Happy teacher and preschool education worker day. Teacher's Day: congratulations and beautiful cards for the holiday. The tale “Teremok” in a new way

Happy Teacher's Day!
Thank you for your sensitivity, kindness,
For daily activities, walks,
Caring that can be seen a mile away.

We wish you peace of mind,
Patience, health, long years,
Development in the profession and growth,
At competitions of well-deserved victories.

We wish you goodness, warmth, smiles
Your pupils, preschool children,
Good relationships in the team
And, most importantly, the love of your guys.

We wish you a peaceful day on this holiday,
Always enjoy everything
Always only joy and positivity,
In work - patience and creativity.
So that your quiet hour is truly quiet,
So that everything works out beautifully and dashingly.
And so that discipline, and so that obedience...
So that happiness knocks on your door without delay,
So that life would be sonorous, like children's songs,
And every year was interesting!

First of all, I would like to thank you for the enormous work you do every day. You understand our children, teach, prepare for school everyday life, and this costs enormous effort. After all, you find an individual approach to each child, making him happy and meaningful. Today is an unusual day, on which I sincerely want to wish each of you health, patience, joy, favorable everyday life and a fun, relaxing weekend. May each of you be well. Happy professional day, Happy Teacher’s Day and all preschool workers’ Day!

Preschool workers
All the teachers, all the nannies, cooks,
Today is your holiday, and we congratulate you,
We wish you prosperity and goodness.

We wish you a good mood
Working with kids every day.
Come up with activities with enthusiasm,
To fill children's souls with beauty.

We wish you happiness in your personal life,
Success and recognition in work,
Love and joy - just limitless,
Prosperity, harmony in the family.

We wish you many good days,
So that there is enough strength for everyone,
So that the kids understand
Didn't cause much trouble.

Lasting health, success,
Personal happiness and laughter.
We wish you blessings in abundance
And another reason to smile.

Parenting -
It's not an easy matter.
There are no people in the world
Who would have said otherwise?

We congratulate you on the holiday
You are friendly today,
May all your dreams come true,
Everything you need will be there.

May yours be successful
Every day of the week
You are our teacher -
The best in the business!

Kindergarten is a huge organism,
Indestructible mechanism.
We will congratulate everyone together,
Your work cannot be separated.
Nannies, the coolest teachers,
And our wonderful cooks,
All management, staff,
We cannot count all the praises.
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
Good luck, happiness, warmth,
And in a collective of understanding,
Prosperity in your career.
Your work is priceless...
There is always a path, fate smiles on you.

When parents are busy
They have only one hope for you!
Always in caring hands
The baby is as beloved as ever!

Thank you for coming again and again
You have patience and effort.
Thank you for all the love
And a huge contribution to education.

For those who work in kindergarten
It would be easier and simpler in the army.
Thirty kids, and everything in sight -
Nerves become stronger and tougher.

We understand everything. How can you not understand?
Today is your holiday - relax, girls.
A good reason to pour wine,
Eternal plans thrown aside.

We want to wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Families have peace and huge salaries.
Children grow up with your example.
Peace begins in kindergarten!

Happy Day of Kindergarten Workers!
Let your dreams come true
May patience and joy
Gives more warmth.

May success and victory
They will come to you quickly
To have more light
In the eyes of your kids!

All kindergarten workers
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Let your salary grow
It’s like kids in groups.

Let the children bring joy
We know that your work is not easy,
But you got it from God
Bring them out into the big world!

Let your parents appreciate you
They will be with you for one!
Let success await you in your work,
And the family will be warm!

All kindergarten workers
Today we hasten to congratulate
We wish you love and flowers!
And we also want to add:
You are beautiful, kind and smart,
Give children tenderness and affection.
Be happy, forever young,
Turn life into a good fairy tale!

Congratulations on Teacher's Day,
We wish you happiness, health, success,
Be kind, cheerful and active!
We always want to think positively!

