What color to paint to remove yellowness. How to remove yellow color after dyeing. Yellowness can be removed from hair using folk remedies. Unnatural shades that need to be neutralized

Every woman wants to be beautiful and attractive. To do this, representatives of the fair sex apply makeup, update their wardrobe, dye and cut their hair. This article will focus on blondes.

Surely every woman with blond curls has wondered how to remove yellowness from her hair after bleaching. There are many ways to do this. Let's look at each of them in detail, but first let's find out where this pigment comes from.

Principle of bleaching

When you change your hair color to a lighter color, the pigment is etched. Depending on what your native shade of curls is, you need to choose the right oxidizing agent. The darker the hair color, the higher percentage of ammonia mixture you will need.

Brunettes should give preference to an oxidizing agent of 12% or 9%. Brown-haired women can choose 9% or 6%. Fair-haired representatives of the fair sex can get by with 3%.

To ensure that you don’t have any questions about how to remove yellowness from hair after bleaching, trust a professional. Only an experienced master will be able to choose the right paint for you and calculate the painting time. The yellow pigment is deeper than all the others. That is why it can be very difficult to remove, especially if the curls are difficult to dye.

How to remove yellowness from hair after bleaching?

Feedback from women suggests that this is quite difficult.

If the coloring was carried out in a salon, then most likely the master will give a guarantee for his work. This means that if yellow pigment appears, a professional can easily get rid of it.

So, if the woman herself lightened the yellowness in this case? Let's consider all possible options.

Uses and balms

There is a special product that removes yellowness from hair. It has a blue, lilac or pink tint. In most cases, these are shampoos, balms and masks. You can use them as needed.

If you prefer shampoo, you can choose products from Schwarzkopf, Kapus or Constant. All these products perfectly cleanse the scalp, removing. You can use such shampoos once a week or after one wash with a regular product. Some ladies have completely switched to using such products and abandoned their usual cleansers.

Balms can be presented by Ro-Color, Shfarzkopf, Stil and others. They can be applied after washing your hair with regular shampoo or independently of this procedure. Such products will not only help you decide how to remove yellowness from hair after bleaching, but will also soften the hair thread and make combing easier.

Hair masks that remove yellow pigment are produced by Constanta, Kapus, Estelle and others. This product cares for hair, giving it softness and shine, and also has the desired effect on the shade of curls.

You can use all of the above tools as needed. When using for the first time, leave the composition on your hair for no more than two minutes. After assessing the result, you can increase the exposure time if necessary.

Green tea uses

Another way that explains how to remove yellowness from hair after bleaching at home is to use regular green tea. It is worth saying that the tea leaves should not contain flavorings or various additives. It is better if it is the most ordinary loose tea for brewing.

You can prepare the miraculous solution according to the following instructions. Brew a mug of tea using boiling water and two teaspoons of dry leaves of the plant. After this, cool the broth and mix with one liter of plain water at room temperature.

After washing your hair with regular shampoo, apply the prepared liquid to your curls. Dry your hair with a towel. You will be surprised, but such a handy product will give your hair a beautiful and noble shade.

Uses of honey

This section will tell you how to remove yellowness from hair after bleaching with honey. It is worth making a reservation: in this case, you can only use liquid honey. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for you to apply the mask to your hair, and the result may be uneven.

Take a few spoons of acacia honey and apply it to clean, combed hair. Make sure that the product completely and evenly covers the curls. If necessary, comb your hair after applying the mask. Put a shower cap on your head and leave the product on your hair overnight. If you are uncomfortable sleeping in this state, you can apply the product in the morning and leave the mask on your head all day.

After waking up, rinse the miracle product from your head and dry your hair. The shade of your hair will become beautiful without any yellowness.

Onion broth

Surely everyone knows that onions are an excellent natural dye. Dark-haired representatives of the fair sex use onion peels to obtain a golden or reddish hue. Blondes may also find this vegetable useful.

