Is it necessary to bleach your hair before dyeing it? How to lighten dark hair. Lightening dark colored hair

How to give your hair a lighter shade at home is a question that interests many girls. The desire to become the owner of the most popular hair color is not always without negative consequences.

Many of us have paid attention to such results of lightening with peroxide as burnt, so-called “perhydrol” hair, more reminiscent of cotton wool than a beautiful gift of nature.

Meanwhile, there are excellent natural remedies that allow you to safely and accurately lighten your hair a couple of tones at home. What exactly are we talking about? Of course, about those that are well known to everyone:

  • kefir;
  • cinnamon;
  • lemon;
  • honey;
  • chamomile decoction.

You should not set yourself up for any specific and pronounced effect. The natural color and composition of hair varies greatly among people, and this factor determines the results of the influence of recipes accumulated among the people.

Girls with blond and light blond hair color can expect the greatest effectiveness from use.

Their hair will lighten slightly and take on a golden hue.

Turning to the recipe for girls with a different color will not cause harm; on the contrary, it will improve the health of the roots and the entire structure of the hair, but you should not expect any special aesthetic effect.

With the same product as lemon juice, you need to exercise maximum caution.

In addition, the last option is the leading one in terms of negative consequences.

Method No. 1

The method of lightening hair using lemon was well known to our great-grandmothers. A holey hat is placed on the head, hair is inserted into the holes, and lemon juice is applied to it.

In this form, you need to go for a walk in direct sunlight. A quick, free and old-fashioned method of highlighting is available to every girl who loves experiments.

The effect obtained from this method of lightening at home is definitely impressive: quick lightening by several tones is combined with a beautiful shade of the entire hairstyle.

However, not everything is so simple: most strands can be seriously damaged. The fact is that under increased exposure to lemon and direct sunlight, hair becomes brittle and dry.

For self-care connoisseurs, you must not forget: your hair must be protected from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Method number 2

This at-home lightening option is optimal for hair with high oil content. For drier hair, lemon juice poses a risk of drying out.

Squeeze the juice of 1 lemon into ½ liter of water. After regular shampooing, the hair is rinsed with the prepared solution. Lightening with citric acid occurs due to the lightening of the pigment contained in the hair.

To enhance the effect obtained by this lightening method at home, you need to go out into the sun for 10-15 minutes.

Very soon you will notice that initially light hair has become brighter and lightened by 1-2 tones. If painting has been done previously, this method will eliminate the yellowness.

In this case, the hair gains shine and loses its ability to electrify.

Method number 3

The effect of using honey for lightening at home is similar to the results of using hydrogen peroxide. But in this case you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to put in more effort than in previous cases.

As for the results, the hair becomes shiny, very soft and lightens two to three shades. An additional advantage of the method is its rare benefits for hair health.

The method is famous for its gentle effects. For owners of blond or light brown hair, this is an excellent opportunity to achieve a couple of tones of lightening with accompanying brightness and no risk of harm to the hair.

At the same time, the hair is nourished with vitamins and nutrients, gains volume and shine, and is transformed.

Before resorting to this method of lightening at home, you need to wash your hair properly. For this, a good simple shampoo is enough - this one probably does not contain silicones, etc.

After squeezing the shampoo into your palm, add a third or a quarter of a teaspoon of soda to it.

You can wash your hair and rinse as usual. Then you need to dry your washed hair with a towel, eliminating excess moisture. You should not resort to balm or any other hair care products.

Now you can apply honey to your hair. The honey required for the procedure must be natural and relatively liquid. If the honey is too thick, you can warm it up a little, or add a little warm water.

Under no circumstances should it be used for heating - it deprives honey of its beneficial properties. When applying the product to your hair, you need to do it along the entire length of each strand - starting from the roots to the ends.

For convenience, you can use a comb. And then you can massage your scalp.

To prevent honey from dripping, you can cover your head with plastic wrap and wrap it in a towel. This is only necessary for protection, and not for insulation purposes.

The mask should remain on the hair for about ten hours. The most convenient thing is to do it before bed. It is only necessary to take proper care of convenience - to prevent honey from leaking and stickiness on the bed.

After the ten hours required for this method of lightening at home, the hair is rinsed with warm water, washed with shampoo and rinsed with either chamomile decoction or water with the juice of half a lemon.

This technique allows you to lighten by three tones. But it is still recommended to focus on the type and color of the hair being processed - this is what determines the final results.

If the effect leaves much to be desired, then you can resort to repeating the procedure. There is no need to worry about possible harm - the method will give your hair more shine, health and attractiveness.

Method number 4

And the most popular or gentle method is the use of chamomile. It will help lighten your hair to a delicate golden hue. The care provided should also be emphasized.

