A love spell between a husband and his wife without consequences at home. Love spell on your husband: how to do it and what are the consequences? How to determine a love spell and what to do in this case? How to bewitch your husband forever at home

Life is a complicated thing, and in order to get a loved one into their arms, some girls use a variety of tricks. If a young man cannot (or does not want) to be nearby, “heavy artillery” comes to the rescue - magical love spells.

If you are thinking about how to bewitch a man, you are not concerned about moral aspects and are not afraid of the likely negative consequences of such a step, we suggest that you carefully study witchcraft rituals.

By carrying out a conspiracy at home, you can get someone else’s boyfriend, snatch your husband from the tenacious hands of a rival, or simply start a new romance.

This is a magical ritual designed to help the “sorcerer” keep or gain a loved one. It is curious that for magic there is no concept of “one’s own” or “someone else’s” guy, therefore, provided there is sufficient energy strength, it is possible for a married young man.

In magic, the distance at which the person being bewitched is also indifferent. Witchcraft rituals can have an effect on both the neighboring guy and the young man located hundreds of kilometers away from you.

The effectiveness of the ritual depends only on your inner strength, your desire to be with the man and the correctness of the ritual.

There are several options for how to bewitch a man and attract him into your life:

  1. A love spell on a man is carried out independently, without using the services of third-party specialists. Here it is important to make sure that the conspiracy really works, and to protect yourself as much as possible from possible negative consequences.
  2. The work of professional fortune tellers is expensive, but is believed to give better results. In addition, turning to a fortune teller or witch will help reduce the risk of unwanted reactions on the part of the guy being bewitched.

If you are looking for ways to get your lover back, be sure to read and follow these important rules and conditions:

  1. Religion is categorically against such actions. Magic rituals are considered a sinful activity, so think carefully about the need to conduct a witchcraft ritual.
  2. You cannot carry out a conspiracy just like that - for the sake of curiosity or to test your own witchcraft powers. You should be guided only by love for a man.
  3. It is not recommended to perform love spells for harm, for example, to take revenge on a departed lover. In magic, there is the concept of “kickback”, when negative consequences arise for a woman in the form of illness or failure in love affairs.
  4. When making a plot yourself, make sure that it is “working”. When contacting a third-party specialist, make sure (for example, through word of mouth) that he is not an ordinary charlatan.
  5. To prevent the love spell from hitting you or leading to a deterioration in your relationship with your lover (the so-called reverse force), take care to set up protection. This could be some kind of amulet or, again, a protective plot.
  6. It is better to cast a love spell on a man on the waxing moon and on the so-called men's days - Thursday, Tuesday or Monday. However, individual rituals may have different instructions.
  7. You cannot talk about the ritual performed, otherwise it simply will not work.

These are the basic rules and conditions that must be followed when casting a love spell on a man. It’s your life – it’s up to you to decide whether it’s worth getting involved with all these “otherworldly” rituals. Below we present some of the most common love spells.

This conspiracy is suitable for those ladies who are interested in how to bewitch a man from a distance. The big plus of this love spell is that it can be performed at home.

You will need a photo of your beloved guy, in which he is alone, and a photo of you. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. To perform a love spell yourself, try to clear your mind of unnecessary information, concentrating only on the man.
  2. Write down the personal information of your beloved guy (name, date of birth) on the back of your photo, and on the man’s photo, write down information about yourself.
  3. Place the photos facing each other. Sew the corners of the pictures with red thread, as if connecting your life with the fate of the guy. When tying a knot, say the following words: “I bind the servant of God (pronounce the name of the object) with the servant of God (say your name) with indissoluble bonds. Amen".
  4. After saying these words, cut the thread. Then you need to put the related photographs in a white envelope and seal it with a melted wax candle. During the procedure, say 3 times: “Seal the servant of God (the name of the object is pronounced) with the servant of God (your name) from the evil eye, from unkind intentions, from the cold lapel.”

The sealed envelope must be hidden in a secret place. A love spell at a distance works quickly and powerfully. Those who performed this ritual claim that it begins to act after 5-7 days.

If you love a person very much, but live far from him, try another love spell at a distance - a spell in which church candles are used. You can perform it either independently or by a professional sorcerer.

