How long should you not dye your eyelashes after eyelid tattooing? Care after eyelid tattooing or what to smear the eyelids in the first days after the tattoo procedure. What to smear after eye tattooing

Proper care after eyelid tattooing is the key to successful wound healing and obtaining the desired final result. If we neglect this condition, then instead of expressive eyes and no need to apply makeup, a woman will face the problem of hiding defects. In addition to uneven shading, more serious complications may occur, for example, conjunctivitis. The master should inform the client what to do after the procedure for applying permanent makeup has been carried out.

Eye care during the healing process, first of all, begins with measures that are aimed at preventing infections. Also, avoid exposure to direct sunlight and avoid mechanical damage. For several weeks after the pigment has been injected under the skin, a woman must adhere to the following rules:

  1. It is not recommended to sunbathe on the beach or visit a solarium. Ultraviolet rays have a destructive effect on pigment, which can lead to a change in the color quality of the paint.
  2. Water procedures. During the recovery period, it is recommended to give preference to the shower. Visiting a bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool and swimming in open water is contraindicated.
  3. The tattoo is not covered with a band-aid.
  4. In the first days, it is recommended to avoid washing your face. To cleanse the eyes, use cosmetic milk, which is applied to the eyes using cotton swabs.
  5. The resulting crust cannot be removed; it should peel off on its own. Otherwise, unpigmented areas may form.
  6. In the first 3 weeks, it is not recommended to perform peeling and use hormonal ointments, as well as antibacterial drugs.
  7. The use of decorative cosmetics in the area of ​​tattooing is prohibited until the wounds have completely healed, that is, the crust has peeled off.
  8. Tattooing cannot be treated with lotions that contain alcohol.

Restoration of the epidermis

Recovery after eyelid tattooing will take about 5 days. In the first 3 days, it is necessary to provide complete care for the injured area, since it is at this time that the epidermis is most vulnerable. In the first week, tissue regeneration occurs, but not completely.

An important condition for obtaining a good final result is keeping the permanent makeup area dry. But this rule has its own characteristics. You can wash your face with cool water. There is no need to wipe it off; you need to wait until the skin dries on its own. As a last resort, you can gently pat your eyes with a soft towel. After cleaning the skin from everyday dust, the eyelid tattoo is treated with a special cream or ointment, which the artist will recommend.

Despite the fact that you should not soak the crust with water, the wounds should not dry out. Otherwise, this will lead to their cracking. Through the resulting wounds, the coloring pigment will come out and there is a possibility of infection.

Swelling of the eyelids after tattooing is considered normal. To relieve inflammation, you can use a cold, dry compress. To make it, you will need to put ice in a whole bag and wrap it in a clean, soft towel.

To relieve swelling, you can use Dexamethasone. These drugs are instilled into the eyes only if there are no contraindications to the use of corticosteroids. Traditional medicine should not be used to combat swelling.

If swelling is severe or other symptoms of complications appear, you should seek help from a doctor.

After the crusts come off, you should expect that the eyelid tattoo will become lighter than originally planned. You shouldn't be upset. If the work was done by a responsible craftsman (a high-quality pigment of the required palette was used), then after a few days the pigment will appear and become brighter. The final result will only be assessed in about a month. It will take this long for the tissue to fully recover.

When caring for the tattooed area, you must remember that the final result, which will last 1-3 years, will depend on the recovery period. For women over forty, permanent makeup lasts longer.

Allergic reactions

Swelling after tattooing may not disappear due to the development of an allergic reaction. Therefore, before deciding to apply permanent makeup, you need to make sure that the components of the coloring pigment will not cause negative consequences. For girls who are prone to allergies, hypoallergenic pigments can be recommended. In addition to the basic rules of care, they will need to carry out additional measures that will promote rapid tissue restoration:

  1. During the first 24 hours, the swelling should be treated with chlorhexidine solution. To do this, use cotton swabs. The interval between each treatment should be 2 hours.
  2. If the client has vision problems and wears contact lenses, then they will have to be discarded during the period of tissue restoration. When going outside, wear sunglasses.
  3. You should use drugs that have healing and anti-inflammatory properties. This will make it possible to reduce the likelihood of complications. They are used for 2 weeks, even when the area of ​​permanent makeup is healed.

Women who want to look attractive at any time of the day and decide to undergo permanent makeup procedures should definitely familiarize themselves with the list of contraindications before undergoing it. If you neglect this rule, then instead of attractive arrows, you can get into trouble before your eyes.