A simple onion decoction will help remove the yellow pigment. Peel a few small onions and place them in water. Let the liquid boil and wait 10 minutes. After this, remove the broth from the heat and let it cool. The product must be applied to clean hair. Let the broth absorb well, then wait half an hour. Next, reapply the onion water and wrap your hair in a shower cap. Wait another hour, then rinse your hair with clean water. Don't worry that your hair will absorb the onion smell. After washing off, such a mask will not remind you of itself in any way, and your hair will acquire a healthy glow and lose its yellow tint.

Lemon vodka for yellow hair

The name of the product speaks for itself. To prepare the product you will need several lemons and vodka. The amount of ingredients directly depends on the length of your hair.

Extract the juice from the lemons using a juicer. If you do not have such a device, you can use a blender or a regular meat grinder. As a last resort, you can use improvised means: a knife, a spoon and your own strength. When the juice is prepared, you need to pour the same amount of regular vodka into it. Try to choose a product without additives or flavors.

Apply the resulting mixture to clean hair for half an hour. Remember to avoid getting the solution on your scalp, otherwise you may get burned. Wrap your hair in a towel and wait the specified time. After this, rinse the composition with clean water and apply a moisturizing balm to your hair.


Now you know several ways to remove yellowness from hair after bleaching with folk remedies. Try each of the proposed options and choose the most suitable and effective. Remember, are damaged. They need more attention and care than undyed hair. Take care of your curls correctly. Only then will they please you with their appearance, health and strength. Be beautiful!

Often, many girls choose a cool shade of blond when dyeing their hair. But at the most inopportune moment, when it would seem that the desired result has been achieved, an ignoble yellowness appears. How to remove it from your hair after dyeing? Read on.

Where does yellowness come from after dyeing or bleaching?

First of all, you need to find out about the reasons that caused yellow hair:

  • Poor quality coloring. This may be the use of cheap low-quality dyes, non-compliance with dyeing technology, or a short gap between dyeing. Do not forget that lighteners can drown out the hair’s own pigment and discolor it. But the dyes cover gray hair and give the hair the desired shade.
  • Lightening hair that is too dark. Dark hair has a very persistent pigment, which can be painted over only a few times. Therefore, brunettes and brown-haired women either turn to a highly professional hairdresser or dye their hair at home several times, causing irreparable damage to it.
  • Using poor quality water to wash off paint. Bleached hair is too weak after the procedure and has no protective layer at all. This is why impurities in water, such as rust, iron salts and other substances, easily penetrate the hair structure and give this unpleasant tint.

How to remove using tinted shampoos

Naturally, a woman who has received such an unpleasant surprise comes up with the idea of ​​quickly removing the resulting hated shade. This is done with the help of various cosmetics - shampoos, balms, tonics. Professionals advise using tinted shampoos in purple, ash, pearl or platinum shades. Their pigments absorb yellow color.


  1. Dilute the tint product with regular shampoo in a ratio of 1:2;
  2. Apply to hair and leave for 2-3 minutes;
  3. Rinse with water.

After several uses, tint products completely remove yellowness.

A longer exposure time will result in the hair getting a purple or pink tint instead of a cold blonde!

You need to use a tint every third or fourth wash to maintain the desired color.

How to get rid of the problem at home

Before buying special products in the store, you can try several recipes made from natural ingredients. They, as a rule, can help in the fight against a yellow tint no worse than chemical agents.

Hair lightening masks


  • Rhubarb – 1 tablespoon.
  • White wine (can be replaced with boiling water) – 500 ml.

Cook the mixture over low heat until half the liquid has evaporated. Then strain the mask, cool and apply to the entire length of the hair for 50 minutes. After this, rinse with warm water.


  • Kefir – 50 ml.
  • Any shampoo - 1 tsp.
  • Vodka – 2 tablespoons.
  • Egg – 1 piece.
  • ½ lemon.

All ingredients are mixed until smooth and each strand is lubricated separately. Leave the mask on for 5-6 hours, rinse and rinse your hair with chamomile infusion.

Hair mask - lightening combined with care


  • Honey – 3–4 tablespoons

Lubricate your hair with honey before going to bed, put on a cellophane cap and wrap it up. Leave the mixture on your hair until the morning. In the morning, rinse your hair thoroughly and rinse it with chamomile decoction. For greater effect, you can add a few teaspoons of lemon juice to the mask.