Before actually performing the ritual, the candles must be woven together. You can first hold them over the fire so that they do not crack.

During weaving, the following text is spoken: “Just as these candles are entwined together, so I, the servant of God (your name) and the servant of God (the name of the object is pronounced) will be entwined together. As your candle wraps around mine, so you wrap around me.”

Then twisted candles are lit in front of the icon, a photograph of the beloved guy is placed next to it and the following is said: “I do not light candles, but the heart and soul of the servant of God (the name of the object is pronounced) for me, the servant of God (your name). Amen".

The twisted candles are left to burn out. Repeat this plot 9 times, while saying the above words. The ritual works well on both a free guy and a stranger.

The question of how to bewitch a married man worries a huge number of lovely ladies.

A conspiracy will come to the rescue, in which the personal item of someone else’s boyfriend is used. It could be a shirt, a business card - that is, an object that can be burned.

Let’s make a reservation right away: this spell is short-lived, especially if you perform it at home and not with a qualified magician. However, this ritual can be periodically renewed, since the person being bewitched does not develop a “habit” of the ritual.

To bewitch your lover and connect his life with yours, try to get your loved one’s thing. In addition, prepare in advance:

  • a new candle;
  • mirror;
  • a needle;

Use a needle to scratch the name of the object on the candle. Then it must be set on fire and placed in front of a mirror. The next step is to pass the knife over the candle flame and, looking in the mirror, say the following text: “Flame of fate, hear me. Let (say the name of the object) become mine. Flame, my friend, do no harm. Secure your union with your loved one forever.”

Turn away from the mirror and say 3 times: “If there is an enemy, take him away. Turn your soul (say the name of the object) towards me.” Then you should again turn to the mirror and repeat three times: “Flame, I make a sacrifice to you. Fulfill your wish and I’ll leave.”

They complete the plot by burning the thing that belongs to your lover in the fire of a candle. Be sure to wait for it to burn completely.

Of course, you shouldn’t completely burn the entire shirt your lover was wearing (it will burn and smell strongly). Cut a piece of fabric for the ritual, and the remaining material can be used to consolidate the result.

If you have no idea how to bewitch a man, use a food spell.

Due to lack of time, modern ladies neglect cooking at home, preferring semi-finished products or dinner in a cafe.

Meanwhile, by preparing a dish, adding natural spices (which are often aphrodisiacs), you already fill the food with your energy and strength.

To fulfill the spell, you will need the freshest red meat (it is better to purchase it at the market without bargaining) and special seasonings.

Red pepper, coriander or cilantro awakens sexual desires in men. While cooking, say the following text: “Just as this food that the servant of God (your name) prepared will be desirable, so may I be desirable for the servant of God (the name of the object is pronounced). Amen".

We warn you that the prepared love spell food should only be tried by one person – your lover. This conspiracy has a strong and effective effect on both a free guy and a stranger.

When connecting your life with the fate of your beloved guy through a conspiracy, you need to understand that each magical ritual has its own fee.

When learning ways to bewitch a man, including someone else’s lover, carefully study the possible consequences.

A conspiracy for love is always the submission of human will. If the dream of your life comes back to you, it will not happen out of goodness and consent, but through coercion.

What is the danger of such a witchcraft effect on the guy’s psyche?

  1. Most often, bewitched men (especially those in relationships) begin to rush between two ladies - their legal wife and the “witch”. Sometimes, due to unresolved issues, a lover’s life collapses, for example, he drinks the problem down with alcohol.
  2. It is believed that bewitched men lose weight and have health problems. This is due to the fact that the conspiracy blocks the natural routes of energy supply.
  3. Often the material sphere also suffers from a love spell. Wealthy men go broke because their entire lives are now centered around one girl. Everything else - work, career - ceases to interest them.

Of course, in some cases, love spells do not have serious consequences. However, no one can give a 100% guarantee that you will be able to fulfill all the conditions of the ritual on your own and get your loved one without the accompanying problems.

In addition, the conspiracy can affect you too. Love spells are often binary - that is, by tying her lover to herself, the girl begins to feed him with her energy, which can deplete her and even lead to various diseases.

