Which drawbar turned there and came out. The law is a drawbar: wherever you want, you can turn it there. The law that the drawbar turned and the essay came out

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Essay "History of Law"

At that moment, when an idea was born in the head of one of the ancient people about what he has the right to do according to his conscience, what he does not have the right to do, and how others have and do not have the right to do with him, the history of law was born.

One of the first sets of laws on Earth, the approach to the compilation of which was serious and deep, (of course, known to modern civilization) were the laws of Hammurabi, the Babylonian king, ruler of Mesopotamia in 1793 - 1750 BC. e. These laws, which separately considered the spheres of family, criminal, private law, property law and legal proceedings, are called the legislative pinnacle of the then civilization. But they were far from the first in history! The actual history of law goes back so deeply that one can only theorize about its beginnings.

Modern law grew out of traditional law and is divided into several historically established groups, more precisely, legal families: Anglo-Saxon, religious, Romano-Germanic and others. Romano-Germanic, for example, is based on the norms of ancient, Roman law.

Changes in legal norms have always resulted from dissatisfaction with them among certain segments of the population. “The law is like a drawbar, where you turn, that’s where it goes.” The norms of law legally adopted in society have always had a global influence on morality in society, the consciousness of people and their perception of what is good and what is bad.

Thus, European criminal law is now distinguished by very lenient punishments. In modern Russia, the status of being unemployed (not unemployed), as well as homosexual behavior, is not criminally punishable. However, the generation of our grandfathers and grandmothers knew for sure that anyone caught in homosexual relations is sent to work for the good of the country in not so distant places for about five years. Today, a citizen who is not officially employed anywhere or is generally unemployed as a “householder” or “housewife” is a completely normal phenomenon, not condemned by anyone. Despite different opinions, society has changed its attitude towards homosexuality - from “punish!”, “condemn!”, “forced treatment!” to, if not tolerant 9 which, alas, is very far), then to a more indifferent, conciliatory one.

An excellent source for understanding the rules of law in different societies, in different periods of its development, is the modern publication “Journal of the History of European Law”.


Dictionary of proverbs and sayings. All proverbs and sayings starting with the letter Z.

History and description of proverbs and sayings starting with the letter Z.

The law is that the drawbar, wherever you turn, it goes there.

Simple The law can be interpreted arbitrarily, depending on smb. interests. It is said when the law is applied incorrectly, unfairly, from the speaker’s point of view..

The proverb is actually Russian, as indicated by both the rhyme structure and the word drawbar. In peasant use, it is a shaft that can be easily turned and directed in different directions. Hence other versions of the proverb: The law is like a drawbar: wherever you want, turn it there; wherever you want, turn it there. An image close to this is reflected in another proverb, also based on a comparison: The law is like a horse: wherever you want it, you turn it there,
It’s a law, what a drawbar, hehe,” Ezdakov muttered, “wherever I didn’t turn, that’s where it ended up.” Laws are written in offices. On paper everything is smooth and good. V. Shishkov. Gloomy river. Well, and finally, the third feature of our courts is dialectics, which was previously roughly called: “drawbar, wherever you turn, there.” came out." The Code should not be a frozen stone in the judge's path. A. Solzhenitsyn. GULAG Archipelago. . And the law. The mayor judged him in a Russian court: “the law is like a horse: turn it where it is necessary.” N. Leskov. One-minded.

Wed: Do not be afraid of the law - fear the judge; The laws are holy, but the lawyers are dashing adversaries.

The stock pocket of the bag does not rub, does not ache, does not pull.

A supply will never hurt. Spoken as a justification for new-l. thriftiness, thriftiness, foresight.

There are only five horses in the brigade, and there’s a good fifteen hundred pieces of harness, it wouldn’t be a problem, the reserve doesn’t take a toll on the pocket, but the damned mice. V. Shukshin. Tough man. It was not need, the need that grabbed him by the throat, that forced him to go out into this unclean trade. He still had some meat left; Iasthena was constantly throwing something in for him. The stock, as you know, does not hurt your pocket. V. Rasputin. Live and remember. He, Chuprov, doesn’t need this iron so much, but the reserve doesn’t tear his pocket, doesn’t rub his neck, just lay it down - everything will do. V. Tendryakov. The fall of Ivan Chu is right.

