The Pelenashka doll is a brave defender from evil forces. The Pelenashka doll is a toy for a baby and the strongest amulet. The diaper doll amulet meaning.

Natalia Pustacheva

I offer it for your viewing Master Class"Baby doll(baby) ".

Pelenashka (baby) - Slavic doll,Which was made for baby. Diaper (baby) always done without a face. It was believed that it protected the newborn from the evil eye.

Pelenashka, like most folk rag dolls, is not only a toy. This is, first of all, a protective amulet. It was done by pregnant women according to strictly defined rules. Before rolling up the body-tube, the fabric was folded and unrolled six times with prayer, and only on the seventh was it finally rolled up and tied with thread. But even here everything is not easy. The thread had to be held in the right hand, and the twisted tube in the left hand. While winding the thread, the expectant mother whispered wishes for her baby: to be healthy, rich, smart, brave...

Once upon a time in Rus', a diaper was placed in the cradle of an unbaptized person. baby, in order to confuse evil forces. Doll takes on all the misfortunes that threaten the baby’s unprotected soul and body. After the child's baptism, the diaper was kept together with the baptismal shirt, or it became for the child doll - talisman. In the first months of life, the child’s biofield is especially vulnerable to the evil eye. Until now, mothers of newborns are afraid to show their baby not only to friends, but also to relatives.

Comes to the rescue doll - diaper. When guests come to the house, the child is placed in the folds of the bed doll, and the guests, so as not to jinx it, They say: Why the doll is good!


Goals and objectives:


Making folk dolls


Study folk history dolls, make doll.

For creating dolls you will need:

Several pieces of fabric of different sizes

Red thread


Satin ribbon

The fabrics are taken natural (Linen, cotton, chintz, etc.)

We take a rectangular flap and twist it into a tube - a twist.

Drag and drop the doll in the middle. Tieable knot.

After cutting the umbilical cord, the newborn received his first thing - infant belt. A thin red wool belt was woven for the child by the mother during pregnancy. The belt was worn on the naked body, under diapers, and should be worn until the child reached 3 years of age.

Take the next flap, it should be triangular in shape to create a scarf. Carefully, removing and straightening excess folds, we put on the scarf. We do not tie the ends, but lay them evenly behind the back of our Swaddle.

The first or bottom diapers for newborns were made from the parents' old clothes. The convenient size of diapers is rectangle. Wrap the diaper in a diaper.

We sorted out the bottom diaper. During the cold season, the child was also wrapped in a warm diaper or blanket.

So we will wrap our diaper. Many people have swaddled their babies and know how it’s done. First, we fold one edge of the blanket, bend it to the legs and then fold the other edge of the blanket.

You should get such a strong, non-scattering package.

We start tying the ribbon from the bottom and from the front to the back.

We tie a beautiful bow at the front and our Diaper is ready.

Dolls helped to live: they protected and protected, attracted wealth and deceived evil spirits, helped to cope with many events inexplicable to ancient man.

Publications on the topic:

We present to your attention a detailed photo report for an integrated lesson in the senior group on the topic “Diaper doll”.

This school year, our teachers were asked to lead clubs for children. Since my hobby is dolls, I decided to tell the children about folk dolls.

The traditional amulet doll Ryabinka is one of the most powerful female dolls. A symbol of female wisdom, motherhood and hearth. The strongest.

Each of us made a doll with our own hands as a child. I invite you to return to childhood with me. For work we need a sheet.

Master class “Doll from napkins” For the Maslenitsa holiday, you can make a ritual doll from paper napkins with your children. For the manufacture of.

To make a diaper doll you will need: a piece of light fabric, a piece of colored fabric, a narrow ribbon, thread. Take a piece of light color.

The diaper, like most folk rag dolls, is not only and not so much a toy. This is, first of all, a protective amulet. It was done by pregnant women according to strictly defined rules. Before rolling up the body-tube, the fabric was folded and unrolled six times with prayer, and only on the seventh was it finally rolled up and tied with thread. But even here everything is not easy. The thread had to be held in the right hand, and the twisted tube in the left hand. While winding the thread, the expectant mother whispered wishes for her baby: to be healthy, rich, smart, brave...

