Machine tattoos. Structure and types of tattoo machines. The evolution of the tattoo machine: from Thomas Edison’s electronic pen to modern tattoos. A variety of induction machines.

Industry. 7075-T6 aluminum, created for the production of aircraft and rockets, has recently come in handy in body painting salons. The Al 13 FKI machine was created on the basis of a super-light alloy. The last three letters of the name are the brand name.

The device weighs only 128 grams. For 2015, this is the lightest model in the world. However, there is a distinction tattoo machines not just by weight. The main classification is based on the type of engine operation. There are rotary, induction and pneumatic models. Let's start with neither.

Rotary tattoo machines

"Rotor" is a Latin word. Translation: “whirlwind” or “rotation”. The latter underlies the operation of rotary machines. The rotation is set by a motor-eccentric pair. The resulting energy is converted into a rotational-translational movement of the needle.

You can adjust the force of impact and the speed of punctures. This is convenient for beginners. They usually strive buy a tattoo machine namely the rotary type.

Rotary models are good for drawing thin, clear lines. There is no vibration. Therefore, tattoo salons cannot do without rotary machines. But there is a minus. The technology does not show high speeds. They stuff it slowly.

The same area of ​​skin must be passed over several times. Hence the pain when applying paint. Tattoo artists, for example, are offered to numb the working area.

Induction tattoo machines

Induction tattoo machine works on the principle of connection between current and magnetic flux. The mechanism has two magnets. Voltage is applied to them. A magnetic field is created. It attracts the firing pin of the machine. But, there is a powerful spring that breaks the connection between the needle and the magnets.

Moving up and down, the striker drives the paint into the skin. The needle movements are uniform, the force of the blows is adjusted, there are modes and their frequencies. Pain sensations are minimized. The downside is strong vibration. Because of this, the procedure may take longer and the quality of the tattoo will decrease.

Induction tattoo machines, video three types of models are demonstrated with them. Some are designed for creating outlines, others for filling them in. There are also universal devices, however, just as there are hybrids of rotary and induction machines. Universal models save money, but work at an average level, like everything that does not have a clear specialization.

Pneumatic tattoo machines

Pneumatics - divided by physicists, the study of air, which arose in Ancient Greece. Machines in this category operate by supplying air, which is why they are called pneumatic. The first model was invented by Carson Hill. This is a tattoo artist and California. Its equipment captivates with its ease and noiselessness.

A trial copy was released in 2000. In Russia, pneumatic machines are still rare. All you have to do is order online. True, the prices are steep. In addition, you will need a low-noise compressor of 8 atmospheres, no less.

Not everyone likes buying innovative equipment. To keep costs to a minimum, the machines are made at home. You can't create pneumatics here. Induction samples are collected only by those who know how to solder and work well with metal. You will need to make a case from it. The simplest answer to the question is how to make a tattoo machine rotary type. Secrets of mastery, further.

Home tattoo machine

Tattoo machine at home made from: an electric motor, a string, a handle and a rod, a wine cork, a small metal plate. The motor will come from a toy, and the string will come from a guitar. You will also need electrical tape, scissors and a knife.

First, disassemble the handle. You need to rinse its rod and free it from the ball. Afterwards, the handle is assembled and moved along the sandpaper. The ball is polished in this way until it is completely erased. There will be a hole on the rod suitable for freely placing a guitar string into it. But, before inserting it, we again disassemble the handle. We cut off the upper part from both its body and the rod. This is waste.

You can also throw out most of the cork. All you need is a small circle. It needs to be cut out. Afterwards, all that remains is to prepare the motor. Remove the motor from the toy carefully. The connection wires between the toy motor and its control panel often deteriorate. For creating DIY tattoo machines You will need everything except the body.

The preparation stage has been completed. Let's start assembling. We insert the rod into the handle. We attach the motor with electrical tape to a curved metal plate and place it on the handle. We put a cork circle on the motor shaft. The string is also attached to the motor. But first, it is threaded through the handle. Then, the free end of the wire is bent and stuck into the plug on the shaft.

The string should extend from the rod by one and a half to two millimeters. Excess is removed. The remaining wire is sharpened to the point of a needle. All that remains is to wrap the motor with a final layer of electrical tape. The equipment is ready for work. I wonder how the world's first car was assembled? We offer a short excursion into history.

History of the tattoo machine

The first homemade tattoo machine- the work of ORiley. This American made a device based on an existing new technology - an electric pen. It was used in the field of document copying. The device had one needle.

The engine pushed her. With a back-and-forth motion, the needle pierced the paper. What remained was the pattern and the text. This is how we got the stencil. Paint was poured onto it and rolled with a roller. A print remained on the bottom sheet - a copy of the document.

ORiley had only to take a photocopying machine, attach a paint reservoir to it and supply it with not a single needle, but a bunch of them. In 1891, the American received a patent for his invention. The master worked with his hands. In the modern world, you can create a tattoo machine without this. Interestingly, you will again need photocopying equipment. The secret of the method, below.

