GCD in the second junior group on modeling from salt dough “Bagels - bagels. Direct educational activity on modeling “Bagels-bagels” in the second junior group Comparison of a donut and a bagel

Moscow Department of Education

GBOU SPO Pedagogical College No. 5


complex of work with children

1st junior group (2-3 years)

on the topic “Bagels and bagels”

Independent work in the discipline “Theory and methodology of organizing productive activities”

student of professional courses

retraining group No. 12 do/o - PP

Shelyagina Anastasia Sergeevna

Teacher Vinogradova E.V.


Moscow 2013

The purpose of the work package:

Arouse children's interest in modeling.

To develop the ability to work with plastic material (plasticine).

Develop children's productive activities.



  • teach techniques for working with plasticine
  • develop the ability to break off lumps of plasticine from a large piece
  • make sticks, connect the ends of a stick
  • strengthen the ability to classify objects by size
  • reinforce the idea of ​​primary colors
  • form active and passive vocabulary of children


  • develop attention, speech, thinking
  • develop fine motor skills
  • develop creativity


  • continue to educate children to be neat
  • teach you to maintain order in the workplace and put the material back in its place at the end of the lesson
  • evoke positive emotions from working together

Preliminary work:

  • conversation about bagels and bagels, showing illustrations;
  • reading children's poems about bagels and bagels;
  • acquaintance with plasticine, familiarization with its properties;
  • homework for parents - the evening before class, drink tea with bagels with poppy seeds and bagels;
  • didactic games “Big-small”, “Colorful balls”;
  • outdoor game “Catch up with the ring”;
  • word game “Tell the Bunny.”

Materials and equipment:

Demo material

2 toys - big and small bunnies, 2 plates - large and small, samples of bagel and bagel crafts made by the teacher from plasticine.


Multi-colored plasticine bars according to the number of children.


Part 1 (introductory – 5 minutes)


Guys, it's been a long time since we played with our favorite bunnies.

Lenochka, please bring the big bunny, and you, Artem, bring the little one.

Guys, who has a big bunny? (at Lena's). What kind of bunny does Artyom have? (small). The bunnies are hungry. What do they like to eat? (carrots, cabbage). And today we will treat them to bagels and bagels. We will make them ourselves. What will we make bagels and bagels from? How do you think? Remember what we made pies for toys from? (made of plasticine). And today we will make bagels and bagels for bunnies from plasticine. Sit down at the tables, I will hand you some plasticine, and you name its color. This morning I made some plasticine myself. Look, what is this? (rings, steering wheels, wheels). They are different in size. The small ring is a bagel, and the big one is a donut. I will tell you and show you, and you do it with me. Ready?

Part 2 (main – 7 minutes)


Guys, take some plasticine and break off a small piece. Like this. (showing action). We got two pieces of plasticine - one large, the other small. From a small piece we will make a bagel, and from a large piece - ... (donut). Why? (because the bagel is larger than the bagel).

Place a small piece on your palm and cover it with your other palm. Like this. (showing action). We roll out the plasticine using movements from ourselves to ourselves. Like this. (showing action). We get a wand. We take the stick by the ends and connect the ends to each other, squeeze, press them. Like this. (showing action). The bagel is ready. We put the lamb on the table and take a large piece of plasticine. We also cover one palm with the other and roll it out with movements from ourselves to ourselves. Like this. (showing action). The result was a thicker and longer stick. We also take the stick by the ends and connect the ends to each other, squeeze, press them. Like this. (showing action). What did we get? (bagel). Mitya, you made the very first bagel, let’s decorate the bagel with poppy seeds, small black seeds. To do this, pinch off small, small pieces from my plasticine, roll them a little between your fingers and stick them on top of the donut. Like this. (showing action).

