Script for the anniversary of your beloved mother. Anniversary script for beloved mother Congratulations to mother on her 60th birthday

You are 60 today
And everyone will want to congratulate you.
But first of all, I congratulate you,
My dear mother!

Always be healthy
And never be sad
Over the years, mom, don’t get older,
But just wonderfully young!


Dear mom, happy birthday to you! I wish you to remain as kind, gentle, caring and loving, so that you always smile, be calm and happy! And may this anniversary be the beginning of a calm and quiet life for you, devoid of problems and worries!


Thank you, mommy,
Here's to better years.
You have always loved me
And I always took care of it.

You are 60 today -
Your glorious anniversary.
Please, about all the years that have passed
Don't regret it one bit.

You have been and will be all your life
Beloved, tender mother.
I want you to always
I was the happiest one.


I don't know where to start, congratulations,
After all, I want to wish so much out loud
And express all my gratitude to You
For what you gave me in this life!

Thank you, dear mother, for your affection,
For gentle hands, for a children's fairy tale,
For the life that you once gave me,
For raising me all those years!

Be happy, milf, for many years to come,
And I will drive away all troubles from you.
Just be happy, mommy.
May your path be both bright and long!


For more than a dozen years now
You guard our hearth.
For several years now
Everything is on your shoulders!
And on this important day you
I would like to wish:
Always beautiful as now
You be. Do not be sad
I wish you a new day
Just greet with a smile.
And only more news
Receive good ones.
Health, strength, patience in reserve
And life is like in novels,
After all, sixty is not yet a long time.
So happy anniversary, mom!

Poems for mom for her 60th birthday


My dear mother,
Here you are sixty
You live without knowing worries,
Angels guard your home.

Be as energetic
Naughty and young
For excellent health,
And peace reigned in my soul!


My precious one,
Most dear,
It's your anniversary,
Congratulations on that.

Don't look at the date.
Sixty? Not scary!
How much more is there yet to come?
There will be wonderful years:

Daddy is next to you,
Me and my kids.
White envy of you
The neighbors are jealous.

Everyone loves you:
You are a miracle, mom!
I wish that you always
She was at the peak of her charm.


Dear mother, congratulations on your 60th birthday. I would like to wish that your golden hands never get tired, that your kind heart continues to beat in the rhythm of happiness, that your soul does not get sick, and in no case grows old. Mom, greet the new day with joy and cheerfulness, and spend it surrounded by the love and care of your wonderful family.


Happy Birthday Mom,
My dear,
Happy anniversary, happy holiday
We congratulate you.

We are your fate
Today we are surprised
For us you don't grow old
For us, you don't change.

In your eyes everything is the same
Love and kindness
And in a mother's heart
Still the same warmth.

Fills you with happiness
Fate May your days be
To stay longer
We could as children.


Today my mother is sixty,
Today is the anniversary.
Mommy, happy birthday,
And be even sweeter!

And don’t be sad for the date,
You are always beautiful.
The years haven't changed you,
You are always young!

Health, mommy, and happiness,
Always be cheerful
And humor to you, enthusiasm
In all your affairs.

You get better every year
I wish you warmth
Stay beautiful and tender
In life you are always!

Happy 60th birthday to mom


I can’t believe it at all, Mom, on my anniversary,
You are becoming nicer every day,
Your smile is the most precious thing to me,
After all, there is no one more beautiful and dearer than you.

So let your bottomless eyes
Shine every day with a happy shine,
You are a signpost in the house,
And there is no one closer to us than you.

May God protect you from shocks,
We will definitely save you from all the worries,
So that your days are filled only with happiness,
And they had enough love.


Mom is 60 now!
Congratulations sound
From friends, colleagues, relatives...
And, of course, mine.

I wish you lucky years
The brightest, the best,
Without diseases and misfortunes.
And also - great happiness!

You are the support of our family,
You are the judge of any dispute,
You will judge and understand everyone,
You will find the right words.

Gratitude to my mom
It's hard to put into words.
I love you very much
And I appreciate you for everything you do.


Big date - sixty!
And you are the youngest:
There are sparkles in your eyes
And loud laughter is heard.

And let the heels be lower,
You're not sad, mom.
Let the men be jealous:
Dad has a super lady.

May flowers always bloom.
Those that are dearer to you.
Health, happiness, warmth.
Mommy, happy anniversary!


I'm talking about the lady's age
Etiquette doesn't allow it.
What etiquette?! After all, the heart, mother,
He doesn’t want to count your years!

