Farewell gift to the teacher. What to give to a kindergarten teacher or nanny for her birthday? We offer for your consideration the so-called “top ten” gift ideas for teachers on Teacher’s Day

The first teacher is usually called a primary school teacher, but this is not entirely true. By right, the first person who becomes an authority for a child and whom he wants to imitate is the teacher.

It is these people who begin to shape our worldview, teach and instill life skills in a playful way. Having become an adult, a person still remembers his impressions of kindergarten and the name of the teacher.

It is also significant for parents, because it is he who is entrusted with looking after your still small children and shaping their personality. Therefore, on the eve of the teacher’s anniversary, children and parents decide what to give the teacher for his birthday. After all, everyone wants to make this day joyful for him.

Children make crafts and greeting cards.

Children ask their parents how to draw a birthday present for their beloved mentor. And at home, together with them, they are preparing a surprise for her, a portrait of the teacher.

But I want to give something from the whole group. Therefore, they decide together with adults how to draw a birthday present. It must touch the heart of the mentor and be remembered by him. This could be a wall newspaper with photographs and congratulations. Or this photo collage.

A beautiful bouquet of fresh flowers is an essential element of the teacher’s birthday ceremony.

A delicate orchid in a pot will remind you of this day for a long time.

Or this beautifully decorated flower.

A cute dog and a composition of fresh flowers will not leave your mentor indifferent.

Or a box with flowers, sweets and a cute soft toy.

You can make interesting flowerpots from pencils or numbers.

Make a bouquet of candies with your own hands together with your parents.

A symbolic candy cake is also an interesting gift option.

An original present would be cookies with icing and congratulations (see).

Advice. On the eve of the holiday, it is better for parents to get together and decide who will do what and give what. Then the gifts will be varied and interesting. For example, someone will bake cookies, others will help make a collage.

A gift for a teacher presented in a basket will look aesthetically pleasing and impressive. This could be a set of good tea with chocolate.

Or various delicacies.

Interesting gifts for a teacher's birthday

Do not forget about the main mentor, who organizes the entire process of work of the preschool institution, about the head of the kindergarten.


  • For example, you can give him, like the teacher, a beautiful porcelain set.

  • A good gift is a set for making coffee.

  • This elegant porcelain figurine is an exquisite gift for a mentor. It will decorate the interior of your home and will remind you of the group that presented it for many years.

  • Not only beautiful, but also a symbolic gift - porcelain elephants, a symbol of well-being and prosperity.

  • The now fashionable florarium will decorate your home interior, flowers in a vessel or a miniature aquarium.

  • To ensure that your mentor always looks good, give her a good cosmetic or bath set.

  • A gift for soul and body - handmade soap.

  • Or an aroma lamp and a set of essential oils. They will help relieve fatigue and recover psychologically.

Hints. Before giving a gift to your mentor, try to find out what she loves and what she is interested in so that the gift meets her wishes. Perhaps the teacher has long wanted to purchase some household appliances. After all, you must agree that this is not the most affluent category of professions.

DIY bouquet for the teacher

Step-by-step instruction. Photo. Description.

Let's prepare the materials: ribbon, flowers, sisal fiber, thin floral wire,

We begin to weave the frame of the bouquet from floral wire.

This is what it looks like when finished.

We make a bouquet stem from wire and wrap it with ribbon.

We put sisal fiber on top of the frame.

We insert flowers into the frame of the bouquet.

We tie the stems with ribbon.
You can attach crayons, a pencil, or a pen to the frame to indicate who the bouquet is intended for.

Video in this article: Mentors will be pleased if, in addition to a gift, you prepare an interesting number for them, as in this video:

The value of your gift is not in its cost, but in the feeling of gratitude for raising your children. After all, they are partly their children, they give them part of their soul.

Somehow it just so happened that our preschool education was “overshadowed” by secondary education. Congratulating teachers on the First and Last Bell, Teacher's Day, and graduation is a common and important thing for schoolchildren and their families.

But sometimes they simply forget to congratulate a teacher, even the most talented one, on his holiday - Preschool employee's day.