Seven of these dolls were supposed to be made. They were placed in the newborn's cradle, tied to the handle or on clothes. In terms of its “magical” purpose, the rag doll-diaper is close to another folk one.

And if you do without rituals and conspiracies, then such dolls became toys for girls. Despite all its apparent simplicity, making a diaper doll for a child is not so easy. If you are going to make folk rag dolls with a 4-6 year old child, then a diaper is not the simplest model. It's better to start with . In our opinion, it is one of the most accessible options for children.

How to make a diaper doll with your own hands.

The fabric sizes we used are shown in brackets, but you can use any other sizes.

Option 1 Classic version of the diaper

1. Making the body of the diaper. Take a rectangular piece of white fabric (fold 20x14 cm along the long side) and roll it into a tube.

We tie it with red thread (for example: floss in 6 folds) in the middle of the roll, the knot in the front is the baby’s umbilical cord.

Select the head of the diaper and tie it with thread at a height of 1/3 of the roll.

2. We tie a scarf on the head of the diaper (a right triangle with 10 cm legs)

3. Wrap the baby tightly in a diaper (10x7cm)

4. Place the baby on a blanket (12x12cm) and wrap it in any way. We tie the blanket with a swaddling stitch (6 folds of floss thread).

Option 2 Kaluga baby

1. Making the baby’s head. Place a rag or padding polyester on a square of white fabric (14x14 cm) in the center. We fold the fabric and tie it with a thread under the head. The Kaluga baby is traditionally made with a large head.

2. We make the body of the diaper. We wrap the workpiece with a rectangular piece of fabric (7x8cm) and tie it with thread in the middle of the roll, with a knot in front.

3. We tie a scarf on the head of the diaper. We take the ends of the scarf to the back and secure it with thread, making a knot in the front.

Pelenashka is a traditional Slavic amulet that parents created for a newborn. The doll was made to look like a baby in diapers. It was believed that it helps protect the baby from the evil eye.

The origin story of Pelenashka, oddly enough, is connected with a funeral rite. Several thousand years ago, it was customary to wrap deceased people in a cloth (shroud), thanks to which the arms and legs of the deceased did not spread out to the sides, and the body was preserved this way much longer. Our ancestors took this tradition as the basis for protecting the baby from evil spirits.

A well-fed baby in a diaper does not move or make any sounds during sleep, resembling a deceased person. The ancient Slavs believed that the dark forces, seeing a swaddled baby, would decide: in front of them there is not a living soul that they can take for themselves, but something uninteresting to them. They believed that the feverish woman would fly away without a sip, and even tell her relatives that there was not a sweet baby here, but only a deception.

It was customary to make a protective doll even before the baby was born. This was done either by the eldest woman in the family or by the expectant mother. To make the Diaper, they took worn homespun fabric, since it was believed that it had ancestral power. As a rule, they used scraps from their parents' old shirt. The basis for the amulet was any natural material:

  • tightly twisted fabric;
  • wooden sticks;
  • straw;
  • bones.

The base material was swaddled like a newborn.

The diaper was made small so that it could fit in a child’s hand

Purpose and rules for using the amulet

The diaper is first placed in bed next to the pregnant woman to facilitate the birth process. When the baby is born, the amulet is placed in his cradle. There the doll remains until the newborn is baptized.

It is believed that a baptized baby no longer needs strong protection. Therefore, immediately after the sacrament, the doll is put into a chest or closet along with the baptismal shirt and taken out only when the child is sick. When the baby grows up, Pelenashka becomes an ordinary toy.

The diaper is used not only to protect the baby. The doll is also made for a woman who cannot get pregnant for a long time, and for the bride, so that the young couple quickly acquires an heir.

The diaper is placed in the baby's cradle only before his baptism

How to make a Diaper with your own hands

To make a Diaper, you don’t need any special skills; anyone can make it.