I am a big child,
In your care and love
Always in dire need.
I wish you so on your anniversary

To you, dear mommy,
Health, strength, no worries,
Beauty blooms without fading,
At least a hundred years

Dream like in your youth and believe
To your lucky star,
Opening doors with fun
And warm the whole family with love!


You always give your goodness,
Will you help me choose the right path?
And you will never deceive
Always be as gentle.

Congratulations to you, mommy,
I wish you happiness at sixty,
I wish you to forget sadness and sadness,
Let your eyes sparkle with joy.

I wish you a lot of optimism,
Have good health
And so that any disasters
You could overcome it instantly.

Beautiful congratulations to mom on her 60th birthday


You are my dear mother,
Happy birthday to you, dear!
And may on your anniversary
Everyone cares and cherishes you.

Let your friends gather together
Let them smile and laugh.
And let sixty years be no joke,
Don't be sad for a single minute.

On this day, from my heart I wish,
May your dreams come true.
Be healthy and joyful, mom.
May you always be happy yourself.


Congratulations on the anniversary!
And I want to wish
To be so beautiful
You're still twenty-five years old.

Mom, always be healthy
Live for many, many years
And with a cheerful smile
You go through life.


Even if 60 years is not enough,
But you shouldn't be discouraged.
After all, you are still our mother,
Now tempt you to rest.

During those years you raised
Now big children.
But still your concern,
Now we appreciate everything more.

You wiped our butts
Took me to kindergarten.
We are grateful for those years
And congratulations to you, mom!


60 today mom
I hasten to tell you
Which is more beautiful and wiser
I can't find it in the world.

I'd like to stay
Gentle, kind, unearthly.
Laughter, cook,
So magical.


Runs and hurries playfully year after year,
But you are magical even at sixty!
And just like in childhood, barefoot,
Mommy, I need you!

Take care of yourself. Always healthy
I wish you to be cheerful and vigorous,
Let it become honey-sweet,
Your dazzlingly bright life, dear,

Your plans will come true,
Beautiful dreams will come true!
In the seas of love and in the oceans of happiness
You still have sixty years to swim!

Happy 60th birthday greetings to mother from daughter, son


You are sixty today
You are young at heart.
How the look shines with happiness!
I bow to you.

I love you, mom, very much.
And on this glorious anniversary,
I'm powerless before you
Pour a glass of wine quickly.

I'll raise it with the guests,
I'll just say one sentence,
I will whisper it with my lips:
“Darling, I love you.”

Then I’ll add congratulations:
I wish you happiness and love,
May luck accompany you
After all, you couldn’t find a better mother.


You are sixty today
Let someone say - a lot!
But the eyes sparkle merrily,
A bright road awaits!

I love you so much, you know
My dear mommy,
Have fun and don't be sad
I'm always by your side!


Sixty is a respectable age, mother.
We sincerely congratulate you!
We are so glad that you are with us now,
Be there always.

May your health not let you down,
Let your mood not fade.
Peace, happiness, kindness with love,
Let magic surround you everywhere.


Beautiful mommy I'm sixty
I wish you to shine, always shine like the sun,
And let the flowers only hurt your hands,
Let your head spin with happiness!

I want to always wish spring in my heart,
And so that everything I wanted would be done!
May your days be full of sunshine,
So that the soul always sings like a nightingale!


May it not matter on this day,
What a holiday, what a bustle around,
Let the heating not warm you,
And our hearts and flowers are warm.

Let the years go by, walking with you,
How can we stop these arrows?
But let him paint these years as an outline,
There is a patterned thread on the lace of life.

No matter what winds blow in the world,
May it be good for you, and loving,
Congratulations to you, dear mother,
And we give a piece of warmth from ourselves.

Cool 60th anniversary wishes for mom


I wish you a sea of ​​bright days,
Flowers are like a rose, dear!
I'm sixty, on your anniversary,
I wish you good health!

May all your cherished dreams
Very easy to do!
And so that you become happier,
You need to smile more often!


Over the years we begin to understand
All the importance of mother's advice,
All the strict rules, teachings,
Responsibilities and prohibitions.

Now we are for our children
We answer seriously,
And just like you, we
We teach them life.


Mom is sixty today.
What can I please you with?
I came to you with flowers,
Look - and not alone!

Your grandchildren are on the doorstep,
They want to hug you so much -
Busy with the gift of hands.
Now let's congratulate!


Throwing back sixty,
You were born
On one of the brightest days of the year
Mommy is born!

Your anniversary is wonderful
I kiss you on both cheeks!
And I’m happy to give
Beautiful flowers!