Chamomile and glycerin mask

  • Pharmaceutical chamomile – 150 grams.
  • Glycerin – 60 grams.

Chamomile is brewed with a glass of boiling water and left for half an hour. During this time, it has time to cool, after which glycerin is added to it. The mask is applied to the hair and left for 40 minutes and washed off with shampoo.

The effect of using masks according to folk recipes occurs already on the second or third use. If you use them regularly, you can constantly maintain a noble cool shade of hair.

How to remove using decoctions

An excellent solution to the problem of yellowness would be to treat them with decoctions. This can be a decoction of onion peels, which is prepared as follows: take the peels from several onions, pour in 1.5 cups of boiling water and gradually bring to a boil. Next, the broth is infused for 2 hours, during which time it has time to cool. The liquid is applied to the hair and kept under a plastic cap for half an hour, then applied again and left overnight or for 6-8 hours if the procedure is carried out during the day. In the morning, the broth is washed off and the scalp is lubricated with lemon juice.

A decoction of onion peels will also make your hair silky.

Chamomile has an excellent effect, from which a decoction is also prepared, but it is used after washing your hair.

Chamomile decoction

Decoctions, like masks, give results the second or third time of use, so they need to be used every time after washing your hair.

Prevention is easier than cure

In order to prevent yellowness from appearing on colored hair, it is better to prevent its occurrence. To do this, adhere to several rules:

  • Only healthy hair, without split ends, should be dyed.
  • It is highly undesirable to lighten your hair immediately after perm; you need to wait at least a month.
  • When lightening dark hair, you should be prepared for the procedure to be repeated several times.
  • The composition should be applied evenly starting from the back of the head and moving further to the temples and bangs.
  • Use only high-quality, expensive paint for lightening.

You can remove yellowness from bleached hair, you just need to be patient and choose the right product for this. Both chemical and folk remedies are effective, which, along with eliminating yellowness, also restore the structure of the hair.

Yellow hair color is a common problem for those who dye their hair blonde or light shades. This is especially true for girls who naturally have very dark hair color, but want to be. Why is this happening?

To do this, there is a range of products designed to neutralize the yellow pigment in the hair:

  • shampoos
  • balms
  • masks
  • direct tinting products
  • tinting with a low percentage of oxide (see “Tinting” below)

Details about each product:


Shampoos that remove yellowness and maintain cool hair tone after salon coloring contain a small (compared to other products) amount of blue or purple pigments. If you look into the bottle, you will see that the shampoo liquid itself is blue or purple.

This is necessary so that empty, porous bleached hair, when washing your hair, captures some cold pigments in the cuticle scales and is distributed along the length. Accordingly, the overall tone of the hair will look cold and clean. But, there are limitations in use.

Shampoos for blondes should not be used more than once a week.

This is due to the fact that the alkaline environment of the shampoo, necessary for cleansing the head and opening the hair cuticle, “clogs” cold pigments under the scales very aggressively. And also accumulates them there. The reverse process occurs: your hair begins to give off a strong blue color, turning you into Malvina. The higher the price of a shampoo, the more caring components it contains, which means less pigment and the risk of becoming Malvina.

Examples of shampoos to remove yellowness:

  • Concept Anti-yellow effect,
  • London Color Revive,
  • Tigi Bed Head Bumb Blond.


Balms are a worthy alternative to tinted shampoo. Suitable for those whose scalp is highly sensitive and reacts to any changes in care. It is not at all necessary to use a tint balm and shampoo together. You can choose the shampoo depending on the needs of your scalp, but choose the balm that can correct the undesirable shade of your hair.

Tinted balms are not difficult to use.

  • Distribute the liquid evenly along the length of your hair
  • Wait 2-15 minutes.

Good brands: Nexxt Silver Balm, Estel Prima Blonde, Wella Color Recharge Cool Blond.

Note: Use gloves when applying the tinted balm.


Masks for neutralizing yellow hair, in addition to a large number of pigments, contain a high concentration of caring vitamins and amino acids. Some of them have a restorative and laminating effect. They can also be of different shades:

  • blue-gray - for very light blonde and,
  • purple - for yellow-orange hair
  • who want to have peach hair color.