To lighten your hair with chamomile decoction, you need to take two tablespoons of dried flowers of the plant. They need to be filled with 200 ml of boiling water. Everything is tightly covered with a lid. The cooled infusion is filtered and pre-washed hair is rinsed with it.

To enhance the effect obtained, squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the broth.

Method number 5

This method differs from the previous one in that it uses a mask made from a concentrated infusion of chamomile.

So, to lighten your hair with this magnificent natural ingredient, add 2 tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers to boiling water. The proportions must be 1 to 3.

It is best to pour the product in for several hours. After the broth is filtered, the hair is soaked in it. The head is wrapped in film and left in this state for an hour.

Method number 6

This technology allows you to lighten your hair with a mask of chamomile and glycerin. Recommended for dry hair types.

Pour boiling water over two tablespoons of dried plant flowers. Duration of infusion: two hours. The infusion is cooled and filtered, 60 g of glycerin is added to it.

The mask is applied along the entire length. The head is wrapped in film for forty minutes.

Method number 7

To lighten your hair using this method, you need to prepare a mask from the following ingredients:

  • lemon;
  • chamomile;
  • saffron;
  • essential oil.

The cooking technology is as follows: 2 tbsp. l. dried chamomile are mixed with a pinch of saffron, brewed with a glass of boiling water and left for half an hour to infuse.

The water mixture is filtered, the juice of one lemon is squeezed into it and 3-4 drops of lavender essential oil are added.

To lighten your hair, you need to apply the prepared mask for a third of an hour, after which, rinse with warm water. Hair must be clean.

Method number 8

The mask used in this case is prepared from turmeric and lemon.

Take three tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers. They are mixed with the crushed peel of one lemon, one teaspoon of turmeric. Everything is poured with a liter of boiling water.

The solution, which can be used to lighten hair, must be left for two hours. After this, it must be strained. Storage time in the refrigerator: several days. They need to cover clean hair once a day for a week or a little less.

Having a broad outlook is always beneficial

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


Many women try to change their appearance to become as attractive as possible. One of the most common ways is to change the color of your hair. Those who suit light colors lighten their hair by bleaching natural dark or colored strands using special products. This is necessary not only to make the hair light, but also to create the desired base tone for future coloring.

How to lighten your hair

There are many ways to lighten. The main one is a serious procedure performed by a master in the salon. It is done using special professional products that are not commercially available. The hairdresser may offer you different bleaching methods, which involve changing the color in separate areas and of different intensities. They will also advise you how often you can carry out the procedure so as not to cause harm.

Professional lightening

Changing the color to several tones is not an easy task, so it is better to trust the professionals. An experienced master will carry out all the necessary steps, trying to preserve the health of the hair as much as possible. Hairdressers in the salon will perform the procedure as follows:

  • They will determine which light tones will harmonize with the client’s skin color.
  • Choose the appropriate product with the desired tone and intensity of action.
  • They will advise whether it is possible to carry out complete lightening at once or whether it is necessary to carry out the work in several stages so as not to burn the hair.
  • Special protective components will be used so as not to destroy the roots and stem.
  • The bleached strands will be dyed in the desired color if the procedure was part of the future dyeing.

Lightening techniques

Hairdressing art keeps up with the times, so fans of light shades are offered different lightening options. The main types include:

  • Blonding. This is a radical change in tone to a lighter one along the entire length. This includes complete discoloration, with absolute destruction of the natural pigment; classic, which changes color by only a few tones; platinum is one of the most fashionable today.
  • Highlighting. It is not carried out over the entire head, but partially lightens individual strands, after which the entire hairstyle must be tinted to obtain a single harmonious color.
  • Shatush. This technique is designed to imitate a sun-bleached color, where the top strands remain dark and the bottom becomes increasingly lighter.
  • Ombre. This technique imitates regrown roots, the color of which at the bottom is as close as possible to the original natural color.
  • Balayage. This technique is similar to ombre, but is more difficult to perform due to the need to achieve a slight burnt shade in the top layers.

How to lighten hair without harm

The essence of lightening comes down to the destruction of the pigment, along with which the structure of the hair is partially destroyed. To minimize the risk of damage, the following measures are used:

  • Ammonia-free dyes. They contain a minimum of harmful components and remove color very carefully, so they are suitable even for damaged hair, but they are not able to make a sharp transition from dark to light.
  • Oils for lightening. This is a relatively new product. They also act gently, but are not suitable for gray and colored hair after using henna.
  • Products with keratin. Keratin is the substance that natural hair consists of; it fills the entire structure, helping to maintain health after bleaching.
  • Folk remedies. They won’t do any harm, but they can also lighten your curls only slightly and not in one procedure.

