Essay on friendship. School essay on the topic “What is friendship?” How to write an essay with an "A"

Every schoolchild should write an essay about friendship. This is one of the simplest tasks that can be assigned to a student. However, even this can cause some difficulties in writing. To make working on an essay on this topic as simple as possible, it is worth giving several relevant examples.

About the structure

An essay on friendship, like any other essay, is structured in accordance with a three-part form. It includes an introduction, main body and conclusion. The second part is the middle of the work, and it should be the largest in volume. In general, the introduction and conclusion should be as brief as possible. They usually occupy 30% of the entire text. The main task of the introduction is to familiarize the reader with the topic and bring him up to date. The main idea will be revealed in the content. And the conclusion usually sums up everything previously said.

By the way, it is best to draw up a preliminary thesis plan. Break it down into several points and write several keywords in each that will help you navigate. Looking at them, the student will remember what else he wanted to write about in his essay. This way you won’t miss a single important thought.


An essay about friendship can be started in different ways. A good option would be the following paragraph: “The word friendship comes up very often in the lives of each of us. Sometimes we say it without even thinking. What meaning does it actually carry? Who can we really call our friend? What qualities should this person have? And can there be several friends? Each of us has asked these questions at least once. And you should know the answer to them.”

This kind of introduction is really considered good. Firstly, it poses several questions at once, which makes the author’s task easier. He doesn't have to think about what to write next in the main part. You just need to give answers to the questions you pose yourself. Secondly, this introduction immediately makes it clear to the reader what will be discussed next, which is also important.

Main part

An essay about friendship must contain statements and evidence. This work teaches students to reason. And this process is usually accompanied by attempts to prove the correctness of one’s opinion. Keeping this principle in mind, you can begin the main part as follows: “Without friendship, life can hardly be called complete. Yes, we can make acquaintances, friends, comrades. But each of us needs a friend. After all, this is the person who can always support you in difficult times. Someone close, who you can trust, and it will be mutual. Anyone for whom your problems will not seem empty will perceive them as their own. With a friend you can not only have fun, have fun and spend time interestingly. You can still tell him about the most secret things, ask for help, advice, and count on understanding. A friend becomes a person whom each of us calls a soul mate. Because it really is. Then, after many years of close communication, it’s even strange to remember that moment of acquaintance, when both were still strangers.”

In this character, you can write an essay “What is friendship?” Writing provides freedom for creativity and thought. You can choose any topic. This could be an essay on the topic “Friendship of Peoples,” for example. No one prevents a student from writing about his own experience. The main thing is that the text has meaning and reflects the topic.


This part should be as short and succinct as the introduction. It might look like this: “Friendship is sacred. Anyone who has a loved one will confirm this. We all need a friend. After all, this is the person you can trust. And real happiness lies in the fact that everyone has someone with whom they want to share their innermost and secret. With whom you can be yourself. And to know that you are accepted and loved this way.”

This could be the ending. In principle, there are various other options for concluding an essay on this topic. The main thing is that after reading it there is no feeling of incompleteness.

Everyone needs friendship. It is not without reason that there is a popular wisdom that a person without friends is like a tree without roots. In the modern world, where only “useful connections” are becoming increasingly valuable, true friendship is becoming a real rarity.

Definition of the concept

An essay on the topic: “What is friendship” is a frequent assignment for middle and high school students. The first thing each of us learns in childhood is the ability to make friends. Having true friends is a great happiness. A student can give several definitions of the concept of friendship in his work. According to Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary, friendship is a close relationship between people that is based on trust, affection, and common interests.

In the main Christian book, the Bible, the idea of ​​friendship is conveyed using the ancient Greek word “philia,” which means “to cherish.” Philia among the ancient Greeks was considered one of the highest types of love. Such friendship is based on mutual respect between people. This feeling, however, always arises spontaneously - you cannot force yourself to want to be friends with someone.

Is friendship and self-interest possible?

