How to choose shoes for children. How to determine a child's shoe size? Express assessment of children's shoes

Section: Orthopedic shoes

How to choose shoes for a baby? It would seem that nothing could be simpler - buy bright boots or sandals with a beautiful clasp and - run, baby!

But aesthetic requirements for children's shoes should not overshadow the rational criteria for their evaluation. Parents who pay attention only to the external attractiveness of shoes risk rewarding their child with dozens of problems in later life. In the first years of life, bones and ligaments are still very fragile and are easily deformed from incorrectly selected shoes or lack of necessary exercises.

Almost all children are born with healthy legs. The task of parents is to prevent the child from developing foot problems in the future due to illiterate care of the baby or incorrectly selected shoes. To do this, it is necessary to understand the patterns of child development.

At about 6-9 months there is a sharp leap in the child’s development: he begins to master movements in an upright position. These movements are very important, because... They contribute to the development of understanding of speech and active speech of the child himself, and also train orientation in the world around him.

By the 8th month, the child usually develops transitional movements to independent walking: the baby stands up, sits down, sits, rolls over, and moves from foot to foot.

Then, by 10 months, he masters moving forward with support (it is better if it is his mother’s hands, rather than artificial devices such as “walkers”), and at 11 months, a normal child takes his first independent steps.

In his first year of birth, a child should be able to walk 3-5 meters without support, overcoming small obstacles in the form of scattered toys, etc.

Speaking about normal development, it should be borne in mind that normally in 25% of children walking begins too early, and in 20% there is a delay. And yet, if a child begins to walk too early, which often happens with increased motor excitability, or does not move independently by 12 months, and is quite phlegmatic and has increased body weight, you should consult a pediatrician.

Important conditions for the normal development of walking are:

  • Creating an appropriate environment: the presence of many support points in space; the ability to move without the risk of damaging expensive polishing or your mother’s favorite vase; the presence of objects that stimulate interest in walking, for example, moving toys, etc.
  • A hard surface to walk on (does not have to be a carpet or mattress)
  • Daily complex of gymnastics and massage before night swimming.
  • Active participation in teaching walking to the hands of an adult. Any skill (sitting, standing, trampling) must be taught patiently, sometimes spending a lot of effort and time. And, nevertheless, remember that the warmth of a hand not only helps to learn something, but also contributes to the formation of a healthy psyche of a little person and a tender attachment to his parents.
  • The child’s ability to stand, resting on the entire foot without support, and the feet should be parallel to each other; the ability to walk forward on the entire foot and the child’s understanding of the words “walk” and “sit,” which is achieved through frequent repetition.
Another important condition for the development of walking is shoes.

It should protect the foot from mechanical damage, provide a favorable microclimate for the foot, and correspond to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the child’s foot.

The sole must be elastic and flexible so that the foot can perform the same movements as when walking barefoot. In general, it is very useful to let your child run barefoot, thus strengthening the ligaments and muscles of the small leg.

Don't put your children's shoes on before you start going out for walks. In the future, for proper foot placement, you should choose boots with a strong heel that tightly holds the heel and protects it from slipping and turning to the side.

The optimal heel height for a preschooler is 5-10 mm. The heel artificially increases the arch of the foot, and, therefore, increases its spring properties; In addition, it protects the heel from bruises on the ground and increases the wear resistance of the shoe.

The toe part of the shoe must be wider than the heel part, i.e. Shoes should be spacious in the toe area. Tight shoes can lead to foot deformation and poor circulation in this area.

When choosing a shoe size, you should also remember that shoes that are too spacious often cause abrasions on the skin of the foot.

Be sure to pay attention to the presence of arch support in your shoes.

The main indicator of size is the length of the foot, which is determined by the distance between the most protruding point of the heel and the end of the longest toe. Unit of measurement - 1 mm. The difference between the numbers is 5 mm. The rules provide for the production of children's shoes of three types of completeness within each size.

Light and soft, the shoes should be well attached to the foot using all kinds of fasteners, straps, and laces that allow you to adjust the rise of the shoe. It is better if they are made of natural materials that provide better breathability and ventilation of the shoe space.

So, when choosing shoes for a child, you need to:

  • give preference to leather shoes with a wide toe, adjustable fasteners and small heels; “pay attention to the fullness and size of the shoes (there should be a gap of about 1 cm between the big toe and the toe of the shoe);
  • You should try on shoes while standing on both feet.
  • It is necessary to measure the length of your child's feet at least once every three months.
All this parental care will be rewarded with a healthy musculoskeletal system for the child.

For those children who already have foot problems, we recommend using corrective anatomical insoles and a set of special gymnastics. The sooner such treatment is started, the higher the likelihood of a good result. It is only important to choose the right doctor and strictly follow his recommendations.

Let our children have an easy time in life.

How to correctly measure a child's foot to determine size

At home, standing under load, on a piece of paper, circle the child’s foot and measure the length of the foot from the heel to the 1st toe, adding + 5 mm. Use the table to find your size:

Shoe size

Foot length + 5 mm

Shoe size

Foot length + 5 mm

Don’t forget that children’s shoes, unlike adults’, should have a wide toe box and an adjustable fastening on the foot (laces or straps).

Look how different a baby's feet are from ours! The fact is that they are not yet fully formed and consist mainly of cartilage tissue. The fatty layer that still remains on the child’s foot reduces sensitivity to pain, and even if the shoe squeezes the child, deforming the foot, the baby does not feel it. The foot “ossifies” by the age of 6 years. Therefore, parents should ensure that their child does not wear shoes that are too small or too large. To do this, it is necessary to measure the child’s foot every 2-3 months.