Var; The stock does not tear your pocket, does not rub your neck.
Wed: The reserve does not fix troubles and does not ask for bread; The stock in the bag is not damaged; Doesn't ask for a supply of salt; You go for a day, take bread for a week.

According to merit and honor.

And a note of irony. Everyone deserves what they have. It is said in praise of a person who has earned a high position, who has achieved success, etc., or a person who has received a little for minor work.

The word honor in the proverb has an ancient meaning; ‘honor, honour’.
[Governor:] Yes, I confess, gentlemen, I, damn it, really want to be a general. [Ammos Fedorovich:] Long voyage for a big ship! [Artemy Filippovich:] According to merit and honor. N. Gogol. Inspector>. “Well, we know,” said Pavel. - She's unlucky. But we need to show a little respect. Sister. - Don't defend! You are the one to blame. According to merit and honor. F. Abramov. Pelagia.

Wed: According to Senka and a hat; Each horse and stall; Due to merit and moisture; By trade and production.

If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either.

If you take on several things at once, you will not achieve results in any of them. Spoken as a warning, advice or reproach if a person did something poorly or did not complete it.

If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either, says a popular, or rather, common proverb. I chased another hare, that is, translated into Russian, another lady - and no results. F. Dostoevsky. Teenager It was necessary to decide whether to stay in Moscow. or go on a tour with the troupe. Ostap was inclined towards the latter. “Out of two birds with one stone,” he said, “they choose the fatter one.” I. Ilf, E. Petrov. Twelve chairs, - Did Stepin knock you down? - Naumov hesitated embarrassedly. Andrei thought that Stepin was probably listening to them through the switchboard, and said: “How tiresome the dispatcher has become these days.” Especially Stepin. Chasing two hares. D. Granin. Seekers. Sheinin's name was annoyingly promoted. In this case, several birds with one stone were killed. The name of the popular writer gave the investigation solidity and validity. Literary newspaper. 07.17.91. GRU operations are polished and elegant. GRU operations differ from those of any other intelligence service in their simplicity. GRU never chases two birds with one stone at the same time. And that is why the GRU is so successful. V. Suvorov. Aquarium.

Var.: Don't chase two birds with one stone - you won't catch either.

I heard a ringing, but I don’t know where it is.

Disapproved About a person who is trying to do something. to judge without understanding the essence of the matter or knowing about it only from hearsay. It is said in condemnation for the superficiality of opinions and views.

[Gradoboev:] In our words, in Russian: sorry. [Matryona:] You say: sorry, but I heard that they have some that are completely shameless. [Gradoboev:] You heard the ringing, but you don’t know where it is. A. Ostrovsky. Warm heart. But this is already a disaster if such speeches are uttered by a soldier who aspires to world domination. And he repeats these words, distorting them, taking them to the limit and extreme. He exclaims, hearing the ringing, but not knowing where it is: “Education cripples people.” M. Zoshchenko. Before sunrise. This is where the rumors began, Comrade Martynov, that Kalmykov and I had a duel over my wife. People heard the ringing, but they don’t know where it came from. It's overgrown with gossip. V. Ovechkin. Regional everyday life. - Well, yes, I understood you, you, in a word, are partisans, Makhnovists. “The one-eyed man was silent for a while, smiling slyly into his mustache: “You heard, little brothers, but it wasn’t that ringing.” A, Tolstoy, Eighteenth Year. But, brother, I honestly didn’t even know what mineralogy was! I only hear that they are ringing somewhere in someone else’s bell tower. In everything else, he’s still this and that, but in the sciences he’s stupid—downright cayusque. F. Dostoevsky. The village of Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants.

Wed: Without looking at the calendar, the bell rang.

The law that the drawbar turned and the essay came out

Novokuznechanin is able affect killed his father.

The Kuibyshevsky District Court of Novokuznetsk handed down a verdict in the criminal case of the murder of a father by his son.

