitting at empty machines.

"Lord have mercy! - thought the minister, widening his eyes. “But I don’t see anything!”

Only he didn't say it out loud.

The deceivers respectfully asked him to come closer and say how much he liked the pattern and colors. At the same time, they pointed to the empty machines, but the poor minister, no matter how much he stared, still did not see anything. And there was nothing to see.

“Oh my God! - he thought. - Am I really stupid? That's something I never thought of! God forbid, someone finds out!.. Or maybe I’m not fit for my position?.. No, no, there’s no way to admit that I don’t see fabric!”

Why don't you tell us anything? - asked one of the weavers.

Oh, that's lovely! - answered the old minister, looking through his glasses. - What a pattern, what colors! Yes, yes, I will report to the king that I liked your work extremely!

Glad to try! - said the deceivers and began to describe what an extraordinary pattern and combination of colors there is. The minister listened very carefully and then repeated all this to the king. So he did.

Now the deceivers began to demand even more money, silk and gold; but they only lined their pockets, and not a single thread went to work. As before, they sat at the empty looms and pretended to weave.

Then the king sent another worthy dignitary to the weavers. He had to see how things were going and find out whether the work would be finished soon. It was the same with him as with the first one. He looked and looked, but still didn’t see anything except empty machines.

Well, how do you like it? - the deceivers asked him, showing the fabric and explaining patterns that were not there at all.

“I’m not stupid,” thought the dignitary. - So I'm not in the right place? Here's your time! However, you can’t show it!”

And he began to praise the fabric, which he had not seen, admiring the beautiful design and combination of colors.

Nice, nice! - he reported to the king.

Soon the whole city was talking about the amazing fabric.

Finally, the king himself wanted to admire the curiosity while it was still on the machine.

With a whole retinue of selected courtiers and dignitaries, including the first two who had already seen the fabric, the king appeared to the cunning deceivers who were weaving with all their might on empty looms.

Magnifique! (Wonderful - French) Isn't it? - the dignitaries who had already been here cried out. - Would you like to admire it? What a drawing...and the colors! And they poked their fingers into space, imagining that everyone else saw the fabric.

“What nonsense! - thought the king. - I can not see anything! It's terrible! Am I stupid, or what? Or am I not fit to be a king? That would be the worst!”

Oh yes, very, very nice! - the king finally said. - Well deserves my approval!

And he nodded his head with a satisfied look, looking at the empty machines - he did not want to admit that he saw nothing. The king's retinue looked with all their eyes, but saw no more than he himself; and yet everyone repeated in one voice: “Very, very nice!” - and advised the king to make himself an outfit from this fabric for the upcoming solemn procession.

Magnifique! Wonderful! Excellent! - that was all that was heard from all sides; everyone was so delighted! The king awarded the deceivers with a knight's cross in their buttonhole and granted them the title of court weavers.

The deceivers sat at work all night before the celebration and burned more than sixteen candles - it was clear to everyone that they were trying very hard to finish the king’s new dress on time. They pretended to remove the fabric from the looms, cut it with large scissors and then sew it with needles without thread. Finally they announced:

The king, accompanied by his retinue, himself came to them to dress. The deceivers raised their hands up as if holding something, saying:

Here are the trousers, here is the camisole, here is the caftan! Wonderful outfit! Light as a spider's web, and you won't feel it on your body! But that’s the beauty of it!

Yes Yes! - the courtiers said, but they saw nothing - there was nothing to see.

And now, Your Royal Majesty, deign to undress and stand here, in front of a large mirror! - the deceivers told the king. - We'll dress you!

The king stripped naked, and the deceivers began to dress him up: they pretended to put one piece of clothing on him after another, and finally attach something at the shoulders and waist - they put the royal robe on him! And the king turned in front of the mirror in all directions.

God, how it goes! How wonderful it sits! - they whispered in the retinue. - What a pattern, what colors! Luxurious dress!

The canopy is waiting! - the chief master of ceremonies reported.

I'm ready! - said the king. - Does the dress fit well?

And he once again turned in front of the mirror: it was necessary to show that he was carefully examining his outfit.

The chamberlains, who were supposed to carry the train of the royal robe, pretended to pick up something from the floor and followed the king, stretching out their arms in front of them - they did not dare to show that they did not see anything.

And so the king walked through the streets under a luxurious canopy, and the people gathered in the streets said:

Oh, how beautiful the king’s new dress is! How wonderful it sits! What a luxurious robe!