In addition, it must be remembered that the growth rate of children's feet is different at different ages: at 2 and 3 years of age, the foot increases by approximately 2-3 sizes per year; when a child starts going to kindergarten - by 2 sizes per year, and at school age - by 1-2 sizes per year. These data are impressive, especially considering that the difference between children's shoe sizes is 5 mm.

First shoes
Pediatricians and pediatric orthopedists are unanimous in the opinion that putting a baby in his first shoes should not happen until he begins to confidently, independently and for a long time stand on his own legs.

One of the necessary conditions for choosing shoes for your child is his direct participation. After all, despite their young age, the legs of different children already differ greatly in fullness, volume, and, of course, size. Therefore, you should not make a surprise out of buying your first shoes, boots or sandals.

Size . If the shoes are too big, then the foot slips when walking and the heel shuffles. But shoes bought just right can also do a disservice to your baby. Therefore, the optimal option is to leave about a centimeter between the toe of the shoe and the child’s toes; “by eye” this is approximately the thickness of an adult’s little finger. Moreover, this is applicable for both summer-spring and autumn-winter shoes. The secret is that in the summer the baby’s foot swells a little and increases in size, and in the winter there should be empty space in the shoes and boots, creating a warming effect. In addition, do not forget about the necessary reserve for leg movement during walking and foot growth.

Material . When it comes to the health of children's feet, the material from which the shoes are made also plays an important role. From the point of view of hygiene and durability, the first place among materials is rightfully occupied, of course, by genuine leather. It is stretchable, plastic, provides access to air and evaporation of moisture.

Currently, many high-quality breathable, reliable, heavy-duty materials that replace leather have been created. They are called HTM - high-tech materials. A special waterproof, breathable membrane located inside the boot lining allows you to regulate the climate inside the shoe.
The inner surfaces of shoes should also be made of natural materials, such as lamb leather or sheep's wool. A special innovation of modern high-quality shoes is a moisture-absorbing insole that is easily wrung out and washed.

Sole . It should be elastic and flexible. Such properties are necessary in order to create the barefoot effect necessary for children. This property can be checked by bending the shoe. In addition, the sole should never be slippery, so it is best to choose shoes with grooved soles. In high-quality children's shoes, the soles are always extremely light. The eternal dilemma: whether to stitch or glue the sole, is solved in a very original way in the most modern models - the sole is simply welded to the upper part of the shoe and is therefore inseparable.

heel . All experts unanimously say that any children's shoes need a small heel. It participates in the formation of gait and prevents the baby from falling back. On the first boots, its height should not exceed 5-7 mm.

Arch support . The key to the future health of a child’s feet is the mandatory presence of an instep support in any children’s shoes. Such requirements are quite justified - after all, the instep support is involved in the formation of a normal arch of the foot, and its absence can lead to flat feet. The arch support should not be very pronounced, since its excessive size can lead to disturbances in the development of the foot. If there are no special requirements of the orthopedist, the arch support should play a preventive role.

Backdrop . It must be solid without cuts or inserts. Only then will the boot properly fix the baby’s foot. In addition, the backdrop should be quite rigid, with a rounded top.

Clasp. Don’t forget that children’s shoes, unlike adults’, should have a wide toe box and an adjustable clasp.

What is the appropriate shoe shape?

By lenght: measured leg size + space for leg displacement during movement + space for leg growth.

Width: taking into account different leg thicknesses. For example, a narrow foot in a shoe that is too wide has no support and is unstable. A narrow shoe is too tight for a wide foot, which deforms the baby’s foot.


Our observations have shown that shoes purchased 3 sizes larger are only enough for the beginning of the next season. Not only does it not justify itself, but it also harms the child’s health.

Example: today the baby has shoes of size 25 and they have become too small for him. The recommended size will be 26 or 27. The margin will be 5-10 mm, which will allow the child’s foot to be correctly formed and developed during this season. If you purchase size 28, the margin increases to 1.5 cm. This is not acceptable because:

Firstly: The longitudinal and transverse instep supports are displaced and do not work as intended. Thus, the point of buying preventive orthopedic shoes disappears. The child’s foot is constantly in an unfixed state inside the shoe, thereby promoting chafing of calluses and increasing the risk of injury. Such a choice interferes with the proper development of the leg;

Secondly: the reason for which such a purchase was made is not justified: by the next season the child’s feet will grow by 3 sizes, and you will still be forced to buy new shoes.
(site materials

What is Simpatex?

A special synthetic material known as “Simpatex” gives shoes extraordinary properties: by allowing moisture to pass through only in one direction, Simpatex protects your feet from getting wet, but releases steam. Thus, the child’s foot remains dry and warm, and “accidental” walks through puddles will not harm him. The main properties of the material are provided by the membrane. Membrane- this is a very thin fluoroplastic film (by the way, fluoroplastic, like nylon, Kevlar, lycra and much more, was invented by DuPont), the peculiarity of which is that it has a huge number of holes per unit area. These holes are very small in size, so water molecules in the form of steam pass through them, but drops (due to the fact that they are many times larger than molecules) do not pass through.

The correct name for Sympatex is climate membrane. This material was first used in space suits. Since climate membranes are currently produced by several factories, there are several names: Gortex, Simpatex, M-tex, Rikotex and so on. All these materials have the same main property: all moisture out, no moisture in!