Congratulations in verse on Preschool Worker's Day

Teacher's Day is a wonderful holiday,
Bright, rich and interesting!
Today all the toasts, poems, congratulations,
In honor of the best people, without a doubt!
You give children a lot of attention,
A lot of care, warmth, understanding!
On your main holiday, we congratulate you -
We wish you immeasurable happiness!

Congratulations to teachers in verse

We are happy to congratulate you on Teacher's Day!
You work without demanding reward,
Children's laughter and smiles are valuable to you,
Forgive them for their mistakes, mistakes,
You teach them to eat, wash,
Wash your hands, brush your teeth, get dressed,
You teach to sculpt and draw,
Be polite and respect adults...
Your work is priceless - we understand that.
And therefore we congratulate you from the heart!
We wish you love, good luck, happiness,
May everything in life always go brilliantly,
May you succeed in any task,
It’s easy for you, life is wonderful!

Congratulations on Teacher's Day from children

You are a wonderful teacher,
We are all interested in you,
We love to walk with you,
We love to play, draw,
We love to read fairy tales with you...
And for care and affection,
Let’s say “Thank you” to you all together!
We wish you to be beautiful,
Kind, simple, patient...
Be very, very happy!

Congratulations to colleagues on Preschool Worker's Day

All kindergarten workers
Children are given warmth and love,
And today is your wonderful holiday -
Wonderful, kind and clear!
Congratulations await the teachers,
Music workers, nannies - without a doubt,
Today we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts,
We won’t leave cooks or nurses behind.
We pay attention, read the poems,
And congratulations to the managers!
We wish everyone health and happiness,
Life is bright, beautiful, brilliant,
In personal life, love, understanding,
Good luck at work!

Congratulations in verse on the day of the teacher and all preschool workers

Happy Preschool Worker's Day to you
I congratulate you with all my heart!
Be healthy, take care of yourself!
May the days of your life be good
May work bring joy
Children always make me happy
Let love live in your heart,
Happiness will never leave!

Congratulations to colleagues on Preschool Worker's Day in prose

Today, on the day of the teacher and all preschool workers, I am very happy to congratulate all the employees of our kindergarten. All of you: teachers, assistant teachers, cooks, music workers, nurses, housekeepers, and everyone else - work for the benefit of our younger generation. Your work is noble. You make an invaluable contribution to the education of the younger generation, giving them the opportunity to grow up as smart, capable, healthy, physically developed people. Thank you very much for your selfless work, for your love for children, for your patience, for your desire to work. I wish you all the best: good health, happiness, luck, family well-being!

Congratulations to the teacher from children in prose

Our dear (name, patronymic), we congratulate you on Teacher’s Day! We would like to say “Thank you” to you for teaching us to draw, sculpt from plasticine, make crafts and applications. We love it when you read us fairy tales, play with us, go for a walk. We wish you to always remain as kind, caring and patient.

Congratulations to the cook on Preschool Worker's Day

You work in a kindergarten
You prepare food for the children.
The profession of a cook is honorable!
So that the kids eat willingly
You cook tasty and satisfying,
All dishes are always delicious!
We congratulate you on this holiday,
We wish you health and happiness!
Be cute, beautiful, active,
Responsive and positive!

Other congratulations in verse on Teacher's Day

Including Preschool Worker's Day. It falls in the last days of September. For those who are concerned about the date of Preschool Worker's Day, there is a specific answer - September 27.

Giving a piece of your soul to children is a real miracle!

Preschool Worker's Day is an opportunity to express your gratitude and respect to special people. Those who ensure the stay of children in preschool educational institutions. And it is worth noting that this professional holiday applies not only to teachers, but also to workers of other professions. Music directors, managers, teaching staff, psychologists, cooks, nannies (teacher assistants), medical staff, caretakers, security guards, laundresses, speech therapists, electricians and other employees - the list is quite long. For all of them, Preschool Worker's Day is a professional holiday.