This, on the one hand, is understandable: “preschool” teachers found their own holiday only in 2004. It was then that leading pedagogical publications came up with the initiative to create such a national professional holiday September 27.

Teachers and nannies are the people who, after parents, spend the most time with children. And at the same time they have far from adequate pay. Of course, when this holiday approaches, I really want to somehow please the teachers and express my gratitude to them. And here the “pangs of creativity” begin: what gift ideas will be most optimal?

It would be worth noting right away that the value of a gift is absolutely not identical to the amount of money, therefore it is not very tactful to select a precious metal or something quite intimate as a gift (perfume, cosmetics, bed linen, for example). Vases, sets, figurines are also not a thing: all teachers have bins full of such goods.

So parent committees are faced with a choice: what to give to the teacher in order to please and not embarrass him? We also invite you to read the articles entitled: and, which contain original gift ideas, if the gift options listed below do not suit you.

Usually people working in kindergartens are modest, they feel very awkward when they receive any gifts from the parents of their pupils. You can congratulate your child’s favorite teacher with a banal bouquet (candies) or just in words, and, believe me, he will be sincerely happy. But you really want to give something that will find a warm response in the teacher’s heart and will become a good reminder of his students and their parents for many years to come.

We offer for your consideration the so-called “top ten” gift ideas for teachers on Teacher’s Day.

# Gift Certificate

As you know, the teacher is usually always a woman. And what woman doesn’t want to pick up something special for herself in a company store?

An original stand with pencils, pens and other office rubbish - always relevant and intelligent!

Since teaching is a nervous profession, a teacher simply needs inspiration. This is where motivators come to the rescue!

About the same benefit comes from a book with wise sayings. In addition, it will help the teacher to sparkle with his intellect at a teacher’s council or meeting, and this is important!

In itself, it is also a good gift. But if it is filled with photographs or drawings of students and “seasoned” with signatures and wishes, it will be amazing.

Today, all information is more often in electronic form, and flash memory, and even in souvenir format, is not an excellent choice for a gift for a teacher on a professional holiday?

# Wallet

It can be given “with subtext”, having first put there, say, a dollar (for a man) and a hryvnia (for a woman) - let them multiply.

Working in a kindergarten is a responsible and troublesome task. There are not many days when you have the opportunity to sincerely thank teachers, nannies, psychologists and other kindergarten workers for their care for your children. That is why, when thinking about what to give for Teacher’s Day on September 27, parents should be guided not so much by the message “that’s how it should be, that’s how everyone does it,” but by the desire to please every person who, day after day, gives all their care to the kids.

As a rule, it is the “heartfelt” gifts that are remembered: either postcards made with the help of children, or a commemorative vase with engraving.

When discussing what to give for Teacher's Day, it is better for parents to immediately decide on the direction of choice. In any case, a gift for Teacher’s Day must meet at least one of the following points:

  • originality,
  • practicality,
  • relationship with the profession,
  • if you have already known each other for the first year - by the character of the teacher or nanny.

Standard set for Teacher's Day

The simplest option is to give everyone flowers on Teacher’s Day and, so that teachers don’t get bored during quiet time, some sweets. It is especially suitable for those who are in the kindergarten for the first year, when the parents still do not really know each other and do not know the kindergarten staff well enough. The gift is inexpensive (you can buy a beautiful bouquet for less than 500 rubles), but memorable and bright.

Although almost the whole month of September is enough time to decide what to give as an original gift for Teacher’s Day. If the parent committee is quite active, but it is not possible to give expensive gifts, you can supplement the flowers with folders, photo envelopes, or posters with individual congratulatory messages made independently or ordered from a photo studio.

Beautiful things lift your spirits, and the kindergarten staff are mostly women, so you can always give beautiful surprises: paintings, photo frames, sets of handmade soaps and care products and so on. Even if you insert a collage of all the guys in the group into an ordinary photo frame for 150 rubles, you will get a truly priceless thing.

It is not necessary to buy a gift. It is important, after all, attention.