Caring for membrane shoes

What to wear?
Socks or tights are a layer between the foot and the inner surface of the shoe. That is why when choosing socks, so that they optimally suit their purpose. In principle, the membrane functions independently of the socks used. However, optimally selected socks or tights can significantly improve the comfort of wearing shoes, and especially improve their microclimate. Special thermal underwear is created for membrane shoes, which increases the comfort of wearing such shoes. In order for shoes with a membrane to maintain their quality for a long time, they require regular and, most importantly, proper care.

Heavy pollution
Leather shoes are best cleaned with warm water and a brush, while textile shoes are best cleaned with warm water and a sponge. To protect your shoes, we recommend impregnating them with a water-repellent compound. Under no circumstances should such shoes be dried near sources of additional heat - radiators or heaters - this can lead to destruction of the integrity of the membrane and, as a result, loss of its properties - moisture resistance and heat resistance.

The membrane does not need impregnation; impregnation is intended for the top material:

  • Shoes get less dirty
  • No weight gain due to absorbed moisture
  • Optimal thermal insulation thanks to dry outer materials
Multilayer waterproof shoes (snowboots) using HI-TECH heat-resistant material

Three-layer felt boots - designed and manufactured specifically for cold and snowy winters in Russia and the CIS countries using modern Hi-Tech materials and advanced technologies.

1. The outer layer – polypropylene – allows evaporation from the feet to pass out through micropores, keeping the inner volume of the felt boots warm and dry. Has high wear-resistant properties.

2. Middle layer - thermal aluminum foil - HI-TECH material used for work in extreme conditions, reflects heat inside and traps cold penetrating outside.

3. The inner layer is natural wool felt with the addition of synthetic fibers. Retains essential warmth around the foot.

Differences between fleece and Polartek
Fleece is a synthetic “wool” made of polyester that does not absorb moisture, but conducts it. In addition, products made from this material are light, durable and retain heat well, thanks to the large amount of air contained in the so-called “air chambers”. Fleece production involves laying out the finished synthetic fabric on a flat surface and using special rollers with small sharp hooks to break the continuity of the surface layer. The microthreads obtained in this way form a surface that determines the unique insulating properties of fleece. After the main production process, operations follow that affect its appearance and strength.

You can get fleece of varying degrees of softness. It can also be one- or two-sided. Single-sided is usually used for sewing linen and shirts, double-sided for warmer clothes. At the last stage, the fleece undergoes hydrophilic treatment, which increases its protective properties.

Fleece comes in different thicknesses and textures, which allows it to be used both as a lining and for sewing the top of demi-season jackets. Fleece is soft and pleasant, so it is used in those places where open areas of the body come into contact with the jacket - for collars and cuffs.

The fabric is very wear-resistant and durable. Americans, who, unlike Europeans, prefer a sporty, relaxed style in everyday wear, and not just at a ski resort, have turned fleece into a material from which they sew everything - from slippers to jackets and trousers.

Polartec. A generic brand name for more than 100 types of synthetic fabrics made from 100% polyester.

Operating principle: the dry heat effect is ensured by a high degree of ventilation and a low moisture absorption coefficient.

Properties: warm, light, strong, durable, water-repellent and breathable fabric.

Isosoft, holofiber and padding polyester

Isosoft- This is a new generation of insulation of the highest quality. Its heat-insulating structure consists of a huge variety of the finest fibers, thanks to which the products have excellent heat-insulating properties, despite the apparent external thinness of the insulation. The heat-retaining capacity of ISOSOFT insulation is twice as high as the synthetic padding polyester we are used to.

HOLLOFIBER– is a hollow fiber, a single component of which in space has the appearance of a spiral spring. These individual components, intertwined with each other, form a strong springy structure. This property allows the fiber, unlike other materials such as padding polyester, batting, etc., to quickly restore its shape after being crushed and to have high resistance to maintaining its shape over time. The elastic structure of the HOLLOFIBER fiber is soft, breathable, and does not “evaporate” the body during prolonged use. Anti-allergenic properties, non-absorption of foreign odors, easy washing, combined with amazing softness, create conditions for comfortable work and rest.

Determining the correct shoe size for a child is a real problem. The same children's shoes may have different size markings. The global network is full of tables and grids with conflicting information. You can discard mathematical calculations and go to the store with your baby, but a week later the purchased shoes turn out to be too small, the child asks with tears to take them off and henceforth refuses to wear unwanted slippers. As a result, parents, in desperation, buy something 4 sizes larger so that the little one doesn’t walk barefoot. This can be avoided. You just need to delve a little deeper into the topic.

Why are there so many options?

Confusion in the size range arises because there are both Russian and imported products on the market. The countries of Europe and Central Asia, the USA, China and others actively sell children's shoes in Russia. Each of these countries has its own sizing system. Moreover, there are companies that use their own sizing chart .

Some Russian children's shoe companies do not stand on ceremony and write the foot length in millimeters on their products. It's quite convenient. If you know this nuance, then you will not be afraid of the 140 marking on slippers for a two-year-old child. This is just a leg length of 14 cm. But in most shoe offers, everything is not so transparent.

Metric shoe sizing system

The easiest concept to calculate is metric. This sequence is used in Russia, Korea and some other countries. Its basis is a millimeter.

When shoes are marked in terms that are understandable to us, there is nothing to think about. After measuring the children's pile, you go to the store and select an option with the appropriate numbers. Usually the value is indicated on the shoe without additional allowances. This is the easiest way to choose the right sandals or boots. Markings are rounded to the nearest half centimeter.

English system and its variations

In English-speaking countries (USA, Australia, Canada, UK), a concept based on measurements in inches is common.

