How to make square nails at home. Square nail shape. Round nail shape

A woman’s hands can often say a lot about her, for example, whether she takes care of her appearance. If your nails look neat and sophisticated, it's immediately clear that this woman prioritizes looking good.

In fact There are many options for giving your nails the correct shape. Today we will focus on their square version. No matter how hard you try, it is not so easy to do.

For visitors to our site, we will tell you how to make your hands more well-groomed using a square nail shape.

What do you need to create square nails?

They have always been considered a sign of grooming and make their owner more sophisticated. When looking at her hands, one could not help but think that she knew a lot about good taste and knew how to present herself correctly. You don't have to go to a salon to get square nails. This can easily be done at home under familiar conditions. Since women have been increasingly decorating their nails lately, considering them more of an accessory to their body, the square shape is no exception.

To create at home exactly the shape of nails that we are talking about today, you do not need a colossal number of manicure attributes. It is necessary to use standard products that are found in every home. So, you need to get a small nail file, nippers, and manicure scissors. Hands should be pre-treated. We'll tell you how to do this a little later.

If you decide that a square nail shape will be most acceptable for you, then in fact you may be deeply mistaken in your choice, because This manicure option is not suitable for everyone. Square nails should be worn by women whose fingers are a little plump. It is also advisable that they are not too long. The fact is that every experienced stylist will tell you that square nails are completely unsuitable for pancake-thin fingers. This will visually ruin them.

Choosing a design for square shaped nails

Shaping your nails isn't everything. It is important to create a unique design for them. We have prepared several options that are ideal for this shape.


on square nails - this is the ideal solution. This form looks most appropriate here. It is impossible to imagine that French manicure was performed using a different technology using a different nail shape.

Don’t get hung up on the fact that square nails must be short. You can choose a lot of options with a long shape. Here we can talk about both natural and extended nails.

In our version, the French jacket is made in the standard classic version using a small accent in the form of a flower on the ring finger. This option looks incredibly gentle and sophisticated. The owner of such a manicure will certainly deserve praise and appreciation for her appearance.

The next option is the personification of brightness and originality. French manicure is also taken as a basis here. The tips of the nail form an “apple” shape. Moreover, the colors alternate through one finger.

Two color options were used. It's red and green. To create the illusion of shine, the “apple” part was accented with white varnish.

In continuation of the fruit theme, which, by the way, is quite relevant this season, we have prepared a version of “kiwi” nails.

Here the manicure is presented as a bright accent. Drawing such a picture is actually not difficult. You just need to alternate colors and use a thin brush or wood molasses. After applying all the colors, the nail is covered with clear varnish. This is an ideal summer manicure that will look appropriate on square nails.

The floral theme is no less relevant than the fruit one. Flowers always and everywhere look special. In the nail design version, this looks perfect. Our option is presented in the form of square-shaped artificial nails, which are decorated with blue sparkles, on which white daisies look elegant.

The owner of such a manicure can definitely go to a long-awaited gala event, where she will become a bright and extraordinary person. In this case, it is best to choose a light and airy dress in a light tone rather than a dark or too bright evening dress.

This square nail design is quite a luxurious style. Its owner is certainly distinguished by her temperament and sexuality. In combination with a bright image, such an accent as the manicure of the presented version, a woman will certainly create a real sensation at the event she is going to.

This design is not that difficult to make. Using a thin brush, apply several black stripes onto the gold base.

While the gold varnish has not dried, multi-colored rhinestones are attached to it. The end result will make others admire such a woman.

This is another version of the French manicure. Combined with simplicity and lightness, it has a unique quality of grace and aesthetics. In the combination of a white base with black patterns intertwined on it, such nails will be a worthy addition to the entire look.

To apply the pattern, you can use ready-made stencils, or paint them yourself with a thin brush.

This option is suitable for women who collectively try to take responsibility for every component of their image. Such nails will not only be a worthy addition, but also an independent accent that will once again emphasize the wealth of their owner.