Writing an essay on the topic “What is friendship?” - this is a good reason for the student to think about what place this phenomenon occupies in a person’s life. Friendship can arise both between complete strangers and between close relatives. Different people put their own meaning into this concept. The only thing you shouldn't do is confuse friends with buddies. The latter are those with whom it is simply pleasant to spend time, but nothing more. They differ from real friends in that you can ask the latter for a helping hand at any moment, but not your friends. In an essay on the topic: “What is friendship?” a student can also point out that true friends are made only by those people who themselves know how to be friends.

What is a true friend?

Friends are always people close to a person, with whom he feels at ease and comfortable, and on whom he can rely in a difficult life situation. Friends are always ready to help. The quality of a friendship is determined by how much responsibility one person is willing to put into the relationship. True friends are known not only in troubles and bad weather, but also in joy. True friendship involves joy for each other, not envy.

Such relationships are always built on selflessness. One of the main conditions for their construction is the absence of competition. True friendship can also arise among people of different ages and genders. A person feels on a subconscious level whether his new acquaintance is worthy of investing time and effort in a relationship with him.

Friendly relations

Write an essay-reasoning on the topic: “Friendship” is not easy work for a student. After all, this phenomenon is one of the most important in human life. The most important condition for the emergence of friendship is the coincidence of worldviews, lifestyles, as well as the balance of interests. You also need to be able to distinguish between true friendship and friendly relationships. The latter can happen to many people. There are always fewer true friends, you can count them on your fingers. Only in some moments can friendships resemble real friendship. This point is also useful to note in an essay-reasoning on the topic: “Friendship.”

True friendship always implies people's interest in each other. A true friend will easily understand what his friend is going through, he will share joys and sorrows. True friends provide support not only emotionally, but also materially. He will do this in every way acceptable to him. Moreover, such support will be given from the heart and selflessly.

How to write an essay with an "A"

To write a good argumentative essay on the topic: “Friendship” with arguments, a student can turn to his own experience. Let us recall that an argument is the evidence and arguments that a student can give in favor of his point of view. He can describe the situation of friendship from literary sources or from his life experience, which probably has many suitable examples. An essay on the topic: “Friendship” is a good reason for a student to think about what he himself puts into this concept. But in addition to the listed possibilities, the student can also indicate an authoritative opinion as an argument - statements of prominent people, sayings and proverbs. For example, A.V. Suvorov wrote: “Sincerity in relationships, truth in communication - this is friendship.”

(116 words)

Friendship is a kinship of souls that binds two people with common interests and mutual sympathy, but does not tolerate betrayal, deception and falsehood.

Nagibin’s text describes the relationship between two boys, which in no way resembles friendship. The narrator does not immediately understand this, endures the arrogance and hysteria of his friend, and one day even experiences betrayal (sentences 21-24). It is at this turning point that he realizes that his comrade is a weak-willed and self-righteous liar, incapable of friendship.

Another example from literature is the relationship between Tolstoy and Tonkoy in Chekhov’s story of the same name. Thin betrays friendship by being a hypocrite and humiliating himself in front of his comrade because of class prejudices. In fact, in this case, the kinship of souls was also destroyed by the lies and mannerisms of one of the friends.

Thus, soul kinship is impossible without honest and open relationships.

Example from life

I also had a friend who was not known for his honesty. I realized this when we were playing with firecrackers. As soon as the adults discovered our joint prank, he blamed everything on me, although the idea belonged to him. After that, the friendship burned out as quickly as the fuse of a firework.

Essay 15.3 on the topic: What is friendship? According to Nagibin’s text “In our pair I was the leader”

Assignment: How do you understand the meaning of the word FRIENDSHIP? Formulate and comment on the definition you have given. Write an essay-argument on the topic “What is friendship”, using the definition you gave as the thesis.

(117 words)

Friendship is a relationship between people, supported by loyalty, the desire to help and help each other, as well as common interests and unanimous opinions. But the most important thing in friendship is the rejection of betrayal.

In the proposed text, the narrator betrays friendship by slandering a comrade (sentences 28-30). The consequences of his action were insignificant, but Pavlik lost confidence in his friend and stopped communicating forever (sentence 62), because friendship without fidelity is an empty phrase, just a superficial acquaintance.

