Pictures and cards for Teacher's Day: beautiful with poems and inscriptions in prose, lively animation. The best pictures for Teacher's Day with congratulations. Happy Teacher's Day cards and pictures - beautiful and funny with poems and inscriptions in prose, with official

It is not for nothing that they say that a teacher is a second parent, because it is he who spends a lot of time with the student, passes on his knowledge and skills, teaches him communication and introduces him to the world of science. Only under the strict guidance of teachers does each child develop rapidly, gain knowledge and learn to use it profitably. A teacher is not only a profession, it is also a calling, because it is so difficult to be a model of justice and wisdom after many years.

How not to congratulate teachers on their professional holiday - Teacher's Day? As a rule, for Teacher's Day, students prepare various concerts, sing songs, dedicate poems and say warm words of gratitude. Pictures depicting beautiful flowers against the background of school paraphernalia will help diversify congratulations for this special day. Every teacher, no matter how strict he may seem to a student, will be pleased to receive a picture in honor of such a holiday, because this will only emphasize the respectful and grateful attitude of the students towards his professionalism.

Our website contains a whole collection of pictures for Teacher's Day, among which you can select suitable images with words and wishes, and choose the one that will be appreciated by the teacher, teacher and educator. This can be either a simple picture depicting books, a blackboard and various stationery, or a cheerful postcard, as well as a picture with bright and colorful flowers, balls, autumn leaves, ribbons and inscriptions. Give your teachers original pictures for their professional holiday, because such moments will be remembered for a lifetime!

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On October 5 we will celebrate a very important holiday - Teacher's Day. On this day, we traditionally congratulate those who often spend as much time with children as parents - school teachers. Every teacher is pleased to receive on his day not only gifts and flowers, but also to hear good kind words addressed to him. You can thank teachers personally with words, or you can give them a card with a beautiful congratulation. We have prepared original and beautiful cards and congratulations on Teacher's Day, which you can download on our website and send to teachers electronically. We created some of them ourselves and today we are giving them to you completely free of charge. Our exclusive and unique Teacher's Day cards are marked with the website logo
And as an original addition to congratulating teachers, we offer to send a voice card directly from our website. The cost of the service is 109 rubles.

And with a child’s hand an uneven stitch
Let's write it down clearly with chalk on the board,
That in life we ​​know only one thing for sure:
The fate of people is in the teacher's hand!

Beautiful cards for Happy Teacher's Day from Minutes of Positivity

Lovely, cordial, good,
My good teachers!
I say goodbye to childhood and school,
Only I don’t say goodbye to you.
Thank you for loving us
Although they were sometimes strict with us,
Because you taught us to think,
For everything, for everything they did for us!
Sincerely filial “thank you”
We tell all teachers,
Be young and happy
Peace, long life, health to you!

Free cards and pictures for Happy Teacher's Day

Teaching is not work, but renunciation,
The ability to give your all,
Leave for a long feat and torment,
And in this we see light and grace.
Teaching - when in the eyes of cold
The dawn of understanding will light up,
And you will understand: I tried not in vain
And it was not in vain that he scattered his knowledge.
Showered with colored rain of bouquets
And illuminated by the brilliance of hundreds of eyes,
Accept, teacher, not a word of greeting,
And part of the soul is from grateful us!

Happy Teacher's Day - cards and congratulations

Armfuls of flowers fall on your table,
Where stacks of notebooks await grades again.
We know, teacher, that your work is hard,
But your knowledge and experience are priceless!
We congratulate you! May they always be
I dedicate my successes to you guys!
Love carried through the years
Science and knowledge will be your reward!

Master class “Postcard for Teacher’s Day”

Boltacheva Irina Anatolyevna, teacher of vocational training at MKOU Special (correctional) boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care with disabilities of type VIII in the city of Slobodsky, Kirov region.

Purpose: for children of middle and high school age, as well as everyone who likes to make postcards from paper.

Target: making a postcard with your own hands.

- introduce the history of the appearance of teachers,
- promote the formation of practical skills in making postcards,
- cultivate a friendly attitude towards your teachers.

Tell me, who is the teacher? A teacher is a person who teaches children at school. If you ask your grandparents, fathers and mothers about their school teachers, you will be surprised how well they remember them, although they have been at school for a long time. It is impossible to forget those people who taught to read and count, draw and sing, and much more.

Do you know when the first teacher appeared? More in primitive society taught children. True, those teachers had no idea about literacy, but from an early age they taught children to live according to the rules. The life of a child often depended on knowledge of these rules. Children were especially taught the rules of greeting: in some tribes it was customary to squat down at the sight of a stranger as a sign of peace, in others it was customary to remove their hats; by the way, this custom has survived to this day among many nations. Today, when we meet a good friend, we often exchange a friendly kiss, but in the past, among many tribes, kissing was considered a form of cannibalism and was strictly prohibited.