How often can you lighten your hair?

The frequency of visits to the hairdresser depends on the previous coloring technique and the degree of lightening. The average period between procedures is 6-8 weeks. If we are talking about maintaining the color of the strands, as with highlighting, then you can update them after 4 weeks. It is important that during the repeated procedure the master does not touch already bleached curls, so as not to damage them even more.

How to lighten hair with dye

To achieve a lighter shade, you can choose a bleach that will make your hair 1 to 7 shades lighter. However, it will not add any new shades. Lightening paint will not only remove the dark pigment, but will also add a new light one, due to which the entire color scheme will change, but by no more than 4 shades. The more contrast you want to achieve, the more hydrogen peroxide should be contained in the paint. The action of the composition leads to the following:

  • First, eumelanin, a darker pigment, is removed.
  • Then pheomelanin is a reddish pigment.
  • Even if you don’t like the color during the process, you shouldn’t shorten the duration of the composition.
  • Previously damaged hair acquires a yellow tint.

How to lighten hair with peroxide

An inexpensive liquid sold at any pharmacy, such as hydrogen peroxide, has long been used by those who want to lighten hair. The procedure is very simple. Apply 3% peroxide using a spray bottle to washed, damp (not wet) and well-combed strands. It must be kept for 45 to 60 minutes depending on the desired shade. After half an hour, you can rinse one strand and look at the result. Light porous types lighten quickly and easily. For dark ones, the procedure will need to be repeated several times.

Bleaching with hydrogen peroxide may not be safe. Be careful not to get it in your eyes, on your skin, or on your clothes. It is prohibited to hold the product on your head for more than an hour per session, so as not to cause burns on the skin. It is better to repeat the lightening every other day. Pouring liquid directly onto your head is strictly prohibited. It can be applied either with a spray or with a cotton swab. Remember that peroxide destroys melanin directly in the hair shaft, which severely injures it. With frequent use, this leads to brittleness, hair loss and even baldness.

How to lighten hair

There are many professional brands that specialize in the production of clarifiers. These are oxidative emulsions, lotions, special powders that need to be diluted with additional means, ammonia-free creams, and so on. Popular brands that are in demand in beauty salons and developed for home use include L’Oreal, Solvex, Syoss, Palette, Wella, Schwarzkopf, Garnier, Estel and others.

Professional lightening products

Companies producing professional products are trying to attract buyers by developing the most effective and gentle lighteners possible. According to the popularity rating, the top 5 best included:

Folk remedies for lightening

If you are against any chemistry, then you can turn to the gifts of nature. There are several names of natural products that will help make your hair several tones lighter:

  • Honey can give a golden color.
  • Lemon juice is included in masks for lightening and manifests itself under the sun's rays.
  • Chamomile gives a golden hue. Turns brunettes into brown-haired women.
  • Vinegar. It oxidizes well, but should be used as part of masks, and not as a separate product; after it, the use of balm is recommended.
  • Cinnamon can not only lighten, but give reddish, ginger shades.
  • Rhubarb has a whitening effect.
  • Onions add a coppery tint.
  • Fruits, when used regularly, lighten and saturate with vitamins.

Lightening hair at home

If you decide to carry out the procedure yourself, remember several important rules for using cosmetics. They will help you avoid unpleasant consequences:

  • Do not wash your hair for 2-3 days before coloring.
  • Before applying the dye, spread the skin along the hair contour with a rich cream.
  • Do not overexpose the composition to avoid harm.
  • Apply the products evenly so that the roots and ends do not end up in different shades.
  • Application always starts with the darker roots.
  • At the end, be sure to apply balm.

Lightening strands

If you want to lighten only individual strands, choose a color that will differ by 2-3 tones. The easiest way to dye your hair is to wear a cap with holes, from where you can easily pull out the required amount of hair using a hook. Then comb them thoroughly and apply the product along the entire length. You need to start painting from the top parts, then the sides and finally the bottom.

Lightening colored hair

If you previously painted your hair in dark shades, then you won’t be able to become light the first time. Depending on the initial and desired results, this will take 3-5 sessions, which are best done at weekly intervals. For this, special washes are used, but they must be used carefully so as not to destroy the strands. Special shampoos are more gentle.

How to lighten ends

To lighten the ends, first of all, part your head and pull your hair forward. Then paint all ends to the desired length. Wrap the painted parts in foil and leave for the time indicated on the product. When the lightening reaction begins, remove the foil and comb. This will remove the boundaries between the old and new colors. Cover the foil again and remove it when the time is up.