Elena, a teacher with 10 years of experience, writes:
“I would like, as a teacher, to offer parents, as a gift, to write a collective letter of gratitude to their teacher with the signatures of all the parents of the group and take it to the head for their personal file. Otherwise, if we complain, we run to the manager and in writing, but for some reason we are shy with kind, positive feedback. Believe me, your teacher will be very pleased with this.”

A utilitarian approach to a gift for Teacher's Day

If parents are practical and think that for Teacher’s Day it is better to give something useful in the household (especially considering the not too high salaries in the field of preschool education) - then this may also be the right decision: the whole group can add up to a fairly worthwhile thing, be it

  • household appliances in the range of 2,500-3,000 rubles (juicer, hair dryer, food processor, coffee machine),
  • a set of baking dishes (if the teacher likes to do this) – 500-1000 rubles,
  • a small piece of computer equipment (if the teacher has a computer, and without it today it is almost impossible to work in education): for example, a photo printer will cost you 3,800 rubles, but the teacher will be able to print photographs on it themselves and prepare wall newspapers.

Just don’t forget that the holiday is not just for one teacher, but for all kindergarten employees related to your children (nurses, cooks, speech therapist, physical educator, head) - you should calculate your strengths and capabilities. A gift on such a day should not break the bank, but rather simply express a feeling of gratitude.

Gift for Teacher's Day, taking into account specialization

You can take another simple path, using all your creativity, determining what to give for Teacher’s Day, so that all the gifts are different and correspond to the specialization of each employee:

  • teacher – a chic diary (to record children's pranks and other useful things). You can buy it in a designer store for 500-1000 rubles, or you can make it yourself - if any of the mothers are engaged in scrapbooking, then now is the time to put your talents into practice: decorate the book with children's photos and funny children's poems;
  • to the nanny – an original funny clock (so you’ll never be late for breakfast in kindergarten). For 500 rubles you can find not an ordinary alarm clock, but one with a voice recorder - record it with the voice of one of the children in the group “He who goes to kindergarten in the morning acts wisely,” and the nanny will be delighted;
  • psychologist – a warm scarf (she makes sure that the children have a warm feeling in their souls). You can make this gift yourself if any of the mothers knit;
  • music director – a convenient container for music CDs or a photo album (after all, she prepares so many holidays, she needs to leave a memory of them). Such a gift will cost you 500-1000 rubles.

“Kill two birds with one stone”...

By the way, don’t forget that you can also give things that help in your work on Teacher’s Day: kindergarten workers are constantly racking their brains over where to get them, how to make them and purchase them. aids for activities with children, for work. If parents take on this responsibility, they will be able to “kill two birds with one stone”, benefiting their children as well.

Thus, you can give musical phonograms, interesting methodological literature, hand-made visual aids. Moreover, you can make this gift absolutely yourself: if one of your parents works in a record company or in a library, then your specialization can be very useful. The kindergarten staff will not be offended at all if the gift is shared: something significant, needed for the kindergarten and for activities with children.

The main thing is that you need to give any gift on Teacher’s Day from the heart, and not “tearing it from the heart.” And, if financial issues arise, it is better to discuss them with the parent committee in the absence of children. During the holiday, children should understand that pleasing someone close to you is real joy!

Are all gifts for Teacher's Day equally beautiful?..

1. on the one hand, parents, whose concern for several years was to build relationships with the kindergarten and sometimes give gifts;

2. on the other hand - to confirm or refute the correctness of your reasoning - with the kindergarten employees themselves.

We asked the first ones what memorable gifts they gave to kindergarten workers on their professional day, the second ones - what they gave them on that day, which gifts did they like, and which ones did they not like?

Gifts for Teacher's Day - parents share their experiences:

Natalya, 31 years old, mother of three children:
— We usually didn’t think twice about what to give for Teacher’s Day. Firstly, the decision on such issues is always made by the chairman of the parent committee, and secondly, flowers were most often presented on this day. In the group, the middle daughter was also given candy. Beautiful, in souvenir boxes. They also gave tea and cards. Once - a tea set.