Live and enjoy every hour
Your own family.
And know that you are the most beautiful of all,
And I love you so much!


Leave your troubles and affairs,
Today is a day off.
And you are at the festive table,
And all your relatives are with you.

And everyone only wishes well,
Words flow like a river.
You are sixty today
It happened for the first time.

And I, as in my childhood,
I'll press my cheek to you,
My dear mother,
My guarding angel!

Congratulate mom on her 60th birthday


Happy anniversary, beloved mother!
This holiday you are 60.
Don't be sad, dear, not even an ounce,
After all, everyone wants to congratulate you!

Let them give bouquets and confessions.
The mood will skyrocket.
All my wishes are for you
Happiness, joy, peace, miracles!


Happy anniversary, dear,
My dear mother,
You are sixty today.
I wish you happiness, dear.

Let the family be healthy
You live after all of us,
Your eyes are joyful,
Mommy, let them sparkle.

Be beautiful as before
You, mom, are good.
Let the warmth of the hearts of your loved ones
The soul warms up.


The years have flown by, mom is 60!
Everyone, everyone will gather to congratulate you!
Dear, dear! I wish from the bottom of my heart
May your years bring joy.
So that you can look forward with a smile.
May you be healthy and be able to do a lot.
Do something in life so that you can
What you loved was fun.
An ocean of energy, mommy, for you!
You will be grateful to fate for everything!


Let's add ten to half a hundred, and now
Open the doors wider to life, mom,
Let it flow like a stormy river,
Brings new happiness with itself,
The image washes away troubles and bitterness.
Let 60 hang without weight,
And behind your back it will open its wings
And everything I dreamed about will become the same!


I don't think there has ever been a better mom in the universe than you. Congratulations on your anniversary, happy birthday and sixtieth birthday. May this day be joyful and happy for you, like all the days to come. Joy and happiness to you, the best of all existing mothers.


Mommy beloved, dear,
Congratulations on your anniversary!
Wonderful age - 60,
Your eyes sparkle with joy!

I hasten to wish you
Be happy, don't be sad,
And don’t get sick, mommy, never,
I promise to always be there for you!


Mommy celebrates her bright anniversary,
All relatives are looking for worthwhile ideas,
How can I congratulate you on your 60th birthday?
Wish you at this wonderful moment.

I wish you, dear, strength,
So that it brightly illuminates with happiness and goodness,
Good health and care for loved ones
And accept my sincere and low bow.


My mommy
Happy birthday!
Happiness to you, dear,
Tender, beautiful!

The best, my favorite
And unique!
kind, good
You look like a fairy.

Age has no control
A century for you,
After all, he is beautiful at heart
There is a man in the world!


We will drive away old age to evil,
Let's meet a new dawn:
Six dozen kisses
I'll give it to my dear mother.

The most beloved person -
On this day and at this time
We apologize to mom
That sometimes they didn’t listen,

For offensive words
And for being stubborn...
Now I know, mom,
You were always right!


You can't get the years back.
And you have to try really hard
So that like you at sixty
Be able to look like you did at twenty.

For us, you are a mother, like the dawn.
Like a ray of sunshine and clear.
We wish you many years to come!
May your life be wonderful!


Mom, don't look at your age,
Sixty special date
Even though there are wrinkles on your face,
But at heart, as before, you are young!

I love you very much
For me, you are my guardian angel,
I wish you many years to come
Happiness, strength and joyful events.


For us, your holiday is just a date,
Just an excuse for a gift.
Don't think about the years, mom,
They are neither cold nor hot.
Look around - you love it so much!
And even in these 60
You are charming as always
Your look radiates with vivacity.
So happy birthday, happy anniversary!
You will never grow old!


Dear mother's anniversary -
She's sixty today!
I don't trust passports -
I won't give you more than forty.

How many sleepless nights have you had?
I spent it by the crib.
After kindergarten and school,
After all, everything is important to you.

I wish you to be healthy
Let your friends visit.
We can meet with you more often
And gather at the dacha!


So the years have passed,
Three times twenty
You are still young
Nowhere to go
You are more and more beautiful every day
In this sweet life.
Well, let's start counting down
New twenty!


My dear mother,
I congratulate you on your anniversary!
There is no one like you in the world,
I’m giving you a bouquet of flowers soon!

I give you a kiss on the cheek again,
And I hug you tenderly and tenderly!
You always know how to inspire me.
And instill hope in my soul.

I rejoice when we sit together,
We communicate about many things and different things,
Let this house be a full cup,
He is saturated with love, this is important!

Sixty years is a wonderful age for a woman. Its onset symbolizes the arrival of venerable years, comparable to the bright and warm autumn of life.

Close relatives, friends, and colleagues will gather to congratulate the birthday girl on her 60th birthday, but among all the warm words she heard on this significant day, congratulations to her mother on her 60th birthday will be especially important.

Main features and some subtleties

How to congratulate your mother on her birthday? Heartfelt, sincere, tender, respectful, touching, beautiful, emotional, bright, unusual - you must pleasantly surprise the dearest person in your life, express in words your love for your mother and emphasize how much she means to you.

Your mother is 60 years old, and this is a wonderful age for a woman, the advent of which will be an excellent occasion for a cheerful holiday, where there will be no room for sadness. Congratulations on your mother's 60th birthday must be touching, spoken with love and mentioning the kindness, affection and care that the hero of the occasion never ceases to bestow on her loved ones.

Try to find the right words yourself: just say the phrase “Happy birthday, beloved mom!”, and then, perhaps, the right words will flow by themselves, like a stream. This type of congratulations to your mother on her 60th birthday will certainly turn out to be very sincere and truly kind.

Anniversary is a time to have fun and pleasantly surprise. The selected birthday greetings can be beautifully read or pronounced, or you can present them from an unusual perspective. The ideas are as follows:

  • Order congratulations to your mother on her 60th birthday on radio or TV.
  • Write warm words with chalk on the asphalt of the birthday girl under the windows.
  • If you have talents, then demonstrate them, for example, by singing.
  • Congratulations on your 60th birthday to your mother can be written directly on the gift.

If you are going to congratulate your beloved mother on her 60th birthday in poetic form, do not hold back the flight of your imagination. It is not necessary to write poetry yourself, because now there are a lot of ready-made options, composed beautifully and solemnly.

At the same time, the way you present them will play a huge role: for example, you can go back in time and read them like a little boy, standing on a stool, or write them on paper airplanes and fly them into the hall.

Congratulations to mother from children in prose is a fairly popular option that is always relevant. The good thing about it is that you can find a blank and use it as a sketch, adding your own words, inserting more than one sincere wish, and even remembering some short story related to your mother’s invaluable contribution to your life. You can even bet that a woman will be very pleased to hear such congratulations on her 60th birthday.

The 60th anniversary of the mother's birth should under no circumstances be ignored. The child is simply obliged to congratulate the woman who gave birth and raised him, because complete indifference on his part will clearly spoil the birthday girl’s mood.

If you live far away and do not have the opportunity to take part in the celebration, then congratulate your mother by phone, send her a few beautiful SMS, order a congratulation on the radio or contact her on the Internet. Remember that on this significant day it is extremely important to show your attention and care.

Congratulations to mom on her 60th birthday from her son - words of gratitude, sincerity, respect. An amazing opportunity opens up before you to confess your love to the most dear person in the world.

Tell your mom about your feelings, apologize for the children’s pranks, be attentive and courteous, joke gently, give her flowers, say a couple of compliments - in a word, do everything to make your mom feel surrounded by attention and care on your part.

Congratulations from your daughter are filled with special magic, unlike anything else. These words of love and respect contain some incredible energy that can only be felt by the closest person. Mom’s 60th birthday is an excellent occasion to open your heart and soul to her, thank her for all the good things and say that she has always been and remains a living example for you.

Add your own words to the ready-made wishes, and you will get the best congratulations in the world for your dear and beloved mother. Author: Ekaterina Voskareva,

I'm talking about the lady's age
Etiquette doesn't allow it.
What etiquette?! After all, the heart, mother,
He doesn’t want to count your years!

I am a big child,
In your care and love
Always in dire need.
I wish you so on your anniversary

To you, dear mommy,
Health, strength, no worries,
Blossom more beautifully without fading,
At least a hundred years

Dream like in your youth and believe
To your lucky star,
Opening the doors to fun
And warm the whole family with love!

Dear Mommy, I congratulate you,
After all, you turned sixty today.
I wish you a very long life,
May the holy angels protect you.

Don't regret the past, you will meet things ahead
Many very bright and happy days.
Let joy and hope warm your heart,
May this anniversary bring happiness.

Good health, kindness, fun
May they always be in your life, mom!
Let all sadness, sorrow, doubts go away,
And fate will become a friend forever.

My good mommy
Happy 60th birthday, happy anniversary

And I hasten to wish you soon,

Just an excuse for a gift.
Don't think about the years, mom,
They are neither cold nor hot.

