Stripe tattoo. What does a tattoo in the form of two stripes mean? What does a stripe tattoo on the leg mean?

In ancient times, signs on the body were a kind of indicator of belonging to a certain culture. Nowadays, tattoos are considered not only to stand out from the crowd, but also to indicate symbolism and what is important to a person. stripes symbolize individualism and creativity. This is expression and self-identification, finding oneself in this world.

History of lines

Anyone can put marks on themselves, but only a small number of people understand the meaning of tattoos. Color, location and additional details play a role.

  • Black horizontal ones were stamped on the leader of the tribe; now such marks are used in military units.
  • Red stripes indicate that a person has become a warrior and has already gone through more than one battle. In a modern interpretation, this can be a designation of explosive character or determination. Band tattoos on the arm can be placed both on the forearm and on the hands.
  • If the lines are vertical, then this may mean achieving your goal or your first victory.

Both men and women stand out with tattoos. The latter tattoo stripes on the arm along with additional elements in the form of branches or flowers, which visually softens and makes ordinary stripes more sophisticated and interesting.

Symbolism and meaning

From a mathematical point of view, it is simply a collection of points on a plane that is placed between parallel lines. This value does not depend on the direction of the lines.

A tattoo on the arm of stripes directed vertically up the body speaks of self-development and constant movement forward. A person searches for himself and his business, strives to learn new things and opens up interesting horizons. The line can be perceived as a road that will bring positivity and only good events.

You can interpret such a tattoo as a smooth path without barriers or obstacles. The thicker the line, the more ambitions a person has, which he can achieve only by focusing on his desires.

A tattoo of two stripes on the arm is considered universal in terms of combination and can be combined with different versions of other signs and symbols. This is a kind of body decoration, a decoration like a bracelet with its own energy and semantic content.

Most often, stripes are combined with geometry or abstraction, but there are sketches that depict animalistic scenes or natural motifs with plants and flowers.

Types of tattoo stripes

There are many different options for combining and combining different patterns into one. Therefore, stripes are usually distinguished by geometry and location on the body.

This could be the shoulders, arms, legs, neck, stomach. Essentially, there are no restrictions or prohibitions. The length of the stripes is also an individual indicator and does not depend on the specific application scheme.

But in addition to straight lines, stripes can be twisted, zigzag, broken lines, curved. There is also an additional meaning hidden in this. The unevenness of the tattoo stripes around the arm will indicate the person’s energy and activity, his desire to constantly be on the move. This is a repetition of the symbolism of the elements and their smooth combination in one symbol.

From the point of view of magic, closed stripes in a bracelet on the hand are considered a powerful amulet and protection from evil eyes. In the subconscious, they correlate with the circle of existence, which adds more power to the tattoo.

Waves on the hand

The image of a smooth winding line is considered an attribute of Slavic culture and a reflection of the element of water. This is the force that gives life and in large quantities can cause harm. A combination of opposites and instability in terms of emotions. Most often, such tattoos are given to creative people.

The primitive meaning of a stripe tattoo on the arm was to protect against evil people and bad events. Now this symbolizes ease on the path to achieving spruce and the desire to stand out as much as possible in this world due to one’s talents and gifts.

The wave symbol depicts the three spaces that our ancestors believed in long ago. This is the world of evil and dark forces, the world of realities (displayed in everyday life), the world of goodness and gratitude to the gods.

This amulet can protect against various spirits. But it was rarely combined with other symbols so as not to affect the power.

Before choosing the number of stripes on your hand, their thickness and additional symbols, you need to pay attention to what kind of line it will be. You should not combine several options on one hand at once; the image should not only be aesthetically beautiful, but also carry the correct meaning.

Experts do not advise getting a tattoo under the influence of an impulse. A person must really want and think about his decision to draw a picture. This is responsible; you definitely won’t be able to wash off the paint after a few weeks.

Tattoos should not be applied to skin prone to allergic reactions, as this can lead to serious inflammatory processes. Girls often get stripes tattooed on their hands, while men get them closer to the forearm. You cannot make stripes on your neck, this is a bad energy sign.

A tattoo in the form of stripes is a talisman, stability, positivity, renunciation, energy, power,

Meaning of stripe tattoo

The ancient ancestors of various peoples applied stripes to their bodies with washable paint, or on clothes in the form of patterns.

Among the Native Americans, two dark stripes indicated the commander in chief. The burgundy horizontal lines on the skin indicated that the warrior had already been in battle and shed blood.