There are 54 mm in 1 inch, and to determine a number that will be easy to navigate in an English store, simply divide the length of your child’s foot in centimeters by the indicated number:

16 / 2,54 = 6,29

Where 16 is the measured size of the foot. This will give you the leg size in inches. To move towards the desired number, you need to look at the table. In Great Britain and its former dominions, the marking of children's shoes begins with 0, which corresponds to approximately 3.5 inches.

In the United States, the size range starts at 1, approximately equal to 3.7 inches.

Inch Great Britain USA
3,5 0
3,75 0,5 1
3,9 1 1,5
4,1 1,5 2
4,25 2 2,5
4,4 2,5 3
4,6 3 3,5
4,75 3,5 4
4,9 4 4,5
5,1 4,5 5
5,25 5 5,5
5,4 5,5 6
5,6 6 6,5
5,75 6,5 7
5,9 7 7,5
6,1 7,5 8
6,25 8 8,5
6,4 8,5 9
6,6 9 9,5
6,75 9,5 10
6,9 10 10,5
7,1 10,5 11
7,25 11 11,5
7,4 11,5 12
7,6 12 12,5
7,75 12,5 13
7,9 13

In this system, the length of the insole is often taken as the basis for measurements.

Non-mass system

The sequence has 2 varieties. First - European, invented in France. Length is measured in units. One unit of shaich corresponds to 0.67 centimeters. In shoe production, Europeans add 1 cm to the original size of the foot template or use the length of the insole. This must be taken into account when making calculations. To calculate the size of boots marked according to this system, you need to follow the example below:

(16+1) / 0,67 = 25,37

Where 16 is the length of the foot in cm, and 1 is the allowance. The resulting number must be rounded up. The result is shoe size 26.

Second mass sequence – Russian. It is used by some CIS countries. This is exactly the system that is most widespread on the Russian market. It differs from the European one in that a centimeter is not added to the main length. An example for calculation looks like this:

16 / 0,67 = 23,88

If you round, you get 24. There is no centimeter allotted for the spaciousness inside the boot; it must be added to the calculation result. You get the marking 25. Instead of these calculations, you can simply multiply the length of the foot by 1.5, you will get the same number as in the example.

Please note that the values ​​for European and Russian weight differ by an average of 1 position. If you know the exact values ​​​​according to the Russian system, you can easily select shoes for a baby in Europe by adding 1 to this value.

Shoe size chart for children

If you don’t want to do your own calculations, you can use the table below for children’s shoe sizes.

Russia Size
feet (cm)
USA England Europe China Korea
14-15 9,5 1 0,5 16 9,5 95
15 10 1,5 1 16-17 10 100
16 10,5 2 1,5 17 10,5 105
17 11 2,5 2-2,5 18 11 110
18 11,5 3-3,5 3 18-19 11,5 115
18 12 3,5-4 3,5 19 12 120
19 12,5 4,5 4 20-21 12,5 125
19-20 13 5 4,5 21 13 130
20-21 13,5 5,5 5-5,5 22 13,5 135
21 14 6-6,5 5,5-6 22-23 14 140
22 14,5 7 6,5 23 14,5 145
22-23 15 7,5 7 24 15 150
23-24 15,5 8 7,5 25 15,5 155
24 16 8,5 8-8,5 25-26 16 160
24-25 16,5 9-9,5 9 26 16,5 165
26 17 9,5-10 9,5 27 17 170
26-27 17,5 10,5 10 28 17,5 175
27 18 11 10,5 28-29 18 180
28 18,5 11,5 11 29 18,5 185
29 19 12 11,5-12 30 19 190
29-30 19,5 12,5-13 12,5 31 19,5 195
30 20 13 13 31-32 20 200
31 20,5 1 13-0 32 20,5 205
32 21 1,5 0 33 21 210
32-33 21,5 2 0,5 34 21,5 215
33 22 3 1,5 34-35 22 220
34 22,5 3,5 2 35 22,5 225
35 23 4-4,5 2,5 36 23 230
35-36 23,5 5 3 37 23,5 235

Please note that the values ​​in the table are not exact as the calculation results are rounded up to half a whole number.

How to measure a child's foot correctly

You won't be able to buy the right sandals even with the help of a chart if you take the measurements incorrectly. In order not to make a mistake in this difficult matter, you need to know a few tricks.

Measure your leg strictly in a standing position. Measurements in a sitting or horizontal position are allowed only if the little one cannot yet walk. Plan the activity for the evening. Place your child's two feet on a piece of paper. Carefully trace both feet and mark the outermost points at the heel and longest toe.

Both feet must be measured. After you apply a ruler to the marked points, you will determine which of the feet is longer. It is according to this that you will need to select shoes.

You can cut out children's foot prints and take them with you to the store.

How to measure your baby's foot:

How to choose shoes by size?

In order not to make a mistake when choosing shoes for a toddler, having at hand all the knowledge described above, you need to consider the following:

  • if the calculations turn out to be a fraction, round up the side of the increase;
  • Also round off any resulting markings that are not whole;
  • take into account the volume of the sock and/or tights when choosing winter boots (they should fit loosely);
  • pay attention to the width and rise of the legs.

To understand that old shoes are already too small, you need to look at the condition of the baby’s feet. If marks from shoe seams are visible on the skin, then it’s time to buy a new pair. In uncomfortable shoes, the child is capricious, especially clubbing and shifts from one leg to the other when walking. And a child of preschool age will say that walking has become uncomfortable for him.

The bones of children under six years old have too much cartilage tissue, so they are easily susceptible to external influences and become deformed. The muscles and tendons are also fragile - weak and too elastic. Doctors do not advise putting a toddler on his feet and teaching him to walk earlier than expected. And not because the limbs will become crooked. This characteristic is inherited; another thing is the shape of the foot, which takes on the weight of the body when moving in a vertical position. The “pressure” comes from two sides: from above - kilograms are pressing, from below - shoes. If you follow the deadlines for the development of motor skills and choose the right children's shoes, everything will be fine.

Children's shoes: measurement rules

As soon as the little one sets off on the road (no matter, independently or with the support of adults), he should be put on shoes according to the rules. From the age of 10 months to 1.5–2 years, the size of a child’s foot changes every 2–2.5 months. Then the pace slows down: at 2–5 years, the foot increases by 1.5–2 sizes per year. After 5 years, it grows a size and a half every year.

If the child is very small, then most often they go to the shoe store without him. You should prepare for the purchase: measure all the parameters. It is better to do this at the end of the day, because in the evening the legs increase slightly in size. A sheet of paper is placed on a hard and flat surface, the baby is placed on top and the contours of both of his feet are traced. Then, on each “drawing”, use a ruler to measure the distance from the edge of the heel to the tip of the longest finger. The dimensions of the right and left feet may differ by 5–6 mm. About one and a half centimeters are added to the result obtained, of which 8 mm will be used for stretching the foot when walking and 5–7 mm for growth. The result is the length of the insole.

Children's shoes: big claims

Proper children's shoes should not only not create new defects in the development of the foot, but also correct those that already exist. This means reliably protecting against mechanical damage and providing a feeling of comfort. To produce products that comply with this regulation, manufacturers must follow standards.

1. Sole of children's shoes. A baby pair cannot have a slippery, stiff and non-shock-absorbing sole. A thin one that bends effortlessly at an angle of 25° is suitable, allowing the foot to roll from heel to toe. This will allow the child to place his foot correctly. In addition, the sole of children's shoes should bend closer to the toe, more precisely, at the base of the big toe. If you don’t bend in the middle, your baby will fall on a stiff sole. If it’s too soft, it’s hard to lean on. The weight of the sole is also important: it determines the weight of the shoe. A child takes at least 17 thousand steps every day; if the shoes are light, then the baby does not get tired for a long time.

2. Toe part be sure to be high and wide so that the fingers are freer and the baby can move them whenever he wants. The foot of toddlers is fan-shaped, so the best option would be a high, spacious, rounded toe. Tight shoes deform the foot and compress blood vessels, causing poor circulation.

3. Interior decoration certainly made of soft leather and without seams, so as not to rub or press.

4. Hygroscopic properties high: the legs must “breathe”, for this a waterproof membrane is sewn into the lining.

Orthopedic advice
It is difficult to choose children's shoes according to the instep and fullness of the feet. The exception is sandals with two or three Velcro straps. A narrow pair is defined as follows: if your foot has difficulty squeezing into a shoe or boot, look wider. If it is too wide, it will give itself away as a “bubble”, which will form if you squeeze the sides of the shoe. This is bad: the ankle joint is poorly fixed.

5. External part Definitely waterproof. Only natural leather and textiles (matting, denim, linen, cloth, drape, wool, felt, etc.) are considered acceptable materials. Both materials are soft, flexible, breathable, retain heat and absorb moisture. Over time, leather and textiles adapt to the characteristics of their owner’s feet and “remember” their shape. It is permissible to make decorative parts from artificial material. Textile shoes are inexpensive, bright, suitable for walking and playing in the warm season and at home. There are also disadvantages: there is no hard back, it gets wet, gets dirty easily and is difficult to clean.

6. Backdrop in children's shoes should be high (at least 7 cm) and cover the ankle, with a rounded top and rigid, fixing the ankle joint. This will prevent the foot from deviating to the right and left.

7. Insole in children's shoes directly adjacent to the foot and should match its shape and absorb moisture well. High-quality children's shoes are equipped with two-layer insoles, the upper one made of leather, the lower one made of polymer material, which provides good support and shock absorption when walking.

8. Heel in children's shoes required - 0.5–1.5 cm high, stable, wide and at least 1/3 of the sole long. Thanks to him, the child does not fall backward while he learns to keep his balance. When the heel is raised, it is easier for the baby to walk. The heel increases the load on the foot, and its muscles begin to work, which is what is required to prevent flat feet.

9. Arch support in children's shoes– a supportive pad under the inner part of the foot is a must, otherwise flat feet will develop. The maximum height of the instep support in children's shoes is 3 mm. The device should be elastic, but in moderation to take the shape of the foot and support it, but flexible, easily flattened when pressed with a finger and straightened without pressure.

It is a fact
Experts do not advise children with healthy feet to wear orthopedic children's shoes. It is necessary for physical defects, for example, if one leg is shorter than the other or the foot has features that prevent it from fitting into a regular shoe. Here we need models that are not sold in regular stores; they are made to individual measurements to order according to an orthopedic prescription in special workshops.

10. Clasps– laces, Velcro, straps with buckles. Straps with buckles secure the shoes on the foot and do not come unfastened accidentally. The laces correctly and firmly fix the foot in the ankle joint; they can be used to adjust the width of the shoe. But kids learn to tie them correctly only at the age of five. The laces may come undone and the baby will step on them and fall. Velcro is easier to handle and can also be adjusted to fit the width of the foot, but it does not securely secure the ankle and instep. And besides, Velcro quickly fails and can come unfastened, but they, like laces, are easy to replace.

Choosing shoes for a child is a very important and responsible event.
When choosing children's shoes, focusing only on your taste and the size of your child's feet, you are very much at risk for his health, because according to experts, the main cause of flat feet is precisely the wrong shoes.

The skeleton of a child’s foot is formed by cartilage and ossifies only by the age of 18–20, so the foot can become deformed under prolonged mechanical stress. But this can be avoided if you approach the choice of children's shoes head-on. You can't delay choosing the first pair of shoes either - the baby needs support from the first steps. Shoes should not be too tight, but too loose shoes also lead to tired feet , fatigue when walking, back pain. So how to choose children's shoes? How to choose your first shoes? How to determine a child's shoe size? Read below!

How to choose shoes for your child

How to determine your child's shoe size

The baby's legs are not yet fully formed and consist mainly of cartilage tissue. The fatty layer that still remains on the child’s foot reduces sensitivity to pain, and even if the shoe squeezes the child, deforming the foot, the baby does not feel it. The foot “ossifies” by the age of 6 years. Therefore, parents should ensure that their child does not wear shoes that are too small or too large. For this it is necessary Every 2-3 months measure the child’s leg.

In addition, it must be remembered that the growth rate of children's feet is different at different ages: at 2 and 3 years of age, the foot increases by approximately 2-3 sizes per year; when a child starts going to kindergarten - by 2 sizes per year, and at school age - by 1-2 sizes per year. These data are impressive, especially considering that the difference between children's shoe sizes is 5 mm.

How to measure your foot length correctly:

1) To do this, place the baby on a hard, flat surface on a sheet of paper and trace the foot; hold the pencil strictly vertically.

2) Measure the distance from the heel to the tip of the big toe of both feet - usually they are the same, but sometimes the difference in length can reach 6 mm - you should focus on the larger measurement result.

To determine the size of the legs in children aged 0 to 1 year, we recommend using a string, which after measurements can be measured with a ruler.

The resulting result will be a size in metric (mm).

Previously, only the metric system was used in Russia, where the size of children's shoes was indicated in centimeters and equal to the length of the foot. The interval between sizes was 5 mm.

Today, many Russian manufacturers indicate the size according to lichmass system, that is, in pieces (1 piece is equal to 0.66 cm).

Choose your shoe size generously. And not for reasons of economy! When walking, especially in the heat, the foot swells a little, increases in size and stretches under the weight of the body, and the toes move forward, and the toes need a little space to move. therefore to the resulting length add another 1 centimeter(6 mm for foot movement and 4 mm for growth). Over the course of the season, the baby's leg will grow, and this reserve will definitely be filled. For this reason, never buy your child’s shoes completely “butt-to-toe”. In winter, there should be empty space in shoes and boots, creating a warming effect.

You can wear shoes “to the point”, but they should not squeeze or put pressure on your toes or heels.

Buying shoes with a large margin - more than a centimeter - is also bad: firstly, the instep support will be out of place (prevention of flat feet will not only be a failure, but can also contribute to improper formation of the foot), secondly, the child will stumble and knock the toes of the shoes and the gait may be formed incorrectly.

  • Shoes are great if:
    The instep support is not under the arch of the foot, the margin is more than 1 -1.2 cm.
  • Shoes are too small if:
    The arch support is not under the arch of the foot, the toes protrude beyond the edge of the shoe (unfortunately, this can only be seen in open sandals), the shoes rub calluses or red stripes, the child squeezes his toes in the shoes.
  • Shoes selected according to size:
    Arch support under the arch of the foot, margin about 1 cm.

If the selection of open sandals is more or less simple, then what about closed shoes and demi-season and winter shoes?

The best ways to determine the size of children's closed shoes:

  1. Get the insole and place the child’s foot on it, checking the position of the heel. This way you can understand whether the baby has curled up his fingers, unlike other methods.
  2. If the insole does not fit, place the leg on a sheet of cardboard or thick paper and trace it with a pencil. It is important to hold the pencil vertically so as not to increase or decrease this “mark”. Then cut out the footprint and put it in the shoe or shoe, place the toe in the shoe (by feeling it with your fingers) and estimate the distance between the footprint and the heel of the shoe.
  3. When the baby is standing, try Feel the edge of your big toe on the toe of the shoe.

Errors in choosing the size of children's shoes:

    1. Assessing the “reserve” by inserting a finger between the baby’s back and heel– a child may bend his toes when pressing on his heel.
    2. Trying on shoes on a sitting or lying child– under the weight of the body, the foot lengthens by 3-6 mm.

Measuring the feet of a sitting or lying child measuring tape or ruler.

An example of determining the right shoe size for a child

If the length of your baby’s foot is 13 cm plus 1 cm for allowance, then the size is easy to calculate: 14: 0.66 = size 22!

If you know the length of the foot, taking into account the allowance, you can determine the size required for your child using the size charts for children's shoes, which are available in shoe departments of stores. Below are several such tables; print or save any you like, so as not to get confused in the calculations if you suddenly don’t have such a table in the store.

cm 9,5 10,5 11 11,6 12,3 13 13,7 14,3 14,9 15,5 16,2 16,8 17,4 18,1 18,7 19,4 20,1 20,7 21,4 22,1 22,7 23,4 24,1
R 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

Trying on shoes

When going shopping at a shoe store, it is advisable to take your baby with you.
Trying on is a responsible matter, and you shouldn’t rely only on size. Take a tape measure with you and measure the insole of the shoe you like - if the length is suitable, you can try it on.

The child should definitely walk around the store in new shoes and make sure that he likes them. At the same time, the legs do not bend or shuffle, and there is about 1 cm between the back of the shoe and the heel of the baby.

Orthopedists do not advise relying on the child’s answers to the question “whether the shoes are too tight,” since until the age of five the foot is protected by a fatty pad and the child simply does not feel pain, while his bones may become deformed.

remember, that…

  • You only need to take measurements when your baby is stands firmly on a flat surface, because in a sitting position or in weight, the leg is always smaller.
  • Measure well
  • it's good both feet. Usually they are the same, but sometimes the difference in length reaches 6 mm.
  • All measurements and It is advisable to carry out fittings at the end of the day, because in the evening, due to the rush of blood, the legs increase slightly in size.

Depending on the country of origin The size may differ greatly from the size scale we are used to

Choosing children's shoes


From the point of view of hygiene and durability, the first place among materials is rightfully occupied, of course, by genuine leather. It is stretchable, plastic, provides access to air and evaporation of moisture.

Currently, many high-quality breathable, reliable, heavy-duty materials that replace leather have been created. They are called HTM - high-tech materials.

A special waterproof, breathable membrane located inside the boot lining allows you to regulate the climate inside the shoe.

The inner surfaces of shoes should also be made of natural materials, such as lamb leather or sheep's wool.

A special innovation of modern high-quality shoes is a moisture-absorbing insole that is easily wrung out and washed.

Genuine Leather

Genuine leather is the best choice for children's feet.
It is soft, flexible, breathable, retains heat and absorbs moisture. Over time, leather shoes adapt to the characteristics of their owner’s feet and “remember” them. This helps avoid calluses.
But for the same reason You shouldn’t “inherit” used shoes– even if the shoes look like new, they are still deformed by the foot of the first baby.
Natural leather, unlike artificial leather, is stretchable, flexible, and allows free air circulation and moisture evaporation. Only trim and decorative elements are allowed from artificial leather. High-quality genuine leather is more expensive than artificial leather.

However, some manufacturers and sellers, taking advantage of the desire of caring mothers to buy their children goodwhen making shoes, they resort to tricks and tricks. Here are some of them:

1) Genuine leather on the inside, artificial leather on the outside.
If there is only one inscription on the price tag, clarify whether we are talking about the top layer or the bottom one.
As a rule, the lining (bottom layer) is always made of genuine leather, with the exception of the cheapest, non-certified “no name” shoes.
In order to get to the truth, you need to find inside the pair there is a small label with three icons. These three shoe icons represent the top, bottom, and sole of the shoe. Next to each there are also symbols indicating the material used to make the shoes (skin - genuine leather, mesh - textiles, diamond - other materials).
2) Using split leather.
Split is the material obtained from the inner part of the hide after cutting off the outer layer of the skin. During the production process in tanneries, raw hides are “sawed” using special equipment, usually into three layers.

Thus, three layers of leather are formed from one skin, but only one of them, the top “A”, has the right to be called genuine leather. Why only the top layer, if the rest are also made of skin? There are several reasons for this:

Genuine leather has a “natural face”; it has no artificial coating, only coloring. Such leather allows air to pass through well, absorbs and releases moisture. For any type of finishing, the genuine leather of the top layer “A” always remains genuine leather. It is elastic, stretchable, strong and durable because it is in the upper layer of the dermis that the “power” collagen fibers are concentrated, giving the skin elasticity and elasticity.

  • The difference between split leather is that it is loose, heavy, does not stretch well (since the strength fibers remain in the “natural leather”), and if it is stretched, it does not restore its shape. Like genuine leather, untreated split leather allows air to pass through, absorbs and releases water vapor. Therefore, in this unprocessed form, it is used for the manufacture of shoe linings and workwear.

But to make shoes cheaper, manufacturers sometimes use split leather as the upper material. As a result of the use of new technologies, it is almost impossible to distinguish “polished” split leather from leather in the finished product. Thus, shoes with a split leather top layer will be labeled as “genuine leather”, while having very low physical and mechanical properties. Shoes made of split leather are similar in their characteristics to shoes made of artificial leather - they are stiffer, do not regain their shape, have poor stretchability, and the foot will sweat more. At the same time, the wear resistance of split leather is much lower than that of artificial leather.

As mentioned above, it is almost impossible to distinguish split leather from genuine leather. The only thing you can rely on here is the conscience of the manufacturer. High-quality shoes from well-known and respectable companies are not made from split leather, which cannot but affect their price. Therefore, when you see the inscription “genuine leather” on cheap shoes, do not rush to rejoice.


Textiles (matting, jeans, linen, etc.) are not inferior to leather in terms of hygienic properties, and costs an order of magnitude cheaper. These materials are usually used to make summer shoes, and for insulated shoes - cloth, drape, wool, felt and felt.
But, like any shoe, it has its drawbacks: it is impossible to make a sufficiently hard heel in textile shoes, they get wet, get dirty easily and are worse to clean than leather ones. Therefore, children with undeveloped feet (up to 7-8 years old) are not recommended to wear them constantly.
Shoe factories also use polymer or natural materials with the addition of chemical fibers, which are regulated by sanitary standards; they do not interfere with natural air circulation.

Rubber boots

Rubber boots do not allow air to pass through well, so they can only be worn with felt or cloth insoles, and thin woolen socks must be additionally worn on the feet.

Shape of children's shoes


Needed to fix the ankle. Sometimes called "hard heel". Not to be confused with the top of the beret, it is better to be soft so that it does not rub the delicate skin. However, if this soft “cushion” is not present on the top of the boot, the shoe will not necessarily be uncomfortable. If the shoes are cut correctly, they will not rub your feet.