How to lighten roots

The root lightening procedure is carried out on a dry head. First, comb your hair thoroughly and part it evenly. Start applying paint from the middle of the head, painting the desired length from the roots. Then separate the strands and turn them over to the other side. Paint your entire head like this. At the end, comb again, slightly stretching the paint along the entire length.

How to lighten your hair one tone

If you need a very light lightening, instead of a professional product, you can choose a folk one, the effect of which is less pronounced and you will have a better chance of not overdoing it. 60 g of glycerin mixed with 50 g of chamomile infused in 1 cup of boiling water will help change the color by 1 tone. The mask must be applied to damp hair and kept for 30 to 40 minutes, wrapping the head in foil.

Lightening hair 2 tones

If you decide to make the tone two times lighter, it is better to choose ammonia-free cream paint. She won't act as aggressively. The not very liquid cream helps to distribute the composition evenly over the entire length without spreading, and this is important for obtaining a uniform shade without unsightly strands of darker or lighter colors. Otherwise, follow the instructions on the package.

How to lighten hair with folk remedies

Any artificial chemical dyes have one significant drawback - they make their hair weaker every time, forcing women to spend a lot of effort on maintaining and restoring health. This effect is not found in folk remedies that use gentle home dyeing while simultaneously saturating the hair follicles with the vitamins they contain. The most effective cooking recipes use cinnamon, chamomile, lemon oil, and olive oil.

Hair lightening oil

Olive oil contains many beneficial natural ingredients, and if combined with lemon juice, it will act as a brightener. This recipe is suitable for those with light brown shades:

  • Take 3 parts olive oil, 1 part lemon juice or half a spoon of baking soda.
  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply generously to your hair.
  • Comb each strand well.
  • Go out for 1 hour to sunbathe.
  • At the end you need to rinse with shampoo, but do not use a hair dryer when drying.


Another natural remedy is cinnamon. It should be used together with honey, oil and conditioner. Do not use metal utensils for cooking:

  • First, mix all the ingredients: 200 ml of conditioner, 3 tbsp. spoons of cinnamon, 70 ml of honey.
  • Apply the mixture to clean strands and put on a shower cap.
  • Leave the mask on for 3-4 hours or overnight, wrapped in a warm towel.
  • To enhance the effect, the procedure can be repeated.

With chamomile

Chamomile itself can give your hair a soft golden hue. A more effective effect occurs when mixing the plant with lemon and honey:

  • Take 4 tablespoons of chamomile, pour boiling water and leave to brew for 30 minutes, strain.
  • Then add the juice of half a lemon and 3 tbsp to the infusion. l. honey
  • Next, you need to rinse your head with chamomile decoction and leave for 1.5-2 hours.
  • Finally, rinse with warm water.


Hair lightening products at home

If you decide to lighten your hair, you don’t have to go to a specialist; you can do it yourself. In this article I will talk about the basic rules of lightening, what products can be used depending on your hair type.

What affects the degree of discoloration

To lighten your hair at home and cause minimal harm to it, and the result is not a surprise to you, you need to assess the condition of your hair before the procedure.

1. Original color

If your hair has not been previously colored:

  • Brunettes will have to lighten their strands in several stages to get rid of the unwanted bright yellow tint.
  • For fair-haired girls, this procedure will not cause much trouble.
  • It is extremely difficult for red-haired beauties to overcome natural pigment. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the lightening technique in detail before taking any action.

2. Re-dyeing

  • If you have previously dyed your hair black, dark blond, chestnut or dark chestnut, you cannot do without pickling to achieve the desired result. Otherwise, you risk acquiring a red tint.
  • If you have dyed with permanent dye or henna, you should understand that you will not be able to achieve the desired result in one procedure.

You need to be patient and follow the instructions given below. If you used paint without ammonia, you should wait two weeks until it is partially washed off and then start lightening.

3. Hair structure

Dyeing straight or curly hair is much easier than doing it with thick and coarse hair.

Who needs to wait a little with lightening:

  • Less than 2 weeks have passed since the last staining.
  • You should not lighten your hair for two weeks after getting a perm.
  • After taking antibiotics, you need to give your body a couple of weeks to recover.

Methods and means for lightening hair at home

Preparation for the procedure:

  • A few days before the procedure, pamper your hair with various nourishing masks and moisturizing sprays.
  • It is not recommended to wash your hair immediately before dyeing. But it is necessary that there are no traces of sprays, varnishes and mousses on it. If you had to wash your hair, ridding it of its natural protection in the form of fat, you need to use oils that protect the roots from negative effects.


It is impossible to achieve deep lightening without resorting to dyes with a chemical composition. To become blonde, you need to remove melanin from your hair, this is a labor-intensive procedure based on chemical reactions.

