I want to confess my love to a guy. Declaration of love in your own words. How to behave after confession

You are the one with whom hours fly by like minutes, and with whom you never want to part... I have never had a person so close to me. I have never loved anyone as much as I love you. 18

It seems to me that I can look into your eyes all day, hug you and receive kisses in return! I adore you, I need you more than life! I love you! 14

I want to enjoy your smile every day, I want to see how happy you are. I love you very much and look forward to meeting you. 22

I am ready to hug and love the whole world, because you are in it, because I love you very much. 7

When I think about you, something pierces my chest. I am ready to turn the whole world and my life upside down for you. I love you. 11

I love you madly!
And I'm yours forever!
I don't see the point in my life,
Without your love!
You are everything to me, my dear,
After all, you are my beloved,
The most super-so! 2

You are always in my thoughts, you are the most precious thing I have! I don’t need anyone except you, I just love you madly! 19

My beloved, desired,
I want to confess
What is more than anything in the world,
I love only you! 7

Know that there is a heart on earth that loves you, waits for you and that wants you every day... Yes, my dear, every day. I love you very much. 11

I want to tell you
About what's on my soul.
My heart is beating so fast,
He misses you and is sad!
I want to confess to you -
I love you madly! 9

I don’t understand well what’s wrong with me, I only know that I fell in love with you. I always want to be with you. 12

Telescope, binoculars, glasses,
Magnifiers, microscopes –
Tell me what to buy you
So that you don't blink your eyes?
To see the stars, life,
To take a sad breath,
So that you can finally
Consider my feelings! 8

You are alone in my heart... My world, my Universe... Mine, only mine! Your look drives me crazy, your voice makes my heart beat faster... You are everything that is most dear and desirable to me. I can't live without you! You are my bright ray of happiness. I live only for you. I love you so much! 9

You're not like that, you're not like everyone else,
You deserve special attention
And I would like to hear in response:
Be with me, everything else is past,
And all I want in this world is
I just want to be loved by you. 10

I want to confess to you
I only love you,
And I'll always be by your side,
And I will love you more than ever! 15

When I met you
I understood instantly
That you are now my destiny,
My most intimate! 8

I think I'm ready for anything
If only you would hug me,
If only I could love once and for all,
And I don't need anyone else
You are the best - and I love you! 10

Love came suddenly
There's no point in explaining for a long time
I realized - you are my favorite,
I do not want to lose you! 11

I feel good with you
Easy, simple, cozy!
I have no soul for you,
I love you madly! 18

How to be the first to confess your love to a man? How to tell a man about love?

Love is beautiful and easy. Do you want your beloved man to feel all the lightness and beauty of the touches of love?

Do you dream big, but don't know how to express it in words? Looking for some inspiration?

Beautiful words of love to your beloved man.

P Confess your feelings beautifully:

  1. “I will always remember the day we met. You know, this day turned my whole life upside down. He made it brighter and richer. Thank you for the bright colors of my new life. I very love you".
  2. "I miss you…. I miss you even when you are a millimeter away from me. I so need your gentle touches, the warmth of your hands is so important to me... Touch and warm. And in return, receive my endless love for you. I love you".
  3. “I want to become a raindrop to quench the thirst of your expectations. I want to become a snowflake so that I can melt on your tender cheek. I want to become the moon to illuminate your path home in the evenings. Every morning I want to be a sunbeam to wake you up for work... But, most of all, I want to always be and remain your beloved. I love you, my most affectionate and most tender.”
  4. “Your kisses are priceless. I dream that there will be as many of them as there are stars in the heights of the romantic night sky. Give me your kisses. I will die without them. And with them I will find unearthly happiness and the belief that I can be the happiest woman on earth. I love you"
  5. “I don’t need a star from heaven: it is useless on earth. I don’t need gold: I myself am an ornament. I don’t need expensive cars: I prefer to walk with you. Give me love! May its flame never fade, may the power of your love not be destroyed by quarrels, scandals, or disagreements. Love, take care, remember."
  6. “Your eyes are the lights by which I live. I want to fall into their abyss and not return. Will you take me into your eyes? I would like to live in them, and in their reflection. I love your eyes. Don’t be jealous: I love you more.”
  7. “How much has been said about the love of words. Even if I repeat myself, even if I am banal, I will say: for me you are everything. If it weren’t for you, my life would be empty, bitter and a river of tears. Thank fate for you! Thank you for being with me. Thank you…. I love you like no one has ever loved.”
  8. “If I had a seven-flowered flower, I would make seven wishes. First: I want to always be with you. Second: I want to always be yours. Third: I want us to never quarrel. Seventh: I dream that all these wishes will come true tenfold. I love you, my flower."

We can talk about love endlessly. There is so much of it that you can even get confused in it. I wish you never get confused in feelings, but always know exactly and clearly to whom your heart is given.