Masks to neutralize yellowness are applied to washed, wrung out hair and distributed along the length, combing the strands well, for a period of 2-10 minutes.

The best masks: Artego Color Shine Mask (Blueberry or Pearl), Londa Color Revive.

Direct action tint products

These include products from professional hair brands. In addition to a huge amount of pigments (if you squeeze a little product out of the jar, you will see a rich-colored liquid - don’t panic), the composition contains caring components that will smooth the hair cuticle due to the acidic ph.

Among these tint products there are interesting and multifunctional products. For example, Wella Proffessional Color Fresh tinting product in shade 0/6. If you add it to a regular balm and stir it, you get a tint. Or shade 7/19 - apply it pure to washed, wet hair - it will give a cool color for light yellow hair. I recommend using it once a week in its pure form to maintain a cool tone.

Igora Expert Mousse in shade 9.5-1 is mousse-like and looks like dense colored foam. It is also applied to clean, wrung-out hair and evenly distributed along the length. Lasts a long time and washes off evenly.

Important! I do not recommend using Tonic series products. They give unpredictable results, are poorly washed out of the hair, leaving unsightly shades of green or blue, which are very difficult to get rid of.

Dyeing yellow hair in a cool shade

There are other ways to go from yellow hair to pure white. They all relate to coloring. This is: the ultra-soft blonding described above (if you need to go to a lighter tone level), or hair tinting with a low percentage of oxide. The second option is suitable for those who want to neutralize the yellow color more radically and for a long time.

Yellow tinting paint

Important! To avoid turning green when dyeing from yellow to ash (ash is a combination of two colors: blue and green), choose shades that contain yellow neutralizers (rose-red or purple). For example: Londa 10/16 (10-tone depth/1-ash, 6-violet)


To tint your hair you will need:

  • oxide from 1.9% - 4% and the desired shade of paint
  • mix in proportion: 1 part paint 2 parts oxide
  • apply to clean, dry hair
  • keep for 15-25 minutes (visual control is needed here so as not to over-expose the mixture and get too rich a color)
  • wash off, dry.

Remember, a beautiful cosmetic color will not last forever on your hair. Because it is artificial and does not adhere well inside and on the surface of the hair. After time it will wash out. Any coloring requires care. Only well-groomed hair looks beautiful and healthy.

Transforming from a fiery brunette into a tender blonde, although not easy, is possible. However, often the hard-won “platinum” color is quickly washed away and turns into a yellowish “something”. How to remove yellowness from hair after dyeing, get rid of the annoying “chicken effect” and achieve the perfect blonde shade?

  • 1 4 reasons for yellowness
    • 1.1 Bad paint
    • 1.2 Errors in the procedure
    • 1.3 Incorrect rinsing
    • 1.4 “Native” dark color
  • 2 How to remove yellowness from hair: 10 folk secrets
    • 2.1 Honey mask
    • 2.2 Kefir mask
    • 2.3 Rhubarb mask
    • 2.4 Lemon acid mask
    • 2.5 Tea rinse
    • 2.6 Soda mask
    • 2.7 Onion peel mask
    • 2.8 Hydrogen peroxide mask
    • 2.9 Mask with aspirin
  • 3 7 professional products
  • 4 Reviews: “If you need to lighten it by one or two tones, pharmacy peroxide is the way to go!”

The same paint, the same artist - but the result on different girls is completely different. What's the problem? Human hair contains a unique natural pigment. It is impossible to predict what the reaction of this pigment to the dye will be. Therefore, before lightening or bleaching, hairdressers always warn: “To get the desired color, you may need more than one coloring procedure.” Only natural blondes, who with the help of a salon procedure only want to correct the natural color and give it a certain shade, can get away with just coloring. Everyone else is doomed to search for effective means and methods that remove the yellow tint from hair.

There are very few natural blondes on Earth - only 1.8% of the total population of the planet. They can be found among representatives of different nations and races. But Europeans are considered the “richest” in blondes.

4 reasons for yellowness

Before - literally and figuratively - you plunge headlong into studying ways to combat the “chicken effect” on your own hair, you should understand the reasons for its occurrence. This, firstly, will avoid mistakes in the future. And secondly, it will help you choose the most effective method of solving the problem. Reviews from those who have encountered similar difficulties narrow the search to just four points.