Let's consider which lightening agents are chemical and their characteristics.

1. Hydroperite


Inexpensive product, can be bought at any pharmacy.


It destroys the hair structure quite strongly. Before use, it is necessary to crush and prepare the solution according to the instructions.


Allows you to lighten up to 4 tones. Perfectly evens out color on gray hair. Used to prepare for further coloring.

2. Hydrogen peroxide


Inexpensive product, freely available, no need to dilute.


If used incorrectly, it can be very harmful to your hair, it will become loose and thin.


If used correctly, you will achieve the desired result in several stages. This approach will minimize the harmful effects of the drug. Lightens the original hair color up to 4 tones.

3. White henna


Cheap product, the package contains everything you need to prepare the coloring composition.


Has nothing to do with medicinal henna. The effect of the product is due to the hydroperite included in the composition. Has a detrimental effect on hair.


Allows you to lighten your hair by 4-5 tones at home, and with regular use, achieve a snow-white result. Suitable for girls who want to get rid of the black color, but in one application you will get a reddish tint.

A procedure using a special decapitating agent to remove pigment. It is used in cases where the hair has already been dyed a darker color, but you really want to be a burning blonde. Or when you are unhappy with the coloring result and want to change the tone. There are two types of washing:

Acid wash


One of the most gentle ways to lighten hair, it does not contain chemicals that destroy hair.


Depending on how durable the paint you used, the wash will either remove all the pigment or dull the color.

The dark color returns. This occurs when, after removing the unwanted color, a new color is applied. And in the end it turns out darker than planned.


It has no effect on the natural “burnt” color, it only removes the artificial pigment. You should not expect it to return you to the original color you had before dyeing. The procedure can be performed up to 5 times simultaneously. Prepares hair for subsequent coloring.

Blonding remover


More effective than acidic. Removes color more softly than Supra.


It has a more detrimental effect on the hair structure than acidic. After use, intensive care is required. Prepares hair for subsequent coloring.


Allows you to change the color by 3-4 tones in one application.

5. Shampoos

Deep cleaning shampoo


Practically does not spoil the hair.


It dries out your hair, so be sure to use conditioner. Slightly removes color.


Penetrating deeply into the hair structure, it washes away the coloring pigment along with the dirt. Allows you to adjust the color.

Clarifying Shampoo


Has a gentle effect and gently brightens. If you have a pronounced yellow tint, your hair will become more muted after use.


Slightly dries. The effect is visible after numerous applications.


Allows you to reduce the difference between the colored ends and growing roots, weaken the shade of the dye, and even out the color. An ideal option for those who want to slightly lighten their hair by 1-2 tones.

Allows you to achieve 4 tones of lightening per application.

The market is oversaturated with paints from various manufacturers, both for self-use and professional ones. Let's look at the most common companies.

Budget paints:

If we talk about lightening very dark hair, this dye takes a leading position. Has a gentle effect. The palette includes 7 shades of blonde. Disadvantage: not particularly durable.

Allows you to lighten dark hair and cover gray hair without a yellow tint. The essential oils and collagen included in the composition soften the chemical effects. Provides color durability for at least four weeks.

The palette includes over 20 shades of blonde. Allows you to lighten strands by 4-6 tones. The presence of oils in the composition promotes soft and gentle care.

With this paint you will make your wildest blonde dreams come true. It is easy to use and the result is a cool tone and shiny hair. Gives additional brightness to hair, evens out its structure. The paint is resistant to sunlight.

This is the choice of many brunettes who have become blondes. The paint perfectly brightens by 6 tones, while being gentle on the hair, thanks to components such as medicinal oils, vitamin B5, and reflective particles that protect against negative sun exposure. The paint is easy to apply and does not flow. The effect of coloring lasts for a month.

Professional paints

Occupies a leading position. For lightening hair at home, a line without ammonia dyes has been developed. Covers gray strands 100%. Intense and rich color lasts for a long time.

Kapous Professional

This paint combines European quality and affordable price. A distinctive feature is organicity and naturalness.

A wide range of products is represented by a line of preventive and therapeutic dyes that can give your curls healthy strength and splendor. Thanks to its keratin content, this dye not only lightens but also heals hair.

Thanks to the maize starch proteins it contains, it gently lightens up to 6-7 tones, neutralizes yellowness, but at the same time is very drying.

An excellent choice, does not create a yellowish effect. When used correctly, it causes little damage to curls, and the color remains saturated for a month.

Representatives of the bleaching group are:

  • a series of super lightening shades of cream paints based on cationic substances;
  • microgranulated powder, which allows you to discolor curls by 7 tones;
  • WHITETOUCH paste, which can be used in salons for all lightening techniques up to 6 tones.

