Superstitions about hiccups. How to find out if a person misses you How to know that they remember you

Detailed instructions for women about a man's thoughts.

In order for the chosen one of your heart not to forget that he is the chosen one, he needs help. Namely: try to make him think about you, even when you are not around. In this article we will teach you small harmless tricks that psychologists advise to use.

How to make a man think about you: psychology

We women are very emotional e creatures. And when we fall in love, all our thoughts are occupied with the person we love. Naturally, we expect the same in return. We really want our man to think about us and remember us throughout the day.

But, unfortunately (or fortunately?), the brain of the strong half of humanity is structured differently: it only thinks about what it is doing at a particular moment. If the man is not yet one of your gentlemen, then follow these recommendations:

  • try to please a man externally. It's no secret that men love pretty, well-groomed women. Plus beautiful clothes that highlight your figure (or, conversely, hide its flaws), a stylish hairstyle and high heels - and feel free to catch his eye as often as possible
  • share it with him hobbies, men really appreciate women who are passionate about the same things as him. Find out about his hobbies, and go for a morning jog or volleyball. Talk to him about fishing, chess, football. Of course, first you need to read the relevant literature, and for sports, buy beautiful sportswear
  • smile more often. Men love cheerful and positive ladies. Try to talk as cheerfully and interestingly as possible about how you visited some exhibition or performance. If a man gets to this event, he will definitely remember you
  • flirt - this technique works flawlessly. Talk to him in a playful, flirty manner. All men love it when people make eyes at them. But don't overdo it. He shouldn't think that you're an easy target.
  • be mysteriously y. Remember that men are always attracted to a woman shrouded in a veil of secrecy. You don't need to tell him everything about yourself in great detail. Don’t rush to tell us who called you now and what you did last night. Leave some room for speculation
  • call the man feeling of hunting. Remember that the stronger sex appreciates those women who are difficult to achieve. Don’t agree to a date right away, give him the opportunity to overcome all the obstacles and obstacles on the way to you

Now let's look at psychological ways to make a man think about you if you are already in a relationship with him.

  • give something for him that he will use constantly.
    It’s great if you give him something that he can use every day - a belt, a keychain, a bag. A beautiful, unusual cup is great for these purposes. Then starting the morning with a cup of coffee, he will involuntarily begin his day with thoughts about you
  • write sweet text messages. Remind your man about yourself through short messages. He will be pleased to receive wishes for a good morning or a good day. You can congratulate on some minor funny holiday: the day of the invention of the light bulb or Zimbabwe's Independence Day. Of course, this advice is suitable if your chosen one has a sense of humor.
  • try his friends will like him. Although men do not admit it, the opinion of their friends about their lady is very important to them. Therefore, your task is to charm his entire company and find a common language with it.
  • “forget” something from him. If you sometimes visit his apartment, “accidentally” leave something there: a hairpin, a scarf, earrings. This will remind him of you
  • have own hobbies. A man quickly loses passion for a woman who lives only in his interests. He should know that you live a busy life, you have many friends and your own hobbies. If you refuse a date with a man for the sake of taking a macrame course, you can rest assured that he will be very surprised and will think about you
  • Don't always be available. Use the technique " closer - further" Sometimes distance yourself from him: refuse a date, turn off your phone for a while. And after a while, show special tenderness and affection. Again, be a little cold. No doubt, this will make a man wonder what exactly you feel about him at the moment.

A very effective psychological way to tie a person to yourself is the so-called “anchor” method. The idea is to associate some of the man’s feelings (pleasant, of course) with you:

  • aromas - choose the perfume that your knight likes and use it constantly. The bedroom should also have its own pleasant smell. And if a man hears a familiar aroma somewhere, he will definitely remember you
  • touch - choose a moment when he experiences strong positive emotions (fun, joy), and touch before him. The next time you touch this part of a man's body, his subconscious will work and he will feel satisfied. Of course, you need to do this “trick” with the “touch anchor” at least 7 times
  • words. Psychologists say that if during orgasm men, say something statement(love me, think about me, desire me), then he will thereby be programmed to fulfill it. Of course, asking to buy a necklace or transfer the apartment to you will work in the opposite direction here. Or in moments when your gentleman is feeling very good, name some word that is appropriate in this situation. Subsequently, hearing it, the man will remember those minutes and about you

Video: How to make a man think about a woman?