Where is it beautiful to confess your love for a man? In what setting should you say words of love to your beloved man? Where to tell a man about love?

TO How to confess your love to a man? If there is a question “how”, it means that somewhere nearby, there is also a question “where”. This can be done anywhere:

  1. In the cinema (the last row is a great place for confessions).
  2. On the street (for example, standing at a bus stop).
  3. By phone (at any time).
  4. In the store (so that waiting in line won’t be so dreary).
  5. At a party (at any second of all this “cheerful fussiness”).
  6. At the disco (inviting him to the “white dance”).
  7. In the theater (during intermission, for example, when you are nicely eating ice cream).
  8. In the gym (to the sound of the equipment).
  9. In bed (during kissing).
  10. In nature (to the aroma of a fire and the sound of a guitar).
  11. In a romantic setting (you will create it yourself, the way your soul desires).
  12. In transport (when you stand or sit next to you).
  13. At a concert (to melodious music).
  14. In a letter or in a note (which you can, for the sake of humor, leave in the refrigerator, right under the sausage).
  15. In the park (on a nice bench, under the crowns of equally nice trees).
  16. In a cafe (when you drink your favorite cocktail).
  17. In a restaurant (when you get tired of scrolling through the menu).
  18. Away (during the break “between the first and second”, in your ear).
  19. At the Registry Office (and it is not necessary to do this strictly during registration).
  20. At home (comfortable and warm, and love makes it even warmer).

WITH There will always be a catch for declarations of love. Especially for women. They know how to speak beautifully and emotionally. Men like it. Declarations of love are much better than women talking about cosmetics, shopping, problems and other topics not related to love.

You can simply say “I love you very much,” but put your whole soul and all your feelings into these seemingly ordinary words. Then these words will become something unearthly for any man. If a man is a little confused during a confession, do not think that he is indifferent to what you say. Men do not react as quickly to “verbal language” as women do.

Do not be offended by a man if, out of excitement, he responds briefly to your long confession, “I love you too.” He doesn’t want to compete with you, because he knows that you have no equal in verbal language. And he is ashamed that, at his age, he cannot speak as beautifully and smoothly as you.

L love, fall in love and do not be afraid of your own love!

When it's appropriate

If you assume that your chosen one has tender feelings for you, but are unable to decide to confess. Such lack of initiative may be due to his lack of self-confidence, shyness, and drama in past relationships. In such cases, a man, as a rule, can be very careful. However, if by direct or indirect signs and actions you understand that a person is far from indifferent to you, then you can confess your love first. By the way, it is possible that you will take a man by surprise with your words, and he will not immediately orient himself to mutual recognition. Be prepared for the fact that your lover will not decide to take a reciprocal step immediately, but will wait a short pause.

It is possible that you are simply tired of waiting for certainty, and cannot understand whether it is difficult for a man to muster the courage to declare his love, or he simply does not consider you as a potential lover. If you clearly understand that you don’t want to wait any longer, and in order to move forward, you need to clarify this issue, then talk about your feelings. They may not be mutual, but it's better to take the time to turn your attention to the other guy and forget about him than to feed empty illusions.

When it's inappropriate

Many men are by nature leaders and “hunters” who are interested in wooing a woman and being the leader in a relationship. If your chosen one is of this type, then most likely he will want to take the relationship to a new level with his confession.

This is inappropriate if your relationship was at the flirting level. Perhaps the young man is just taking a closer look at you, assessing the prospects of your possible relationship. In this case, you may scare him away with your hasty confession.

Do not confess your love to a person who is definitely not aware of your feelings. Perhaps we are talking about an old friend or colleague. Your words can put a man into a stupor, and this reaction will clearly only disappoint you. Try to start with flirting to understand the approximate attitude of your chosen one towards you. Perhaps after this the first declaration of love will come not from you, but from him.

If a man is already in a relationship, and it seems to you that he cannot make up his mind solely because he is not sure of your feelings. Or you want to push him to choose your favor. A young man may consider this intrusiveness and manipulation. And in general, if he loved you, he would hardly be in a relationship with another woman. Second option: if he really needs to make sure of your feelings for the final choice, he will ask you about them himself.

And, perhaps, the main rule: do not confess love if there is none. Some women take this step when they are depressed or want to finally break off their relationship with their boyfriend or husband. It may seem that declaring your love to another man will help you overcome a personal crisis, even if in fact you don’t have any exciting emotions when you see this person. This is actually a misconception. If you start an affair with a guy you hope to eventually fall in love with, you'll only be setting yourself up for more problems. Just understand yourself, solve your current difficulties without playing with other people's feelings.