Not a single person admitted that he could not see anything, no one wanted to admit that he was stupid or sitting in the wrong place. No king's dress has ever caused such admiration.

Why, he's naked! - a little boy suddenly shouted.

Listen to what the innocent baby says! - said his father, and everyone began to whisper the child’s words to each other.

Why, he's completely naked! The boy says that he is not dressed at all! - all the people finally shouted.

And the king felt terrible: it seemed to him that they were right, but it was necessary to complete the ceremony!

And he performed under his canopy even more majestic, and the chamberlains followed him, supporting a mantle that was not there.

(Illustration N. Golts)

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The King's New Dress (fairy tale)

Many years ago, there was a king in the world: he loved to dress up so much that he spent all his money on new dresses, and parades, theaters, and country walks occupied him only because he could appear there in a new outfit. For every hour of the day he had a special dress, and just as they say about other kings: “The king is in council,” so they said about him: “The king is in the dressing room.”
Life was very cheerful in the capital of this king: foreign guests came almost every day, and then one day two deceivers appeared.

They pretended to be weavers and said that they could weave such a wonderful fabric, better than which nothing could be imagined: in addition to the unusually beautiful design and color, it also has an amazing property - it becomes invisible to any person who is sitting in the wrong place or is impassable. stupid.
“Yes, this will be the dress! - thought the king. “Then I can find out which of my dignitaries is out of place and who is smart and who is stupid.” Let them quickly weave such fabric for me.”
And he gave the deceivers a large deposit so that they would immediately get down to business.
They set up two looms and began to pretend that they were working hard, but they themselves had absolutely nothing on the looms.
Not at all embarrassed, they demanded the finest silk and the purest gold for their work, they put it all in their pockets and sat at empty machines from morning until late at night. “I’d like to see how things are going!” - thought the king. But then he remembered the wonderful properties of the fabric, and he felt somehow uneasy. Of course, he has nothing to fear for himself, but... still, it would be better if someone else went first! Meanwhile, rumors about the strange fabric spread throughout the city, and everyone was eager to quickly become convinced of the stupidity or unsuitability of their neighbor.
“I’ll send my honest old minister to them,” thought the king. - He’ll look at the fabric: he’s smart and how
no one else fits the position.”
And so the old minister entered the hall where the deceivers were sitting at empty machines.
"Lord have mercy! - thought the minister, widening his eyes. “But I don’t see anything!” Only he didn't say it out loud. The deceivers respectfully asked him to come closer and say how much he liked the pattern and colors. At the same time, they pointed to empty machines, but the poor minister, no matter how hard he stared, still did not see anything. And there was nothing to see. “Oh, my God! - he thought. - Am I really stupid? That's something I never thought of! God forbid, someone finds out!.. Or maybe I’m not fit for my position?.. No, no, there’s no way to admit that I don’t see fabric!”
- Why don’t you tell us anything? - asked one of the weavers.
- Oh, that's lovely! - answered the old minister, looking through his glasses. - What a pattern, what colors! Yes, yes, I will report to the king that I liked your work extremely!
- Glad to try! - said the deceivers and began to describe what an extraordinary pattern and combination of colors there is. The minister listened very carefully and then repeated all this to the king. So he did.
Now the deceivers began to demand even more money, silk and gold; but they only lined their pockets, and not a single thread went to work. As before, they sat at the empty looms and pretended to weave.
Then the king sent another worthy dignitary to the weavers. He had to see how things were going and find out whether the work would be finished soon. It was the same with him as with the first one. He looked, looked with all his eyes, but still saw nothing but empty machines.
- Well, how do you like it? - the deceivers asked him, showing the fabric and praising patterns that were not even there.
“I’m not stupid,” thought the dignitary. - So I'm not in the right place? Here's your time! However, you can’t show it!”
And he began to praise the fabric, which he had not seen, admiring the beautiful design and combination of colors.
- Lovely, lovely! - he reported to the king. Soon the whole city was talking about the amazing fabric. Finally, the king himself wanted to admire the curiosity while it was still on the machine.
With a whole retinue of selected courtiers and dignitaries, including the first two who had already seen the fabric, the king appeared to the cunning deceivers who were weaving tirelessly on empty looms.

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The King's New Dress (fairy tale)

Many years ago, there was a king in the world: he loved to dress up so much that he spent all his money on new dresses, and parades, theaters, and country walks occupied him only because he could appear there in a new outfit. For every hour of the day he had a special dress, and just as they say about other kings: “The king is in council,” so they said about him: “The king is in the dressing room.”
Life was very cheerful in the capital of this king: foreign guests came almost every day, and then one day two deceivers appeared.