Necessary materials:

  • white fabric 30x20 cm;
  • colored fabric for a column 30x20 cm;
  • bright fabric for a scarf 10x10 cm;
  • colored fabric for a diaper 25x25 cm;
  • colored ribbon or cord;
  • Red thread.
  • To make diapers, they usually took homespun fabric

    Manufacturing process:

  • The fabric intended for the post is placed on the white flap. Both pieces of material are first folded lengthwise and then rolled into a roll.
  • The resulting twist is tied with red thread.
  • A scarf is placed on any of the edges of the roll, determining the location of the “child’s” head. The tails are carefully distributed behind the doll's back.
  • Lay out the cloth for the diaper and place the “baby” on it.
  • Fold the corner under the head. Wrap one side of the diaper first, then the bottom and the other side. The remaining edge is folded inward and smoothed so that the fabric does not unravel.
  • Bandage the Diaper with a swaddling bandage (ribbon or cord).
  • You can decorate the protective doll with beautiful buttons or lace tucked under a scarf.
  • According to the ancient Slavs, it was the red thread that could save people from the influence of evil forces. Therefore, it was used to make any amulets.

    Photo gallery: step-by-step production of the Pelenashka doll

    The flaps are placed on top of each other Rolling the fabric into a roll Putting on a headscarf
    The edges of the scarf are straightened on the back of the diaper Preparing the doll for swaddling

  • you should sit down to work with pure thoughts and in a good mood;
  • in the process of making a doll, you need to imagine a beautiful and joyful child in front of you, you can even talk to him, telling him how good he is;
  • threads and material must be natural, synthetics are considered dead fabric, so they cannot be used;
  • In the process of creating a talisman, it is strictly forbidden to use piercing and cutting objects; the canvas must be torn by hand, and decorative elements must be tied with threads.
  • Video: master class on making a ritual doll Pelenashka

    The Slavic protective doll Pelenashka is very popular nowadays. It is easy to make, but has powerful protective power.

    This is a traditional protective doll of the Slavs. The swaddled doll was placed next to the baby in the cradle, where it necessarily remained until baptism. It was believed that the doll protected the child from danger, protected from evil spirits and took upon itself all the misfortunes that threatened the baby unprotected by the cross. Only after baptism was the doll removed from the cradle.

    Another Russian ritual is associated with the Pelenashka doll. After the bride moved to the groom's house, a swaddled doll was placed on the bride's lap. It was believed that after this maternal strength came to the young wife.

    The Pelenashka doll was also made for children to play with. Then they usually used household items - sheets, blankets, etc. Having wrapped the folded sheet in a column, they wrapped the doll in a blanket and tied it with a belt or rope. Later, older girls could make such a doll for younger ones. After the game, the doll was unwrapped, and the things were again used for their intended purpose.

    The Pelenashka doll is very easy to make. This is a baby in a scarf, swaddled in a swaddling cloth and wrapped in a swaddling blanket. The doll is made from a piece of white worn fabric. It was believed that worn fabric contained a piece of the vitality of the person who wore clothes made from this fabric or in the home where it was used. Let's try to make a small Pelenashka doll. Such dolls were usually made for other large mother dolls and tied to them with a belt (for example, the Moskovka doll).

    How to make a amulet doll Pelenashka

    We prepare the necessary materials.

    Fold the white fabric in half and roll it tightly from the bottom up.

    To designate the head, we drag the roll with threads, highlighting a third of the length from one of the ends.

    We drag the doll in the middle. The knot being tied symbolizes the navel - the concentration of vitality.

    Fold the fabric for the doll's scarf diagonally.

    We tie a scarf on the head of the Pelenashka doll, we put the ends behind the back crosswise, without tying a knot.

    We place the doll on top of the diaper, having first slightly bent its upper edge.

    We wrap the roll in the diaper, taking turns bringing the corners of the fabric diagonally behind the roll. We bend the lower part of the diaper, throw it over the Diaper and pull it back by the roll.

    We wrap the Diaper doll with a swaddling wrap (a narrow long strip of fabric, rope or ribbon). We start by winding it behind the head, then cross it in front and pull both ends at the bottom.

    The Diaper doll is ready!

    “Protective doll-Pelenashka” video

    In ancient times, the diaper doll performed several important roles, but its main power was to protect the baby from evil spirits and diseases. Such a talisman was made a month before the expected date of birth of the child and accompanied him for up to a year.