How to confess your love to your loved one in your own words

  • Your confession must come at the right time. Make sure that your lover is not busy with any important business, that he is not in a bad mood, and that he is not in a hurry. The ideal option is a date where you both feel relaxed.
  • You should not confess your feelings in an inappropriate place - during a break at school, in the middle of a crowded crowd, in the middle of a workday, in front of witnesses. Let it be a quiet and secluded place where no one will definitely disturb your conversation.
  • Lead the young man to your words about love. For example, remember how your acquaintance began, what you thought about your chosen one then, how glad you are that everything turned out this way. Don't go too deep into your memories, but tell him about the most important moments of your relationship.
  • The guy must clearly understand that a declaration of love has just been made. Just say: “Thinking about all this, I realized that I fell in love with you.” Avoid phrases: “I feel something for you”, “You yourself understand what I was leading to” and other veiled confessions.

Looking into the eyes is the most sincere confession

Many people believe that such recognition should be heard when people look into each other's eyes, and nothing else. If you suspect that your lover also thinks so, then he will definitely not be impressed by recognition through a virtual network, for example. Get ready for this dialogue in advance, avoid nervousness and uncertainty. Look the guy in the eyes, smile and say what you wanted. Speak simply, without flowery phrases or too long introductions. If you are the first to confess, don't expect an immediate response. Noticing that the guy is confused or uncomfortable, unobtrusively move the topic in a different direction.

Talk about feelings in SMS

It is advisable to make such confessions one-on-one, but if you know that you will not see each other soon, or you understand that you will not be able to voice these words out loud, use SMS. Be sincere and write it as it is. Admit that you are hesitant to tell him how you feel in person, but you want him to know that you love him. Make sure the message is delivered - if he doesn't call you back or text you back, then ask later if he received your SMS. Having heard a positive answer and not waiting for the dialogue to develop, do not take any steps and do not ask clarifying questions - now the move is his.

Declaration of love through Contact

Now many acquaintances happen through Contact, as well as recognition. If you communicate a lot with a guy on the Internet, then he may well read words about your feelings there. Choose a moment when the young man is definitely not in a hurry, and write about what emotions he evokes in you. If you're afraid to directly text your guy about your love, send him a song that describes your feelings, letting him know. You can paint graffiti on his “wall” if you decide to make the confession public. You can also indicate in your “marital status”: in love (indicating the name of your lover there).

Say I love you on the phone

By SMS and on VK you will not be able to immediately understand how the guy reacted to your words, but over the phone it will be easier to do this. Make sure that the other person is not distracted by anything, and eliminate the possibility that you will have to interrupt the conversation. Tell yourself in advance what you plan to say to your lover. Call only when you are in a good mood and try as much as possible to calm your anxiety.

Write a love letter with confession

Nowadays, very few people write letters to each other by hand, forgetting that it is very exciting and romantic. Write about everything you feel for the guy, seal the letter in an envelope. Do not forget that the handwriting must be neat, the text must be literate, and the paper must be without marks. You can give the message to the young man at the end of your meeting or ask for a courier to deliver it. Do not overload the letter with unnecessary information - just describe your attitude towards the guy, tell us when you realized that you were in love and add that you have long wanted to confess to him what he means to you.

Bigboard. This is a very expensive service, but at the same time very effective. Order a billboard with a photo of your chosen one and the inscription: “I love you.” Make sure that your confession is in a place where your lover often visits.

Ball. Tie a balloon to his car with a declaration of love on it. You can do the same with his door handle.

Screensaver on a laptop. If you have free access to his laptop or computer, you can change the screensaver on it. This could be a neutral background with words of love, or a photo of you together with a similar confession.

Cup. On the eve of some holiday or just for no reason, order a cup with his or your photo, against which the inscription “I love you!” will be displayed. Pack it nicely and hand it to the guy.

Cake. If your loved one has a sweet tooth, you can bake it yourself or order a cake with the treasured inscription on it.

From the stage. Invite a guy to an art cafe or just a restaurant where live music is playing. Ask the musicians, before the next song, to announce to the whole hall something like: “And before we start playing the next composition, we want to tell Alexander that Anna loves him!”

In verse. It must be a work of your own composition. In rhyming lines, tell your loved one everything you feel. The verse can be sent via SMS, via social networks or by letter. Immediately indicate: “I wrote this for you.”

Words on snow or asphalt. Write in large letters on the snow or asphalt that you love the guy. Be sure that he is at home, and your “creativity” is clearly visible from his windows. Call the young man and ask him to look out the window. You can leave first, or stay near your entry, waving to your lover.

Declaration of love to a married man

Such a confession can only be made if your loved one has already indicated his feelings for you. You also need to think carefully before getting involved in such an affair, but if you are sure that you cannot control yourself and want to tell a man about your attitude, then keep in mind that there are certain rules for this.

1. Privacy

In this situation, you will not be able to declare your love to the whole world. You must be completely sure that the words of your love will not become public knowledge, which can result in big problems for you and for your lover.

2. Love letter

Your message should not be seen by the man's family, so forget about email - it is possible that not only the man with whom you fell in love has access to it. The smartest thing to do would be to write a letter by hand, without mentioning any names or details in it that can help you determine that this is about your lover. Give the envelope personally to the man, indicating that no one except him should see what is written there.

3. Phone call

If you are afraid to leave any material evidence of your love, then you can simply say everything that you feel for your lover. Call him at a time when he is definitely alone and not busy with anything and tell him about your feelings.

4. One-on-one

The easiest and most reliable way is to tell a married man about your love while being next to him. Perhaps he decided to invite you on a date, give you a ride, come to visit you, spend time with you after work - all these situations are quite conducive to a frank conversation.

However, before you consider the above tips, consider what your prospects are in this novel. If there is even the slightest opportunity to refuse a relationship with a married person, then take advantage of it. Turn your attention to available men, give yourself a chance to build another relationship.

How to beautifully confess your love to your husband

Of course, since you are already married, the words of love have already been voiced, and most likely more than once, but this does not mean at all that you do not want to tell your chosen one again and again how important he is to you. Beautiful declarations of love undoubtedly preserve the romance in a marriage and strengthen it. So, which option should you choose?

  • Perhaps you once discussed with your beloved man that you would like to visit a certain city, but until now you somehow did not have the opportunity to carry out your plans. You have a chance to experience the delights of your honeymoon again. Guess when your holidays coincide with your husband, buy tickets for this period and give them to your loved one in a beautiful envelope, in which you also include a letter. In the message, admit to your spouse that you are very happy that you once married him, love him and want to add new experiences to your family life.
  • Print out your best photos together, choosing a frame for each of them. Hang the pictures on your bedroom wall in a heart shape. One of the frames, for example, in the middle of the heart, may contain a white sheet of paper on which it will be written in red letters: “I love you!”
  • When your spouse is getting ready for a business trip, to work or just to the gym, put in his bag a double folded sheet of paper on which your declaration of love will be placed.
  • Bring your spouse breakfast in bed, and so that he certainly does not doubt your romantic mood, show a little imagination. It doesn’t matter what will be on the plates - sandwiches, scrambled eggs, casserole - all this should be in the shape of a heart. If your husband likes to have porridge for breakfast, then draw a heart on it with jam. In general, let there be romance in every dish. To be on the safe side, you can leave a note of recognition near the cup or plate.
  • While your husband is not at home, surprise him - order a couple of dozen balloons that will rise to the ceiling. You can also scatter the balls on the floor. You can draw a poster that says: “Every day is a holiday with you! I love you!". However, you can simply say this if the chosen one raises questions about such a gift.
  • Please your chosen one with dishes that he will definitely like. Don’t forget to decorate it all beautifully: candles, wine, sensual music, you in seductive clothes. At the end of the dinner, you can invite your lover to a slow dance, during which you can again tell him that you love him.
  • Shortly before your husband arrives, take a full bath of hot water, add foam, you can use scented sticks, place candles. Purchase a special bath tray in advance, on which you can place two plates of your favorite dish, fruit and wine, and then invite your loved one for an unforgettable dinner.
  • If you know for sure that your husband will be pleased with a public display of love, then you can post a collage or just a joint photo on your page on social networks, accompanied by a corresponding entry. Such a post can be timed to coincide with some important date - marriage anniversary, Valentine's Day, his birthday.

What you need to be prepared for when you confess your love to a man

1 - Lack of reciprocity

If you have to be the first to confess your love for a guy, then you should be prepared for the fact that his feelings may not be mutual. It is quite possible that you mistook his friendly disposition for something more, but in fact he saw you only as a good friend.

2 - He has another

It is possible that the young man still likes you, but now he cannot offer you anything other than friendship, for the reason that he has a wife or girlfriend. It may also be that he recently broke up with his lover and is not yet ready for a new relationship.

3 - He will want a relationship

Of course, development can be more optimistic. The guy might be hesitant to express his feelings, doubting that you are interested in him, but after your words of love, everything may change, and he will invite you to start a serious relationship.

4 - He will be confused

Perhaps the young man likes you, but he never imagined that it could be mutual. Or he didn’t think seriously at all about what exactly he felt for you. Your confession may confuse your chosen one, and he will not immediately give you any intelligible answer.

5 - He will start avoiding you

For some reason, the guy does not see you as a potential life partner. Your words of love will make him think that you now intend to pursue him. To avoid awkward situations, he will begin to avoid you, cutting off all contacts.

6 - He's been waiting for this for a long time

The chosen one tried with all his might to show you, and maybe even said in words, that you are not indifferent to him. He began to doubt that his feelings were mutual, but your confession will inspire him.