If horizontal stripes are visible on the thighs, and they are black, then the Indian fought on foot.

Among the ancient Russians, for example, a smooth line in the form of a wave served as a talisman.

He represented three dimensions, spaces, worlds that existed, according to our ancestors. These are the upper, ordinary and lower worlds.

The amulet was able to hide from the evil spirits of all these worlds. Therefore, symbolically depicted waves were embroidered on the clothes of the Slavs.

In the modern world, stripes are applied not only as a result of reading traditions, but also as a tribute to symbolism.

But what does a person who puts a stripe tattoo on his body want to tell?

Lines along the body.

Here we can distinguish two subcategories, because the lines can be depicted either directed upward or downwards (in the event that a person does not dare to run them from the top of his head to his heels). A tattoo going upward will tell about the owner as a positive person, but if, on the contrary, it is directed downward, then it is absolutely the opposite.

Lines across the body.

Initially, this symbol will mean some stability and indifference. Perhaps the drawing may not end, but this will indicate some indecisiveness of the owner or may be with an addition, for example, a well-known phrase, indicating the particular importance of this tattoo for the owner.

Slanted and diagonal stripes.

This type of tattoo is quite widely used by those who wish to show the slow but tireless decomposition of the environment and life's difficulties. It can be made in a variety of inclined black stripes that wrap around the hand, forearm, foot, and ankle. Lines located diagonally usually indicate renunciation of the world, or grief due to the loss of certain values, expressed both by a decline in morality and by regret about a rash action or deed.

Curved lines.

Stripes, contrary to stereotypes, can take on various types and forms: some people will be able to see them both in a graph and in rings, while others will try to see them in the waves of a raging ocean or a flow of wind. Of course, their meaning may change.

A smooth line is called a wave. In general terms, this line has a connection with water, smoothness of movement, and the amplitude of life’s ups and downs. It could also be applied by people who respect the traditions of the Slavs, as a talisman against spirits.

Zigzags in our subconscious are firmly associated with lightning, the graphic symbol of which they have been since ancient times.

Therefore, a zigzag is a stripe that personifies energy, heavenly power.

Tattoos are also considered symbols related to fertility, because lightning appears during rain, and the moisture of rain is food for the entire living world.

There are, of course, combinations that develop into abstract compositions. The simplest of them is a zigzag and a straight line connected together - a cardiogram line.

The meaning of the color scheme.

For example, a rainbow made on the shoulder or on the arms may not indicate the wearer’s optimistic views or childishness, but may indicate a non-traditional sexual orientation. White will indicate higher feelings and nobility, blue will indicate honesty and kindness. Connoisseurs of gold are unlikely to like deciphering the lines of this shade, because it speaks not only of aristocratic morals, but also of disdain for the people around them. Courage and bravery are usually conveyed by red or scarlet, but green speaks of innovation and pristineness.

Lined in notebooks, patterns on animal skins, national flags and emblems of organizations, prints on the uniforms of civil servants.

Stripes are a simple symbol with a complex meaning. It’s not for nothing that lines are recognized as identification marks.

Looking at the drawing, you can understand what a person is proud of, who he is, what he fights for and what he grieves about.

Graphic compositions “speak” a language that everyone understands. That is why in the era of globalization more and more stripes are appearing.

There is demand - there is supply. There must also be information. We will provide a list of meanings of tattoos with lines, analyze their types and places suitable for applying such patterns.

The meaning of the stripes tattoo

To begin with, we offer assorted "Stripe Tattoo" of the most popular symbols.

Some of them are zoomorphic, for example, the pattern of zebra skin and the coloring of a tiger.

Alternating white and black lines are a sign of alternating negative and positive, life’s ups and downs.

Accordingly, imitation zebra skin represents balance and confidence in one's path. A road zebra also fits the latter interpretation.

A pedestrian crossing sign permits crossing a traffic lane. The law is on the side of the man walking along the zebra crossing.

Tiger two stripes - tattoo, speaking of courage, strength, superiority. Tabby cats are especially revered in Asian countries.

In Korea, for example, the tiger replaces the lion as the king of beasts. In China, predators guard the 4 cardinal directions. We are, of course, talking about myths.

One of the tigers is an albino. He guards the western borders. There, according to ancient beliefs, is the land of the dead. White in the Celestial Empire is the color of mourning.

Therefore, gray-white tiger tattoo stripes on hand meaning have, associated with grief, memory of the deceased, connection with otherworldly forces.

Let's move on from zoomorphic prints to heraldic lines. In them, as in animal themes, not only the pattern, but also the color matters.

Green, for example, is associated with blossoming, youth, and fertility. The last meaning is relevant for the flag of India.

The grassy stripe in it is combined with saffron, personifying the courage of the people, and white, symbolizing truth.

However, for Russians, the analysis of their native flag is more relevant. It was approved by Peter the Great, but only as a trade emblem of the country.

Nicholas II made the national flag. The red stripe represents autocracy.

Blue is the color of the Mother of God, indicating the patroness of the Russian people. White paint speaks of freedom and independence.

In the Russian flag, the stripes are equal in size. This affects perception. If one color predominated, it would play a dominant role in the interpretation of the symbol.

Popular tattoos with lines include emblems. IN sketches of "Tattoo stripes" includes signs of football clubs, car brands, public organizations.

Such drawings indicate belonging to a society, or admiration for it. The feeling of admiration is close to pride.

It encourages putting, for example, the St. George ribbon on the body - a symbol of victory and willpower of the Russian people.

Other nations have their own tattoo stripes. Means Is it possible that tattoos with lines can be divided according to nationality? Let's figure it out.

Types of stripe tattoos

Stripes have been present in the symbolism of every nation since ancient times. The Egyptians, for example, used a combination of golden and blue lines.

Pharaohs wore scarves with this color. It turns out that the print is a sign of closeness to the Gods and power.

However, in Europe any stripe may be perceived negatively. This is due to the times of the Middle Ages, when lines on clothing were a sign of the marginalized, that is, executioners, jesters, and women of easy virtue.

Among the indigenous tribes of America, stripes, on the contrary, have always been a source of pride.

At the same time, as in medieval Europe, the lines told about the occupation, the place occupied in society.

So, tattoo "Black stripes" on the cheeks for the Redskins is the emblem of the leader of the army, the leader.

The red lines on the bodies of the Indians are marks from battles. If scarlet marks ran along the cheeks along the temples, it means that the warrior defeated the enemy in hand-to-hand combat.

In addition to national symbols with stripes, there are international ones. Let's remember barcodes from goods.

The alternating stripes contain encrypted information about the manufacturer, the location of his office, and product parameters.

Such stripe tattoo on arm may contain other data. The main thing is to make a tattoo in accordance with the generally accepted code. You can set, for example, your date of birth, hometown, and occupation.

The symbol of the rainbow flag is also understood throughout the world. The abundance of colors in it is associated with the fullness of life and freedom.

We are talking mainly about freedom of sexual preferences. The rainbow emblem is an international symbol of an organization fighting for the rights of minorities.

It remains to be divided with stripes according to configuration and orientation in space. There are straight, wavy, zigzag lines.

The latter are associated with lightning and energy. Waves are a sign of smoothness, the sea. The straight line represents a path without obstacles. Stripes can be combined.

Two straight lines - a cross, reminiscent of faith, protecting. Straight and zigzag are a graphic expression for stopping the heartbeat.

Band tattoo around the arm, twisted into a spiral, is a symbol of development, temporary space. All that remains is to figure out how much space to give for tattooing.

Where to get a “Stripes” tattoo

Drawings with lines are usually small. These will fit in any area of ​​the body.

Consider options: "Stripes" tattoo on forearm, "Two stripes" tattoo on arm, sketches for the neck, ankles, hips.

The task of adjusting the parameters of the figure using a pattern can narrow down the choice. So, if the lilies spread out with a herringbone downwards, they will narrow the body.

Girls often use this illusion when adjusting their hips. By the way, they can be expanded, just turn the “Christmas tree” over.

Tattoo "Stripes" on hand" means a lot for men. If you make the lines bold and position them transversely, you will be able to visually enlarge your biceps.

A vertical pattern, on the contrary, draws out. Here is an appeal, again, to the girls.

You can lengthen your legs and neck. The “language” of visual illusions is also international and understandable to everyone.

In ancient times, signs on the body were a kind of indicator of belonging to a certain culture. Nowadays, tattoos are considered not only to stand out from the crowd, but also to indicate symbolism and what is important to a person. A stripe tattoo on the arm symbolizes individualism and creativity. This is expression and self-identification, finding oneself in this world.

History of lines

Anyone can put marks on themselves, but only a small number of people understand the meaning of tattoos. Color, location and additional details play a role.

  • Black horizontal lines were tattooed on the arm of the tribe leader; now such marks are used in military units.
  • Red stripes indicate that a person has become a warrior and has already gone through more than one battle. In a modern interpretation, this can be a designation of explosive character or determination. Band tattoos on the arm can be placed both on the forearm and on the hands.
  • If the lines are vertical, then this may mean achieving your goal or your first victory.

Both men and women stand out with tattoos. The latter tattoo stripes on the arm along with additional elements in the form of branches or flowers, which visually softens and makes ordinary stripes more sophisticated and interesting.

Symbolism and meaning

From a mathematical point of view, it is simply a collection of points on a plane that is placed between parallel lines. This value does not depend on the direction of the lines.

A tattoo on the arm of stripes directed vertically up the body speaks of self-development and constant movement forward. A person searches for himself and his business, strives to learn new things and opens up interesting horizons. The line can be perceived as a road that will bring positivity and only good events.

You can interpret such a tattoo as a smooth path without barriers or obstacles. The thicker the line, the more ambitions a person has, which he can achieve only by focusing on his desires.

A tattoo of two stripes on the arm is considered universal in terms of combination and can be combined with different versions of other signs and symbols. This is a kind of body decoration, a decoration like a bracelet with its own energy and semantic content.

Most often, stripes are combined with geometry or abstraction, but there are sketches that depict animalistic scenes or natural motifs with plants and flowers.

Types of tattoo stripes

There are many different options for combining and combining different patterns into one. Therefore, stripes are usually distinguished by geometry and location on the body.

This could be the shoulders, arms, legs, neck, stomach. Essentially, there are no restrictions or prohibitions. The length of the stripes is also an individual indicator and does not depend on the specific application scheme.

But in addition to straight lines, stripes can be twisted, zigzag, broken lines, curved. There is also an additional meaning hidden in this. The unevenness of the tattoo stripes around the arm will indicate the person’s energy and activity, his desire to constantly be on the move. This is a repetition of the symbolism of the elements and their smooth combination in one symbol.

From the point of view of magic, closed stripes in a bracelet on the hand are considered a powerful amulet and protection from evil eyes. In the subconscious, they correlate with the circle of existence, which adds more power to the tattoo.

Waves on the hand

The image of a smooth winding line is considered an attribute of Slavic culture and a reflection of the element of water. This is the force that gives life and in large quantities can cause harm. A combination of opposites and instability in terms of emotions. Most often, such tattoos are given to creative people.

The primitive meaning of a stripe tattoo on the arm was to protect against evil people and bad events. Now this symbolizes ease on the path to achieving spruce and the desire to stand out as much as possible in this world due to one’s talents and gifts.

The wave symbol depicts the three spaces that our ancestors believed in long ago. This is the world of evil and dark forces, the world of realities (displayed in everyday life), the world of goodness and gratitude to the gods.

This amulet can protect against various spirits. But it was rarely combined with other symbols so as not to affect the power.

Before choosing the number of stripes on your hand, their thickness and additional symbols, you need to pay attention to what kind of line it will be. You should not combine several options on one hand at once; the image should not only be aesthetically beautiful, but also carry the correct meaning.

Experts do not advise getting a tattoo under the influence of an impulse. A person must really want and think about his decision to draw a picture. This is responsible; you definitely won’t be able to wash off the paint after a few weeks.

Tattoos should not be applied to skin prone to allergic reactions, as this can lead to serious inflammatory processes. Girls often get stripes tattooed on their hands, while men get them closer to the forearm. You cannot make stripes on your neck, this is a bad energy sign.

Identification symbols. This is how humanity perceives stripes. Not for nothing, they are present on most flags and coats of arms. Stripes also appear on people's bodies. Suffice it to recall films about Indians, stripes on their cheeks, arms, legs.

Two black lines indicate the leader of the tribe, a military detachment. Red horizontal stripes on the body and arms indicate that he has already participated in battles. If the paint is applied horizontally on the black lines, it means the redskin fought on foot.

Modern Indians continue the traditions of their ancestors, but make the patterns indelible. We're talking about tattoos. Representatives of other nations also choose lines as tattoos. Stripes are global symbols and deserve a more detailed analysis.

The meaning of the stripes tattoo

From a mathematical point of view, a strip is a collection of points on a plane “sandwiched” between two parallel straight lines. At the same time, the direction of the lines is not indicated. Meanwhile, the perception of the picture depends on it. Stripes going up indicate positivity and development.

Lines directed downwards, on the contrary, are a sign of pessimists and a symbol of withering. It’s not for nothing that the main slogan of cosmetologists is: “No drooping corners.” If the edges of the lips and eyebrows are “filled” down, the person looks older than his age. The meaning of the tattoo stripe direct comes down to stability, a certain indifference. However, a straight line can be not only horizontal, but also vertical.

In the latter case, the line takes on the meaning of division. I remember the palisade and other walls. An inclined or diagonal straight line is perceived as a sign of division, a kind of separation of one from the other.

So, sketch tattoo stripes mean a lot and, at the same time, nothing. This is just a line, someone will say, and they will be right. Stripes and other geometric shapes are the basis of abstract paintings. As you know, everyone sees their own in them.

The exception is generally accepted schemes that are perceived stereotypically. The latter include heraldic symbols. In them, not only the nature of the lines plays a role, but also their color. In heraldry there is a generally accepted interpretation of colors. White, for example, represents nobility, frankness, purity and faith. Blue serves as a symbol of honesty, loyalty and impeccability.

Red is associated with courage, love and bravery. Here is the decoding of the Russian flag. The same colors are used in French, but are arranged vertically and in a different order.

Some of the heraldic stripes are interpreted not according to the general scheme, but on the basis of historical facts significant for one country, one people. Consider the German flag. It uses the colors of the uniforms of student volunteers who defended the country from Napoleonic troops.

Gold, black and red accompanied other periods of the struggle for national freedom. In addition to stripes on the flags of states, there are lines on the emblems of various organizations and uniform insignia. Let us recall the alternation of horizontal black and white stripes.

Such two stripes - tattoo, reminiscent of the prison uniforms of yesteryear. The alternation of blue and white is associated with the fleet, sea, and travels. The rainbow flag is already a symbol of the organization.

She is called LGBT and fights for the rights of sexual minorities. Combinations of almost all the colors of the rainbow are a sign of freedom. They wear one like this tattoo "stripes" on the arm. Meaning The emblem will not lose even if it is located on the intimate areas.

Types of stripe tattoos

The abundance of plots and their interpretations leads to confusion. However, there are principles for dividing tattoos with lines. The main one is based on the geometry of the stripes. In addition to straight lines, there are also curved ones, for example, zigzags. In the subconscious they are associated with lightning, the graphic expression of which they originally were.

Accordingly, zigzags are tattoo strip sketches, personifying energy, the power of heaven, power, heat. The tattoo is also associated with fertility, because lightning flashes during thunderstorms and rain, and rain is food for plants and all living things. A soft zigzag is called a wave. In a universal sense, this line is associated with the sea, smooth movement, and a series of life’s ups and downs.

If we consider the latter interpretation in terms of color, an alternative is the pattern of zebra skin. However, let's return to the wave, delving into national meanings. For example, it serves as a protective symbol. It represents three spaces, and therefore three worlds, in which our ancestors believed. These are the upper, normal and lower lands.

It turns out that the amulet is capable of protecting against spirits of all three worlds. It is no coincidence that the wave was embroidered on shirts, sundresses, belts, and scarves of the Slavs. Don't forget about combined lines. We are talking about compositions from one or several types, the transition of one strip to another.

A striking example is the stopping of the heartbeat on a cardiogram. It was a zigzag, it became straight. The picture can be a sign of grief, a symbol of the border between worlds, and can be associated with life frozen in a figurative sense.

This is a logical arrangement stripe tattoo on arm, in the area where the pulse is heard. We will explain the general rules for arranging patterns with stripes in the next chapter.

Where to get a “Stripes” tattoo

If the drawing is intended to be a talisman, it is advisable to close the lines. The circle is a symbol of protection, a ring that reflects negative energy. Accordingly, tattoo stripes around the arm, neck, etc. are suitable. Will also fit tattoo stripes on forearm.

You can, of course, ring and. But such tattoos are rarely spectacular. When placing tattoos with lines in open areas, be prepared for many interpretations by others. As already mentioned, in abstractions, often, everyone sees their own. Let's take for example "Two stripes" tattoo on arm, made in black.

Some will say that the tattoo was done during his two-year sentence. Others will remember that similar patterns are made when they were children. If a man wears a tattoo, he may be mistaken for one of a sweet couple. They will joke about the woman that she is chronically pregnant.

And someone will accept tattoo "Black stripes" for regretting two abortions. Everyone will decide for themselves what the tattoo means. Stripe tattoos on the arm are replaced with designs on the sides, hips, ankles, etc.

These areas can be covered with clothing without being in the mood to be questioned about the tattoo. If you want to chat and show off your drawing, these areas of the body can always be opened.