They pretended to be weavers and said that they could weave such a wonderful fabric, better than which nothing could be imagined: in addition to the unusually beautiful design and color, it also has an amazing property - it becomes invisible to any person who is sitting in the wrong place or is impassable. stupid.
“Yes, this will be the dress! - thought the king. “Then I can find out which of my dignitaries is out of place and who is smart and who is stupid.” Let them quickly weave such fabric for me.”
And he gave the deceivers a large deposit so that they would immediately get down to business.
They set up two looms and began to pretend that they were working hard, but they themselves had absolutely nothing on the looms.
Not at all embarrassed, they demanded the finest silk and the purest gold for their work, they put it all in their pockets and sat at empty machines from morning until late at night. “I’d like to see how things are going!” - thought the king. But then he remembered the wonderful properties of the fabric, and he felt somehow uneasy. Of course, he has nothing to fear for himself, but... still, it would be better if someone else went first! Meanwhile, rumors about the strange fabric spread throughout the city, and everyone was eager to quickly become convinced of the stupidity or unsuitability of their neighbor.
“I’ll send my honest old minister to them,” thought the king. - He’ll look at the fabric: he’s smart and how
no one else fits the position.”
And so the old minister entered the hall where the deceivers were sitting at empty machines.
"Lord have mercy! - thought the minister, widening his eyes. “But I don’t see anything!” Only he didn't say it out loud. The deceivers respectfully asked him to come closer and say how much he liked the pattern and colors. At the same time, they pointed to empty machines, but the poor minister, no matter how hard he stared, still did not see anything. And there was nothing to see. “Oh, my God! - he thought. - Am I really stupid? That's something I never thought of! God forbid, someone finds out!.. Or maybe I’m not fit for my position?.. No, no, there’s no way to admit that I don’t see fabric!”
- Why don’t you tell us anything? - asked one of the weavers.
- Oh, that's lovely! - answered the old minister, looking through his glasses. - What a pattern, what colors! Yes, yes, I will report to the king that I liked your work extremely!
- Glad to try! - said the deceivers and began to describe what an extraordinary pattern and combination of colors there is. The minister listened very carefully and then repeated all this to the king. So he did.
Now the deceivers began to demand even more money, silk and gold; but they only lined their pockets, and not a single thread went to work. As before, they sat at the empty looms and pretended to weave.
Then the king sent another worthy dignitary to the weavers. He had to see how things were going and find out whether the work would be finished soon. It was the same with him as with the first one. He looked, looked with all his eyes, but still saw nothing but empty machines.
- Well, how do you like it? - the deceivers asked him, showing the fabric and praising patterns that were not even there.
“I’m not stupid,” thought the dignitary. - So I'm out of place? Here's your time! However, you can’t show it!”
And he began to praise the fabric, which he had not seen, admiring the beautiful design and combination of colors.
- Nice, nice! - he reported to the king. Soon the whole city was talking about the amazing fabric. Finally, the king himself wanted to admire the curiosity while it was still on the machine.
With a whole retinue of selected courtiers and dignitaries, including the first two who had already seen the fabric, the king appeared to the cunning deceivers who were weaving tirelessly on empty looms.