During the preliminary investigation, investigators established that at the beginning of 2014, Maxim Gorlov went to Bureyskaya, 33, where his father was, to pick up his car keys. The accused's mother asked him to do this. The victim drank a lot and often drove a car while intoxicated. Arriving at the dacha, the defendant saw a relative sitting in the interior of a foreign car and asked him to get out, to which he refused. A conflict arose between a drunken father and son, during which Gorlov Sr. began to insult and humiliate his child, including obscene language, and even raised his hand to him. The guy could not tolerate such behavior. He hit his father several times with his fists, then with a bat. After which he pulled the unconscious man out of the salon, dragged him to the coal pit, where he stabbed him with a knife. The body was covered with snow, the foreign car with traces of blood was taken to a dry cleaner, where the stains were removed.

Returning home, Maxim Gorlov did not tell anyone about what had happened. The fact that the victim did not get in touch for a long time did not surprise his wife. Lately my husband hasn’t worked anywhere and often goes on binges. The disappearance report was filed with the police only at the end of January. Law enforcement officers considered various versions. The law enforcement officers also addressed the defendant with questions. When the accused could no longer hide the truth, he wrote a confession and showed where he hid his father’s body. As part of the investigation, Maxim Gorlov underwent a psychological and psychiatric examination, which found him sane and showed that at the time of the crime he was aware of what was happening.

The criminal case was sent to court in April 2014. At the hearing, the guy also did not deny his guilt, however, when testifying, he clarified that he did not remember at all how he killed his father. At the request of Gorlov’s defense lawyer, he was assigned an additional comprehensive psychological and psychiatric examination. The stationary examination was carried out by specialists from the Institute named after. Serbsky and in February 2016 they came to the conclusion that Gorlov does not suffer from mental disorders, but committed the crime in a state of passion. The defendant is characterized as a calm, non-conflict, balanced person. While it was known about the victim that when drunk, he became aggressive and terrorized his family, often raising his hand against its members. The conflict with his father that occurred on the eve of leaving for the dacha, as well as the quarrel on January 11, 2014, became the “last straw” for Maxim Gorlov.

Based on the conclusion of the capital's experts, the prosecutor's office reclassified the charge from the article "Murder" to the article "Murder committed in a state of passion", which is a crime of minor severity. The Kuibyshevsky District Court of Novokuznetsk found Maxim Gorlov guilty and sentenced him to 1 year and 6 months of restriction of freedom. However, the punishment was immediately canceled due to the expiration of the statute of limitations, which, according to Article 107 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, is 2 years.

Explain the proverb, please? “The law is what the drawbar is, where it turns and it comes out”

The law is that the drawbar: where you turn (you turn), that’s where it comes out

THE LAW OF THE PINK: WHERE YOU TURN (turn), THAT’S WHERE IT COMES OUT. The law is always subject to arbitrary interpretation. “It’s a law, what a drawbar, hehe,” Ezdakov muttered, “where I turned, that’s where it came out.” Laws are written in offices. On paper everything is smooth and good... No, try it in the taiga... with these convict people. Shishkov, Ugryum-river. The worker is always to blame and the owner is right. - Well, the ministers are not responsible for this. - Then who? After all, they write the laws in such a way that they can be turned in any way. This, brother, is the whole rub: the law is what the drawbar is: wherever you turn, that’s where it comes out. They are written not for our benefit, but for the master’s. I. Kozlov, Life in struggle. You must speak to your superiors respectfully, but firmly, when the law is on your side. - The law is that the drawbar: wherever you turn, that’s what happens. Especially Alekseev. He is the king and god here, and he does what he wants, regardless of anyone or anything. Stepanov, Port Arthur. “We, Volodymyritch, have been given one law from God, follow it and don’t think too hard,” the father stubbornly said, getting irritated. - What kind of law is this? The law, it is said, is like a drawbar: where you put it in, it comes out. Gladkov, A Tale of Childhood. - Now the buckwheat is gone... This, baht, is none of my business - instead of buckwheat and rye, you owe me the tithe to mow and thresh. . Such a law, baht... What are you going to do? His [the owner's] law is that where the pole goes, that's where it goes. Garin-Mikhailovsky, On the move. Some Budoshniks might not have liked it, but it didn’t comply with the law; but who thought to ask the Budoshnikov, and the law... The mayor judged him in a Russian court: “the law is like a horse: turn it where it is needed.” Leskov, Odnodum.
- Dahl: The law of the drawbar: wherever you want, you turn there (that’s where it went); Rybnikova: The law is the drawbar, where it turns, it goes there.