The light varnish base is complemented by an overlay pattern presented in the form of lace. Because this type of manicure is quite popular nowadays. then don't forget about it. It would be perfect for any holiday.

We make the square shape of our nails ourselves. Step by step guide

Removing nail polish

The first step In the stage of creating an unimaginable image that will emphasize the square shape of the nail, the fingers will be treated. It is necessary to remove any remaining polish from the nail using nail polish remover.

Trim the nail to the desired length

File your nails to the desired shape

And last The final stage is filing the nails. There are several options available here, the choice of which depends on the individual preferences of the woman. If you want to get a pronounced square shape, then the outer parts of the nail should be filed as little as possible. If you want to get a more elegant shape, then the ends can be slightly rounded.

So, if you have decided that you want to get square nails, then do not forget to pay attention to what shape your fingers are, as well as how often you are willing to take care of your hands, because this shape requires constant adjustment.

After you get the desired shape, you should treat your hands with a special cream or balm to make them soft. After a few hours you can start.

Today, going to work or visiting with unkempt, ugly nails is akin to disgrace for a woman who takes care of herself. But it’s not at all necessary to spend a fortune on the attractive appearance of your fingers and visit the salon every week, far from it. Every woman can give her nails a beautiful shape herself and at home, the main thing is to know how to do it. And our article will help you understand this and tell you about all the nuances of “finger” art.

Nails can have the following shape:

  • Square.
    It can be clear, soft or oval.
  • Almond.

  • Stylet.

  • Pike.
    Very similar to the previous type, differs from it in its narrower shape and sharp edge of the nail.

  • Oval.

  • Beveled shape.

Today, perhaps, few people would dare to make themselves a stiletto or a peak, but the most popular nail shape is a square in all its manifestations. This is exactly what our article will talk about.

List of required tools

How to square your nails at home without resorting to salon help? What tools will be needed for this? Their set is very simple:

  • file;
  • wire cutters or scissors (the former is preferable).

The variety of nail files on store shelves can drive an inexperienced person into a stupor. Let's figure it out - which ones should you choose?

Files come in different abrasiveness: from 80 to 1200 grit. The more abrasiveness, the softer the file. The average values ​​to choose are 200-400 grit. For example, for artificial nails you can choose a “hard” option - up to 120 grit. If the plates are soft and weakened, then a gentle option is needed: 350-400 grit. For healthy natural nails, 220-300 grit is the golden mean.

How to make square nails on your own without harming them? To do this, you need to know what materials files are made from and which one to give preference to. In stores you can find tools:

  • Glass.
    They are very effective, but they are expensive.
  • Metal.
    Try to avoid them. Nowadays, there are much better materials, but this one is “last century.” The metal is too rough and can cause your nails to peel.
  • Sand.
    They are very soft and comfortable, have many colors, are cheap, but they are afraid of water and their service life is short.
  • Ceramic.
    They have gained popularity for good reason, as they are excellent for peeling nails due to their ability to “seal” their edges. Suitable for natural nails, but not for artificial ones.

Well, we've studied the theory, let's move on to practice, shall we? Below are the main steps for creating a square nail shape.


Before making a square shape on your nails, the first thing you need to do is remove the old polish (if any). After this, treat the cuticle.

Before cutting your nails, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, making sure to remove all dirt from under your nails.

Dry your hands thoroughly. Dry them until your nails and fingers are completely dry. This is necessary, since using a file with wet nails is inconvenient and ineffective.

Trimming nails to shape

How to make square nails on your beautiful fingers? Nothing could be easier! The main thing is to do it in one movement. It is very good if you have tweezers rather than nail scissors, since it is much easier to make the “biting” movement with them. The main thing here is to place the tweezers evenly so that the line runs strictly perpendicular to the finger.

If you only have scissors, no problem. You can also cope with them, but it takes a little more time and diligence. In the same way, cut the edge of the nail plate in a straight line. If you doubt yourself, first draw a line with a felt-tip pen, visually evaluate how it will look, and only then cut it.