    In appearance, the diaper resembles a child who has been tightly swaddled and put to bed.

    A little history

    When a woman joined her husband’s family, her mother would place a diaper on her lap. It was believed that this ritual endows a woman with maternal strength, which is necessary for procreation.

    The color of the doll can be any

    The creation of the amulet doll “swaddle” represents the birth of a person. It was believed that a newborn was most vulnerable to the birth of the newborn and the evil eye. To protect the newborn, a “decoy” was created for evil spirits who, instead of the child, moved into the diaper.

    During childbirth, the future father, dressed in women's clothing, depicted childbirth and instead of a child, a doll was placed on him. Thus, various feverish women could not find the real baby and harm him.

    Another purpose is protection from the evil eye and damage. The twisted fabric accompanied the child everywhere. When going for a walk, they always hung a bright doll on the child, which any person would notice before the child. Thus, negative energy did not reach the baby.

    To create a doll, fabric was taken from the clothes of the mother or father. It was believed that in this way the amulet received the power of the family to protect the child.

    Main pre-appointment doll diaper

    The main power of a ritual doll is to protect a pregnant woman and a child from negative energy. The fabric twist absorbed all the negativity and did not reach the mother and child. The mother should make a talisman for the child.

    In addition to its protective properties, it is a wonderful toy for a baby.

    In addition to the protective properties, the ability to attract a child to a family where there have been problems with conception is also important. In this case, the amulet was made by the girl’s mother or grandmother.

    A pregnant woman and child are most susceptible to the negative influence of evil forces, the evil eye and damage. To protect mother and baby, various amulets were used: embroidery of various signs, a diaper doll, bells and other magical attributes.

    In addition to its protective function, the diaper was the baby's first toy.

    What to do with the diaper after using it

    You can tie a ribbon or a small bell on top.

    Each amulet has its own service life; it is not possible to determine it in advance. When a doll absorbs a lot of negative energy, it loses its power. If you no longer like the doll or you are haunted by the feeling that not everything is okay with her, burn the diaper. This is how the ritual of purification takes place.

    Basic manufacturing rules traditional doll

    The swaddle is easy to spin, but some rules must be followed.

    Fabrics of different textures and colors are suitable for making twisting. Before reaching the age of one year, many such pupae are made. When playing with a diaper, a child perceives different colors and forms tactile sensations.

    Swaddling a baby is an ancient ritual that protects a little person from the evil eye, damage and various dirty tricks that can harm the baby on a mental level.

    Master Class

    Making a diaper is accessible to everyone. If you have never made protective dolls, then it’s time to try.

    The sequence of making the “diaper” amulet

    You will need the following material:

      a piece of white fabric 20 by 30 cm for the body;

      a piece of fabric for a column of 20 by 30 cm (color does not matter;

      fabric for a scarf in bright colors 10 by 10 cm;

      diaper 25 by 25 cm, preferably in light colors;

      Red thread;

      The cord for fastening can be woven from any thread.

    Materials for making a talisman

    The essence of making a talisman is simple: you need to make a child and swaddle him in a diaper. The technique can be any. Below are step-by-step instructions that you can use to create this doll.

      Twist the white flap into a tight twist so that the body comes out fuller using 2 pieces of fabric folded together.

    sequence of making the “diaper” amulet

      Determine the center and make an odd number of wraps with red thread to indicate the navel. Do not tighten the thread too tightly.

    Find the center and mark the navel using a thread.

      Step back 1 cm from the edge and highlight the head using red thread.

      Tie a scarf in a way that is convenient for you.

    We tie a scarf, hiding the ends at the back.

      Swaddling a “baby” is similar to swaddling a child.

    Swaddle the doll's body like a baby.

      Tie a belt.

    The last step is to tie the belt with a knot forward.

    The doll is ready to serve your baby faithfully. If you wish, you can decorate your doll with beads, buttons, bells, but without using a needle, just thread it through a thread and wind it.

    If you are making a play doll, you can hide noisemakers and squeakers in the body.