Bad paint

Why does coloring in a salon, as a rule, end with the appearance of the desired shade on the hair, while lightening at home almost always ends with the shameless victory of yellow? Because for home coloring, girls choose amateurish products and make serious mistakes:

  • do not look at the expiration date of the paint;
  • buy cheap products;
  • do not read the ingredients and manufacturer’s recommendations on the packaging.

In order not to look for an answer to the question of how to remove yellowness from hair, it is better not to skimp on dye in the first place. It is worth consulting with a professional even if you stubbornly intend to turn into a blonde not in a beauty studio, but in your bathroom.

Errors in the procedure

Compliance with the coloring algorithm, as well as the time frame for each individual step, has not been canceled. For example, the duration of staining is different in each case. It depends on what the original hair color is. But home-grown craftsmen often do not attach much importance to these requirements. The result is sad: instead of an ashy or golden-brown color, the color on your head appears that you want to get rid of as quickly as possible.

Incorrect rinsing

It's hard to imagine, but improper rinsing can cause unsatisfactory results. Immediately after the procedure, our hair becomes defenseless. At this moment, hair is more susceptible to external factors than ever before. During the rinsing process, dust and other impurities contained in tap water can get into the open hair scales. Having penetrated inside the hair structure, they enter into a chemical reaction, which leads to the fact that even a properly colored head will take on an unexpected color after washing.

In order not to think about how to remove yellowness from hair after lightening, you should
wash off the paint only with clean water. It can be still mineral or filtered.

“Native” dark color

Most often, those who were dark (or even black) before dyeing face the problem of how to get rid of yellowness in their hair after bleaching. The dark pigment has unprecedented power. It is extremely difficult to defeat: often even the most effective professional and folk remedies cannot cope with the yellowness that appears as a result of lightening dark hair.

Therefore, brunettes should definitely consult a specialist. And if the hairdresser gives the go-ahead for the transformation, you need to ask in advance what kind of paint will be used to remove the yellowness at the roots when the hair begins to grow back after dyeing. If you choose the product at your discretion, the base of the hair can change shades from red to lemon.

It is important to understand that dark hair turns into blonde hair through repeated lightening. In this case, repeated bleaching leads to damage to the hair structure:

  • hair is depleted from the inside;
  • strands begin to fall out;
  • the type of hairline changes.

Therefore, in pursuit of fashion, think about whether the game is worth the candle?

How to remove yellowness from hair: 10 folk secrets

How to remove yellowness from hair at home? Do not rush to apply new chemical attacks to your hair and repaint your hair. Natural homemade masks will help get rid of the “chicken effect”, although not instantly, not the first time. Most of the proposed masks are not capable of causing harm to the hair, so they are allowed to be used every two to three days.

Honey mask

Peculiarities. The honey mask is long-lasting: it is applied for a period of one to three hours. The first time to evaluate its effectiveness, you can keep the product on your head for 60 minutes. If you like the effect and are noticeable, then after two days you should repeat the procedure, leaving the mask on for about three hours - depending on the free time you have at your disposal.

Cooking algorithm

  1. We organize a water bath.
  2. Heat a glass (or a little more - depending on the length of the hair) of fresh honey on it.
  3. Dip each curl in warm honey.
  4. We wrap the curls in foil to hold the mask and prevent the sweet product from draining.

To enhance the effect of the home procedure, you should add a decoction of rhubarb leaves or lemon juice to the rinsing water.

Kefir mask

Peculiarities. Regular kefir is an excellent lightener, capable of qualitatively bleaching strands in just a few procedures. To prepare a kefir mask you will need a few more ingredients. As a rule, they are found in the kitchen of a modern housewife.

Cooking algorithm

  1. Heat 50 ml of kefir in a wide bowl.
  2. Add four teaspoons of vodka.
  3. We also send two teaspoons of shampoo that suits your hair and that you use constantly.
  4. Add 50 ml of high concentration lemon juice to the mixture.
  5. Mix and beat in one chicken egg.
  6. After obtaining a mixture of homogeneous consistency, apply to the head and cover with cellophane and a warm towel.
  7. After two to three hours, wash off the mask using filtered or mineral water.