A love spell at a distance, carried out using a photograph or a candle, can work quickly or be detected after some time. But when connecting your life and the fate of a man with the help of witchcraft rituals, it is important to understand the possible consequences.

Love magic is considered a powerful “weapon” that can bring your beloved guy to you.

However, if you perform the rituals yourself, various mistakes and oversights are possible, so do not forget to carefully pay attention to every little detail indicated in the plot.

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Bewitch your husband yourself, forever and without consequences!

Use the following love spells at home:

Go to the window and open it (wide). Imagine that your husband is walking along the road that is directly opposite your house. Imagine that he is looking at you and smiling sweetly. Say loudly (out loud): “I call you (say your name) you (say the name of your loved one) to my snow-white porch! I assign to you (say the name of your loved one) four guides - angels. Dear (say the name of your beloved) you lead to me, thoughts (say the name of your beloved) to (say your name) quickly pull, carry your legs (say the name of your beloved), bring them to my neat porch. Come back quickly (say the name of your loved one), at least in a dream. Amen (three times)." Cast this spell every day (for one week, without missing a single day).

“The Magic of Photography” will help you bewitch your spouse

Wait until the sun rises. Take several photos (his and your photo). Take a seat at an empty table. Place your photo on the surface of his photograph. Time yourself for three minutes. Sit this period of time in silence, without moving, with your eyes closed. Imagine yourself next to your loved one. Turn your photo over and write on the back the name of the person you can't live without. Write his date of birth. Do the opposite with the second photo (write your name and your date of birth on this photo). Stack photos with images facing each other. Take a thick red thread out of the box. Thread it through the eye of the needle and carefully pierce the corners of the folded photographs. Tie a strong knot. While tying a knot, say the phrase: “I knit you (the name of your loved one) with the servant of God (your name) with unbreakable bonds. Amen!".

Love spell to bewitch your husband - “The Magic of Red”

Prepare colored (red) paper, a large red apple, a long and thick red thread. Write your names on paper (on different sides). Cut the apple into several equal halves. Place the paper inside the cut apple. Tie the apple halves together with string. Say in a quiet voice: “The apple is drying up from the sun, and you (say the man’s name) are drying up from great longing for me!” Leave the apple in the sun.

Bewitch your husband with a love spell - “Love Amulet”

Take two rosebuds (they should not be in bloom) and one pomegranate. If there is no pomegranate, then use any other “material” from which you could get a red liquid. Why red? Because this color symbolizes love and passion. Get a blue or dark blue candle and a ribbon of the same color. Place a deep bowl or bowl next to the listed items. Wait until midnight. Light a candle (in complete darkness), squeeze pomegranate juice into a bowl. Sit down parallel to the candle and place a bowl of juice near you. Take rosebuds. Press them tightly together and dip them into the juice without separating them. Close your eyes tightly and imagine that you are next to your spouse in your favorite place. Whisper sweet words to him. Say this until you feel like stopping. After this, take the roses out of the bowl (without separating them), tie them with a ribbon and hide this amulet in a place inaccessible to others.

“Love Flow” - activates husband’s attraction

Wait until the fifth day of the week. Take three pink candles, a joint photo, incense (with the scent of a rose), icons and orange oil. Place candles around the photo (in the form of a triangle). Light the candles. Make rotational movements with incense around the photo, saying: “I beg you, love, glue our destinies together and warm our hearts with your warmth!” Address the icon in prayer. Collect leftover candles and incense. Wrap them in pink cloth. Hide the bundle under your husband's pillow and don't take it out. Do everything so that he does not notice this thing.

“Happiness hidden in the ring” - will give the charm an active impulse

Buy any copper ring (without any bidding). Place it on any candle. Place it in a candlestick and light it carefully. Say the following words: “I light the Fire of the Universe, I sincerely wish (man’s name) love!”

Love spell “Photography is a piece of magic” for your spouse

Take a recent photo of your spouse (it should be taken within a year). Only your man should be in the photo (there should be no strangers in the picture). Sit down at a wooden table and place the photograph chosen for the ritual (face down) on its surface. Whisper: “Don’t go to another, my beloved! I want to stay with you forever!” Sit for half an hour (still). Turn the photo over and move away from the table. Repeat the ritual after a few days (in the exact sequence).