Diana, 25 years old, mother of one child:
— The most significant gift, perhaps, was last year. Knowing that the kindergarten always has problems with publicizing events and activities with children, we decided to give one gift on the day of the kindergarten employee - for the kindergarten. And we chose the best music center for us at the price. It seemed to us that the teachers, nannies and other specialists were not offended that we did not pay attention to each individual. Moreover, one of the problems was solved.

Vladimir, 33 years old, father of one child:
“I don’t remember whose idea it was: one of the mothers suggested it, I think.” But this gift was remembered not only by the teachers. T-shirts were ordered: regular, plain, inexpensive, approximately the same size. But the trick was that before this, the women wrote funny texts about each employee - and ordered these texts to be printed on T-shirts. There also seemed to be a discount for the fact that the order was large. Then they gave it to everyone separately, it was fun.

Alena, mother of two children:
“I remember how they gathered in the utility room, and, trying so that no one would find out, they glued multi-colored envelopes into which they then put photographs taken suddenly, secretly, in the bustle of comings and goings with the children. The surprise was a success.

Gifts for Teacher's Day - remember the employees of preschool institutions:

Anna Fedorovna, music director:

“They only gave me flowers, and I was always very pleased.” They also gave cards with warm words. But if they gave me something else, I wouldn’t care what. The main thing is attention.

Nadezhda Mikhailovna, a teacher with extensive experience:

— A set of glasses, porcelain cups, a jug, a wicker vase... What didn’t you really like? When they gave, for example, panels or some kind of interior souvenirs and trinkets. It seems like a beautiful thing, it would be a pity to hide it out of sight, but there is nowhere to hang it or put it, since the interior of the house is completely finished. In the end, you don’t even remember who gave some souvenirs. Cosmetics too... The gift set did not suit me, and in general, when they give cosmetics, it feels like they slightly underestimate the teacher as a person. After all, he is able to choose for himself what suits him. What did you like? A flower in a pot brought joy for a long time and the memory of the holiday was long lasting. They also gave me a cookbook and an encyclopedia, which I really liked. I wouldn’t want to receive expensive gifts: I would feel very awkward, as if obligated for something, guilty.

Irina Leonidovna, teacher, speech therapist:

“I remember when, at the beginning of my work, the parents of the students gave me flower pots. I didn’t understand then: did they give them to me to take home, or should I leave them in the group? It was a little awkward and a little unpleasant from this. I remember my professional holiday when I was presented with a self-made photo album, very beautiful, with the first photo pasted in - my students. This is cool! They also once gave me a wall clock, but after two days it stopped working. This is the case.

Marina Vyacheslavovna, head of the kindergarten:

— I remember a nice flower vase, books, chocolate. I remember all the gifts. And I think that on a professional holiday it is more important not what is given, but what is said at the same time. I like everything connected with flowers: you feel that people respect you. Sweet gifts are also nice, fruits... But I consider expensive gifts inappropriate. If the teacher has not sunk “below the plinth”, I think he will be unpleasant about such things as a ring, a microwave oven, a leather briefcase, etc. I consider it philistine to collect a large sum and ask the teacher what to give him.

Anna Ivanovna, teacher:

— The parents of our short-stay group gave me a candy bouquet and a card to a cosmetics store. I liked it, it was a worthy and pleasant gift. A bouquet of sweets is actually very original!

Marina I, teacher:

— The Parents Committee made a comic congratulatory wall newspaper with photographs of children and teachers. It turned out very well.

Maria Petrova, teacher:

— We had this: a postcard for the main teacher (I work as a substitute, that is, they didn’t count me as a teacher) and a wall clock for the group.

Varvara Sergeevna A., teacher:

— Of course, the gift on this day should be for the teacher, and not for the group. Still, this is a personal professional day, and not a kindergarten day or something like that. I would be glad for any surprise and attention. A bouquet of flowers, a souvenir, photographs of the guys in an album. It's not about money, it's about attention. It's always nice to work when you know that your parents are grateful to you and care about you.

A store for educators and caring parents - “Kindergarten” (detsad-shop.ru) Equipping kindergartens with toys and teaching materials. Low prices, products from Russian manufacturers!

This is a very important person who raises children, takes care of them, invests their first education in them. Of course, she needs to be congratulated with something very beautiful and sincere. Gifts are given to teachers every year, and it is very difficult to choose something original and not banal and familiar. And especially on a birthday, when the birthday boy really wants miracles!

A very important point: when choosing what to give your child’s teacher for his birthday, do not strive for excessive originality, but also do not give anything banal. Cakes and other sweets, for example, are given to teachers and educators for any occasion, and it is not for nothing that diabetes is often called a teacher’s disease. But a gift that is too creative, something with jokes, is also risky, because the birthday girl may not understand. Do not give anything personal - cosmetics and personal care products, clothes, accessories, jewelry. Only loved ones can give this. Find something beautiful and unobtrusive, soulful and memorable. She will be pleased!

In memory of the children

The teachers are always very attached to their groups, because they spend whole days together for several years in a row. It’s almost the same as having your own children – and you always want to remember them. So you can prepare a beautiful keepsake that will always remind her of her loving and grateful children!


Handmade gifts - what could be nicer and better? When thinking about what to give your teacher on his birthday, be sure to check out these ideas. These are the most sincere and warm souvenirs that will evoke a lot of pleasant emotions and leave memories for years!

Practical and original

If the gift not only pleasantly surprises the birthday girl on her birthday, but also stays in her home, helps her, or simply gives her pleasure, this is a particularly good choice. So bet on gifts that are worthwhile, practical, or simply beautiful.

If you don’t spare your imagination, you can find a gift that will truly surprise you and leave pleasant memories for many years. Find him and congratulate him with all your heart!

March 8th is ahead, and many of us associate this holiday not only with spring mood and children's poems at matinees, but also with the need to choose gifts for loved ones and not so close people.

If we know our relatives and friends well and, perhaps, can guess about their preferences and wishes, then with teachers and educators it is more difficult. Of course, we would like to thank them for their work, their warm attitude towards our children, and to show how highly we value them. What to give to a teacher or teacher so that the gift will be to her liking?

The Motherhood portal offers twenty gift ideas for teachers and educators for March 8th. Let’s say right away that not every idea is universal, not every idea will suit you and your teachers, because
1) all people are different;
2) everyone’s budget for a gift is different;
3) situations can also be different - for example, you want to make a gift from a class or personally from yourself, depending on this, both the cost of the gift and its “character” will differ.

Still, we hope that one of the options suits you. So…

Gifts for teachers and educators from the class (from the kindergarten group)

1) Gifts related to professional activities
You can give a biology teacher an encyclopedia of plants, an exotic flower in a pot, an aquarium with live fish, or a decorative tree. A foreign language teacher will appreciate a copy of a book by a foreign writer in the original language. You can give a geography teacher a souvenir globe with a hiding place for storing small items, a table lamp in the shape of a miniature globe, a cork map of the world, to which you can attach the necessary notes with buttons. A teacher of literature and Russian language will be happy with the e-book. A teacher of any subject will find a telescopic pointer useful.

2) Small household appliances
Often, the teaching profession is chosen by vocation, and a teacher or educator puts not only his soul, but also all his free time into his favorite work. Give such a teacher household assistants that will help save time and effort, for example, a multicooker, blender, coffee maker, steamer, toaster, yogurt maker or mixer.

3) Gift certificate
When it is difficult to decide on a gift, but preferences are known, gift certificates help out - to perfume and cosmetics stores, household appliances, dishes and household goods, large chain supermarkets. A more exotic, but certainly pleasant option for a woman is a gift certificate for a photo shoot.

4) Gift related to hobby
If it is known that your teacher or educator has a hobby, then you have an absolute trump card in your hands. Give a fan of embroidery or needlework a special set for such work; If your recipient loves to bake or cook, she will need baking dishes, a beautiful tea set, or an illustrated encyclopedia of original recipes.

5) Flower vases
Someone will say: banal, but practical! Teachers and educators are given flowers more often than representatives of other professions. Why not give a spectacular vase in which these flowers can be placed?