New broom or law that drawbar
Vladimir Shebzukhov

“A new broom sweeps in a new way”
They decided to punish the donkey.
They knew his stubbornness.
That stubbornness cannot be broken.
So they gave me a reprimand...

The giraffe was unlucky in that -
He stuck out often.
He had to accept it with a donkey,
Your own misfortune from the authorities

There has been a revolution in the forest.
The government has changed.
And in anticipation of what awaits them,
The beast suddenly hid...

The giraffe received it with delight
Medal for Vision.
The president himself handed it to him.
I never dreamed of this.

Another medal awaited
Donkey, to his delight.
For what he had
Your own integrity!

How the proverb about “the law and the pole” turned out to be illegal

The Supreme Court of Karelia recognized two Russian folk proverbs in the newspaper “Severnye Berega” as discrediting the honor and dignity of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Now the newspaper must refute the well-known proverbs about “the law and the pole” and “legalistic adversaries.” The editors told Medialeaks that they do not yet know how to refute these allegations, but we tried to help our colleagues.

In July 2015, the newspaper “Northern Banks” in the village of Kalevala published an article about a juvenile affairs inspector who talked in a car with a 10-year-old boy without parental consent. Assessing the situation, the journalist used folk proverbs “The law is that whatever the drawbar you turn, that’s where it ends up” And “the laws are holy, but the lawyers are dashing adversaries”.

After this, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Karelia appealed to the Kostomuksha City Court with a demand to refute the article. The claim was rejected because the court did not consider it possible to verify the reliability of value judgments.

Today, the Supreme Court of Karelia overturned the previous decision and ordered the newspaper to refute the proverbs, reports the publication’s lawyer Elena Pavlova.

“It’s a strange decision, we are shocked and don’t know how it can be implemented, how to refute the proverb? There is a restriction on freedom of speech and freedom of thought,” said Lyubov Gorokhova.

We decided to help our colleagues and offer our own refutation options. For example, “a law is not a pole, but a set of mandatory norms and rules governing social relations,” or “laws are holy, and legalists are worthy of canonization.”

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Drawbar - in the harness there is a beam to which the harness and arc are attached, between two drawbars there is a horse, one end of each drawbar is tied to a cart or sleigh. Wherever the horse is turned, the drawbar is turned.

Here, for example: Roma hit Tolik’s fist with his nose, as a result of which Tolik formed a hematoma on the third phalanx of the middle finger of his right hand. We propose to hold Romka administratively liable for causing minor injuries to Tolya. Or we can look at this situation differently, from the point of view of the Law!

So it is with us. Despite the fact that the Ministry of Justice insists on its position that it is impossible to carry out the procedure for the City Governor to appoint a manager for the election of deputies of the City Duma of the head of Volgograd, other interested parties are confident of the opposite. Well, if you really want to, then you can turn the river back. United Russia doesn't care about the laws of society or rather the laws of nature. After all, I really want it! What a law! .

Deputy Minister of Justice of Russia Dmitry Kostennikov confirmed the previously announced position of the department regarding the election of the head of Volgograd from among the deputies. He emphasized that the head of Volgograd cannot be elected before March 2013, when the powers of the current City Duma expire. Even earlier, the same opinion was voiced by First Deputy Minister of Justice Alexander Fedorov in his response to a letter from State Duma deputy Alevtina Aparina.

“Ch. 2, Article 40 of Federal Law No. 131 establishes that the term of office of an elected official of local self-government cannot be less than two or more than five years.” Considering that the current composition of the Volgograd City Duma will exercise its powers for less than two years, the head of the city cannot be elected from its composition immediately after the registered changes to the Charter of the Hero City come into force,” said the response of First Deputy Minister of Justice of Russia Fedorov.
However, the prosecutor of the Volgograd region, in an official letter to State Duma deputy Aparina, expressed the opposite point of view:

State Duma deputy Mr. Timchenko has the same opinion, who addressed the Chairman of the Volgograd City Duma Irina Kareva with his understanding of the Law:

It is precisely this procedure that is proposed to be approved at the next meeting of the Volgograd City Duma, as soon as a United Russia recommendation is brought from Moscow to replace Irina Kareva, Chairman of the Volgograd City Duma, with deputy Alexander Mordvintsev, who will become the head of Volgograd.