How to behave after confession

Don’t expect that after declaring your love, everything will go according to the scenario you previously thought out. Such words often confuse guys, and they don't always react the way girls expect.

Don't ask for an answer

Immediately indicate to the young man that you want to tell him something, but you do not expect him to develop this topic and immediately tell you about his attitude to what he heard. Just say that you don't want to hide it and it's important to you that he knows how you feel. If there is an awkward pause, move the conversation to another topic or friendly offer to chat a little later. Now wait for him to rethink everything you said.

Don't rush things

If it so happens that the guy also feels in love with you, and responded to your words with a similar confession, then let yourself and him get comfortable with the idea that you are now a couple. You shouldn’t immediately plan where you will go on your next vacation, when it is better to organize acquaintance with your parents or friends, in which area you will subsequently rent an apartment to live together, or who will move in with whom. Let the man raise these and similar topics himself, or start talking about them after at least a couple of weeks.

Don't show offense

Events can develop in a more unpleasant way - your lover will make it clear that he does not have mutual feelings for you. This is not at all a reason to write him down as your sworn enemy, and complain to your friends that he gave you unnecessary hopes. Think that you, too, could be in the place of your chosen one, and you would not like such a reaction. Most likely, the guy will not avoid you, so do not change your previous attitude if before your confession you were friends, studied or worked together. Pretend that nothing special happened.

Don't impose

If a young man is in no hurry to reciprocate, then there is no need to stalk him on social networks, call him or “accidentally” catch his eye. There is also no point in trying to convince him that he does not understand that he is losing “his destiny.” Live your life as before, try to appear friendly during possible contacts with him and do not bring up the topic of feelings unless he himself talks about it.

Reading time: 2 min

How to confess your love to a guy? Love happens differently in everyone’s life, the lucky ones are lucky to fall in love mutually and hear words of recognition from their chosen one, but not all situations are so beautiful and harmonious in development. It happens that it is quite difficult to understand a guy’s feelings or you spend a lot of time together, he is clearly not indifferent to you, but never says the cherished words out loud. Of course, it would be nice to remain in the canonical tradition of hiding your feelings until a man confesses, but this may not work, and there is nothing wrong with openly discussing your feelings. But first you need to decide whether you should confess your love to the guy.

How to confess your love to a guy if you are shy?

If you notice signs of attention from a guy you feel sympathy for, when all his behavior indicates that you occupy a priority place in his living space, then you should take the first step yourself. His indecision can be caused by many factors: he may be embarrassed to express himself, be afraid of refusal, believe that he will scare you away with his confession, perhaps he previously had an unsuccessful painful experience of confession and now it is unsafe for him to perform such actions.

It would be appropriate to postpone or abandon the idea of ​​revealing your feelings, if the guy is not serious, makes offensive jokes and teases in every possible way, then information about feelings may be another reason for him to show off and become public knowledge in an ugly and offensive light. Of course, you can survive something like this, but you will suffer, and such a story can permanently discourage trust and the desire to build relationships, so before you open your soul, turn on logic and analyze how safe these actions will be for your own state of mind. It is not necessary to look for signs of love and expect mutual feelings, you may well come across a lack of reciprocity, but if it comes from a decent and caring person, then this will remain between you, and in the speech itself there will be some supporting information for you.

Many girls are embarrassed to express their feelings, and the first painful question that overcomes young heads, if a young man is not active, is whether he should confess his love to a guy. Relying on outdated norms of behavior, you can sit for a long time and wait for happiness, so if now embarrassment and uncertainty prevail, remember that new opportunities open up for those who take risks, and excessive feelings of anxiety can be somewhat calmed down.

You should not take examples of confessions from the behavior of men, because when performed by a girl, such actions may look like excessive pressure and persistence, which will not play a positive role in the guy; rather, he will be scared or lose all initiative. When you have decided everything for him, and he can only answer yes or no, this kills all achievement and the inner hunter that lives in every man. Act gently and use quite transparent hints, but avoid saying the main thing right away, words of love are associated with something very serious and responsible, so in the first stages of a relationship a young man may be very interested in you, but be afraid of the responsibility imposed by such feelings and hide. The task is not just to convey information, but to make him fall in love too.

Start from afar, take the initiative and invite him to different places where you can interact or share experiences, the more varied the situations, the more chances you have to get to know him deeper, and any information gives direction to find the right words and place. Start giving him compliments or insert funny phrases “I adore you” into everyday conversation and watch his reaction; if he hesitates a little and a serious expression on his face or a questioning look slips through, it means that he, just like you, sees a double meaning in such statements and tries figure out how seriously you say something like that.