6) A set of bed linen or a set of dishes
In this case, of course, it will be useful to know the preferences and tastes of your teacher, as well as practical nuances: it would be a shame to miss and give the teacher a Euro-size bedding set if the bed is double, just as it would be a shame to present the 5th crystal salad bowl.

7) Photo album
Memories warm the soul, and although more and more often photographs are stored in electronic format, it is when they are printed and beautifully designed that they really lift your spirits. You can choose a special album, large format, with a beautiful cover, or even an original one, made to order.

8) USB humidifier-air purifier
In classrooms where there are many children studying, it is often stuffy, the air becomes dry due to heating. An air humidifier powered by a computer will “heal” not only the teacher, but also the students.

9) Collage or gift newspaper to order
You can make a collage yourself - using Photoshop or even simpler programs such as Paint, then print it on a large format printer. Cheerful, bright, touching photographs will be found in the photo archive of every student; all that remains is to add inscriptions. A more exotic option is to order a gift newspaper that completely imitates a real one, but at the same time dedicated to the teacher, his merits and achievements.

10) Video letter
You can create a congratulatory video that will remind your teacher or educator about you and your children for many years to come. You can shoot and process the video yourself or order it from a professional. There is also a more exotic option - a talking video letter: this gadget is attached to the refrigerator and can record and play small video messages.

Gifts for teachers and educators personally from myself

11) Flowers
They are short-lived, but they create a festive, spring mood. If you want your bouquet to stand out from many others, give a flower arrangement in a basket or in a beautiful box that imitates a box. You can also give a flower in a pot - with proper care it will not wither in 3 days, unlike cut bouquets. True, it is better to find out in advance whether your teacher likes to work with plants, and whether he is allergic to flowers.

12) Delicious gifts
If you want a gift that not only smells, but also pleases other senses, give sweets. You can make bouquets of fruits, sweets, or order flowers from caramel mass. The teacher will also be pleased with the cake ordered for the occasion - with a personalized congratulatory inscription and festive decorations. If you know that the teacher does not like sweets, give a beautifully decorated basket with good tea or coffee, expensive cheese, a jar of caviar, and fruit.

13) DIY gift
Draw a beautiful postcard with your child, create an applique using unusual materials - fabric, leather, beads, coffee beans, make paper crafts using the origami technique. You can cast a designer candle or make handmade soap. Your teacher or educator will be touched if you write congratulatory poems with warm words.

14) Photo frame
You can buy it - stores offer many classic and original options - or make it yourself with your child.

15) Event ticket
Give your teacher or educator a ticket to the philharmonic, theater or interesting exhibition (or better yet, two - so that your recipient can go not alone, but in the company of a loved one).

16) Stationery
An original case for pencils, a bright large notebook for notes, a beautiful diary will definitely come in handy for a teacher or educator in their work, which means they will please them. If your budget allows, you can give a solid bag.

17) Handmade soap
It can be made or ordered in an unusual shape to suit the occasion - for example, in the form of an ABC book, a cake, a learned owl, a bouquet of flowers. You can also order personalized soap.

18) Useful items
A ring stand or jewelry holder will appeal to the teacher who loves jewelry. A mug with a lid, a beautiful stand for a mug, a mouse pad (all this can be personalized) - “a trifle, but nice.”

19) Fashionable gadgets
If your teacher is young and tech-savvy, he will definitely appreciate an original flash drive, USB flavor, bright keyboard, practical laptop bag or tablet case.

20) Original alarm clock
Due to their line of work, teachers and educators get up early. Why not make the process easier? You can choose an alarm clock that is designed with humor and imagination, such as a running alarm clock, a flying alarm clock, or a rug alarm clock (you have to stand on it to stop the alarm).

Let us recall the generally accepted taboos about gifts. It is not advisable to give a teacher or educator:

  • cosmetics and perfumes, clothing (these are individual items, most women choose them independently, focusing on their own taste);
  • alcohol;
  • money.

However, exceptions are possible to any rule - especially if you know your teacher very well. If you approach the choice of gifts with the desire to please and please, then everything will turn out well: in the end, the main thing is attention.

I wish you an easy choice of gifts and great pleasure from giving them!

Photo - photobank Lori