Many years ago there was a king in the world: he loved to dress up so much that he spent all his money on new dresses, and parades, theaters, country walks occupied him only because he could appear there in a new outfit . For every hour of the day he had a special dress, and just as they say about other kings: “The king is in council,” so they said about him: “The king is in the dressing room.”
Life was very cheerful in the capital of this king: foreign guests came almost every day, and then one day two deceivers appeared. They pretended to be weavers and said that they could weave such a wonderful fabric, better than which nothing could be imagined: in addition to the unusually beautiful design and color, it also has an amazing property - it becomes invisible to any person who is sitting in the wrong place or is impassable. stupid.
“Yes, this will be the dress! - thought the king. “Then I can find out which of my dignitaries is out of place and who is smart and who is stupid.” Let them quickly weave such fabric for me.”
And he gave the deceivers a large deposit so that they would immediately get down to business.
They set up two looms and began to pretend that they were working hard, but they themselves had absolutely nothing on the looms. Not at all embarrassed, they demanded the finest silk and the purest gold for their work, they put it all in their pockets and sat at empty machines from morning until late at night. “I’d like to see how things are going!” - thought the king. But then he remembered the wonderful property of the fabric, and he felt somehow uneasy. Of course, he has nothing to fear for himself, but... still, it would be better if someone else went first! Meanwhile, rumors about the strange fabric spread throughout the whole city, and everyone was eager to quickly become convinced of the stupidity or unsuitability of their neighbor.
“I’ll send my honest old minister to them,” thought the king. - He’ll look at the fabric: he’s smart and how
no one else fits the position.”
And so the old minister entered the hall where the deceivers were sitting at empty machines.
"Lord have mercy! - thought the minister, widening his eyes. “But I don’t see anything!” Only he didn't say it out loud. The deceivers respectfully asked him to come closer and say how much he liked the pattern and colors. At the same time, they pointed to empty machines, and the poor minister, no matter how hard he stared, still did not see anything. And there was nothing to see. “Oh, my God! - he thought. - Am I really stupid? That's something I never thought of! God forbid, someone finds out!.. Or maybe I’m not fit for my position?.. No, no, there’s no way to admit that I don’t see fabric!”
- Why don’t you tell us anything? - asked one of the weavers.
- Oh, that's lovely! - answered the old minister, looking through his glasses. - What a pattern, what colors! Yes, yes, I will report to the king that I extremely liked your work!
- Glad to try! - said the deceivers and began to describe what an extraordinary pattern and combination of colors there is. The minister listened very carefully and then repeated all this to the king. So he did.
Now the deceivers began to demand even more money, silk and gold; but they only lined their pockets, and not a single thread went to work. As before, they sat at the empty looms and pretended to weave.
Then the king sent another worthy dignitary to the weavers. He had to see how things were going and find out whether the work would be finished soon. It was the same with him as with the first one. He looked, looked with all his eyes, but still saw nothing but empty machines.
- Well, how do you like it? - the deceivers asked him, showing the fabric and praising patterns that were not even there.
“I’m not stupid,” thought the dignitary. - So, I'm not in the right place? Here's your time! However, you can’t show it!”
And he began to praise the fabric, which he had not seen, admiring the beautiful design and combination of colors.
- Lovely, lovely! - he reported to the king. Soon the whole city was talking about the amazing fabric. Finally, the king himself wanted to admire the curiosity while it was still on the machine.
With a whole retinue of selected courtiers and dignitaries, including the first two who had already seen the fabric, the king appeared to the cunning deceivers who were weaving tirelessly on empty looms.
- Magnifique! Isn't it true? - the dignitaries who had already been here cried out. - Would you like to admire it? What a drawing... and colors!
And they poked their fingers into space, imagining that everyone else saw the fabric.
“What nonsense! - thought the king. - I can not see anything! It's terrible! Am I stupid, or what? Or am I not fit to be a king? That would be the worst!”
- Oh yes, very, very nice! - the king finally said. -Completely deserves my approval!
And he nodded his head with a satisfied look, looking at the empty machines - he didn’t want to admit that he didn’t see anything. The king's retinue looked with all their eyes, but saw no more than he himself; and yet everyone repeated in one voice: “Very, very nice!” - and advised the king to make himself an outfit from this fabric for the upcoming ceremony.
- Magnifique! Excellent! - that was all that was heard from all sides; everyone was so delighted! The king awarded the deceivers a knight's cross in their buttonhole and granted them the title of court weavers.
The deceivers sat at work all night before the celebration and burned more than sixteen candles - it was clear to everyone that they were trying to finish the king’s new dress on time. They pretended to remove the fabric from the looms, cut it with large scissors and then sew it with needles without thread.
Finally they announced:
- Ready!
The king, accompanied by his retinue, himself came to them to dress. The deceivers raised their hands up as if holding something, saying: “Here are the trousers, here is the camisole, here is the caftan!” Wonderful outfit! Light as a spider's web, and you won't feel it on your body! But that’s the beauty of it!
- Yes Yes! - the courtiers said, although they saw nothing - but there was nothing to see.
- And now, Your Royal Majesty, deign to undress and stand here, in front of a large mirror! - the deceivers told the king. - We'll dress you!
The king stripped naked, and the deceivers began to dress him up: they pretended to put one piece of clothing on him after another and finally attach something to his shoulders and waist - they put a royal robe on him! And the king turned in front of the mirror in all directions.
God, how it goes! How wonderful it sits! - they whispered in the retinue. -What a pattern, what colors! Luxurious dress!
- The canopy is waiting! - the chief master of ceremonies reported. - I'm ready! - said the king. - Does the dress fit well?
And he once again turned in front of the mirror: it was necessary to show that he was carefully examining his outfit.
The chamberlains, who were supposed to carry the train of the royal robe, pretended to pick up something from the floor and followed the king, stretching out their arms in front of them - they did not dare to show that they did not see anything.
And so the king walked through the streets under a luxurious canopy, and the people who crowded to look at him said:
- Oh, how beautiful this new dress of the king is! How wonderful it sits! What a luxurious robe!
Not a single person said that he could not see anything, no one wanted to admit that he was stupid or was sitting in the wrong place. No king's dress has ever caused such admiration.
- But the king is naked! - suddenly a little boy shouted.
- Listen to what the innocent baby says! - said his father, and everyone began to whisper the child’s words to each other.
- But he’s completely naked! Here's a boy saying he's naked! - all the people finally shouted.
And the king felt terrible: it seemed to him that they were right, but it was necessary to bring the ceremony to the end!
And he performed under his canopy even more majestic, and the chamberlains followed him, supporting a mantle that was not there.