An example from the literature on this topic is the relationship between Troekurov and Dubrovsky in Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky”. The rich gentleman trampled on the feelings of his comrade, encroaching on his rights. The poor but proud nobleman never forgave the insult; many years of friendship were destroyed due to betrayal.

Thus, you must be able to be friends, that is, you must never allow yourself to commit betrayal.

Example from life

There was a similar incident in my life: a friend didn’t help on a test at the most decisive moment, but not because she couldn’t: it was fundamentally important to her that everyone gets what they deserve. I would have understood it if I hadn't really prepared, but I was just sick when it was explained. As a result, I didn’t sit down with her and didn’t communicate anymore, because a true friend will always help out, which means she wasn’t one.

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Essay on the topic of Friendship (reasoning)

People have been trying to define the word friendship for a long time. In the name of friendship, deeds and selfless deeds were performed, for the sake of friendship they fought and died. But it is almost impossible to describe this word in a few sentences, because each person puts something of his own into its meaning.

Friendship is, first of all, the similarity of views and thoughts, feelings and needs of two people. We put into this word loyalty and the desire to always come to the rescue, empathy and joy for the happiness of a loved one, as for ourselves.

A friend must be sincere in his feelings; there is no place for flattery and hypocrisy. Even when the truth can hurt, only a friend will find the strength to say it to his face, without hiding anything.

There is no place for envy and rivalry between friends. Only a true friend will be happy for another as well as for himself.

But friendship is a fragile crystal cup. She must be protected from careless offensive words, from outbursts of irritation and anger. Of course, true friendship cannot be broken by a simple quarrel or disagreement, but there is also no need to triple the tests of strength. After all, having a true friend is an amazing gift. It’s a miracle to know that you are not alone in the world and that there is someone who will always lend their shoulder and stand next to you, and will not turn away in the face of trouble or difficulties.

Should we try to be better for the sake of a friend, because a true friend will accept us for who we are? Of course it is necessary. After all, friendship is based on mutual assistance and mutual giving. If one side only gives, and the other only accepts, without contributing anything in return, then such a relationship is very far from true friendship. For the sake of a friend, you definitely need to become better, kinder and more attentive. A friend is a mirror of ourselves. We should not expect loyalty and devotion from a friend if we ourselves cannot boast of such traits.

True friendship is a great value in life, and happy is the one who has a friend.

Essay reasoning Friendship
John Chrysostom: “It is better to be in darkness than without a friend.”

I believe that a person has always had at least one true friend in his life. Yes, lives diverge and it is not always possible to be close to each other and support, but in the heart this person is always with you. And even if you don’t communicate for a very long time, due to certain circumstances, you involuntarily ask the question: “What would my friend advise me, what would he do?” Why is this happening? It seems to me because you can trust him with a lot, all the most intimate things, even your life. A friend becomes a part of you, and without him you no longer feel the same as you are now.

Friendship is a wealth that many people want to own. She makes you understand that you are not alone, that you will not be left alone with your misfortune, and sharing joy with someone is even greater happiness.

If the friendship is real, it will never go away. She will walk with you for many years and everything will be the same as it was 10 and 20 years ago. Your friend will be happy to communicate with you, support, advise and worry about you, even if you are far from each other.

The quotation from John Chrysostom, which is given at the beginning, fully answers the question: “Why is friendship important and necessary?” After all, you can sacrifice everything for a friend. It is impossible to live without a friend, because this person is a reflection of yourself. You know everything about him, and he knows everything about you - this is trust that is hard to gain.

Also, it is worth noting that friendships cannot be considered only within this framework. Of course, there is love there, but love for the person himself on a spiritual level; respect, that is, a certain equality and recognition of each other. There is no perfect friendship, there will always be disagreements, without them you cannot build a good relationship. Therefore, it has been tested for years, and if the test is passed, then you are a happy person.