Here's how to bewitch your husband with a love spell - “Three Petals”

Separate three large petals from a lush and luxurious rose. Write your spouse's name on one of them (in pencil or ballpoint pen). Leave your own name on the second petal. On the third - your date of birth (your date and the date of your loved one should be there). Roll flower petals into each other and burn them. While they are burning, it is necessary to cast any spell to return former passion and love.

Strengthen your bewitchment with this love spell - “Apple - apple”

Buy a huge red apple, a round piece of paper (red) and a red thread. Take a pencil of your favorite color. Write the full name of your beloved husband on paper. Circle it a few more times. Write your name on the back. Fold the name sheet, place it in the middle of the table and cover it with apple slices. Place a red thread next to the leaf. Say in a whisper: “Be with me always and never look at other women!” Tear the thread and leaf. Burn what you tore. Eat all apple slices carefully, chewing them thoroughly. Lie down on the sofa, close your eyes and imagine your loved one. Count to nineteen and open your eyes. Smile, look in the mirror and repeat the love spell words you have already spoken.

How to bewitch a man? -
Women's comments -
Women's secrets -

Almost every woman at least once in her life has thought about how to bewitch or lure her beloved man into her bed. Especially considering the course of life. Rituals aimed at binding a spouse (often an ex) are also not uncommon. Frequently arising difficulties, contradictions and temptations on the marital path force many women and girls to use love spells. And in this article you will find several popular spell options on how to bewitch your husband.

Using love spells on your husband, you can not only return your spouse who has decided to leave the family nest due to personal factors, but also prevent this from happening.

It is worth noting that love spells on a husband only work on a legally married person. That is, a wife can perform such a ceremony only on her husband. Also, rituals can act in some situations if people have not legally intertwined their destinies, but live under the same roof for a long time.

To bewitch “your” man, you need to perform a special ritual. Each ritual provides its own instructions, strict adherence to which will guarantee the implementation of a love spell.

Ritual to prevent betrayal

This love spell is quite strong and can be read if the legal spouse has caught her husband flirting with another person, or has simply begun to suspect her sweetheart. To stop a man’s thoughts about going “left,” you need to make the following love spell on bed at home.

On the waxing moon, cover your marital bed with a sheet. You need one in which you and your spouse have had an intimate relationship at least once. Also prepare 7 candles in advance, which you should buy in the church. During the planned period, at night, when your husband is not at home, begin the ritual. Place all the candles in a semicircle in front of the bed and light them. While they burn, think about how strong your family is, how much you love each other. Having concentrated your attention in this way, you can read a love spell on your husband:

“The Lord Almighty, my Lord, protector, intercessor and giver of mercy. Please, help me find my husband, God’s servant (husband’s name), bring him to the threshold of the house, and place him on this bed. Let him forget all other women and love only me, my faithful wife (his name). So that his thoughts are only about me, so that his passionate desire comes true only with me. It will only be like this from now on. Amen".

It is advisable to carry out the ceremony before the spouse returns home. He should not catch you performing the ritual, otherwise there will be no effect. After making a love spell, put the candles away and leave the sheet spread out. Next, you will need to go to bed on this bed with your loved one.

Having carried out this ritual at home, you will see its effect almost immediately. The husband will spend more time with his family.

Ritual to strengthen family bonds

You can bewitch your spouse using this ritual in situations where the marriage begins to gradually collapse under the influence of frequent quarrels, scandals, problems, etc. It will be possible not only to keep your husband in the family, but also to eliminate the existing disagreements between you.

For the ritual to be effective, you must do the following. After waiting for your husband to fall asleep, carefully cut a strand from his head. Do the same to yourself. The procedure must be carried out either at 12 at night or after the arrows pass this mark. Match your lock with your husband's. Having put them in a distant drawer, go to bed.