There’s no getting around the embarrassment and excitement of confession, but if a guy doesn’t understand hints, and when you communicate face to face in person, you lose your voice, become covered in red spots and start talking complete nonsense, you should think about how to confess your love to a guy by correspondence. An excellent way to avoid the awkwardness of personal contact, and besides, you can correct the written text for as long as you like in a calm and balanced state, which means you can say exactly what you wanted.

When choosing a written confession, you can use not only prose, but also poems, be careful and express yourself - letters with confessions downloaded from the Internet and poems written by other people can look very beautiful and give rise to some ideas in the presentation of your own thoughts, but send them, unedited, to your beloved bad manners. Firstly, it will be noticeable that you didn’t write them, because everyone has their own style of presentation, secondly, all these templates are quite general, and it’s more pleasant to receive an individual message from a person who is able to truly notice and appreciate the uniqueness of a person, thirdly , copied texts are unlikely to be emotionally moving, he may even think that you simply made a mistake when sending.

How to confess your love to a guy on VK?

Social networks and other messengers are excellent helpers for declaring love, they expand the possibilities of manifestation and help cope with excessive shyness, in addition to the fact that now it is the norm to communicate mostly by correspondence, to establish friendships and romantic relationships in social networks, and not as before with direct communication. If you practically live on the Internet, then getting into direct communication with such an important topic is a serious stress on your nerves.

How to confess your love to a guy by correspondence is a new exciting question that cannot be seen in most films or learned from elders, simply because there is no experience of confessing on the VK network. You should start with the fact that the guy you like should be added to your friends list, if this has not already happened for some reason. Scroll through his page, put a few likes (you don’t need to automatically like every photo and post on the wall, it looks strange, intrusive and can make you unfriend). Write a few comments under interesting posts, if you have something to say, there is no point in writing all sorts of nonsense for the sake of writing - you need to attract his attention not at any cost, but with the prospect of interest and development of correspondence. After these steps, you can start corresponding in private, if he himself has not yet written you a question after your activity on his page, then appear yourself.

Don’t rush things, because instant recognition can be quite overwhelming, just like in real life, you need time to communicate better and get to know each other, to do this, start conversations with neutral questions and topics that are openly stated on his page. You can discuss new films or watch the same film at the same time, discussing the plot in the chat. The more there is to discuss, the better. Choose approximately the same time for communication, this way you create your own tradition, and he gets used to the fact that he communicates with you at this time. Having disappeared alone during this period, you will most likely receive a question about where you were (he remembers, he is worried, he misses your communication).

Once such contact has been established between you, you can move on to the most important conversation. To prevent the information from becoming a shock, prepare the guy for possible developments - include emoticons and stickers with kisses and hearts in your messages, but in minimal doses, let him get used to it, but do not consider it an intrusiveness.

When starting to write a confession text, the rules are simple and complex at the same time - you need to be delicate, honest, use your own words and thoughts. Try to make the message unique by adding to the text features you already recognize or your general jokes - the more “your” the message is, the better.

In addition to text messages, VK provides a wonderful tool just for creativity, to work magic on photographs and send it to him - a joint collage, overlaid text with a confession, compiling a video from a photo to music. For those who are especially brave, you can record a video about your love, using the surrounding space or your own acting skills.

It's better to use options where you need to have a hand. Sending a ready-made sticker or postcard will not be pleasant or considered as a manifestation of serious feelings; rather, they can be sent later, when the relationship between you has been clarified and you are now together.

After sending a message of recognition, go into waiting. When you see the “read” status, don’t start writing billions of questions about it, give the person time. You don’t know in what situation he read your message (maybe he’s currently taking his cat for surgery or is taking an exam) and you don’t know how he reacted (it takes time to jump for joy, just like it takes time to formulate a polite refusal of reciprocity). Be patient and wait for a response from him, and if he disappears and does not respond, then be glad that you decided to confess and speed up the process of finding out that this is not your person.

How to beautifully confess your love to a guy?

Not only girls love beautiful declarations of love, men, according to some scientists, even react more to words of love than girls. So that your loved one remembers your confession, and these memories warm his soul and excite his imagination even after many years, you, of course, want to do everything beautifully.

Impromptu is wonderful, but a well-thought-out plan of action, with room for maneuver in a changing situation, is still more reliable. You should start by choosing a place, it is better that it is meaningful for two (the park where you met, the exhibition where you met) or romantic (a cozy cafe, a square). For recognition, you can choose a certain type of time together, limited only by your imagination (going to a barbecue, going to the cinema, rafting on the river, a friends wedding). A great option, if the beginning of a relationship has been made, but intimate recognition has not yet happened, talk about your feelings at home, in a cozy relaxed atmosphere, under a common blanket after dinner. No one has abolished the bed as a place for declaring love - this will add a special touch to the caresses, stir up the blood of both, but then repeat this in a calm and more casual atmosphere, so that there is no feeling that the words came out in the heat of the moment.