What is Friendship Reasoning
At certain points in life, many people think about friendly participation, which saves them from loneliness. Our subconscious is tuned to the desire to make friends with cheerful people who are capable of doing good and who are eager to help at any moment. The person who is able to provide real help is a true friend.

We are surrounded by many people, but there are very few true friends. And so, the main quality of a friend is to be honest, responsive, sympathetic, ready to provide all possible help at any moment. A true comrade will give his last, without regretting it later.

Friendship is a feeling of giving warmth and support.

The ability to find the right words for a friend. Help in difficult times. And find a way out together.

If you have a friend, then you need to maintain a relationship with him for life. There are many different proverbs about friendship. For example: “Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends!”, “Friendship is known in trouble!” We value positive character traits in each other and try to help ourselves. Friendship is never one-sided. Try to trust each other and do not skimp on any help.

It is easier to make friends at a young age, but later it becomes more difficult. We need to value and protect friendly relationships, personal secrets, and not betray friendly relationships. Not all conversations of friends are only about the “pleasant” things in life, it is a true friend who reveals the truth to you in certain circumstances, do not flatter, admit if you have done something bad. Can forgive if a friend took the wrong step or stumbled! In time it will stop and turn in the other direction.

Many people believe that there cannot be friendly relations between a man and a woman. But, in fact, this is possible and depends on the moral qualities of both sexes and goals in life. In the work “Dinka” by V. Oseeva, the main character Dinka admits to “Khokholka” that she has more than friendly feelings for another guy. She did a real thing, like her best friend. Her friendly act is commendable. Although hearing these words, the friend felt pain.

I want everyone to be friends with each other. And there were friendly relations between countries and states. Then there will be peace. And peaceful relations mean preserving natural resources, families and engaging in peaceful affairs and the development of modern technologies.

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An essay about what friendship means to me, what it is like. Which friends do I consider reliable and why, and which people would I not like to have close relationships with.

When we say the word “friendship,” we immediately imagine two laughing people holding hands and chatting cheerfully about something. Or a group of merry people telling each other funny stories and drinking Coca-Cola. Or we remember some prank that no one in the world knows about, only me and my friend. No matter what we imagine, friendship for every person is always something very pleasant and joyful, this is what every inhabitant of our planet dreams of.

I believe that there are many types of friendships: family, school and just strong friendships that you can’t name. You can be friends with your mom and dad, with your siblings and brothers, with teachers and coaches, with classmates. And it’s good when good, peaceful, friendly relationships are established with the people around you. But there is also a type of friendship when you cannot explain why you are so attached to a person. You just feel very good with him, you respect him, you can do anything with him and enjoy it, you are bored and simply impossible to live without him. I call this kind of friendship strong, very close.

For me, a friend is a reliable person who will never let you down or leave you in trouble. This is the one who treats you the way he would like you to treat him. He knows how to forgive and is very sincere. Yes, he is not a saint: a friend can also make mistakes and incomprehensible actions, like all people. He may not always agree with your concepts or words, but he respects your opinion. He will never deceive you, he always worries about your mood, you feel simple and easy with him. There may be several such friends, but if they decide to be friends together, then they must treat each other equally, not offend anyone from their company, not deceive. On the contrary, value and protect.

In general, I believe that friends should be treated like a precious stone. Take care, love, be afraid of offending and hurting. True strong friendship is a rarity these days. Pretense and deception are very common, which means that there can be no talk of any friendship here. These are the so-called friends who are friends for benefits. In order for him to feel good about something, so that another person would give him something, ask for him, protect him, or do something else for him. You should be afraid of such fake friends and under no circumstances trust them.

Because when you don’t have something your fake friend needs, he will turn his back on you. Or when you need help, he won’t pay attention to it. And a true friend will always be there, because he is your soulmate. Friendship is the power that helps us live!

Even more essays on the topic: “About friendship”

At the moment I have two best friends. I started being friends with my first friend in kindergarten, and I became friends with my second friend at school, as new kids appeared and I got along with him. Then the three of us started becoming friends.