How to make a man think about you from a distance?

It’s not difficult to inspire a man to think about you when you have the opportunity to periodically “flicker” before his eyes. But how to do this when you are not around? There are the following methods:

  • psychological. The simplest and at the same time the most difficult method is to make a man miss you. Don't call him for the first few days. If he doesn’t think to make the call himself, remind him of yourself with a cheerful SMS. You can arrange a pleasant surprise - order his favorite dish at a restaurant and send it to his address. But at the same time, do not forget to pretend that you have a lot of interesting activities and there is simply no time to be sad from separation from your man
  • one more trick - indirect. But here you will need an assistant who often communicates with your lover at work or in company. At every opportunity, he should mention you (of course, only good things should be said) or call you on some “important” issue in the presence of the object of his adoration
  • if a man is a user on social networks, join the group he belongs to and take an active part in discussing topics. You can leave some witty messages on the wall
  • some psychologists advise borrow money from a man. Moreover, the longer the debt repayment period, the stronger the thoughts about you will be. You can take this advice with a smile, but there is still a reasonable grain in it. Especially if, when returning the amount to your hero, you describe how he helped you out
  • mental trick - it is a kind of hypnotic suggestion at a distance. A well-directed thought sometimes becomes magical

Every day at night, when the object of your passion is supposed to be sleeping, do the following:

  • lie down, relax your body and let go of all thoughts
  • imagine the image of your loved one in every detail
  • when this image is bright and clear, mentally move into his body and brain
  • send clear commands and images associated with you
  • do this exercise every day for at least one month, although results may appear sooner
  • do not tell anyone about the practice you are performing, as other people’s thoughts often interfere with achieving results

How to make a married man think about you?

As they say, you can’t order your heart. And many girls fall in love with men who are already married. These young ladies are ready to do anything if only the object of their passion reciprocates. The technique for making a married person think about you is slightly different from the one used for a bachelor:

  • attract attention with your appearance. Dress brightly and sexy so that the man involuntarily follows you with his eyes. You can ask if he likes your dress
  • intrigue. If, when you met every day in the office, you said hello, stop doing it. The man will definitely be tormented by guesses as to why this happened. Carry with you an unusual item (pendant, office tool, clutch) that attracts attention with its appearance and raises a lot of questions.
  • show interest. Smile flirtatiously as you pass by. When talking, be keenly interested in his opinion, ask questions. Show how interested you are in communicating with him, even if it’s a little boring at first.
  • ask him for help. A man always feels like a hero if a lady asks to do something that she “would never be able to do”
  • don't impose. Do not bombard a married man with SMS messages, gifts. Limit the number of calls, do not send greetings through friends, do not make dates. A man should want to do all this himself in relation to you.
  • show skill in sex. Remember that you must be better than your wife in everything, and in sex first of all. Often a “married man” plunges into love affairs precisely for the sake of intimate variety
  • call jealousy. A man should know that he is not the center of the universe, and you may have admirers. Try to “accidentally” see you with a bouquet of flowers or hear how affectionately you talk to someone on the phone. Of course, you shouldn’t go too far; know how to determine the line beyond which it’s dangerous to go
  • appreciate his attention - always demonstrate how valuable and important his gifts or simply the attention he bestows on you are
  • be ideal, try to find out from a man what kind of woman he has always dreamed of, and become that for him

But before you use these tips, think about whether you need this person? After all, the destruction of someone else’s family, especially if there are small children, does not always lead to the desired result.

How to make a man think about you: ritual, conspiracy

All women have a bit of witchcraft in them. A passion for various fortune-telling and conspiracies is inherent in us by nature. Do you think magic only happens in fairy tales? Try the spells offered by modern magicians and sorcerers.

Method 1:

  • during a joint feast, take a glass of wine from which you have already drank
  • pour some into the man's glass
  • say: “Drink, finish, and remember me”
  • Of course, this must be done unnoticed by the object of love

Method 2:

  • prepare the yeast dough
  • put it in the oven (oven)
  • Scoop up the sour liquid three times with a thimble and drink
  • say: “the dough lies next to my heart, and (man’s name) a thought about me will arise.”