Meanwhile, on June 14 at 10 o’clock a court hearing will be held in the Volgograd Regional Court, at which Evgeny Zhuravlev’s application to protect the constitutional rights of citizens to elect and be elected to local government bodies will be considered. In the statement, he asks the court “to make a decision to ensure the constitutional right to elect and be elected to local government bodies by determining the period no later than which the authorized body must appoint and hold early elections of the head of Volgograd, by establishing the procedure for their appointment and suppressing actions that create a threat of violation this right."

The interested parties in this case are: the Volgograd City Duma, the election commission of the Volgograd city district (which, by the way, was liquidated by the decision of the Duma about a month ago as “unnecessary”), the acting head of Volgograd S.N. Sokolov, Department of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for the Volgograd Region and the Prosecutor's Office.

According to Evgeny Zhuravlev:

“Each body brought to court will have to express its position on this issue. In which it would be more logical for the Department of the Ministry of Justice to support the legal position of its ministry, repeatedly stated in responses to requests from deputies. The position of the acting head of Volgograd and the City Duma can be assumed with a probability of up to 100%. It is more difficult to guess what the opinion of the prosecutor's office and the city election commission will be. The most important and determining opinion that can be expressed will be the legal position of the regional court, considering this application as a court of first instance.”

Where will the horse turn if the bridle is pulled, on the one hand, by United Russia State Duma deputies, the governor and his team, the new and old team of the Volgograd mayor's office, the regional prosecutor and the majority of deputies of the Volgograd City Duma, and on the other hand, just some first deputy and just the Deputy Minister of Justice of Russia?

It turns out to be an amazing thing! Legislators, when developing and adopting the Law, mean one thing, and the body involved in legal regulation understands something else. I don’t understand why adopt such legal documents and legislative acts and then endlessly jump through the courts?
Rhetorical question...

Budget-financed TV channels State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Khakassia", Republican Television Network (RTS), "Abakan 24", "NotaBene. Main News of the South of Siberia" and other media are conducting veiled campaigning against the candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the elections of the head of the region, Valentin Konovalov. Local officials also joined anti-communist actions in the republic. Deputy Minister of National and Territorial Policy of Khakassia Natalya Salata organized an internal conference with Khakassian politicians and activists who called for voting against the communist candidate.

You ask - what's wrong here? But that's not the case here. Since Valentin Konovalov is currently the only politician who will be represented on the ballot, the situation is not developing in the most beautiful and, most importantly, illegal way.

The fact is that Federal Law “On the basic guarantees of electoral rights and the right to participate in a referendum of citizens of the Russian Federation” expressly prohibits conducting an election campaign against any candidate not from the funds of the election fund of another candidate.

Since there will be only one candidate in the elections, there is no opponent’s election fund from which to pay for campaigning against Konovalov.

Election campaigning carried out during the election campaign includes, among other things:

C) A description of the possible consequences if a particular candidate is elected or not elected;

D) Dissemination of information in which information about any candidate clearly predominates in combination with negative comments;

E) Activities that contribute to the creation of a negative attitude of voters towards the candidate.

The scientific and practical commentary to Federal Law No. 67 “On Basic Guarantees...” also explains that citizens who are not candidates and do not speak on behalf of candidates in the manner prescribed by law have the right to conduct election campaigning in such forms and by such methods as which do not require financial costs: they can organize public campaign events and participate in them, carry out oral campaigning, and campaign in other ways.

With the consent of the candidate, citizens have the opportunity to conduct election campaigning within the framework of the airtime and print space provided to the candidate, as well as create and distribute printed, audiovisual and other campaign materials, provided that the corresponding financial costs are made exclusively from the election fund.

Organizations that produce mass media, in the event that they disclose (publish) campaigning and information materials (including those containing reliable information) that could damage the honor, dignity or business reputation of a candidate, are obliged to provide the relevant candidate with the opportunity to publish free of charge before the end of the campaign period (publish) a refutation or other explanation in defense of one’s honor, dignity or business reputation.