Modern tattoo machine

The breakthrough of the 21st century in the field of machine production was made even by FKI designers, who reduced the weight of the device to 120 grams. Mark Sheeran was a true innovator. This is a tattoo artist from Austria. In 2015, he made the world's first machine without touching it. The designer just put the design of the device into a 3D printer.

As a result, the first “photocopied” model was born. It is induction, has already been tested, and works flawlessly. They printed the device in 3 hours. The only thing that could not be created on the printer was the fasteners and spools. They were bought and put into production.

But in the coming years they promise to print all machine parts. The main thing is that there is demand. These are the proposals that contemporaries have. However, the developments of past decades do not lose relevance. What to use? The choice is yours.

First electric tattoo machine was invented by New York tattoo artist Samuel O'Reilly in 1891. Until this year, the world practiced exclusively the manual method of tattooing, which took a lot of time and was... But already at that time, more and more pressure forced specialists to look for more radical methods.

After the end of the American Civil War in 1865, the United States began to intensively improve the position of its economy through the dramatic introduction of the latest scientific developments into the faltering economy. Everything turned out so successfully that the post-war recovery turned into a sharp, rapid progressive development, due to which the United States left even the most leading countries of Europe behind.
During this period, the famous American inventor Thomas Edison lived and invented. One of his inventions was a stencil machine - the Mimeograph, which used an "electric pen" apparatus, patented on August 8, 1876.

« Electric pen" built on the principle of reciprocating motion, that is, the motor pushes a single needle. A machine without paint created a stencil by punching holes, and then paint was applied to the surface of the stencil and rolled with a roller. And penetrating through the holes of the stencil it left an imprint - in this way it was possible to obtain a copy of the document.

O’Reilly added a reservoir for paint to the “electric pen” and began to use not a needle, but a bunch of needles, and in 1891 received a patent. And so it appeared The world's first tattoo machine from Samuel O'Reilly.

In this section, the FURFUR editors break it down into its component elements and examine in detail not just things worthy of attention, but objects that have become iconic in the full sense of the word. In the last issue of “Male Showdown” we took it apart, and now it’s time to find out what tattoo machines are made of. By following the link from the image, you can open the assembly diagram in high resolution.

1. Tips 2. Derzhak 3. Backstam 4. Needle 5. Soldering coils with two terminals 6. Contact group (contact post and contact screw) 7. Grommets 8. Striker 9. Contact spring 10. Bandage elastic bands 11. Frame 12. Rear spring 13. Puck made of coin 14. Rear pillar. The remaining parts of the structure - gaskets, washers and bolts - fix the listed elements on the frame in six blocks as shown in the diagram.

As an example of a tattoo machine in this material, we took a machine from the Russian master Vlad Blad, whom we would like to thank for his help in preparing the article. The FURFUR editors also express their gratitude to the studio masters

In order to translate the idea of ​​a tattoo and its sketch into reality as accurately as possible, it is necessary to use high-quality equipment. Good quality technology ensures ease of operation and guarantees customer satisfaction. So how do you choose the perfect tattoo machine?

From what does a tattoo machine consist of?

To make the right choice, you need to understand the engineering of the device. The tattoo machine is a prefabricated structure consisting of six blocks:

  1. The first includes tip, holder, backstem and needle;
  2. The second block ensures the soldering of two coils with terminals;
  3. Third block - this is a contact stand with screw;
  4. Next comes the grommets, striker and contact spring;
  5. Fifth block: frame with rear spring and puck;
  6. Sixth block - this is the rear pillar.

Also, all these parts are held together with gaskets, washers and bolts. This information will be useful in case the machine breaks down and you have to purchase a part separately.

Types of tattoo machines

All tattoo machines are united by one goal - to carry out a pulsed movement of the needle, similar in principle to working with a sewing machine. Such devices are divided according to several criteria. According to the type of motor they are divided into:

  • rotary, converting rotational elements into progressive;
  • induction, moving behind counting electromagnetic coils.

The first type is easy to use and almost silent. But there is one significant drawback - the need to pass the needle several times over the same place in order to fix the paint and achieve brightness of the color. Therefore, they are most often used for permanent makeup or for small tattoos.

Induction machines are more powerful. When using them, you need a power supply for the tattoo machine. If it fails, it can be easily replaced by purchasing it separately. You also need to buy a pedal and clip cord.

There are several types of machines depending on their purpose:

  1. contour;
  2. coloring;
  3. shadow.

They ensure that the needle penetrates the skin to varying depths.

The most popular companies and manufacturers

Tattoo machines are made in Russia; they are also made in China, the USA and Europe. Their prices vary from 4,000 to 40,000 rubles, depending on the complexity of the design and how well the brand is advertised. For example, Polish tattoo machines EQUALISER Proton are among the most popular in the middle price segment. Spanish The Micro-Glide devices have a bright design, are considered universal and are suitable for any job. It is better to buy cars from trusted manufacturers and stores that are official dealers, as they guarantee quality.