Rhubarb Mask

Peculiarities. A rhubarb mask is one of the answers to the question of how to remove yellowness from highlighted hair. The product is prepared on the basis of glycerin and powder obtained by grinding dry rhubarb root.

Cooking algorithm

  1. Using a blender, grind the dry rhubarb root so that you have 100-130 g of powder at your disposal.
  2. Pour the raw materials into a glass of boiling water.
  3. Gradually add 60 ml of glycerin into the mixture.
  4. Cover the container with the future mask and forget about it for 30 minutes.
  5. Apply to hair and hide the hair under a cellophane cap.
  6. We walk like this for about two hours.

Lemon acid mask

Peculiarities. This mask to combat yellow hair can be prepared using either a citric acid solution or freshly squeezed lemon juice. The second option is the most preferable, as it is 100% natural.

Cooking algorithm

  1. Take two or three lemons (if your hair is short, one will be enough).
  2. We cut the fruit into four parts for ease of squeezing out the juice.
  3. We pass the resulting juice through a sieve to get rid of the pulp and seeds.
  4. Apply to dry hair, braid the hair soaked in juice into a braid and wait for it to dry completely.

Lemon juice is a constant ingredient in whitening toothpastes. Enzymes from the juice of sour fruits lighten everything they meet on their way. Interaction with the hair coloring pigment melanin also leads to lightening of the latter. A lemon juice mask is the best way to remove yellowness without harming your hair. Light by nature ensures maximum effect from use.

Tea rinse

Peculiarities. Green tea based rinse is a proven remedy in the fight for color purity. It was used back in Ancient Egypt, when there was no trace of professional hair dyes. You can use this method after every wash. Your hair will not only change its color for the better, but will also become stronger, softer, and silkier.

Cooking algorithm

  1. Brew a cup of green tea.
  2. Mix tea with one liter of boiled water.
  3. Let the rinse aid cool.
  4. Use at the end of the washing procedure.

Soda mask

Peculiarities. Soda can and should be used to even out the color without additional coloring. Sodium bicarbonate (actually, soda) has a bleaching effect. It is also a surefire way to revitalize your hair - it adds volume and fullness to your hair.

Cooking algorithm

  1. Take half a glass of water.
  2. Pour 50 ml of shampoo into a glass.
  3. Add 14 teaspoons of table soda.
  4. Apply to hair and leave for half an hour, then rinse with clean filtered water.

Just a month of using a soda mask every two to three days will make your hair at least one tone whiter.

Onion peel mask

Peculiarities. Onion peels are not able to cope with obvious yellowness. But if the unpleasant-looking shade appears on light hair rather than dark hair, the product can be very effective. The maximum effect can be achieved by leaving the mask on your hair overnight.

Cooking algorithm

  1. Cook a steep decoction of the husks.
  2. Let the broth cool.
  3. Apply to hair.

Hydrogen peroxide mask

Peculiarities. Hydrogen peroxide is considered the cheapest and most accessible way to lighten and get rid of the yellow tint in hair. This remedy can be used as often as required: at least every day - until the moment when you finally consider the result satisfactory.

Cooking algorithm

  1. Dilute peroxide with clean water in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Pour the liquid into a spray bottle.
  3. Spray onto pre-washed and slightly towel-dried hair.
  4. Do not wash off the mixture of water and peroxide for 50-60 minutes.

In its pure form, hydrogen peroxide is fraught with mortal danger. The liquid, which is sold in pharmacies in glass bottles, contains only a 3% peroxide solution.

Mask with aspirin

Peculiarity. Aspirin is not only a remedy for headaches and fever. It is also a faithful assistant for home “cosmetologists” and “hairdressers”. Acetylsalicylic acid will help revitalize light, slightly yellowed hair from bleaching. Perhaps the remedy will not solve the “yellow problem” in one session. But if after the first application the effect is visually noticeable, the procedure will need to be repeated again after a couple of days.