And even in these 60
You, as always, are irresistible

You will never grow old!

Today is my mother's anniversary,
And my mother is sixty.
Pour glasses to the top,
And in honor of such a day
We will wish with all our hearts,
Health, grace,
Thanks to my dear mom,
What did she manage to give us?
And affection, tenderness, and love,
For everything, bow to the ground.
Happy many years, flowers,
Be young for a long time.

Happy 60th birthday greetings to mother from daughter

For us, your holiday is just a date,
Just an excuse for a gift.
Don't think about the years, mom,
They are neither cold nor hot.
Look around you - you are so loved!
And even in these 60
You, as always, are irresistible
Your look radiates with vivacity.
So happy birthday, happy anniversary!
You will never grow old!

My good mommy
Happy 60th birthday, happy anniversary
I hasten to congratulate you,
And I hasten to wish you soon,
So that I never feel sad again,
Having driven away troubles and sorrows from the house!
May your destiny be happy,
So that the path of success and luck is illuminated!

Today you are celebrating a glorious anniversary,
It's already 60 spring,
We wish you good health, dear,
May we enjoy many more years to come.
In your reliable maternal heart,
So much tenderness and kindness,
Like the sun with your love,
We are always warm.

The years fly by like fast water,
And, of course, they cannot be brought back,
You are like a song, beautiful, young,
In my beautiful 60s.
May there be many good days,
To our joy, dear mother, live,
May the road be a long one,
May all your dreams come true.

Mommy, we congratulate you with all our hearts,
With one of the best dates,
We wish you to live to be a hundred years old in health,
Not knowing grief and loss.
60 is a wonderful age,
Spring blooms in my soul, as before,
Let the years multiply your health,
May fate be happy.

You are now sixty years old,
But listen mom, my answer.
What a journey, it's been quite a bit,
There is a path of happiness ahead!

Ahead, the world is for you,
And I wish lovingly.
Live for yourself
All the joys beckon!

Happy anniversary, unearthly mother,
For me, you are the dearest.
I've achieved a lot in life,
And I didn’t go astray anywhere!

Mom, we always come to you,
If we encounter difficulties along the way,
And today we start music,
To bring your holiday to your home.

At sixty we wish you
Don't occupy yourself with thoughts,
We kiss you and hug you!
Celebrate like this hundreds of times!

I am the best mom
All over the world
Now congratulations
Happy big anniversary!

In your sixties
I wish mommy
May your eyes be happy
Only yours radiated!

Let the sun shine
On this anniversary!
Let your heart open
For all your friends!

Call me, mommy, for a visit,
Let everyone come to you
After all, living in the world is simple!
Let the fireworks thunder

Let it not be bitter
And let the stars shine
After all, mom, only
Sixty today!

I multiply six by ten
You can’t take a year away from your life.
Congratulations on the anniversary
And I want to wish:
Long life, health, happiness.
Don't wear glasses a lot
Hear the word “hello” more often.
Happy birthday, mommy.

Congratulations to mom on her 60th birthday from her daughter

Mommy, dear, dear,
Your palms are warm
I remember this so often in my life!
And on your birthday, accept
Words coming from the heart
From the very depths of my soul,
From a childhood that smells like pies.
Oh, how good those days were!

Mommy, beautiful, sweet, kind,
Being sixty is nothing short of amazing!
I sincerely wish you happiness - and soon,
May it be given to you from above!
Let welcome guests come to your house,
Let holy love glow in your heart!
May the bright years be beautiful,
And joy comes to you again and again!

A year has been added to your piggy bank.
The guests liked your anniversary.
You are celebrating six decades,
You are not at all discouraged.
My mom, may you be lucky.
Let everyone drink wine in your honor.
Let them give fireworks in your honor,
Let the birds sing for you!

You were born many years ago.
And my mother excelled in her studies.
She married for love and raised children.
And she very soon became happy.
The years flew into the distance, we barely caught up with them.
Today the anniversary is in a hurry to touch you...
I drink to the sixtieth year of my life
You lived happily, mom, and didn’t have any troubles!

Mom is sixty today.
What can I please you with?
I came to you with flowers,
Look - and not alone!

Your grandchildren are on the doorstep,
They want to hug you so much -
Busy with the gift of hands.
Now let's congratulate!

On mother's anniversary, children want to surprise her with something, give her a real holiday and act as hosts themselves. Even if you have no experience in holding such events, you should not be upset. We offer a scenario for celebrating a mother’s 60th birthday, where the daughter acts as the host. Exciting games, quizzes, tasks, and surprises will appeal to all participants of the holiday.

Preparing for the anniversary

For the holiday to work, you need to


  1. Call relatives and ask them to tell about funny incidents that happened to the heroine of the holiday.
  2. Make a slideshow“From birth to 60th birthday” (the life path of the hero of the day).
  3. Give all relatives the task: choose beautiful sincere congratulations and a musical background for them.
  4. Arrange a surprise from grandchildren in the form of the film “Grandma’s Anniversary.” To create it, you should go around with a camera to friends and relatives with the question “We are preparing a holiday for grandma. What can you tell her, wish her?” The resulting video material is edited together with pieces of cartoons, so that the result is a funny and at the same time touching film.
  5. Ask the youngest members of the clan draw pictures for grandma.
  6. Make 6 large stars out of cardboard for the “star track”(you can cover them with shiny paper), a lot of small stars, a model of a rocket (2 pieces), a crown, and decorate a chair-throne.
  7. Draw on a large sheet of white paper there is a tree without leaves.

Hall decoration:

The hall is decorated with flowers, balloons, posters with congratulations or wall newspapers dedicated to the hero of the day, drawings drawn for the grandmother by grandchildren and great-grandchildren. In the center of the hall there is a chair for the birthday girl, decorated in the form of a throne.

How to decorate a holiday with balloons - 13 ideas for different events Balloons always create the feeling of a real holiday. And even if we are no longer children, bright birthday balloons are still relevant. How to create a holiday atmosphere using balloons – interesting ideas in this review.

Progress of the event

From the door in the center of the hall a “Star Path” is laid out. The guests stand on either side of her. The hero of the day enters the hall to the accompaniment of solemn music and stops in front of the first star.


Make way, dear guests, make way,
And smile joyfully!

After all, he enters the hall, without a doubt,
The one whose birthday is today!

Presenter addresses mom:

Mommy, you always warm us with your affection, and life seems like a fairy tale to us. And I want to extend this fairy tale. Therefore, we suggest that you slowly walk along the star path, where in each star there is a riddle that you have to guess.

First riddle:

What does every woman dream of receiving from the hands of a man? Diamonds don't count (answer - flowers). After the correct answer is given, the husband (or son) enters the hall with a bouquet of flowers and hands them to the birthday girl.

Second riddle:

To remember this beautiful moment, we will do now (answer – photograph). A group photo is taken with the birthday girl.

Third riddle:

Whose kiss is sweeter than honey? (Answer: beloved man). The husband comes up and kisses the hero of the day.

Fourth riddle:

For the hero of the occasion, at such moments, guests should give (answer - applause). The guests loudly applaud the birthday girl.

Fifth riddle:

You can’t do without surprises on this day, and in honor of these solemn moments, it’s time to hear a festive... (answer - fireworks). The guests clap firecrackers.

Sixth riddle:

For whom of those present in the hall has the “finest hour” come? (The answer is for the hero of the day). A cardboard crown on a beautiful pillow is brought into the hall.

Presenter: The birthday girl passed the test with dignity, we present her with the crown and offer her to take a place on the throne at the festive table (to the song “Queen,” the daughter puts a crown on her mother’s head and leads her to the throne).

The presenter invites everyone to fill their glasses.

Presenter: Let's raise our first toast to the best woman in the world - my mother. Let's drink while standing and shout loudly “Congratulations!”

After everyone has had a drink and a little snack, the “Best in the World” order is brought into the hall.

Presenter: Dear guests! Everyone knows that our mother has many virtues. She is beautiful, smart, cooks deliciously, crochets amazing things. (list the talents of the birthday girl). She is also a wonderful mother and caring grandmother.

Mommy! We adore you
And a well-deserved reward
At this festive moment we present!

A story about the life path of the birthday girl

Presenter: Sometimes you want to replay life, like a film, many years ago. Today we have such an opportunity. I invite you to take a tour into the past of my beloved mother.


Quiz “Close People”

Presenter: The closest people who know the birthday girl well gathered in this hall. Therefore, dear guests, it will not be difficult for you to answer the quiz questions. For each correct answer - a chip (cardboard star). Whoever collects the most stars will be the winner and receive a surprise prize.

Quiz questions (selected in accordance with the birthday girl’s biography, hobbies, preferences) can be as follows:

  • What hairstyle did the birthday girl like to wear as a child?
  • Name the birthday girl's signature dish.
  • Is mom afraid of spiders?
  • What did the hero of the day call her little sister when she was little?
  • Where did the birthday girl meet her future husband?
  • Biggest lottery win?
  • What sport did she play in her youth?
  • Weight of the biggest tomato mom grew?
  • What hobby does the hero of the day have?
  • What talisman does mom have?

Game "On the way to the stars"

The presenter talks about the beauty of the starry sky, draws attention to the fact that the hostess of the celebration today shines like a star and amazes everyone with her beauty. Then he invites guests to take a flight to the stars.

The presenter gives the guests, sitting on opposite sides of the table, a model of the rocket, and tells the rules: at the signal, you need to look out the window, say “Happy Anniversary!”, take a star from the saucer and pass the rocket to your neighbor. The neighbor does the same actions. The rockets must fly around all the guests and fall into the hands of the birthday girl. While the rockets are in flight, each of those sitting at the table must have time to write a wish for the birthday girl on the star.

After the flight is completed, everyone gets up from the table and makes a circle in the center of the hall, and the birthday girl stands in its center. The presenter offers to arrange a shower of wishes. At the signal, everyone throws the stars up, and the hero of the day catches them. Wishes on the stars caught by the birthday girl will definitely come true.

Mashenka from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear” (the granddaughter of the hero of the day dressed as Mashenka) appears in the hall. She congratulates the birthday girl on her birthday and says that she came to cheer up the guests because she wants everyone to smile at the holiday, and offers to complete surprise tasks that are in her basket.

Game "Basket with surprises"

To the music, guests pass the basket around. As soon as the music stops, the one who has the basket in his hands takes out a candy wrapper with the task from it and completes it.

Task options:

  • Show how a young deer gallops.
  • Grunt the song “Happy Birthday to you.”
  • Gather a brigade and dance a lambada.
  • Take 2 guests from the circle and dance the dance of the little swans.
  • Crow like a rooster.
  • Climb onto a chair and recite a poem.
  • Name 10 words starting with the letter D.
  • Kiss the birthday girl.
  • Hug the neighbor on the left.
  • Remove something from the neighbor on the right.
  • Shout loudly “Congratulations on your anniversary!”

After the game, Mashenka invites everyone to dance.

Dance break.

Game "Get to know your child"

Rules of the game: The birthday girl is blindfolded and among the guests they are asked to find their child by only one part of the body, for example, by the ears. When the mother finds her child, she should hug him and say: “I love you.” If the choice is made correctly, then the answer will be: “And I love you, mom.”

Game "Magic hat that reads minds"

The presenter shows the hat and says that it is magical and can read minds. As soon as it touches the head, the person’s thoughts will immediately become audible to everyone. The presenter approaches the mother and puts a hat on her head. At this time, the assistant turns on music prepared in advance.

When preparing for the game, you should select a piece of music for each guest that corresponds to his desires, character or condition.

For example:

  • I want to get married, I want to get married...
  • I raise my glass to drink to your health...
  • I got drunk and drunk...
  • Tired toys are sleeping…
  • And do you love me? - Yeah...
  • Grandmother next to grandfather...
  • In every little child, both boy and girl...
  • On Louboutins...
  • If you are with me, I can breathe. If you are with me, my soul lives.

The presenter reports that the grandchildren have prepared a surprise for their grandmother and invites them to watch video film “Grandma’s Anniversary.”

After watching the film, he asks guests to once again congratulate their mother on her anniversary and create a memorable gift for her all together - an anniversary wish tree.

You are 60 today
And everyone will want to congratulate you.
But first of all I will congratulate you,
My dear mother!

Always be healthy
And don't ever be sad
Over the years, mom, don’t get older,
But just wonderfully young!

Happy birthday greetings to mom on her 60th anniversary

Let them rustle today
Years of yellow leaves,
You are sixty today -
The whole family is with you!

Let all the flowers today
For you, dear mother,
Like a symbol of beauty
They bloom stubbornly!

Let there be no more frost
Settle into a big house,
May the road be long
Your life is not easy!

Happy 60th birthday to mom

A little sad, but nice
Always celebrate your anniversary,
And let the years go by forever,
It is not at all necessary to count them.

You are 60 today, dear mother,
With all our hearts we wish you goodness and happiness,
Be happy forever
Beautiful and young, of course.

Congratulations to mom on her sixtieth birthday

For six decades of wonderful years
Today is hidden behind your shoulders.
I wish you happy, very clear days,
So that there are also true friends nearby.

So that happiness reigns in the family,
Love did not leave even for an hour.
To avoid all bad weather
And life was just great.

Congratulations to mom on her sixtieth birthday

Mommy beloved, dear,
Congratulations on your anniversary!
Wonderful age - 60,
Your eyes sparkle with joy!

I hasten to wish you
Be happy, don't be sad,
And don’t get sick, mommy, never,
I promise to always be there for you!

Touching congratulations to mom on her 60th birthday

My dear mother,
Congratulations on your anniversary,
Happiness and health and goodness
I wish you from my heart and soul.

I wanted to wish a lot
Is it possible to put it into words,
The affection that you were able to give,
When we were children, we had no sleep at night.

Happy sixtieth birthday to you,
You're still so young
Please take care of yourself
We need your holy love.

Congratulations to mom on her 60th birthday from her daughter

Sixty today, dear mother.
The anniversary is worthy and wonderful.
Mom will stay young for a long time,
Fewer days of stormy days, more clear ones,

So that there would be more of them in my mother’s destiny,
Many years of health and fun,
The cheerful sunshine, and the ringing of spring,
Joy and happiness without a doubt.

With our hearts we wish dear mother,
Live long to the joy of children, grandchildren,
Sixty is not old age, golden age,
And let there be no separation in your destiny.

Congratulations to mom on her 60th birthday in verse

On your brightest 60th anniversary,
Many guests gathered at the table,
We sincerely wish you happiness, joy, goodness,
May your path be illuminated by a bright star.

Greet every day with a smile,
Forget all the bad things forever,
Live in joy, don’t be bored,
Celebrate many more anniversaries.

SMS congratulations to mom on her 60th birthday

It's mommy's anniversary!
Dear, just don’t get old.
Always be so perky
Proud, sweet, rebellious -
And be happy too
There is a long way ahead.
Let him be generous to you,
He won't forget about the gifts.

Short congratulations to mom on her 60th birthday

Congratulations on your anniversary
My dear mother,
Be healthy, dear,
I want to wish you

Don't worry in vain
Never be discouraged
Be beautiful, be beautiful
And happy at sixty!

Congratulations to mom on her 60th birthday to the point of tears

60 - what a celebration!
This number contains wisdom and skill.
It becomes visible at the temples
The first stingy gray hair.

60 is a wonderful anniversary!
It is filled with the gold of the fields,
The tart taste of ripe winter cherries,
The cuckoo's voice can be heard loudly in it.

Let at least sixty more
Your eyes are shining with joy!

Beautiful congratulations to mom on her 60th birthday

Dear mommy,
On this wonderful day,
On your wonderful holiday,
Bright anniversary

Allow me to congratulate
From the heart of you,
Wish you good health,
Sincerely loving.

You seem like years old
Turned back
Cheerful, beautiful,
Young again!

Like someone's time
I rewind.
Happy anniversary to mom!
Mom is sixty!

Congratulations to mom on her 60th birthday

I wish my mother
Enjoy all your days
Always travel
Forget about everything!

Fly somewhere like a bird,
Rest and return
Get ready for the big road again
And don't be afraid of the road!

After all, you are only sixty,
At this time they are not sad,
At this age they live -
They fly, drive and swim!

Congratulations to mom on her 60th birthday from her daughter

Even if 60 years is not enough,
But you shouldn't be discouraged.
After all, you are still our mother,
Now if you please, rest.

During those years you raised
Now big children.
But still your concern,
Now we appreciate everything more.

You wiped our butts
Took me to kindergarten.
We are grateful for those years
And congratulations to you, mom!

Congratulations to mom on her 60th birthday from her son

Low bow to you, dear,
For the good that you gave to the children.
You are very kind, my dear,
You never spared warmth for us.

Today you are only sixty,
And you're still so young
And for a long time there will be spring in your life,
We wish you with our hearts, golden one.

You are golden at heart, my mother,
And I wish you a lot of happiness.
May your destiny be joyful,
You will be happy for a long time, I know.

Beautiful congratulations to mom on her 60th birthday

Today mommy is sixty,
And we will please her again.
She is smart, beautiful and modest,
Mila is, of course, tender at heart.

We love you so much
And if necessary, we’ll take a sip.
We will write a line in congratulations to you
And we will kiss you tenderly on the cheek.

Touching congratulations to my mother's 60th birthday

Today mom is sixty,
Such a date is a sight for sore eyes!
I want to wish you happiness
Good luck, inspiration,

I want to wish you good health,
There is no more important factor in the world,
To be happy, to prosper,
I wish you summer in my heart!

Congratulations to mom on her 60th birthday in verse

Mommy, dear, you are only 60,
The soul, as before, is young, and the look of spring,
You taught us to work and love passionately,
You taught us to live honestly.