But the main heroes of the occasion at this holiday are, of course, educators. It is thanks to their love, patience and passion for their profession that the children find it interesting to stay in the institution. They are the ones who know how to nip a quarrel in the bud, explain in simple words why people on the other side of the planet don’t fall into the sky, turn boring eating of unloved porridge into an exciting lunch on a spaceship, and an ordinary walk into an expedition on a desert island. Therefore, on this day the main congratulations go to the teacher, the person who every day gives a piece of his soul to other people’s children.

Goals and objectives of the matinee in honor of preschool workers

Like any other matinee, this holiday should create a joyful, upbeat mood among the children, their parents and the staff of the establishment.

A beautiful congratulation to the teacher must be given. But in addition, it is necessary to generalize the children’s knowledge about the holiday itself, the variety of professions of people working in preschool institutions, to convey to their consciousness the importance of the work of everyone who provides them with comfort, peace, and makes life in a preschool educational institution interesting and educational.


The script for Preschool Worker's Day must include poems with which children will honor the heroes of the occasion.

September twenty-seventh -

Not a red day on the calendar,

But on this holiday from the heart

"Thank you!" the kids will say

To everyone who works in the garden:

Who teaches songs with us,

Prepares delicious food

Who is more interesting to be with?

Play pirates, draw,

Sculpt foxes and squirrels

And even collect cones

And branches for crafts!

"Thank you!" - let's say together to everyone:

Who cleans up in groups?

Who cleans the snow so that there are no problems

They played on the street.

Psychologist, doctor and speech therapist,

Security workers!

Health, happiness, long years!

We are grateful to you all!

Hooray! In the morning we run to the garden -

It's fun and relaxing here!

Healthy food, regimen -

The parents are happy.

The ship among the waves is our kindergarten,

There is a brave captain.

He is wise and kind, he is just a treasure!

And he is the most important here.

There are no small things for him here:

The porridge must be tasty

He will instantly recognize whose drawing it is,

Our manager.

Manages everything skillfully

The approach is scientific in everything.

That's why our kindergarten

We love it so much - he is the best!

Costumes for poetic montage

Children who will read the lines of congratulations need to hang signs on their chests with the names of the professions of kindergarten workers. You can even think of outfits and accessories for the participants. For example, the cook should put on a white cap and be given a large ladle in his hands, the janitor should be provided with a broom or shovel for removing snow, and the junior assistant teacher would need a bucket and a mop.

Congratulations from parents

Immediately after the children's performance, their mothers and fathers take the floor. A poetic congratulation on the Day of Preschool Education Workers can also be heard in the form of a montage - from several representatives from parents.

You my love and affection

You are not too lazy to give to children.

In a wonderful garden, like in a fairy tale,

The kids are excited every day!

The teacher is like a magician

Must be able to do everything, know everything,

So that the kids have questions

Answer wisely and clearly.

Children love to listen to fairy tales.

And now in a new way

They will present “Teremok”.

Our children are just a treasure!

The tale “Teremok” in a new way

The presenter reads the beginning of a Russian fairy tale. Only instead of famous heroes there are other characters.

- There is a tower in a field, it is not low, not high.

Sweet children run past.

- And what? Beautiful little mansion!

And they decided to live in it.

A sleep nurse walks past, knocks, and asks who lives in the little house. The children answer:

- Children are sweet candies, but who are you?

- And I’m a nanny - caressing and putting everyone to sleep! Will you let me in?

- Come in!

The cook comes next and knocks:

- Who-who lives in a little house, who-who lives in a low one?

- We are candy children!

- I, nanny, caress everyone and put everyone to sleep! And who are you?

The cook introduces himself in poetry:

- I am a great cook!

For kids - just a gift!

I’ll make fish soup and cabbage soup,

Noodle soup, lagman, borscht,

I’ll make mashed potatoes with a cutlet...