There is an opinion that a small child simply needs to wear shoes with high tops that cover and fix the ankle joint to the ankle. If the child is healthy and the orthopedist has not specifically prescribed such shoes, you should not wear them “for greater benefit” - restriction in the movement of a healthy joint can just lead to improper formation of the foot.

To make the back, thicker genuine leather is used. It must be solid without cuts or inserts. Only then will the boot properly fix the baby’s foot. In addition, the backdrop should be quite rigid, with a rounded top.

Make sure that shoes without a hard back appear in your child’s wardrobe no earlier than he turns 11 years old.

For children Shoes with open heels are not recommended for children under 4-5 years of age.(or with a strap on the heel), since such a back does not provide the necessary fixation of the ankle. Such shoes can only be used for short-term wear - on the beach, in the pool.

Arch support

The key to the future health of a child’s feet is the mandatory presence of an instep support in any children’s shoes. Such requirements are quite justified - after all, the instep support is involved in the formation of a normal arch of the foot, and its absence can lead to flat feet. The arch support should not be very pronounced, since its excessive size can lead to disturbances in the development of the foot. If there are no special requirements of the orthopedist, the arch support should play a preventive role.


When choosing shoes, take a good look at the sole.

The most important requirements for the sole are its flexibility (for rolling the foot when walking), corrugation (to prevent slipping), and wear resistance.

The sole should be dense, solid, follow the shape of the leg, bend well without being too soft. If the sole, on the contrary, is too hard, then the baby will jump out of the backs.

The entire sole should not be flexible, but only where the human foot bends: at the arch and together with the toes. You can check the flexibility by bending the sole in these places. If the sole bends in all places (as, for example, in Czech shoes or sneakers), then it is better to refrain from purchasing. As a last resort, do not wear these shoes all the time.

Pay attention to the shock-absorbing inserts - they protect your baby while jumping on the asphalt. The best soles are made from foam rubber, polyurethane or natural rubber, plastic slippery soles (this often happens on very cheap, “nameless” shoes) are unacceptable.

Today, soles are made from many different materials: rubber, TEP (thermoplastic elastomer), genuine leather, PU (polyurethane), PVC (polyvinyl chloride), and combinations of these materials. The soles of “first steps” shoes are usually made from genuine leather, as they wear out quite quickly. But this sole breathes. The PVC sole does not stain the floor surface (does not mark), making these shoes ideal for indoor wear.

All of the above sole materials may vary in quality. You can find out what material the sole is made of by looking at the markings on the shoe box.


The heel does not have to be highlighted - it can simply be the difference between the heel and the toe of the sole. Children's shoes cannot be on flat soles, otherwise your posture and gait will deteriorate. It is necessary for the leg to roll correctly from heel to toe and to prevent the baby from falling backwards. By raising the heel slightly, body weight is distributed more evenly across the foot. The child does not shuffle, maintains good balance and does not slouch. If you are choosing the first shoes for your baby, then the heel should be only half a centimeter, for older children - one and a half centimeters, for teenagers - no more than 4 cm.


A child's foot has a fan-shaped shape, so the toe of the shoe should be spacious and preferably round. The fingers inside should be positioned freely so that the baby can move them a little. circulatory disturbance occurs and the load is not distributed over the entire foot. In the right shoes, the big toe should not be pressed tightly against the other toes.

Shoes for children should have wide toes. The structure of a child's foot is different from an adult's, and space, that is, a wide toe, is very important for children's toes. If the toe is narrow (which can often be observed in some fashionable shoes for children), blood circulation is impaired and the load is not distributed over the entire foot. In the right shoes, the big toe should not be pressed tightly against the other toes.

For a child starting to walk, most orthopedists recommend closed shoes. Many companies produce such shoes, calling them “First Steps.”

Fasteners, shoe uppers

There can be several fastenings for the top: Velcro, fastener (metal or plastic), zipper and laces.

Most shoes now come with Velcro uppers. These shoes are quick and easy to unfasten and fasten. However, many orthopedists believe that it is better to choose shoes with laces for a child starting to walk, as they provide a better fit of the shoe to the child’s foot.

However, laces have one significant drawback - they sometimes come untied and a child may fall if he steps on them. Shoes with fasteners are more difficult to put on, especially for a restless child.

There are opinions that the fastener secures the shoe strap better, like Velcro. However, the authors do not provide any convincing evidence for this theory.

The zipper is used in demi-season and winter shoes.

Therefore, at this point - everything is to your “taste and color”.

Shoe fullness and instep

Choosing shoes by size is half the trouble, choosing by fullness is a much more difficult task, especially for children with full feet and/or high insteps. With sandals with two or three Velcro strips, everything is clear - they are easy to adjust to your feet. What to do with other shoes, in which it is not always clear whether they fit or not.

Shoes do not fit properly if:

  1. It is very difficult for the foot to fit into the shoe/shoe/boot; it has to be pushed in there with force - this pair of shoes is narrow for your child’s feet. Do not listen to the seller if he says that “this is genuine leather, it will stretch and fit on your leg.” The leg may actually shrink over time - when the calluses and worn-out skin heal (if the leg doesn’t grow back by then, of course). Shoes should be comfortable. Your child’s foot is just forming and growing by leaps and bounds; you shouldn’t mock it for the sake of the seller’s desire to sell you shoes.
  2. The leg “dangles” when walking, wobbles. This means that the ankle is poorly fixed.
  3. Shoes are designed for a fuller foot if, when pressed from the sides at the same time, a kind of “bubble” is formed on top.

Express assessment of children's shoes

Having picked up your favorite half-pair from the shelf, look at it and if.