There are professional and ordinary ones. Lightens up to 7 tones. The main difference is that a regular Supra is sold in a box with an oxidizer, and a tube of professional paint is sold separately so that the master himself can select the required percentage of oxygen.

The paint is quite aggressive. When using it on dark hair for the first time, you may encounter an unwanted yellow tint.

Most often used for bleaching before main coloring and for highlighting.

Cosmetic products such as spray, oil, gel and cream are also used for lightening.

Gives a rich tint of tint, brightens by 1-2 tones. Indicated for natural blondes.

Brightening Oil

Gives a warm shade. Exposure time is no more than five minutes.

Brightening gel

New safe coloring option. Gradually (over several uses) lightens hair up to 3 tones. Suitable for girls who dream of Californian locks.

Delicate product, ideal for adding freshness and playfulness to color. Lightens by 1-2 tones. Nourishes and restores hair.

Natural lightening products

Homemade products will help you lighten your hair without harm. This is an excellent alternative to chemical-based dyes. With their help, you cannot radically change your hair color, but making the color a little lighter and at the same time improving the condition of your curls is quite possible.

Suitable for those who want a golden tint. To lighten by 1 tone, the honey mask must be left on for at least 8 hours. Additionally, your hair will become smooth and silky.

Lightening with lemon is ideal for achieving a platinum tone, and also helps hair fade faster in the sun.

This effect can be achieved by regularly rinsing your hair with lemon water. It is necessary to avoid strong concentrations of lemon juice, as this can cause dryness and brittleness of the strands.

Allows you to make dark hair 1-2 shades lighter, strengthens it and adds shine. However, this is not an option for girls who dream of light curls without a hint of yellowness.

Hot oil lightening

Sea buckthorn, burdock and olive oils are ideal for the procedure. You shouldn’t expect strong lightening, but you can get rid of bright, unwanted pigment. The effect occurs after 5 hours of exposure to the mask.

You can make a mask based only on kefir or mix it with an egg, lemon juice, a couple of spoons of cognac and shampoo. For a weak effect, it is enough to wear this mask for about 2 hours. To lighten up to 2 tones it will take at least 8 hours.

Ideal for natural hair. Your hair will lighten 2-3 tones. If your hair has been previously dyed, then thanks to this mask the color will become less saturated.

It is important to remember that the ingredients of the mask should not come into contact with metal.


Using this mask allows you to lighten your skin by 1 tone in 40 minutes. To prepare, you need to mix chamomile infusion with glycerin.

Lightening with baking soda

An indispensable product for cleansing the scalp and removing unwanted tints. To prepare, you need to dilute two tablespoons of soda in a glass of water.

If you want to achieve a warm shade, use apple cider vinegar, for a cold shade - wine. Using vinegar, you can lighten the strands very slightly, by a maximum of 1 tone. To do this, it is enough to rinse your hair after washing or leave it on your hair for 2 - 3 hours.

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The dream of a radical change in image associated with bleaching curls is typical for many dark-haired beauties. Partly in order to attract men's attention (according to a common stereotype, they like blondes the most) and satisfy the eternal female desire for constant renewal. Here you can find out what dye and how to lighten dark hair.

Since bleaching is a manipulation that damages the hair structure, the choice of dye for lightening it should be treated with extreme caution.

What colors are suitable for lightening hair?

  1. The best compositions for lightening dark strands are paints whose chemical formula contains collagens and essential oils that soften the effect of other aggressive components.
  2. The most destructive dyes for hair are those containing ammonia: they not only damage the cuticle along the entire length of the hair shaft, but also completely destroy the natural melanin pigment contained inside. The duration of the achieved effect is from four to six weeks. Ammonia-free formulations have a milder effect, but their effect is short-lived: after 2-3 weeks, the hair will have to be lightened again.
  3. The best products for lightening dark hair at home are dyes with a creamy consistency. They are perfectly applied to the strands, ensuring high-quality and uniform coloring. Thanks to the restorative and nutritional substances, as well as cosmetic oils included in the cream-dyes, gentle coloring is ensured, causing minimal damage to the health of the hair.

About lightening

In the process of lightening hair, the chemical composition used lifts the scales of the hair cuticle and penetrates into the core of the hair, which contains pigment and the main structures responsible for the elasticity, texture and shape of curls.

As a result of the oxidation reaction, oxygen molecules are released and the pigment molecules responsible for the color of the curls are dissolved. The degree of hair lightening depends on the duration of the oxidative process.