Reading time: 21 minutes. Published 01/10/2020

Stages of healing

After permanent tattooing, the skin swells and turns red. This is especially noticeable on the eyelids, since the skin is thin and sensitive and is more susceptible to damage. There may be significant side effects in the first few days, so it is best to schedule your session before the weekend. You are unlikely to want to leave the house looking like this.

For all clients, the healing of the eyelids after permanent makeup goes through the same stages. The only difference is their duration. Some people fully recover within 2 weeks, others take a month.

Rehabilitation is divided into the following periods:

  1. The first 2-3 days. The skin is red and swollen. For some, it swells so much that they have to look at the world through narrow slits. The condition can be compared to a bee sting - the upper eyelid enlarges and hangs over the eye. At this stage, lymph (ichor) with part of the pigment is released from the wounds, so the eyes are constantly moist.
  2. From 4 to 7 days. Swelling and redness disappear, the eyelids stop getting wet. The lymph begins to harden - a dense crust forms, which is very itchy. The permanent becomes even brighter because part of the pigment hardens along with the ichor.
  3. From 7 to 14 days. At first, the crust covers the entire tattoo area. A few days after formation, it begins to peel off. This happens unevenly - the makeup turns out spotty.
  4. From 14 to 28 days. After the crust has completely come off, the skin is completely restored. On average it takes 1-2 weeks. Peeling and slight itching may occur.

It is necessary to correct errors that occurred after the crust has come off and to fix the pigment. After correction, you will have to go through the same stages of skin restoration, but they will take less time. On average, after a repeat procedure, all side effects disappear within 1-2 weeks.

What problems does interlash tattoo solve?

In the pursuit of perfection in any situation, women decide on permanent makeup. When using it, you can be confident in your own irresistibility both in the rain, and during water activities, and while sleeping. One of the new directions in this section of cosmetology is interciliary eye tattooing.

During a simple procedure, pigment is injected into the skin of the eyelids between the eyelashes, which retains its saturation for several years. So, let's take a closer look at what it is needed for and how it differs from traditional types of permanent.

Unlike the traditional permanent tattoo on the skin of the eyelids, which creates arrows and a contour, interlash tattoo is applied along the eyelash growth line. In this case, the result is not a solid line, but a light outline of darkening at their base. The most popular application technique is nanospraying, which allows for a more natural look.

There are several types of tattooing of the interlash space:

  1. Classic powdery(aka nano) spraying - only the narrow eyelash growth zone of the upper eyelid is darkened.
  2. Interciliary eye tattoo with shading– the effect of blurring the pigmented contour is created, it becomes wider.
  3. Interlash, complemented by arrows - the paint is applied not only along the hair growth line, but also on the skin of the eyelids in the style of an arrow eyeliner.
  4. Contour application to the skin of the upper and lower eyelids - the pigment is introduced strictly between the eyelashes.

The popularity of the cosmetic procedure is explained by its advantages over conventional decorative cosmetics:

  1. The visual effect of thick eyelashes.
  2. Resistance to any external conditions: high humidity, precipitation, water procedures, tears.
  3. Long-lasting effect: unlike alternative methods such as conventional decorative cosmetics or henna, eyelash tattooing lasts from one to five years.
  4. Visual correction of the shape and shape of the eyes.
  5. Permanently professional eye makeup without the need to create a clear contour every day, which not everyone can do the first time.
  6. The hypoallergenic composition of the dyes will relieve women with sensitive skin from unwanted consequences, as well as from the need to use decorative cosmetics.

Despite the impressive list of advantages, the procedure also has disadvantages. They are associated with insufficient professionalism of the specialists, pain and possible side effects. In some cases, permanent eye makeup simply does not suit individual parameters.

Who is it suitable for?

To ensure that the procedure for applying interciliary tattooing does not bring disappointment, it is necessary to determine in advance whether the method of application and the color of the pigment are suitable for a particular type of face. A preliminary test allows you to see in which direction the changes will occur.

Types of appearance for which tattooing of the interlash space is suitable:

  • light eyebrows and eyelashes - the procedure will make the look more expressive;
  • sparse thin eyelashes – will give visual thickness;
  • those living at an accelerated pace - permanent frees them from the daily long beauty ritual.