We find information about the first schools in the history of the Ancient East.

In ancient Egypt– the school looked like this. In the temple of the god Ra, the main Egyptian deity, twelve-year-old boys are sitting with a teacher in front of them. He wears a white loincloth, his head is clean-shaven as a sign of purity, and on his chest is a pendant depicting a baboon. At the teacher's feet lies an indispensable attribute of teaching - a three-tailed whip. The teacher dictates and the students write on their tablets.

In Ancient Rome Poor children attended only primary school, where they learned to read, write and count for five years. The teacher in such a school was, as a rule, a person of “low origin” who knew how to read and write. Classes were held in the open air, under a simple canopy, where there was a chair for the teacher and a bench for the students. To prevent the boys from being distracted by anything, they were fenced off with a curtain. Children of wealthy parents did not attend primary school, were educated at home, and then were sent to grammarians to study. Grammarians are the most educated people who taught boys to speak and write correctly, introduced them to literature and various fields of knowledge - from philosophy to astronomy.

In Ancient Rus', schools appeared under Prince Vladimir, who ordered the children of the “best people” to be sent “to book learning.” Education there was conducted in the native language, they taught reading, writing, the basics of Christian doctrine and counting. Well-educated people were called “bookish men” in the chronicles.

Since ancient times, the teacher has been an important person. And why?
Because the teacher is (children's answers)
- good friend and helper,
- gives knowledge;
- will help you understand everything that is in your head;
- will always praise you;
- says such words, and you remember them for the rest of your life;
- prevents you from doing bad things;
- explains everything well and the student remembers everything;
- teaches us life.

You're right, it's not in vain that they say
If there were no teacher,
It probably wouldn’t have happened
Neither poet nor thinker,
Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.
And to this day, probably,
If there were no teacher,
Undiscovered Americas
Remained unopened. (V. Tushnova)

And after many years you will remember your teachers, and your teachers will remember you, their students. And there is a day when everyone can express their gratitude to the teacher. It is World Teachers' Day, which is celebrated on October 5th.

Today we will make Teacher's Day card.
For this we need:

Sheet of colored cardboard
Sheet of corrugated paper or cardboard
A piece of wallpaper
Three sheets of colored photocopier paper
Scissors and PVA glue

Draw a 15*28cm rectangle on colored cardboard, cut it out and bend it in half. This is the background of our postcard.

Using the templates, we cut out two maple leaves, a larger one from corrugated paper, a smaller one from wallpaper.

Glue the leaves onto the background of the card.

We print the inscription on a printer in advance and cut it out with curly scissors, if available. If there are none, you can use simple ones.

Glue it onto the cardboard left over from the background, and then onto the postcard.

Let's make leaves. To do this, cut out 4 leaves using the template. To give them volume, fold them in half.

Determine the number of veins, I marked them here to make it clearer.

Bend along the veins like an accordion.

Straighten the sheet to create a voluminous sheet. Also complete three more leaves.

Cut out a twig according to the template. Glue leaves and a twig to the background.

Let's make a flower. To do this, cut out two circles according to templates or with a diameter of 5 cm and 4 cm from xerox paper of different colors. There will be two flowers. Fold each circle separately in half 4 times to form a cone.

Cut off the corners of the cone. You can unfold the flower and make cuts along the folds by 2/3.

Tighten the edges of the flower a little with scissors. Also make the flower smaller.

Glue flowers to the background and decorate with sequins.

Every year in October, teachers celebrate their professional holiday. Many parents purchase expensive class gifts. But all the high school students have a lot of teachers, so it’s not possible to buy gifts for everyone. To congratulate all teachers, you can buy postcards, or you can make them yourself. In addition, joint creative activities bring children and adults closer together.

DIY postcard options for congratulations on Teacher's Day

There is a direction in handicrafts that involves the creation of books, notebooks, albums and postcards - scrapbooking. There are a huge number of ideas for creativity in this technique. Materials can be purchased at any arts and crafts store or online. In addition, you can use improvised means and gifts of nature. Charming handmade cards using scrapbooking technique will delight any teacher.

To create this card, scrapbooking paper of a matching tone, a bouquet of artificial roses and a satin ribbon were used.

This charming card is created using dry autumn leaves. It is noteworthy that the leaves are laminated. However, if you don’t have lamination skills, you can simply coat them with acrylic or glassy varnish.

Another idea for a greeting card for Teacher's Day using scrapbooking technique. Leaves can be cut out of colored or velvet paper, felt or fabric. A real pen can also serve as a teacher.

Scrapbooking paper, half beads and artificial flowers are used to create this masterpiece. And you can use your own photo so that the teacher certainly does not forget who exactly gave such a miracle.

To make such a postcard it is not necessary to use special paper. If you have access to a color printer, you can simply print out suitable backgrounds, cut out a globe from colored cardboard and decorate the card with artificial flowers and berries. Organza ribbons will add a special charm to the product.

Your math teacher will love this themed card. You can do this for the teacher of each subject.

There is another technique for making cards - quilling. The products are charming and original.

And these cards are made using two techniques - scrapbooking and quilling.

Postcards using the origami technique will require certain skills from their creators. But the effort is worth it. The original products will surely appeal to strict teachers.

Those who do not master any of the techniques described above should not despair. Cards made from colored paper are charming in their simplicity. Moreover, even a child can make them. To make these cards, you only need cardboard, colored paper and a pearl marker or gel pen.

And young children can also be involved in making such cards.

Funny cards with sincere wishes are the best way to congratulate your beloved teachers. And you don’t have to buy such gifts at all: you can make original products with your own hands. For example, the following master class on making paper crafts is perfect for children in primary school. But high school students can make postcards for Teacher’s Day using scrapbooking techniques. If you don’t have time to create crafts, then you can simply print out beautiful pictures to congratulate teachers. They can be downloaded from the free collections below. Original cards are suitable for congratulating teachers or colleagues, familiar teachers from schools, colleges and universities.

Funny cards and congratulations on Teacher's Day - download free selection

To easily choose a good card to congratulate your favorite teacher, it is recommended to look through several options of pictures at once. Postcards and congratulations on Teacher's Day, which can be downloaded for free from the link below, will help with this. They can be used both for sending to teachers and for printing. But most importantly, they will help you easily choose suitable congratulations and pictures with wishes.

Free selection of postcards with congratulations for Teacher's Day for downloading

It is recommended to download original postcards from the following collection to beautifully congratulate teachers on their professional holiday. Different pictures with wishes will help you easily choose individual congratulations in poetry or prose for each teacher.

Simple DIY paper Happy Teacher’s Day cards for elementary school – master class with photos

Every child who has recently gone to school treats his first teacher with special respect and love. Therefore, kids from grades 1-3 will definitely want to congratulate him on his professional holiday and give him pleasant and positive emotions. With the help of the following master class, children will be able to create a cool postcard for their primary school teacher. It is universal and is also suitable for congratulating the head teacher, physical education or foreign language teacher. In elementary school, all children can make such postcards for Teacher's Day from paper with their own hands, regardless of their talents or their age.

Materials for making a simple paper postcard for Teacher's Day with your own hands

  • white and light yellow cardboard;
  • satin green ribbon;
  • old magazines (can be replaced with atlases, multi-colored printed paper);
  • PVA glue or glue stick;
  • figured hole punch (you don’t have to use it);
  • scissors.

Master class with photos of making a paper card yourself for Teacher's Day in elementary school

How to make cards using scrapbooking technique for Teacher's Day with your own hands - master class with video

Cool scrapbooking cards are very easy to make and therefore are ideal for preparing to congratulate teachers on their professional holiday. To create such a simple craft, you do not need special materials or tools: the kits necessary for the work can be easily purchased at any office supply store. All that remains is to find out how to make scrapbooking Teacher’s Day cards with your own hands, and what blanks you can use for them.

Video on a master class for making your own postcards using scrapbooking techniques for Teacher's Day

To make a beautiful card for your favorite teacher using scrapbooking technique, you can use the following master class. But you can also make other postcards with your own hands, which teachers will certainly like. Therefore, the video below can be used not only as instructions, but also as a useful hint for creating greeting cards of different styles and shapes.

Funny Teacher's Day cards - free selection for download

Not all teachers like formal and strict congratulations. Most modern teachers increasingly welcome original and unusual wishes. For such teachers, it is recommended to select cool Teacher’s Day cards. Teachers will definitely like interesting wishes and colorful pictures and will help give them positive emotions for the whole day.

Free selection of funny cards for congratulations on Teacher's Day

In the following selection of cool pictures you can download beautiful postcards for each of your teachers. Also, these cards can be used by the parents of students themselves to congratulate teachers by email or on a social network or messenger.

Cute postcard with congratulations on Teacher's Day - a selection of free images for downloading

Not only students of modern schools want to congratulate their teachers. Their parents and older brothers and sisters can give pleasant emotions to their old teachers or first teacher on Teacher's Day. To congratulate your favorite teachers, it is recommended to select unusual and cute cards, which are complemented with original wishes. You can also add your personal congratulations and gratitude to them. You can download a ready-made beautiful postcard with congratulations on Teacher’s Day from the following free collection.

A selection of free cute cards with congratulations in honor of Teacher's Day

All former students can send a nice card to a female or male teacher on their professional holiday. Favorite teachers will be pleased to receive attention from students who have grown up long ago and who still remember them. That is why, having chosen the cutest postcard among the proposed selection, it is recommended to add congratulations to it in your own words. This will help make your wishes even more sincere and kind.