The lightening process always ends with hair damage:

  1. With minimal damage, manifested only in the opening of the cuticle, they become hard and dry.
  2. Moderate damage leads to increased porosity of the strands. Bleached hair becomes dull, brittle and unmanageable. Split ends make them difficult to comb and grow to the desired length.
  3. Severe damage results in brittleness and hair loss, as well as scalp burns.

To ensure that the damage caused to your hair is minimal, it is better to entrust the lightening of strands to a specialist.
Those who decide to bleach at home should choose an ammonia-free composition or paint with a low percentage of hydrogen peroxide.

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To prevent lightening your hair from resulting in an unattractive yellow tint, you must follow these rules:

  • Do not lighten damaged, brittle, or too dry hair. They need mandatory comprehensive treatment, which consists of making homemade nourishing masks, using medicated shampoos, sprays and balms, as well as taking oral multivitamin preparations;
  • Brunettes whose hair color contains warm tones should choose lighteners that give their curls shades of platinum or cool blonde. They are the ones who can drown out the unwanted yellowness of bleached strands. When choosing, it is important to pay attention to.
  • the correct sequence of application of the bleaching composition can also prevent the formation of yellowness. The paint is first applied to the back of the head, then to the crown of the head. After this, the strands on the bangs and temples are lightened. The ends of the hair are dyed last.

High-quality hair dyes and a professional approach to the dyeing process will help you avoid the appearance of yellowness.

Gelatin enjoys well-deserved popularity in home cosmetology. One of the positive effects of this product is the improvement of brittle and split ends. From our article you will learn how to make.

How to paint 2 - 3 tones

This can be done using homemade natural paint. In a glass bowl, mix one cup of conditioner, six dessert spoons of ground cinnamon and a third of a cup of liquid natural honey.

Having thoroughly mixed the composition, begin to apply it to freshly washed and slightly dried curls.

Having divided the hair into separate strands, apply the dye to the entire length of the hair, trying to avoid getting it on the skin of the face. You should also not rub the composition into the skin on your head.

The dyed strands are hidden under an oilcloth cap and insulated with a towel. After half an hour, the towel is removed and you walk around with paint on your head for three to four hours. After this, wash off the composition with plenty of warm water.

This procedure lightens the hair by two tones. If lightening by three tones is needed, not six, but eight dessert spoons of cinnamon are added to the paint.

Read what is included in hair dye and what is the difference between household and professional ones.

Paint forms

  1. Cream paints. The thickeners included in their formula give compositions of this type a thick consistency that does not spread and is evenly distributed on the hair (for example). Uniform application guarantees uniform lightening of the strands. Cream-based paints are the most popular type of brightening agents.
  2. Paste or powder based paints. The content of catalysts and inert substances significantly accelerates and intensifies the process of bleaching strands, so dyes of this type are used when it is necessary to lighten very dark hair. This is the one most often used.
  3. Oil based paints. Having the mildest effect due to the sulfonated oils they contain, paints of this type are mixed with catalysts and a fixative. The interaction of all components of the chemical composition leads to the neutralization of unwanted hair shades.

The Italian brand Constant Delight produces oil paints with a large color palette

Good paints with and without ammonia

The range of brightening compounds offered by modern paint manufacturers is unusually wide. In order not to harm your hair, you should give preference to high-quality products from well-known brands.
– sounds quite strange, but it received such a name for a reason. The colorless paint does not contain ammonia, so it can be used even by pregnant women or girls with sensitive scalp.


The lightening compositions of the Russian brand Estelle are very popular among both young beauties and mature women. The reason is that clarifiers of this brand have a number of advantages. They:

  • effectively lighten even very dark strands;
  • easy to apply;
  • contain a minimum amount of aggressive components;
  • do not irritate the scalp;
  • are equipped with a balm that restores hair structure.

The average cost of a clarifier is 113 rubles.

In case of severe damage during painting, use for restoration.

Julia: I lighten my fairly dark hair only with Estelle dye. Despite the low cost, it gives me the opportunity to feel like a charming blonde. Bleaching, of course, affects the structure of the hair: it becomes dry and hard, but using special shampoos and conditioners from the same brand helps me restore their lost health.

What effect can you achieve on your head with Garnier?

The advantages of Garnier paint brightening compositions include:

  • high speed of hair lightening;
  • absence of an unpleasant yellow tint;
  • big ;
  • gentle effect;
  • duration of the result obtained;
  • preservation of hair structure;
  • pleasant aroma.

Faith: I was pleased with the Garnier brand dye: my curls acquired exactly the color that I had long dreamed of. The only drawback I think is the small amount of dye contained in the kit. For my thick hair, I needed three packs at once: it's affordable.