In addition to the right place, it is worth choosing the right moment, not to rush into confessions before a business meeting or when he only has fifteen minutes left to talk. Choose a time that is convenient for both, does not require you to rush to another event, but has plenty of time to think about what is happening (you shouldn’t get hung up on a certain time of day - early morning is also quite suitable if it’s a weekend). Focus on the guy's mood and the actual state of events, because... the reaction to recognition, if he is now angry because of troubles at work, can be quite unpredictable, which both you and he will regret later.

The best way to have such a conversation is in person, looking the guy in the eyes; the option of a written confession is good if you can’t control your excitement. You can come up with a gift for a guy for a holiday or an invented occasion, with a note with a text of recognition, but give the gift in person and repeat the words after reading. You can organize a romantic dinner (by agreeing with a restaurant, at home, on the open roof of a high-rise building), decorate everything with candles and hearts, you don’t need to prepare a lot of rich and complex dishes (arrange a demonstration of your culinary talents later), a dessert and a bottle of delicious wine will be enough. Confessions can be left in a man’s personal belongings - put goodies with notes about your feelings in your pocket or bag, leave a message on the dashboard of the car if you can get the keys.

Having chosen one of the proposed methods or come up with your own, be guided by the character and preferences of your boyfriend. For a sensitive romantic, beautiful views, long words, interesting metaphors and you in the image of an airy fairy are quite suitable, while a tough and pragmatic man will not understand this, but will appreciate the simplicity and directness of your words and actions, without rose petals, but with hot coffee . If a man is older and has experience of an unpleasant divorce, then confessions from a woman can make him wary and make him move away, so it is better not to speak directly about strong feelings, soften everything to hints and expressions of sympathy, not love. Respect his caution and be patient while he thaws out and can open up to a new relationship.

When you speak, pay attention not only to the words and their meaning (usually we rehearse what will be said several times and endlessly scroll through it in our heads), but watch your gestures and facial expressions, which can play a cruel joke on you due to excitement. Speech, its pace and volume should correspond to your normal state, trying to please, do not put on a wide smile, it can cause a feeling of frivolity. Avoid harsh gestures, and focus all your attention and gaze on the guy you are talking to.

Before you start talking about feelings, take care of your emotional state. If necessary, work things out with someone, if your appearance gives you confidence, then do it. Do everything to make your mood great, our state is transmitted to the people around us, and this way you can charm your loved one. Do not try to control the entire course of your conversation, because what you imagine may differ from reality; it is important for you to remain sensitive to changes in order to be able to adjust your own behavior when the situation changes. And respect a person’s choice, having received a refusal of reciprocity, accept it with dignity even before it happens - your inner readiness to accept any of his answers will cause respect, because you open up not in order to tie a person to yourself with such manipulation, but so that Don’t be tormented by questions and guesses.

How to confess your love to a guy in an original way?

You can increase the chances of rapprochement, impress the man you have already chosen, and show off an original act as a manifestation of your own personality not only by lengthy conversations with serious faces and gut-wrenching. It is worth remembering about subtle physical moments that affect the perception of the situation, so when declaring your love to a man, try to stand behind him, hugging him from the back. You simultaneously close the distance, penetrating into his personal space, take the position of a woman who is in the rear, behind his back, and not in front of his eyes, face to face - this is the position of an opponent. By simply changing your location in space, you achieve excellent results; he will not forget such a recognition; of course, he will not be able to explain to anyone exactly what exactly sent shivers down his spine, but it is your words that will be remembered for the rest of his life.

If you need original recognition, then you can follow a creative path and make the most of the resources endowed in you by nature. Compose and perform a song, shoot a video on the topic of how dear this person is to you, go on stage with a monologue about love, at the end of which there will be a confession. You can use human resources and persuade acquaintances and strangers to tell the guy all day long that a girl loves him very much, and in the evening he will meet her. Add intrigue, arrange a quest for him from many tasks, after solving which the guy receives the main prize - you with a bow.

Particularly brave ones can implement masculine methods of recognition. Write in paint under his porch how you feel about him or rent a horse, dress up as a princess and ride like that to your prince. If you work together and your team is understanding, then you can end some of your presentations with a slide with a photo of you together and a statement of feelings.

The more theatrical, larger-scale and brighter the recognition, the more original you will look, because what do girls usually do? They wait for the first step, arrange romantic meetings where there is no one else, quietly and seriously whisper about their feelings. Do the opposite - involve people, don’t be afraid of volume, brightness and scope, but correlate the degree of originality with the guy’s temperament and his ability to understand and support such actions, otherwise he will simply run away from such a creative person.

Constant everyday affairs, everyday life, work and vanity completely kill people's desire to show romance in relationships.