Can I come over, sweetie kids?

Following the cook, the caretaker knocks on the mansion and introduces himself like this:

- I will solve any issue,

Because I'm the caretaker!

I'll get everything, I'll bring it,

Furniture and products.

I am a caretaker, I can do anything.

- We really need you here!

Precious man -

Let's never part!

- Children live so wonderfully,

But you need a mentor, friend.

The teachers come, knock, and introduce themselves:

- We are teachers with fast feet.

Together with the children we can do everything:

We write, read, sculpt, play.

1 teacher:

- And yes, I am a teacher,

I'm a child watcher!

And I'm almost a teacher

And a writer of fairy tales.

2 teacher:

- I organize leisure time for children,

After all, I really, really love them!

- Without such specialists

The Teremka is indispensable!

Well, come on, come in -

Let life be more joyful!

Suitable methodologist:

- And I am a methodologist, an observer of education!

I'm watching the work

What's wrong - I fix it,

I'm doing something

I am creating manuals.

- We can’t do it without you!

Come in! Sit down here.

The laundresses arrive:

- We are clean laundresses!

What is there to patch up?

Pet it, perhaps?

Should I wash my clothes?

- Come quickly!

We are very glad to see you!

We need laundresses

You are a reward for all of us!

The watchman approaches:

- I'm a good security guard,

A model of devotion!

I will guard the tower,

Protect from enemies!

- We really need a security guard,

Come to us, we will live

Fun, calm, friendly -

There's nothing to worry about now!

The speech therapist is also knocking on the door. Residents of the tower introduce themselves: children are sweet candies, the nanny is a caresser who put everyone to sleep, the cook is a great cook, the caretaker will solve any problem, the teachers are quick on their feet, the methodologist is an observer of education, the washerwomen are clean, the security guard is great. The speech therapist also introduces himself:

- I - speech therapist, no defects!

I will save them from troubles

Who happens sometimes

Pure speech is difficult.

I walked and then to the light

I wandered into your little mansion.

Do you have any children here?

With a speech impediment, isn't it?

- Yes... We need a speech therapist!

Yes, candy kids?

Children in chorus:

- That's it, everything seems to be assembled.

But the work is not going well...

Then the supply manager and the cook are in a quarrel,

Then suddenly the music player doesn’t sing...

Work isn't going well

What's wrong? I know!

I just really need someone...

- Manager!

-Let’s all call together three times: “Manager!”

The children call in unison. The manager comes out with a huge bunch of balloons:

- Oh, how beautiful your tower is!

It’s not for nothing that I came to you!

Well, let's continue our holiday!

It's such a good fairy tale!

She hands out balloons to the children while listening to music.

Congratulations, teachers,
And we want to thank you,
For the energy you spend,
For the desire to educate us.

We wish you a lot of patience,
Only clear, sunny days,
Bright colors for the mood
And, of course, obedient children!

All kindergarten workers
We are happy to congratulate you on the holiday!
Teachers and nannies
We wish you happiness from the bottom of our hearts.
Health to everyone, live without troubles
And a hundred years of fatigue!
Let work inspire
Joy fills the heart,
The energy is in full swing,
Don't be sad about anything.

Preschool workers
Who takes care of our preschool children,
Please accept our bouquet of congratulations,
Everyone thanks you for your work today!

Health, happiness to you, all the best in the world,
Let the nightingales sing in your soul,
Let the children love you and obey you,
Let all parents appreciate your work!

I congratulate all the kindergarten workers from the bottom of my heart.
And now I’m glad to notice how good you are!
Our children run happily to kindergarten early in the morning -
They know that they are loved here, they are expected and protected here!
I wish you health and success in your work,
And good luck, and luck, and happy years in destiny!

Preschool workers -
Work by calling.
I really want you to understand
I really want recognition.

They don't indulge in attention
They don't indulge in salary.
But the children are busy with them -
Calm mom and dad.

