Actions of parents when their child has a high temperature. High temperature in children Emergency care for hyperthermia in children - an algorithm for providing it at home

Would you like to know how to bring down a child’s fever of 39 at home? Such knowledge will be useful to parents, because effective methods at home are the only thing that helps when there are no medications and no opportunity to see a doctor.

It is important to know that it is possible to reduce your temperature with 39 safe home remedies. When babies have a fever, they experience convulsions, and it is impossible to cope without the intervention of specialists. In order to avoid serious consequences, it is important to turn to proven methods that allow you to quickly eliminate the problem and move on to combating the causes.

Creating a microclimate

The first step is to create an ideal microclimate. This is important when babies have swelling of the airways. The room should be cool, the room should be ventilated. Ideal temperatures are from 18 to 20 °C and humidity is within 50-60%.

Important! Under no circumstances should warm blankets be used for wrapping at high temperatures. This leads to overheating and heat stroke.

Fever is not always accompanied by severe chills. If this is your case, opt for light clothing. A sick baby is not covered with warm blankets.

Drinking regime

The body regulates temperature using fluid that is excreted through the skin. High temperature is accompanied by dehydration.

When trying to figure out how to bring down a child’s temperature of 39, they pay attention to drinking plenty. The baby is put to the breast or given a clean drink through a baby bottle.

Older children drink warm (but not hot) teas. An effective drink is cranberry juice. The amount of fluid you drink and the frequency of drinking play an important role.

You should not give babies a large amount of liquid at a time, otherwise vomiting will occur, which will worsen the patient’s condition.

The drink is divided into several servings.

Children are given small amounts of water and often. The ideal frequency is a couple of small spoons every ten minutes.
For adult children, after increasing the drinking regime and dropping the temperature to 38 ° C, tea is prepared with the addition of cranberries or lemon. This is a safe method of stabilizing body temperature in babies.

Physical cooling

The method is common and effective, but requires caution. They resort to physical cooling when the elevated temperature is not accompanied by vascular spasms. Cold, pale extremities indicate spasms.

If there are no spasms, the child is wiped with warm or slightly cool water. Apply compresses to the forehead. Prepare a composition with the addition of 9% vinegar. Three tablespoons are diluted in 0.5 liters of warm water. They wipe the folds of the elbows and knees, treat the feet and folds of skin near the groin, where large lymph nodes are located.

Avoid using ice compresses or wiping with cold water. This will aggravate the patient’s condition, causing him to tremble and suffer from swelling of the respiratory tract. Many parents resort to dousing with cold water.

Cold bathing is a risky method. According to the laws of physics, it is possible to reduce the temperature and increase heat transfer, but the heat will decrease on the surface, and the problem will not disappear.

Under no circumstances should you rub it with vodka, as adults do to lower the temperature. Alcohol quickly evaporates from the skin and “takes away” heat, allowing the temperature to stabilize. In relation to a child, manipulation is risky.

Children's skin will quickly absorb some of the alcohol in any form. The components are absorbed into the blood and in small quantities are dangerous for a young and weakened body. Rubbing often leads to poisoning.

Experts say that alcohol is absorbed faster by dry alcohol, which means the body is poisoned faster.


Simple antipyretics - safe for children. An assistant in the fight against fever is paracetamol. Used in several forms:

  • tea powders;
  • tablets in different dosages;
  • candles.

At a temperature of 39 °C, paracetamol will not be able to lower the temperature for a long time. But 3-4 hours is realistic if you correctly calculate the dose of the active substance. Calculate the dosage as follows:

  • 15 milligrams of paracetamol per kilogram of baby’s weight for one-time use;
  • for children over two years old, increase the dosage to 20 ml per kilogram of weight. This will make the effect of reducing fever lasting, which will allow you to wait for the doctor.

They resort to paracetamol when gentle remedies are useless. Doctors recommend not experimenting with the use of medications on your own.

Important! Avoid using active substances belonging to the group of anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs. Acetylsalicylic acid and all drugs associated with the development of side effects are included in the black list.

Raspberry tea

The drink contains acetylsalicylic acid, but unlike dangerous ones, in tea it is in safe doses. Raspberry tea is considered an effective remedy for high fever. It is classified as a diaphoretic, not a diuretic (dangerous at high temperatures). Making raspberry tea based on black leaf tea relieves swelling of the respiratory tract.

Tea is contraindicated for seizures. The drink is not recommended for children under one year of age - it causes allergic reactions.

Decoction based on medicinal herbs

At home, medicinal herbs help to save a child from high fever:

  • linden inflorescences;
  • coltsfoot leaves;
  • dog-rose fruit.

It is important to know that plants contain allergens to which the body of young children is sensitive. Give decoctions to older children, preferably as an additional remedy.

Milk and honey

Giving honey and milk to children under one year of age is prohibited. It is ideal to use the product only for older children, provided there is no allergic reaction to the components. Boil the milk first, dilute the honey after cooling (dissolve in warm milk), otherwise the honey will lose its beneficial properties.

Grandma's secret

A proven and effective method. It turns out that high temperatures are reduced with potatoes. Take 2 small potatoes, wash them and grate them with their skins on a coarse grater. Apply to the wrist, ankles, elbows, forehead. Wrap it with gauze or bandage and leave it.

After 40 minutes the temperature will drop. The procedure is repeated.

Responsible and caring parents should understand that using pharmaceutical remedies for fever is not always better than help without medications.

Most often, those parents who are closely faced with the problem of severe hyperthermia in their children call a doctor to their home.

Infectious and inflammatory diseases are often accompanied by high fever, sometimes developing up to thirty-nine degrees.

In general, babies tolerate this difficult condition well, but if a serious illness occurs, there will also be accompanying symptoms that complicate it.

The most common symptoms include migraine, chills, or respiratory symptoms. Only a doctor can decide on the treatment of the baby, but parents should clearly know how to bring down the temperature of 39 in the child before his arrival.

Most often, significant hyperthermia in a child develops due to:

  • Bacterial infection;
  • introduction of viruses into the body;
  • respiratory infections;
  • food poisoning;
  • allergic reaction;
  • teething;
  • overheating;
  • nervous overstrain;
  • oncological diseases;
  • immune response to vaccination, etc.

These factors cause a strong fever in the baby, which reflects a sharp activation of the body’s defenses.

Should the temperature be brought down to 39?

The vast majority of domestic and Western pediatricians are of the opinion that when hyperthermia reaches an alarming level of 38.5 degrees, then there is no point in waiting for further developments.

It needs to be lowered. Otherwise, various serious complications can occur, the most common of which is a seizure.

In the case of a serious infectious or inflammatory disease, the question of prescribing antipyretic drugs should be decided only by the attending physician.

If there is no particular danger or, on the contrary, the pediatrician has not arrived yet, and the thermometer readings increase more than 39 degrees, then they need to be reduced.

To do this, it is necessary to clearly understand that a significant increase in temperature is a direct reflection of the body’s resistance. It is the heat that helps him actively fight the infection.

However, its manifestations that are too strong can have a negative impact on the baby, completely robbing him of his strength and leading to dehydration.

How to bring down a child’s temperature of 39 and help him survive this serious condition? First of all, you need to provide him with a large amount of liquid.

To prevent dehydration, you should constantly give your baby water.

Various fruit compotes, berry fruit drinks or decoctions of medicinal plants are well suited for this. The drink must be tasty, otherwise a sick child may refuse it due to poor health.

It is better to give him liquid from a spoon or a convenient bottle. When parents are confused because their child has a temperature of 39, Komarovsky believes that this is the only way to bring it down.

The famous children's doctor Komarovsky also recommends, if hyperthermia develops, to replenish the lost balance of electrolytes in the body. To do this, it is necessary to eliminate the lack of microelements. In such a case, raisins, figs, dried apricots and other dried fruits will help.

According to Komarovsky’s advice, it is strongly recommended to give the child a drink that has cooled down, but still retains heat. Therefore, before you start treating it with diaphoretics, you first need to provide the child’s body with a sufficient amount of fluid.

If only the baby’s forehead is hot, but his legs and arms are cold, this indicates the development of a negative vascular reaction.

In this case, you should know that it is permissible to give a child at a temperature of 39 degrees antispasmodics (Drotaverine or Papaverine) in a pediatric dose, clearly indicated in the instructions for the drug.

It is imperative to open the window completely and achieve significant cooling of the room where the patient is lying. Dr. Komarovsky believes that the thermometer in it should show no more than twenty, or at most twenty-two, degrees.

This helps to balance the body's thermoregulation with the help of the air inhaled by the baby's lungs and the air released by them. In addition, it is worth making the air stream wet.

It is advisable to wet the curtains, place a large basin of water in the room, or place a damp cloth everywhere.

Increased body temperature in a child - Emergency care "Doctor Komarovsky School"

  • There is intense heat, which has already exceeded thirty-nine Celsius and is approaching forty degrees;
  • diagnosed with heart disease;
  • there is vascular pathology;
  • there is a tendency to seizures, etc.

All this puts him at significant risk. The heat, which has reached 39.9 degrees, no longer brings any benefit to the body, but causes coagulation of proteins, of which the human body largely consists.

In addition, it creates a significant burden on the cardiovascular and nervous system.

If the fever develops significantly, you should know that you can quickly bring down the temperature of 39 in a child by wiping with water at room temperature. It is not advisable to add any substances to it.

You need to remove everything unnecessary from the baby to avoid overheating. You should leave him in cotton pajamas or a nightgown made from natural fabrics. It is better to cover it with a light sheet.

You should not allow your child to run or scream if he is in an excited state, but it is also undesirable to force him to bed.

Any nervous and physical stress will only increase hyperthermia. It is necessary to sit him in a comfortable place, read to him or distract him with something interesting.

How to bring down a temperature of 39 in a child?

It is possible to reduce the manifestations of fever with the help of appropriate medications only if the child’s temperature of 39-39.5 is not brought down by rubbing and drinking.

It should be remembered that for children under 5 years of age, suppositories, syrups and suspensions are preferable to tablets.

There are special medications, which include syrups, suspensions or tablets. They contain the appropriate doses:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Syrup or suppositories with Nurofen;
  • Candle with Viferon;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Calpole;
  • Panadol;
  • Efferalgan or Cefekon in the required dosage.

They should be taken strictly according to the instructions that come with the medicine. These are effective drugs that can reduce fever for a fairly long period. In addition, they produce an operational effect.

The safest choice in this case is Paracetamol.

It quickly helps bring down the temperature, has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, has a minimum of contraindications and adverse reactions, and also does not have a noticeable effect on the hematopoietic system and the central nervous system.

The dosage in tablets for fever in children from 3 to 6 years is 800 mg / day.

From the age of 6, the permissible dose is multiplied by 1.5-2. The minimum interval between medication doses is 4 hours.

If the temperature does not decrease, the tablet can be given again. If the child’s temperature remains at 39 even after repeated doses, then other medications or home remedies are used.

Ibuprofen-based medications also help quickly relieve fever, but they are less effective in providing other benefits to the body.

However, their advantage is that the antipyretic effect lasts for a very long period. The child should also take them no more often than every six hours.

For patients aged 3 months to 2 years, suppositories, syrup and suspension are used in accordance with the instructions. And for children over 3 years old - tablets.

The dosage is 10 mg/kg body weight at a temperature of 38.5 - 39.2, and if the temperature is below this indicator, then 5 mg/kg. The daily dose of the drug should not exceed 30 mg/kg body weight.

How not to lower the temperature

Many parents are horrified when they see numbers on a thermometer that stop at thirty-nine degrees. Therefore, they lose their heads and begin to do things that only worsen the child’s situation.

It should be noted that in medicine, elevated temperature is divided into:

  • White, when there is a hot forehead, and the palms and feet are cold, while the face is pale;
  • red, when the heat covers the whole body.

Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the temperature in different ways.