If nature has blessed you with dark skin or thick eyelashes, eyelash tattooing will not bring the desired effect. He will simply be invisible. However, fair-haired and fair-skinned women should carefully select the tone of the pigment so as not to get unnaturally black, charcoal contours.

Skin after the procedure

During permanent makeup, the master introduces pigment into the middle layer of the skin with a machine or manual instrument. Punctures and micro-incisions are made to a shallow depth, but the tissue is still damaged and bleeding occurs. After the procedure there will be wounds. It takes time for the cells to regenerate, “covering” the injected pigment.

At first, the tattoo will seem bright and unnatural. The master introduces more pigment than necessary, since it does not take root completely. After the recovery period, the permanent will become as planned. Until this time, you will have to endure too vulgar makeup. It cannot be masked with cosmetics, as there is a risk of slowing down recovery and causing allergies.

The most noticeable swelling will occur on the second day after the procedure. If you leave the salon with a perfect tattoo and no side effects, you shouldn’t rejoice in advance - they are still to come. Recovery time depends on the sensitivity of the skin and its ability to regenerate. You can speed up the process by following the recommendations of a cosmetologist.

How does the procedure work?

Sensitive, thin skin of the eyelids, close proximity of needles to the organs of vision, possible pain - a reason for concern before performing interciliary tattooing. That is why it is so important to select a specialist with special care and to be confident in his professionalism. Knowing the main steps and nuances of applying permanent makeup to this area will help reduce anxiety during the process.


A successful result depends on the skills of the cosmetologist, your own peace of mind, and proper preparation. It includes compliance with the following rules during the preparatory period:

  1. During the previous 5 days, it is necessary to avoid mechanical effects on the skin: rub vigorously when washing, use scrubs, and carry out deep cleaning with abrasive components.
  2. Avoid the consumption of alcohol, coffee, vasodilators and medications that reduce blood clotting three days before and two days after tattooing the interciliary space.
  3. Visits to baths, saunas, and steaming the skin are prohibited three days before the procedure.
  4. Reduce exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the treated area: wear sunglasses and wide-brimmed hats.

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You will also have to stop wearing contact lenses the day before and after visiting a cosmetologist. These rules will protect against negative side effects during the procedure, and will also reduce the risk of bleeding or swelling of the eyelid skin.

The main working condition is complete sterility.

The procedure is preceded by a consultation with a cosmetologist, during which possible contraindications and the absence of allergies to anesthetics and dyes are clarified (an allergy test is performed on a small area of ​​skin). Then step by step:

  1. The selection of pigment tonality, contour shape, and execution technique are carried out.
  2. All tools are prepared for work: a device with replaceable needle attachments, coloring pigment, a container for mixing dyes, gloves.
  3. A trial contour is applied using washable cosmetics in order to “try on” the image.
  4. The application area is thoroughly cleaned of makeup and dirt.
  5. Anesthesia is applied. Most salons use surface anesthetics in the form of a gel (without injections).
  6. A special device with disposable needles is used to apply tattooing to the interlash space. The process takes from ten minutes to an hour for each eye, depending on the client’s sensations: the more intense the pain, the slower and more careful the master’s actions.
  7. The final stage is the use of antiseptics and wound healing agents.

Descriptions of sensations during the procedure vary depending on the individual characteristics of the subjects. Some feel severe cutting pain, others feel unpleasant tingling and twitching, and others feel slight painful touches.


Immediately after application, eyelash tattooing highlights the contour and makes the look expressive. Slight redness is noted. Swelling usually appears after a few hours.

The rehabilitation period is up to 14 days. Post-procedure care includes:

  • treatment with an antiseptic and means for rapid healing of wounds, which are prescribed by a cosmetologist;
  • removing the ichor with a cotton swab soaked in chlorhexidine;
  • prohibition on using decorative cosmetics for the first seven days.

Usually hydrocortisone eye ointment, Korneregel, is prescribed. For severe swelling and redness, use antihistamines. It is strictly forbidden to wet the eyelid area in the first day, as well as to rip off the crusts after they have formed. This leads to the reduction of pigment, which can provoke an infectious infection.

It is undesirable to give the body serious physical activity in the next four days after applying interciliary tattooing. The same applies to taking baths and steaming your face. After healing, when all the crusts come off naturally, sometimes the pigment disappears as a result of skin regeneration. In this case, a correction is made.