Method 3:

  • take 3 thin wax candles
  • weave them together
  • say: “The candles are twined together, and you and I will merge”
  • light the candles
  • keep saying: “I light the candles, I kindle your love, I open the heart of (the man’s name). Amen"
    burn candles 9 times every day

Method 4:

  • Dissolve 2 tablespoons of honey in a glass of water
    have a drink
  • tie a white cloth above the elbow of your right hand
  • tie black fabric on the left in the same way
  • concentrate your thoughts on your loved one
  • in the forest nearby, stick three wax candles into the ground at the cardinal points - south, north, east
    light them up
  • think about your chosen one and say his name three times
  • turn over your left shoulder three times
  • leave without looking back

Method 5:

  • prepare lemon balm infusion
  • get up before sunrise
  • wash your face with the prepared decoction
  • take a sip
  • simultaneously with these actions, remember about the man and what thoughts you want to evoke in him
  • you can say the following words: “Fire of love, fly to the one for whom your heart beats. And let him think about me"

Method 6:

  • perform the ritual on Friday during the waxing moon
  • take two red wax candles
  • write your name on one and the man's name on the other
  • light the candles
  • Collect the first drops of melted wax from each candle with different fingers
  • rub your fingers together
  • in the following days, repeat the ritual, placing your photos under the candles and placing the candles closer to each other
  • complete the ritual next Friday
  • collect the wax that dripped in the photo and put it in a red cloth bag
  • keep under your pillow

Remember, it doesn’t matter what words you say during the rituals, the main thing is that they come from a pure heart and wish well.

Video: 10 ways to make a man chase you

Esoterics: how to make a man think about you

Esoteric knowledge helps a person manage the material world through the spiritual. In order for the man you care about to remember you, experts suggest trying the following practices:

  • imagine you together. This is the simplest exercise. Often imagine yourself next to your chosen one. Draw bright pictures of spending time together, where you are both happy and cheerful. Think about how great you are together. A positive attitude often attracts good things to happen in life.
  • make him think about you. While you are in the same room with your chosen one, mentally draw a blue ray from the center of your forehead to the center of his forehead (possibly to the back of his head). When you feel that the beam has become strong, transmit statements through it - orders like “you love (Your name)”, “You are thinking about (Your name)”, etc.
  • dream about your loved one. Do you think it is impossible to control dreams? Esotericists say the opposite. Before going to bed, while lying in bed, think about the man you want to dream about. Imagine only good things about him, remember pleasant events associated with him. And when you’ve dreamed enough, say the words three times: “You (man’s name) will have bright dreams with (your name).”
  • charge food or drink. This method is often used by women in India. Before preparing dinner for your loved one, comb your hair back and put on clean clothes. Prepare by humming a love song and saying sweet words about your man. Put all your love into the dish. Food charged with such positive energy truly has magical properties. Do not doubt, your gentleman will only think about the woman who prepared this miracle

In order for these actions to lead to a positive result, remember the mandatory rules:

  • perform exercises only when good health and emotional peace. If you feel unwell, put it aside for a while.
  • thoughts should be clear, without fuss. If you can't concentrate, nothing will happen
  • pursue only good intentions I. Do not try to take revenge on a person or amuse his feelings with the help of esoteric practices. Your thoughts must be pure
  • be confident in success, and you will succeed

How do you know if a man is thinking about you?

When we are in love, all our thoughts revolve around the object of our sympathy. And we are very interested in how a man feels towards us, does he reciprocate? Pride does not allow you to ask, and men will not always tell the truth.

How to find out? Let's try to figure this out with the help of psychologists' advice. If you don’t know a man well yet, evidence of his concern is his behavior, gestures, and facial expressions:

  • flashes before your eyes. If a man is interested in you, he tries as much as possible come into view more often and constantly hangs around, asking questions (in your opinion, rather stupid) and trying to draw you into conversation
  • behaves unusually - begins to brag about his exploits, deliberately laughs loudly at your jokes, tries to attract attention
  • watches your posture. When a man wants to show himself in all his glory, he stands straight in front of you, trying to pull in his stomach, his legs can be slightly apart
  • feet turned towards you. An interested man will have his toes pointed towards you
  • touches you during a conversation - holding your elbow or shoulder, the man seems to be demonstrating to the world his rights to you
  • shares his things by offering a sweater or jacket, a man shows that he is ready to share everything he owns with you