Processing cuts with a file

Well, the nails are cut. Let's move on to the next stage. How to get the perfect square nail shape? They need to be treated with a nail file. When wielding it (even the softest one), apply some force. However, the pressure should not be too strong, as if you overdo it, you may damage the nail plate.

After trimming, treat the sides of the nail first, just a little.

Then move to its edge.

If you want to create a clear square shape, then do not touch or round the corners of the nail. If the nails have a trapezoidal shape, then you should first carefully file the side edges at a slight angle, making the plate narrower, and then proceed to the edge.

If you like the square-oval shape of your nails, then after processing the edges, gently round the corners of the plate with gentle movements from the center of the nail to its sides.

Nail polishing

If desired, after giving the nails a square shape, their surface can be made smooth and shiny by sanding it. Also, if you are going to be applying varnish, then this step simply cannot be overlooked. It goes on smoother on polished nails and this manicure looks amazing!

It is worth saying that you should not get carried away with polishing your nails often. Once a month is more than enough, because this procedure can make the nail plates, if used unwisely, thinner and weaker. But we don’t need this, do we?

The final stage

Congratulations, now you know everything about how to square your nails! There is a small final stage left. Check your new nails for quality. Run each one over a piece of fabric. If you did everything correctly, there should be no discomfort during this action. If there are any irregularities, chips or snags, they need to be eliminated and checked again.

If everything is ok, bravo! You're just great.

You can start creating a manicure.

Square nail shape. Photos and examples of manicure

One of the main advantages of the square nail shape is its convenience in everyday life.

Extraordinary ornaments with rhinestones, a calm classic French manicure, and almost any other nail design will look great on such a finger.

The square shape, as you already know, can be different. Above is a manicure on a “clear square”.

In the photo above and below are examples of manicure on softer, square-oval shaped nails.

When choosing this nail shape for yourself, it is worth remembering that it will visually make your fingers somewhat shorter. “Square” will be the ideal solution for those with long, thin fingers.

If you cannot boast of such, but the shape is extremely attractive to you, then opt for a soft version with a slightly rounded, oval shape.

The acrylic boom of 1970 suggested to manicurists who came up with a method of nail extension that it was possible to vary not only its length, but also the shape of its free tip. Then, for the first time, the term “square nail shape” came into use in nail salons. Their popularity was cemented in 1978 after the presentation of the “French manicure” style, which gave masters the idea of ​​how to make square nails more sophisticated. Modern fashion trends in nail art tend towards naturalness and naturalness. Therefore, it is natural that many women prefer a laconic and elegant manicure with a square shape.

Manicure with square nails

This type of nail art almost always looks harmonious and natural. However, for girls who have short and plump fingers with wide nails, square nails will look out of place. Round or pointed nails are much more suitable for them. For the rest of you, you can safely use square nails, which are mainly divided into two types:

  • Soft square - the edges of the nails are slightly rounded. The soft square nail shape is versatile and practical. It does not require restrictions when used.
  • Sharp square – the edges remain pointed. A square manicure with sharp edges looks impressive, but creates a lot of inconvenience for its owner. They may catch on clothing or hair. They are not recommended for doing on weak and brittle nails, because they are susceptible to delamination. The graphic shape will look best on short or medium-length nails. On very long ones, the clarity of the line is lost due to the bending of the plate.

Its versatility makes square manicure popular among men as well.

Modeling methods: how to give your nails a square shape

Marigolds are round, oval, oblong, trapezoidal. Any look can be adjusted in various ways and given a square shape. You can visit a nail salon where a master will professionally treat your nails. If desired, an extension procedure is carried out, and a current design is selected.If you don’t have the opportunity to visit a salon, you can give your nails a clear rectangular shape at home with your own hands.

Extension of “square edge” nails in the salon

In a beauty salon, using paper template tapes and special gels, you can model the rectangular edges of your nails. The step-by-step extension scheme in a beauty salon is as follows.

  1. Standardly, as with any other manicure procedure, hands are disinfected, the cuticle and the free edge of the nails are processed.
  2. A paper template is then applied to form the desired appearance.
  3. A degreaser and base gel are applied to the natural surface of the nail. A free edge is formed using a modeling compound. The gel layer is cured under ultraviolet rays.
  4. To consolidate the result, a layer of gel is re-applied to the extension area and dried under a UV lamp.
  5. Using a special liquid, the spent layer is removed from the nail plate and the edges and surface are cleaned.
  6. The finishing gel is applied and cured under ultraviolet light.

Extended square-shaped nails look perfect and are decorated with various types of manicure designs. They do not require correction for a long time.

DIY square nail shape

If you are determined to correct your nails yourself and make them square, then you need to have a number of tools on hand: manicure files (preferably of different grain structures); nail clippers, manicure scissors with smooth edges, wire cutters (something you can use to trim the edge of a nail smoothly in one go). The following instructions will help you figure out how to give your nails a square shape.

  1. It is standard to disinfect hands, degrease the plates, remove cuticles and burrs.
  2. If you trim the edges of your nails, first soak them in warm water - after this procedure they will be easier to trim. If only filing is required, it is better to do this on a dry nail to avoid splitting.
  3. To trim an even edge, use nippers or a nail clipper—a tool that covers the entire width of the nail. You can first mark the cut by placing your finger on a horizontal surface.
  4. The appearance and strength of the nail plate will largely depend on how to file square nails. Therefore, carefully sharpen the edge by running a medium-grained glass file in one direction (back and forth is not suitable). The edge line of the nail should be strictly perpendicular to the vertical axis. Then file the edges parallel to each other and along the longitudinal axis. Sharp corners can be slightly rounded using a fine-grained file, making movements from the edge to the center.
  5. Finish sand the surface and all edges. Remember that polishing can be done no more than once a month so as not to thin your nails.
  6. Rinse your hands with warm water and soften with cream. After a short break, you can begin the process of step-by-step design and painting.

, in which a contrasting line is outlined along the cuticle;

  • (French manicure).
  • The square shape of the nails allows the use of rhinestones and stickers, but in everything it is necessary to observe moderation. After all, the ideal geometric look of a manicure in itself is a wonderful decoration, so you shouldn’t get carried away with excessive decoration.

    You already know that one of the most important components of a great manicure is the shape of your nails. Of course, there is no arguing about tastes, and each representative of the fair sex has her own preferences in this matter. There are forms that have a fairly narrow circle of admirers, and vice versa - there are options that almost all girls like. So, square nails belong specifically to the second group, and their popularity is growing rapidly every year. What is good about the square shape of the tips, who will it suit, and most importantly, how to properly give it to your nails? You will find answers to all these questions in our article.

    Why do many nail art lovers think that a square is the ideal shape? There are several reasons. Firstly, square nails really look very beautiful, gentle and elegant on the hands, emphasizing the manicure of their owner. Secondly, making a square on your nails correctly is quite simple from a technical point of view - it is not an almond shape, which requires scrupulous work on geometric proportions. Thirdly, everyone’s favorite French jacket and many other designs with neat patterns, rhinestones, sparkles and other decor look incomparable on the square tips, which you can see for yourself by checking out the photo gallery at the end of the article. But before you go for a square nail shape, you need to be sure that it will complement your look harmoniously.

    Who is ideal for a square shape?

    It is extremely rare to find universal solutions in manicure, and this issue is no exception. Square nail shape is ideal for girls with long and thin fingers.. A square will visually shorten your fingers and make your hands look smaller and more graceful. Accordingly, square tips are not suitable for girls with rather massive fingers and a small nail bed, since they can unsuccessfully emphasize aesthetic imperfections. What objective advantages does the square shape have?

    • The easiest form to make that even beginners in nail art can do on their nails.
    • The best option for French manicure. French is an eternal classic, and in 2014 the design does not lose its relevance. If you want your nails to look elegant and stylish, then square tips are a good choice.
    • A square does not require long nails. Do you remember that the trend of 2014 is the most natural and natural manicure? Square nails of small and medium length will look not only beautiful, but also fashionable!

    Technique for making nails square

    If you are sure that a square will successfully complement your manicure, then it’s time to learn how to give your nails a square shape. First of all, you should prepare the necessary tools. You will need:

    • Nail clippers (nippers) or scissors with straight blades.
    • Nailfile.

    The technology for giving your nails a square shape is very simple. Be sure that you will get everything right and just follow the step-by-step instructions.

    1. First of all, you need to trim the free edge of the nail to the desired length. Try to do this in one movement - in a straight line. Nail clippers are ideal for these purposes, as they allow you to act quickly and correctly. You can also use nail scissors with straight blades, but the tool must be well sharpened. A matter of taste and habit, the main thing is an excellent result.
    2. Next, take a file and process the free edge. Traditional advice on using the tool: always file your nails in the same direction. This will help avoid splitting the tips and damaging the nail plate. Those girls whose nails are not strong and healthy need to be especially careful. It is important to file the square ends so that they are perfectly straight. It's very easy to check. Attach a nail file or any flat object to the free edge - the corners should be on the same line.
    3. Your next task is to file the sides of the nail. Using gentle movements, work the file along a line parallel to the direction of nail growth. In just a few seconds, your ends will take on the shape of a square. The geometry is extremely simple - there is simply nowhere to go wrong.
    4. If necessary, polish the nail plate with a special buff, then rinse your hands with warm water to wash off any remaining dust. At the end of the procedure, moisturize the skin with a nourishing cream.

    Of course, reading step-by-step instructions is often not enough, so we bring to your attention a useful video tutorial in which you will clearly see how to make a square nail shape.

    As you can see, everything is very simple. But the square shape has its own characteristics that should always be remembered. Having created a square on natural nails, you will need to adjust it every 3-4 days so that the outlines are not lost and your fingers look elegant and neat. It's not difficult at all because the adjustment only takes a few minutes.

    The main catch is that square nails, due to their sharp edges, can catch on hair, clothes and anything else you can get your hands on. This causes serious discomfort for many girls. But there is a very simple solution to this problem. In such situations, you can soften the square outline a little, making your nails less sharp and angular. This elegant and graceful shape is called “Soft Square”. This is a more convenient nail silhouette for everyday wear, and aesthetically, the softened tips look very gentle and feminine, as you can see by reading the collection of photos that we have prepared for you.

    Photo gallery of square nail designs

    Once you've decided on your nail shape, you probably want to choose a design that will perfectly complement your manicure. We divided our photo gallery into two parts. First, you will see what nail art looks like on classic angular nails, after which you will find out which design fits perfectly on a soft square. Whatever your tips, the best option for a square shape is, of course, a French tip. A French manicure with a pattern, rhinestones, sparkles in different color variations will look great. It is better to place designs on square nails vertically or diagonally - this way the design will look more stylish and harmonious. In the photo you will see several interesting ideas that you can safely implement in your manicure in 2014.

    It’s not for nothing that a soft square is considered by many girls to be the standard of a delicate and feminine nail shape. The elegant design can be complemented with a subtle pattern, shimmering glitter or sparkling rhinestones - it all depends on your mood. Try not to use too voluminous decor so as not to weigh down your elegant manicure. The classic French nail design in the shape of a soft square deserves special attention. Take a look at the photo and enjoy the excellent nail art.

    In 2014, the world of nail art set a course for maximum naturalness and authenticity. This means that square tips will be in trend for a long time. If you like this shape and your nails allow you to give it a preference, go for it. Finally, we bring to your attention another useful video tutorial that will show you how to create square nails with soft corners. Let manicure always be the perfect complement to your look!