  • In the first case, it is not recommended to massage the child’s limbs, completely undress him, or apply wet and cool lotions to his body. The baby’s condition is due to vascular insufficiency and these measures will only strengthen it.
  • When red hyperthermia is observed, these actions can help, since in this case vascular spasm is not observed; on the contrary, they are dilated.

If a child’s temperature is persistent at 39 and does not react to anything, then you should not rub the baby with an alcohol or vinegar solution, as it contributes to dehydration of the body and negatively affects the condition of the skin.

If there is a large amount of the substance, or if there is damage to the body, it can enter the bloodstream and cause even more damage.

Also, you should not give your child hot drinks with raspberries, linden or honey, and then wrap them tightly.

In this way, parents cause a diaphoretic effect and at the same time clog the air exchange, preventing the thermoregulation system from working at full strength.

In addition, plant substances contribute to the creation of a diuretic effect, which, together with the diaphoretic effect, creates all the conditions for blood dehydration.

Many parents panic when they see that their child’s temperature is 39.4; they don’t know how to bring it down. Therefore, it is necessary to remember that one should not strive to eliminate the heat by any means.

Medicines prohibited for use by children

Under no circumstances should you give your baby drugs such as Amidopyrine, Analgin, Antipyrin or Phenacetin.

They are contraindicated for a child’s body, otherwise intoxication is quite possible, which will make the patient’s condition critical.

  • Since babies often have a fever, parents should be prepared for this and know the basic measures that should be taken to help them.
  • Even if the child is still an infant, the mother needs to prepare in advance for what she can and should do if he develops hyperthermia, since she will often have to deal with such a problem.
  • And, of course, self-medication when a young patient develops a fever is simply unacceptable. All necessary therapy is carried out only by a doctor.

What to do if the temperature does not go down to 39

There are also cases when everything has been tried, but hyperthermia does not disappear. Therefore, if a child’s temperature does not drop to 39 degrees, then this is a signal that specialist help is needed.

An urgent call to the Ambulance is necessary when:

  • The heat increases;
  • the child does not eat anything;
  • he refuses to drink;
  • he is getting worse;
  • his limbs twitch;
  • the child constantly vomits;
  • he has severe diarrhea.

If you do not call an ambulance in time, a seizure, cardiac or vascular failure, or organic brain damage may occur.

These symptoms indicate serious metabolic problems, rapid approach of dehydration, as well as the presence of dysfunction of internal organs, and most likely the doctor will prescribe an antibiotic.

While the medical team has not yet arrived, it is advisable to wrap the child in a wet sheet for about five minutes. Then he should be dried and dressed in a dry nightgown. Average rating 3.7 (74.29%) Total 7 votes

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A high temperature in a child or hyperthermia is a common occurrence. If you have already known the happiness of becoming parents or are just getting ready, then sooner or later you will face this problem. In this article I will talk about the algorithm for providing emergency care for hyperthermia in children. I will focus on the age of the child, because there are differences in providing assistance to children 1 - 2 years old, 3 and 6 years old. After reading the article, the high temperature will not take you by surprise and will not cause panic; you can calmly bring it down at home and ease the suffering of your child.

What is high body temperature or hyperthermia?

I want to say right away that an increase in temperature is a pathophysiological process, as a result of which the body mobilizes protective processes and activates the immune system to fight viruses and bacteria. This increase is necessary, which is why you have repeatedly heard that it is undesirable to lower the temperature to 38 degrees.

Types of body temperature in children

These definitions apply not only to children, but also to adults:

  1. subnormal - 35-36°C. Usually found in elderly people or severely weakened children, this is an unfavorable prognostic sign;
  2. normal - 36-37°C. Although in many Western countries, including America, temperatures up to 37.5 are considered normal;
  3. subfebrile - 37-38°C. This is the temperature that in most cases does not need to be reduced. Below I will tell you in what cases it is necessary to reduce this temperature in a child;
  4. elevated - 38-39°C;
  5. high - 39-40°C;
  6. excessively high - above 40°C.