Psychologists say that if you talk about feelings in time and repeat these words regularly, you will be able to save even the most unsuccessful marriage.

Often, adults have few words to describe the feelings and emotions they experience.

Girls cannot independently come up with a beautiful declaration of love to their beloved man, so they abandon this idea.

So that a man understands that he is loved, we offer a selection of touching, funny, short and erotic confessions for any occasion.

A touching and romantic declaration of love in your own words

Touching confessions will help refresh your feelings and restore the former atmosphere of romance: it is recommended to write them in your own words.

If a girl experiences strong anxiety before confessing, it is recommended to prepare in front of the mirror in advance: take a piece of paper and solemnly pronounce the text with a degree of sincerity.

To ensure that sweet words remain in your memory for a long time, write them down on a beautiful postcard made by yourself.

On a sheet of cardboard, draw roses, white swans, and also draw a lunar path on the surface of the sea.

Options for tender confessions to include on a postcard:

  1. My feeling for you is full of frenzy and all absorption. I am drowning among the thoughts that fate has given me the chance to be with such a wonderful, strong, loving man.

    I want hearts to beat in unison forever: I will be your reliable support and support in any life situation.

  2. We are completely different people, but sparks of love and passion constantly fly between us. I want to keep these moments in my soul and memory.

    The feelings I have for you are so strong that they cannot be described in words. I want to wake up next to you every day, see your smile and enjoy your presence.

  3. When I first saw you, I didn’t even realize how much I liked you. Time has passed, I feel that warmth in my soul: I experienced it during the first meeting.

    I promise to be the best wife, support and hope, together we will overcome all the difficulties on the path of life.

If you have experience in composing rhyming lines, try writing a song: it is recommended to perform it to your favorite music.

The best lines will definitely fall into the heart of a man who can truly appreciate romantic phrases from his beloved woman.

Cool short SMS in prose

Humor is one of the most important qualities of humanity. Without laughter, life seems dull, boring and sad.

Laughter not only prolongs life, but also brings people closer together, making them the best of friends.

Variants of comic confessions in prose, suitable for SMS, will also cheer up your loved one:

  1. The load of my love weighs so much that I cannot carry it on my own: I suggest you carry me along with the load in your arms.

    You are courageous and brave, I am ready to sit on your strong neck, dangling your slender long legs - a funny confession for a husband and boyfriend.

  2. Do you think that I need sighs for me in the form of notes on the asphalt or convulsive hugs of my cat, as well as serenades under the window, combined with yard cats? Darling, I need you as you are!
  3. I want to tell you a secret: among the girls I know, there is someone who dreams of you kissing her, hugging her and holding her tightly. That's all that will make her happy. Do you want to know who she is? It's me!
  4. You have received an urgent message! A star has been spotted in the sky, growing at a rapid pace.

    Unless there is an immediate exchange of kisses, the star will explode and smash this planet into millions of little pieces.

  5. You are constantly on my mind, I can’t be distracted by anything! Please let me not think about you, I have to work!

Supplement SMS with recognition in pictures: if the message is sent to social networks, such a picture can be easily attached to the main text.

Important! Try to make a collage of their joint photos yourself, indicating pleasant words of recognition.

The most sophisticated versions of confessions will come from the depths of a woman’s heart, and if fantasy doesn’t work, use the suggested texts.

Watch the video of a girl declaring her love in Turkish.

Erotic confessions in verse

Any man at a distance wants to receive a portion of love and affection, even by message or telephone conversation. Erotic confessions in poetry are well suited for this.

Note! If the confession is intended for a married man, be careful.

One message read by a wife and a loved one can lead to trouble.

Let's look at several erotic poems as examples of confessions to different men:

How men react to recognition

Many girls are in no hurry to confess to a man for one simple reason - they are afraid of his reaction.

As you know, the reaction to feelings can have 2 options: to please a man or to scare him away.

When recognition comes from a man, the girl reacts to him more delicately, even in case of refusal.

Not all men know how to restrain their feelings; a refusal will only offend an enterprising young lady.

Let's consider how men react to letters of appreciation and spoken words:

  • Disappearance– the most common male reaction to recognition if the young man does not see the girl as a future passion: the man is driven by fear and the possibility of responsibility before the relationship.
  • Understanding- the best outcome of a situation when a man is imbued with reciprocity towards a lady: such a relationship results in a strong union.
  • Fright– is equivalent to disappearance, but the young man continues to communicate, digesting his thoughts.

You should not naively believe that recognition will bring a man to tears - according to statistics, such a reaction is observed in the smallest percentage of male representatives.

Prepare the ground for confessions, tell the guy how good, smart, and independent he is. An adequate adult man himself will understand a woman’s attitude towards himself and draw the right conclusions.

Useful video

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