Part 3 (results – 2 minutes)


Well, guys, have you all done your job? Show me your lambs! What size are they? (small) Now show me the bagels. What size are the bagels? (large). You all listened attentively and tried to do everything correctly, and Mitya even made a bagel with poppy seeds. Mitya, show me your bagel! Next time we will all make bagels with poppy seeds, and Mitya will help us. Yes, Mitya? Did you enjoy making treats for the bunnies? Well done guys, and now we will offer our bagels and bagels to the bunnies.

Follow-up work


Next to each bunny there is a plate, the big bunny has a large plate, the little bunny has a smaller one. What can we treat the big bunny? Why? What can we treat the little bunny? Why? Let's put the bagels on a small plate and the bagels on a large one. Now let's feed the bunnies. Sasha, feed the little bunny a yellow bagel. Anya, feed the big bunny a blue bagel. Who else wants to feed the bunnies? Etc.

Guys, the bunnies really liked your bagels and bagels, they say thank you.

Let's now put everything back in its place. Vanya will take the bunnies to their house, Matvey will put all the plasticine in a box, Nastya will wipe the tables with a cloth, and all the other guys will move their chairs evenly to the tables. Our place will become clean and beautiful, and we will play another interesting game.


For the modeling class, foreign (Spanish) plant-based plasticine was used. This plasticine is considered the safest for young children. Pieces of different colors are easy to mix with each other, but it is not too soft and plastic, such as wax plasticine. Children with weak hands had great difficulty tearing pieces from a solid block. Next time you need to prepare thinner bars. Due to the lack of special boards for modeling, the work was carried out on the surface of the table, which is not entirely correct theoretically, but for children of this age the presence of additional objects dissipates their unstable attention. Modeling classes arouse keen interest in children; the process of creating three-dimensional objects absorbs their attention completely. Even restless children focus on modeling for a long time. Pupils (new or absent for a long time), who found themselves at a modeling lesson for the first time, were engaged in “independent creativity”, without listening to the teacher’s explanations. This is a natural process of exploring and learning about a new object of attention - plasticine. Individual work is required to master sculpting techniques. I believe that all the assigned tasks have been completed in full, and the goal of the work package has been achieved.

Jansiyat Alkhasova
Direct educational activity on modeling “Bagels-bagels” in the second junior group

Subject: Bagels

Educational objectives:

Strengthen the ability to separate a column (cylinder) into two parts and close into a ring;

Develop the ability to divide plasticine into pieces of different sizes and roll out columns (cylinders) different lengths and thicknesses;

Develop perception of shape and size, eye and fine motor skills, creative abilities.

Equipment: plasticine; planks; two ropes: red-long-thick and blue-short-thin; oilcloths, bagels and bagels(natural, toy "Grandmother".

Logical basis of the lesson

Children's goal: help grandma "bake" bagels and bagels.

Difficulty: failed "bake" bagels and bagels like that so that they differ in size.

Reason for difficulty children: lack of knowledge of ways to reflect the difference in size in a molded product.

Way to overcome difficulty: "ask someone who knows"

New knowledge (modes of action):

1) a method of dividing a column of plasticine into parts of different sizes;

2) a method of rolling out sticks of different lengths and thicknesses.

Progress of educational situations:

1. Introduction to the situation.

Didactic tasks: motivate children to engage in creative activities activity, specify concepts: one-many.

The teacher gathers the children around him and informs them that their grandmother has come to visit them. She brought gifts: one steering wheel and one bagel.

Is there enough food for everyone? (No)

Why? (Only one bagel and one lamb, and there are many of us)

The grandmother is grieving because not all the children have enough food.

What can be done to ensure that there is enough food for everyone? (Bake a lot of bagels and bagels)

Do you want to help grandma bake lots and lots of bagels and bagels?

2. Update

Didactic tasks:

1) update the ability to correctly identify and name the properties of objects (color, shape, size, see contrasting dimensions: long - short, thick - thin;

2) strengthen the ability to separate a column (cylinder) into two parts;

3) develop the perception of shape and size, mental operations - analysis, comparison, fine motor skills of the hands.

What shape is the steering wheel and bagels(And bagels, and round bagels)

That's right, they are the same - round - shape, similar to a ring.

What's the difference? bagel from the bagel? (Size: the bagels are small, but big bagels)

From what can we make them? "bake"? (Made from plasticine)

Bagels and put the bagels in different dishes: bagels in big blue, and the bagels in small red.

The teacher invites the children to start working.

Children go to work places.

So that we get a lot of bagels and bagels, each of you "will bake" one bagel and one lamb. How many items will each person bake? (Two)

How many parts should the plasticine be divided into to make two products? (In two parts)

You can start working.

Children are given independence.

3. Difficulty in the situation

Didactic tasks:

1) to form experience, under the guidance of a teacher, of recording the difficulty and understanding its cause;

2) train your thinking operations: analysis and comparison;

3) develop speech and logical thinking.

During the work, the teacher observes the children’s work. Most likely, most children will divide the plasticine into equal parts or will pinch off small pieces, but mold a bagel and a bagel won't be able to.

A difficulty arises.

Were you able to sculpt the products so that you could find out which product was which?

Why couldn't they? (Because we don’t know how to sculpt differently bagel and bagel)

4. "Opening" new knowledge (mode of action)

Didactic tasks:

1) develop the ability to roll out columns (cylinders) of different lengths and thicknesses and closed into a ring;

2) create the experience of independent discovery, develop creative abilities;

3) develop the perception of shape and size, the eye and fine motor skills of the hands.

What should you do if you don’t know how to do it right? (Ask someone who knows).

The teacher helps the children formulate question:

“Svetlana Aramovna, how to mold a steering wheel in different ways and bagel so that they differ?

The teacher invites the children to the demonstration table. At this time, the used plasticine is replaced with new one.

We have found out that bagel is larger in size than a bagel, which means that when dividing plasticine, should the parts be the same or different in size? ( Different: for a bagel – a smaller part, and for bagel - large)

The teacher shows how to divide the column (cylinder) into two different ones parts: we break the column not in the middle, but a little closer to one edge, we get different parts - large and small.

What will we do with each part? (Roll out the column and connect the ends to make a ring)

The teacher performs, commenting on his actions:

Right. From the large part we roll out a long and thick column, from the small part a short and thin one.

Showing two columns, the teacher suggests comparing them in size and guessing which one will make the bagel, and which one. bagel. Closes the columns into rings. Places on plates (bagels on red, steering wheels on blue).

5. Incorporating new knowledge (mode of action) into the child’s knowledge and skills system

Didactic tasks:

1) strengthen the ability to divide a column (cylinder) into two parts; roll them into a stick of different lengths and thicknesses, close the stick into a ring;

2) develop the eye, fine motor skills, and coherent speech.

The teacher, together with the children, pronounces the execution algorithm tasks:

What do we do first? (We divide the plasticine into two different parts: big and small)

What do we do with the big piece? (Roll out a large piece into a long, thick column, connect the ends to make a ring)

What do we do with a small piece? (Roll out a short and thin column from a small piece, connect the ends to make a ring)

Children independently divide their material into parts, roll out the columns into long - thick and short - thin. The teacher checks whether the children managed to prepare shapes that are contrasting in size. Children close the posts into rings and

placed in plates of the specified color and size.


Didactic tasks:

The teacher gathers the children around him.

Who did we help today?

All children's answers are listened to. After which the teacher says that they were able to help their grandmother because they know how to divide plasticine into different parts and sculpt bagels from sticks and bagels.

That's how many delicious bagels and we got some bagels. Well done everyone. Thank you.

Comments on the script (literature used, place of this topic in the educational program, etc.):

"Integrated planning of educational activities in kindergarten. Second junior group(2nd quarter)» O. V. Berezhnova. Toolkit. M. Institute of Systematic activity pedagogy, 2013.

Lykova I. A. Program for artistic education, training and development of children 2-7 years old "Colored palms". M.: Tsvetnoy mir, 2011.

Lykova I. A. Fine activities in kindergarten. Junior group. M.: Tsvetnoy mir, 2012.

Publications on the topic:

Image library:

Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Chuvash Republic

BOU DPO (PC) C "Chuvash Republican Institute of Education" Ministry of Education of Chuvashia


directly organized activities in the educational areas “Cognition”, “Artistic Creativity” (integration)

in the second junior group "Bee"

on the topic of modeling “Bagels for Fixik”

The lesson was prepared by Mayrina Irina Alekseevna, teacher of the preschool department of the state-owned special (correctional) educational institution of the Chuvash Republic for students and pupils with disabilities “Cheboksary special (correctional) elementary school-kindergarten No. 3 “Nadezhda” of the Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Chuvash Republic.



Program content:

Educational objectives: teach methods of examining objects, including simple experiments, expand children’s understanding of the properties of dry and wet sand; to develop knowledge about the natural material - clay and its properties, to continue to improve the skills of establishing the identity and difference of materials.

Corrective and developmental tasks: develop visual, tactile perception, general and fine motor skills, memory and thinking.

Educational tasks: to cultivate interest in experimental activities, empathy, desire to help younger people and neighbors; encourage compliance with rules of conduct in directly organized activities; continue to develop love and respect for natural objects.

Individually differentiated work: stimulate and intensify the speech activity of Kirill P., monitor the correctness of the step movement of Ilyusha S.

Dictionary robot:

introduce the words “sand”, “clay”, “dry”, “wet”, “hard” into the children’s active dictionary;

into the passive dictionary: “loose”, “plastic”, “sticky”, “grain of sand”, “natural material”.

Basic methods and techniques: surprise moment, demonstration of a method of action, questions, experiments, dynamic pause, artistic expression, finger gymnastics, outdoor game.

Equipment and materials: audio recording by E. Zheleznova, screen, projector.

Demo material: molds for modeling, scoops, containers with dry sand, watering cans with water, clay (dry, wet), magnifying glasses, Fixik toy.

Preliminary work with children: playing with water and sand, watching Fixies cartoons, observing living and inanimate nature.

Preliminary work of the teacher: compiling lesson notes, preparing manuals for organizing children’s activities, selecting musical works.


From birth to school. Approximate basic general education program for preschool education / ed. N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. – M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2011.

Organization of experimental activities for children aged 2-7 years: thematic planning, recommendations, lesson notes / author - comp. E.A. Martynova, I.M. Suchkova. - Ed. 2nd. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2013.-333 p.

Progress of the lesson.

    Introductory part. The teacher invites students to directly organized activities:

They played with a bell

They called and hid

Let's amuse all the children

So that they don't cry!

Ding-ding, call

Call the kids.

The teacher plays an audio recording from the children's educational cartoon "Fixies".

Educator: Guys, what an interesting song, remind me what cartoon it’s from?

Children answer: Cartoon “Fixies”.

Educator looks under the table and attracts the attention of the students: Oh, who's hiding here?

Children: Fixik.

Educator: Indeed, Fixik! Let's say hello to him(the teacher greets everyone individually on behalf of Fixik).

Children: Hello, Fixik.

Educator: Look, he has some kind of lump in his hands! (clay is demonstrated, Fixik brings it to his ear and whispers something). He doesn't know what it is? Guys, today we will conduct an experiment and tell Fixik about this natural material. Do you agree?

Children: Yes.

The teacher invites the children to the table. On the table there is a box with sand, trays, molds and other supplies.

Fixik: How I love playing with sand. He takes it in his hands and blows. Oops, something got in my eyes!!! (The teacher takes a wet napkin and wipes Fixie’s eyes).

Educator: Fixie, a grain of sand got into your eyes. Sand is made up of small "grains of sand". I have a magnifying glass here, I suggest you look at them. You see how small they are, how small they are and can easily get into your eyes. Guys, please remind me of the rules for working with sand? (Go to the screen and view the presentation with the rules for working with sand and clay).

Children voice: -do not put sand and clay in your mouth;

You should not put dirty fingers in your mouth;

Do not rub your eyes with dirty hands.

Educator: Right. Fixie, do you understand?

2. Main part.

The teacher and children return to the learning area:

The legs walked, stomping, stomping, stomping,

Straight along the path, thump, thump, thump,

Boots stomp, stomp, stomp, stomp,

These are our legs, stomp, stomp, stomp.

Educator: Remind me what color the sand is? Do you agree with Roman and Ilyusha? Damir, what do you think, is the sand yellow?

Children: Yellow.

Educator: Touch it and tell me whether it is dry or wet.

Children: Dry.

Educator: Look, dry sand flows well (Demonstrates the flowability of sand by sifting through a strainer). I suggest you try it too. (Interviews children individually: does sand fall? What does sand do?) So, what kind of sand?

Children: Loose.

Educator: That's right, if it crumbles, it means it's free-flowing. Repeat (Choral repetition). Can you make Easter cakes out of it? Shall we try? Take the molds, spatulas and carefully pour sand into it. Now carefully turn the mold over onto the stand. Did you get any Easter cakes?

Children: No. The sand is dry and loose.

Conclusion: Correct, Easter cakes cannot be made from dry sand.

Educator: Guys, what do we need so that we can make Easter cakes?

Children: Water, wet the sand.

Educator: Right. (The teacher hands out watering cans to the children and offers to wet the dry sand.) Now our sand has become wet, touch it, it is damp, wet.(Individual survey of pupils).

Educator: Do you think it is possible to sculpt or make Easter cakes from it? Shall we try?(Children's answers). Take the molds and carefully place wet sand into it. Tamp it down. (Children do.) Carefully invert the molds with sand onto a tray. Tap the bottom and remove the mold. What happened?(Kulichiki). That's how many Easter cakes we made. Well done. Take some tissues and dry your hands..

Outdoor game "Grains of Sand".

Educator: Guys, I invite you to the game.

Stand up, spin around yourself and turn into a grain of sand(The teacher performs the movements together with the children). That's how much sand there is. Each of us is a grain of sand. All sand is dry, it is free-flowing.

Suddenly a strong wind blew. All the grains of sand rose up and began to swirl and fly.

The wind died down and the grains of sand fell to the ground.(Children squat down.)

Suddenly the wind blew again and lifted all the sand up.

The housewife looked out the window and thought: something is very dusty, sand is flying right in her face.

She took a watering can with water and began to water the sand. The grains of sand get wet and fall to the ground.(Children squat down).

Wet sand is not free-flowing. You can sculpt from it. Hold hands and form a circle - a loaf. This is the big loaf we made.(Musical accompaniment is the melody of the musical game loaf).

Like for our kids

We baked a loaf.

This is the width, these are the dinners

This high, this low

From sand and water - for boys and girls.

Educator: And now we will “study” the lump that Fixik brought and tell him about this natural material. What is this?

Children: Clay.

Educator: That's right, it's clay. Let’s all say “clay” together.

-Take it in your hands. What color is it?(Children touch, select adjectives).

Children: brown.

Educator: Touch her and tell me what she is like?

Children: hard, tough, dry.

Educator: Right. Dry clay is hard. Try to make something out of it. It turns out? Why didn't it work?

Children: It's dry, it's crumbling.

Conclusion: We cannot sculpt from dry clay.

Educator: Now take a magnifying glass and look at the clay. The grains of sand are very small, even through a magnifying glass it is impossible to see them. The grains of sand hold on to each other very tightly. That's why it doesn't crumble like sand.(The teacher offers to put a dry lump of clay and distributes raw clay). Guys, this is also clay. How is it different? What is she like?

Children: It is moist, plastic, sticky, soft.

Educator: Yes, it is wet, plastic, soft, sticky, cold. Guys, can you make something out of it?(Children's answers). I suggest making a gift for Fixik.

Children: Yes. "Bagels for Fixik"

Educator: Let's sit down comfortably at the table.(The teacher demonstrates the technique of modeling.) First, we pinch off a piece of clay and roll it into a sausage, then we connect the ends and smooth it with our fingers to make an even donut. Like this.(The children do the work. The teacher individually helps Damir connect the ends of the sausage). Roll out the sausage and connect the ends. That's how many bagels we made.(The teacher evaluates the products of children's activities and places them on a tray). Today we told Fixik about “sand and clay”. What did we do? What did you learn? Did you enjoy playing?


1. Dry sand (loose, light, you can’t make Easter cakes from it).

2. Wet sand (cold, dark, you can make Easter cakes from it).

3. The clay is dry (hard, crumbles, cannot be sculpted).

4. The clay is wet (wet, plastic, soft, sticky and can be sculpted).

Fixie is happy and says thank you for the detailed explanation. Well done boys! .

Tasks. Arouse interest in making bagels. Develop the ability to roll out columns (cylinders) and close them into a ring. Show design options for molded products (sprinkling with semolina, poppy seeds, piercing holes with a plastic fork). Develop the perception of shape and size, eye and fine motor skills.

Integration of different types of activities. Outdoor games and exercises with a hoop (rolling, throwing with both hands from below and from the chest, passing from hand to hand).

Examination and examination of pyramid rings of different sizes for tactile sensation, perception of shape, size and color. Didactic game “Colored rings” (development of perception of shape, color, size). Lesson on appliqué on the theme “Baranki”.

Materials, tools, equipment. Material for modeling – plasticine, stacks; semolina, poppy; plastic fork, felt-tip pen caps; the teacher has a rope; oilcloths, paper and cloth napkins.

Guys, listen to V. Shipunova’s poem “Grandma Bakes and Bakes”:

Grandma bakes and bakes

Pies and snacks,

Buns, sweet cheesecakes,

Large circle of pie...

Eat - eat, my friend!

Let's eat pies

Eat some rolls.

Eat sweet cheesecakes -

With white – white cottage cheese.

White - white milk

We'll wash down the buns.

Guys, let's help grandma bake lots and lots of bagels! Look at a real steering wheel. What shape is the steering wheel? (Round.) What color? (Light brown, yellow.) What size? (Big.)

Now watch what I will do. Come to my table, stand in a circle near the table.

I have a light brown column on my table. I take it with both hands, hold it tightly so that it doesn’t fall (but you don’t need to press hard), roll it out with both hands, between your palms, with straight movements, forward, backward, forward, backward. What am I doing Seryozha? (roll out). That's right, I'm rolling it out. What am I doing Anna? (roll out). That's right, I'm rolling it out. I roll out the column long and thick. What am I rolling out Maxim? (the column is long and thick). That's right, the column is long and thick. That’s it, I’ve now rolled out the finished column.

And now, I have to connect the ends of this column, I close the column into a ring. It turned out to be a bagel. But I still need to smooth out the joint. To do this, I stroke the junction of the steering wheel with my index finger so that it turns out neat, strong, beautiful, durable. Now I have a very good, strong steering wheel. We checked the strength and accuracy of the craft.

I also need to design a molded product, for this I will take semolina. (I have a plate of semolina on my table.) What is semolina, what is it, what color? (Children's answers.) Well done! You know everything about semolina! That's right, semolina is very small white balls. This is a cereal, it is used to make porridge, it is very healthy. You also love this porridge very much, in kindergarten they feed us this porridge, and at home your mothers cook it for you. In order to decorate the bagel, I take the finished product and dip it in a plate with semolina, poke holes with a plastic fork, and make prints with a felt-tip pen cap. Now my steering wheel is ready! The last stage is to string the finished product onto a string.

Now you need to wipe your hands clean with a napkin, then wipe off the oilcloth, and put your workspace in order. (Demonstration, explanation.) Now I have finished my work.