Andersen G-H, fairy tale "The King's New Clothes" (The King's New Clothes)

Genre: literary fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "The King's New Clothes" and their characteristics

  1. King. Important, a big fan of clothes, narcissistic, narrow-minded.
  2. Trickster weavers. Dodgers and cunning people who deceived everyone.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "The King's New Clothes"
  1. Dress up lover
  2. Two rogues
  3. King's Order
  4. Minister and dress
  5. Official and dress
  6. King and dress
  7. The king puts on a new dress
  8. Procession through the city
  9. Boy scream
  10. A shame.
The shortest summary of the fairy tale “The King’s New Clothes” for a reader’s diary in 6 sentences
  1. In one country there lived a king who loved to dress up most of all.
  2. Two deceivers arrived there and offered fabric invisible to fools.
  3. The minister looked at the fabric and pretended to see it.
  4. The official looked at the fabric and pretended to see it.
  5. The king looked at the cloth and pretended to see it.
  6. The king put on a new dress and walked naked through the streets.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "The King's New Clothes"
Human vanity knows no bounds and we sometimes see things that are not really there, simply because others say they see them too.

What does the fairy tale "The King's New Clothes" teach?
This fairy tale teaches you to trust your eyes and your judgment. Don’t take someone’s word for it, check everything personally and don’t be afraid to seem stupid if you don’t understand something.

Review of the fairy tale "The King's New Dress"
A wonderful story about a king who was too proud of himself to admit that he couldn’t see the dress. And he was punished for pride and vanity. And what I liked most about this fairy tale was the boy who saw what he saw and was not afraid to say it out loud.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "The King's New Clothes"
The truth speaks through the mouth of a baby.
Stupidity is not a vice, but a misfortune.
The bubble swelled and burst

Read the summary, a brief retelling of the fairy tale "The King's New Clothes"
Once upon a time, in a very distant country, there lived a king who loved to dress up. He spent most of his time in the dressing room.
And then two rogues came to the city, who called themselves weavers, and praised the fabric, which was invisible to all fools or those who sit in the wrong place.
The king heard about the magic fabric and really wanted to show off in a new dress made from this fabric. So he gave the deceivers money and ordered a dress for himself.
The rogues began to work on empty machines and demanded expensive silk and gold.
And so the king decided to check how the work was going, and since he was afraid that he would not see the fabric, he sent an old and honest minister in his place.
The minister came to the weavers and saw empty looms. He was scared, and the deceivers praised the color and fabric. And the minister pretended to see the fabric. He remembered the words of the deceivers about the location of the patterns, and so reported to the king.
Soon the king sent another honest official to see how things were going. But he didn’t see anything and thought to himself that he was stupid. Therefore, the official also pretended to see the fabric and praised it to the king.
And now the king himself, together with his courtiers, comes to the workshop and looks at the empty machine. He is afraid to admit it and, like everyone else, praises the fabric and patterns. And even gives awards to the weavers.
And then the day of fitting came. All night the weavers pretended to work tirelessly, cutting invisible fabric. In the morning they began to dress the king, saying that the fabric was light as feathers and could not even be felt on the body. The king twirled in front of the mirror and pretended that he liked everything.
And so the king walked down the street, and all the people around shouted how magnificent the king’s new dress was.
And only a little boy suddenly shouted from the crowd that the king was naked. And everyone realized that the king was actually not wearing any clothes, because the baby could not lie. And everyone laughed at the king, who also understood everything, but tried to pretend that everything was as planned and continued to slowly walk to the palace.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "The King's New Clothes"