Contraindications, safety of the procedure

Permanent makeup of the interlash space is performed by a specialist using a special instrument equipped with a thin needle, which pierces the upper layer of the epithelium and immediately fills it with a coloring substance (pigment). The body's circulatory system is not affected, so the risk of injury from such a procedure is minimal.

Permanent makeup of the interlash space is contraindicated in cases of epilepsy, asthma and renal or liver failure.

  • pregnancy (lactation);
  • sensitive skin prone to scarring;
  • allergies to dyes.

Like any cosmetic procedure, there are a number of contraindications to tattooing the interlash space:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • menstruation;
  • eye diseases (conjunctivitis, glaucoma), blood;
  • acute viral or bacterial infections;
  • diabetes;
  • liver diseases (hepatitis B, C);
  • skin irritations, allergic reactions;
  • positive response to allergy test of anesthesia, pigment;
  • taking antibiotics.

If any of the listed contraindications are detected, you should refrain from the procedure. Otherwise, negative consequences cannot be avoided.

In all cases, to care for permanent makeup, there are certain instructions that should be followed during the rehabilitation period of the epidermis and subsequently to increase durability:

  1. Do not use decorative cosmetics for a month after tattooing. This disrupts the connection between the dye and the surface of the eye.
  2. You can wash your face starting from the third or fourth day, when a crust appears. At the same time, you should wash your face after tattooing not with running water, but with micellar water, then soak the wetted area with a soft napkin.
  3. It is not recommended to visit a bathhouse, sauna, or swimming pool, as these places have high humidity, which affects the strengthening of the dye under the skin.
  4. Do not sunbathe, as ultraviolet rays affect the color's early fading.
  5. Before going out into the open rays of the sun, use eye protection after tattooing to prevent the rays from reaching and damaging the area.
  6. Do not expose the cover to sudden changes in temperature. This changes the composition of the blood and the quality of the pigment.

Follow the instructions of the master that he prescribes for you. If you follow the instructions from cosmetology as much as possible, you will reduce the likelihood of negative consequences that affect the result or the girl’s health.

How to care

Not everyone knows how to take care of the results, which is why girls make mistakes that ultimately turn into side effects.

You should take care of your drawing from the first day, and the first standard side effect is redness and swelling. These parameters appear due to damage to epithelial cells by the needle of a tattoo machine.

The eyes are an area of ​​the face where the skin is thin, and it is located next to the mucous membrane. Because of these factors, it is worthwhile to carefully care for the epidermis so that rehabilitation does not leave scars on the tissue.

In the first week you need to act as follows:

  1. To relieve redness and swelling, restore the tissue using a cold, dry compress.
  2. For the first three days, smear the damaged area with an antiseptic and healing ointment every hour or hour and a half. You need to take care of the cover so often so that a protective layer quickly forms that will hide the open wound.
  3. On the third or fourth day, a protective layer forms; you can care for it less often. It is enough to apply the products specified in the instructions from the cosmetologist five times a day.
  4. On the sixth or seventh day, itching usually begins, which indicates that the crust is beginning to peel off. You must endure the itching, but you cannot touch the crust, as this can lead to its premature peeling. This will open the wound, which creates a risk of infection in the body.
    In the worst case, infection leads to the development of an infectious disease that affects various organs and also promotes the removal of dye from under the epidermis.
  5. If you peel off the protective layer ahead of time, generously lubricate the affected area with an antiseptic and healing ointment to form a new crust. This area needs to continue to be looked after.
  6. By the end of the first week after eye tattooing, the protective layer usually disappears, after which there is no need to care for it, and the woman can evaluate the intermediate result.

There is no need to take care of the eye tattoo, because during the remaining rehabilitation time the skin continues to regenerate the affected cells on its own; the client can provide external conditions to accelerate healing.

At the end of the month of eye tattoo care, a correction is carried out, during which the master evaluates the work done during the main session. If there are defects, they are corrected, and the client undergoes skin rehabilitation once again.

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Each stage of recovery has its own care rules. They will speed up healing and prevent complications from developing.

On the first day, it is better not to touch your eyelids unless necessary. The specialist will tell you whether they need to be treated with something, but usually all products begin to be used on the second day. On the day of the session, you should not wash your face and generally allow moisture to get on the tattoo, so it is better to wash your hair in advance.

On the second day, you need to start treating the permanent with an antiseptic - Chlorhexidine or Miramistin. Soak a cotton pad in the product and blot the eyelids with it. When the antiseptic has dried, a healing ointment is applied to the tattoo - Bepanten, D-Panthenol, Rescuer. Procedures must be carried out up to 10 times a day. The resulting ichor is blotted pointwise with a sterile gauze cloth.