The ritual, during which a love spell between a husband and his wife will be read, must be continued in the morning. When you wake up, take out your curls. Cut them into very small pieces using the sharpest scissors. Next, remove the resulting rubbish into a hand-sewn bag. When you put your hair in it, say the words of the love spell:

“Just as these hairs from the head of the slave (husband’s name) and the slaves (his own name) are connected, so our lives from now on will be connected. Love has bound us together forever, and quarrels and disagreements have gone away. Amen".

Then this bag will need to be discreetly placed at the head of the spouse’s bed. If possible, you can sew the bag into the clothes that the spouse wears at home every day. It is worth noting that the longer a man is in contact with the love spell bag, the stronger the effect will be.

Ritual with a ring to bring back a departed spouse

This ritual can be used at home if you need to bewitch a husband who has left the family. Please note that the ritual will only work if this happens for the first time. To return your beloved to the family and improve relationships, it will be enough:

  • a glass filled with holy water;
  • your own wedding ring.

Having placed the vessel on the table, lower the symbol of the family into it. At the same time, cast a love spell on the wedding ring:

“As a wedding ring is lowered into consecrated water, so my husband (his name) returns to me. Amen".

After this, remove the ring from the water, and drink all the water without leaving a trace.

Ritual with a ring to return a spouse

This love spell is more powerful. It is used to bring back an ex-husband who has left the family nest not for the first time. This ritual is performed not only at home. In order for a love spell to help you achieve what you want, you need to take your ring and wrap it in a piece of white cloth before leaving the house. Taking it, go to the church. You should stand there for the entire service, and then buy wax candles (3 pieces). You can return home with them and the ring in your hand.

When you return, place the ring on the ring finger of your right hand. Then place candles on the table in the shape of a triangle and light them. At the same time, read the text of the love spell while looking at the candle fire:

“Holy candles burn and illuminate, warm, the marriage of the servant of God (her name) and the servant of God (name of her husband). May our hearts be filled with warmth and love from now on and forever and ever. Amen".

You will need to perform the ritual three times in a row. For the love spell to work, you need to perform similar actions at intervals of a week. After which the return of the husband to the family will not take long.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you that you can bewitch your husband (present or former) if you sincerely believe in the success of the event and if you choose a love spell as strong as the current situation in the family requires.

A break in a relationship and indifference on the part of a chosen one have a negative impact on a woman. She begins to worry and get nervous - why is her husband indifferent or has left the family, is there a rival? An inferiority complex and irritability appear. A love spell on your husband will help bring back an elusive relationship.

It is important that the wife has the desire to return her loved one to the family. In this case, the chances of success are high. The energy of the spouses, even if they are not secured by a church wedding, is interconnected. Common life, children, memories provide a good platform for reunion. The forces of the elements are on the side of the family, they help to return the chosen one. Therefore, a husband's love spell usually ends in success.

After the relationship returns, follow 3 rules.

  1. Don't reproach.
  2. Don't remember.
  3. Trust.

Conspiracy for personal belongings

To bewitch your husband, you should use things that he wore (from 1 month). New ones or ones that have rarely been worn will not work. This could be a tie, underwear, or a shirt. General everyday life allows the wife to use all possible methods of white magic; the husband’s love spell works quickly and effectively.

Option I

Perform a love spell late in the evening, during the waxing moon. There should be no one in the room. Light 3 red wax candles and place them in a triangle. Place a glass of holy or settled water in the center of the triangle. Take your loved one’s thing in your hands, press it to your chest, say 7 times:

“How true it is that water will not rush from the corner of the house and will not burn the threshold. It is so true that my beloved (husband’s name) will not leave me, will not find another for himself, will not press him to his chest, will not hug, will not caress me, will not leave me as a servant of God (his name) until the thing faithfully serves him. What is said will come true. Key. Lock. Language. Amen"

Sprinkle the item with water from a glass and put it under your pillow. Do not talk to anyone after performing a magical effect. The husband must wear the enchanted item constantly.

Option II

Take your spouse’s belt and discreetly write the word “Mine” near the buckle. Move the belt from the buckle to the end, saying:

“Strap-strap, my dear friend. Serve me together, (husband’s name) tie to me. Tie not by force, but by kindness and affection! Hug him as I will hug him, help him as I will help him! Warm in the cold, don't soar in the heat, be as gentle as my hand. I marked the strap, now there is a mark about me on (husband’s name)’s soul. My heart will feel it, the belt will lead me, my chosen one will find a path to me. Amen"

At the end of the belt, discreetly write the word “Mine” again. A charmed belt will help restore good relationships.