What is “white” and “red” fever in children

Depending on the mechanisms of occurrence and course, elevated temperature (fever) in children is conventionally divided into red and white. The treatment tactics for the baby depend on the type of fever. With red fever, the child's skin is red, the limbs (arms and legs) are warm, the ears and nose are red-pink in color and also warm to the touch. The general condition of the kinder is satisfactory, he is active, plays, eats, despite the fact that the thermometer shows a disappointing 38.5-39.0 degrees.

With “white”, cold and pale extremities are noted (arms and legs are cold as ice), despite the high temperature. The skin of the face, nose, and ears are also white, with a bluish tint. This occurs due to spasms of peripheral vessels, as a result of which normal heat transfer does not occur. The general condition of the child is moderate or severe. He is lethargic, pale, cold, and doesn’t want to do anything. This type of high temperature is more dangerous. I will write below about what parents should do if they have such a fever. .

Emergency care for hyperthermia in children - an algorithm for providing it at home

If your child is a few months old, 1, 2, 3 years old, 6 years old, or older, and you don’t know what to do with a high temperature, then this algorithm will help bring down the temperature without medication.

How to bring down a temperature of 39 without medications

If your baby's skin is pink, his hands, feet, and nose are warm or hot. If the Kinder is active, and the thermometer shows a terrible 39, then these rules will help you lower the temperature yourself at home.

If the above algorithm is performed correctly, the child’s temperature decreases by 1 - 1.5 degrees, providing a comfortable 37 - 37.5 ° C, which is needed to activate the immune system. These rules cannot be ignored. They are more difficult to perform than simply giving an antipyretic, but medicines are medicines, and they have certain toxic effects on organs. Plus, drugs that bring down the temperature will not work in case of dehydration, when there is little water in the body.

All these actions can only be performed during the so-called “red fever”.

Remember, if the temperature lasts more than 3 days, you need to consult a doctor (pediatrician, family doctor). If you are under one year old, you should contact us immediately after the temperature rises.

If your baby has any congenital malformations or concomitant diseases, has previously had febrile convulsions, or head injuries, then in this case, only call an ambulance or a doctor at home.

White fever in a child - what to do

If your child has a high temperature of 39 - 40 ° C, and at the same time his hands and feet are cold as ice, he himself is pale, then in this situation you need to follow these steps and call an ambulance or seek help from a doctor (parents should understand that “white fever” very often occurs with severe viral or bacterial infections):

  1. give the child hot tea. Hot tea will warm the child and relieve vascular spasm in the periphery;
  2. place a bottle of warm water on your feet. In this situation, the baby needs to warm his hands and feet so that the blood vessels dilate and begin to give off heat. Put on socks and cover with a blanket;
  3. give one tablet of no-shpa (drotaverine) or papaverine. Antispasmodics are needed to relieve the same vascular spasm;
  4. Give antipyretics (ibuprofen or paracetamol). Read about calculating the dosage of paracetamol and ibuprofen based on the child’s weight in a separate article devoted to the drug treatment of high fever in children;
  5. wait for the doctor to decide on further treatment.

All these actions make it possible to transform “white” fever into “red” or, as it is also called, “pink”. If you managed to do this, the list of actions for pink (red) fever is outlined above.

The protective reaction of the body of any person is a sharp or gradual increase in body temperature. Thus, the body begins active defense against the attack of pathogenic bacteria. The physiological process is natural, but increasing temperature levels to high limits often becomes dangerous for the baby. It is important for parents to know what first aid should be provided if their child has a high temperature.

The decision to use first aid when the baby’s body temperature rises should become positive if the body temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees. First aid for temperatures below the specified limit (that is, below 38.5 degrees) should be provided in the following cases:

  • the child is less than 3 months old;
  • the baby has seizures;
  • the baby suffers from congenital or acquired diseases of the cardiac or pulmonary system;
  • Sick children are diagnosed with a disease of the central nervous system.

Only a pediatrician can determine the exact cause of the fever after examining the baby and conducting certain studies. It is important for parents to know what can cause the increase in body size and what needs to be done to improve the general well-being of the little patient.