It's not difficult to understand that a man is interested in you

Now we will tell you how to understand whether a man with whom you are already in a relationship is thinking about you. The thoughts of your chosen one are always occupied with you if he:

  • calls often- he calls you several times a day, just to hear his voice and ask the banal “How are you?”
  • writes SMS- he writes you messages “Hello”, “Have a nice day”, “I miss you” from the very morning, and during the day he sends you some pictures or funny photographs
  • He always calls back and doesn’t ignore your calls. When he sees that you missed him, he calls at the first opportunity and asks what you wanted.
  • gets angry if you don't answer the call. Having seen a bunch of missed calls from your loved one, you call, thinking that he will be happy. But in response you may hear an irritated “What were you so busy with?” or “Why do you even need a phone then?” Don't doubt it, he was just worried and thinking about you
  • jealous Having heard that you are talking on the phone with a man, he will definitely ask who he is and what he wanted from you. And he doesn't like male co-workers either.
  • Don't wear things you don't approve of. A man gives up his favorite T-shirt after hearing that you can't stand it. He can also refuse the mustache if you don’t like it
  • does pleasant surprises. Remembers what flowers you like, what perfume you prefer. And he may completely unexpectedly give you a book that you once mentioned. This means that he listens to you and thinks about how to please you.
  • asks for your photo, constantly demands to send your photo, and if he doesn’t receive it, he takes a photo of you and puts it on his phone. Therefore, we advise you to still send your successful photo, which he will show to everyone
  • tells his friends about you. And he doesn’t just talk about it, but also mentions it on any occasion: how you cook, what you read, what you enjoy.
  • plans pastime. Even before you part, it already tells you what you will do on the weekend and where you will go.

We hope that our advice will help you correctly interpret a man’s behavior, and unnecessary worries will not darken your mood.

Video: How to make a man think about you? Strategy for dealing with men

If you are separated by distance from a loved one, you may wonder if they miss you. You may have stopped communicating with a friend, relative, or other loved one. Or maybe your loved one went on a business trip and you really want to know if he misses you? After reading this article, you will be able to determine whether a loved one misses you.


Find out if the person misses you, if you have grown apart or your relationship has ended

    Invite the person to meet and observe his reaction. If you feel that your relationship with a friend has weakened, but you would like to know if he misses you, invite him to have a cup of coffee with you. Remember that your meeting should take place in a friendly environment. If your friend happily accepts your invitation, he probably misses you. On the other hand, if he postpones the meeting or agrees half-heartedly, then in all likelihood he doesn't miss you.

    • Be honest, but don't blame your friend for the fact that your relationship has cooled. You could say, “I miss our Friday walks so much! How about we meet again?”
  1. Talk about the problem. If your friendship is on the verge of breaking down and you don't fully understand why it happened, you can openly talk about it with your friend. Tell him that you have noticed that you have been growing apart lately. Find out if you have offended your friend by word or deed. If a friend confirms your assumptions, be prepared to listen without making excuses.

    • Of course, you can directly ask if your friend missed you, but be careful not to embarrass him. If he feels that you are blaming him, he is unlikely to answer you honestly.
  2. Talk to mutual friends. You must be clear about what you want and what you are striving for. For example, you might say to a mutual friend, “I feel like my mutual friend and I have been growing apart lately, and I feel so sad about it. Do you think I should try to make things better now?” Listen carefully to the answer.

    • You shouldn’t find out if a person misses you just to stroke his pride.
  3. Let the relationship end naturally. Pay attention to signs that will show you that a friendship is coming to an end. There may be long silences or awkward pauses during the conversation. In addition, it will be difficult for you to make joint plans. You will also encounter misunderstandings more and more often. Believe me, friendships don't have to last forever; life changes, interests change, which in turn affects relationships.

    • If your friendship is coming to an end, don't worry too much about whether your friend misses you. Instead, think about what was good about your relationship and be ready to move on.
  4. Don't confuse the phrase "I miss you" with the statement "I want to be with you." Even if your ex-friend misses you, this does not mean that he wants to renew the relationship. You may both be grieving the loss of what was good in your relationship. However, this does not mean that you should try to get your relationship back.

Humans are created with an amazing ability to perceive the world around them using the senses given by the Creator. Each person is an individual with his own inner world. And no one can invade this world and find out a person’s thoughts. Only God can know the thoughts of people, but He uses this ability very wisely, respecting the dignity of everyone. The Bible says about God: “You know when I sit down and when I rise, you recognize my thoughts from afar.” (Ps 139:2)
A person cannot know when and what someone else thinks about him.

Even evil spiritual personalities, demons, cannot know a person’s thoughts. However, they can influence people and inspire different feelings and thoughts. And very often they guide the lives of people using this ability (Acts 5:3). Also, while remaining invisible, they can constantly observe a person and have the opportunity to study his psychology and behavior well. And at a crucial moment they can influence him so that the person makes a decision inspired by them. Demons can distort a person's thinking to the point that he becomes unable to distinguish good from evil. Here are the words from the Bible: “If the good news that we proclaim is hidden in a veil, it is hidden for those who are perishing, for those who do not believe, whose god is this system of things [Satan] blinded minds lest the light of the glorious good news of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine upon them" (2 Cor 4:4).
Unfortunately, the whole world is now under the power of the Evil One. He has at his disposal a whole arsenal of means to control humanity. The Bible says: "We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the Evil One [the Devil]" (1 John 5:19). In order not to be puppets in his hands, we have been given from God a guide for life - the Bible. From it we can learn what really is good, and what is evil from God’s point of view and act accordingly.

Very often people make decisions by remembering events that are already familiar to them (an incident with others, a plot from a book, a movie, words from a song, etc....) and often this decision turns out to be wrong. Someone rightly said: “If you listen to your heart when making decisions, you will end up with heart disease.” And this is what God says, addressing people: “My son, if you accept my words and keep my commandments, if your ear is attentive to wisdom and you set your heart to discernment, if you cry for understanding and ask for discernment “If you search for them like silver and search for them like hidden treasure, you will gain the fear of Jehovah and find the knowledge of God” (Prov 2:1-5).

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Signs about this not very pleasant thing are widespread everywhere. It is infinitely variable and can talk about completely different things in certain circumstances.

In the article:

Hiccups are a sign with multifaceted meanings

The most common belief - a person who hiccups, someone remembers . To stop this state, you need to guess the name of the person who is thinking about you. But here the options begin depending on the severity of the hiccups.

Weakly expressed means warm memories of a person, vivid, even annoying - abuse, blasphemy expressed behind one's back. How to get rid of hiccups? Try pronouncing the names of friends and ill-wishers, remembering everyone. As soon as the culprit is named, it will stop.

There is a belief that hiccups appear in a thief who has just robbed someone . People also say this: they hiccup because they are jealous of the happiness they have received (money, family).

Signs can also be weather related. For example, hiccups can herald good sunny weather . But this is more likely due to a person’s natural sensitivity to changes in the atmosphere than to folk signs.

There is also such a belief - hiccups speak of the evil spirit’s attempts to get into the human soul . You need to read the “Mother of God” or “Our Father” three times, cross yourself and spit over your left shoulder three times in order to shame the demon. One of the most negative signs is hiccups at night - at this time someone is casting a spell on you. You can protect yourself from black witchcraft using special rituals. People are baptized to protect themselves from devils, demons, and evil. Read more on the topic in the section below.

Fortune tellers are especially popular among girls. In this case, the meaning of hiccups will depend on the time and day of the week. It can be both positive and negative.

How to stop hiccups - conspiracy and prayer

The belief that someone remembers someone who hiccups goes back centuries. There are also ways to get rid of this condition. - folk, directly related to signs. The main way remains listing all familiar names.

Can't find the culprit of the hiccups? In this case, folk wisdom advises rubbing your eyebrow with your little finger, pronouncing names - a hair will fall out on the right person.

You can pull out your own hair and wrap it around your little finger. For each curl, pronounce the letters of the alphabet in order. Where the hair ends is where the name of the person remembering begins with that letter.

Night hiccups often indicate an attack by evil spirits or sorcerers. To eliminate such danger, read prayers and evil spirits. As mentioned above, you can say “Our Father.”

Another sign for stopping hiccups advises crossing your little fingers and holding them there for several minutes. Crossing the right hand and left foot works in a similar way. This is how a person closes his biofield, protecting himself from attacks from evil otherworldly entities.

Beliefs about dark forces

There is a proverb: to hiccup means to be defenseless against an unclean spirit . In the old days, demons were feared more than they are now. There are many ways to counteract evil spirits and devils.