Spell for water, food

Option I

As soon as you understand that your chosen one is about to leave the family or has directly said so, food and drink spells will help you bring him back and bewitch your husband. Before serving food, read the spell words:

“Neither on a clear day, nor in bad weather, so that the servant of God, (husband’s name), would not find a place for himself on the road, on the way. So that his legs tremble, his tears do not dry up, Dreams call him home to the servant of God (his name). The word is firm and will last forever. Amen"

Option II

Cook jelly from 2 berries (for example, cherries and raspberries, shadberry and currants). Read words about your husband’s love while stirring the jelly:

“Growing up apart, but now together”

You need to drink it together, preferably from the same mug.

Option III

If there are constant quarrels and scandals in the family, words for any food and drink will help to return your husband’s love:

“As Eve went for Adam, so you, servant (your name), go for the slave (husband’s name). So that they could live together forever, share bread and bed, keep up with each other, and not know life without each other. Where the slave (her name) goes, the slave (her husband’s name) goes. Amen"

Option IV

Say words that will help you bewitch your husband over red wine:

“Mother Most Holy Theotokos and Father Jesus Christ, I do not speak wine, but return love. So that there will be love until the end of the age of your servant of God (name of your husband) and servant of God (your name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

In the evening, treat your loved one to wine at dinner.

Option V

The plot is read with salt. It is important that not the entire salt shaker falls under the spell. Only the part you will use to salt your spouse’s food:

“Just as people love salt and cannot live without it, so my husband would love me just as much and could not live without me, not a day pass, not an hour pass, not a minute pass by. Everyone would follow me and admire me. Amen"

Lapel from a rival

Option I

If you are sure that after leaving the house, your spouse went to his mistress, follow him with a love spell. Open the door and read:

“Earth-earth, light of the luminaries, I turn to you, who did not walk on you, did not commit their sins. The slave (husband's name) will follow you to the homewrecker, give him a hard road, burning tears, a sick heart. The further he gets from me, the harder it will be for him along the way. To pull him back, turn him back. So that he would suffer without me like the holy martyrs. Amen"

Option II

“For bread, for water, neither on a clear day nor in bad weather. So that the slave (husband's name) does not find a place for himself on the road, on the way. So that his legs tremble, his tears do not dry up, his dreams call him back home to his slave (his name). The word is strong and will last forever. Amen"

Wrap a piece of bread in a scarf and put it discreetly in your husband’s pocket. This will help bring your husband home and return his love to you. It is important that the chosen one does not notice the love spell bread. Otherwise, the husband's love spell will not work.

Option III

If your chosen one went to live with a rival, read the words 3 times a day in order to return your spouse, his love:

“I will take the heart of God’s servant (husband’s name), and carry it to the ice kingdom, to the cold state. So that the slave (name of the husband) does not love the slave (name of the homewrecker), cools his heart, does not carry her in his heart. In the ice kingdom, in the cold state, there is an ice hut, in the hut there is an ice wall, an ice window, an ice stove. The devil and the devil are fighting, pinching, bleeding, not thinking, and not giving advice. So the servant of God (husband’s name) would fight and pinch the servant of God (the name of the homewrecker), get angry and swear, he wouldn’t think twice, he wouldn’t give advice. Century after century from now on. Amen"

Option IV

Looking at the growing month, say the words in a quick whisper to bring back your chosen one:

“A month, have you been in the next world? Have you seen my dead? Have you seen (husband’s name) alive? As you change place and light, sometimes you grow, sometimes you decrease, so you find me a slave (husband’s name) and bring me a slave (husband’s name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

The power of wedding rings

The spouses' rings carry the strong energy of the family. A wedding ring is the oldest symbol of love and fidelity. This is a good talisman for the family. The magical power will begin to act if there is a sincerity in the desire to preserve the chosen one and faith in the successful outcome of the ritual.