We wish what you want:
Adequate salary
Understanding parents
The boss is pleasant.

So that energy for the family
And the strength remained.
Live to be the envy of everyone!

Working with children is not easy.
You can't do without a calling here.
Jumping and running all day,
Either quiet time or squats.

And all the kindergarten workers,
Who gave the children a heart,
Today we are happy to congratulate
And wish you health and strength.

To have enough energy
For all walks, games, fairy tales.
And so that you can rest at home,
Bathing in tenderness and affection.

Today we congratulate those
Who raised the kids?
Fed, put to bed
And I read fairy tales to them.

Who loved them as family,
Tried to give only the best
And around the preschool yard
Arranged excursions.

So let this day shine
Caressed by the gentle sun,
Let the drops sing for you,
And the whole city celebrates.

We wish you happiness and love,
Don't live in captivity of fantasy
And make your dreams come true
And long, long live.

“To the caretaker” - in this word
All the warmth.
And you don't need to be a poet,
To say how lucky
To all your students.
You are like a captain for them:
In the sea of ​​life they are not afraid
Even a hurricane is with you.
You taught them to be people,
We spent a good supply,
Gave us so much knowledge...
Happy holiday, we love you!

Let labor bring only pleasure,
After all, the kids simply adore you!
May every moment give you joy,
Let your eyes shine with happiness!

Always bring positivity to the kids,
Let life be full of bright colors!
Give them your love in abundance,
After all, children need your affection so much!

Nannies and teachers -
Children's best buddies.
Protect the kids
Learn and develop.

Your work requires patience,
Understanding, skills.
But you kids
They love it from the heart.

Let work only make you happy,
Children's laughter will be your reward.
There will be happiness, life will not be boring
And always prosperous.


Congratulations on Teacher's Day and all preschool workers in verse

"Congratulations to the teachers"

Preschool worker,
Our friend, teacher.
Sometimes dissatisfied
Kids buddy.

But more often - smiling,
Kind, cheerful,
Wonderful, responsive,
Even though the work is hard.

"Congratulations to teachers in verse"

On Preschool Worker's Day always
We honor nannies and teachers -
Patient, kind and caring,
The first teachers for children.

They have a lot to do in the garden,
And often they have a lot of things to do -
The more valuable is their care and kindness
And the ability to smile in the midst of troubles!

"Poems for Teacher's Day"

Happy holiday to nannies and teachers
I hasten to congratulate you!
You are a good fairy for children
I'll tell you without embellishment!

With a smile, care and affection
You soar through the group,
And games, activities, fairy tales
All are interesting and new!

I wish you inspiration
Happiness in fate and goodness,
Let her be obedient and cheerful
You have kids in the garden!

"New congratulations on Teacher's Day"

Teacher, no doubt -
This is not easy work.
You deserve praise -
Your work is so important!

We wish you good luck,
Radiate goodness!
You can't live any other way,
To be lucky in life!

"Poems for Preschool Worker's Day"

And our manager is a beauty
And he handles everything.
And her work is extensive,
And we will thank her very much
For the ability to compete
And trying to finance
For fresh food
And prosperity for the kindergarten!

"Poems on the day of all preschool workers"

You, looking at the fruits of your efforts,
You should be proud of yourself!
And spending years on children,
You appreciate your work!

Patience and understanding to you,
After all, the teacher is the one
Who, having put in their efforts,
Gives children a way into life!

"Congratulations on Preschool Worker's Day"

How many eyes and hands do you need?
To keep track around
For your tomboys -
Golden lollipops.

There he laughs, here he cries,
And the other one is jumping on a stick...
Not everyone here is up to the task
Get it done quickly and skillfully.

The teacher will have time to do everything:
He will punish, regret,
Kisses and feeds
Before going to bed, he will remember a fairy tale.

The kindergarten needs a teacher,
Without him, he is not as friendly.
We send you a carriage of joy,
From the parents - bow!