When a crust forms, you can reduce the treatment with antiseptic and ointment to 5-6 times a day. You can already wet your eyelids, but you shouldn’t do it on purpose. It is better to wash your face with milk or tonic without alcohol - gently wipe your face, avoiding the area around the eyes.

After the crust comes off and until the skin is completely healed, it is necessary to apply an antiseptic and ointment 1-2 times a day. If peeling occurs, apply any moisturizer without aggressive substances to the eyelids. Regular Vaseline will do.

Consequences of unsuccessful procedure

An uneven contour, an inappropriate shade of pigment, or a permanent that has faded before its due date are far from the worst possible outcomes. More disastrous results are the consequences of violations of sterility or poor quality of service:

  1. Penetration of infection into damaged eyelid skin threatens the development of conjunctivitis, and in some cases, deterioration or complete loss of vision.
  2. Injection of an anesthetic can cause muscle deformation and disfigurement of the eyelid area.
  3. Careless use of anesthetic gel leads to contact with the mucous membrane, which causes inflammation of the cornea.
  4. Errors when using the device lead to the occurrence of extensive hematomas as a result of damage to blood vessels.
  5. Loss of eyelashes along with crusts during the healing process after the procedure.
  6. A change in the color of the pigment with a transition to unexpected shades (blue, for example) as a result of an incorrect depth of dye application.

Swelling, redness, and decreased visual acuity are also possible as a result of unsuccessful interciliary tattooing. There is a high risk of developing unexpected allergic reactions due to mixing the components of the coloring emulsion and anesthetic. For some clients, the healing process lasted more than 14 days and was accompanied by soreness, itching, and redness of the eyes.

Some women who underwent the procedure complained of temporary (up to several days) blurred vision, like a veil, and the inability to focus. Normally, this phenomenon lasts no more than two hours, so cosmetologists strongly recommend coming and going to the salon by taxi, and under no circumstances driving.

When deciding to do permanent makeup of the interlash space, it is very important to choose a professional with high qualifications and extensive experience so that the procedure is carried out correctly and without further complications, except for swelling and slight redness.

There are rarely cases when girls and women, after a session, after some time face the following consequences, which are caused by the inexperience and negligence of the master:

  • allergic reactions;
  • purulent inflammation;
  • the appearance of herpes;
  • scars formed on the skin;
  • eyelash loss;
  • infection with a dangerous infection (HIV, hepatitis);
  • damage to capillaries and eyeball.

When saving on materials, for example, on coloring pigments, a saturated shade will change color after some time: light pigments will turn red; dark pigments are blue. In such cases, only removal with a remover or laser in several sessions will help, rarely in 1 session.

How to relieve the condition

If swelling of the eyelids causes discomfort, you can try to remove it faster. To alleviate the condition, you can treat your eyelids with Tetracycline ointment once, after consulting with a cosmetologist. The effect of tear-stained eyes is relieved by drops - Visine, Vial, Systane Ultra.

Antihistamines help many people. They block the activity of a substance that causes redness and swelling. You can take Suprastin or Tavegil or a more modern remedy - Cetrin, Claritin, Ketotifen. To relieve swelling, you can take a diuretic - Veroshpiron, Furosemide, Trifas.

You can reduce the severity of side effects with compresses. Decoctions of medicinal plants - chamomile, string, sage - are suitable for this. An alternative option is a weak solution of Furacilin. Soak 2 cotton pads in any product and squeeze them well so that they are slightly damp. Compresses are placed over the eyes so that they do not affect the tattoo itself and drops of water do not drip onto it.

Eyelid tattooing allows you to make your appearance brighter and more expressive. With this simple procedure, you can avoid the need to apply decorative cosmetics every day. To achieve truly flawless makeup, you need to provide complete skin care during the healing process. To do this, you must adhere to all the recommendations of the cosmetologist and monitor your body’s reactions.

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During the recovery process, the skin of the eyelids must be treated with the utmost care. It is very important to prevent infection, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and mechanical damage. This means that for several weeks you need to follow the following rules:

  1. You should not sunbathe on the beach or visit a solarium. In general, you should avoid direct sun exposure to your skin. This creates a risk of pigment destruction, which will lead to a change in the shade of the tattoo.
  2. Among water procedures, it is better to give preference to the shower. You shouldn't take a bath. Also during this period it is not recommended to go to the pool, visit saunas or steam baths. It is strictly forbidden to swim in open waters.
  3. During the recovery period, you should not try to seal the tattoo with adhesive tape.
  4. For the first 2-3 days it is better to avoid washing your face. To cleanse the skin, you can use cosmetic milk. This type of care is carried out not with your fingers, but with cotton swabs.
  5. Once the crust appears, do not try to peel it off or soak it. It should peel off on its own. If you break this rule, unpigmented areas will remain under the crust, which will only ruin the permanent makeup.
  6. Peeling is prohibited for 3 weeks. It is also not recommended to use ointments containing hormones and antibacterial drugs.
  7. Until the crusts come off, you should not apply decorative cosmetics to the tattoo area.
  8. It is not recommended to wipe the eyelid area with tonics or lotions containing alcohol.

Features of eyelid skin restoration

After tattooing the eyelids, slight swelling usually occurs. This is a completely normal reaction to this procedure. If your eyes are swollen, you can use a cold, dry compress. To do this, put the ice in a bag and wrap it in a towel. The resulting compress must be applied to the inflamed skin of the eyelids.

How long does regeneration take? It takes 3-5 days to restore the affected tissues. It is imperative to provide complete eye skin care during this period.

It is very important to keep the areas that have been dyed dry.

Use cool water to wash your face. It is not recommended to rub these areas - they can be gently blotted. After washing, you need to apply a special cream to care for the damaged areas. How long does it take to do this? Experts usually advise waiting 5 minutes. Do not allow the skin to dry out or crack.

When the crusts disappear, permanent makeup in the eye area may become lighter. Some girls are interested in how long it takes to consolidate the result. Usually after a few days the pigment appears, which leads to the restoration of color.

How long does it take to achieve the final result? Professional masters recommend evaluating the result after about a month.

Also, girls often wonder how long the result will last. For young women, permanent makeup lasts for about 1-3 years. After 40 years, it is possible to obtain a more stable result.

What to do if you are prone to allergies

Such girls will have to provide more careful care for their eyelids. In addition to the general rules, when performing tattooing you need to follow the following recommendations:

  1. During the day, you need to carefully wipe the skin of the eyelids with a cotton swab, which should be moistened in a solution of chlorhexidine. How long is it recommended to do this? Doctors advise performing this procedure every 2 hours.
  2. Do not allow the skin in the eye area to dry out. At the same time, the cream should not come into contact with the tattoo area.
  3. If you need to wear contact lenses, it is best to stop using them for 2-3 days after the procedure.
  4. Do not rub the eye area.
  5. Be sure to wear sunglasses when outdoors.
  6. It is very important to use a product with anti-inflammatory and healing properties. How long is it recommended to do this? Doctors advise providing such care for 2 weeks. Thanks to this simple procedure, it will be possible to significantly speed up the healing process and reliably fix the pigment.

How to avoid complications

In order to prevent negative health consequences and get a good result, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications before the procedure. So, it should not be done for women who have problems with blood clotting. The procedure is contraindicated for those who are prone to scarring.

This manipulation is not performed on women during menstruation. You can’t do this kind of makeup even 5 days before your period. During recovery, you should not use decorative cosmetics in the treated area.

This manipulation is prohibited for people suffering from complex diseases. These include HIV, skin diseases, cancer pathologies, and diabetes. Do not do this eye makeup during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Contraindications include acute inflammation, a tendency to allergies, severe heart disease, and high blood pressure.

The procedure should not be performed on women suffering from inflammation of the trigeminal nerve and epileptic seizures.

Problems after performing this manipulation may be a consequence of deep injection of the dye. As a result, there is a risk of scarring around the eyes and an undesirable shade. Since the integrity of the skin is compromised during the procedure, it is very important to maintain sterile conditions.

Proper care after performing such a skin intervention helps prevent unwanted consequences and get excellent results. It is very important to strictly follow all the specialist’s recommendations and take into account contraindications.

Is it worth getting an eyelid tattoo? Many girls have asked themselves this question at least once. But any person immediately begins to have doubts, because of which most people refuse tattooing.

First of all, these doubts concern the safety of the procedure. In fact, if everything is done correctly and the required care is provided, tattooing is absolutely safe.

The healing process usually takes no more than two weeks

It is best to go for the procedure before the weekend or at a time when you can spend most of your time at home, because after tattooing your eyes will need several days to recover.

How the procedure itself goes:

  1. First, it is mandatory to cleanse the eyelids of cosmetics and sebum.
  2. Next, apply an anesthetic. In the tattooing procedure, cream is used for this. It should be applied as close to the eyelash line as possible, but should not be allowed to come into contact with the mucous membrane.
  3. A film is placed on top of the cream.
  4. The cream must be removed with a napkin. You can't do this with water.
  5. Then the master performs the procedure itself, applying the dye under the skin. at the same time it is stretched to fill all the folds.
  6. Once completed, the eyelids are wiped with an anesthetic.
  7. At the end, a healing cream is applied.

In most cases, correction will be required within a month. It is needed for minor corrections. Sometimes girls also want to change their tattoo: make an arrow or increase the width of an existing one.

The duration of the procedure depends on the type of tattoo. For example, applying a regular eyeliner will take about an hour.

Types of eyelid tattooing

According to the technique of execution, there are 3 types of eye tattooing:

  1. Interciliary. In this case, the space between the eyelashes is filled without going beyond their growth line. Can be done only on the upper eyelid or on both. But tattooing on the lower eyelid is not for everyone. Individual characteristics must be taken into account. As a result, you will no longer need to worry about the expressiveness of your eyes. Makeup can be applied without restrictions. Interlash tattooing also creates the effect of lush eyelashes.
  2. Tattoo "arrow". When choosing this option, a tattoo in the form of an arrow is applied. Waking up with drawn arrows is the dream of almost every girl. Also in the evening you won’t have to think about washing off your long-lasting eyeliner.
  3. Tattoo with shading. This tattoo option gives the effect of painted eyes. The application technique is almost no different from the previous one. Only in this case the lines are made fuzzy.

These types of techniques can be combined as desired.

Eye care after tattooing

The first day after makeup, do not allow water to get on your eyelids.

What to do during healing:

  • When washing your face, you need to choose products that do not dry out your skin.
  • Wash only with cool water.
  • Do not wipe your eyes, but wait until they dry.
  • After washing, apply a special care cream.

The recovery process may take several days. Usually the skin heals no longer than 2 weeks. At first, the color of the tattoo will be bright. But a little later a small crust will begin to form.

Under no circumstances should you separate the crust yourself. Otherwise, gaps may appear on the tattoo.

This happens because the skin first rejects the pigment. But after healing, he begins to take it back.

Cold compresses can be applied to reduce discomfort and swelling. You can make it by putting ice in a tight bag and wrapping it in a towel. Then apply to the eyelids. But you should not overuse this, as you can get colds in your eyes.

During the recovery period, you must constantly apply the ointment that the specialist will recommend. At first this will need to be done every 3-4 hours. Over time, use is reduced to 2-3 times a day. It is necessary to keep the eyelid area dry, but do not allow it to dry out so that the skin does not crack.

Preparations for healing eyelids

Any ointments to speed up healing should be used with caution. They need to be applied with gentle, light movements, always in a thin layer.

Several variants:

  • Etonium, price: 50–100 rubles
  • Hydrocortisone ointment, price: 25–57 rubles.
  • Tetracycline ointment, price: 20–40 rubles.

Under no circumstances should you use ointments and creams that contain alcohol.

Contraindications to the eyelid tattoo procedure

Choose a high-quality tattoo parlor with positive reviews that will perform the procedure according to all the rules

Before you decide to undergo a tattoo procedure, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the contraindications.

Absolute contraindications:

  1. HIV infection;
  2. oncological diseases;
  3. diabetes;
  4. poor blood clotting;
  5. epilepsy;
  6. mental illness;
  7. moles, inflammatory processes in the intended tattoo site.

If you neglect these points, complications may arise.

What not to do before the eyelids heal

After the tattoo procedure you will have to give up several things:

  • Day 1: Do not wet your eyes.
  • Do not apply cosmetics to your eyelids.
  • Avoid sports and heavy physical activity.
  • Do not visit saunas and swimming pools.
  • Sunbathing or staying in the sun for a long time is contraindicated.
  • Do not use creams and ointments with alcohol.

During the recovery process, the skin will itch and possibly peel.

If the procedure is performed correctly and all care conditions are met, you will be able to admire the beautiful eyes for 2-3 years.

The expert talks about permanent makeup, its types, gives recommendations and advice on the procedure: