Psychocorrectional tale about a baby elephant for children. A lullaby about an elephant. Listen and download for free Little Elephant, what's good about him

Once upon a time there was an elephant in the world, very large, completely ugly, but very kind. His name was Loni. One day he went for a walk.

He walked and walked and came to a blazing fire. A white duck was warming itself near the fire, and nearby there was a pond, Duck Pond. And the high flame of the fire was reflected in it as in a mirror.
Loni stopped to admire the fire, its reflection in the water, and the white duck.

But then a cloud rolled in and it began to rain. The fire got scared.
- If the rain stops, I'm dead! - he sobbed.
“Oh, don’t cry,” said the white duck, “or you’ll drown yourself in tears.”
The duck's name was Miranda.
“I’ll try,” said the fire.

Cheer up, buddy! - Loni said and blew on the fire. The fire flared up a little and became cheerful.
But the rain was pouring more and more heavily, and then Loni asked the white duck to fly quickly to the cloud and tell her that if it didn’t stop pouring rain, he, Loni, would blow so much that he would blow away the whole cloud, and there wouldn’t be a cloud from it. will remain.

Miranda flew to the cloud and told her everything, as Loni had ordered.
“Oh, forgive me, please,” said the cloud. - But the thing is, when I saw you, I thought: “Ducks love splashing in water more than anything else in the world,” and I rained on you.

I won't do it again!
- Thank you! - Miranda said and flew back. And the cloud flew in the other direction.
Sparing no effort, Loni blew and blew on the fire, and the fire flared up brighter than before. He was very pleased, but now Miranda became sad.

What happened to you? - Loni asked her.
“I... I... I... love the rain so much,” Miranda admitted. - All ducks love it.
“Well, it’s not difficult to help this grief,” said Loni. He lowered his trunk into the pond, took in more water and showered the duck with a real downpour.

Miranda flapped her wings and quacked with pleasure.
- Real rain! Even better than rain! - she was happy.
Loni again lowered his trunk into the pond, took in more water and again poured rain on the white duck. And then he took in more air and blew on the fire.

But now the time has come for him to return home. Loni said “goodbye” and left. Miranda looked after him for a long time, and it seemed to her that he was getting smaller and smaller.

Finally Loni completely disappeared from sight. Then Miranda threw some twigs into the fire, hid her head under her wing and fell asleep.

She dreamed of Loni, so big, not very handsome, but very kind. “Is that the end?” - asked the tiger.
“This fairy tale ends,” said the writer.
- Now can I go to bed?
- If you want, of course.
- And can I sleep through the entire page?
- Even two, if you want.
- No, I’ll sleep in the corner on the next page, where there’s empty space, and then I’ll wake up and you’ll tell me a new fairy tale.

And the tiger curled up in the very bottom corner of the page, where there were no drawings or letters. But he couldn’t sleep.
- One eye is already open, see? - he said.
“No, I don’t see something,” said the writer.
- Open! So tell me another story.
- About whom?
- About the tiger!
- Again about the tiger? It's boring.
- Well, then about the cat. A cat is almost a tiger. Little tiger. Tell me about Dick Withington's cat. How Dick walked up Highgate Hill, looked back at London and said, “One day I will be Lord Mayor of London.”
- Yes, this is a folk tale. An English folk tale, and you know it very well. No, I'd rather tell you about the girl from Highgate Hill.

Come on, tell me!
- Please?
- Yes, tell me, please! (See the continuation of the tale of Donald Bisset "

Baby elephant and boy

Once upon a time there lived a baby elephant. He was very small and didn’t have a mom or dad, so kind people took him to the zoo. But even in the new place the baby elephant was completely alone. Children rarely approached his enclosure, and the elephant calf was often bored.

One day a little boy noticed him. He looked at the baby elephant for a long time and finally decided to pet it. The baby elephant extended his trunk to the boy. The boy gave the baby elephant some peanuts and stroked his trunk. So, the baby elephant and the boy became friends.

Since then, the baby elephant has had a real friend. The boy began to visit the elephant every day to talk to him about the latest news and treat him to peanuts. The baby elephant was not so lonely now.

One day the boy fell ill and did not come to the elephant for several days. Then the baby elephant got sick. He lay down on the ground and refused to eat. The zoo owner decided that the baby elephant would soon be dead. The baby elephant lost weight and became very weak.

When the baby elephant became very ill, the same boy who was his best friend came to visit him. The boy recovered. The baby elephant raised his trunk and called the boy. The boy again began to visit the elephant every day, and the elephant quickly recovered.

When the boy grew up, so did the baby elephant. Now the baby elephant has become an elephant, and the boy has become a man. To this day, an adult man is greeted at the zoo by a devoted elephant, who is always happy to see his best friend.

- one of the children's stories about animals told at night by the clown Banilaska. The story completes the cycle of seven lullabies and is intended for Sunday. But, of course, you can listen to it any day. The peculiarity of this tale is that it has no plot, it is simply a very informative story about elephants. Listening to a lullaby about an elephant online is not only interesting and exciting, but also, of course, useful for the overall development of the child. If your child likes educational stories, then we suggest you always have one on hand. All you have to do is download a free fairy tale about an elephant to your computer.


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From this fairy tale, the child will learn many reliable facts about the life of elephants. The fairy tale will tell the little one how elephants live and what they eat in the wild. The child will be interested to know that in some countries the elephant is a domestic animal and is used on the farm to transport heavy loads. The little one will also listen to poems about the everyday life of circus elephants and zoo animals. The lovely lullaby that immediately follows the tale also talks about elephants. Here you can listen to this lullaby online.

Fairy tale for preschool and primary school children

A fairy tale about Buddy the elephant for children 5 - 11 years old

Egorova Galina Vasilievna
Position and place of work: teacher of home education, KGBOU "Motyginskaya comprehensive boarding school", Motygino village, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Description of material: This fairy tale is written for children of different ages. Therefore, it will be of interest to primary school teachers and educators. This fairy tale tells about the friendship of a baby elephant and a girl. This fairy tale can be used in kindergarten, in extracurricular reading lessons at school and for reading with the family.
Target: Formation of ideas about friendship in children through the content of a fairy tale.
-educational: instill an interest in the world around us, in animals, in reading fairy tales;
-developing: develop memory, attention, imagination, ingenuity, logical thinking, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions;
- educational: cultivate goodwill, a sense of self-confidence and friendship.
Once upon a time there was a little elephant in India whose name was Buddy.

Like all elephants, he was smart, smart, funny, friendly and cheerful. And how Buddy loved to devour bananas, seeds, leaves and tree bark, nuts and fruits on both cheeks! And the baby elephant loved to swim. Moreover, it was very hot.

Buddy's big ears, fans, also helped him escape from her.
One day, a little elephant decided to take a walk.
- Just don’t go far from our herd! - the mother elephant sternly warned. – There is a lot of danger all around!
- Fine! - Buddy answered, walking cheerfully along the road.
But before the baby elephant had time to go halfway, he suddenly caught a barely audible sound. At first he didn’t even understand where it was coming from. Turning his locator ears and looking around, he realized that there was someone under the fallen old tree. Buddy carefully went down and suddenly saw a girl who was crying bitterly.
- What's happened? – asked the baby elephant, trying not to scare the child.
The little girl froze in surprise and even stopped crying.
- You are an elephant and you can talk? – she exclaimed in surprise.
- Well, you're strange! Not only can I talk, I can also draw, dance and swim! – the baby elephant answered proudly. – What is your name and what happened to you?
- My name is Ketaka. I wanted to collect beautiful leaves from this fallen tree, because I couldn’t get it from the tall ones. I'm still little. She just stumbled and twisted her ankle. How can I get home now? – the girl said and was about to roar again.
“And I’m still small, too, but I can tear off that beautiful leaf from a high branch for you,” Buddy said and reached out with his trunk, like a hand, to the neighboring tree.
The girl looked at this spectacle as if in a circus. And when the baby elephant finally reached the leaf, she began to clap her hands loudly and shout: “Oh, how great! What a great fellow you are!”
- Well, take your piece of paper and let’s think about how to get you home. I’ll bring my mother now and she’ll give us some advice. “And you stay here, don’t go anywhere,” Buddy said.
-Are you kidding me? Where can I go with a sore leg? – the stranger was almost indignant.
The little elephant laughed and answered:
- Yes, I just wanted to cheer you up, stupid!
And Buddy quickly walked towards the house. He told his mother everything and they went together to help the poor fellow.
-And here we are! Have you been swinging on a swing lately? - asked the baby elephant.
- For a long time. What does the swing have to do with it? – the girl was perplexed.
- Well, now you will have such an opportunity! – Buddy laughed.
Then the elephant picked up the girl, put her in her trunk and carried her, gently rocking her.

Having delivered the cargo to its destination, the girl’s parents thanked the elephants for their help and kindness.
Since then, Buddy and Ketaka became friends and always played near the herd of elephants. Buddy poured water from his trunk on the girl, and she laughed merrily. She became everyone's favorite. After all, elephants love people and make friends with them, showing only positive qualities. Ketaka also began to treat Buddy with cookies and sweets, which made the baby elephant’s cheeks get bigger and bigger.

Lullaby story about an elephant:

Stay on the pillow
But open your ears wider.
Sunday before bed
There will be an encounter with an elephant.
You know, the homeland of the elephant -
A very hot country.
There elephants live in the forest,
Juicy leaves are chewed.
And then they go to the river
And they drink water from the river.
They collect water in the trunk
And they pour water on my back.
Having fun swimming
They rinse in the river.
At the zoo all year round
The elephant lives so big.
And at the cage on Sunday
People are gathering.
The elephant comes very close
He bows low to the children.
He takes a banana with his trunk
And puts it in the open mouth.
And radishes and carrots
He puts it in his mouth very deftly.
The elephant looks happy
And a good appetite.
The only bad thing is that thanks
Doesn't tell anyone.
And sometimes the elephant is domestic.
At home he's not scary at all.
Carrying bananas on his back
Carries trees in its trunk.
Like riding a horse
Boys ride it.
Even the girls sit down
Because they are not afraid.
And an elephant can be an artist,
If he performs in the circus.
There he rides on a ball
And dances funny in pairs
With a clumsy teddy bear
In pink pants.
All elephants sleep standing up at night
This is not a simple matter.
If an elephant lies in bed -
He won't be able to get up from it.
A giraffe sleeps standing nearby.
You can't hide it in the closet.
Because for the giraffe
You don't have enough closet.
Well, go to bed.
Tomorrow morning you will get up early,
Quickly do the exercises,
Wash your hands under the tap,
You and your mother will eat together,
You will listen to bedtime stories.
Because these fairy tales
Banilaska brings him to the house.
The kindest storyteller in the world,
He only goes to obedient children.

Lullaby about an elephant:

There is a gray cat outside the window.
He's wandering around somewhere near the house.
It goes, then it comes,
Sings a lullaby.
It goes, then it comes,
He sings to you about an elephant.
The elephant has a lot to do
In the morning he got up very early.
Carrying bananas all day
And now my back hurts.
Carrying bananas all day
And now my back hurts.
Elephant after dinner
Says goodbye to his neighbor.
He will go to sleep in a large cage
And he will have a dream.
He will go to sleep in a large cage
And he will have a dream.
I have to get up early tomorrow.
Say goodbye to Banilaska.
Children close their eyes
Roma will also sleep.
Children close their eyes
And Ilyusha will sleep.
Children close their eyes
And Svetlana will sleep.
Children close their eyes
Ksyusha will also sleep.
Children close their eyes
....... will sleep.