Cooking algorithm

  1. We take five tablets of acetylsalicylic acid and turn them into powder.
  2. Mix the powder with a glass of boiled water.
  3. Apply the liquid to your hair, wrap your head in a towel and wait 20 minutes.

An aspirin mask is strictly contraindicated for expectant and established mothers who are breastfeeding.

7 professional products

How and how to tint your hair after bleaching if traditional recipes don’t work for you and you don’t want to go to the salon? There are professional tonics and masks that will help you cope with the “yellow surprise” on your hair. An overview of popular means is in the following table. Data on product costs are actual as of August 2017.

Table - Popular store-bought products for eliminating yellowness and tinting hair

Name Brand Type Peculiarity Price
Color Fresh Wella Professionals Tonic — Recommended for naturally fair-haired girls who need to enhance their color or a certain shade 1050 rubles
Color Therapy Biosilk Shampoo — One of the safest products, therefore it does not require specialist consultation before purchase 1250 rubles
Essence Ultime Schwarzkopf Mask — Copes with an unsuccessful shade in just one application;
- Suitable for both natural and colored hair
450 rubles
"Alchemist" Davines Shampoo - Does not require rinsing 1600 rubles
"Color Activator" Syoss Toning mousse — Can be applied without wearing rubber gloves;
— completely removes yellowness if used in tandem with shampoo of the same series once every two to three days
300 rubles
Forever Blonde Paul Mitchell Shampoo — Evens out color and additionally cares for bleached strands 1110 rubles
Blond Explosion Concept Shampoo — The most budgetary of the seven proposed means 350 rubles

If none of the chemical-free remedies described above bring the expected result, try professional cosmetic products. If they do not please you with the long-awaited effect, then you should seriously think about moving to the camp of brunettes or brown-haired women. And don’t let the fiasco that happened upset you: the key to beauty is not white, but healthy hair. After all, surprising passers-by with loose, shiny hair is much more pleasant than worrying about how to remove the yellowness from your hair from one coloring to another.

Reviews: “If you need to lighten it by one or two tones, pharmacy peroxide is the way to go!”

3% peroxide in the pharmacy is a gentle lightening option, one or two tones without damaging the hair. And in paints, even the most gentle ones - peroxide is at least 6% (or even more, and its percentage is underestimated, but in a pharmacy if they write 3%, it means so) and in paints plus ammonia (even the “ammonia-free” type) It’s profitable for manufacturers to lie). In general, if you need to lighten it by one or two tones, then the pharmacy is the best! It’s even funny to read how people firmly believe in the “gentleness” of industrial dyes and do not know simple and obvious things... that pharmaceutical peroxide contains only 3% (otherwise it would not be pharmaceutical).

Tanya, http://lidernews.com/zdorovie/osvetlenie-volos-perekisyu.html

Yesterday I dyed it a very light tone, a pearl tone. blond, the color turned out to be ashy and a little dark. I'm disappointed, I need to fix it. I read about honey and kefir and decided to warm up half a glass of kefir and 2 tablespoons of honey, spread this whole mixture on dry hair, put on a bag and a scarf for warmth, walked for 2 hours, and you know the result after 1 time of use, I liked the tone and The truth is that it has become much lighter. And the hair is soft and manageable, I recommend it!

Alena, http://www.woman.ru/beauty/hair/thread/4018315/2/#m36160354

My sister always wanted her hair to be shiny, and her hair clearly lacked volume. Now she makes masks with aspirin. Even after the first procedure, it became clear that the hair had become better. Shine and volume appeared, and the color became richer.

Lioness, http://www.woman.ru/beauty/hair/thread/4018315/2/

How to remove yellowness from hair and quickly wash off the “chicken effect” at home - all about beauty on the site

Before you lighten your hair, you need to know that in the future you will need to purchase special hair care products.

Artificial blonde cannot stay on the hair for long and will definitely wash out after a while, after which it will appear. This is explained by the fact that the hair contains a molecule - pheomelanin, which is responsible for hair pigmentation, and it is not possible to completely destroy it during lightening, since this destruction requires long-term chemical exposure, which will simply destroy the hair.

But external factors can also influence the yellowing of hair after bleaching. For example:

  1. Poor workmanship. There is a possibility that the professional chose the wrong one and that is why they turned not white, but yellow.
  2. Water with increased hardness. Tap water contains rust and chemical elements that can react with the natural pigment of the hair and cause it to turn yellow.
  3. Bleaching dark hair. It is worth remembering that with the first one, the effect will not last for a long time, since the natural dark pigment will not be removed in one procedure.

Professional anti-yellowing products

There are a large number of professional products that keep hair white after bleaching. These are basically toning products that not only have an anti-yellow effect, but also give the hair a fresher and richer color.

Here are the most popular ones:

  1. CONCEPT Blond explosion anti-yellow effect.
    One of the most concentrated shampoos that removes yellow hair. The product has purple pigments with a silver tint, which perfectly neutralize yellow hair. But if the yellow color is not very pronounced, after use it will appear cold with a pink tint.
  2. London Color Revive Blonde & Silver.
    The good thing about this shampoo is that it doesn't dry out your hair or give it a pink tint. It makes hair shiny and whitens it well.
  3. Schwarzkopf Professional Bonacure Color Freeze.
    Due to the high concentration of blue and purple pigments, the shampoo is an excellent remedy for yellow hair after coloring. It also perfectly moisturizes and nourishes hair.
    The shade will be radiant and deep.
  4. Wella Professional Color Fresh – 0/6.
    A hair lightening product in shade 0/6 will remove unnecessary yellowness and refresh your hair. It is highly durable (up to 10 times of hair washing) and has a gel consistency.
    The only downside is that it runs out very quickly, but it's worth it.
  5. EASY C-GLOSS Lisap.
    The Italian ammonia-free shade Argento has a blue pigment that removes yellow color well. The balm also gives the hair a cool silvery tint.
  6. CEHKO Color Cocktail Silver-White Effect Enhancer.
    Tinted rinse from CEHKO destroys all shades of yellow. It has a high concentration of blue and violet pigments, which perfectly cope with yellowness without leaving a trace of it.
    Before use, you need to mix 500 ml of water with 10 ml of rinse aid, then rinse your hair with the resulting solution. Do not rinse off.
    The more rinse aid you use, the colder and silverier the result will be.

The general rules for using hair lightening products are the same:

  • wash your hair as usual;
  • remove excess moisture from the head with a towel;
  • apply a professional product and distribute over the entire length of the hair;
  • comb so that the product spreads evenly;
  • wait 10-20 minutes and rinse;
  • use conditioner.

Anti-yellow products in folk cosmetology

Traditional recipes can also remove the unpleasant result after lightening. Their advantage is that, unlike expensive professional products that contain chemical elements? home methods consist of natural products that can be found in every home.

Mask with cinnamon and honey


  • 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of liquid;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • 4-5 tbsp. spoons of balm/conditioner.

When mixing all the components, do not use metal utensils so that the mixture does not enter into a chemical reaction with iron.

The mask should be applied to clean, dry hair. Avoid getting it on the roots because cinnamon can leave burns on the scalp.

Distribute the mask over your hair, tie your hair in a bun, wrap it in film and insulate it with a towel.
After 30-40 minutes, remove the insulation and keep the mask on for 2-5 hours or leave overnight.
The product lightens hair by no more than 2 tones and can give a reddish tint.

Kefir mask


  • 0.5 l.;
  • table salt 1-1.5 tsp;
  • vegetable oil 1-2 tbsp. l.

If all proportions are observed, the mask can be done twice in a row, which is what is needed for the best effect, because it lightens the hair by just a tone.

Apply the mixture to dry, clean hair. Leave for an hour, after putting on a shower cap.

Mask with soda


  • soda – 10 tbsp. l.;
  • a glass of warm water;
  • kitchen salt – 1 tsp;
  • lemon juice from half.

Mix all ingredients and apply with a cotton pad from hair roots to ends. There is no need to insulate, you just need to put your hair in a bun and leave the mixture on your hair for no longer than 40 minutes.
Wash off with shampoo, be sure to apply balm afterwards. Baking soda dries out your hair very much, so this method is not suitable for those with dry and brittle hair.

There are not many folk recipes, and they do not give the stunning effect that professional products provide, but only lighten the hair a couple of tones.