Start the love spell during the waxing moon, light 3 candles. Place your wedding ring in a glass of holy water. Say the words 3 times:

“Holy water, calm me down. Help me, (your name), restore the faith and love of God’s servant, (husband’s name). Just as the rings sealed our marriage, so water and my words will unite us forever. Just as water flows here and there, so my beloved will return to me forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

A magazine suddenly falling to the floor brought Marina out of the amoebic state she had been in since Alexei left. And then her gaze was drawn to the title of the opened spread: “How to bewitch a man.” There are no coincidences, the girl thought, and began to read the text.

  • How to bewitch your husband without consequences

    Family life is full of surprises: both happy and unpleasant, which lead to the collapse of the relationship. The latter happen often. Those who find themselves in a situation where a loved one has left often look for how to return them.

    There are those who decide to use magic: they figure out how to bewitch a man and perform a love spell ritual.

    Rituals performed thoughtlessly, unnecessarily and without proper preparation lead to irreversible consequences for you and your loved ones, and for future children.

    Love magic is based on a sincere, all-consuming feeling. When a girl is ready to give her heart for her beloved, the love spell will work.

    • Before starting the ritual, concentrate on the image of your loved one. Thoughts should be in the area of ​​future relationships and focus on love for him.
    • Perform the ceremony alone, in plain clothes - a shirt, a combination; Wash your face, let your hair down, bare feet.
    • The sacrament is performed on the waxing, waxing moon (when the ritual does not stipulate otherwise).
    • Do not use magic on church holidays or on Sundays.
    • Attributes - candles - light with a match or a torch, and extinguish them with your fingers or a knife purchased in advance for the action.
    • In order for the success of the love spell to take hold faster, you must have access to the man’s social circle. Appear in front of him more often, let him feel your presence.
    • If you try to bewitch your lover as soon as possible, you need to simultaneously carry out rituals to destroy the relationship with your spouse (cooling or turning away).
    • Do not share with others about the witchcraft method used, since the spell will be destroyed (a channel for the exit of the energy spent on the love spell will open).
    • Hide the objects used in the ritual in a safe place or throw them away in a deserted wasteland (except for those that you hand over to the object of influence).

    Try to follow the above when working on the problem of “how to bewitch a man,” and the negative consequences of such actions will be minimal.

    Strong rituals involve the use of magical objects - candles, photographs, icons, things of the man being bewitched.

    Tangle of destinies

    With the help of a couple of church candles and a photo, bewitch your loved one from a distance.

    Weave two wax candles and say the magic lines:

    “Just as both candles are intertwined, so our destinies - the servant of God (name yourself) and the servant of God (name of the chosen one) - are united. The candles are retinue, which means you and I are retinue.”

    Then light a double candle in front of the image of your beloved and say nine times:

    “I don’t light a candle, but your soul, servant of God (name of the chosen one), so that your heart burns for me, servant of God (name). My words on the key-lock. Amen".

    Water will tell you how to bewitch your lover

    Married people with mistresses should beware of leaving their own things with them. And the shirt will become a means of love connection. It's done like this:

    In the evening, the girl fills a bucket of spring water, throws a silver ring into it and leaves the container by the bed overnight. This way the water is charged. Early in the morning (before sunrise), the girl takes the product out of the bucket with her left hand, throws on her lover’s shirt (not washed) and, standing barefoot on the ground, douses herself from the bucket with the words:

    “Your shirt, servant of God (says his name), is on me, your sweetheart, servant of God (says his name). So your love is on me. I water myself with water, forever and ever being bewitched by my sweetheart. I will forever be with my beloved, only love him alone. Silver water will spill, my words will come true. Amen".

    The homewrecker does not take off her shirt until it dries.

    Cat and candles - mine forever

    Take a couple of large candles (white and red). Brush the cat so that the hair remains on the comb, lock yourself in the room (don’t take the cat), light candles and place them on the table. Place a small saucer nearby. Write your names (yours and your spouse’s) on a piece of red paper.

    Place the collected wool on the sheet and fold it in half twice. Bring the paper to the candles so that both flames light up at the same time. Place the burning leaf on a saucer and say: