Learn to open your heart... How to open your heart? What does it mean to open your heart to love?

We don’t always know how to do this - we are shy, don’t trust, are afraid, and then we simply get used to accumulating everything in our hearts - both joy and pain.

Meanwhile, it is important to learn to open your heart, and to do it correctly, and not dump all your problems in front of a stranger.

This will help us develop in spiritual science and gain a real treasure - friendship with Vaishnavas.

Bhakti Vijnana Goswami says that opening your heart to someone means sharing something intimate. But we should reveal something secret only to that person who will not abuse it, and if it will benefit him. Even about Krishna in Vrndavana one should not always talk about it, because it may be an offense to preach the glories of the holy name to unbelievers who will not be able to properly perceive our story. The Bible says the same thing: “Do not throw pearls before swine.” That is, we should not give something expensive to someone who does not appreciate it, just as a pig cannot appreciate pearls.

Opening our heart correctly means giving a person something that we value and that he can also appreciate.

We opened our hearts, gave something important, but the person did not appreciate it, laughed at it and that’s it. What is so good about it? It's bad for him, and it's bad for me. So we need to be very careful with what we say.

What can a person evaluate? You need to understand very well: a person can appreciate something that he has experienced to some extent, maybe not completely, not to the end, but he has some kind of his own experience. We must say something that does not go too far beyond the experience of man.

If a person has experienced love, then we can tell him about love, about how we love. If a person has not experienced this experience, then he will listen and say: “Oh, all this is nonsense. Better drink tea with raspberries - it will pass.” In other words, here we need to very clearly understand what level a person is at and whether he can understand what we tell him or not.

It is also important to know that you should not reveal your heart to those who are just beginning their steps in spiritual life.

We can share some experience, something that we have understood, some lessons that we ourselves have learned, something that we really have in our hearts, something that we ourselves have realized and, above all, are trying to practice In my life. But telling younger people about your problems and difficulties is wrong; this should be done in front of your elders. We share our difficulties with them, we talk openly with them about what we can’t do.

With equals, with friends, we should also be open, but we need to be careful: we can open our hearts to those whom we trust and who will not let us down. If we don’t yet have trust, there is no understanding that a person will keep everything secret, then we shouldn’t do this.

How to open up to love, if there is so much pain and disappointment in your memory?

How to let love into your life and open your heart if it’s so scary?

We are all human and we all want to love and be loved, but often our experience makes us close ourselves off, the past pain is so unbearable that the brain sets up a barrier to this desire, as it draws equality:

to love = to experience pain

to fall in love = betrayal

to fall in love = loneliness

to love = suffering

And all this is just one of the options. But this option became known to you in reality and it is imprinted in memory in the form of an emotional association.

And we often say “Yes, I want a family, close relationships, romance, love... but there are no men, I don’t meet them, where to look” and other excuses.

You should be aware of the difference between the situation“I’m alone and happy, I’m ready to meet a man, he’s just on his way” and the position “I’m alone and I’m looking for a man, I need a man, I feel bad without a man.”

In the first option, if a woman is sincerely happy and has a desire for a family, a man will find her any day now.

In the second option, the woman searches herself, and therefore will only find lessons that she has not yet completed.

Because love for another begins with love for oneself.

You can accept others as they are only after accepting yourself.

You can also sincerely and openly love another after you have learned to love yourself completely.

How to open up to love what if there is a lot of pain?

1. End all past relationships. This means breaking all emotional ties with the past, forgiving and walking without an anchor that weighs a ton. People sometimes don’t live together for years, but are in an emotional connection and push each other on a swing, it’s good for you - it’s bad for me; I feel good - you feel bad. It's easy to say to forgive, but not easy to do. It’s simple, if only we had a desire to live differently, sometimes we get so used to suffering that we ourselves don’t realize that “drama” is our favorite scenario. Yes, it’s painful to remember everything again, to relive it (more precisely, to relive it to the end, because if there are memories, the experience will not be lived, you refused to accept it and it haunts you). Yes, it is unpleasant to admit your cowardice, since the Ego loses its significance. But it’s worth it to free yourself and reach a different level of perception.

2. You should be aware of the distorted perception at the moment of pain formation. It should be admitted that at that time you mistakenly assumed that someone else could cause you pain at all - this is a disease, this is viral thinking, nothing more. The reality is that another can only hurt us with our permission, which means it is our choice. Consequently, the other only pointed out to me that I am sick and seriously sick if I think that in this world someone owes someone something. Without this step, even if you dare to open your heart and fall in love yourself, it won’t last very long, as you will get hurt again. And this is not because the world is punishing you for original sin, but only because of a distorted perception of the world and lack of awareness of your own dignity and worth.

3. Learn to love yourself not in words, but in action. To love is still a verb, therefore it is a certain action aimed at taking care of oneself. Start treating yourself the way you want your loved one to treat you. Let the world take care of you, learn to accept gifts from the world, learn to please yourself, pamper yourself, tell the world that you already exist and you are beautiful in your manifestation! Start looking at yourself with loving eyes, fall in love with yourself! Into yourself as you are, with all the advantages and highlights! Light the fire yourself, and the bloodworms will fly in - don’t worry about it)))!

How to let love into your life?

You never released it, it always lives in you. Love is life itself. It’s just that outside there are some distorted ideas about the world and life, and sometimes, due to unreasonableness, we believe in some models. We accept these constructs of the mind as reality, build expectations, demand from ourselves and from the world compliance with the ideas of the mind. This is not love - this is a disease. And love is always in our heart, it is not conditioned by ideas, it is limitless. It is impossible to force love into the framework of ideas of what it should be.

Love is inside, you just need to clear the rubble and it will come to life again and illuminate you and everything around you. And won’t defenders and miners flock to this luminous miracle?

Love yourself and illuminate the world with your light!

Divine Love is the basis of the Universe, it is the sun within the sun. It comes from a single source and is the most powerful force in the world. It is present at the cellular level of every person and is waiting for its release from the shackles of consciousness. This is where the TRUTH lies. God is love.

Love is not just a word or a feeling. It is the source of energy and energy itself. You can summon it, accumulate it, store it, send it, and focus it for a variety of uses. She is always available and will never let you down. You are endowed with the ability of co-creation, for you are a conductor of the Divine Energy of Love, which you draw from your Higher Self.

By sending love to other people or objects, you can greatly enhance your ability to create and significantly improve your life. Love has a very strong positive impact on events in your life, on relationships with people with whom you interact.

By sending love to another person, you have a huge impact on his attitude towards you, on his perception of you. With the help of love, you can dispel the energy of conflict and hatred. By sending love to another, you can, if not make this person fall in love with you, then certainly make him your good friend and ally. By sending the energy of love to a sick person, you contribute to his recovery and spiritual cleansing.

By filling the rooms in which you live and work with love, you will miraculously remove all accumulated negative energy and make the room cozy and pleasant to stay in. People will tell you about its special, inspiring atmosphere.

By sending love, supported by your intention and desire, to certain events and situations, you contribute to their positive resolution.

By enveloping plants with your love, you give them vitality and they begin to actively grow and bloom. By giving your love to animals, you make them healthy and cheerful, and they respond to you with their devotion.

Sending love is not difficult at all. To do this, we need to use the power of imagination, mentally activate our desires and intentions, open all our energy centers (chakras) and direct love to other people, situations or objects.

When you begin to radiate love through all your energy centers, you will notice something special happening. The world around you will change greatly. People will literally be drawn to you, they will want to become your friends, they will fall in love with you , sympathize with you. The whole secret of charisma is love: the more you love and radiate love into the world, the more energetically attractive you become.

An expression of love, a message of love, is the most powerful manifestation of our Divine Spirit.

Live with an open heart. When your heart is open, you can receive love and give it to others. In this case, you will be uncritical, kind and will have compassion for all people in this world. You will celebrate life and feel the adoration of Heaven. You will be filled with courage, for love is the antidote to fear.

To open your heart means to stop loving selectively, giving your tenderness and care to some and depriving it to others. Recognize the unity and Divinity of all human beings and honor the Divinity in everyone. Expand your consciousness beyond limited ideas of romantic love and personal attachments. Become more and more inclusive and include all manifestations of universal Divine love.

People with closed hearts are easy to identify - they have dull eyes, cold, impenetrable energy, harsh treatment of others, and bitterness. These people are controlled by their Ego and the manifestation of Divine love is suppressed. These are deeply unhappy people.

To open your heart you need to do a lot of work on yourself. It includes: getting rid of negative beliefs; forgiveness of our offenders; unconditional acceptance and forgiveness of oneself; getting rid of accumulated fears and psychological traumas; creating favorable living conditions; healing the body through exercise, healthy eating; awareness of one’s Divine nature, pacification of the Ego, and the final stage - the ability to consider everything and everyone from the position of the Higher Consciousness, understanding the highest meaning of what is happening, awareness of universal unity.

We are collective, and at the same time we are united in our Divine Source of energy - Love. This is the common thread that binds us all together.

We are all different, but we came to this planet with one common goal - to increase the level of enlightenment of the planet, through the manifestation of our Divine essence and the transformation of negativity into love. Remember this in your daily life.

Below are a few advice on how to fill your life with love and keep your heart open:

Always be kind and sympathetic, do not offend people. Never judge anyone, much less curse or wish harm on people. If you feel that it is difficult to restrain yourself, pray and ask for help in softening your heart.

Consciously send love and light to everyone with whom life brings you, especially those who are very different from you or are not pleasant to you. Perhaps the message of your love will serve as a catalyst for the spiritual growth of these people.

Loosen the grip of the Ego, treat its demands and arrogance with humor. Learn to distinguish between true desires coming from the soul and false ones coming from the Ego. Give up your sense of self-importance in favor of God and focus entirely on living your Divine Spirit, harmony and love.

Engage in active meditation on beauty and love. The essence of this exercise is to notice and enjoy the beauty of this world around you, to notice the perfection and harmony of nature, to see Divine wisdom and love in everything. Meditate on the beautiful, inspire yourself to love this world.

- Remember that in this world there is nothing more important than the love of God! Never kill the feeling of love that lives in you, no matter who it arises for, keep it carefully, protecting it from attacks by the Ego.

Love is patient
He is merciful,
Love doesn't envy
Love is not exalted
Not proud
Doesn't act outrageously
Doesn't look for his own
Don't get annoyed
Thinks no evil
Doesn't rejoice in lies
And he rejoices in the truth;
Covers everything
Believes everything
Hopes in total
He endures everything.
Love never ends…

A closed heart is the worst of prisons (c) Pope John Paul II

Who are they talking about? "a man with a closed heart"? Many people will think of the image of a cold and calculating egoist or a disillusioned, “beaten by life” loner.

But it is not so. In fact, problems with a closed heart are much more varied and paradoxical, and occur very often.

Perhaps you even have them?!

Read the article and find out what a closed heart is, who has it and what are its consequences consequences.

So. Closed heart– this is a BLOCKED heart chakra.

It's not only energy shortage in this zone (which is most often called the closed heart), but also excess energy in the area of ​​the heart.

In both cases, a person’s heart is closed from real contact with his feelings and from adequate interaction with other people.

This is fraught with various negative consequences. Let's consider both cases.

1. Lack of energy in the heart and its consequences

When there is a deficiency in the heart chakra, the flow of energy passing through it is severely limited.

Heart chakra remains empty, uptight and useless.

This is a classic manifestation of a “closed heart.” Such a person doesn't understand his feelings as if “he doesn’t feel anything at all.”

This has a devastating effect on his health, relationships with others and worldview.

1.1. Refusal of love

This is the main problem of the “deficit people”. As a result of certain injuries, you disappointed in love. Or, more precisely, that you can fall in love or someone will love you.

At some point it was so painful that you decided that nothing was better than this. However, it could have been in such deep childhood that the decision was forgotten. There is only coldness and emptiness in the chest.

People with a deficiency in the heart chakra find reasons for this state of affairs. For example, “Love is evil”, “Love is a fiction”, “Sex is not a reason for dating”, “Women are materialistic and love only money”, etc.

1.2. Fear of deep relationships, loneliness

You may not be formally single and, it seems, meet someone and even live.

But it will only be appearance of relationship, for social status, sex or other benefits.

There is no sincerity, trust, or understanding in such relationships.

A person with a deficiency in the heart chakra, by the way, usually suffers in this situation(realizing it or not). After all We all have a basic need for love., and if it doesn’t exist, it’s very bad for any person.

But he will most likely blame his partner for this and the fact that “true love only happens in fairy tales.”

This often leads to real loneliness and even isolation from people.

See also Exposing the myth of halves and what is behind it

1.3. Coldness, detachment

Because of these qualities, people with a lack of energy in the heart chakra find it difficult to build trusting relationships.

Due to a lack of understanding of other people's feelings, you consciously or unconsciously manipulate people(especially those who have excess energy in the heart chakra).

This may help you achieve some career or personal goals, but it does not make you happier.

1.4. Judging and criticizing others

It seems that in your troubles others are to blame. They behave incorrectly and unworthily, and because of this all the problems.

But you know exactly what they need to do.

If you have noticed this in yourself, you have a closed heart...

1.5. Self-intolerance

Alas, the root of judging others lies in lack of self-acceptance.

Sometimes it’s even difficult to admit it. But people with a lack of energy in their hearts do not love themselves, scold themselves, and constantly try to prove to themselves and others that they are “worth something.”

This may help in career achievements, but, again, it does not satisfy and does not make you happy.

1.6. Depression

An extreme form of a closed heart. You you don't see the meaning in life, you have nothing to rely on, everything seems gray and empty.

Addiction to alcohol, computer games and other methods of escaping reality may occur.

1.7. Stagnant health disorders

Energy moves poorly, which means that blood and oxygen do not sufficiently enrich this zone.

Health problems in such people they are associated with “stagnation”, “restraint” and “inhibition”.

These are hypertension, heart failure, atherosclerosis, risk of heart attack, etc. Feel emptiness and coldness in the heart.

2. Excess energy in the heart and its consequences

With excessive activity (hyperactivity) of the heart chakra the energy is too messy to function normally.

A suitable metaphor for this case: a traffic jam, when the movement of cars is blocked due to their large number.

It would seem that since the chakra is moving so actively, the heart is open? But no, it's delusion.

If a deficient chakra can be called a stagnant swamp, then a hyperactive chakra is a whirlpool, a stormy stream that is difficult to control.

From this flickering it may seem that the lives of such people are rich and interesting. But, in fact, “hyperactive” people suffer no less than “deficient” ones.

2.1. Fixation on love and, ultimately, its loss

This is the main sign of a closed heart of the hyperactive type. You are promoting that love is everything, that for the sake of love you are ready to do anything, that love-love-love...

Eventually, your love is suffocating and obsessive, partners simply run away from such relationships, and you suffer again and again.

2.2. Constant need for love and approval

We said that energy does not hold in such a chakra. You always receive love from the world and loved ones, but it “slips through your fingers.”

Because of this, it always seems to you that you don’t have enough love, and you demand more and more... No matter how much love they give you, it will fly by like a chimney, and you will experience constant hunger for love.

Also, you will be unsure of yourself and need constant approval from others. You overreact to criticism- if a person makes even one remark to you, you think that he does not approve of you, and therefore does not love you.

2.3. Demandingness, lust for possession, jealousy

This point follows from the previous ones. You believe that you have invested a lot of love in your partner (suffocatingly much), but he gives “not enough.”

This gives you a constant irritation, jealousy(what if he takes away the love due to you to the left?), the desire is completely own a partner.

2.4. Weak boundaries, sacrifice

One of the options for “being willing to do anything for love.” You give your partner or people “all of yourself”, sometimes neglecting your time, desires, interests.

You expect the same “love” in return, but alas. Usually you are attracted to people of the deficit type who manipulate you to the point of complete exhaustion.

Healthy partners cannot stand this very quickly, because they do not need a victim nearby.

2.5. Health problems

“Hyperactive” people can develop a whole range of diseases of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels. The most common are asthma, arrhythmia, varicose veins, and angina pectoris. Feel "too enlarged" heart, pressure inside.

Debunking the myths about the closed and open heart

In materials on the Internet people with closed hearts are often judged, they are called callous, calculating and hypocritical.

And, supposedly, they manipulate people with “open” hearts all the time for their own benefit.

This is an imprecise approach.

In fact, a person with a really open heart is very difficult to manipulate– he is sensitive to his feelings and honest with himself and others.

Any manipulation cannot withstand his courage, sensitivity and sincerity.

And people with a closed heart of a hyperactive type become victims of manipulators. We wrote above that sacrifice is in their character, and they always attract tyrants, deceivers, etc.

It’s not worth blaming coldish “deficit people” for all mortal sins. In fact, they have a hard life (although this does not relieve them of responsibility for some actions).

It is important to understand this: what will YOU do, if you see it in yourself or your loved ones signs of a closed heart.

The best way is to admit there is a problem and, strengthening and harmonizing the vibrations of love.

If you think that the problem is not with you, but with your partner, please note that people are attracted according to the compensatory type(for example, a manipulator and his victim). That is, there is something in you that attracted this person.

But. Once you start working on your heart, automatically the energy of the couple's relationship will change, which means your partner will begin to change (or you will simply get out of an openly destructive relationship).

But, most importantly, you yourself will feel more whole, calm and filled with love. I wish each of you, dear readers, to learn live with your heart and trust yourself!

P.S. How to live with your heart - you will learn from. Get the best practices for working with your heart chakra now!