  • In newborns, body temperature normally ranges up to 37.2 degrees; when it increases, there is a risk of developing infection.
  • Fever is not always a sign of a respiratory or infectious disease. In some cases, this is how the baby’s body reacts to teething, stressful situations, and overheating.
  • Fever is never the main disease, it is only a sign of a certain disease. Therefore, if a child’s body temperature rises sharply, then it is necessary to look for the main cause of physiological changes.
  • At temperatures up to 38.5 degrees, the body carries out an independent fight against pathogenic microorganisms - due to the increased degree, pathogenic bacteria and microbes die. If the body temperature is above the specified limits, then it is necessary to call an emergency medical team. An increase in body temperature above 40 degrees becomes deadly for the baby.
  • The body temperature of a small patient often rises during sleep; it is important for parents to know this in order to promptly provide first aid in case of fever.
  • To determine accurate temperature readings, you must use a children's thermometer. Methods - touching your forehead or cheeks with your lips - are ineffective.

What to do if a child’s body temperature reaches 40 degrees?

If a child has a temperature of 39 degrees, then parents must urgently take the necessary therapeutic measures to reduce the temperature. It is important to remember that an increase in body temperature above 40 degrees can be life-threatening for children.

First aid consists of the following measures:

  1. Provide your baby with plenty of cool (but not cold) drinks.
  2. Make sure that the air temperature in the room where the patient is located is within 19-20 degrees.
  3. You cannot additionally wrap the patient, but if he is suffering from chills, you can wear a cotton or woolen jacket and pants.
  4. The newborn is freed from the diaper, as it impedes the body's heat transfer.
  5. It is allowed to wipe the baby's body with a soft cloth soaked in cool water.
  6. As body temperature rises, sweating increases, so it is important to promptly change clothes that are soaked in sweat to clean ones.

In addition to physiotherapy, drug therapy is very effective. The child is given an antipyretic drug in dosages appropriate to his age. It is ideal if the medication is prescribed by a pediatrician, but if the doctor did not have time to examine the little patient, then medications such as Ibuprofen and Panadol can be used to reduce the fever. Depending on the age category of the patient, medications are selected in a suitable form of release - suppositories, tablets, syrup. As a rule, antipyretic suppositories are indicated for children under 1 year of age, syrup for children under 5 years of age, and tablets can be given to older children.

It is important to know!!! If an elevated body temperature persists in a baby for 5 or more days, then this is a good reason to conduct an additional examination of the patient’s body (tests, laboratory tests). Often, a prolonged increase in body temperature indicates the addition of pathogenic infections or the development of otitis media, pyelonephritis, and bronchitis.

Caring for the health of a child is a great responsibility for parents, because every wrong decision is fraught with complications. The most common pathology in children is acute respiratory infections, accompanied by cough, runny nose, fever and redness of the throat. Every mother is familiar with these symptoms, and she knows perfectly well what to do in this case. But there are situations when the only identified symptom of the disease is high temperature. This greatly frightens parents due to their lack of understanding of what is happening to their child.


Possible causes of high temperature

The main reason for the rise in temperature in both adults and children is the inflammatory process of various etiologies. This is a kind of protective mechanism or response of the body, for example, to the invasion of foreign agents, helping to slow down, and in some cases completely stop, the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

The reasons for a rise in temperature in children to 39°C, not accompanied by other symptoms, may be overheating or infectious diseases. In children under 2.5 years of age, hyperthermia is sometimes observed against the background of teething, while the child actively tries to scratch the painful gums with pens or objects that catch his eye.

However, if parents do not see other symptoms in children other than fever, this does not mean that they do not exist. For example, infants and small children who cannot yet speak cannot say that they have pain in their ear, head, throat, kidney area or stomach.

In children under one year old, quite often the cause of high temperature is overheating, which is associated with insufficient maturity of the thermoregulation system. This condition can be provoked by a child’s prolonged exposure to the sun in hot weather, too warm clothes, or excessive physical activity.