However, apparently, for the local press, which receives financial support from budget money, the law is like a drawbar: wherever you turn, it goes there.

Red landing in Khakassia. State Duma deputies from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation were sent to help Konovalov

Parliamentarians expect provocations from local authorities during elections October 16, 2018

Manipulation of public opinion

In the period from October 16 to 19, the republican television channels of Khakassia aired a number of stories that formed a negative image of the candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Valentin Konovalov.

It all started on October 16 with news releases on the RTS and Abakan 24 channels, in which the League of Khakass Women Altynai opposed the young and green 30-year-old candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in the election of the head of the republic.

On the air of the Khakassia State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company there also appeared a story about the local election commission setting the date of the elections, where the Khakass interviewed and included in the news release either spoke out sharply against the young candidate or against the Communist Party of the Russian Federation as such. They also mentioned those same Khakass women who are afraid that Konovalov will return the republic to the nineties. Through the mouth of the correspondent, the voter is instilled with the idea of ​​what if the elections take place. this will work against everyone. However, already on October 23 the video was deleted from the official channel of State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Khakassia" on YouTube.

The next day, October 17, VTsIOM released a survey that actually formed public opinion, and, according to the results, “the majority (62%) of residents of the Republic of Khakassia consider gubernatorial elections in which only one candidate participates unacceptable.”

State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Khakassia" (on October 23 the video was also deleted), RTS and “NotaBene. Main news of the South of Siberia" (video was deleted) picked up this survey and covered it in their news, accompanied by comments from people on the street. Everyone who was included in the final layout of the issues clearly expressed the position that elections with one candidate are not elections, but a mockery. They say there should be at least two candidates so that people have someone to choose from.

The fact that everyone who could participate in the second round elections, one after another, withdrew their candidacies, except for Konovalov, is preferred not to be recalled on television, and the voter has already partially forgotten.

On the same day, the RTS television channel reported that the youth leaders of Khakassia also spoke out against Konovalov, who at a special press conference called on the candidate to withdraw from the elections. Among the so-called youth leaders are the acting head of the Khakassian branch of the Union of Volunteers of Russia Nikita Malchikov, the head of the republican branch of the pro-government organization “Volunteers of Victory” Anzhelika Makarenko and the head of the Khakassian youth public organization “Askhir”, affiliated with the local government, Ayla Tyundesheva.

It is noteworthy that the Union of Volunteers of Russia at the federal level is headed by people from the Young Guard of United Russia (MGER) - now the chairman of the Youth Chamber at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia Elena Erakina and former member of the coordination council of MGER Sergei Bondarenko.

On October 18, local athletes also campaigned to vote against the young and supposedly inexperienced Konovalov on the air of the news broadcasts of RTS, “Abakan 24” (the video was deleted still on October 23), “NotaBene. The main news of the South of Siberia" (and this video was deleted October 23). All three episodes showed the same faces, filmed at the same time in the gym - the Honored Master of Sports, the boxing coach of the Olympic Reserve School of Martial Arts, the Honored Kickboxing Trainer of Russia and the World Kickboxing Champion.

The very next day, October 19, representatives of national diasporas and religious organizations also called on communist Konovalov to withdraw. The corresponding stories were aired on the RTS and " Abakan 24"(the video from this channel was also deleted on October 23). The message is still the same: elections without choice, Konovalov - get out!

Also on October 19, on the air of the local TV channel “NotaBene. Main News of the South of Siberia” showed a news release that pitted voters against candidate Konovalov. By an amusing coincidence, the issue used a commentary by political strategist Andrei Kolyadin, which he gave to our publication. However, the phrase was taken out of context and presented from a convenient angle for the TV channel.

Heavy artillery

The apogee of what was happening was a meeting of public and political activists in the building of the Khakass branch of the ONF on October 22. As it later turned out, the meeting was organized through the mediation of the Deputy Minister of National and Territorial Policy of Khakassia Natalya Salata.