    Everyone knows very well that the shape of the plates is an important component in manicure. Thanks to it, you can create the perfect finished look at home. Every girl has certain preferences in this matter, but lately many have been choosing square nails. Despite its popularity, not all girls know how to give their nails a square shape, whether it will suit them, or how to file the plates correctly.

    Manicure is a path in which it is quite difficult to find universal solutions. The question of choosing a form is also no exception. The square shape of nails is an ideal option for girls whose fingers are long and thin. Square nails will visually shorten your fingers, which means they will look miniature and graceful.

    Accordingly, cutting a square at home is not worth it for girls who have fairly massive fingers and whose stock is small. In this case, square nails will only emphasize these features.

    Many people wonder why square nail shapes are so popular? The fact is that it has many positive advantages:

    • filing them correctly is the easiest way;
    • this is an ideal option for most manicures, in particular for French manicures;
    • Square nails do not have to be long.

    These three features make girls choose square nails quite often. How to make them correctly at home? For work you cannot do without standard manicure accessories. Before filing them, you can perform a hygienic manicure, remove the cuticle, remove the old coating and degrease the plate.

    The easiest way to create a square nail shape is with nail clippers. They will help you decide on the right length. It is enough to remove the free edge in a straight line. The main point in this matter is removal in one motion. If you hesitate, the plate may begin to delaminate in the future. The tip itself needs to be filed just a little, just to eliminate the risk of scratches.

    At the same time, do not forget to saw the plate correctly. In particular, keep the same direction. It is recommended to follow this rule, even if you have extensions. Despite their strength, there is no need to create additional conditions for their damage.

    The above is not yet the answer to the question of how to make square nails; this is only a preparatory stage. Next, you need to saw the plates with a saw along the edges. This will help in directly creating the rectangle. It is necessary to adhere to straight movements perpendicular to the tip. It is also correct to work in one direction.

    Many girls, when they wonder how to make square nails, do not know that there are many options. In particular, the soft square is popular. This shape will be ideal for plates that are weakened for some reason. To get a soft square, just lightly file the corners of your plate.

    It is necessary to make movements towards the edge at an angle of 45 degrees, after which they should be slightly rounded. A soft square is an ideal option for those who like short nails, since leaving sharp tips risks ingrown plates.

    Changing the shape and choosing a design

    Many girls wonder how to change their shape from one to another. For example, how to make a soft square if you have a round design at the moment. First of all, you need to understand that you will be parting with the length of the free edge. For example, long oval plates can only be made of medium length with a square design.

    If you initially had almond-shaped plates, then the final result will be even shorter. If the tips are round, that is, starting from the sides themselves along the free edge, then you can forget about the square for a while. It is necessary to grow the length a little.

    If you have already grown the free edge to a sufficient length, then you can start changing the shape. It is enough to mark the widest part of the plate. In particular, the place where the oval curve begins. With wire cutters, everything above this line is cut off in one movement. Next, everything is repeated according to the scheme described above.

    It is worth noting that many girls choose extensions in the form of a square. This is due to the large number of design options.

    The most successful option for designing such nails is called French. It is perfect for both owners of long and short plates. You don’t have to limit yourself to the classic white design; you can play with colors.

    For example, a combination of red and black colors in such a classic design gives a very beautiful effect. You can even simply decorate the classic version using glitter or varnish with mother-of-pearl.

    It is not necessary to decorate such plates in any special way; just use an interesting colored varnish. It is worth emphasizing that even the most saturated colors will look great on square nails, regardless of their length. At the same time, the square is very convenient for painting. You can additionally decorate the plates with nail art using a thin brush.

    Another ideal option for designing square nails is the moon design. This is also a classic of the genre that looks great on plates.

    From a nail art perspective, square nail shapes have a number of advantages. In particular, this is a combination of a large area with symmetry, and if we are talking about extended nails, then the smoothness and evenness of the plate is also added.

    An aquarium design can be successfully placed on square nails. It will not look vulgar or look “too much”. Of course, we are not talking about a length of several centimeters. However, compared to, for example, the almond shape, the square one has much more aesthetics and classics.