To get rid of the evil spirits that cause hiccups, in England they took a steel knife and drew a cross with it on the chest of the hiccupper, without touching his clothes (iron wards off evil). They are especially afraid of him. However, they extremely rarely inhabit people like demons and demons.

The righteous who are baptized whenever there is a need for it, and who do not use abusive and blasphemous words, will not become infected with hiccups. But all people are sinners, so a situation may arise in which you find yourself defenseless. Popular wisdom recommends turning to the Lord when you have hiccups. It is likely that it is a sign of an attack by evil forces, and not other people's thoughts about you.

Illness or possessed demon

In the north of Russia you can often find a special type of hysterical state called hiccup. Most often, women are defeated by it. One of the manifestations - splitting the voice, changing its tone. It looks as if the person is speaking in a different, alien, unusual voice.

A person with hiccups can speak in words and sentences, as well as in interjections and individual sounds. In villages, this is considered one of the signs of the infusion of a devilish essence into the human body.

Such a demon lives only forty days if it does not possess a person. He does not die, but “goes to the aspen.” That is why this tree is called shaking. If he moves in, he will be able to live for a very long time, at least - until the death of its owner. However, in reality, priests usually do this.

After moving in, the hiccup can tell what its nickname is. Her name is always masculine. Main harm caused - an irresistible desire to tell the truth. For example, a person can think one thing, but a hiccup will say something completely different for him.

People have created many ways to find out who remembers the hiccup, and even determine in what way. But don’t forget about protecting your soul - Who wants to have an evil spirit in their neighborhood? By crossing yourself in time and reading a short prayer, you can protect yourself from hiccups.

In contact with

If a man and a woman were in a relationship, they will feel each other for a long time, even at a great distance. You can find out what your ex or current partner thinks about you even on an energetic level. Obvious signs:

  • chance encounters in unexpected places,
  • Things that connected you constantly catch your eye,
  • frequent dreams related to your man.

Folk signs that a man remembers you

  • If you suddenly feel feverish and your cheeks begin to burn, this means that your loved one is remembering you at that moment.
  • If your right breast itches, the man you are interested in is thinking about you. Most likely, on this day he will manifest himself through a call or SMS message.
  • If you hit your right elbow, it means that at that moment your man is thinking or talking about you.
  • If you smoke, pay attention to the cigarette. If it smolders on only one side, it means that your loved one remembers you.
  • A sure sign that a man remembers you and misses you is the moment when you choked while pronouncing his name or talking about him.

Fortune telling: does a man think about me?

If the signs do not help you, try telling fortunes and find out the answer to your question. For the ritual you will need red threads, a container of cold water, a sewing needle, a red candle and a photograph of your loved one.

Place a bowl of water in front of you and light a candle. Hold the candle over the water so that the wax drips into the same place, forming a figure. At this time, look at the photo of your lover and think about your question. After 2-3 minutes, set the candle aside and take the cooled wax. Pierce the figure with a needle and thread a thread into the hole. You should end up with a structure that resembles a pendulum.

Hold the thread with the float over the photo and ask questions of interest: “Does this man think about me? Is he sad? Would you like to meet? The movement of the pendulum in a circle means a positive answer, from side to side - a negative answer.

Is it possible to make a man think about you?

Esotericists believe that the person with whom you have an energetic connection can be inspired with the necessary thoughts. When you are next to a man, look into his “third eye” and convey your intentions. This must be done discreetly so that the man does not suspect anything.

Ordinary water absorbs information very well. Bring the glass of liquid close to your lips and whisper your wish: “Think about me more often. Be sad, be sad, remember.” Words can be anything, but they should not carry a negative connotation or aggressive message. Ideally, a man should drink all the water, but you can simply spray his clothes or shoes discreetly.

You can remind a man about yourself with a simple ritual. Sit back in your room and hold a photo of your loved one in your hand. Concentrate on your intention and read the spell three times:

How did Adam think about Eve?
So think about me, miss me,
Don't let go of your heart and thoughts.
I will say this, so it will be. Amen.

After that, take your photograph and put it face to face with the man’s photograph. Wrap the images in white cloth and put them under your pillow. This night your chosen one will definitely have a dream with your participation. This method can be used no more than once every 14 days.