Guys, what did I blind?


Guys, can you now make a steering wheel and decorate it yourself? (Children's answers: yes.)

Well, I invite you to start working. To the music (Leaf “Consolation”), children begin to sculpt calm music.

The children roll out the columns: long and thick. I, the teacher, check how the children understood the task, whether they managed to prepare the rollers and columns. Children close the columns into rings.

Now come to me, we’ll play a little with you.

Finger game “The cat went to the stove”

The cat went to the stove

I found a pot of porridge.

There are rolls on the stove,

Like fire, hot

Gingerbread cookies are baking

The cat's paws don't fit.

Are our fingers rested?

Sit comfortably at the tables, let's continue our work.

What is left for us to finish? (Design the bagels.)

Children dip their products in semolina, poke holes with plastic forks, and make prints with felt-tip pen caps. When ready, string the products onto common bundles.

Bottom line. It turned out to be a wonderful treat because everyone tried hard. And now we will sing the song “Guests have come to us.” We will treat our guests to delicious, aromatic bagels.

The use of bagels in the independent activities of children: the inclusion of molded products in theatrical games with dolls and role-playing games; joint storytelling of Russian folk nursery rhymes.

Elena Popelyaeva
ECD for modeling “Bagels-bagels” for children of the 1st junior group


Educational: call children's interest in making bagels and bagels; form children ability to roll out columns (cylinders) and close it in a ring; show design options for molded products (sprinkle with poppy seeds and semolina).

Developmental: develop children perception of shape and size, eye and fine motor skills, sense of proportion and coordination of the work of both hands.

Educating: to educate children neatness.

Planned results: Show emotional responsiveness, answer questions, master basic movements when performing an exercise, take an active part in making a donut.

Materials and equipment: dummy bagel, plasticine, napkin, board, toy dog ​​Barbos.

Progress of the lesson.

Children sit on the carpet and play.

Educator: Guys, listen, who is that scratching at our door? I'll go and have a look. Enters into group toy dog.

Who came to visit us? (Dog)

Let's say hello to her.

Do you want her to stay with us in group and played with us? (Yes)

What's her name? Let's ask her.

Guys, dogs don’t know how to talk, but when they hear their name, they rejoice and wag their tail.

What can you name a dog? (Children offer their options: Jack, Bobik, Tuzik, etc.) Nicknamed Barbos. The dog rejoices and begins to wag its tail.

Well done guys, the dog's name is Barbos.

Guys, Barbos came to visit us. And when guests come to us, what do we do? (We treat you and have tea)

And Barbos told me that most of all he loves bagels - bagels.

So Barbos brought treats to our toys bagels, but scattered them all along the way.

Let's help our guest prepare a treat for the toys. Let's sit at the tables and blind bagels.

The children sit at the tables.

Educator: Now I'll show you how to do it bagels.

(The teacher shows how to roll out plasticine. First, warm the plasticine between your palms, make a column, then roll out the sausage on the mat.)

Educator: Everything was rolled out, did everyone succeed? (Helps children who are lagging behind.)

Now we will connect the ends of our sausage and see what happens. And we got it bagels?

Children: they answer, it worked bagels.

Educator: Did everyone succeed?

Educator: What a great fellow you are, how many bagels you made for our dolls to treat.

Guys, Barbos invites us to play with him, do you want to? (Yes)

A game: "Dog Barbos"

Here sits our dog Barbos,

He hid his black nose in his paws.

Either he's dozing or he's sleeping,

Doesn't look at the kids.

Quietly, quietly, everyone get up,

And run up to Barbos.

Well, dog Barbos, get up

And catch up guys.

(The game is repeated several times).

Educator: What a great fellow you are! Let's suggest to Barbos that he stay with us and live in our group.

Lesson summary:

Who came to us today?

What happened to Barbos?

How did we help him?

Guys, for helping Barbos prepare a treat for our toys, I also want to treat you to bagels.

Let's go, wash our hands and sit at the tables.