Lightening cream from L'Oreal

L'Oreal Preference brand bleaching paste is rightfully considered one of the best hair lightening products. Its advantages:

  • ammonia-free composition;
  • complete absence of odor;
  • the presence of components that help strengthen hair;
  • no burning sensation when applied;
  • safety for the hair structure.

The price is about 275 rubles.

Svetlana: Lightening paste from L'Oreal is a truly magical product. With it, I was finally able to grow my hair (before it broke off almost at the very roots). It perfectly colors roots and curls along the entire length and has no smell at all.


Video for you: turning a brunette into a blonde at home

How to bleach dark hair at home without yellowing

Hydrogen peroxide is often used to lighten dark hair on your own.

  1. Hard and very dark strands are treated with an 8-12% solution.
  2. For hair of medium thickness, a solution of 6-8% concentration is suitable.
  3. For fine hair, exposure to a 4-6% solution is sufficient.


Making dark strands light is not that difficult. The main thing is that the process of bleaching them does not harm their beauty and health. If chemical dyes are used, it is necessary to choose formulations containing a minimum of aggressive substances. Reviews about tinted hair dyes are presented.

Becoming a blonde these days is not difficult - but this matter requires experience and skill. The stronger the product, the greater the effect - but the greater the danger of burning the hair and injuring the scalp, so it is better to entrust the coloring to a specialist.

It is necessary to distinguish between lightening and bleaching - in the first case, the hair becomes several tones lighter, in the second, a strong effect is achieved, even bleaching. If the hair is bleached, it must subsequently be tinted to achieve the desired shade. To ultimately obtain the desired color, it depends on whether the drug is applied to hair of a natural color or whether it has been previously dyed. The consistency of the dyeing preparation, if the hair is not covered for an additional effect, should be more liquid: in the air the mass can quickly thicken. If staining is done using foil, the preparation is made thicker. The use of a rich cream (preferably Vaseline-based) will protect areas of the skin at the border of hair growth, in particular on the forehead.

Hair along its entire length discolors more slowly than the roots. If coloring is done for the first time, this must be taken into account when applying a special composition, and the roots are painted last. When lightening regrown roots, you need to be careful not to damage the hairs at the site of previous dyeing. White henna with hydrogen peroxide can be used to lighten regrown hair. If a perm was done before dyeing, at least 7 days should pass from its moment.

During dyeing there should be no burning sensation, and the hair should not break - such signs indicate that the drug is too concentrated and causes burns. The staining time varies from 3 minutes or more, depending on the characteristics of the drug and what effect can be achieved.

After lightening, the water for washing your hair should not be too hot. It is advisable to use a special balm that strengthens colored hair. Lightening can continue for some time after the dye is washed off from the hair, due to deep penetration into it - especially if the hair is very porous. Therefore, if the effect is sufficient, you can rinse your hair with acidified water (with lemon juice, citric acid) - this will stop the reaction.

Sometimes a blonding wash made from blondoran, an oxidizing agent, shampoo and water is used - it is applied to dry hair, left for a certain time and rinsed, washed with shampoo and used as a balm. This technique helps to correct the color of dyed hair and hide poorly dyed areas. You can lighten your hair for the first time using a mixture of liquid soap, hydrogen peroxide and ammonia - hairdressers often use this product if clients are afraid of radical lightening.

If you don’t plan to change the color dramatically, then you can try using folk remedies - they give a partial effect (lightening up to 4 tones) and do not damage the hair and skin. Lemon juice diluted with water helps lighten hair a little (the shade is closer to platinum) and helps it fade more under the sun's rays - which is why this product is often used in the summer. But if it is concentrated too strongly and used frequently, it can dry out your hair. Rinse your hair with a decoction of chamomile after washing, over time achieving a golden hue, shine and a healthy look. Acacia honey masks lighten hair by a couple of tones (a shade with yellowness) and at the same time make it smooth.

Recently, this method of lightening hair has become very popular. Take a glass of hair conditioner, 1/3 cup of honey (natural, liquid) and 3 tablespoons of cinnamon (ground). Mix everything in a ceramic or glass bowl with a plastic, wooden or ceramic spoon. Washed and slightly dried hair is covered with the mixture (each strand separately), from the roots to the ends of the hair. Do not rub the mixture into the skin; if it gets on your face, wash it off with warm water. Cover the head with a plastic bag for 30 minutes, after which the bag is removed and the mixture is left on the hair for another 3 hours. Wash off with warm water, preferably with chamomile infusion. The hair is dried and combed well to remove grains of cinnamon. In addition to lightening by 2 tones, this procedure improves the quality of the hair and gives it a “delicious” smell.

When lightening your hair, it is important not to deviate from the recommendations so that the effect meets your expectations as much as possible. Let your hairstyle become a true decoration!