Viktor Lebedev, who previously worked as a correspondent for the local government newspaper “Khakassia” and ex-deputy of the Supreme Council of the Republic from United Russia, together with representatives of other public organizations that had previously appeared in the above-mentioned television news broadcasts, called on citizens to sabotage the second round of elections for the head of Khakassia.

In this case, social activists see the only possible scenario for the development of events in the failure of the communist Konovalov, the calling of new elections and the nomination of the acting head of the republic, Mikhail Razvozhaev.

“People who go to the polls will have to take the following steps, Lebedev explained to the activists. - They must come to the polls and vote against the uncontested candidate. At the exit from the polling stations, a mass public poll will be launched, in which people will be presented with a ballot paper in which they can choose the very people's candidate whom they will support in a competitive election."

This incident with United Russia members and social activists, and even within the walls of a branch of the All-Russian Popular Front, required the intervention of the leaders of the Khakass ONF themselves. In a conversation with local journalists, they disowned all statements and initiatives proposed at the meeting.

“When they came from the Ministry of National Policy and said that they would have an event, they explained to us that there would be a meeting between Deputy Minister Salata and social activists. Therefore, we did not consider it necessary to remove our symbols... We were not warned what type of event it would be, and they did not coordinate it with us. We have nothing to do with this event and the campaigning at it. Otherwise, we would have removed all our symbols from the conference room. I would say we were misled", - Svetlana Gerasimenko, media relations coordinator of the ONF branch in the republic, commented to the 19rus.info portal.

There is one more interesting detail. On October 11, the latest issue of the government newspaper “Khakassia” was published. It was released not in the usual circulation of 2.5 to 20 thousand, but increased to 170 thousand copies. Almost the entire issue is dedicated to the candidate from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Valentin Konovalov, who is presented in the newspaper in, to put it mildly, an unsightly light. It’s enough just to give an example of a couple of headings to understand everything: “Konovalov’s headquarters is in agony”, “Zimin’s puppet meanly abandoned him”, “Maybe I can handle it, maybe not, but how lucky you are.”

And the final chord: today, October 23, Konovalov, being the only candidate for the post of head of the Republic of Khakassia, came to debate with himself. The standard scenario in this case should look like this: the presenter asks questions, the candidate answers them.

However, this time a woman who has nothing to do with the elections was put up against the communist in the election debate - a certain Elena Dukhmina, who heads the public organization “Kind Heart of Khakassia”. A woman who, by the way, attended the press conference at the ONF headquarters on October 22 as one of the speakers.

For all these incidents, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation sent seven complaints to the prosecutor's office, Roskomnadzor and filed a complaint with the Khakass Election Commission.

The working group of the election commission has already considered the complaints of the communists during the meeting today, but no violations of the law were noticed. The position of the media representatives present - RTS, Abakan 24, State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Khakassia and Nota Bene - was that they did not campaign against Konovalov, but only informed citizens. The Communist Party also submitted its complaints to the Central Election Commission.

Surely each of us has heard the proverb “The law is that the drawbar: wherever you turn, that’s where it comes out.” But not everyone knows what a drawbar is. Let's try together to understand the meaning of this word and where it is used.


In order to understand what drawbar means, you need to familiarize yourself with the definition of this word. In the most common sense, a drawbar is understood as a shaft by which the cart is attached to the horse for further movement. There are single and paired drawbars. The design of the latter is made in such a way as to separate the horses in a paired team without loss of traction force.

It is attached to the front axle of the cart. In Russian, this word is considered borrowed. It comes from the Polish word dyszel.

Also, some car enthusiasts may be looking for an answer to the question. As a second meaning of the word, a drawbar is understood as a device that connects a vehicle to the turning axle of a trailer.

In both cases, this is a device that connects the vehicle to the trailer/cart. In practice, the drawbar designs in the trailer and in the harness differ slightly from each other.

Using a drawbar in the household

The drawbar is needed by people who have a couple of horses on their farm. When harvesting, one horse is not enough. In order to harness two horses to a team, a trail-and-drawbar harness is used. The drawbar is located between the horses, each of them needs to be fastened to it.

Line-drawbar harnessing is carried out in the following way:

  1. Collars and bridles must be placed on each horse.
  2. We place the horses so that the drawbar is between them.
  3. Then you need to put straps on the drawbar and fasten them on the bib of each horse. The handlers adjust the lines and fix the collar on the animal’s neck.
  4. We attach bibs to the clamp.
  5. And at the very end you need to attach the reins to the bridle.

Drawbar in a car trailer

Not every experienced mechanic knows what a drawbar is in a trailer’s design. The tongue is a lever located on the front of the trailer frame.

The design can be A-shaped or I-shaped. This may include:

  • Safety rope.
  • Hitch nodes.
  • Folding stand (some trailers do not have this).
  • Support (trolley) wheel.
  • A spare wheel can also be mounted on it.

The trailer drawbar bears the main load. Therefore, the greater the trailer’s transportation weight, the more serious the drawbar design will be. If the trailer's load capacity is small, an I-frame design is used. Accordingly, the A-shaped one is designed to transport heavier loads. It prevents the trailer from swaying when driving over potholes and uneven road surfaces.

In addition, the design of the drawbar of a car trailer can be removable or foldable, which, in turn, is very helpful when storing in small rooms.

Explain the proverb, please? “The law is what the drawbar is, where it turned there and came out” and received the best answer

Answer from Dupl[expert]
The law is that the drawbar: where you turn (you turn), that’s where it comes out
THE LAW OF THE PINK: WHERE YOU TURN (turn), THAT’S WHERE IT COMES OUT. The law is always subject to arbitrary interpretation. “It’s a law, what a drawbar, hehe,” Ezdakov muttered, “where I turned, that’s where it came out.” Laws are written in offices. On paper everything is smooth and good... No, try it in the taiga... with these convict people. Shishkov, Ugryum-river. The worker is always to blame, but the owner is right... - Well, the ministers are not responsible for this... - But who is? After all, they write the laws in such a way that they can be turned in any way. This, brother, is the whole rub: the law is what the drawbar is: wherever you turn, that’s where it comes out. They are written not for our benefit, but for the master’s. I. Kozlov, Life in struggle. You must speak to your superiors respectfully, but firmly, when the law is on your side. - The law is that the drawbar: wherever you turn, that’s what happens. Especially Alekseev. He is the king and god here, and he does what he wants, regardless of anyone or anything. Stepanov, Port Arthur. “We, Volodymyritch, have been given one law from God, follow it and don’t think too hard,” the father stubbornly said, getting irritated. - What kind of law is this? The law, it is said, is like a drawbar: where you put it in, it comes out. Gladkov, A Tale of Childhood. - Now the buckwheat is gone... This, baht, is none of my business - instead of buckwheat and rye, you owe me the tithe to mow and thresh. . Such a law, baht... What are you going to do? His [the owner's] law is that where the pole goes, that's where it goes. Garin-Mikhailovsky, On the move. Some Budoshniks might not have liked it, but it didn’t comply with the law; but who thought to ask the Budoshnikov, and the law... The mayor judged him in a Russian court: “the law is like a horse: turn it where it is needed.” Leskov, Odnodum.
- Dahl: The law of the drawbar: wherever you want, you turn there (that’s where it went); Rybnikova: The law is the drawbar, where it turns, it goes there.
Source: dictionary. ru/418/

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Explain the proverb, please? "The law is what the drawbar is, where it turned there and it came out"

Answer from IIK[guru]
They attacked you, you gave in to them in defense. And they attack you. A recent case of an accident with someone Lukoilovsky.

Answer from Dmitriy[guru]
Read about accidents with flashing lights.

Answer from Kirill ********[active]
They did it as they wanted.

Answer from VLADIMIR SHEBZUKHOV[active]
New broom or law that drawbar
Vladimir Shebzukhov
"A new broom sweeps in a new way"
They decided to punish the donkey.
They knew his stubbornness.
That stubbornness cannot be broken.
So they gave me a reprimand...
The giraffe was unlucky in that -
He stuck out often.
He had to accept it with a donkey,
Your own misfortune from the authorities
There has been a revolution in the forest.
The government has changed.
And in anticipation of what awaits them,
The beast suddenly hid...
The giraffe received it with delight
Medal for Vision.
The president himself handed it to him.
I never dreamed of this.
Another medal awaited
Donkey, to his delight.
For what he had
Your own integrity!