Sometimes a sudden increase in temperature to 39°C is noted as a manifestation of an allergic reaction that occurs as a result of long-term use of medications, vaccinations, insect bites or other factors.

Asymptomatic fever due to illness

As you know, infectious diseases are most often of a bacterial or viral nature.

Viral infections

Viral infections are usually characterized by a sharp rise in temperature to 39°C and above. With some types of them, this condition may be the only early symptom of the disease, and other signs of the disease (characteristic rash, swollen lymph nodes, etc.) appear only after a couple of days. These include the following childhood diseases:

  • rubella;
  • parotitis;
  • sudden exanthema.

Bacterial diseases

Among infectious diseases caused mainly by bacteria, occurring without symptoms visible to parents and accompanied by a rise in body temperature to 39°C and above, the following can be distinguished:

  • pharyngitis or sore throat;
  • stomatitis;
  • urinary tract infections.

If there are problems in the urinary system, the child additionally experiences frequent urination, but it is quite difficult for parents of very young children who still wear diapers to notice this. Also, parents without special equipment, experience and skills are not able to examine the ear, throat, and oral cavity and assess their condition. To make an accurate diagnosis in the situations listed above, it is necessary to be examined by specialists and undergo general clinical tests.

Video: Pediatrician Komarovsky E. O. on the possible causes of a rise in temperature without symptoms

What to do if you have a high temperature without other symptoms

If a temperature of 39°C is detected without symptoms, parents should try to find out the cause of this child’s condition. To do this, you need to analyze what he did the day before and take into account the possibility of overheating. If it is determined that the baby is overheated, then he must be undressed, given a cool drink and wiped with a towel dipped in cool water. It is important to ensure that the child stays in a room or area where the air temperature is in the range of 18–22°C, or in the shade.

As a result of such actions, within an hour the temperature should return to normal on its own without the use of antipyretic medications. If the temperature rises to 39°C for other reasons, it is recommended to seek medical help. This must be done if the child has:

  • the temperature does not decrease within three days;
  • there are severe diseases of the nervous system (epilepsy);
  • there are congenital heart defects and heart rhythm disturbances;
  • age is less than one year;
  • There are signs of dehydration and he refuses to drink or eat.

If the temperature is caused by the development of any infectious disease in the body, then it should be borne in mind that viral infections, unlike bacterial ones, in most cases go away on their own and do not require specific treatment. In this case, the child’s condition should improve noticeably on the third day, and on the fifth the normal temperature should be established. It is important to monitor the general well-being of the patient and promptly identify other symptoms if they appear subsequently.

How to bring down a fever

First aid for a child at home at a temperature of 39 degrees consists of taking antipyretics, providing plenty of fluids, moist cool air, and regularly ventilating the room where he is located.

In order to alleviate the child's condition, antipyretic drugs based on ibuprofen or paracetamol can be used in dosages appropriate to age and body weight. Their effect is observed approximately an hour after taking the medicine. Antipyretics for children are available in the form of syrups, tablets, suspensions and rectal suppositories. These include the following drugs:

  • Cefekon D;
  • Efferalgan;
  • Nurofen;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Panadol;
  • Ibufen and others.

Drinking plenty of fluids is necessary to prevent dehydration. This is especially important for young children, who very quickly lose the fluid necessary for the full functioning of the body, which can have serious consequences for health and even pose a threat to the child’s life. As drinks, you can offer ordinary purified boiled water, compote, juice, tea, herbal infusions of chamomile or linden flowers. If there is a decrease or lack of appetite, do not force feed.

At high temperatures, there is no need to wrap the child in a blanket and put warm clothes on him. It is better to throw on something light made from natural materials. If he sweats intensely, you should promptly change his clothes to dry ones. Babies who wear diapers need to take them off. It is better to undress the child completely, put him on a waterproof diaper and cover him with a sheet.

If the temperature does not decrease or even rises after taking antipyretic drugs, and also if the child is too lethargic, has suddenly turned pale, has breathing problems, convulsions, or loss of consciousness, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.