First I want to tell you how I started being friends with my first friend. Our parents introduced us in the yard when we were still very young, since we lived in neighboring entrances and often walked on the same playground, where our parents took us. We went to the same kindergarten, but were in different groups, but then we ended up in the same group. Now we saw each other not only in the yard, but were together in the kindergarten. That's why we became such friends. We played everywhere together.

I met my second friend at school. After kindergarten, when I moved to school, some of our girls and boys left and new kids came. In the course of everyday communication, I began to communicate with one boy, since we had one common hobby: studying the computer. We communicated with him, shared our knowledge in this area and sometimes argued. As it turned out later, we like another common subject: mathematics. We organized small competitions in mathematics with him, when the teacher asked him to solve some problem or calculate an example, and then told the first three children to bring the solution to it. He and I always competed and tried to bring solutions first.

Also, after classes, the three of us get together and have fun. My second friend has a ball, he takes it and we play football with one goal or just kick a penalty, and when a lot of guys from neighboring yards gather, we divide into two teams and play football with two goals.

A true friend, in my understanding, is a person close to you who is ready not only to have fun and go out with you, but who tries to understand you and in difficult times is ready to help you, then you can call him a friend. Although friends do not always see and understand this. Therefore, I try to listen to my friends, and, if possible, offer my help in the current difficult situation for them.

It happened that my friend left for a while after a quarrel, and we did not communicate with him for some time. I thought I had lost a friend, but after a while he comes back and says, let’s make peace, friend. He confirms this not only with words, but also with actions. Then I understand that this is a true friend and we are friends forever.


I have a best friend and his name is Seryozha, about whom I want to write in an essay about my best friend. We've been friends since kindergarten. My friend is a little taller than me, he has dark hair and blue eyes. He solves math problems well and writes dictations in the Russian language. He has an older sister. From talking to him about what he wants to be by profession when he grows up, I realized that he wants to repair household appliances or computers. He plays chess and checkers well. He taught me to play chess too. We often play them with him. Although I don't often manage to beat him.

We, like all guys, love to play football. He started going to the football section and suggested that I go too, I agreed, and we go there on weekends. There are a lot of kids there and several football fields and coaches. All the guys are divided into age categories, which are taught by a coach who watches our game. Sometimes he stops her and tells her what to do in a given situation.

I also went to kickboxing with my friend, our trainer was a master of sports in kickboxing. Since we were still small, we did little sparring. Basically, our activities consisted of stretching, somersaults, push-ups, and pull-ups. The older guys took part in sparring among themselves. The best go to kickboxing competitions between martial arts schools.

My friend and I also went to the young technicians’ club, but in different circles. My friend chose a radio engineering class because he likes to study how radio engineering works and how it is repaired. I chose a class on modeling and building small copies of ships. Together with the guys from the circle, under the leadership of our leader, we made several ships. One of them was a yacht with two electric motors. And the other ships were sailing ships. My friend and I have other favorite activities. Also, sometimes my friend and I do homework together. If we don’t understand something, then we ask each other for help.


I have a friend. His name is Lyosha. He studies with me in the same class. After school we go for a walk. Sometimes we play in my yard, we have sports equipment there. We also love to play football. There is a good football field not far from my friend's house. There's even a net on the gate. We play there several times a week.

In the summer, Lesha and I see each other in August, because my friend spends the rest of the summer holidays in the village. He is very good friend. I know that he will never betray me. Lyosha is a true friend.


I have many friends. We have fun together. But not every friend is perfect. For me, an ideal friend is someone who will always come to the rescue.

One day I found myself in a very unpleasant situation. In the summer I fell into a lake and got all my clothes wet. My parents were not at home, and I could not change into dry clothes. All the guys sympathized with me and told me to stand in the sun to dry out quickly. Only Seryozha ran away somewhere. I decided that my friend decided to leave me in a difficult situation. But a few minutes later Sergei brought me his dry clothes. I was able to change my clothes and continued playing. Thanks to Seryozha’s action, I didn’t catch a cold, and my summer wasn’t ruined.

That’s when I realized that Seryozha is my best friend. He figured out how to help me and saved me from trouble.